How to choose a French bulldog puppy and how much it costs

Before getting a dog, you need to carefully weigh the pros and cons, because it will become your faithful friend for many years. By purchasing a standard French Bulldog or a toy one, you will get a friendly companion with an easy-going disposition and an endearing appearance. Having decided on the breed, all that remains is to make a much more difficult choice - to buy a healthy puppy that is right for you. After all, the purpose of the purchase may be different - someone buys a dog “for the soul”, and someone is going to raise future Champions.

What should a puppy look like when ready for sale?

If you are planning to buy a puppy for the first time, you need to be careful not to become a victim of scammers. On the Internet you can find many advertisements offering puppies at very low prices. Such offers should be avoided.

A purebred pet cannot be too cheap, since breeders have large expenses for breeding them, including vaccinations and preparation of documents. You only need to contact trusted nurseries and rely on reviews from other owners.

The puppy will be ready to go to a new home after the first vaccination. It is done at two months. Within three months, the breeder must complete all the documents and affix a brand.

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They are ideal residents of small apartments and that is why many are interested in representatives of this breed. We have selected photographs of small but very brave fat men.

Puppy classes

Any litter contains puppies of two, and in some cases three classes. These include:

  • “Pet class” - such representatives meet all the requirements of the standard, but may have some defects that do not affect the health of the pet. This could be the wrong color, poor coat quality, or an incorrect bite. The document for a puppy of this class will be marked “not for breeding.”
  • “Breed” - dogs meet all the characteristics of the breed, they have no defects or contraindications for breeding.
  • “Show Class” are the best representatives of the breed; they combine the excellent qualities of their parents.

Important ! At an early age, assessing class is difficult. Some important characteristics may appear exclusively in older age.

As a rule, only “show class” puppies become exhibition winners

Animal breeding

The body structure of male dogs makes natural insemination of a female dog problematic, so for greater guarantee, breeders often resort to artificial insemination.

Due to the puppies' disproportionately large heads and narrow hips, Frenchie bitches are rarely able to give birth on their own; more often they require a caesarean section.

It would not be superfluous to conduct an ultrasound to clarify the number of puppies and their location. It is especially important to know this if labor attempts stop and dead puppies remain in the uterus.

Pregnancy lasts about 63 days, sometimes labor begins earlier or later.


Lack of help during contractions that suddenly begin can lead to the death of the bitch.

How to choose the gender of a puppy

What do you need to know when buying a French bulldog? There are several important points. First of all, you need to focus on gender. Boys will look more massive and powerful than girls.

Males have an important advantage - the absence of estrus. But they may begin to actively mark their territory. They can show aggression when they detect a possible rival nearby. Girls are more affectionate, very attached to their owners, and are more willing to learn and train.

Important ! Girls of this breed are more expensive than males.

French bulldogs girls are more affectionate, but their price is higher

Accessories necessary for the baby

When purchasing a pet, you need to make sure that it is comfortable to live in a new place. To do this, you need to purchase all the accessories the animal needs, namely:

  • Collar or harness . For a puppy, they should be nylon or thin leather, but as the animal grows, you should give preference to models made of hard leather, because dogs of this breed become quite strong in build. The thickness of the collar should be from three to five centimeters.
  • Leash . You only need to walk your French Bulldog on a leash.
  • Toilet . While the puppy cannot go outside, you need to organize a place for him to go to the toilet at home. This could be disposable diapers or a special toilet for dogs.
  • Bowls . There is a huge variety of them now - you can choose to suit your taste.
  • Place . You need to choose the dog his own place where he will sleep or do his own business. This could be a bedding or a special mattress for dogs. The main thing is that it is warm and cozy there.
  • Toys . For dogs of this breed, it is better to buy hard toys made of plastic or durable rubber. These can be balls or bones. It is better not to buy small toys, because the dog can swallow them, and only a veterinarian can remove them.
  • Hygiene products . This item includes special shampoos for dogs, brushes for combing fur and nail clippers.

Age to purchase

An important criterion for choosing a puppy is its age. Babies up to 1.5 months are cheaper, since a large amount of feeding and maintenance costs have not yet been invested in them. But this is a dangerous age, when the puppy is still very susceptible to various diseases. Before vaccination, it is necessary to avoid new contacts and changes in environment.

At the age of 1.5 months, French bulldog puppies receive their first vaccination. After this, the risk of infection decreases. At this age, puppies begin to learn to feed themselves. By two months they are already adapted to moving.

Many experienced dog owners recommend purchasing puppies that are already grown up, about six months old. At this age, you can fully assess the pet’s external characteristics and character. But at the same time, you need to find out why the dog was not sold for so long.

Advice! Experts recommend adopting dogs under three months of age only to experienced dog breeders. For beginners, it is best to choose already grown pets.

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When buying a dog, one of the main issues to consider is the gender of the future pet. It, however, like the breed of the animal, will mainly characterize the behavior and psyche of your dog. There is no obvious answer to this question. Because each animal, like a person, is very individual. Everyone has their own preferences. But still, there are several points that you should pay attention to when choosing.



1 . Unwanted pregnancy is excluded. If your dog walks without a leash, or suddenly gets lost, there is no danger of puppies being born from a non-pedigreed or unwanted “father”. Even if the dog gives a weakness somewhere, then it is not you who will have to answer for it, but the owner of the bitch. In addition, this eliminates problems associated with caring for offspring, selling or distributing them to “responsible hands.” However, no responsible breeder or dog owner would allow this. 2 . Lack of regular estrus (usually twice a year). There is no need to look around warily while walking in search of males who are attracted to a female in heat. There is also no need to purchase special repellent sprays, dog pants, etc. 3 . A male dog can more often participate in exhibitions and other social events, since he does not have estrus, pregnancy, or a period of caring for offspring. 4 . The breed standard is most often described from males, so “boys” often have more typical characteristics of a particular breed and have fewer disadvantages. Males often win at competitions; they are usually larger, bony and well-built (although this is not the case for all breeds). 5 . It is believed that a trained male does his job better than a female. Although there are quite a lot of specialists who have the opposite opinion.


1 . Without the desire of the owner of the bitch, breeding puppies will not work. A male dog should have more titles and positive marks at shows in order to be more attractive to owners of bitches for whom a show career is not so obligatory, although desirable. 2 . Most often, males have a cooler and more aggressive disposition. Although there are exceptions. 3 . Males are more prone to fights with their own kind, which often lead to disastrous consequences, which can be especially often observed in fighting breeds of dogs. 4 . Males are less likely than females to recognize the authority of the owner, and try to dominate both the house and among their relatives. 5 . A male dog's sexual desire lasts throughout his life - from puberty to old age. And you will have to prove to the dog that you are his owner, and a bitch passing by should not influence his behavior. And if there are a lot of female dogs in the area, then walking without a leash will most likely be impossible. 6 . If a male dog smells a bitch in heat during the insertion, then it will be almost impossible to bring him to his senses and call him to order. 7 . It is widely believed that male dogs are less trainable than female dogs, but this is all very controversial. With proper upbringing and professional training, almost any dog ​​can be turned into a disciplined and well-controlled one. 8 . Males often mark their territory, especially when members of the opposite sex approach. It is almost impossible to wean a dog from this. You will either have to come to terms with this or think about castrating the animal.



1 . One of the main advantages of a female dog is her ability to produce offspring. At your own discretion, and taking into account the wishes of the club, you can breed an animal. But this is worth doing only when there are 3-4 times more people wanting to buy puppies than there are puppies themselves. After all, the problem of placing puppies with responsible owners can become very acute. For loving owners, the option of giving the puppies to resellers at the poultry market or leaving them on the street will not even be considered. 2 . Bitches are usually easier to train and have a softer, more flexible character. 3 . Estrus occurs only 2 times a year, but a male dog feels sexual desire all year round. At the same time, many bitches can take care of themselves during this delicate period. 4 . Usually bitches do not mark in the house, and probably no normal bitch would think of describing everything in the area when a male appears.


1 . Unwanted puppies. Abortions, caring for offspring will be a burden if they are unwanted, problems with the placement of puppies. 2 . Again, there is heat, and the need to scare away all the neighbor's males during this period. 3 . Although males are more aggressive, they are less likely than females to seriously injure themselves in a fight. A seriously angry bitch is more likely than a dog to stand until her last breath. 4 . Males often win at shows. 5 . We have to adjust the exhibition calendar taking into account estrus, pregnancy and rehabilitation periods.

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Pedigree and documents

A purebred dog must be purchased with all the necessary documents. Before three months, the breeder must obtain metrics and brand the puppies. This is done by specialists in the presence of the puppies’ mother. The documents will indicate all the dog’s shortcomings.

If there are contraindications in dilution, a mark must be placed. The breeder must provide buyers with a certificate and a veterinary passport, which contains all vaccinations.

Purebred pets must be sold with all necessary documents

Baby care

Caring for babies is not difficult, since they have good health and a good appetite. It is worth measuring your height and weight monthly. These are the main indicators that indicate the development of the animal.

Do not forget that height and weight are one of the characteristics of the breed. Very large individuals may not fit into the standards. Proper weight is the basis of a dog's health.

If the French Bulldog's weight is excessive, it creates unnecessary stress on the heart and joints. It is necessary to ensure that weight remains within normal limits from an early age. This is one of the basic rules of care.

When taking a puppy into a home, the owner is responsible for his health . Caring for a dog means not only feeding and walking it, but also performing hygiene procedures.

Regular procedures will help to avoid diseases that affect the ears and skin. The puppy's face has folds in which moisture remains and dirt can accumulate.

To avoid irritation, wipe these folds with a cotton swab after a walk in wet weather, as well as every evening.

Ears also need to be cleaned regularly. This is done twice a week. First, wipe the ears with a damp cloth, and then with a dry one.

If plaque is visible when looking into the ears, remove it with a cotton pad and antibacterial ointment.

Until the puppy's ears stand up, they require more attentive care. In a closed space, bacteria develop faster and the ears can become inflamed.

Wipe the eyes with a napkin. The coat is short, so the puppy should be brushed with a soft bristle brush. Care includes timely vaccinations. Their schedule can be obtained from your veterinarian.

How to correctly identify a healthy puppy

It is imperative that you adopt a puppy that is healthy and free from hereditary pathologies. When choosing, you need to focus on the following indicators:

  • the puppy should have shiny and smooth fur;
  • fat layer in the abdominal area;
  • absence of redness, rashes on the body and face;
  • there should be no traces of purulent discharge in the eyes;
  • the oral mucosa is pink.

Important ! When purchasing a French Bulldog puppy, you need to keep in mind that the ears can become erect at about two months of age.


The price depends on several indicators. These include coat color, age, class and pedigree. If a puppy is purchased from a nursery that specializes in breeding this breed and offers only healthy and high-quality puppies, then their cost can be in the range of 20,000 rubles or more (price valid as of September 2022).


To ensure that positive emotions from purchasing an animal do not turn into negative ones due to its behavior, you need to engage in education. This includes training and teaching them to be agreeable.

Command training and training

You need to start training your puppy from the age of two months, so that he gradually remembers commands such as “place”, “sit”, “come”. Dogs of this breed rarely bark, so many owners consider this “voice” command unnecessary.

Further training should be based on the dog's temperament. To do this, you need to observe the dog before training it.

  1. For a choleric bulldog, you need to adhere to strict training, because if you do it in a playful way, the dog will not obey. It is necessary to clearly distinguish between reward and punishment. Also, you should not alternate excitation and inhibition commands, for example, “fetch” and “fu”.
  2. A phlegmatic bulldog , on the contrary, is easier to train in a playful way. He should be rewarded even for the easiest commands so that he does not lose interest. This type of dog reacts quite painfully to being handed over to the wrong hands, so it is better to train them yourself.
  3. The melancholic bulldog is the most complex type. He is very difficult to train. Dogs of this type will only follow commands if they are very attached to their owner and will strive to please them.
  4. The sanguine bulldog is the easiest to train. He immediately understands what they want from him, and any training suits him.

Tray and walking training

To toilet train a dog, you need to observe how the puppy behaves when he wants to go to the toilet - usually puppies start spinning in place and whining a little - and when he starts to behave this way, simply take him to the right place. Gradually the dog will get used to going there on its own.

7 days after all the necessary vaccinations, you can accustom the dog to walking. To do this, immediately after each feeding you need to take the puppy outside in your arms, preferably to the same place.

The puppy should not go down the stairs on his own , because this can damage the spine. Just like with the toilet, the dog gradually gets used to walking. It is very important to take proper care of your dog, but it is equally important to love it and spend enough time with it.

Breeders' advice

It is very difficult for non-professionals to choose a French bulldog pet. The difficulty is related to the characteristics of the breed. Breeders recommend the following:

  • It is necessary to pay attention to the condition of the nose. It should be black and not dry. There may be some small spots. They most often disappear after five months.
  • You definitely need to look at the dog's mouth. Assess the quality of teeth. They should have a characteristic bite appropriate for the breed and should be even.
  • Boys should be tested for cryptorchidism. Already at 1.5 months they should have two testicles completely descended into the scrotum.

Special attention needs to be paid to behavior. It is recommended to take only an active and friendly baby. It is better to avoid purchasing a cowardly, aggressive or very passive bulldog.

Knowing how to choose the right French bulldog puppy, you can choose an excellent pet that will bring joy to all family members.

Nutritional Features

feed the “Frenchie” with natural products or dry food, the main thing is not to mix the two diets .

Natural nutrition should consist of raw or boiled lean meat, buckwheat and rice cereals, boiled offal, sea fish, vegetables and fruits.


If hair loss occurs, a rash appears, or peeling of the skin, it is necessary to reconsider the diet and eliminate foods that provoke an allergic reaction.

The following products are prohibited:

  • potato;
  • baked goods and sweets;
  • smoked meats, pickles, fatty, spicy and pickled foods;
  • sausages;
  • tubular, hard bones.

Having made a choice in favor of ready-made food, you should purchase premium and super-premium food. If you have a food allergy, you will need hypoallergenic food from the holistic line.

It is necessary to monitor the dog’s weight and portion sizes - “Frenchies” are prone to overeating.

Where to buy?

Buying a French bulldog today is quite easy. This breed is widespread; puppies are sold both secondhand and in kennels and dog clubs. In the first case, you can take a risk and trust a private person, especially if you want to save money. If you plan to participate in dog shows and breeding, it is better to contact an official breeder.

You need to pay attention to advertisements: if the nursery reports that there are always puppies in stock, this should alert you. Bitches give birth no more than twice a year, most likely an advertisement from a reseller.

Before buying puppies, you need to visit the kennel or the owner and inspect the litter yourself.
Breeders must answer all questions, provide documents, and talk about the conditions under which the dog is kept.

In addition to the droppings, it is also necessary to inspect the French Bulldog's habitat.

It should be clean, dry, light. Responsible owners monitor the condition of the enclosures and ensure compliance with feeding conditions. How puppies are kept will say a lot about their health. You need to pay the breeders only after a puppy has been selected from the litter, and all documents have been shown, checked and completed.

Not all puppies in a litter will be of the same quality. Some correspond more to the breed standards, others less so, so you should not believe that only champions are born from champions.

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