What does a Russian spaniel look like: the history of the dog’s origin and the basics of proper care + reviews from owners

Spaniels are a name that unites a large group of breeds.

It includes breeds such as King Charles Spaniel, Irish Water Spaniel, Sussex Spaniel, Field Spaniel and others.

Russian spaniels are the pride of domestic dog trainers and breeders.

These dogs were bred specifically for hunting in central Russia.

Their ancestors were English cockers and springer spaniels, who passed on their best qualities to Russian dogs.

Origin story and what it looks like in the photo

A favorite pastime of Russian tsars in the 19th century. there was a hunt . At the beginning of the 20th century. English cockers and springer spaniels were brought to Russia, which contributed to the growing popularity of bird hunting.

The positive hunting characteristics and developed instincts of representatives of these breeds were highly appreciated by representatives of the upper classes.

However, these aristocratic dogs with short legs could not move quickly enough across the hunting grounds of Russia, so active breeding work began on crossing them, which resulted in the production of relatively similar dogs.

Targeted breeding began in St. Petersburg in 1927, and the creation of the first club for breed lovers dates back to 1945.

The first official breed standard was developed in 1951, at the same time a stud book was created, and in 1966, at the All-Union Cynological Forum, the final edition of the standard was adopted.

In 1972, Russian spaniels stopped crossing with representatives of other breeds.

Russian spaniels have not yet received FCI recognition.

Characteristics of dogs of the Russian Spaniel breed and reviews of owners about it

The well-known cocker spaniel is considered one of the most popular breeds in our country. These animals gained their popularity back in the 19th century. Dogs were used to hunt waterfowl and wading birds. It should be noted that this type of hunting is very developed in Russia, and this breed of dog is ideal for performing such tasks.

If we talk about the hunting capabilities of the breed as a whole, it should be noted that not in all countries hunters fell in love with representatives of spaniels. For example, they are not adapted to winter hunting. Their short legs get stuck in snowdrifts, and this makes it difficult for them to move.

All these facts served as the starting point for the study of the Russian Hunting Spaniel breed. In order to improve the working functions of the breed, breeders imported long-legged dogs from different countries and crossed them with their dogs. Everything led to the appearance of individuals that were very similar to the modern Russian Spaniel dog. This animal has become more versatile and has adapted well to the local climate. If we talk about the standards of the Russian dog, they did not fit the generally accepted characteristics of the English breed. Therefore, the breeders did not stop at the achieved result, and already closer to the 30s of the 20th century, many subspecies of the breed existed in our country. But be that as it may, they still did not satisfy all the needs of the hunter. And it was necessary to work further on breeding a high-quality hunting dog.

Really full-fledged work on breeding a good breed began after the end of the Second World War somewhere in 1951. It was in this year that the first breed standard was introduced. But still the research process continued. And already in 1966, the breeders received a dog that met their needs.

Description and standard

Russian spaniels are long-legged dogs, squat and strong in build, with strong bones and a muscular body.

Representatives of this breed are slightly taller than English cockers, but much shorter than springers..

Throughout the history of the breed, breeders did not care about the appearance of these dogs, they relied only on their working qualities and endurance, so they do not look glamorous, but they still have a slight charm and discreet grace.

Breed standard:

  • The chest is wide, deep and long, the false ribs are well developed;
  • the back is straight, strong, wide, slightly sloping to a short, muscular and slightly convex loin;
  • The croup is wide, muscular, of moderate length, the stomach is tucked;
  • the head is moderately long, the skull is oval and moderately wide, the forehead is convex;
  • the color of the nose and lips varies from light brown to black;
  • scissor bite;
  • the eyes are oval, large, the iris is dark or light brown;
  • ears with rounded tips, hanging, long and wide, set along the eye line or slightly higher, lying close to the cheekbones;
  • neck of moderate length, with well-developed muscles, set low;
  • limbs are straight, parallel, the hind limbs are set wider than the front;
  • the tail is straight, thick at the base, docked at half its length.

The coat is long, soft, straight or slightly wavy, close to the body, short and straight on the head and paws, longer and thicker on the neck, back, sides and croup.

Characteristics of the Russian Spaniel breed

If we talk about the parameters of the animal, then it should be noted that it has small legs. And her physique itself is a little dry. If we talk about the length of their legs relative to their height, then they are clearly short. For example, the height of the animal is from 38 to 44 cm in males, and 2-3 cm lower in females. The length of the front paw is half the specified size.

As for the dog’s weight, on average it ranges from 12 to 16 kg. It should also be noted that the Russian Cocker Spaniel has a long, beautiful coat that is very thick and soft to the touch, even slightly curly. Its color can be completely different, namely:

  • monochrome;
  • two colors;
  • tricolor.

If we talk about the color itself, it can also vary. Starting from standard shades of white and black, ending with various combinations of red, gray and black and white.

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During the hunt, this dog runs at a gallop. But if the space is crossed, then galloping turns into a trot.

Based on this, we can conclude that the general characteristics of the Russian Spaniel breed are similar to the description of the English breed, but have their own differences; this is also indicated by reviews of animal owners.

Breeders say that the dog’s character differs in many ways from the character of individuals who have exclusively English roots.

Character traits

Russian spaniels are cheerful, affectionate and friendly dogs with a balanced psyche . Being smart, resilient, energetic and persistent, they are the epitome of ideal hunting dogs.

Representatives of this breed are absolutely tireless at work, but at home they become simply pleasant and good-natured pets who do not care what they do, the main thing is to be close to their owner.

These dogs have a penchant for empathy and, on an intuitive level, are able to detect even small changes in the owner’s mood and quickly adapt to them.

In addition, Russian spaniels incredibly accurately and accurately identify people who should not be trusted: if a pet constantly growls at someone, you should take a closer look at him; this person has not without reason aroused the dog’s suspicion.

Russian Spaniels are very active and need long walks and games. They will be happy to accompany their owner during a walk through the forest or park.

Failure to release pent-up energy can lead to destructive behavior.

The hunting instincts of representatives of this breed are much stronger than the guarding and watchdog instincts, so they should not be assigned the functions of guards. However, in the event of a direct threat, the dog will without hesitation rush to protect the owner and his family members.

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

Russian spaniels are not only excellent hunters, but also wonderful friends. From an early age, they develop a strong connection with their owner, thanks to which they are able to sense his mood. Sometimes male dogs may attempt to take a leadership position in the house, but this indicates, first of all, that the dog’s upbringing is not going well and the dog simply does not perceive the owner as a leader. It is important to change your behavior with the dog in time and show your leadership.

Russian spaniel reviews from owners in the apartment

This is an absolutely accurate fact from hunting practice. When young, dogs are reluctant to work long distances due to lack of experience and lack of confidence in loyalty. With experience, the dog tries to get as close as possible to the game by pulling and feels the line beyond which it will push the bird. Adepts of FT call this is “locking”, although in fact, often the bird simply sinks and hides when the dog is standing close to the dog. But a restrained running bird (for example, late autumn grouse, late autumn and winter pheasant, which were hunted all season, corncrake and even in many cases quail) does not want fall, but vigorously scoots away from the dog. In this case, the dog chases the bird on a stretch, holding it by instinct, and when approaching, the shooter tries to quickly bring it under the shot. Experienced dogs in such cases often work with approach.
These are long-term observations. All IMHO. Sincerely, Dr. B. What are you talking about? We are talking about effective work on a running bird, when the dog moves at such a speed and at such a distance as not to push the bird before the shooter approaches. Test pulls do not apply to this.

Versions do not relate to understanding the work of a dog. If the work is effective and the bird is raised exactly by instinct, then everything is OK.

And then the setter runs around without even sniffing

. And then for some reason he stops, thinks and runs again. And then he runs forward, and then stops and walks somewhere, and the owner is 150 meters away, and it’s not very clear what to do - he’s going to run again, or there’s a bird there and you need to approach him. And if it gets up where you can’t see it.

Once again I urge - let's not be derogatory about other breeds. Everyone has their own aesthetic.

Search for ROS, at a gallop, flying over the grass and diving down, on tall grass, taking off on candles, when the grass is waist-deep, when the nose is bleeding, the owners are already barely trudging, and he is flying. Then, when it would seem that it is no longer possible to quickly search in this grass, he suddenly accelerates even more, to the point of complete impossibility, makes leaps, breaks through the sedge with his nose, throws up his head, dives into the trail, flies up again, loses, goes around, no, flies around, circles, dives down, trail - caught, jumping with head held high, freezes for a second. Like a cobra, slow. turns his head - he breaks down - jumps - and with his paws forward, his ears fly and a bird emerges from under his paws. And you stand there like an idiot, automatically shouting “sit”, and follow the bird with your gaze, because from the first moments of work you are fascinated by this duel, and the kaleidoscope of movements, and beauty, and the progress of solving the problem. Until there is a tightness in the throat. And to hell with the bird, damn it, but how did he make it!

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Well, in ROS there is the blood of an English setter, as it recently turned out, so there is beauty too.

Advantages and disadvantages

Avid hunters, speaking about the merits of Russian spaniels, first of all note the hunting instincts of these dogs.

But more and more often, representatives of this breed are simply kept as pets, since they also have a number of advantages.:

  • friendly and playful disposition;
  • devotion;
  • courage;
  • love for children;
  • agreeableness;
  • lack of aggression;
  • possibility of apartment maintenance;
  • developed sense of smell;
  • mind;
  • unpretentiousness.


  • need for long walks and active games;
  • hyperactivity;
  • tendency to obesity and allergic reactions;
  • impossibility of use as watchmen and security guards.

Disadvantages also include the need for these dogs to carefully care for their coat and ears..

Color variations

In accordance with the breed standard, the coat of Russian spaniels can be one-color, two- or three-color.


The coat is solid black, without white markings or with their presence in clearly defined places (forehead, muzzle, throat, chest, belly, paws, tip of tail).


This color appears in the absence of black pigment; the eyes and nose are also brown.


The color of the coat varies from light fawn to dark red, the nose is black or brown, and the eyes are dark brown.


This color can be of 2 types:

  • contrasting - spots of the primary color are located on the white coat, puppies are born with a pink nose and paws with several specks;
  • speckled - almost black coat with blurry, barely visible specks; puppies have dark noses and paw pads.

Both contrasting and speckled puppies have large white markings at birth; the presence of speckling can be predicted by the color of the nose and paw pads.


This color includes the coat of black-piebald and brown-piebald contrasting with tan or speckled colors.

Is he good with children and does he get along with other pets?

Russian spaniels get along well with children and love to spend time with them, sharing their love for active and outdoor games . A dog will never harm a child and will always protect him from offenders.

However, this only applies to the owner’s children; Russian spaniels behave warily and even aggressively with strangers and strangers.

Representatives of this breed get along well with other pets, including cats, if they grew up with them.

At the same time, rodents and birds are treated rather negatively - hunting instincts take over and these animals become the object of hunting for spaniels.

What should you always remember?

In order to better understand what kind of breed this is and what requirements exist for its proper education, you can contact Mooir Russian Spaniel . This society will be happy to tell you about the basic rules of training and caring for an animal.

In general, it should be noted that these are very friendly and affectionate animals. They adore their owner and are very suitable for both families with children and single pet lovers. True, such an animal is not suitable for people who do not like activity. After all, you need to constantly walk with him, and these walks should be long and active.

In all other cases, this is an excellent option for a faithful and affectionate friend.

I would also like to note that they do not require too much attention in terms of care. It is enough to regularly comb their fur and monitor the health of their ears, then these dogs will live long and happily.

In terms of living conditions, they are also not picky. They are not afraid of rain or frost. Of course, like any living creature, it will be much easier for them in comfort and warmth.

If you follow all these rules, then cocker spaniels will delight you with incredible devotion and affection. They are absolutely not aggressive and are very kind to their owners. Stories and entire books have been written about their loyalty, so when purchasing such a dog, you can be sure that the dog will never betray.

How to properly care

Caring for a Russian Spaniel does not require much effort or time . You just need to regularly carry out the necessary hygiene procedures aimed at maintaining the appearance and health of the dog.

Wool and bathing

To avoid the formation of tangles, the coat should be combed with a furminator 1-2 times a week, and during molting and for show animals - daily.


You need to bathe your pet as needed, on average once every 4-8 weeks, using a special shampoo and conditioner according to the type of coat.

After washing, the wool should be treated with balm or cosmetic oil, which will make combing easier and minimize the likelihood of tangles forming.


To clean your ears from accumulated dust and wax, you need to wipe the inside of your ear 1-2 times a month with a cotton swab dipped in warm boiled water or a peroxide solution.

In addition, the ears of representatives of this breed must be ventilated daily . To do this, you need to stretch your ears by the tips and shake them a little.


The eyes of Russian spaniels are not prone to souring and watery eyes, so it is enough to wipe them weekly with a lint-free cloth soaked in chamomile infusion or weak tea leaves.


To prevent the formation of plaque and tartar, brush your teeth 2 times a week with a special brush and toothpaste for dogs.


In summer, if the claws do not grind down on their own, and in winter, trim them with a guillotine nail clipper once every 3-4 weeks.

Rules for the care and maintenance of Russian Spaniel dogs

If we talk about the rules for the care and maintenance of a pet, they are not very strict. Let's say that the main task of every owner of a dog of the Russian Hunting Spaniel breed is walking, you can find out about this if you read the forum of professional breeders and simply lovers of this breed.

Intense and frequent walks can replace many other procedures that other dogs need to maintain good health. It is enough for these dogs to run well, and their health will be normal. Of course, we should not forget the need to regularly examine the animal’s ears. They can very often become inflamed. You should also brush the coat once a week to prevent it from becoming clumps or sticking together.

As for swimming, there are no special rules. The spanel should not be washed frequently; this can only be done after the animal has been somewhere in the forest or in a swamp.

In terms of content, they are also not picky. Of course, you can’t put them on a chain. But at the same time, they are not afraid of frost, so they can freely spend the night outside. Animals will feel good even living in a small apartment. As mentioned above, the main thing for them is physical activity. And where to sleep is not so important to them.

If you look at the reviews of those who are already the proud owner of a dog of the Russian Spaniel breed, it becomes clear that dogs make good guards. Only for this the animal needs to be trained correctly.

Do I need to cut my hair? How to cut your own hair

In accordance with the standard, it is prohibited to cut Russian hunting spaniels, but many breeders still trim their dogs, hiding minor defects and emphasizing the merits of the exterior.

The best option is a hygienic haircut:

  • trim the hair around the anus;
  • give the tail a wedge shape;
  • get rid of tangles in the groin area;
  • trim the hair on the paw pads, between the toes and in a circle slightly above the claws.

You cannot cut the tail dewlap or the hair on the back of the limbs or along the underbelly . You need to be careful when cutting hair on the ears, neck and chest, since it is extremely difficult to achieve the correct transitions between them and uncut areas.

If you cut the fur on your back, it will no longer grow back smooth and even.

Life expectancy, health and major diseases

On average, Russian spaniels live 12-15 years. These dogs do not have serious hereditary pathologies, but they are not immune from infections and fungal diseases.

Most often, Russian spaniels are diagnosed with:

  • dermatomycosis;
  • aspergillosis;
  • candidiasis;
  • piroplasmosis;
  • leptospirosis;
  • toxoplasmosis.

In addition, these dogs are prone to:

  • otitis;
  • obesity;
  • food allergies;
  • pyometra;
  • conjunctivitis.

Bitches often experience cases of development of pathologies caused by blockage of the anal glands..

Nutritional Features

You can feed Russian spaniels with natural products or industrial food, it is only important to follow a few important rules:

  • do not mix both types of nutrition;
  • ensure that your diet is balanced and contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals;
  • strictly control the volume of portions consumed by your pet - 40 g/kg weight of dry food and 30/60 g/kg of natural products;
  • Give your dog fasting days twice a month, reducing the daily amount of food by 60%.


The portion can be increased only for animals after illness, lactating bitches and in winter for dogs living in an enclosure.

With a natural diet, the owner has the opportunity to independently choose fresh and high-quality food for the dog, but such a diet requires a lot of time for daily food preparation. In addition, creating a balanced menu is quite difficult.

The pet must be given:

  • lean meat;
  • offal;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • porridge;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • dairy products;
  • greens as natural dietary supplements;
  • eggs.

Representatives of the breed should not be fed:

  • animal fats;
  • bones;
  • smoked meats and sausages;
  • pickles, marinades;
  • pork;
  • citrus fruits;
  • potatoes;
  • sweets, baked goods;
  • spicy, fried foods.

If we are talking about industrial feed, then their advantage is a much more convenient method of storage and use, as well as a composition enriched with vitamins and minerals.

In addition, a wide range of food allows you to choose a diet for your pet in accordance with its age, health and physiological state.

You should choose only high-quality premium, super-premium or holistic food.

Products from the brands Go, Hills, Royal Canin, Probalance, Pro Plan, Savarra, Acana have proven themselves well..

Menu for the week

Day of the weekMenu
Monday500 g meat, 100 g greens, 200 g oatmeal, 100 g yogurt, 100 g vegetables
Tuesday600 g boiled fish, 100 ml natural yogurt, 100 g vegetables, 50 g cottage cheese, 150 g buckwheat porridge
Wednesday50 ml kefir, 50 g herbs, 550 g offal, 100 g cottage cheese and 100 g vegetables, 150 g oatmeal
Thursday150 g cottage cheese, 50 g greens, 1 egg, 500 g beef, 150 g vegetables, 150 g rice porridge
Friday50 ml kefir, 50 g greens, 550 g offal, 100 g cottage cheese, 100 g vegetables, 150 g rice porridge
Saturday600 g of boiled sea fish, 100 ml of natural yogurt, 100 g of vegetables, 50 g of cottage cheese and 150 g of buckwheat porridge
Sunday500 g meat, 100 g greens, 200 g oatmeal, 100 g cottage cheese, 100 g vegetables

How and what to feed your dog?

As mentioned above, the animal is a born hunter; it spends a lot of energy every day, so it requires proper nutrition. It is better not to give dry food. As a last resort, you can give some dry food when there is no time to prepare fresh food. Otherwise, he can eat the same foods that other dog breeds eat.

It should be remembered that it is necessary to enrich the diet with proteins. The animal moves a lot and spends a lot of energy, therefore, it is necessary to compensate for the lack of protein in the body with special products. It's also important not to overdo it. If we talk about foods that are best included in your pet’s diet, these should be:

  • fish (sea fish is best);
  • meat (not very fatty);
  • fruits and vegetables (they love them very much);
  • offal.

We must not forget about fasting days. They should be held at least once every two weeks. It should be noted that the dog should not be obese, although it is unlikely that they will develop it due to their constant activity. If you look at photos of the animal, of which there are quite a few on the Internet, it becomes clear that the Russian hunting spaniel is a very slender and fit dog.

Once every two weeks, it is advisable to give the animal a fasting day.

If we talk about puppies, you should remember that after being taken from the breeder to a new family, the baby experiences stress. Therefore, you should not rush and immediately change his usual daily routine and diet. He must adapt a little to new conditions.

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How to train correctly?

In order for the dog to grow up obedient and adequate, it is necessary to begin his education and socialization as early as possible. First of all, it is necessary to clearly define the boundaries of what is permitted, determine the rules of behavior in the house and on the street.

From the first days in the new home, you need to start accustoming the puppy to its name, then to the toilet, then you need to start teaching the dog the commands “Place”, “No”, “Sit”, “Come to me” and “Take”.

Mastering these commands not only allows you to control the animal’s behavior, but also serves as the basis for subsequent training.


A hunting dog that is not trained in basic commands will not live long.

It is better to train the dog in quiet, deserted places, so that it is not distracted by extraneous sounds, and in a playful way, preventing the spaniel from getting bored.

You should not punish your pet; the method of rewarding your pet with a favorite treat is more effective..

Hunting dogs need to master the “Give” command; it should be practiced from the age of 3 months. You need to move on to full training after mastering all obedience commands, after about 4-5 months.

Russian hunting spaniel

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Russian hunting spaniel

Post by Berezin » 15 Oct 2006, 16:32

Duck hunting with a spaniel.

It is unlikely that any hunter will deny himself the pleasure of wandering through the swamps and floodplain meadows in August - September in search of mature broods or standing on the fly, sensitively catching the exciting whistling of duck wings.

But if we talk about cultural hunting for ducks in the summer-autumn period (understanding by “cultural hunting” the fulfillment of the shooting quota with minimal losses of cleanly killed birds and wounded birds in strong places), then it is especially interesting and productive with a dog, and mainly with a spaniel , for whom this hunt, as they say, is his crowning glory.

Inexhaustible passion, the ability to swim and dive well, perseverance when pursuing game (before it takes off and when finding the shot), excellent presentation - these are the qualities that the spaniel exhibits when hunting waterfowl.

How to prepare him for duck hunting? First of all, I want to make a reservation that on this hunt it is best to use a spaniel from the third or, at least, from the second field: hunting in bodies of water requires enormous physical exertion from the dog (it constantly has to swim, overcoming dense thickets and tangles of sedge, reeds, cattails, lilies, water lilies, mud), and her body reaches full development, as is known, only by the age of three. Another important factor is that, once you start hunting ducks with a spaniel, it is then very difficult to switch it to hunting other game; on duck hunting it is almost impossible to practice searching with the correct “shuttle” (it is simply not needed here) and achieve obedience - qualities that are absolutely necessary when hunting swamp, field and especially upland game. First, train the spaniel in swamp or field game, then in pine forest, and only after that introduce him to duck hunting. There are, however, passionate amateurs who prefer duck hunting to all other hunts. Undoubtedly, this hunt is one of the main ones for the spaniel, but it is not advisable to limit the dog to it only, since the spaniel is universal by its natural characteristics. That's why I started my story by hunting swamp game with a spaniel, and end with talking about duck hunting.

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When preparing your dog for such a hunt, visit bodies of water as often as possible, teaching the spaniel to stay in the water as long as possible. There is no need to train him for flightless flappers; after such a count, only a few strangled ducklings will remain, which could become your trophies in the fall. But if there are areas of duck fat and there are countless dark paths among the duckweed, then it’s worth going there and introducing your pet to duck smells,

You can only be welcomed if you first train your spaniel on a decoy duck, which, by the way, many hunters do. It consists of taking a drake and trimming its flight feathers on one wing. This will prevent him from flying away and getting away from the dog too quickly, but at the same time it will not prevent him from diving. After this, the drake is released into a small reservoir, which is quite well overgrown with vegetation along the banks, but also has an open water surface. Then they set a spaniel on the trail of the drake, which also goes into the water and finds the bird by smell. Seeing her, the dog, encouraged by its owner, begins an active pursuit. The duck will have no choice but to increase its speed and dive. These “arts” of the drake infuriate the spaniel even more, and he begins to pursue the game with ever-increasing passion. Sometimes it happens that a dog catches up with a drake, grabs it and brings it ashore to its owner. But more often, at first, she fails to grab frisky prey. Then after about 15 minutes you need to call off the four-legged assistant and give him a rest, while training another dog, if there is one, of course. Two or three such works in one trip to a reservoir within two to three weeks before the opening of waterfowl hunting - and the spaniel is ready to meet the hunting dawns. If at first he does not show activity in finding and chasing the drake, another dog that works well on ducks will be a good helper in this case.

The same drake can also be used to practice the serve. To do this, the bird needs to tie its legs and throw it into the water in full view of the dog. After a few moments of holding, the spaniel must be sent into the water with the command “Give it!” Strict execution of this order, that is, giving the prey into the hands of the owner, must be encouraged with a treat. Just don’t let the spaniel maul the game, otherwise he will learn to tear the prey - and then. Almost every hunter who lives in the country in the summer or has acquaintances outside the city can carry out such training and training of dogs before a hunt: two or three drakes in an enclosure - that’s all that is needed for the work. I know that one of the oldest Moscow spannelist hunters, B. Vagn, keeps ducks at his dacha in Pokrovka near Moscow every year, and everyone can come to him and test their dogs in working with them - an interesting and useful job is done by the old hunter.

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And now about the hunt itself.

. With a sheathed gun and a backpack on your shoulders, in which a spaniel is serenely snoring, you can freely go to the station by any type of public transport and get into the carriage. A minute-long train stop at a familiar stop - and soon you are already at the huntsman. In his house, the conversation of the hunters who arrived earlier can be heard. Seeing the spaniel, they smile: “Oh, the long-eared one has arrived, now he’ll collect all the ducks.” Or: “The dog is tormented, the grass is too high these days.” Your four-legged friend, not paying attention to anyone, having eaten a hearty meal, lies down on a mat in the yard and falls asleep sweetly. But you can’t sleep, the question is tormenting you: should you take your dog with you at dawn or not? Or maybe we should go out to the lakes later, when the cannonade subsides? Similar doubts arise if the morning is to be met in a hut, and the spaniel placed in it, in the excitement of the hunt, at the very first shots begins, interfering with shooting, whining and tearing. And this applies not only to dogs that have a very vague idea of ​​obedience, but also to the most disciplined ones. The only difference is that while the second one can somehow be dealt with, then nothing can be done with the first one, and the hunt from stealth can be hopelessly ruined. But no matter what he thought at night, not a single hunter could resist the joyful squealing and jumping of the dog, and in the morning she goes next to him on a date with the hunting dawn.

Having climbed into the hut and seated the spaniel next to him, do not forget to tie him with a leash to something, but not with a dead knot, but with a “bow”, so that if necessary you can quickly untie him. In the east, the dawn has been glowing like a scarlet ribbon for a long time like autumn. And then in the distance, making you flinch, the morning silence was loudly split by the first shot. Soon the second and third thundered. Your pet no longer sits quietly at your feet, but tries to get out there, closer to the shots. Pull it sharply once, twice.

Now, after the first shots, no longer afraid of scaring away the birds hiding in the coastal thickets, pull the spaniel more sharply and with a threat in your voice command “Sit!”

Whistling with their wings, a flock of chirats swoops down on Skradok. After the doublet, one of them falls into the grass on the bank - a lucky shot! Here, let the dog go after the trophy right away, while you stay in the hut, remembering the place where the game fell in case you have to help the dog indicate the place where the duck fell.

In less than two hours, there will already be exactly as many ducks lying in the hiding place next to you as indicated in the voucher, which you, of course, did not forget to take when going hunting. And everything would be fine, but here’s the problem: now, as if it were a sin, only mallards and shovelers began to fly into your secluded place, and only teals in the trophies. You promise yourself that next time you will be more careful, but that next time, and many times after that, everything will be the same as today. Yes, actually, is it really a matter of the size of the production? But still, mallards are better!

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Now you can, without disturbing other hunters, go into the meadows and, knocking pearly drops of dew from the grass and leaving behind emerald green paths, look for long-legged corncrakes, nimble snipe and slow-moving snipes.

When the shots above the floodplain cease, you can return to the lakes and look for wounded animals - and the dog will definitely find them. It is interesting at this time to look at the hunters watching from the side the work of the spaniel. You walk calmly along a ditch overgrown with grass with a gun over your shoulder (the norm has been in your bag for a long time, it pleasantly pulls your shoulder), and a dog splashes not far away. Suddenly there is a sharp throw, a flutter of wings, a loud duck quack, and you are holding a flapping quack by the neck. The hunters watching such a “hunt” literally have their mouths open in surprise: everything is so unexpected and impressive. You can't think of a better campaign for purchasing a spaniel.

Yes, so as not to forget, I want to warn you - never shoot at moving grass: you may accidentally hit your dog. And when you are looking for wounded animals near other hunters, warn them about this, otherwise disaster is not far away. Generously hand over some of the wounded animals found by the spaniel to your comrades who did not shoot the quota, and give some to the huntsman’s wife at the base for a common pot - preparing delicious duck soup. Hunters will remember their meeting with you for a long time and will appreciate your four-legged assistant.

. Needless to say, duck hunting is good in August at the opening of the hunt. But the spaniel is even more indispensable for hunting waterfowl later, when the ducks, “whipped” by shots, get stuck in the support and it is very, very difficult to scare them out without a dog. It is then that the spaniel hunter begins to differ especially favorably from his comrades without a dog: they can go tens of kilometers and not raise a single bird, but this rarely happens to the owner of a spaniel.

Approaching a lake or swamp overgrown with reeds, the hunter lets the dog off the leash and gestures to send it into the coastal thickets. A spaniel only needs a few minutes to lift a duck on its wing or, having gone ashore, show its owner with all its behavior that there is nothing to waste, there is no game here and you can move on.

In general, when hunting ducks, teach your pet not to swim far from the shore, so that the bird raised on its wing does not fly away without a shot. To do this, you must first of all not let the dog into open water, since it, realizing that it will not find anything in open water, will swim further into the thicket, and this is useless - shooting further than 30-35 m simply means, as hunters say, burn cartridges.

Particular care should be taken to search meadows with small grassy puddles and reclamation ditches adjacent to large lakes and oxbow lakes. Ducks love to descend into such places, rest there and feed. When a hunter approaches, they usually do not take off, but hide, and only a well-placed spaniel quickly finds them and lifts them onto the wing.

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And also keep in mind that wounded animals usually seek salvation on land and, caught up by a dog on the water, often swim to the shore, where they hide in the thick grass. It also happens: a wounded bird dives from one shore and emerges unnoticed from the other. A dog that knows the habits of waterfowl well will not stay in one place for long, but will quickly run around the lake along the shore, tame a duck, catch it and give it to you.

By the way, more than once or twice I saw how small flocks of ducks descended somewhere among the cabbage fields to places where they accumulated in hollows with irrigation water.

The spaniel will also come in handy when hunting ducks from the porch. Most often, two hunters go hunting from the entrance in a canoe. They alternately control the boat and sit on the bow of the fragile boat with a gun at the ready. As soon as the flying duck is stopped by a well-aimed shot and splashes loudly on the water somewhere in the reeds, the boat is directed to that place and looks out for prey. If she is not visible, then the spaniel, previously sitting on a leash in the middle of the canoe, goes into the water, encouraged by the cries of “Bring it on!” Give it to me!” Several minutes pass, and now he, with a duck in his teeth, furiously snorting from the water, swims up to the hunters, whose caring hands help the dog climb into the canoe. And again they swim further, slowly and almost silently pushing apart the wall of coastal thickets.

On open, clearly visible stretches, a spaniel is not needed; hunters will find trophies without it.

You can’t do without this dog during duck flights from roosting areas to feeding areas. Three conditions will make hunting easier. First, you need to stand in the very corridor along which flocks of ducks fly to feed at night. The second is a well-aimed shot with sufficient lead ahead of the flying bird. And thirdly, a good serving spaniel, which, on command and in the dark, will find downed game and bring it to the hunter.

At the beginning of their migrations, ducks leave the day as soon as the sun sets behind the horizon, and the closer to autumn, the later their movement to the place of fattening and night feeding begins. This also needs to be taken into account when going in search of game.

And when autumn fully comes into its own and the flocks of ducks move south, another hunt for waterfowl begins - hunting on duck flight. Here, in addition to our river ducks (mallards, shovelers, pintails, teals), diving ducks also fall under the hunter's shot. The spaniel is irreplaceable here too. This dog is quite cold-resistant, if, of course, it is often used in the field; It is useful, however, especially in late autumn, after the next bath, to rub the diligent assistant well with a bundle of dry hay.

Waterfowl, which is quite often found in our lands, includes the coot, a bird the size of an average duck, black in color, with a white beak and a white mark (bald) on the forehead. Coots, a very cautious game, are almost never specifically hunted, being shot along with ducks. Considering that a wounded coot is in a hurry to take refuge in the dense thickets of coastal vegetation, the spaniel will provide invaluable assistance to the hunter here too - he will find and bring back the wounded animal. Sometimes these birds, in heavy rain, swim almost to the very shore and hide. There are known cases when a spaniel. having scented game, he rushed at it from the shore and brought a live trophy to the hunter. This was the case, for example, when I was hunting with my spaniel Minor at the Vinogradovsky hunting estate near Moscow, when, to the surprise of the hunters, my assistant caught a coot in one leap and handed it over to me, absolutely safe and sound.

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I would like to advise: when hunting ducks, do not try to use cartridges with large shot - shot No. 6 is quite sufficient for opening the hunt for the left barrel, and shot No. 4 is enough for the autumn migration.

Popular nicknames

The choice of a nickname for a pet should be approached responsibly. It is important that the dog’s name is easy to pronounce, sonorous and short - animals quickly remember such words and begin to associate themselves with them.

The male can be called:

  • Alan;
  • Archie;
  • Butch;
  • Barney;
  • Thunder;
  • Wild;
  • Kai;
  • Kevin;
  • Muffy;
  • Matt;
  • Noah;
  • Oscar;
  • Pirate;
  • Robie;
  • Roy;
  • Raf;
  • Roni;
  • Ren;
  • Falcon;
  • Sebastian;
  • Sparky;
  • Hoshi;
  • Charlie;
  • Chance;
  • Eric.

Names suitable for girls:

  • Amba;
  • Arina;
  • Amur;
  • Boni;
  • Snowstorm;
  • Dory;
  • Dolly;
  • Dekla;
  • Christie;
  • Lika;
  • Laura;
  • Molly;
  • Mary;
  • Nika;
  • Naida;
  • Puma;
  • Sparta;
  • Arrow;
  • Cynthia;
  • Secret;
  • Ula;
  • Frida;
  • Chara;
  • Yula;
  • Clear.

In order for the puppy to quickly remember his name, you need to pronounce it as often as possible and call your pet by name, treating him with a treat - this contributes to better perception and consolidation of positive associations.

How to choose? Boy or girl?

To avoid the risk of purchasing a sick or non-purebred puppy , you should purchase it only in specialized nurseries from trusted breeders .

It is necessary to inspect the living conditions of the puppies, meet the parents of the future pet, learn about their health, pedigree, awards and titles.

You should also carefully examine the puppy.

He must have:

  • a hump on the nose as a sign that he will not grow up to have a snub nose;
  • scissor bite;
  • shiny coat without dandruff;
  • clean skin without rashes or irritations.

The baby should be active, cheerful and inquisitive, have a good appetite and a friendly disposition.

It’s a good idea to test your puppy’s courage by clapping your hands hard in silence or turning him over and holding him on his back.

A Russian spaniel with the makings of a hunter calmly reacts to noise and physical impact, while individuals with a weak psyche simply run away in both situations.

The gender of the puppy must be chosen depending on the purpose for which it is purchased . Both females and males are well suited for hunting. It is better to purchase a girl for participation in breeding, and a dog for an exhibition career.

Character of dogs of the Russian Spaniel breed

As for the character of the animal, it is quite balanced. The dog is very friendly towards people. Most of the time these dogs are in a very good and cheerful mood. They are active, love to run and walk. It should also be noted that they do not require much attention. If you go for a walk with such a dog, he can keep himself busy.

Of course, if there is such an opportunity, then it is better to take the spaniel to special areas for walking animals. There he will be able to jump over barriers, jump up stairs and do his favorite thing - bird hunting. By the way, if we talk about hunting, then it should be understood that this breed of dog cannot live without this type of activity. Therefore, if you want to buy a pet spaniel, you need to understand whether the future owner will be able to provide the dog with the right living conditions. This dog will be ideal for those who love hunting and go there often. In other situations, you need to take the animal out into nature, to a pond, so that it can do what it loves.

It is worth noting that it is very easy to control the dog. She considers her master to be the most important and listens to him well. Spaniels have a well-developed sense of smell, so they can immediately distinguish by smell whether it is their own person or a stranger.

Among other things, the animal has good endurance and perseverance. Which also has a beneficial effect on the process of training a pet.

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