What does a Clumber Spaniel look like: description of the appearance and character of pets + reviews from owners

Spaniels are a large group of breeds that include dogs of completely different types.

It includes Cocker Spaniels, English and Welsh Springers, King Charles Spaniels, Tibetan Spaniels, Japanese Chins, Continental Toy Spaniels and others, including Clumber Spaniels.

Clumber spaniels are English dogs with French roots.

Representatives of this breed differ from other spaniels in appearance, but have the same high levels of working qualities.

Clumbers have a calm disposition and a balanced psyche; they are quite easy to care for, but before purchasing, you should take into account some of the breed’s shortcomings.

Origin story and what it looks like in the photo

Despite the fact that the UK is considered the official homeland of Clumber Spaniels, it is still an Anglo-French breed..

The first person to engage in the selection and breeding of these dogs was the French Duke de Noailles, who crossed Basset Hounds and Alpine Spaniels, which have not survived to this day, which were considered the closest relatives of St. Bernards.

In 1768, before the start of the French Revolution, de Noal managed to send all his dogs to England, Nottinghamshire, or rather to the Clumber Park estate, which belonged to the Duke of Newcastle, where his huntsman W. Munsell continued work on breeding Clumber spaniels.

Representatives of this breed conquered British aristocrats and took a place at court, becoming pets of crowned heads..

Thus, Prince Albert, Queen Victoria's husband, was a big fan of these dogs. His love for Clumber spaniels was inherited by his son, the future King Edward VII.

In 1860, these dogs were first presented at an exhibition, and in 1884 they took pride of place in the top ten breeds recognized by the American Kennel Club.

The official standard of the International Canine Association No. 109 for Clumber Spaniels was published in 1954..

Interesting Facts

Over the years of the breed’s existence, a lot of interesting things have accumulated:

  • The Clumbers were favorites of crowned heads, including Prince Albert and his son Edward VII. The breed was revived in the 20s of the 20th century by the English King George V.
  • Clumber Spaniels serve as guide dogs for blind and deaf people. They can be trained to read lips, and then they will become indispensable companions for the mute.
  • Clumbers are a small breed. An average of 200 puppies are born in the United States each year.
  • Clumbers are very silent and even when hunting they rarely speak. To determine the location of a spaniel, owners have long hung special bells on the dog.
  • Clumber puppies are born pure white. Lemon or light orange markings appear on their body by 3 months.

Description of the breed

Clumbers are the most massive spaniels among all existing varieties of these dogs; strength and power can be read in their appearance..

Representatives of this breed have a coarse, massive but well-balanced frame, well-developed muscles, strong limbs and a fairly large head.

These are not very fast, but hardy dogs; they have the patience and perseverance necessary for tracking down game.


  • skull wide on top;
  • the occipital protuberance is clearly expressed, the stop is deep;
  • muzzle is square, of moderate length;
  • scissor bite;
  • the eyes may be slightly covered with eyelids, the iris is olive or amber in color;
  • the ears are large, shaped like a grape leaf, hanging forward;
  • the neck is thick, of moderate length;
  • the back is wide, straight, long;
  • the lower back is muscular;
  • the chest is deep, the sides are drooping;
  • The tail is set low and may be docked or natural length.

The coat is thick, smooth and silky, with long decorating hair on the chest and limbs.

Character traits

The calm and even slightly sleepy appearance of Clumber Spaniels fully reflects their temperament - these dogs are completely uncharacteristic of the fussiness and restlessness of small spaniels.

At the same time, they also lack the melancholy mood of St. Bernards, successfully combining calmness and a lively, cheerful disposition. Representatives of this breed are intelligent, courageous, have unshakable determination and self-esteem.

Clumber Spaniels behave affectionately and friendly with their owner and all family members, but with strangers they are reserved and distant.

These dogs are not prone to aggressive behavior, but have a strong territorial instinct, so if someone tries to trespass on their property or risks threatening their owner, Clumber Spaniels will show incredible courage and protect their home and family.

Representatives of this breed are intelligent and show perseverance and diligence when training and raising them.

They are not very quick to remember and follow commands, but their desire to please their owner more than compensates for this.

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

Clumber spaniels are responsible dogs that you can always rely on. Even during the hunt, they try to keep an eye on the owner and keep him in sight - it is important for representatives of this breed to contact him, no matter what the external factors. At the same time, they themselves do not need much control. It’s a pleasure to communicate with these dogs, they are obedient and you can see with the naked eye how hard they try to please their owner. Clumbers do not cause problems or trouble - they are calm and balanced, not prone to running away or fighting.


Training is based on a trusting, gentle “man-dog” relationship. This dog is smart and loves to spend time with its owner, so it’s easy to teach him new and interesting things.

Clumbers are fetch lovers and happily learn to fetch a ball on command or carry bags from the store. They are naturally excellent swimmers and are not afraid of water, so teaching a Clumber to enter the water is not difficult.

Advantages and disadvantages

When thinking about purchasing a Clumber Spaniel, you should familiarize yourself with all the advantages and disadvantages of representatives of this breed in order to make a balanced and thoughtful decision.


  • friendly disposition;
  • balanced psyche;
  • lack of aggression;
  • ability to get along with children;
  • occasional barking;
  • mind;
  • devotion;
  • sociability without turning into intrusiveness.


  • tendency to overeating and obesity;
  • lack of guard instinct;
  • increased salivation.

Many consider the disadvantages of this breed to be their need for daily grooming and their tendency to snore while sleeping.

In spring and autumn, these dogs shed quite heavily..

Cavalier King Charles

The name itself suggests that the breed is truly royal. These small dogs were favorites at the English court. The dogs' closest relatives and direct ancestors are the King Charles Spaniels (named after the first breeder, Charles the Second), which were bred in Great Britain for hunting work. Their muzzle was elongated, and their size was not suitable for palace chambers. Therefore, breeders mixed the blood of Japanese Chins and Tibetan Spaniels to create small puppies with a round, flat face.

An absolutely calm pet, not aggressive even towards small animals. Suitable for apartment living, gets along well with cats and children. Cavaliers are characterized by real royal poise and poise. They love to be in the spotlight and cope with any competitions and exhibitions. Dogs without a pedigree cost 45-50 thousand, and high-quality puppies cost 60-80 thousand rubles.

Is he good with children and does he get along with other pets?

Clumber Spaniels are not prone to starting conflicts, fighting or other ways to demonstrate their superiority..

These dogs do not seek to prove anything to either people or other animals, which is why they find a common language with everyone and get along with other pets without problems.


Representatives of this breed also get along well with children - they patiently and steadfastly endure all the pranks of children and listen well to teenagers.

American Water Spaniel

The breed is not very widespread in the world, but is popular in its homeland - the USA. Small curly dogs of brown color, reaching 38-46 cm at the withers. There is a version that the animals originated from the Irish Water Spaniel (confirmed by the similarity of appearance) or from the Curly-Coated Retriever. One way or another, this symbol of the state of Wisconsin does an excellent job of hunting hare and waterfowl.

This is an intelligent, perceptive pet with good instincts that is easy to train. Animals quickly become attached to their owner and protect his family and home. Spaniels are good swimmers, fast and agile. The average price for puppies is 55-65 thousand rubles.

How to properly care

It is not difficult to care for these dogs, the main thing is to accustom them to all hygiene procedures from early childhood.

Wool and bathing

The coat should be combed with a massage brush and a furminator every 3-5 days, and during shedding - daily.

You should bathe your dog as needed, on average 1-2 times a month, using shampoo and conditioner for soft coats.


Clean the wax, dust and dirt that have accumulated in them weekly by wiping the inside of the ear with a cotton pad soaked in peroxide or a special lotion.


Wipe daily with a soft cloth or lint-free cloth soaked in chamomile infusion or warm boiled water.


Brush several times a week with a special toothbrush and toothpaste for dogs - this serves to prevent the formation of plaque and tartar.


In individuals who walk a lot often, they wear off on their own . If this does not happen, they need to be trimmed monthly with a guillotine nail clipper.

Too long claws interfere with the correct placement of the paws.

Life expectancy, health and major diseases

On average, Clumber Spaniels live 12-14 years.

Representatives of this breed have good health, but there are a number of pathologies that are hereditary or due to anatomical features:

  • hypothyroidism;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • otitis and other ear infections;
  • inversion and eversion of the eyelids;
  • progressive retinal atrophy;
  • cardiomyopathy;
  • dysplasia of the hip and elbow joints;
  • disease of the intervertebral discs of the cervical and thoracic region;
  • hemolytic anemia;
  • eosinophilic panostitis;
  • dry eye syndrome;
  • allergic reactions;
  • arthritis.

Some individuals may experience kidney or liver failure. Such puppies are born swollen and, most often, dead.

Nutritional Features

The diet of Clumber Spaniels can be based on industrial feed or natural products . Both types of food have advantages and disadvantages and the choice depends only on the owner.

Representatives of this breed are not active and are prone to overeating, which often leads to excess weight. To avoid this, it is necessary to strictly control the amount of food your dog consumes and monitor its calorie content.

If we are talking about natural nutrition, then the pet must be given:

  • lean meat;
  • offal;
  • porridge;
  • fruits vegetables;
  • chicken or quail eggs;
  • low-fat fermented milk products.

It is forbidden to feed these dogs:

  • fatty meat;
  • legumes;
  • potatoes;
  • bones;
  • river fish;
  • sweets;
  • bakery and pasta products;
  • sausages, smoked meats, pickles, marinades;
  • fried foods.

In the case of feeding industrial feed, you should purchase only high-quality products of at least premium class, which do not contain chemical additives and contain all the necessary vitamins and minerals.


The most popular foods for this breed are Go, Probalance, Savarra, Royal Canin, Hills, Pro Plan, Acana.

Caring for puppies

When purchasing a small Clumber Spaniel, you should ask the breeder about its diet. During the first days, the puppy should be fed what he ate before. A sudden change in menu can lead to indigestion.

New products are introduced into the Clumber's diet gradually, making sure that they do not cause allergies. Three-month-old puppies eat milk and meat porridge. At 4 months, their menu includes offal and fish.

Important! During the period of teeth change, puppies must be given marrow bones and calcium supplements.

The frequency of feeding a Clumber Spaniel depends on the age of the dog:

  • 6-8 weeks – 6 times a day;
  • 2-3 months – 5 times a day;
  • 4-6 months – 4 times a day;
  • 7-11 months – 3 times a day.

A one-year-old Clumber is transferred to two feedings a day.

How to choose? Boy or girl?

You can buy Clumber Spaniel puppies only in specialized nurseries.

This is a rare breed of dog; only those individuals that have received high marks at exhibitions and diplomas in working tests can be allowed for breeding, which serves as a guarantee of their talent and maximum preservation of the necessary traits and qualities.

In addition, only professional breeders, who often conduct tests on their pets for genetic pathologies and x-rays that confirm the absence of dysplasia, can guarantee not only the purebred, but also the health of the puppies.

Before purchasing, you need to make sure that your future pet is healthy - it should have a smooth, shiny coat, clear eyes without streaks or redness, and clean skin without rashes.

Already at 2 months they stand confidently on their paws and move well, there should be no lameness or uncertainty in their movements.

There are no significant differences in the personalities of boys and girls, so you should choose the gender of the puppy based on the purpose of the purchase. So, for breeding you need to buy a female, and for participation in exhibitions - a male.


There are about 10 varieties of spaniels, and the Clumber is one of them. In addition to him, this group included:

  • Field. Large dogs are brown. Their peculiarity is hanging long ears with wavy hair.

  • English Springer. The best hunter in the group. A small but bright dog with strong legs. The coat is long, slightly curly.

  • American cocker. The most striking representative, who is often shown at exhibitions. The Cocker's coat is delicate and very long, so it is cut and smoothed.

  • English cocker. Loving, inquisitive and nimble dog. An excellent comrade and hunter.

  • Irish merman. The animal's fur resembles a large fur coat that protects from the cold. The dog is an excellent swimmer, easily catching fish even from deep water.

  • Sussex. An ideal dog for pair hunting. It can track prey in the thickets and notify its owner about it with a loud bark.

  • English toy. Very similar to a reduced Clumber. A small but very nimble animal with white and brown fur.

  • Welsh Springer. The friendliest spaniel, trusting his owner infinitely.

  • Tibetan. It has a flattened muzzle and a long bushy tail. The dog's weight is up to 6 kg.

  • Russian hunter. The dog is notable for the fact that in addition to hunting, it also performs guard duty.

Price range

Clumber spaniels, despite their popularity, are quite rare dogs. Even in England their population is small, but in Russia it is even more difficult to acquire a purebred, purebred puppy.

The small number of individuals determines their rather high cost: depending on gender, age, class and other factors, prices for representatives of this breed vary on average from 25 to 70 thousand rubles..


Adult height: males: 46-51 cm, females: 43-48 cm. Weight: males: 32-39 kg, females: 25-32 kg. Characteristic color: white with yellow or orange spots. Coat length: medium. Life expectancy: 10-12 years. Advantages of the breed: Clumber Spaniels are smart, have good intelligence, are loyal to their owner, are courageous, and can be trained well. Difficulties of the breed: difficult to find a breeder due to the great rarity of the breed, can be obese, requires short daily exercise, regular walks, constant care. Average price: $700-1800. Classification: medium-sized breed, classified as hunting dogs, nowadays more used as a guard dog.

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