What an Irish Water Spaniel looks like: characteristics of pets and the basics of proper care + reviews from owners

When many people mention a spaniel, they think of a small, long-haired dog that is part of the group of hunting breeds. It’s more difficult to imagine this look in a different role: tall, graceful curls, a “wig” on the head. All this is an Irish water spaniel, which is an excellent swimmer designed for hunting waterfowl.

Description of the Irish Water Spaniel breed

Popularity rank among 263 dog breeds


12-13 years old

Breed group:



males: 53-59 cm, females: 51-56 cm

Country of origin:


Average price:

30-37 thousand rubles


males: 25-31 kg, females: 20-26 kg
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Key facts

The Irish Water Spaniel is sometimes mistakenly called the Irish Water Spaniel. It is not right. All lovers of the Irish dog, which is considered not only an excellent hunter, but also a devoted companion, know this.

Keeping a dog is a bit of a hassle. For example, an animal cannot be kept in a city apartment. In addition, it is necessary to carefully care for your pet’s unusual coat.

Good-natured giants get along well with children and their relatives, but they perceive other animals as objects for hunting.

History of the origin of the Irish Water Spaniel breed

There is almost no information about the origin of the breed. There are only assumptions. Here is one of the most confirmed: Irish individuals were bred from water dogs that appeared in the British Isles from Italy, Spain, France and Portugal. The pets arrived in these European countries on ships from Persia.

In Ireland, water dogs participated in waterfowl hunting. They had excellent qualities for this. For example, their fur was waterproof, just like their modern relatives.


The Irish Water Spaniel began to be discussed separately in the early 1800s. At the same time, the pets got quite descriptive names - “rat-tailed spaniel”, “clown in a spaniel mask”.

However, the ancestry of the Irish can begin in 1862. Then a dog named Bosun was introduced to Birmingham. His owner Justin McCarthy is still considered the founder of the breed.

Breed traits

Breed traits (on a 5-point scale)

Irish Water Spaniel
Activityin the house2
on the street4
Dominationin family3
over dogs3
Defending your territoryfrom people2
from dogs3
Sociabilityin family5
with strangers1
with dogs3
Concentrationin family1.3
in front of strangers3
with dogs2
Aggressivenessin family3
to strangers4
to the dogs3
to cats3.6
Family behaviorcalmness3
demand for affection3
excessive barking2
behavioral breakdowns2.6
Tolerance for childrenup to 4 years3.5
over 4 years old3.6
Institutional usewatchman3

This breed is often compared to the following dog breeds: Ibizan Hound, Miniature Poodle (Dwarf Poodle), Airedale Terrier, Newfoundland, Irish Wolfhound.

The photo shows what Irish water spaniels look like:

Appearance of the Irish Water Spaniel

General impression

Even if you look at a photo of an Irish water spaniel, you can immediately notice what a graceful and at the same time strong animal it is. Large sizes do not prevent the dog from demonstrating the ease of running and standing proud.


The spaniel's skull is dome-like. A pronounced tubercle is clearly visible on the back of the head. The muzzle is long and slightly rectangular.

Nose, eyes and ears

The dark (black or brown) nose is large and fully pigmented.

The animal's eyes are almond-shaped. The iris can be of different brown shades: from the lightest to the darkest.

The ears are long and low set. They should hang freely on both sides of the skull.

Teeth and bite

The Irish Water Spaniel has strong white teeth. They close together to form a straight or scissor bite.


The cervical region smoothly passes into the shoulder blades. The neck itself is quite long and very strong thanks to the muscles covering it.


The Irish Spaniel has a square body. The bones are strong, covered with powerful muscles. The chest is wide and deep.


The front legs are of medium length. The limbs are large and thick. They are covered with thick fur. The hair between the toes is dense, which once again indicates that the spaniel is a water hunter.

Hind limbs

The hind legs are covered with powerful muscles. The angles of the joints must be well balanced.


The animal's tail is long, hanging down freely. It is covered with short hair. The tip is thin. The tail widens towards the base.


Powerful forelimbs and hind limbs allow the animal to push off strongly during fast running or jumping. The dog swims well.


The giant's unusual cover feels like velvet. The fur itself has a curly structure. Most curls are located on the neck, sides, back and cervical region.

On the head there is a whole cap of long hair, hanging down in curls. On the face, on the contrary, the hair is short and close-lying. There is a similar covering around the tail.


Representatives of the breed have only a brown coat color. However, shades can be different: chestnut, chocolate, sand, with a reddish tint.


The Irish are the largest among other spaniels. Males grow up to 61 cm at the withers, females are somewhat smaller - up to 56 cm. The weight of the animals also differs. In females it can reach 28 kg, in males – 30 kg.

Disqualifying faults

The main deviations from the standard are considered to be problems with the coat, its quality and color. Insufficiently curled hair or uneven hair color will be serious disqualifying faults, due to which the animal will not be able to participate in international championships.

Personality of the Irish Water Spaniel

Individuals of this breed are very affectionate and friendly. They adore their owners and are unquestioningly loyal to them. They love water spaniels and other family members.

Dogs have a calm temperament. They are restrained in expressing their feelings. If a pet is offended by a person, it will not show aggression or dissatisfaction. The dog will simply step aside and quietly suffer the injustice.

“ Giants are very friendly, so they take small children calmly. Good-natured pets will gladly take part in outdoor games with a child and will not offend him if the latter pulls his hair.

In relation to older family members or even the owner, dogs sometimes behave very intrusively. They try to accompany a person everywhere, demanding attention.

The Irish are quite friendly towards other pets. But do not forget that this is a hunting dog. Because of this, living with cats, birds or rodents in the same room can lead to certain problems.

But the dog gets along well with his relatives.

Sample menu for the week


  1. Breakfast - boiled veal with stewed zucchini.
  2. Dinner : oatmeal with yogurt.


  1. Breakfast - boiled chicken with stewed beets.
  2. Dinner - rice porridge with egg.


  1. Breakfast – turkey with buckwheat porridge.
  2. Dinner – a piece of fish with stewed cabbage.


  1. Breakfast - a piece of beef with fresh carrots.
  2. Dinner – egg with baked pumpkin.


  1. Breakfast – chicken with stewed cabbage.
  2. Dinner – yogurt or cottage cheese.


  1. Breakfast - scalded liver with stewed zucchini.
  2. Dinner – baked beets with buckwheat.


  1. Breakfast – Boiled turkey with carrots.
  2. Dinner – Oatmeal with apple.

Education and training

Socialization of the Water Spaniel should begin immediately after it arrives in its new home. Since the Irishman is highly intelligent, there will be no problems in learning his name and simple orders. The animal quickly understands and remembers commands, especially if learning is accompanied by encouragement and praise.

To develop the dog's hunting abilities, special games should be used. They will set the dog up to search for the beast. Here it is important to accustom your pet to self-control and calm behavior, which will come in handy when observing prey. Natural intelligence allows you to quickly achieve good results from the eared hunter.

However, there are several rules that the owner of an Irish Water Spaniel must remember during training:

  • Frequent repetition of the same command should be avoided;
  • monotonous training tires the dog and gives little results;
  • training in the form of a game can begin from the age of 2 months;
  • affection and encouragement will help you achieve the desired results much faster.

Like other living beings, spaniels should not be treated with rudeness or violence. Pets are very emotional and intellectually developed, so they can not only get upset, but also be offended. And if the punishments are repeated, then the relationship between the dog and the person will deteriorate forever.

How to train correctly? What needs to be taught?

Raising an Irishman should begin from the first days of his arrival in your home. And it begins with memorizing a nickname and reacting to it.

This is followed by accustoming to the place, the diet, and the rules of behavior in the family..

If the dog is planned to be used for hunting, then it should be configured to search for prey. This is done with the help of games.

How many rules exist for training dogs of this breed?:

  1. Irish Water Spaniels do not like frequent repetitions of commands; they quickly get bored with them and stop obeying. Therefore, try to diversify your activities and finish them as soon as your pet gets tired of them.
  2. The earlier you start, the greater results you will achieve. You can start training from the age of one month.
  3. For correct execution of commands, the dog must be rewarded with treats.
  4. Under no circumstances should you use harshness or physical force on your dog. Also, you should not yell at the dog or react too emotionally to its antics.
  5. The future hunter is taught to be patient; for this purpose, a bowl of food is placed in front of him, but he is not allowed to eat without a command.

Irish Water Spaniel Health and Diseases

Possible diseases

The life expectancy of the Irish giant is 12-14 years. This is rare for dogs of such a large size, and it means that the animal has a fairly strong immunity to many diseases. However, there are a number of genetic diseases to which they are susceptible:

  • hypothyroidism;
  • bone cancer;
  • cataract;
  • epilepsy;
  • hip dysplasia;
  • paronychia (inflammation of the skin around the claw);
  • entropion, that is, the inversion of the eyelid.

In many ways, the good physical and psychological health of an animal depends on care and its quality of life. A balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals, regular check-ups with a veterinarian and routine vaccinations will allow your spaniel to live a long and happy life.

Reproductive health and breeding

The optimal time for mating a female Irish Water Spaniel is considered to be from 2 years of age. The fact is that the first estrus in bitches occurs at 8-9 months, but only by the age of two the internal organs of expectant mothers are already fully formed and ready to reproduce healthy offspring.

Mating is best done 10-12 days after the start of estrus. Pregnancy lasts on average 56-72 days. Usually there are from 3 to 9 newborns in a litter.

Features of feeding and diet

Despite the fact that the Irishman perfectly accepts both natural and industrial diets, veterinarians and breeders give preference to the first type of nutrition. This is explained not only by the fact that fairly large individuals are able to eat more than a standard portion at a time. A natural, properly balanced diet has a good effect on the health of your four-legged friend and his coat.

However, industrially produced dry food can also be introduced into the Irish diet. This is possible if the owner does not have time to prepare food. When purchasing dry food, you should give preference only to super-premium or holistic-class products.

With a natural menu, the basis of the diet should be protein in the form of meat products and offal. In addition, the spaniel can be given:

  • cereals (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal);
  • sea ​​fish (no more than once every 2 weeks);
  • vegetables (boiled or raw, chopped).

Adding vegetable oil or fish oil will have a good effect on the appearance of the animal's coat.

But sweets, salty or smoked foods, citrus fruits, baked goods and river fish contribute to the deterioration of the pet’s health, and, accordingly, the quality of its unusual hair.

Nutritional features - what is best to feed?

Most breeders recommend feeding Irish Water Spaniels natural food, but dry food is also acceptable.

If you prefer to feed your dog dry food, you need to choose a product that is at least premium, designed for dogs prone to allergies..

You should also choose food taking into account the age, gender, health and activity of the dog.

If you find a suitable food, then you should stick with it, since frequent changes of food can have a bad effect on your pet’s health.

As for natural products, the Irish diet must include::

  • Boneless meat (beef, veal, lamb) 300-400 grams per day.
  • Poultry (chicken, turkey).
  • By-products (liver, heart, lung).
  • Fermented milk products (yogurt, kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese).
  • Vegetables (stewed or raw).
  • Fruits (apple, melon, watermelon, raspberries, strawberries, etc.).
  • Boiled eggs (1-2 times a week).
  • Boiled sea fish without bones.
  • Porridge (oatmeal, buckwheat, rice).

It is also worth saying that an adult dog is fed 2 times a day without snacks or treats from the owner’s table.

Care and maintenance

Hygiene and grooming

Like all breeds, the Irishman requires regular grooming. The dog's eyes and ears must be examined at least once a week. The resulting contaminants are removed with a cotton pad soaked in boiled water or a special solution that can be purchased at a pet pharmacy.

Your pet's nails also need regular trimming. This does not need to be done very often: once a month is enough. In some individuals, the claws wear down on their own during active walks.

Your pet's luxurious hair requires the most care. The owner will need to exert enough force to ensure that the animal’s coat remains in normal condition.

The main part of care will be combing your hair. This should be done at least 2 times a week using a comb or brush. It is necessary to untangle the curls, which often roll into one tangle. To maintain an aesthetic appearance, it is necessary to trim your spaniel. It is better to carry out the procedure in a salon.

The dog should be bathed as the coat gets dirty, but at least once a quarter. For washing, it is recommended to use special shampoos and conditioners that prevent hair from tangling. You can buy them at pet stores.

Walking and activity

Representatives of the Irish breed are not recommended to be kept in a city apartment. Active individuals need to splash out their energy, so a large country house would be an ideal place for them. A large animal will feel comfortable in spacious areas where it will have the opportunity to run and play.

During walking, you should monitor the behavior of the spaniel. A dog that is too active outdoors must be kept on a leash. If the walk is in a field or forest, then the Irishman can be allowed to run around to his heart's content.

The optimal time for active promenades in the fresh air is 2-2.5 hours. During this period, the animal must have time to throw out the energy accumulated during the day. The pet will be happy to jog after the owner’s bicycle or bring an abandoned stick to a loved one.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of the breed:

  • Excellent security and guard qualities.
  • High intelligence, the dog is easy to train.
  • Good nature. The dog is calm with children and pets.
  • Remarkable qualities of a hunter.
  • Love for water procedures. The dog tolerates bathing well and is always happy to swim in a nearby body of water.


  • Difficult coat care.
  • The dog requires a lot of attention and long walks, as well as physical activity.
  • Tendency to bone cancer.
  • Excessive activity. The dog is not suitable for living in an apartment.
  • Tendency to allergic reactions.
  • Stubbornness.

Tips for choosing a puppy

Irish Water Spaniel puppies should only be purchased from trusted kennels. There are very few of them in Russia, but there are still some that offer purebred babies of this breed.

It is best to take puppies at least 2 months old. The baby should be active, inquisitive and have a good appetite. You should check with the breeder about the water spaniel’s diet, check for vaccinations and pedigree.

It is also worth getting to know the puppy's parents. This will help form an idea of ​​what the baby will be like in the future.

How to choose?

Before choosing a puppy , you need to decide what you need the dog for, how much you are willing to pay for it, and whether the conditions allow you to have an Irish water spaniel .

It is also worth thinking about whether you can pay enough attention to the dog and provide him with everything he needs.


Before making a purchase, you need to carefully examine the baby to make sure that he is healthy and meets the breed standards.

It is also worth paying attention to the conditions in which the animals are kept in the kennel, as well as to the standing of the puppy’s parents.

To understand what gender to buy a dog, you should ask yourself: what is the purpose of the purchase?

If you need a companion, then it is better to choose a female, as they are more flexible and obedient . If the goal is exhibitions, then the best option is a male, because males look more impressive and more often take prizes.

If you plan to go hunting with your dog, then animals of both sexes are suitable for you, since both of them cope well with this task.

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