How often do you worm your dog? Puppy deworming schedule after birth

Why worm your dog?

Worms are parasites that live in the internal organs of an animal, most often in the intestines. Individuals emit dangerous and toxic substances that negatively affect the dog’s condition. If there are a large number of helminths in the intestine, it cannot be ruled out that it will become blocked and then rupture, which poses a danger to the life of the animal.

The frequency of treating your dog for worms should be checked with your doctor.

Why treat a dog for parasites, many owners are interested. The procedure is carried out in several cases:

  • Before various vaccinations. If there are worms, the immune system is weakened, and as a result, the dog may become infected with the disease against which the vaccination is being carried out.
  • Before sterilization. Veterinarians recommend unscheduled deworming to avoid negative consequences.
  • For preventive purposes. Such treatment is carried out several times a year to prevent the development of parasites in the animal’s body.

Note! Deworming is necessary up to several times a year so that the animal’s health is not endangered.

Unusual parasite remedies for dogs

The suspension is a thick fraction that is more convenient to apply and dose, especially for small breeds of dogs and puppies. It acts faster and more extensively, covers a larger area in the gastrointestinal tract and acts faster on helminths.

Important! Before use, shake the bottle vigorously so that the suspension becomes homogeneous.

  • Prokoks (Bayer)

20 ml bottle, used for preventive deworming and treatment against coccidiosis and nematodes. With caution and only after the approval of a veterinarian for collies, shelties, and bobtails. Do not use for pathologies of the liver and kidneys. Allowed for puppies from 2-3 weeks of age.

  • Kaniverm (Bioveta sro)

The release form is a paste, used against round and tapeworms in dogs. Low toxicity, so it is acceptable to use by pregnant females and puppies. It cannot be combined with other anthelmintics, used for sick and weakened animals, and when used, do not mix with dairy products. The drug paralyzes helminths in the intestines and removes them out.

  • Poliverkan (France)

Available in the form of pressed sugar cubes, it is effective against roundworms and tapeworms. It has a pleasant taste, so it is readily eaten by dogs. Do not use for pregnant women and children, do not combine with other drugs.

Symptoms indicating the need to worm your dog

How long before vaccination should a dog be wormed?

You can find out that a dog is infected with parasites by paying attention to its behavior. There are several common symptoms that an animal has parasites in its body:

  • problem with stool (constipation gives way to diarrhea);
  • increased appetite (with low weight) or lack of desire to eat;
  • presence of hiccups;
  • periodic vomiting after eating;
  • difficulty swallowing;
  • periodically on the butt;
  • skin diseases;
  • poor general condition.

In case of serious infection, particles of worms may be found in the feces. Small puppies typically have a swollen abdomen, but the ribs are quite visible. If left untreated, worms can be expelled from the animal by vomiting. If you notice such signs, it is recommended to visit a specialist so that he can select the appropriate medications.

Parasites from an adult dog can be transmitted to puppies and people

First deworming

It is important for any owner to know at what age puppies are wormed. Even newborn babies can have worms, which they acquire from their mother through the placenta or milk. Therefore, the first treatment is carried out quite early - 3-4 weeks after birth. Previously, it is impossible to worm puppies; their bodies are still very weak and may react negatively to the medicine.

The second procedure is carried out for one-month-old babies after 10 days, this will help remove the decay products of parasites from the body.

Attention! It is necessary to use drugs marked “for puppies”.

Signs of helminthiasis

It is not difficult to determine that an animal is infected with parasites. There are characteristic clinical signs of the presence of helminths in a dog’s body.

Symptoms of helminthic infestation:

  • significant weight loss with good appetite;

  • pallor of the mucous membranes;

  • decreased activity;
  • unkempt fur - dull, disheveled;
  • heavy shedding;
  • constipation alternates with diarrhea;
  • vomiting for no reason;
  • skin rashes;
  • bloated stomach;
  • mucus and blood appear in the animal's feces.

Your pet may scratch its anus while rolling on the floor.

How often should a puppy be wormed?

The first time puppies are wormed is between 3 and 4 weeks of age. It is necessary to carry out the procedure before the first vaccination. If the baby was from home breeding, then only a single administration of the drug may be required.

How often can you wash your dog and puppy with shampoo?

If the baby is street, then before deworming the puppy, you need to consult a specialist. Before vaccination, you may need to repeat several procedures to clear parasites.

Note! A puppy’s body is more susceptible to various diseases and infections, so veterinarians recommend giving the baby medications once every three months until the dog reaches one year of age.

The veterinarian will recommend a suitable drug

Method number 4

If you need to give liquid medicine and the dog is calm and obedient, then you can slightly raise its head and pour the suspension from a spoon or syringe into the cheek space. The head is kept slightly tilted back for some time so that the medicine does not leak out.

If you need to give a suspension to a disobedient and energetic pet, you cannot do without an assistant. One person carefully fixes the pet's face and opens the jaws. Then, pulling back the cheek, inserts the index and middle finger into the mouth. As a result, a funnel-shaped hole is formed, into which a second person pours a sip (no more) of the medicine from a syringe, lifting the animal’s head up. The procedure is repeated until the entire suspension is gone. Between swallows, the dog's mouth is closed and the neck is stroked from top to bottom to facilitate swallowing.

There is another, easier way to administer liquid medicine, which does not require opening the animal’s mouth. The suspension is drawn into the syringe, after removing the needle from it. The volume of the syringe depends on the amount of medicine. Gently part the pet's lips from the side and slowly introduce liquid into the interdental space. If you press sharply on the syringe plunger, the mixture may fall not into the pharynx, but into the larynx. You also need to make sure that the nose of the syringe does not rest against the palate, gum or tongue. After administering the medicine, you need to hold the dog in the same position for a while so that it swallows the medicine.

Our pets are very different, and often we have to try many methods before finding a compromise. Nowadays, you can easily choose a dosage form that is convenient for you and your dog. This is especially true for anthelmintic drugs, which have to be given regularly. These drugs include the following:

  • Dironet tablets
    . This is a complex anthelmintic drug, the active ingredients of which are pyrantel pamoate, praziquantel and ivermectin. The advantages of Dironet tablets include a convenient dosage (suitable for animals with different body weights) and the presence of an aromatic flavoring additive;
  • suspension "Dironet"
    . A drug with a wide spectrum of anthelmintic action. Active ingredients: pyrantel pamoate, praziquantel and ivermectin. The drug also contains a flavorful additive (salmon flavor for cats, fresh meat flavor for dogs);
  • suspension "Febtal-combo"
    . This drug can be used for the treatment and prevention of nematodes and cestodes. Active ingredients: praziquantel and albendazole. The kit includes a dosing syringe.

When giving your pet medicine, you must show affection and patience, avoiding threatening intonations, irritability and nervousness, so as not to frighten or anger him. After taking the medication, be sure to pet and praise the dog.

How often should a dog be wormed?

Anthelmintic drugs are also toxic, so giving them to adult dogs on a regular basis is not recommended. If there are no scheduled vaccinations, the dog feels well, and there are no signs of infection, then you can give medications to your pet once every six months for prevention. It is also recommended to use hepaprotectors and sorbents during the procedure, which will reduce the negative effects of anthelmintic drugs.

How to wash your dog correctly at home

If an animal spends a lot of time outside, its risk of becoming infected with worms increases significantly. Such pets are given prophylaxis up to 4 times a year.

Note! Pregnant and lactating bitches are not dewormed to avoid negative effects on puppies.

In what cases is unscheduled deworming necessary?

In some cases, treatment for worms is carried out unscheduled. These include the following:

  • a couple of weeks before each vaccination;
  • before mating;
  • after contact with infected animals;
  • if symptoms occur, but in this case it is important to consult a specialist.

The rest of the time, it is recommended to worm the dog according to the prescribed schedule.

It is easier to give the medicine in the form of a suspension to puppies.

First procedure for puppies

The puppy is wormed for the first time no earlier than three weeks of age . In this case, the baby’s weight must exceed 0.5 kg.

Choice of drug

For a safe procedure, special preparations for puppies are chosen.
The packaging must be marked accordingly. Medicines Elanco and Milbemax meet these requirements. When choosing a product, they are guided by reviews about it, ease of use, and price. Effective and safe anti-worm medications for puppies: Helmimax, Prazicide, etc.

It is important to strictly follow the instructions and correctly calculate the dosage in accordance with the weight of the pet.

Please note that all drugs work according to different schemes and repeated use may be required. If all requirements are met, the deworming procedure is effective.


After the first procedure, the puppy is wormed again after 2 weeks. Then deworming is carried out a week before the first vaccination; each time the baby must be given anthelmintic drugs before vaccination.

Why deworming should be carried out under the supervision of a veterinarian

Before deworming your dog, it is best to visit a veterinarian. At the clinic, the doctor will take all the necessary tests from the pet and conduct an examination. Based on the examination results, the doctor will suggest the most suitable drug and accurately calculate the appropriate dosage and frequency of administration.

All anti-worm medications are calculated based on the dog’s weight. For example, for pets of small breeds - Yorkshire terriers, French bulldogs, Spitz dogs, Chihuahuas and others, the dose of medication will be much less than for large dogs - retrievers, Labradors, German shepherds, huskies. In addition, it is possible that there are differences in the medications themselves for Yorkies and, for example, Rottweilers. When calculating the dosage, the dog must be weighed.

Unfortunately, this is quite difficult to do at home, and the approximately calculated dose poses a danger to the animal’s body. Therefore, it is recommended to visit a specialist and follow all his instructions.

Is it necessary to remove worms before vaccination?

Deworming is a set of procedures aimed at preventing infection with worms (helminths, nematodes) or removing them from the body.

An animal can be treated for worms at a veterinary clinic. But usually it is done independently at home.

To understand whether it is necessary to worm a dog, you need to understand the principle of vaccination. Vaccinations protect the body from deadly infectious diseases: rabies, canine distemper, parainfluenza, adenovirus, etc.

The protection mechanism is achieved by developing one’s own immunity. To do this, dead or weakened virus strains are introduced into the body. It is as if the body “gets acquainted” with them and produces antibodies, which, upon re-infection, immediately eliminate the enemy agents.

But while immunity is being developed, the dog’s body weakens. Therefore, before vaccination, she must be completely healthy and treated for parasites.

If you vaccinate a pet infected with helminths, the following consequences are possible.

  • Allergic reactions.
    They are caused by parasites; normally the symptoms are mild, but with the introduction of serum they intensify significantly.
  • The immunity will develop weakly or not at all
    - nematodes disrupt the formation of specific defense mechanisms, so vaccinating dogs affected by worms is useless.
  • Infection.
    Since the animal’s body is already weakened by helminths and the toxins that they secrete during life, the body may not suppress the introduced virus and the opposite situation will arise: the vaccination will not develop immunity, but, on the contrary, will lead to the development of dangerous infectious diseases.

Some owners believe that there is no need to worm their dog - they are sure that their pet is not infected with worms. But this is a disastrous position: nematodes are not always detected even when examining stool; eggs or larvae can easily be missed. And discovering them on your own is completely unrealistic.

Therefore, it is better not to risk it and deworm the animal. After all, how much a couple of deworming tablets will cost cannot be compared with the likely long-term treatment or death of the dog.

Contraindications for worming

Contacting a veterinarian is also important because in some cases worming is prohibited. Such situations include the following:

  • sick, weak and exhausted animals;
  • postoperative period;
  • puppy age up to 2 weeks;
  • the presence of external parasites - fleas, ticks, lice.

In some cases, the procedure must be carried out with caution:

  • presence of chronic diseases;
  • tendency to allergic reactions.

It is recommended to take into account such contraindications and report them to the veterinarian during the examination and selection of products.

Not every dog ​​can be forced to take a pill.

Basic recommendations for taking pills

Before choosing a method for safely administering the drug, you must carefully read the instructions for the tablets. There are medications that must be taken before meals for proper absorption. The dog can take some tablets with food. Drugs with components that affect the mucous membranes of the digestive organs can only be administered on a full stomach to avoid negative consequences.

When choosing a method of taking tablets, you need to take into account the individual characteristics of your pet. There are dogs that can swallow the drug during play or training; some animals need to be given the medicine with their favorite food or treat. It may be necessary to administer the drug using force and fixation. It is important to find an option that reduces your dog's risk of stress.

What medications are there for worms?

There are many drugs available to deworm a dog. These can be means of complex action or of a specific focus, helping to cope with one type of worms. The doctor selects the medicine based on the dog’s characteristics.

Anthelminthic medications are available in different forms:

  • pills;
  • suspensions;
  • drops on the tongue or on the withers;
  • injections.

In most cases, veterinarians recommend the use of tablets. Suspensions are perfect for puppies. Drops on the withers are easy to use; you don’t need to think about how to give your dog medicine.

Injections against worms are given only by veterinarians if the infection is quite serious and the use of other means will give insignificant results.

Injections are used in especially severe cases

The most popular anti-worm medications are:

  • "Azipirin." Release form: tablets. Helps cope with flat and round parasites. The advantage is low toxicity for the animal, so in some cases it can be given to pregnant females. For puppies, use is allowed from 4 weeks.
  • "Dehinel Plus". The drug helps get rid of round and tape parasites. The medicine can be used only for dogs of large and medium breeds, for pregnant animals from the second half of gestation only with the permission of a doctor. For puppies, such a remedy is allowed only from 7 weeks under the supervision of a veterinarian.
  • "Prazitel." However, of the most famous remedies, it has a broad effect against many types of parasites. Suitable for dogs of any size. Produced in the form of tablets and suspensions for puppies. Do not use for pregnant, malnourished animals, as well as puppies under 2 weeks of age.
  • Drontal Plus. It does not require special preparation for use; it is allowed to use the medication as a prophylactic agent. Not suitable for small breed puppies or pregnant dogs.
  • "Gelmimax". The medicine is available in three dosages depending on the weight and size of the breed. Veterinarians allow the use of the drug for pregnant animals, but no later than 3 weeks before giving birth. It has a pleasant smell, so feeding it to your dog is quite simple.

The drugs differ, so it is not recommended to choose on your own

Kanikvantel, Milbemax, Pirantel and other products are also used for worming. Some people use traditional methods as anthelmintics. However, it is important to know that such methods, at best, will not give the desired effect, and at worst, they will be dangerous for the animal.

Attention! The use of "Dekaris" is possible only after consulting a doctor and determining the permissible dosage.

Dewormer for dogs

Deworming is one of the basic, regular procedures that all dog owners should remember. With its help, internal parasites are removed from your pet, which are not only dangerous to his health, but can also cause death. There are a lot of anti-worm medications for dogs, but it is not advisable for the owner to choose them independently. Each product has a number of specific characteristics and requires careful dosage, so they should be prescribed by a veterinarian after examining the pet.

Condition after cleaning: normal and deviations

After deworming, it is important to monitor the dog’s condition in order to notice possible deviations in time. Taking the medicine leads to the death of parasites that release toxic substances into the animal’s body; tablets are also not very useful. Suspicious signs after the procedure include the following:

  • problems with coordination and gait;
  • convulsive manifestations;
  • dilated pupils;
  • increased salivation;
  • vomiting, severe diarrhea;
  • pale or bluish mucous membranes;
  • lack of appetite, refusal of water;
  • inability to go to the toilet.

If such symptoms occur, it is necessary to provoke vomiting in the dog, and then give the dog an adsorbent to drink. If your pet's condition does not improve, you should immediately consult a doctor.

What happens if you neglect worming?

If preventive treatment is not carried out, the parasites will constantly multiply and release toxic substances into the animal’s body. The waste products of worms provoke inflammatory processes in the internal organs and systems of the pet. The dog becomes more susceptible to various infections and diseases, and the immune system weakens.

You can put the medicine in treats and give it to your dog.

Attention! Worms are transmitted from dogs to humans, so not only the pet is at risk, but also the people around it.

What is deworming

Deworming of dogs is a measure aimed at destroying existing parasites or preventing their appearance. To become infected with worms, it is not necessary to come into direct contact with an infected animal. The eggs are transmitted through insect bites, are released along with the feces of a sick dog, fall on the soil and are carried by human shoes. Even those pets who practically never leave the house are at risk of infection.

Deworming is carried out in the form of feeding the animal a tablet or liquid containing substances harmful to parasites. In some cases, it is possible to use drops and pastes.

Useful tips and rules

Deworming can be carried out only after consultation with a specialist. Self-administration of various medications can cause negative consequences.

The drug should be given 3 hours before or 2 hours after feeding. If your dog doesn't want to take the tablets, you can try mixing them with a small amount of a treat or food.

You cannot buy unknown medicines that do not inspire confidence. It is important to always follow your doctor's recommendations to avoid causing more serious harm to your animal. Before deworming your dog, you need to check the expiration date and make sure the dosage is correct.

Method number 2

They call the pet to you, stroking it and talking affectionately to it, and sit down on the side, as if hugging it. Then carefully open the mouth and place the pill on the root of the tongue (if you put the pill on the tongue, the dog will spit it out), holding it with the thumb and forefinger (the other fingers are clenched into a fist). In order for the pet to swallow the medicine, lightly stroke its throat - this way the swallowing reflex is induced. In some cases, the tablet sticks to the tongue. To push it through, a syringe without a needle is filled with water in advance and carefully poured into the mouth. You can also grease the tablet with butter and freeze it slightly. Then the medicine becomes slippery and easy to swallow.

You can, after fixing the dog, do things a little differently. In this case, they press on the animal’s cheeks in the place where the jaws connect. The dog will open its mouth slightly, after which its cheeks are clamped between its teeth, which will not allow it to close its mouth and bite its owner’s hand. With the other hand, they put a pill in the throat and stroke the neck.

Prevention of worms in dogs

To avoid serious infections with worms, it is recommended to monitor the animal and prevent the dog from picking up objects from the ground. It is better to limit contact with street dogs, because most of them are carriers of parasites.

You should not leave food in a bowl for flies to land on it, which also carry the eggs and larvae of worms. Your pet's water should always be clean, preferably filtered.

The dog deworming procedure is carried out under the strict supervision of a veterinarian. He also determines the frequency of medication intake for the animal. Carrying out the procedure on your own can lead to negative consequences. If after worming your dog exhibits suspicious symptoms, you should consult a doctor.

A short tour of dog parasites

Helminths (worms) are forms of parasitic worms that choose dogs as their primary host, develop and multiply in their bodies. They can be dangerous not only for the dogs, but also for the owner himself. That is why it is necessary to carry out quarterly prevention against worms using specific anthelmintics for dogs.

It is impossible to completely exclude infection; infection with internal parasites can occur through consumption of food and water, especially under unsanitary conditions for keeping dogs. In almost 100% of cases, if a pet had fleas, worms are later discovered. Infection can also occur through insect bites (dirofilariasis), mosquitoes, and ticks.

Important! There is also a danger for a domestic dog that has never gone outside or walks in a closed area on the territory of a private house. The owner can bring worm eggs on shoes.

Prevention for large and small breeds

In terms of the frequency of preventive measures, there is no difference between large and small breeds. There are differences in the drugs used. For small and problem (allergic) breeds, the anthelmintic, dosage and frequency of cleaning procedures should be prescribed by a veterinarian. Usually these are milder drugs, like those for puppies.

If for large breeds tablets are preferable, since they have a more pronounced effect and speed of action, then for small breeds the bulk is made up of suspensions.

Taking the drug with food

If the recommendation for the tablets states that they can be taken with food, this will simplify the treatment process. But you shouldn’t think that just putting the drug in your food is enough. Dogs have an excellent sense of smell and wonderful taste buds. If she suspects something is wrong, she may refuse food or carefully “eat” the tasty food, leaving the tablet untouched.

Representatives of large breeds often eat food in large pieces, without paying much attention to the chewing process. In this case, the tablet can be carefully inserted into a piece of meat or rolled into minced meat. There is a risk that the dog will figure out the secret and eat the food, leaving the drug behind, like the bulldog from the movie “Operation Y”, which Shurik wanted to put to sleep with sausage stuffed with sleeping pills.

A more reliable method involves crushing the tablet and mixing the powder with food. The following rules must be observed:

  • the food must be tasty;
  • the drug is mixed in a small portion;
  • the medicine is offered to the hungry pet.

It will be more difficult for an animal to recognize an unpleasant additive in its favorite tasty food. A small portion offered to a hungry dog ​​gives a greater guarantee that it will eat the entire dose. If you mix the tablet in a large amount of food, the dog, after satisfying a strong attack of hunger, may feel a difference in taste, smell, and may not finish the food. Consequently, the dosage will be violated.

You can use training or play to take medications. For following commands, the dogs are given a treat. This is where you need to camouflage the tablet well. A pet, passionate about the game and expecting praise for following a command, will most likely immediately swallow the treat, which is what is required in this case.

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