TOP 10 best breeds for baiting animals and fighting with other dogs

Many of our compatriots have pets, guided in their choice by certain fashion trends. So, for example, many dog ​​breeders choose fighting dog breeds. At the same time, it is not at all necessary for this dog to take part in dog fights in the future. She can be a territorial guard or just a good friend and family member. At the same time, it is always worth remembering that fighting dogs at their genetic level have certain character qualities, a special anatomical body structure that is most convenient for participating in bloody fights with their own kind, and it is no coincidence.

We will not consider the ethical aspect of the participation of dogs in such internecine battles - everyone’s attitude to this issue is purely individual, but we will talk about those dogs that potentially contain the necessary rage, aggression, physical power and strength necessary to win a fight with an opponent.

The owner of a fighting dog whose breed is indicated in the list below does not necessarily have to prepare it for participation in battles. But he must know that his dog is a fighter, and in order for it not to harm the people around it, it must be kept strictly and taught commands. Walking such dogs without a muzzle and leash is strictly prohibited and is punishable by a fine. We recently wrote on our about the most evil dog breeds in the world. Now let's check how many of them are fighting.


English Mastiff

The ranking of fighting breeds is headed by one of the largest dogs. Just look at the photo and it becomes clear that this is a worthy participant in dog fighting. Moreover, English mastiffs have been seen in the arena of mixed battles, between man and animal. Moreover, despite their formidable appearance and strength, dogs of this breed are distinguished by such traits as affection, patience, gentle disposition (hard to believe), and obedience. Like any other fighting dog, they must be taught commands.


American Bulldog

Dogs of this breed were previously used to herd cattle on livestock farms. They also took part in dog fights. But, after the official ban on bloody battles, selection work was carried out and representatives of the breed were crossed with pugs.

As a result, outwardly the dog retained its formidable appearance, but acquired traits of fidelity, endurance and intelligence. True, you shouldn’t think that American bulldogs have become completely safe and peaceful. When they smell blood, they often become aggressive and uncontrollable.



It's time to find out which is the fastest dog in the world. Let not the strongest representatives of the Greyhound breed be able to reach speeds of up to 65 km/h. And the speed record belongs to a dog named Star Title, who reached a speed of 67.3 km/h.

The history of the breed dates back to the times of Ancient Egyptian civilization, where images of dogs very similar to modern Greyhounds were found on the walls of religious buildings.

Among dogs, they are distinguished by excellent intelligence, are easy to train and listen to people.


American Staffordshire Terrier

Smart, hardy, persistent dogs. With proper upbringing, they can get along well with other animals and not show aggression towards strangers. However, the characteristics of the breed require regular physical activity for them. So anyone who plans to lie on the couch more than take care of their dog should choose another candidate for the role of a pet.


Which dogs are among the TOP most powerful dogs in the world?

Tibetan Mastiff
There are dog breeds that are recognized as the largest of their kind. Such pets help people protect their home from thieves, participate in exhibitions, sports competitions, and hunting. However, these dogs are not only strong and loyal, but also dangerous. Many of them should not be kept in homes with small children, as such dogs are not always friendly. Therefore, training such powerful animals is very important.


You can often hear that this is a very aggressive breed of dog, but this is not true. Rottweilers are quite friendly and sociable. If they are raised correctly, they will become devoted pets capable of protecting their family. But training needs to start as early as possible, while the dogs are still small and easier to handle. Externally, Rottweilers are muscular and weigh up to 60 kg. They love attention from people and cannot stand being alone. Therefore, owners need to play with the animal more often and stress it physically, otherwise the dog will begin to show aggression. This breed also does not get along well with other pets.

Rottweilers often participate in exhibitions and competitions, as they are considered very beautiful animals. They also serve in customs, in the Armed Forces and are excellent assistants for the disabled.

Cane Corso

These are noble dogs, fearless and large in size. Initially, they were bred as workers and hunters. They are very strong, which helps in protecting homes and people. The average cable weight is about 50 kg.

Cane Corso dog

Cane Corsos are loyal, intelligent, and trainable dogs.
But they should also be taught from childhood, to show who is the leader in the house, because the older they are, the more difficult it is to raise them. These animals are very friendly and calm, as well as attentive. This dog needs a lot of space, so a small apartment is not suitable. Additional Information. The Cane Corso is a very smart dog if you train it. She distinguishes game well from reality and can subsequently understand her owner without words.


This is the kindest breed of dog, bred to save people in the snowy mountains. This affectionate dog will love his owners, small children and other pets in the house. He is both a friend and a guard. Serbernar is not aggressive, a little lazy, but this will not stop him from protecting people from enemies.

These dogs are very large - reaching 80 cm at the withers and 70 kg in weight. Since the dog is sedentary, living in an apartment is suitable for her. But you definitely need to walk and play with her. The pet owner may not like his constant shedding and drooling. Also, despite their intelligence and kindness, Serbernars are difficult to train, as they like to do everything their own way.

American Staffordshire Terrier

A guard and fighting dog with courage, determination and intelligence. She protects her owners and their territory unquestioningly. He does not give warnings to the enemy (does not bark or growl), but immediately goes into battle. However, the Stafford has a cheerful disposition and can get along with other pets and children. But, if the dog is not raised and trained, it will behave aggressively. The height of the cables at the withers is about 48 cm, and the weight is 30 kg.

American Staffordshire Terrier

Alaskan Malamute

Dogs of this breed are very strong and resilient. They live in areas with cool climates and are capable of pulling sleds with heavy loads. Malamutes participate in sled racing and show good results. These animals love snow and mountains, an active lifestyle, and also love to dig. They are friendly and get along with all family members, except other pets. Malamutes have very thick hair, so they do not tolerate heat well. The weight of such a pet is approximately 35 kg.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

This is one of the strongest dogs in the world. She is capable of killing a wolf or even a bear to protect her master. These pets are friendly to family members, but are suspicious of strangers. The shepherd has a quick reaction and instantly rushes to protect the owner.

The dog must be trained and educated, otherwise it may grow uncontrollable and aggressive. The pet can easily tolerate cool weather and loneliness. Brave and loyal in nature, the Shepherd works alongside police and rescue workers. The pet's weight is about 60 kg, and its height at the withers is up to 80 cm.

Important! Caucasian Shepherds get wound up easily, but it is very difficult to calm them down. Therefore, it is not recommended to keep them in a home with children. The best option is to place an enclosure for these dogs outside.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

Siberian Husky

These fluffy beauties can captivate anyone with their blue eyes. They have average intelligence, but are quite amenable to training and education. Huskies are mischievous and friendly , getting along well with all family members, other pets and even strangers, if you do not show aggression towards them. Pets are prone to escape, so you need to carefully monitor them.

In general, huskies love an active lifestyle and running. They, together with Malamutes, participate in dog sled races and are able to drag heavy loads (they also participate in competitions in Russia). Having double coats, the animals prefer cool climates. They weigh up to 28 kg.


These are fluffy, patient and kind dogs who adore children. For large families, this is just a godsend - both a friend and a guard. A dog of this breed loves communication and games, so it does not tolerate loneliness well. She sheds and drools a lot, which may not please many owners. Due to its docile nature, the Newfoundland is easy to train. The pet loves to chase birds, so there should be a high fence on the site. This is a fairly large breed, with an average weight of 60 kg and a height of 70 cm.

Newfoundland dog

Tibetan Mastiff

Quite a large and fluffy dog, self-confident and balanced. She does not like it when there are many guests in the house; she prefers the company of her owners. Such a pet competes with new animals in the house and shows leadership. He does not tolerate boredom, and in this case he begins to chew on everything he comes across. Therefore, do not forget to play with your dog, take him for walks often and buy special toys. The Mastiff is a very strong dog, and can even stop a snow leopard. Since ancient times it has been used to search for missing people and protect homes and herds. The weight of the mastiff is approximately 70-80 kg, and its height is up to 80 cm.


Initially, this dog was used to guard livestock. She has a difficult character: capricious, vindictive, stubborn and prone to aggression. Alabai is difficult to train, does not follow commands for fun, but only when necessary. The owner of such a dog must have a strong character and leadership qualities. However, Alabai are calm and reliable guards. The pet's weight is about 80 kg.

English Bulldog (not to be confused with American)

A popular dog breed in Europe, its representatives often emerged victorious in battles. The disadvantages of the breed include touchiness, lack of restraint and impatience. Not using dogs in fighting requires constant physical activity, training and training for them. Otherwise, the animal becomes uncontrollable.


Absolute record

A world record has been set for the strongest and largest dogs.

Big Wendy is the most muscular dog

The pet belongs to the Whippet breed (hound dogs), differs from its relatives by a genetic deviation - increased muscle mass (defect of the myostatin protein). Because of this, Wendy is overly muscular and weighs twice as much as she should. Instead of 6 abs, she has as many as 24. Wendy is faster and stronger than other pets of her breed. People even nicknamed her Arnold Schwarzenegger. While the dog is feeling well, he leads an active lifestyle, but, unfortunately, the genetic defect will lead to a reduction in life expectancy.

Big Wendy

St. Bernard Raittes Brandy Bear is the strongest dog in the world

In 1978, on July 21, this 80-kilogram pet set a record - he dragged a cart with a load (railway rails) of 2905 kg for more than 5 meters.

On a note! A year later, Newfoundland Barbara Allens Dark Hans tried to repeat the record, but she walked the same distance with a load weighing 2289 kg. Barbara was half the size (44 kg) of Raittes Brandy Bear, plus she is a girl. Therefore, it is considered to be the strongest in terms of load-to-weight ratio.

Büdel - the largest Rottweiler

This female lives in England and weighs 95.5 kg, which is very heavy for her breed. Because of her appetite, she even participated in the British TV show "The Fattest Pets."

Pitbull Tyson is the strongest dog in Europe

Tyson is originally from Donetsk. He did not undergo special training, but, nevertheless, was able to win the load-pulling competition. He pulled a cart with a load weighing 385 kg over a distance of 4.8 meters. Despite the lack of training, Tyson turned out to be a very purposeful pet.

Akita Inu

In Japan, these dogs were used for hunting and fighting for many centuries. This left an imprint on their character and attitude towards other animals and people. At the same time, dogs are difficult to train, and, despite their devotion to their owner, they often demonstrate independence and disobedience. It will be difficult for a beginner to cope with an Akita Inu.



This unusual breed closes the Top 5 most powerful dogs in the world, and the breed itself belongs to the mastiff-type dogs. The Leonberger's ancestors were brought from Asia, and the breed itself was developed in Germany and Switzerland.

The dog inherited its strength and endurance from its Asian ancestors. Easy to train, excellent guard and shepherd. The breed’s abilities are widely used in the units of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, as the Leonberber is an excellent water rescuer.

Adults grow up to 0.7 m and weigh just over 70 kg.


Large Tibetan Mastiff

The breed was bred specifically for protection and protection. The threshold for aggressiveness is very low. However, towards strangers and other dogs, these animals are extremely cruel. A prerequisite is strict training. In case of behavioral disturbances, it is recommended to work with a professional dog handler.


Cane Corso

Italian in origin, the Cane Corso is descended from the ancient Roman gladiator fighting dogs. There were times when the breed was on the verge of extinction, and it was only by a miracle and the efforts of some enthusiasts that it was possible to revive it. In translation, the name of the breed means “cane” - dog, “corso” - guard or yard.

Large, strong and strong dogs have a height of 60-68 cm, body weight - 40-50 kg. They have many colors: black, white, red, gray, their various shades, markings.

The length of the dog exceeds the height at the withers. The dog has a massive head, drooping lips, and wide jaws. The eyes are dark and bulging. The limbs are long and muscular.

Cane Corsos are balanced and non-aggressive . There must be significant reasons for a dog to attack and show aggression. It clearly divides all living beings into friends and foes. Builds appropriate relationships with each category. Does not tolerate violation of its own boundaries and those of its owner . He is an excellent protector and watchman.

She loves children, especially those under her care. Realizing his impressive size, he behaves carefully with them, even during play. They clearly differentiate behavior that manifests itself during the game from possible danger and a real threat.

The lifespan of a Cane Corso is 10-12 years.

Shar Pei

Looking at small Chappei puppies, it’s hard to believe that they are aggressive, but it’s true. The breed is considered one of the ancient fighting breeds. Considering that malice and toughness were lost during the selection process, it is no coincidence that experts say that Shar-Peis need to be trained to participate in battles from an early age. Otherwise, the dog will not be able to demonstrate courage.


What you need to know about fighting breeds

Cynological organizations do not recognize the concept of “fighting breed”; it is a way of life given to the dog by the owner. Since ancient times, breeding such animals has been necessary for hunting, baiting wild animals, and participating in wars. The fighters have a hot temperament, fearlessness, a low pain threshold, a powerful jaw, and fighting skills.

First, the owner must decide whether the pet will participate in real battles in the ring or grow up as an ordinary family pet.

Fighting dogs will require compliance with simple but important maintenance rules:

  • timely training in basic commands (sit, come to me, bring, no);
  • strict obedience;
  • using a short leash with a muzzle for walking.

A small dog will not have the qualities of a fighter from birth; this is the result of long training, education, training, coaching. The fighting dog is dangerous to others, the owner needs to remember this.

Staffordshire Bull Terrier

The ban on dog fighting prevented the use of representatives of this breed in such activities. However, there are still underground fights where, at the sight of an opponent and blood, bull terriers demonstrate aggressiveness and bloodthirstiness. Fighting to the last drop of blood is just about them. At the same time, dogs are trained well and quickly.


American Pit Bull Terrier or Pitbull

Our ranking of top fighting dog breeds is completed by the pit bull. Today, experts say that representatives of this breed are the most dangerous. At the same time, they are distinguished by devotion, excellent memory, and loyalty to the owner. In turn, dog handlers and animal psychologists say that proper education can eliminate the manifestation of aggression in everyday life. But it is not recommended to leave a pit bull alone with a child or other animal. It is difficult to predict how such a meeting might end.

~Perro de Presa Canario~

In fourth place in the ranking of the most powerful and dangerous dogs is the Perro de Presa Canario breed. Initially, the breed was used for hunting large animals and for slaughtering livestock - the dog strangled animals by the throat with its huge jaws.

In the Canaries there was a law prohibiting ordinary people from keeping such a breed; such a right was granted only to hunters and butchers.

Bottom line

Today we talked about representatives of fighting dog breeds. And although many owners of the above-described breeds claim that their pets are the kindest creatures, we should not forget to be careful when communicating with them. Bred for fighting and fighting, they have forgotten their purpose, but the smell of blood and provoking situations can remind them of who they really are.

People with unstable psyches, physical disabilities, lack of experience in training dogs, as well as children and adolescents, are better off choosing representatives of other breeds in order to avoid irreparable situations.

What breeds did we forget to write about in this list? Write your answers in the comments to the article. TopCafe will be happy to read all your comments.

Editor's note: This article has been updated since its original publication in September 2022.

Features of education and training

Any dog ​​must be trained, especially representatives of ferocious breeds. If you don’t pay a lot of attention to your pet from its infancy, then it won’t cause problems.

Companion dogs: list of breeds for an apartment

Little puppies are just learning about the world around them and perceive information well, all knowledge is absorbed like a sponge - disciplinary norms and simple commands. The dog will remember and analyze everything - the tone and facial expressions of the owner.

Important! The animal will not accept information from an aggressor and/or an insecure person.

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