Description of a black husky: photo of color options, character traits, maintenance rules and choice of puppy

Pure black huskies are rarely seen.

And even then, it will not be pure black wool without a single hair of a different shade, but a color diluted with other, most often white, spots.

At the same time, many black huskies have an unusual, bluish-blue color of their eyes, which is usually unusual for other dark-colored dogs.

What other interesting features do black huskies have and what should future owners of such a pet take into account?

History of appearance

The history of sled dogs, including those that later became known as the Siberian Husky, goes back at least 1,500 years. These dogs, famous for their endurance and unpretentiousness, have been bred in the North and Far East of Russia for a long time.

Moreover, the long-term isolation of semi-nomadic tribes, whose representatives became the first breeders of sled dogs, played a positive role. The breed has been bred in purity for centuries.

Harsh climatic conditions, difficult work and natural selection, in which only the best sled dogs had the right to give birth, made Siberian huskies hardy and strong.

Considering that black color is considered one of the main and most ancient, dogs with this coat color appeared in ancient times.

The world first learned about Siberian sled dogs in the early 20th century, when several of them were brought to Alaska. There, these dogs very quickly became popular both as a sports breed, participating in speed races, and as working dogs, who, in blizzards and frosts, sometimes risking their lives, delivered necessary items, including medicines, to remote settlements .


The use of Black Siberian Huskies as show dogs began much later - after these dogs were recognized by the FCI in 1930.

Irish Terrier

The Irish Terrier is a medium-sized breed. The height of an adult reaches 45 cm at the withers. The terrier has characteristic appearance features:

  • long head with a frontal part tapering towards the nose;
  • a wide nose, under which thick hair is located, creating an imitation of a mustache, and a chin with elongated hair forms a beard;
  • very long, straight and muscular limbs;
  • The ears are set high, the tips hanging down in a triangle.

Overall the body is narrow, but muscularly built. The Irish Terrier has a brown coat with a wheatish tint. The coat color should be evenly monochromatic, only the dog’s ears can be a darker shade of brown.

Marriage or breed?

Black color is not a defect of the breed. However, due to the fact that only one of five color options can be recorded in the breeding documents of a husky, this coat color is usually called black and white .

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

“A husky does not have a pure black color; it can only be predominant and combined with white or other light shades. Such dogs, especially if they have blue eyes, look unusual and are quite rare. In any case, there are significantly fewer of them than black and white or gray and white representatives of this breed. Huskies, with a predominant black color in their color, are in no way inferior to dogs of other, brighter colors. They are also distinguished by their friendly disposition, are no less strong and resilient and are excellent as pets or, for example, sports dogs.”


A breed of French origin, its height reaches a maximum of 64 cm at the withers. A characteristic feature of a slender, medium-sized dog is long hair.

The animal's muzzle is flattened and completely covered with hair, under which thick eyebrows and black or dark brown eyes are hidden. The limbs of these pets are of medium size, but appear short due to the hair on them.

The colors of dogs can be different: black, gray, brownish, as well as two-tone with a smoothly transitioning coat color. Dogs are not subject to shedding, but require constant care to maintain hair color and quality.

Character traits

Black Huskies have a lively temperament and friendly disposition. These are the dogs that, if properly raised, will never, under any circumstances, bite a person, much less a child.

Black Huskies have hunting instincts, but these dogs will not give up game to their owner, which is why they cannot be used as hunting dogs. They also do not have a territorial instinct, and they are too trusting of strangers to be adapted to guarding a house or apartment.


Like other sled dogs, huskies are characterized by independence in decision-making, sometimes reaching the point of self-will and disobedience, as well as stubbornness.

They can be somewhat problematic at home due to their tendency to chew and damage furniture out of boredom, as well as their habit of howling. However, these problems can be solved by proper education and suppression of the dog’s negative behavior even when he is just about to do something illegal.

Dachshund color standard according to RKF

The Russian Canine Federation has officially recognized the following colors for all types of dachshunds:

  • brown and tan;
  • redhead;
  • black and tan;
  • brindle;
  • marble based on brown or black.

Boar coloring is allowed only for wire-haired dachshunds.

Fans of the breed know that there are also officially unrecognized colors, for example, sable or isabella. They are rare, but are of growing interest among hobbyists.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • They are quick-witted, intelligent and able to make their own decisions when necessary.
  • They look quite unusual: it’s rare to see an almost black husky, especially one with blue eyes.
  • Not aggressive towards strangers.
  • They love children and have nothing against playing with them.
  • They are devoted to their owners and try to accompany them everywhere.


  • Despite their rather large growth, they cannot be used for protection.
  • They love to dig up the ground and are not averse to undermining.
  • They can hunt cats or poultry, but cannot be used as hunting dogs.
  • Sometimes they grow up stubborn and self-willed.
  • Out of boredom, they often chew furniture or walls.
  • Huskies with a predominant black coat often lose at shows to dogs with brighter coat colors.

These dogs need a lot of physical activity and regular training or sports.

Chow chow

Made in China. A powerful animal with a harmoniously built body, the height of which can reach a maximum of 56 cm. The most striking feature, in addition to the fluffy thick fur, is their blue tongue.

Brown Chow Chows are more difficult to describe than other colors. The color of the coat varies from sand with a gray tint to brown with a coffee tint. On top, the brown fur gives a reflection of matte silver. The hair never shows stains. The cover is a single color. The Chow Chow's muzzle is covered with a mixture of light and dark hairs. The eyes of the Chow Chow breed of this color are brown.

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Your pet's thick coat requires constant care on a daily basis.

Dimensions and other distinctive features

Height at withersMales - 53.5-60 cm Bitches - 50.5-56 cm
WeightMales - 20.5-28 kg Bitches - 15.5-23 kg
Body FormatSlightly stretched out, the height at the withers is only slightly less than the length of the body.
HeadProper to the body, with a pronounced but not sharp transition to a slightly pointed muzzle.
EarsMedium size, erect, triangle shaped.
EyesAlmond-shaped, set slightly at an angle. Eye color can be blue, brown, amber or olive. In addition, heterochromia is considered acceptable for this breed.
NoseBlack, so-called “snow” pigmentation is acceptable, when light veins are visible on the main color of the lobe.
NeckMedium length, moderately muscular.
Rib cageDeep and moderately powerful, but not too voluminous.
LimbsParallel and strong, hindquarters with well-developed muscles on the thighs.
TailLooks like a fox, medium length. carried either downwards or in the form of a beautifully curved sickle above the back.
WoolMedium length, consists of soft undercoat and tougher and dense guard hair.

The length of the muzzle should be ½ of the total length of the head.

Irish Setter

A type of setter of impressive size with an elongated head and a bushy tail. Animals with elongated legs and neck can grow up to 67 cm in height.

A beautiful, energetic breed with a tall stance, it is famous for its beautiful, shiny fur. The dog's rich brown fur varies in length. Longer, wavy hair is found on the back of Setters' legs, as well as on the chest and tail.

Irish Setters range in color from a bright brown, almost red, to a less rich chestnut brown.

Photos with color examples


Pure black coloring is not found in purebred huskies. This is due to the genetic characteristics of dogs of this breed.

Typically, with this coat color there is a white spot or grayish markings, the size of which takes up at least 20% of the main color.

Black and white

Black and white coloring is classic and one of the most common in this breed. Typically, with this coat color there are white spots on the forehead, muzzle, neck, chest, belly, limbs and tail.

At the same time, if on the head and neck the white markings can be clearly separated from the main background, then on the body and paws the fur on the borders of different shades is mixed, which is why a smooth gradation from black to white is formed.


With this color, the undercoat is cream-colored, and the guard is black and blackish-gray. If there are a lot of black hairs, this color can look almost black.


This color, also called mantle, is similar to black and white, but it always comes with a full white collar.

Black and Tan

Black and tan on a mostly black background have golden-red or light fawn markings located above the eyes, on the sides of the muzzle, on the chest, lower legs and on the inside of the tail. The fur inside the ears may also be fawn.

With this color, the undercoat on dark-colored areas of the body can be either black or fawn.


With any of the black color options, black pigmentation is required on the lips, nose and in the form of edging of the eyelids.

Eye and skin color

According to the standard, a shepherd's eyes should have the iris as dark as possible, but not black, since black eyes are considered expressionless. Eye color does not depend on coat color: a dark dog has very light eyes, and a light dog has extremely dark ones. Some dog experts are convinced that the color of the iris should be in harmony with the color of the German Shepherd. Their opponents are sure that a light muzzle becomes much more interesting with medium and dark brown eyes.

This is interesting! As dog experts note, in recent years the pigmentation of German shepherds has not caused any serious complaints.

Lightened, blurred-colored “Germans” have a black outline around the eye, as well as black spots on the tongue. All the skin on the dog's body is colored blue-gray, turning pink under the tan areas. Exceptions are the anus and ear flaps, although they also have a blackish tint in dark shepherd dogs.

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Life expectancy and diseases

On average, the lifespan of black huskies is 12-15 years.

However, dogs of this breed may be susceptible to the following diseases:

  • Retinal atrophy.
  • Eversion or inversion of the eyelid.
  • Glaucoma.
  • Degenerative myelopathy.
  • Dermatitis.
  • Dystrophy of the cornea of ​​the eye.
  • Cataract.
  • Cardiovascular diseases.
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system in males.
  • Obesity.

Working dogs and racing huskies can develop respiratory problems.


There are three varieties of the breed: long-haired, wire-haired and smooth-haired dachshunds. All three types of dogs are distinguished by their short stature, which does not exceed 30 cm. A long body, an elongated muzzle and hanging long ears are the main features of these miniature dogs. The short dachshund has short, strong and muscular legs.

There are many colors of Dachshund dogs, but the most common are brown and tan and chocolate tan. Regardless of whether the coat is one-color or two-color, the dog may exhibit white patches on the chest or paws.

Basic rules of care

Huskies do not require labor-intensive coat care or, for example, haircuts or trimming. It is enough to brush these dogs twice a week, however, when the pet sheds, this procedure will have to be done at least daily.

Black Huskies are bathed as needed and no more than 1-2 times a year, and it is recommended to use dog detergents.

The pet's ears and eyes need to be examined every day and, if dirty, cleaned using special products in the form of drops or lotions purchased at a veterinary pharmacy.

Husky claws are usually quite hard and therefore may not always grind down on their own when walking on hard surfaces. As soon as the dog begins to click on the floor with them or the tips of the nails bend down, they need to be shortened using nail clippers for large dogs.


If black huskies have plaque on their teeth that the dog cannot remove on their own, it is recommended to clean them with a dog toothbrush with a special toothpaste applied to it.

Dogue de Bordeaux

French breed of large sizes. In the area of ​​the animal's muzzle there are a large number of folds, symmetrically located on both sides. The height of a dog with a constant “sad” expression on its face can reach 68 cm.

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The most common color of the Bordeaux breed is brownish chestnut. Great Danes have a thick coat and thin hair. The color of the fur on the ears of animals is darker than on the rest of the body. To maintain the health of your Great Dane's coat, you need to brush your dog with a rubber brush at least 2-4 times a month. It is also recommended to clean the folds on the face with a damp cloth after each meal.

How to choose a puppy?

You should only purchase a black husky puppy through a kennel club or a reputable kennel. At the same time, before purchasing, you should try to find out what kind of reputation a particular breeder enjoys among dog owners.

When you arrive to pick up a puppy, you must first of all talk to the owner of the kennel and look at the baby’s parents. If the mating was outside, then you won’t be able to see the father of the puppies, but if for some reason the breeder does not want to show their mother, then this should raise red flags.


Puppies should look well-groomed, fairly well-fed and healthy. They willingly play with each other and show a friendly interest in people. If kids behave aggressively or cowardly, you should refuse the purchase.

When choosing a black husky, you need to remember that the puppy must have white, grayish or fawn markings.


“The dog that doesn’t bark” is the second name of this unique breed. The short-haired individual has smooth, well-defined muscles. The height at the withers of an adult dog can reach a maximum of 43 cm. Representatives of the Basenji have: long legs, large erect ears and a tail curled into a ring. The folds on the forehead, which are well pronounced in Basenji puppies, give a special seriousness to the look.

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There are only six colors of the Basenji breed. One of the most popular is the brown color with white accents, which can appear on the dog’s belly, paws, tail or face.

Varieties of face masks

Different breeds of four-legged animals differ not only in the color of their coat, but also in other features of their exterior. Thus, on the dogs’ faces you can see masks characteristic of the breeds.

They are dark - brown or gray. Masks may vary in size and extend to the chest. The marking is combined with a variety of bases: zoned, saddle, tan and brindle. And among greyhounds the mask is called “mazurina”.

Reverse masks are light areas on the dog's face. May be called domino or grizzly. The reverse mask is combined with zonal and saddle tones.

Rare colors

In addition to the extensive list of traditional colors, they now have many unusual coat colors. Many colors are not accepted by the official breed standard, and some are serious defects. Dogs of some coat colors have significant genetically determined problems with immunity and general health.

Brindle and marbled dachshunds are officially recognized.

Unique coat colors include isabella (a mix of cool beige-brown shades), sable (similar to red, but more complex), cream, and grey-tan (cool gray with light brown or sandy tan markings).

The most problematic in terms of health are white dachshunds, especially albinos, and double merles.

Such a variety of appearance allows you to choose a dachshund puppy to suit your taste. If the puppy is chosen as a pet, and not for exhibitions and breeding, then it is not at all necessary to choose a color approved by the breed standard, the main thing is that the puppy is healthy and loved.

Color groups

Experts divided all the variety of colors into several main groups. They include both single-color and multi-color variations of shades and patterns.


The solid color of tetrapods is distinguished by the presence of only one shade on their body. On the other hand, it may be its complete absence. The substance eumelanin forms black or chocolate pigmentation with varying degrees of saturation. The lightened form of this type is called blue or beige.

The substance pheomelanin is responsible for the red or deer variant. And the lightened form of the pigment gives a sandy background with variations from white to light cream.


A mixed group appears by combining a pair of shades. Moreover, the white tone should not participate in the mixing. The variation in the colors of the dog is influenced by the presence of the substance eumelanin or pheomelanin. As a result of the manifestation of these two pigments, 5 types of mixed tones are distinguished:

red with a black mask on the face;

red with some darkening;

Black and tan color

These Germans are compared to the Doberman Pinscher, as they are essentially a black dog with brown spots, sharing the same gene.

Quite rare in the breed, the tone has small markings of a red tint in certain parts of the body. Such as cheekbones, eyebrows, chest, legs and under the tail. There is a genetic tendency to gradually discolor the black “mantle.” This means that, despite the dark appearance, with each birth the puppies will have less and less color.

There are several types of this color:

  • weakened;
  • saturated;
  • darkened.

These dogs are used specifically for working breeding.

Zonal gray color

The most original color in the line of German Shepherd colors. It is from this that the rest of the colors originate.

In common parlance it is also called “wolfish” and this is understandable. After all, a distinctive feature of the coat color is the ring sections: there is an alternation of yellow and black hair. The base is lighter.

Predominant over other colors, the zone-gray color does not have a hidden gene. Puppies with this shade can only be born if one of the parents has a gray color.

Thanks to the primitive power inherent in the genotype, it maintains a high biopotential of pigmentation.

This endangered German Shepherd has the highest energy levels.

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