Hare hunting with hounds: chasing game

A dog for hunting a hare must have a number of qualities that allow it to pursue the hare for a long time and at a certain pace so that the hunter can intercept the hare in its opening areas and make a well-aimed shot.

Which dog should you choose for hare hunting? This question is asked by novice hunters who have fallen in love with hare hunting.

For experienced hunters, this question does not arise, since they know what they need without the slightest doubt, because during their lives they have tried many breeds of hunting dogs.

Let us now consider several breeds of dogs that are used in hare hunting.

Hunting with hounds

In order to keep up with the hare at least during the rut, you need fast, agile and hardy dogs. The fact is that when a hare escapes from a predator, it tries to constantly change its trajectory of movement, thus slowing down the pace of pursuit.

Therefore, a good dog should not only catch up with the animal, but also be able to chase it for a long time. Among all dogs, these qualities are most closely matched by the hound breed. They are hardy, flexible and have good pursuit speed.

Due to its light weight, the hound is able to pursue prey for a long time, while other dogs get tired very quickly. And good charm allows the hound to effectively search for the hare. Of course, each hound breed has its own characteristics, which we will discuss below.

Miniature Schnauzer

The Miniature Schnauzer is a bred version of the larger Standard Schnauzer. Both schnauzer breeds, as well as their cousin, the Giant Schnauzer, originated in Germany, where they were essential working farm dogs and rat catchers.

Miniature Schnauzers are energetic, playful and require moderate daily activity. The wiry coat that forms the breed's beard, mustache and eyebrow requires professional grooming every few months.

Training a hound for a hare

As for training, it is much more difficult for a hound than for other types of hunting dogs. Of course, if you want to use such a dog exclusively for hare hunting, it will be much easier to train it. But if the hound is used to hunt foxes and other animals, some difficulties may arise here.

For example, while chasing a hare, at the sight of a fox, the dog may simply switch to it, and you will lose the desired trophy. By the way, it is much easier to bait hounds after a fox, since they do not wobble to escape pursuit and do not slow down like hares.

During the training process, it is very important to let the dog try a hare in order to awaken his interest in the animal. The fact is that if the dog is poorly motivated, and the hare slows down the pace of pursuit, it can quickly get bored.

Choosing a dog

Depending on what breed of hound you choose, and whether it will be a cable or a bitch, the process of training and hunting itself depends. For example, the vyzhlovka is easier to train, it is less pugnacious and has a more sonorous voice. The survivors, in turn, are larger and more vicious. They are, as a rule, bolder than bitches and more amenable to the hare, but at the same time they are more difficult to train and maintain.

The hound is certainly the best dog for hunting hare, but let's look at which breed is best for you below. Among all hound dogs, only 3 breeds are in greatest demand in Russia, these are: Russian Hound, Russian Legion Hound, and Estonian Hound.

Estonian hound

The last one is worth highlighting separately. Its main difference from the first two breeds is the small height (up to 52 cm) for the hound, which makes it difficult for it to hunt a hare in loose snow. And although the dog is practically in no way inferior to its taller brothers, short stature is the main reason why this breed is not very popular in Russia.

But the Estonian breed is very popular in its homeland in Estonia and in some regions of Ukraine. This is due to low precipitation levels in winter. Therefore, if you live in the southern regions of Russia and areas with low rainfall, this breed is perfect for you. The advantages of the Estonian hound include the fact that it is easier to keep in an apartment.

Anglo-Russian or Russian Hound

As for the Anglo-Russian and Russian hounds, these two breeds are almost equivalent in character, viciousness and hunting efficiency. And although today there is a lot of debate about which dog is better for hunting hare, there are practically no significant differences between these two breeds. But still, let's look at some of them.

Anglo-Russian hound

First of all, I would like to note that, according to many experts, the Russian piebald is more vicious in relation to the wolf. And, although a well-trained Russian Hound is no less tenacious towards this beast, the percentage of piebald dogs is slightly higher. For this reason, this particular breed is one of the main ones when hunting wolves. But since we are looking for the best dog for hunting hare, this indicator does not matter.

A key factor in favor of the Russian hound in hare hunting is the fact that it has less weight, so the likelihood of knocking off its paws when hunting on frozen ground is much less. In general, RPGs are more angry than RGs and have a more melodic voice. Russian hounds, in turn, have a wider search and from it you can often understand by what animal she is working and whether she is sitting on it.

Russian hound

In general, in terms of the quality of hare work, these two blood breeds of dogs show almost identical results. The success of the hunt depends on where the puppy was taken and how it was baited. It is worth noting that indicatively working dogs are more common in RPGs, but poorly working dogs are also quite common. This is primarily due to the fact that the breed is quite young and is still partially at the stage of formation. In this regard, the Russian Hound is much more stable than its hybrid competitor.

Other breeds for hare hunting

In addition to hounds, greyhounds and pointing dogs are also used to hunt hare. It is worth noting that hunting a hare with greyhounds is fundamentally different from hunting with hounds. Let's start with the fact that greyhounds are much larger and faster than their younger hound counterparts. And if, when hunting with a hound, the goal of the dog is to drive the animal (which they do very well thanks to their good endurance and ringing voice), then the greyhounds must catch up and grab the hare.

Features of hunting with greyhounds

Unlike hounds, greyhounds chase a hare without a voice and the tasks before them are completely different. Essentially, the greyhound dog does all the work for the hunter. This is the main reason why hunting with greyhounds is also called lazy or royal hunting.

Very often, hunting can be combined using 2 types of hunting dogs. The hounds' job is to drive the hare towards the hunters and greyhounds. When the animal enters the hunter's range, he fires a shot. In the event of a mistake or a wounded animal, the greyhounds take over, leaving virtually no chance for the already fairly tired animal.

Hare hunting with cops

In addition to hare hunting with greyhounds and hounds, many hunters use pointing dogs. The most popular of them are breeds such as Drathaars and Shorthaired Pointers, primarily due to their versatility and anger towards this beast. Hunting with cops is fundamentally different from hunting with the above-described dog breeds.

Its essence is that when your dog discovers a hare, it stands up and waits for a command in order to raise the animal. The hunter needs to choose the desired position and fire a shot. Despite the fact that Drathaars and Kurzhaars are quite versatile dogs, they are not as effective in hunting hare as when hunting with hounds, and there are several reasons for this.

Very often, before the dog makes a stand, when an animal is detected, the hare already runs away. Of course, the hunter might not be ready for such a development of events. The second point is that pointing dogs are not as fast and resilient as hounds and especially greyhounds, so they are unable to chase a hare for a long time.

Bottom line

If you want to buy yourself an assistant and don’t yet know which hunting dog is best for you, let’s give a few examples. If you want to buy a dog to hunt mainly hare and fox, then in this case you should pay attention to hounds and greyhounds.

It is worth noting that hunting with a hound is more interesting and requires more intervention from the hunter in the process. In addition, due to its smaller size, such a dog is easier to maintain. If you need a dog that will hunt not only fur-bearing animals, but also game birds, in this case you need to look towards the more versatile Drathaar.

A hunting dog is an intelligent, loyal creature that will become a true friend and assistant on the hunt. However, it takes a lot of effort to raise and train a good hunting dog.

The choice of a dog for hunting, approaches to training, training - everything will depend on the type of game that will be hunted.

The best dog for a hare

Hare hunting is an exciting and gambling activity. However, it requires good physical preparation from both the hunter and his dog.

Requirements for the dog:

  • endurance;
  • mind;
  • the ability to work away from the hunter and make decisions;
  • obedience;
  • ringing voice;
  • good instinct.

The following groups have these qualities:

  • hounds;
  • cops;
  • greyhounds.


Hounds are one of the most ancient breeds. Their main purpose is to corral wild animals and help the hunter in catching the animal. The current purpose of the dog is to drive out prey before the hunter shoots.

Hounds have a fairly narrow specialization, and are also divided on territorial grounds.

There are the following subspecies:

  • Russian hound;
  • Russian piebald hound;
  • Estonian hound.

The main differences between them are color and size. The smallest of the three, the Estonian Hound has about 52 cm at the withers, so it is difficult for her to follow a scent in loose snow. Otherwise, it is the same wonderful working dog as the Russian or Russian piebald hound.

Estonian hound

These breeds are great for hunting hares, foxes, even wolves. However, during training, special attention should be paid to working on the scent. It happens that a young hound, working on a hare, can suddenly switch to a fresh track of ungulates and lose interest in the oblique. Such cases must be stopped immediately.

The hound needs space. It is strictly not recommended to keep it in an apartment. The dog also needs long walks, during which it can run and chase. The hound's character is calm, however, it needs a strong-willed, strict owner, otherwise the dog will try to take over dominance.


Greyhounds are a breed of dog bred specifically for hunting. It is this group of dogs that holds the speed record. Therefore, if the question arises, which dog will catch the hare, then it is definitely a greyhound.


Subspecies of greyhounds are divided according to territorial characteristics. This includes:

  • Afghan Hound;
  • Central Asian Saluki;
  • Irish Wolfhound;
  • Hortaya greyhound;
  • greyhound;
  • whippet;
  • greyhound;
  • steppe greyhound.

Greyhounds' vision is superior to their sense of smell, so they often rely more on sight when hunting. This is also explained by the fact that at the speeds that greyhounds develop, the smell is practically indistinguishable.

Russian greyhound

The excellent speed of greyhounds makes their hunting style similar to that of a cheetah: the greyhound quickly pursues its prey, can catch up and kill the prey in a few leaps, but gets tired relatively quickly.

Training greyhounds requires a special approach, which is determined by the fact that for a long time this breed was kept in enclosures, separately from other animals and people. They rarely communicated with humans, so their owner must also have a strong-willed, strict character.


Pointers are one of the largest groups of hunting dogs. Their “trick” is to sense prey and freeze, making a stance. They are ideal for bird hunting.


This type of hunting dog is also divided into subspecies based on territoriality:

  • British: setters (long-haired pointers) – English, Scottish, Irish; pointers (short-haired pointers);
  • German cops: langhaar, drathaar, shorthaired pointer. They differ from each other only in their hair. Good for hunting not only birds, but hare, fox, roe deer and even wild boar;
  • European cops: Czech Fousek, Münsterlander, Weimaraner.

When hunting hares, they usually use German pointers - shorthaired pointers, drathaars, because their habits differ from the habits of other cops, namely, they can be taught not to freeze at the sight of prey, but to persistently work on the scent.

Czech fousek

Summarizing the above, you can see that a hound is best suited for hunting a hare. However, if you are not limited to this prey, but intend to go after the bird, then you should choose a pointer. And to feel like a king - a greyhound.

Training a dog for a hare

Dogs should be trained on a hare when its musculoskeletal system is fully formed. This occurs at 8-10 months (depending on the breed of dog). In large dogs, such as hounds, pointers, huskies, and greyhounds, formation ends at 10 months.

By this time, the hunting dog puppy should be well trained, promptly obey the owner’s commands, and also have good physical fitness.

Hare training is carried out exclusively “in the field”, alternating different landscapes. The first outings should last no more than 2-3 hours so that the young dog does not become exhausted.

The beginning of training for different dog breeds will have its own nuances:

  • the hound is paired with an experienced hunting dog;
  • the cops begin to be trained along a decoy animal or an artificially laid trail;
  • greyhounds are baited with a decoy hare.

After the dog has learned to find a hare on its own, it should be allowed to work alone to improve hunting skills, remove bait, and teach it to act independently.

Video: Training a dog on a blood trail


A peculiarity of the breed is that at a moment of irritation or anxiety, the dog makes rumbling sounds instead of barking. Dogs have smooth muscles, so they move freely and coordinate their movements well.

The Basenji is distinguished by its mobility, energy, willfulness and excellent hunting skills. In pursuit of game, the dog can ignore the owner's commands.

Representatives of the breed are friendly and sociable. They get along well with people and other pets.

How does the hunt go?

Hare hunting, like any other, takes place according to a certain scenario, which includes:

  • preparation process;
  • directly hunting.

Preparing for the hunt

Preparation begins with the selection of equipment, checking weapons, ammunition, and everything necessary for hunting.

Hunting takes place in the cold season - late autumn, early winter, so clothing should be:

  • comfortable, durable, practical;
  • warm enough not to freeze;
  • not too tight so that the hunter does not sweat;
  • camouflage.

Hare hunting requires that the hunter will have to walk quite a lot. Therefore, shoes should be extremely comfortable and warm. Don't forget about the headdress. A woolen hat, and in the cold season - a hat with earflaps.

The gun must be carefully checked before going out so that it does not let the hunter down at the right time. The hare cartridges are loaded with shot No. 2-00. The cartridges should be conveniently located in the bandoleer so that the gun can be easily reloaded.

You also need to take water, food, matches. Don't forget the knife - the second main (after a gun) tool of a hunter.

Choosing a hunting location

Hunting, as a rule, takes place in hunting grounds where hares live. The day before the hunt, you should visit the grounds in search of a bedding area. Common hare habitats:

  • hayfields;
  • fields with winter crops or agricultural products;
  • haystacks, thick grass, fallen trees.

Having found fresh traces of the hare, the hunter returns there the next day with a dog to retrieve the prey.

How does the hunt go?

For hunting, choose a cloudy, windless day. The air temperature should not exceed +15 degrees in autumn and -15 degrees in winter. The optimal temperature ranges from +10 to -8 degrees.

Remember! If on a winter morning the temperature on the thermometer is about -20 degrees, but the day promises to be sunny and windless, then in the afternoon the temperature can rise to -6 degrees, which is good for hunting.

The leading role is given to the dog. Only her ability to find a hare, follow the trail and drive it away with a well-aimed shot allows the hunter to return with the prey.

What should a hunter do:

  1. Get closer to the bed - the raised hare will strive to return to its safe place.
  2. Choose a place on the leeward side so that nothing interferes with the view.
  3. Keep your gun at the ready.
  4. Be extremely quiet, do not smoke.
  5. When the hare runs out towards the hunter, you should shoot in the body.

Attention! If a dog, while chasing a hare, picks up a bird, you should not shoot it. This will disorient the dog and force it to give up the pursuit.

After the hunter has hunted the hare, it is necessary to drain the blood from it, and also squeeze out the urine by pressing on the stomach. And give the faithful assistant – the dog – the pazankas (hind legs) of a hare as a reward.

A dog for hunting a hare must have a number of qualities that allow it to pursue the hare for a long time and at a certain pace so that the hunter can intercept the hare in its opening areas and make a well-aimed shot.

Which dog should you choose for hare hunting? This question is asked by novice hunters who have fallen in love with hare hunting.

For experienced hunters, this question does not arise, since they know what they need without the slightest doubt, because during their lives they have tried many breeds of hunting dogs.

Let us now consider several breeds of dogs that are used in hare hunting.

Labrador Retriever

The breed has a water-repellent coat and webbed feet. Thanks to these characteristics, the Labrador Retriever swims well, so it is taken to hunt ducks, pheasants, grouse, and woodcock. Dogs have a gentle bite, so they practically do not damage their prey.

In the 18th century, Labradors were used by fishermen to collect their catch from nets. The breed is characterized by an athletic build, energy, good disposition, friendliness, and obedience.

Pointing hunting dogs

The purpose of cops is to hunt various birds. Able to smell and track game in any weather conditions. They hunt waterfowl, marsh and field birds. They have a very good sense of smell, capable of leading a dog to a target even over a wide area.

When a pointer has found prey, it stands in a characteristic pose, showing its owner where the game is. She then rushes towards the birds and forces them to fly. And the hunter can only shoot.

Common pointers are the drathaar, shorthaired pointer, and English setter:

  • Drathaar. Their qualities as a hunter are innate, so there is no need for special training. Animals are strong and resilient. Dogs love to hunt, even bad weather and hunger do not stop them. Drathaar is also an excellent swimmer and is not afraid of cold water. And the fetch knows the team better than all other breeds.
  • Kurzhaar is active and smart. Shows good professional qualities in the open field. Notifies the hunter with a stand about the found prey.
  • Setters are considered cops. For example, English and Irish. They are able to smell the game, even if it is far from the hunter. Take a stance, stretching out the tail like a string and raising one paw, and standing with the head in the direction of the game. They can stand like this until the hunter shoots the prey. They are able to run fast and get through the densest thickets.


Fierce passion and excitement are a characteristic feature of terriers. They are so carried away by the process of pursuit that they can forget about their own safety, their instinct of self-preservation is dulled in the heat of the chase. These dogs are fearless and persistent, full of determination. They are ready to fight even with an enemy much larger than themselves.

In a fight, terriers rely on their strong teeth, large jaw and powerful grip. A high level of adrenaline in the blood allows the dog not to react to the bites received and to hold firm until the end of the fight. Such characteristics are characteristic of individuals who are hardy, strong and temperamental.

At home, these dogs are the cutest creatures. They love to play and spend time with their owners. They have a special love for children, but at the same time they are very jealous. They get along well with other pets and are easy to train.


Greyhounds are used for hunting fur-bearing animals. They run quickly, easily overtake the victim and grab it with their teeth. They drive the animal to its owner or to a dead end. They have sharp eyesight. Greyhounds are very hardy, despite their somewhat delicate appearance. This is a physically developed dog, muscular and strong.

Common representatives of greyhounds are the Afghan, Russian and Greyhound:

  • The Afghan Hound is tall, up to 85 cm at the withers, strong, graceful animals, capable of reaching incredible speeds of up to 100 km/h. Behind the aristocratic appearance lies a complex character. The difficulty in upbringing is due to the stubbornness and too specific inclinations of the Afghan. The dog is so passionate about hunting that it is difficult to teach it anything else. In addition, increased activity requires special education.
  • The Russian greyhound can hunt small animals (hares, foxes). With the same success on large ones, even wolves. A distinctive feature is that they quickly catch up with the victim, catch it and bring it to the owner. When the hunter gives a special sound signal, meaning that the prey is running away, the greyhound rushes after it headlong. She focuses her attention on the animal, quickly catching up, without losing sight of it. At work, greyhounds show aggression and incredible abilities. At the same time, at home they are absolutely affectionate and friendly. Greyhounds have such a delicate nature that they take offense at their owner for punishment. They understand when they are treated with disdain.
  • The Greyhound, or English greyhound, is an excellent hunter and travels long distances in search of prey. This is an attentive, friendly and delicate dog. Considered the fastest.

Features of Terriers

All representatives of the group are characterized by common character traits:

  • impulsiveness in behavior;
  • ability to make decisions independently;
  • mobility, activity;
  • optimism, friendliness towards other pets.

Most of them require strict education combined with reasonable affection and praise. They are passionate hunters and can get carried away with the search. They tend to run away, misbehave, and destroy everything around them. This behavior is typical of a bored dog. The terrier needs constant, long walks, impressions, and training.

Almost all dogs from the “Terrier” group have special coat properties:

  1. Hypoallergenic, which is suitable for people suffering from various forms of allergies to animal hair and dust.
  2. Water-repellent ability of the cover. Dirt does not stick to it. If there is an undercoat, it does not get wet.
  3. There are dogs with long or smooth hair. Mostly wire-haired dogs, when trimming is required for a neat appearance. Occasionally there are breeds in which the fur curls in large curls; it feels soft and silky to the touch.

Typical hunters have a highly developed sense of smell and hearing. They are able to pursue prey with their gaze for a long time and focus on an object.

Developed muscles, a lean body, and strong limbs allow you to overcome long distances and run tirelessly. These are energetic dogs that require constant attention.

Who to hunt the hare with?

This question arises before many hunting enthusiasts. After all, with a reliable companion, your hobby will bring more benefits and pleasure. Hare prey has its own specifics .

  • The animal moves very quickly, the dog must be able to catch up with it.
  • The pursuit can last several hours; only a very hardy breed can cope with this. The peculiarities of the Russian climate should also be taken into account - not every dog ​​will be able to wade through snowdrifts in winter.
  • The hare deliberately throws its pursuers off the trail, abruptly changing the direction of movement. The dog must have so-called viscosity, i.e. do not lose sight of the hare and do not switch to another animal.

According to most hunters, hounds cope best with these tasks. The hunter himself must decide which breed is suitable. After all, each dog also has an individuality, in addition to general working qualities.

Russian hound

The dog has less weight in comparison with similar breeds, so it does not seriously damage its paws during prolonged weather in the winter forest. Hounds have a good sense of smell. They show good results, but a lot depends on the parents (how well they work) and proper upbringing.

There is also a Russian piebald hound. These dogs have a more pleasant voice and are superior to their brothers in anger. But it will be more difficult to train an aggressive dog. In addition, breeding work on this breed is still ongoing. Both species have admirers, since they were bred specifically for Russian conditions. Hunting with a hound is an exciting activity. In addition, they do not require special maintenance costs.

Prices for a puppy without documents start at 5 thousand rubles. (for club members from 7 to 15 thousand rubles). How well a non-club puppy can cope with training is a difficult question. It is better to purchase a dog from trusted breeders. Sometimes adults are also sold. The price for a mature trained hound can reach up to 30 thousand rubles.


They do not bark during pursuit, so the hunter should organize the entire process of pursuing a hare differently. Greyhounds are capable of doing everything on their own; hunting with them is sometimes called “lazy”. You can first use hounds, which will drive the hare to the owner. If he misses, then the greyhounds will join in. Tired game is unlikely to be able to escape from them.

The Russian greyhound has been known since the 17th century. A formal description was compiled only at the end of the 19th century. In those days, almost every landowner kept these animals, which led to the formation of different types within the breed. Over time, a modern standard developed. The price for puppies starts from 3 thousand rubles. and reaches 20 thousand rubles. Far from being an ideal pet, it requires delicate handling, gets excited, becomes deaf to the commands of its owners, and rushes after prey. But as a working dog it has few equals; it can even take on a wolf.


Not the best option - they may not be strong enough to hunt a hare, and they get tired faster than their lighter counterparts. There are other disadvantages: having found the target, the pointer makes a stance, and then waits for instructions from the owner. During this time, the game can run away because the hunter needs to take a position.


The unusual-looking dog is easy to recognize thanks to its short legs and disproportionately elongated body. This appearance appeared due to a genetic abnormality , which manifests itself in delayed growth of the limbs (chondrodystrophy). The first puppy appeared in the litter of a German hound. The owner acted farsightedly by continuing this line. This is how valuable hunters appeared who could penetrate directly into the beast’s lair.

The dachshund has a very loud voice and a courageous character, as well as large teeth. They follow the trail perfectly, hunting hares. Seeing the low speed of the chase, the long-eared game relaxes and allows itself to be caught up. These dogs are very smart, because they have to compete with the fox and badger, which are much larger. They can also be excellent companions.


Yulia, 44 years old I have loved Airedale terriers since childhood. I became an adult and bought my first puppy, Charlie. The character turned out to be complex. He had a lot of conflicts, ran away, and didn’t listen. I had to turn to dog handlers; I couldn’t have done it alone. Following Charlik, I acquired another one. Terry has been there for 5 years and has had no problems. I would call him a little lazy. Dogs are very different. It is difficult to say that this is a hunting breed. More like a service one. My real assistants in protecting the dacha and home.

Peter, 28 years old My Asterlix is ​​a West Highland White Terrier. Everyone affectionately calls them “Vestiki”. A wonderful dog who is ready to walk in the park for hours. The only drawback is that it constantly “sniffs” and picks up everything from the ground. As soon as I didn’t wean myself off it. Does not work. He goes with me everywhere, loves the car, and is crazy about trips to the river. You have to wash it constantly, because white wool and the city do not mix well. Otherwise, a wonderful friend who will happily sit with you in front of the TV, watch a sports match, and will simply always be there. I love it.

Alexandra Petrovna, 62 years old The doctor advised me to constantly walk after the operation. She would never leave the house on her own, but with a dog it’s a different matter. For their 60th birthday, the children gave them a tiny Yorkshire terrier puppy. I immediately fell in love. Marta is a sincere, devoted dog. We are with her everywhere. It's nice to pamper her, buy her treats, dress her in different ways. She is a calm, balanced lady, but as soon as she sees a big dog, she gets wildly hysterical. It is clear that this is out of fear. It looks funny, there were many comical situations. If it weren’t for Martochka, I would still be lying on the sofa, watching TV. Now I have a schedule, we walk around our area as a group. New friends have appeared who are passionate about dog breeding.

Love, 45 years old One day my husband brought a puppy. I was categorically against having a dog in the house, and besides, one of the children has a severe allergy to wool. It turned out to be a Kerry Blue Terrier. According to the assurances of the spouse, the child will not have problems. The puppy was growing, and I kept my medications at the ready, I was still afraid that an asthma attack would begin. Myron is already 5 years old. All this time I did not believe that there would be no problems. The husband and children are taking care of the dog. The new doctor who appeared at our site confirmed that my fears were in vain. I didn't even know there were hypoallergenic dogs. Everyone loves the dog for his cheerful disposition.

Semyon, 38 years old I saw burrow hunting on TV and was inspired to take up it. I really liked the idea that you could catch an animal without shooting. Friends advised me to adopt a burrow terrier. I spent a long time choosing between a dachshund and a smooth fox terrier. And then a friend of mine has a new litter. He took a friend and named him Hunter, which means hunter. You have no idea how smart and loyal this dog is! He and I not only mastered the commands, but also regularly participate in competitions and go to exhibitions. For me this is a real outlet. My dream of catching an animal without a weapon came true. Hunter is a tenacious dog with a strong character, he is just a copy of me.


Hounds are called that because they chase their prey until they are completely exhausted. They track the game by following its tracks, and then bark and drive it towards its owner. The dogs are hardy, with a sensitive sense of smell and a loud voice.

Popular representatives are the Russian hound and the beagle:

  • Russian hunting hounds are distinguished by their absolute calmness and indifference to other animals. At the same time, they are friendly and affectionate. The breed is used for hunting wild boar, elk, and hare. With a loud bark they scare their prey and chase it to the last. They are able to make various sounds, as if playing with their voice.
  • The Beagle is a curious little hunter with excellent scents. Follows the trail perfectly. Active, friendly, gets along well with children. He treats other pets calmly, so the beagle is often taken as a companion.


Nowadays the dachshund is used as a decorative dog. But the breed was bred to hunt foxes in holes. The dog can also be used to catch badgers, raccoons, and small waterfowl.

The dachshund is distinguished by its mobility and activity. The breed has a ringing voice. It is unpretentious to living conditions and tolerates cold and dirt well.


Burrowing dogs are used to hunt animals hiding in burrows. These breeds are characterized by stubbornness and persistence in searching. They quickly track down prey and drive it out of the hole. They themselves can bring a fox or a badger to the hunter.

Prominent representatives of burrows are dachshunds, Jagd terriers, fox terriers and Welsh terriers:

  • Fox Terriers are very active and fearless. If they are not used for hunting, then they will show instincts at the wrong time and in the wrong place. For example, they will chase cats and birds, climb and run everywhere. They are excellent hunting helpers, loyal and capricious. They require responsible and firm upbringing. Burrows are devoted to their owner and are friendly towards children. However, it is better to keep an eye on their games. Fox Terriers are very jealous of their owner towards other animals. To avoid fights, the dog must be kept alone.
  • Dachshunds are divided into three types (short-haired, long-haired or rabbit-haired, wire-haired). These pets, like no other, serve as companions and hunters at the same time. They love affection, warmth, attention. As a hunting assistant, the dachshund is almost universal. She is excellent at pulling prey out of holes and at tracking swamp game. This dog will hunt even in cold weather, overcoming pain and inconvenience.
  • The Jagdterrier is a rare and interesting breed. Males have a muscular build and are courageous and strong. Females are smaller and more graceful. Bitches with a male constitution are not allowed for breeding. This is an excellent burrow hunter. Follows the trail of water and field game. Aggressive in hunting. Excellent apportioning. Jagdterriers are extremely mobile and require constant physical activity and development of professional qualities. If a dog is not brought up strictly, it will soon become uncontrollable.
  • The Welsh Terrier gets along well with children, unlike other terriers. He is easy to train. Hunts small fur-bearing animals and burrowing animals. Has developed guard qualities.

Origin story

The name of the group comes from the Latin word terra - "earth". Translated from French into Russian, the designation terrier is represented as “den, hole.” Initially, the breeds were bred by selective breeding to select the best hunting qualities for burrow hunting. The most popular trophies were foxes, badgers, and raccoons.

Some of the breeds were not subjected to selection, which made it possible to maintain authenticity and typical qualities. Among terriers there are those who have excellent watchdog qualities. Since ancient times, they have been used as guards for warehouses and storehouses.

Most terriers got their name from the area where they appeared. Known since the end of the Middle Ages, many breeds developed during the era of hunting fashion. These are several periods: from welded to gun, burrow. The gradual disappearance of wild animal prey in European forests and mountains led to a reduction in hunting breeds and the emergence of a service direction. Some breeds are on the verge of extinction. The reason for this was the world wars that took place in Europe in the 20th century. Restoration work is being carried out to revive the population of rare, endemic dogs.

As artificial selection progressed, the size decreased and adapted to the main task - searching for prey underground. It is the diversity of terriers that attracts lovers of this group. There are rare breeds that are distinguished by their sophistication and elegance. The large number is explained by the fashion for this or that dog. This does not always carry positive traits. For the sake of quantity, closely related crossings occur, which leads to the appearance of genetic defects and a decrease in natural immunity.


Laikas have excellent sense of smell and endurance. They are considered the most versatile of all hunting breeds. They pursue prey quickly, silently. When a husky catches up with an animal, it notifies the hunter of its detention with a ringing bark. Helps to pursue wild boar and elk, small fur-bearing animals and birds.

Laikas are sometimes used in harnesses as sled dogs. They are calm, curious, friendly and graceful animals. Unpretentious and independent. At the same time, they need long walks in any weather.

Popular breeds: West Siberian, Russian-European and Karelian Laika, Finnish Spitz:

  • The West Siberian is considered one of the best hunting assistants. She moves silently and is capable of driving out a large animal. These are fearless animals that do not retreat even in front of an elk. It is better to train such a husky to hunt a certain type of game. Then the effectiveness of innate hunting instincts will increase significantly.
  • The Russian-European Laika is calm and self-possessed. She patiently tracks the animal, instantly getting on the trail. A distinctive feature of the breed is energy and mobility. The Russian-European Laika has a muscular body. They pursue prey for a long time even in rainy weather. They chase the animal through the snow for several hours without rest.
  • The Karelian Laika, or bear dog, is used for hunting large animals. In addition to its main purpose, it is engaged in search. This is a reliable and hardy dog ​​that helps in hunting wild boar, elk and bear.
  • The Finnish Spitz is a type of husky. Excellent at tracking small animals and birds. This is a very smart, loyal dog. Friendly and active.

What types of terriers are there?

As the number of breeds expanded, the purpose of dogs from the “terrier” group changed. Some of them began to perform official functions of protecting property, searching for people, and for rehabilitation purposes. They do an excellent job as au pairs. They bark loudly to warn of danger and are the first to attack the enemy.

Another branch is the decorative direction of selection, the production of new breeds by selection according to the requirements of society. As happened with toy terriers or Yorkies. As their popularity grows, breeds change, become smaller, and new subspecies appear. At the same time, hunting instincts, energy, and activity are preserved.

Most terriers are still used for hunting purposes. Due to their ability to move quickly, jump, and crawl into narrow spaces, the breed is used in sports competitions in the art of training.

According to the structure of the coat, they are distinguished as short, hard, long or curly. There is a selectively bred hairless breed that has a small fluff on its head and paws.

The colors range from dark to snow-white, which are difficult to see in snowy conditions.

Almost all of them have a square muzzle, thick eyebrows, and a small beard. There are those whose eyes are completely covered to protect them from dirt during burrow hunting.

By the names you can understand the nature of the origin of the dog, where it comes from. This makes it easier to navigate among the numerous hunting breeds.

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