Features of the Golden Rottweiler: photos of dogs, description of character and care requirements + how to choose a puppy?

The Rottweiler is one of the most popular guard dog breeds in the world.

These strong, powerful dogs are known as excellent protectors and bodyguards. Many people who decide to buy a four-legged guard for their home or apartment opt ​​for the Rottweiler.

The golden color of these dogs is extremely rare, but from time to time advertisements for the sale of such puppies still appear in the press.

But do Rottweilers come in colors other than the traditional black and tan, or are such advertisements a scam and golden Rottweilers do not exist in nature?

In this article we will answer this question and also show photos of Rottweilers with this color.

Origin story

The ancestors of all Rottweilers, without exception, are mastiff-shaped dogs that appeared in ancient times.

In the Middle Ages, the ancestors of Rottweilers were used as hunting and fighting dogs. Of course, in those days people paid the least attention to the exterior of dogs.

It was then required from the ancestors of Rottweilers. so that they could successfully cope with their work - hunt big game, and also fight alongside the soldiers during numerous military conflicts of those times.


In the Middle Ages, black color of dogs was considered the most preferable, however, puppies of other colors were often born in litters, including red or fawn.

Later, when wars began to be fought with the use of firearms, and instead of mastiff-like dogs, more agile greyhounds and hounds began to be used for hunting, the ancestors of the Rottweilers again became herding dogs, which were also used to protect property.

Soon the breed was divided into two types - larger and smaller, but also more active dogs.

Large Rottweilers were used as guards and bodyguards, while smaller ones were used as cattle herding dogs.

The breed standard appeared already at the beginning of the twentieth century, and at the same time the use of Rottweilers as search and guard dogs began. They were also used as rescuers.

Currently, the popularity of the breed is still very high, and the Rottweiler population is very large.

As for golden dogs, they are a very rare breed and are rarely seen.

Website about dogs

The Rottweiler is one of the most popular dog breeds in the world.
A reliable, incorruptible guard who is at the same time capable of the most tender affection for members of his human family, this dog requires a balanced approach when deciding to take a pet home. The Rottweiler is a serious dog that needs the same serious attitude from its owners.

In general, the Rottweiler is a fairly healthy dog, but there are still a few things that can develop into problems. Often these large, heavy dogs suffer from diseases and pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. To protect your pet from a similar fate, you should pay attention to its diet from puppyhood. It is better to feed a Rottweiler puppy with ready-made high-quality food such as Royal Canin dog food, choosing exactly the food that is designed for such dogs, taking into account the age of the puppy. This will allow him to create a complete diet containing all the necessary vitamins, minerals and nutrients responsible for the normal growth and development of the puppy.

It is important to never overfeed your dog - at any age. Pleading “hungry” eyes should not mislead you. If it is difficult for you to independently determine the dog’s condition, contact an experienced veterinarian who will tell you in which direction you need to adjust the diet so that it is optimal. Excess weight is unacceptable for a Rottweiler. This is an extra load on the heart and joints, and these are already not the strengths of these dogs.

Don’t feed your dog just anything - it’s better to stick to some good food and strictly follow the manufacturer’s dosage instructions. Royal Canin food is an excellent option for not having to think about whether you have chosen the right menu for your pet.

Like any other representative of the Molosser group, the Rottweiler is quite susceptible to infectious diseases.

It is mandatory that a Rottweiler puppy be vaccinated as a preventative measure - annually, with complex vaccines against distemper, enteritis, viral hepatitis, adenovirosis, leptospirosis and rabies. It is better to check the vaccination plan at your veterinary clinic. Do not forget to treat for parasites - worms - the day before, 10-14 days before any vaccinations.

The Rottweiler is a late maturing dog. Do not demand from him at 6 months the same agility as from a terrier - the Rottweiler is still “damp”, his backbone is forming, and he will still catch up with his own. But excessive load with jumping is now undesirable for him.

Be sure to treat your puppy and then your adult dog for ticks. Piroplasmosis is now widespread, and even city dogs that do not visit forests and fields suffer. This is the very case when it is better to be careful.

Marriage or breed?

Currently, the only acceptable color for Rottweilers is black and tan, and any other colors are a defect in the breed.

As for golden Rottweilers, it is almost impossible to find a purebred red or fawn dog. Almost all dogs with this color are crossbreeds with similar breeds, such as Boxers or Dogue de Bordeaux.

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

Golden Rottweilers do not differ in their working qualities and character from other representatives of this breed. These are strong, powerful and courageous dogs, loyal to their owner, but distrustful of strangers. Like all other Rottweilers, these dogs need proper education and professional training. It is not difficult to care for them, and in terms of feeding, golden Rottweilers are unpretentious. But those who want to buy a pet with such an unusual color should remember that most of these dogs are mestizos, since fawn coat color is unusual for real Rottweilers and purebred puppies with this color are born extremely rarely.


  • The main character traits of a Rottweiler: female or male?
  • Rottweiler character
  • Basic commands
  • Raising a dog

In this article you will learn what features of character and behavior are inherent in the Rottweiler. After studying this information about the temperament and disposition of a Rottweiler at different ages, you will get an idea about the breed. Find out how the character of a bitch differs from the behavior of a dog. We hope our article will help you figure out which gender of puppy is best for you.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • loyal to its owners;
  • smart;
  • strong and hardy dog;
  • Rottweilers make wonderful guards and bodyguards;
  • unpretentious in maintenance and does not require complex care;
  • are protective of children and are ready to protect them from any danger;
  • With proper socialization, it easily gets along with other animals in the house.


  • professional training and early socialization are necessary;
  • require a serious attitude towards oneself - the owner of such a dog can only be an adult and, moreover, a physically strong person;
  • Rottweilers can learn commands somewhat slower than other dogs, which requires a special approach to their training;
  • need a lot of physical activity;
  • a rather large dog, which may be difficult to keep in an apartment due to the fact that it needs a lot of space;
  • Raising and feeding such a dog can be difficult.


The main problem of this breed is its incredible popularity, which is why all animals that look like Rottweilers are often used for breeding. As a result, seemingly purebred livestock are born, but with behavioral problems and an unbalanced psyche.

That is why you need to be especially careful when choosing your future pet, especially if we are talking about a Rottweiler with such a rare color as fawn.


The lifespan of a large breed dog is about 8-10 years. Sometimes this figure can increase for another 3-4 years. Due to their brutal appearance and fairly large build, Rottweilers give the impression of being strong and hardy. However, this breed of dog has plenty of its own diseases.

Innate immunity acquired through mother's milk protects the puppy for up to two months after birth. Further, starting from the age of two months, it is necessary to develop the acquired immunity of the dog through timely vaccination.

This measure will further help protect not only the dog’s body from various types of diseases, but will also protect the household members themselves from possible health problems. Agree, an unvaccinated dog infected, for example, with rabies, will pose a threat to others .

The vaccine is usually placed either in the scruff of the neck or in the hip of the puppy. For each dog, the veterinarian creates a special medical passport, which records all the procedures performed. According to the vaccination rules, Rottweiler puppies must be vaccinated against:

  • rabies;
  • adenovirus;
  • leptospirosis;
  • parainfluenza virus;
  • parvovirus enteritis.

The first vaccination for a puppy is carried out at the age of 6-8 weeks. This is usually done by breeders, so most likely your puppy will already have his first vaccination. Booster vaccinations will be needed every three weeks until the puppy is 20 weeks old. Further, up to two years, revaccination is done against plague, parvovirus and parainfluenza virus.

Dimensions, weight and other distinctive features

The golden or golden Rottweiler is a medium to large sized dog with heavy and strong bones. It should look neither too heavy nor too light.

The height of males is from 61 to 68 cm, and that of females is from 56 cm to 63 cm. The approximate weight of boys is 50 kg, and that of girls is 42 kg.

The body format of the Rottweiler is slightly stretched - the length of the dog does not exceed the height at the withers by more than 15%.

Other characteristics of dogs of this breed:

  • the head is quite large, with a wide skull and a well-defined occipital protuberance. The transition to the muzzle is clear, but not too sharp;
  • The muzzle is wide, tapering slightly towards the nose. The nose is wide and black;
  • lips tightly fitting, their pigmentation is black;
  • The cheekbones are well defined, the jaws are strong and wide. Scissor bite;
  • the eyes are brownish, almond-shaped, not large, but not small either;
  • The ears of a medium-sized golden Rottweiler are triangular, hanging, set high and, being directed forward, visually expand the cranial part of the animal’s head;
  • neck of medium length, powerful, with well-developed muscles, without dewlap;
  • the back is short, straight and strong. The loin is short and powerful, merging into a slightly sloping croup;
  • the chest is wide, powerful and deep, reaching to the elbows;
  • the stomach should not be too tight or too saggy;
  • tail of natural length or docked;
  • limbs are strong, with well-developed muscles. The front ones are straight and even, while the rear ones look slightly pulled back;
  • paws are collected, with arched toes;
  • The coat is of medium length, hard, dense and close-lying. The undercoat is softer and shorter.


The color of the golden Rottweiler is its main distinguishing feature. It should be one of the shades of fawn or reddish.

Key facts

The Rottweiler Metzgerhund was created to protect people. The menacing appearance and strong character of the Rottweiler inspire awe and respect in front of the dog. Quick reaction, speed, strong physique leave no chance for the offender to escape punishment.

The characteristics of the Rottweiler breed miraculously combine aggressive severity in foreign territory and a gentle character, lazy stretches on the sofa and a sparkle in the eyes with happiness. At home, dogs are real cuties who love to sleep a lot and eat delicious food. Here are some useful facts for the future owner:

  1. Daily walks in the fresh air with regular exercise are necessary.
  2. The complex nature of Rottweilers can only be tamed by experienced trainers.
  3. The thick coat and undercoat provide the dog with protection from temperature changes, but they prefer warm climates.
  4. They are susceptible to the influence of the owner, but will not tolerate physical violence.
  5. High intelligence, quick reaction to aggression from the outside. Developed instinct to protect the owner.
  6. Proper, balanced nutrition is required. The Rottweiler, as the owner of a large appetite, gains extra pounds.
  7. Gets along well with other animals if he grew up side by side with them.
  8. The breed does not like other dogs, especially small dogs and puppies. He is wary and even aggressive towards large dogs.

Remember: training is mandatory; without it, the Rottweiler will not obey the owner and may pose a danger to others. Aggression is a sign of an ill-mannered dog, which manifests itself in the most unpleasant way. The description of the Rottweiler breed includes several points regarding the lack of aggressiveness. The life expectancy of a Rottweiler is not very high, but with good care it will be at least 12 years.

Life expectancy and health

The average lifespan of Golden Rottweilers is 10-12 years.

These dogs can suffer from a number of diseases, mainly diseases of the musculoskeletal system and eyes.

Among the most typical diseases for Rottweilers are dysplasia, osteochondrosis, retinal atrophy, cataracts, and entropion. They also have metabolic disorders, such as obesity and diabetes.

Rottweilers are also prone to overheating and sunstroke.

Features of care

This breed does not require special care. It is enough to brush your golden Rottweiler 2-3 times a week, and every day during the shedding period. You need to bathe your Rottweiler twice a year.

If your pet lives in the courtyard of a private house or in an enclosure , then you need to take care of insulating its booth.

Like all other dogs, Rottweilers need a balanced diet.

They also need their eyes, ears and teeth cleaned, and sometimes their nails need to be trimmed. All these procedures must be performed as necessary.


Caring for your Golden Rottweiler must include timely deworming and vaccination, as well as the destruction of external parasites.


Rottweilers are smart and cunning in their own way. These dogs know how to observe and draw conclusions. You must be consistent and stubborn in achieving your goals while raising this dog, otherwise the little mouth, sensing weakness, will sit on your head and begin to command from there.

Start parenting as early as possible. Definitely - with obedience. The Rottweiler already has enough innate aggression; if desired, you can “format” it, directing it in the right direction. But in the initial stages, complete obedience must be achieved, otherwise problems cannot be avoided. This is not a pocket dog - it is a serious animal of decent weight, with a quick reaction and not very developed cordiality towards strangers.

When accustoming your puppy to its name, begin to teach it and come to you on command, rewarding it with treats and games. Then connect “sit”, “place”, “near”, “not allowed”. If desired and possible, it makes sense to go to a training ground (only with all vaccinations done!). This is useful for you as an owner, and good socialization for your pet.

Price range

The cost of Rottweilers without documents averages from 5 to 10 thousand rubles.

Considering that the Golden Rottweiler is considered a Plembrace, such a puppy costs about the same as regular Rottweilers without papers. However, some breeders who pass off breeding as exclusive may sell such dogs at a higher price than standard puppies.

Feeding and caring for a Rottweiler puppy at home

A dog in the house is a source of not only joy, but also of great responsibility. Before getting a pet, you must first clearly understand the purpose of its presence in the house (for security, company, or other things), and also analyze the possibility of fulfilling your responsibilities to it (proper feeding, walking, training, and so on).

If you need reliable security, and at the same time pleasant dog company, then you can safely choose such a popular breed as the Rottweiler.

The Rottweiler amazes with its versatility. After all, with proper upbringing, he is able to simultaneously be a serious protector of the owner and an affectionate friend of the child.

There is still debate about the origin of these dogs, but there is a version that the ancestors of Rottweilers regularly served Roman society, in particular the legionnaires. Additionally, some experts tend to think that this breed is descended from the Tibetan Mastiff. One way or another, the small town of Rottwil in southern Germany is recognized as the homeland of Rottweilers .

How to choose a puppy?

Purebred golden Rottweilers are very rare, but under the guise of this breed, mixed breeds with other Great Danes are often sold.

In order to be absolutely sure that the pet is purebred, it is recommended to buy a golden Rottweiler from a nursery. In this case, the puppy must be given a certificate with a mark of defective color.


The puppy should look cheerful and moderately active, but not fussy. He approaches people willingly rather than growling or trying to run away from them.

Externally, the golden Rottweiler should not differ in physique and quality of rearing from standard littermates.

It is very important that the baby does not show any signs of illness, even the most insignificant ones. And, if the entire litter has already been vaccinated, the fawn or red puppy should also have a record in the veterinary passport about the vaccination.

Rottweiler kennels

Kennel Schenk van ZartheOANKOO/FaunaVoronezh
Nursery “S OTRADNOGO Dvor”RFSSMoscow
Kennel “Elite Land”RFSSRostov-on-Don
Kennel AMUR CONDOROANKOO/EliteBlagoveshchensk
Kennel Black Joy KreisRFLSKrasnogorsk
Nursery WEINBERGRFSSGulkevichi
Kennel VOM HOUSE ALEXRFSSEkaterinburg
Kennel DAXY ROTTMAR'SOANKOO/FaunaRostov-on-Don
Kennel Dynasty UgraRFSSPyt-yah
Nursery factory attachment “From the Forest Land”RFLSNizhny Novgorod
Nursery GOLD OF YUGRARFSSNovorossiysk
Nursery from Aglitsky GardenOANKOO/FaunaKursk
Nursery From the House of TorraRFLSMoscow
Nursery From StargateRFLSMoscow
Kennel EMPIRE OF ZEUSOANKOO/FaunaNizhnevartovsk
Kennel KARA URUSOANKOO/EliteMoscow
Kennel Clevrus KojasRFLSIvanovo
Kennel Mag-hunterRFLSRostov-on-Don
Nursery Mikhailovskaya SlobodaOANKOO/FaunaLyubertsy
Kennel NIKINK-VAR-HARDRFLSSaint Petersburg
Nursery OberlaufRFSSSaint Petersburg
Nursery OlburdOANKOO/RKKMoscow
Kennel Person non GrateOANKOO/RKKSurgut
Nursery PrincipiumRFLSVoronezh
Nursery RagsolRFLSMoscow
Kennel Rotti LegionRFSSKazan
Nursery RottharburgOANKOO/RKKMoscow
Kennel RUS ISLAHOANKOO/FaunaNizhny Novgorod
Nursery Rus ComilfoRFLSMoscow
Kennel RUS RPH NEKAROANKOO/FaunaMalakhovka
Kennel Rus Chero NRFLSChelyabinsk
Nursery from Kaachy StanRFLSNizhny Tagil
Nursery S KURGANOVRFSSEkaterinburg
Kennel S TANAISRFSSVoronezh
Nursery Snegizi StarRFLSTyumen
Nursery Solnechnaya DubravaRFLSVoronezh
Nursery TEUFENLANDRFSSLeninsk-Kuznetsky
Nursery Ferrum AngelRFLSSaint Petersburg
Kennel FLY FLOWRFSSVolgograd
Nursery vom TamrielRFSSMoscow
Frome Land Blackmore NurseryRFLSEkaterinburg
Kennel Sly TailRFLSAnapa
Nursery HOTREINRFSSEkaterinburg
Kennel Tsaptor SoulRFSSSeverouralsk
Kennel Tsarskaya StastaRFLSMoscow
Kennel EXENRFLSSaint Petersburg
Nursery End CaroOANKOO/RKKKrasnodar
Nursery EstronoldOANKOO/FaunaMoscow
Nursery FROM HOUSE VAISINGOANKOO/FaunaSaint Petersburg
Rottwail Hat NurseryRFLSRostov-on-Don

Source - https://rkf.online/organizations?organization_type=3&active_rkf_user=false&activated=false

For more information, see the official website of the RKF.

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