How much do dogs sleep per day, as well as one-month-old puppies?

Owning a Chihuahua is a rewarding experience and a lot of fun, but there are certain Chihuahua traits that you should know about before you begin your adventures with your new pet. While there are many traits that Chihuahuas have, one trait you may not know about is their ability to sleep a lot. We'll answer all your questions about why your Chihuahua sleeps like that.

Chihuahuas are a very energetic breed, especially puppies, so it is natural for them to want to sleep more often than some other breeds when they are tired from playing. It is important for your Chihuahua to get enough exercise every day. The older your Chihuahua gets, the faster he gets tired after moderate exercise and then begins to sleep more.

How much do dogs sleep per day: stages of sleep, age and daily routine of the pet

The four-legged animals sleep at night, but sometimes wake up and like to take a nap after eating and walking. And besides, if a dog lies with his eyes closed, this does not mean that he is sleeping. Are you worried about your pet's condition? Does he look tired and sleep-deprived? Or are you just wondering how much dogs sleep per day? In any case, let's look at the data that is available to us.

Spaying and neutering a Chihuahua

If the owner of a Chihuahua does not intend to engage in breeding work, you should think about sterilization (castration) of the pet. The operation improves the animal’s quality of life and improves its health. As a result of sterilization, not only unplanned pregnancy is excluded, but also ovarian cancer, breast tumors, and estrus. The bitch's character is changing for the better. The operation is performed at the age of 6-7 months, before the onset of the first heat.

Males are castrated at 8-9 months. After surgery, they become less aggressive, more manageable, and the chance of developing a prostate infection decreases.

Stages of sleep in dogs

The sleep structure of dogs and humans is identical, except that the duration of the periods is different. At each stage, the brain experiences stress, and certain processes occur in the body. Sleep is usually divided into several types:

  • Napping - the animal is fully conscious, controls the situation, but behaves relaxed. This stage is considered as a temporary rest to recuperate or the first stage of falling asleep.
  • Shallow – active tissue repair processes are launched in the body, the dog is completely relaxed, but can hear sounds around him.
  • Deep is the only stage of complete muscle rest. Typically, at this stage, you can see the dog moving its lips or twitching its paws.
  • Fast is a relatively recently discovered stage. At this stage, the dog is completely motionless and relaxed, but you may notice rapid movement of the eyeballs. After REM sleep ends, the dog either wakes up or falls back into light sleep. By the way, a person remembers his dreams in detail if he woke up immediately after the REM stage of sleep.

Important! Deep sleep is the only state of the body when the immune system works at full strength.

When and how do dogs sleep?

Wild dogs are known to live in groups. Even in complete calm and at night, there is always an awake or dozing member in the pack. The so-called sentry monitors the situation around and wakes up his fellow tribesmen in case of danger. By the way, this method of survival is used not only by dogs. Almost all wild animals and even birds living in communities obey a hierarchy and trust their leader, who sleeps the least (do not confuse sleep with dozing).

It is believed that an adult domestic dog should sleep 14–16 hours a day, but this “standard” cannot be equated to all pets and even to one tailed dog, at different stages of its life. There are several factors on which the duration of daily sleep in dogs depends; let’s look at them in more detail.

Eye and ear care

Small dogs often suffer from excessive tearing due to the specific structure of the eye sockets. To avoid eye infections, the development of conjunctivitis, glaucoma and cataracts, you need to wipe them daily with cotton pads soaked in boiled water, chamomile infusion or a special lotion.

It is necessary to keep your ears clean - once a month, empty the shells of accumulations of wax, dust and dirt. For the procedure you will need lotion and cotton swabs.


Puppies up to 2-3 months old seem to sleep around the clock. They fall asleep while walking and with their faces buried in the bowl. This is an absolutely normal phenomenon, since tailed babies sleep up to 20 hours a day. Puppies do not yet need to guard the territory, they are well-fed and immune to irritating environmental factors... that is why they sleep and do not doze. Growing up babies become more active, continue to eat a lot, go for walks, get tired and also sleep for a long time - up to 18 hours a day.

Note! Whining, pawing, and even jumping up in sleep are not alarming symptoms. It is believed that dogs, like people, are capable of seeing and experiencing dreams. But walking with half-closed eyes in a state of apparent sleep is already a neurological disorder.

Older dogs again increase their sleep time to 20 hours a day, but it all depends on the breed. Many representatives of the canine world remain active until a very advanced age. An older dog (7–10 years old) sleeps all night, after every meal and walk. Given the general slowdown in metabolism and increase in sleep time, older pets are reduced in caloric intake. Otherwise, the four-legged dog will look constantly tired and exhausted.

How to Help Your Chihuahua Puppy Sleep at Night

Besides housebreaking your puppy, the biggest challenge most owners face is training him to sleep through the night.

This stage can be a little tricky because the puppy will whine and/or bark. Owners wonder if the puppy is sleeping because he needs a bath or simply because he needs attention.

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Since you don't want to ignore the cue to go potty, how can you avoid running to him every time he wakes up?

In fact, this can cause sleep deprivation for many new owners and can be quite tiring. This can cause fatigue, impair cognitive function and cause headaches. It can also cause irritability and reduce stress tolerance, which can make caring for your puppy more difficult.

Here are some tips:

  1. Have an appropriate sleeping area . While you may imagine your dog cuddling in your bed, this can happen later (if you choose) when he is fully housetrained. It's important to keep your puppy safe in a confined space, but not to isolate him so he doesn't feel too confined. Never use a small box; this can cause a lot of stress in the puppy and often leads to barking at night and other problems.
  2. Signal of nightfall . About an hour before you want your dog to calm down, go outside one last time and then stop all exercise or activity. Dim the lights and turn down the volume on the TV. While you don't need to resort to whispering, keeping your voice calm and quiet can help create an overall feeling of peace and tranquility.
  3. Leave a few favorite toys and strong, durable chewing gum . Sometimes during the night the puppy will wake up, and once you teach him to go back to sleep, he may want to play quietly alone in his area before he is ready to go back to sleep.
  4. Learn to react and when to ignore your puppy . It's always a little tricky; however, there are several ways to approach this. If there is any belief that your Chihuahua puppy is not sleeping because he needs the bathroom, this should be taken care of.

Loads and general “atmosphere” of the environment

When a dog has nothing to do, it eats or sleeps. In principle, this axiom is true for all living beings. If we consider a young and healthy pet, then the duration and quality of sleep will greatly depend on the loads received. A tailed dog, bored within four walls, dozes most of the day, a dog that has been walked and tired sleeps in a long and deep sleep. The conclusion is obvious - for the full functioning of the body, maintaining health and psyche, the dog must receive exercise and sleep, albeit not for such a long, but deep sleep.

Is it noisy in your home? Is the dog bothered by sounds from neighboring apartments or the street? If so, then the pet will doze off with its ears pricked up, and this is not a good rest. If you are planning to get a dog, take care in advance of a personal space where the four-legged dog can lie down in silence. Stress is a factor that adversely affects sleep, so do not be surprised if, after receiving guests or a dangerous situation on the street, your pet cannot sleep deeply.

Daily regime

Any person develops a certain habit of cyclicity, and the pet adapts to your daily routine. How well your ward will adapt to your schedule depends on the flexibility of his nervous system and general activity. Breeds called companions have a flexible nervous system, that is, they are able to change their daily routine depending on the needs of the owner. Guard, hunting and hyperactive dogs do not tolerate frequent violations of the regime. Such breeds are often stressed if the owner is late from work or goes on business trips and require special treatment when raising them.

Most pets adapt to their owner's work schedule. The dog wakes up 5-10 minutes before the owner and waits for a walk. Afterwards he gets food and takes a nap. If a person has gone to work, the dog may fall into deep sleep or remain awake depending on his state of mind. In the evening the procedure is repeated, the pet knows when the owner comes home from work, waits, walks, eats and goes to bed at night. Some dogs have a flexible nervous system that does not suffer from constant disruptions in their daily routine. You got up in the middle of the night to drink tea and your pet is awake with you, you decided to sleep off on the weekend and the tailed one is not averse to taking a nap until 11.

Possible violations

Many factors influence the duration and quality of sleep. First of all, these are hormones. If a dog suddenly begins to sleep poorly, twitch, or behave restlessly at night, and this condition continues for several days, this is a reason to think about violations.

Important! If poor sleep is accompanied by excessively rapid breathing or excessive sweating, then the owner may suspect a disorder in the metabolism of thyroid hormones. You need to take your pet to the vet.

Howling at night, waking up abruptly, or even sleepwalking may indicate the presence of neurological diseases. Especially if before this the dog had some kind of injury or blow to the head (accident, accident or cruel former owners).

Deep sleep, longer than usual for no apparent reason, indicates depression. This is possible if the dog misses its owner when he is away from her. Or when the puppies are taken away from the mother, then she will also be depressed for some time and want to sleep more.

Dogs sleep longer when depressed

It is impossible to give an ideal answer to the question of how much puppies sleep at 2 months, at one year, two months, etc. Sometimes even genetics influences this factor. Having slept 2-3 hours less than normal, the dog still feels good, if this is in its genes.

Sleep is an individual state for a pet. It is influenced by a comfortable bed, breed, genetics, the region where the animal lives, and even the regime of the owners themselves. But there are a lot of reasons for sleep disturbances.

You can’t panic in advance and make diagnoses yourself. Sometimes the reasons can be trivial, and sometimes serious. Only a veterinarian can confirm this, as well as prescribe treatment. Therefore, if you notice deviations in this process, you should not waste time. Dog owners should contact their veterinarian first.

Stages of sleep

As it turns out, the sleep of dogs and people is identical in structure, only the periods last differently. There are the following types of sleep

  • Napping - the dog is relaxed, but conscious.
  • Shallow sleep - the animal is completely relaxed, but hears surrounding sounds.
  • Deep - only at this stage does the pet’s muscles rest, he can move his lips or jerk his limbs.
  • Fast - the animal is motionless, relaxed, only the eyes move. After this stage, the pet wakes up or enters a phase of shallow sleep.

Walking outside

You should refrain from walking your Chihuahua outside until the end of quarantine. During this period, you can walk with him, but subject to several conditions - hold him in your arms, avoid contact with other animals.

Vaccinated and quarantined dogs can be walked all year round, but time spent outdoors should be limited to 20-30 minutes. In winter, Chihuahuas freeze, and in summer they can get sunburn or stroke.

During walks, you need to make sure that your pet does not interact with stray animals and is not physically overloaded.

When and how do dogs sleep?

If we talk about wild relatives, then the flock sleeps at night. But one of the group is always awake, vigilantly observing the territory. His responsibilities include detecting danger and waking up his fellow tribesmen. This behavior is characteristic of almost all animals living in communities. By the way, in a group of animals, the leader most often sleeps, whom the other members trust the most.

As for pets, an adult dog should generally sleep about 15 hours (plus or minus an hour) per day. However, such an average is not always suitable for an animal at a certain life stage. It is worth considering the main factors affecting a dog's sleep.

Raising and teaching Chihuahua commands

Before purchasing a small dog, you should learn everything about the breed, its care, training and maintenance. Despite its small size, a Chihuahua can have a very unpredictable and stubborn character, so from the first days you need to not only take care of the baby, but also raise it.

The puppy is taught not to bark for no reason, not to beg, and to sleep in its place, and not in the owner’s bed. By one and a half months he should know his nickname, by three he should follow basic commands (“No”, “Sit”, “Fu”, “Near”). It is impossible to foresee all the nuances when raising a dog, but emerging problems with character and behavior can be solved with the help of adjustments.


As babies, pets sleep a lot; they can fall asleep while playing and even eating. And this is not surprising, since the daily sleep requirement is 18-20 hours. After three months, pets become more active and sleep time is reduced, but only by a couple of hours.

Veterinarians warn that if a puppy moves its paws in its sleep, whines or squeals, this should not cause alarm. Pets, as scientists have found, also dream and can react to what they see. But if a pet wanders without fully opening its eyes, this is an alarming sign of a neurological disorder.

Older animals return to puppy mode again, but everything is individual. Representatives of some breeds do not lose activity for up to 8-10 years. But more often, an elderly pet tries to get a good night's sleep and does not miss an opportunity to sleep after eating and walking. During this period, it is worth reducing the caloric content of food, as the dog’s metabolic processes slow down and sleep becomes longer.

Interesting article:

What factors determine the duration of sleep?

The length of rest for pets can depend on a number of factors. To provide your animal with adequate sleep, you need to take them all into account.


Stress includes several stages. During the first stage, all body reserves are mobilized. The animal becomes active, ready to defend itself or survive. But this cannot continue for long, because the body’s reserve reserves are easily exhausted.

The dog sleeps when it needs rest

After this comes a phase of exhaustion. Because of this, a dog can sleep even more than a day during stress. Various situations can be stressful: a fight with another animal, moving, a long absence of the owner, for example, if the dog is left with friends during a business trip.


Illness, like stress, depletes the body. Many diseases affect the body in different ways. An animal becomes exhausted from a cold because its energies are directed toward fighting the infection. Problems with hormonal glands also negatively affect sleep, because they regulate circadian rhythms.

Important! Excess thyroid hormones shorten sleep time and make your pet restless.

Tumors also need food (glucose), drawing it from the body. The body, in turn, is exhausted and tries to replenish its reserves of strength with prolonged sleep.


In dogs' bodies, all processes are cyclical and regulated by hormones. But the production of hormones also depends on several factors. Melatonin is the main one in regulating wakefulness processes. Its production directly depends on how much light hits the retina. The more light, the less hormone and amount of sleep, and vice versa. Therefore, in rainy weather, animals sleep a couple of hours more, and owners do not have to worry about their condition.


And again about hormones. During estrus, a complete restructuring of the body occurs in order to make it ready to accept a fetus and further gestation. The process is complex and lengthy and consists of several phases. Along with these phases, the physiology of sleep also changes. But most often, owners will notice fatigue, and, consequently, long sleep in their pet. Such symptoms are accompanied by characteristic discharge that is not difficult to notice.


Almost all dogs are incredibly playful and active, especially puppies. When they have something to do and someone to play with, they sleep less. This can be noticed most often in nature, when the pet has enough free space to play, and the owner pays attention to it. But if the dog sits all day in an apartment where there is nothing interesting, then the duration of sleep increases due to boredom. Thus, the animal is trying to somehow pass the time.

Walking and being active during the day will improve your sleep patterns

Sleep and stress

Like people, dogs can start eating and sleeping a lot from idleness. This is where the duration of sleep comes from. A dog that sadly sits alone at home all day will be in a drowsy state almost all the time, and a pet that has been taken out for a long walk, and even with physical activity, will not sleep for so long, but its sleep will be deep.

We can conclude that in order for the animal’s body to function properly, it is necessary to give it feasible loads. In addition, dogs have very acute hearing, and if the pet lies down to take a nap, and there is noise at home, then proper rest will not be possible. The dog will hear everything that happens. For representatives of some breeds, it is extremely important to have their own corner where they can relax in silence.

A stressful situation can disrupt an animal's sleep. Noisy guests or any unpleasant incident on the street can deprive him of deep sleep for some time.

Features of keeping a Chihuahua

To ensure a comfortable stay for your Chihuahua, you should pay attention to some features of its maintenance:

  1. Chihuahuas' beds are located away from doors and radiators.
  2. Feeding utensils should be metal or ceramic.
  3. For the toilet, you can use both disposable and reusable diapers.
  4. Your pet should have a lot of toys.
  5. If there are other animals in the house, they are fed separately.

It is necessary to take care of the Chihuahua's fur - comb it, cut it and wash it on time. It is impossible to properly maintain without regular care of teeth, claws, ears and eyes. For the procedures, they purchase the necessary tools, shampoos, lotions and consumables.

You need to take special care of your female mini Chihuahua during heat. They use hygienic underpants, keep their genitals clean, don’t wear diapers when going for walks, and let the dog run around without them at home for at least a couple of hours.

In the house

In a private house, keeping and caring for a Chihuahua is much easier than in an apartment. Here the dog will find the most comfortable place to rest, perhaps even in several rooms. There is room for walking, so you can stay in the fresh air for a long time, which benefits both the owner and the pet. Training, training and teaching basic commands is convenient - the dog’s barking does not bother the neighbors. But there are also disadvantages. Due to the innate curiosity of a Chihuahua, the risk of getting into an unpleasant situation increases in the territory of a country house. Representatives of the breed love to dig the ground, stick their nose into all the cracks, and this threatens the mini-sized dog with danger.

In the apartment

It is easy to create conditions in an apartment in which the Chihuahua does not cause any particular inconvenience to the owners. She can be left alone for a long time, especially when there are toys. If something goes wrong, they install a small dog enclosure, which will protect the pet from danger, and the owners will not have to clean up the mess. For walking at home, a balcony or loggia is enough, but you need to think about safety in advance. It happens that Chihuahuas bark loudly and for a long time, causing inconvenience to neighbors. Early socialization, upbringing and training help to minimize such moments and teach them to behave correctly.

Why does your dog sleep a lot? Is this normal? Veterinarian advice

Your alarm clock starts ringing seconds after the dog's cold, wet nose presses against your cheek and its eager tongue licks your face. It's time to get up!

You force yourself to get out of bed to walk the dog and take a shower. An hour later, when you've both had breakfast, you have to go to work, while your furry friend goes to his bed, gets comfortable and begins to snore quietly. You sigh longingly and walk out the door.

Why do dogs sleep so much? Humans need six to eight hours of sleep per night, but how much should dogs sleep? It seems as if they sleep all the time, but is there a limit?

In fact, these questions can be answered. Unless your dog has suddenly changed his sleeping habits, there is probably no cause for concern.

Chihuahua Sleeping Habits

Owning a Chihuahua is a rewarding experience and a lot of fun, but there are certain Chihuahua traits that you should know about before you begin your adventures with your new pet.
While there are many traits that Chihuahuas have, one trait you may not know about is their ability to sleep a lot. We'll answer all your questions about why your Chihuahua sleeps like that. Chihuahuas are a very energetic breed, especially puppies, so it is natural for them to want to sleep more often than some other breeds when they are tired from playing. It is important for your Chihuahua to get enough exercise every day. The older your Chihuahua gets, the faster he gets tired after moderate exercise and then begins to sleep more.

How many hours a day should a dog sleep?

The National Sleep Foundation and most experts agree that dogs should sleep about 50 percent of their time, rest about 30 percent, and be active 20 percent.

Puppies may spend a little more time sleeping as their bodies use energy to actively grow, but when they wake up, they tend to be more active than older dogs. Your puppy may be much like your toddler, who refuses naps by crying out “I'm not sleepy!” until he falls asleep where he was playing. Puppies behave with all enthusiasm while awake, play, run, jump, lick your face, and then suddenly fall asleep on your lap, wasting all their energy.

Older dogs may start to rest more because their bodies are not as strong as they used to be. Experts estimate that adult dogs sleep about 12 to 14 hours a day, older dogs a little more, and puppies about 18 to 20 hours.

Chihuahua in the house: where to start

Before picking up a puppy from the breeder, you should carefully prepare - carry out a general cleaning, remove small objects that he can reach, hide electrical wires, and close dangerous holes and cracks. A place for your pet will be organized in a cozy corner, where he can retire and relax on a soft mattress. The lounger should have removable covers to keep the bedding clean. For the Chihuahua, prepare dishes and a stand for it, a litter tray, toys, means and tools for maintaining hygiene, a carrier, a leash, a collar and overalls. There should be a first aid kit in the house.

The puppy is taken home in the morning so that before nightfall he has time to look around and get used to the new place a little. Immediately, the baby begins to be accustomed to a nickname and a toilet, based on how this happened with the breeder.

Why does your dog sleep so much?

However, it is important to remember that you are the center of the universe for your dog. Jessica Potosky, DVM, says dogs tend to spend most of the day sleeping unless you keep them occupied with other things. She believes that if healthy dogs sleep a lot, it means they simply have nothing to do. Most dogs would love to play or just spend time with their owners if given the opportunity.

Your dog probably knows how to differentiate when you are busy and when you can give him attention. If you are playing or otherwise interacting with him, he is alert and ready for it, but if you are busy, the dog will most likely decide to rest or take a nap.

So if you're concerned that she's sleeping too much, try engaging her in some playtime. Dogs need play, socialization, and activity just as much as we do to enjoy life. Remember that to your dog you are the whole world!

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Share112.11.2015 08:47:51

Good afternoon, our baby is 2 months old. I feed 5 times a day, the last feeding is at 12 at night, but this awl wakes up after a couple of hours and whines, scratches the fence, and generally screams like someone wounded in the butt. We live in an apartment building, the neighbors can hear everything, so we try to calm him down, sometimes with a word, sometimes by the scruff of the neck, but to no avail. It will just calm down and after 2-3 hours everything will start again. The veterinarian advised to ignore it. But how? It’s night on the street, behind the wall people sleep in the morning on their way to work/school, there’s an old woman, and there’s an unbearable squeal, and to be honest, I just can’t stand this torture, I go and calm him down. Share your experience with advice on how you survived this period, until what age puppies do not sleep and require attention. Ignoring is not an option for us, no longer out of pity for our pug, but out of pity for our neighbors, who are not guilty of anything. I want to sleep, damn it!

Share212.11.2015 09:21:38

  • Author: alena_d
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It seems to me that puppies very quickly get used to both the regime and the fact that if you whine, mom/dad will come and play) so by reacting and coming to “calm down” you only make things worse. It seems to me that the little ones sleep a lot, really) and sleeping until the morning is, in principle, not a problem! the question here is that he wants to play and knows how to achieve it! I understand that I’m ashamed in front of my neighbors (I felt embarrassed in front of my relatives at first when mine started to squeal, but then you realize that half the house is not sleeping because of you)) try to work out on the weekend, few people go to work on the weekend, but in 2 nights without a sedative, your baby will understand that it is useless. just ignore it or you can throw something into the cage when he yells. slippers for example) just just throw the slipper so that it hits the bars and scares it a little, otherwise I said to my husband “throw the slippers in the cage,” so this fellow came up, opened the cage and put his slipper in there))))) I laughed when I found out For half an hour, through tears and laughs, I ask why! How will this help calm you down? says I don’t know.. you said I didn’t think about why))))) So a little firmness, patience and chocolate for the neighbors))) and everything will be fine) I can say that since 2 months we have been sleeping peacefully all night in a cage , silently. and after a couple of weeks he even began to let me go into the bath myself before opening it)

Share312.11.2015 09:33:35

  • Author: Vzhikunya
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try to get him out of bed more in the evening, he’s probably asking to come into your bed on his side, they’re so cunning, he’ll sleep in bed all night like a darling, but then he won’t be able to kick him out of bed, so don’t follow his lead. Try to make his place more comfortable, warmer, maybe he will like it better

Edited by Vzhikunya (11/12/2015 09:36:49)

Share412.11.2015 09:37:04

  • Author: sonet
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We also had this problem. I decided during the first week of the puppy’s arrival in the house. The first night he cried and whined almost every 1 hour. We called him, said that he was not alone in the room, and after some time he calmed down. At the end of the week, he was already sleeping from 12 at night (last feeding time) until 7 in the morning. (gets up with me on the alarm clock) And then on the weekend I slept until 9:30 So brace yourself. The main thing, it seems to me, is not to get up to him and not play with him at night and he gets used to not being alone but not eating or playing at night.

Does your dog really sleep all the time?

Dogs don't always sleep, sometimes they just rest. Their sleep is different from human sleep. Most of their daytime sleep is light sleep, because at the slightest unusual sound they become alert and alert. Dogs are dozing at this time, and their sleep is not deep.

All dogs, even if they are not guard dogs, watch their owners very closely. They do this practically 24 hours a day! Only at night do they completely relax and fall into deep sleep, which is necessary to rejuvenate the body and renew strength.

Causes for concern?

The best way to check if your dog is sleeping too much is to see if there are any changes in his habits. Perhaps she used to like to play for a while after you got home, but now she just stays in bed? Or, for example, your dog used to love to watch you cook and beg for tidbits for himself, but now he is not interested in this and prefers to nap? Or has she stopped greeting you at the door when you come home?

When should you contact a veterinarian?

Dr. Potoski says, “I would recommend taking your dog to the vet if he becomes extremely lethargic. Anything that goes beyond her usual behavior should alert you and be a reason to visit a specialist.” As a dog owner, you are the best person to tell what dog behavior is normal and what worries you. When you see changes that are concerning, consult your doctor!

No wonder they say that a dog is man's best friend. Many of us love them as much as we love family members, and taking care of their health is just as important. This is another reason to find out how long dogs should sleep.

Diseases and timely treatment

Due to the anatomical features of the Chihuahua, it is prone to a number of breed diseases:

  • eye diseases;
  • epilepsy;
  • allergy;
  • respiratory tract pathology;
  • hydrocephalus;
  • cryptorchidism;
  • hypoglycemia;
  • rheumatism.

When purchasing a puppy, you need to pay attention not only to its appearance, but also to the parents, get acquainted with the pedigree and ask the breeder about their health.

The pet should be periodically brought to the veterinarian for examination, and at the first suspicion of pathology, measures should be taken in accordance with his recommendations.

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