Features of keeping the Imperial Shih Tzu breed

There are many breeds of dogs in the world, beautiful, smart, brave and kind, endlessly loyal to their owners. But rarely does anyone combine all these qualities at once, like the Shih Tzu, who have been captivating with their charm for several centuries. This article contains useful information about the Shih Tzu dog breed, tips on how to choose and raise them, what to feed and how to care for them.

Breed traits

Breed traits (on a 5-point scale)

Shih Tzu
Activityin the house2.8
on the street2.9
Dominationin family2.3
over dogs2.4
Defending your territoryfrom people2.4
from dogs2.8
Sociabilityin family4.5
with strangers3.9
with dogs3.1
Concentrationin family1.8
in front of strangers1.9
with dogs2.3
Aggressivenessin family1.4
to strangers1.9
to the dogs2.2
to cats1.7
Family behaviorcalmness3.8
demand for affection4.2
excessive barking2.2
behavioral breakdowns1.3
Tolerance for childrenup to 4 years3.6
over 4 years old3.9
Institutional usewatchman3.6

This breed is often compared to the following dog breeds: Yorkshire Terrier, Maltese (Maltese Bichon), Pomeranian, Bichon Frize, Pekingese.

The photo shows what a Shih Tzu looks like:

How long does a domestic dog live?

Although owners create optimal living conditions for pets living in the house, the life expectancy of mongrels is much longer. On average, yard dogs live 15 years. This is because they are born naturally, so they have a stronger immune system.

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General characteristics of the Shih Tzu breed

Shih Tzu is one of the most ancient breeds. It is unknown when it originated, but there is evidence that such dogs lived in Tibet even before our era. Research by scientists has proven that their DNA is closer to other breeds than wolves. This indicates that they are not artificially bred or crossed with other dogs.

The name Shih Tzu or Shitzu is translated from Chinese in different ways. Some researchers associate it with the word “shizi” - “lion cub”. This version is confirmed by a beautiful legend according to which Buddha was accompanied by a small dog that could turn into a lion. That’s why many people call representatives of this breed “lion dog.” Other researchers associate the word Shih Tzu with the name of the beauty of ancient China, Xi Shi. According to this version, the name of the breed is translated as a beautiful dog.

Despite its small size and bright luxurious appearance, this is not a decorative dog, but a companion - brave, calm and loyal. She can stand up for herself and bravely rushes to defend her owner. But this fluffy dog ​​with a proud posture is not aggressive. He loves all people, is friendly and sociable.

breed nameshih tzu
country of originChina (Tibet)
group of breeds according to the ICF classificationdecorative and companion dogs, Tibetan breeds section
life expectancy12-18 years old
height25-27 cm
weight4.5-8 kg
appearance featureslong silky coat, short muzzle, large eyes
character traitscheerful, sociable, friendly, balanced, peaceful
attitude towards peoplelove all people, not aggressive at all, loyal to the owner
complexity of contentcomplex grooming

Pros of a Shih Tzu

Thanks to its small size, the Shih Tzu can be kept in a small apartment. They get along well with single pensioners or in a large family with children. This is an ideal pet for inexperienced dog owners. They have several more advantages:

  • beautiful appearance, proud gait;
  • it is not necessary to walk every day, you can train it to a tray;
  • smart, easy to learn commands and tricks;
  • treat all family members well and are friendly to strangers;
  • capable of empathy, feel the mood of the owner, can cheer him up;
  • love children, but do not tolerate neglect;
  • cheerful, playful, active;
  • good-natured, balanced character;
  • get along easily with other pets;
  • despite the fact that the wool is long, its structure resembles human hair, therefore it does not shed much and does not cause allergies;
  • These pets are clean, there is no dog smell from them.

Cons of a Shih Tzu

But these dogs also have disadvantages. The Shih Tzu is not suitable for those owners who do not have time to communicate with the pet and care for its coat. This little dog can be annoying and capricious if you don't give him attention. Before getting this breed, you need to study what disadvantages it has:

  • Long hair needs to be groomed daily;
  • grooming and haircuts required;
  • cannot stand loneliness, whine if they are often left alone, can become depressed, and become nervous;
  • they like to constantly be the center of attention;
  • prone to watery eyes, which can cause dark streaks to appear on the face;
  • one of the problems is that their eyes sometimes fall out;
  • trusting and friendly with everyone, therefore they cannot be a watchman or protector;
  • Due to their short muzzle, they quickly overheat in hot weather and can suffer heatstroke.

An interesting video about Shih Tzu will complement their characteristics:

Video: Shih Tzu dog - pros and cons of the breed

Video: Shih Tzu all about the breed. Interesting Facts

Video: Introducing the breed - Shih Tzu


Many dog ​​owners prefer commercial food, which is also great for the Shih Tzu breed. Modern manufacturers produce a product that fully complies with quality standards and satisfies all the animal’s needs for vitamins and minerals.

Feeding your dog dry or wet food is much more convenient than natural food. There is no need to create a diet, weigh each ingredient separately, or give nutritional supplements and vitamin complexes. The most important thing is to choose a quality product for your Shih Tzu.

Feed can be of different quality and price range. Economy class consists mainly of bone meal. Many foods contain flavor and odor enhancers to make the pellets more attractive to animals. If you choose economy class food, then carefully read the composition. The more meat it contains, the better.

Premium food is higher in quality. If the cheapest food contains about 5% meat, then in premium it ranges from 25% to 30% of the total weight. At the same time, we are talking specifically about meat, and not about bone meal or offal. The majority of this food is usually rice. This is a hypoallergenic cereal that is suitable for many dogs. Premium kibble is suitable for adult dogs; more nutritious options should be selected for puppies.

The superpremium class of feed differs from premium in its composition. In this case, manufacturers indicate in detail what exactly the granules were made of. The percentage of pure meat reaches forty percent. If the composition contains by-products, it will be indicated which ones and in what quantity. This food is suitable for both adult dogs and puppies.

One of the best options for feeding is considered holistic. These are the most balanced foods, which include high-quality meat, fruits and vegetables. The cost of such a product is not small, but when compared with other classes of food, your pet will receive many times more benefits from it.

Shih Tzu can be fed dry or wet food, or a combination of both. For a puppy, dry kibble must be soaked in water.

From one to three months of age, babies receive food six times a day at regular intervals. But, as a rule, they get to their new “parents” later. Be sure to ask what food the breeder gave them.

At four months, small Shih Tzus can be switched to five meals a day, and then reduce the number of feedings to four. From six months of age, dogs are fed three times a day, and from nine months - two times, like adult dogs. The amount of feed can be easily calculated by reading the recommendations on the product packaging. At first you will have to weigh each portion, but then you will be able to determine the number of granules by eye.

History of the origin of the Shih Tzu breed

The Shih Tzu is a breed that was bred for many years in Tibet and was not known in other countries. Such dogs were kept there at monasteries. They helped herd livestock and guard property. In the 17th century, the Dalai Lama gave several puppies to the Chinese emperor. In China, keeping them was allowed only in the palace; the breed began to be called imperial. Sometimes the emperor gave puppies to noble people, but if one of the ordinary people got such a dog illegally, he was executed.

In Europe, the breed became known only at the beginning of the 20th century. One dog was given to the Norwegian ambassador. He liked the beautiful fluffy dog, and he took several of them home, where he started breeding them. In the 30s the first club was created. The Chinese breed was recognized in 1940. And in 1948 the first standard was developed. Only 10 years later, these dogs spread throughout the world and became popular in different countries. And they received the status of a separate breed in 1969.

Description of the appearance of representatives of the Shih Tzu breed

According to the standard, the Shih Tzu is a dog of small stature, strong build and slightly elongated format. These fluffies weigh on average 5-7 kg, regardless of gender, but there are individuals reaching 8.5 kg. In appearance they resemble another Asian breed - the Lhaso Apso, but are smaller in size.


The head is large in relation to the body, the skull is round. The stop is clearly expressed. Shih Tzus are brachycephalic - dogs with a blunt, shortened muzzle. Their jaws are almost square, no longer than 2.5 cm. The jaws are wide, the bite is straight or pincer-shaped, and a slight undershot is possible. The lips are dry, there are no folds on the muzzle.

The bridge of the nose can be straight or concave. Then the tip is slightly upturned. The nose is in line with the lower eyelid. The nostrils are wide, black or brown. The eyes are round, large, but not protruding. Widely spaced, dark colored. The ears are large, drooping, and set low. Quite long, abundantly covered with hair.

Body and tail

The neck curves elegantly, providing a proud posture. The body is elongated, the length exceeds the height at the withers. The back is straight, the lower back is strong. The chest is deep and wide. The tail is set high and covered with long hair. The dog throws him onto his back.


The limbs are straight, muscular, rather short. Shoulders tilted back. The thighs are massive. The paws are rounded and the pads are dense. Movements are smooth and free. She doesn't run fast and isn't very durable. But the push with the hind legs is strong, so it jumps easily.

Shih Tzu coat and colors

The coat is double and thick. The outer hair is long, straight, silky. The breed ranks third in the list of dogs with the longest hair in relation to the body. Slight waviness is not considered a defect. The undercoat is soft, not very fluffy. On the head, the hair forms a beard, mustache, and mane. Due to its unusually furry muzzle, in China this dog is compared to a chrysanthemum.

The standard allows different varieties of colors. The most common are black and tan Shih Tzu, black and white, black and gold, and red. There are white-blue, golden-white, cream, brindle, brown, and ash colors. Multi-colored Shih Tzus must have white on their faces and tails. In China, a spot on a beard is called the “mark of Buddha.” The rarest colors are pure black and pure white.

Photos complement the description of the appearance:


When the standard was adopted, the dogs were not very different from those Shih Tzus that lived for many centuries at the imperial palace in China. But in the 20th century, different countries started breeding. Now there are three varieties that are not very different from each other, so they are not classified as separate breeds.

  • English (Scandinavian) is the standard variety. These dogs have a large head, a wide chest, and a high-set tail. They are common in northern Europe and Russia.
  • The European variety has a more square body format. These dogs have elongated limbs and a large chest. Distributed in Europe and Canada.
  • The American version of the breed has more features: small head, flat chest, short tail, elongated limbs. These dogs are more active and playful. Found in America and Russia.

Sometimes breeders offer dwarf Shih Tzus, passing them off as a mini variety. But this is a genetic defect. This breed does not have a mini version. Dogs weighing less than 4 kg are not allowed to show. The mini variety is not allowed to be bred, as the offspring are born weak and with hereditary diseases.

Shih Tzu character

Despite its attractive appearance, this is not a decorative dog. Representatives of this breed have an unusual character. It combines contradictory qualities. They are brave, cheerful, sociable, loyal. But at the same time, they are calm, unobtrusive, do not single out one owner and treat all family members equally. They cannot stand loneliness at all; they definitely need someone to be nearby.

This dog has retained its watchdog qualities from its ancestors and can bark to warn its owner of danger. But he will never rush at a person, even with strangers he behaves kindly. The peculiarity of these pets is gullibility. They love all people, love affection and love to be the center of attention.

Adult Shih Tzus get along well with children and enjoy playing with them. A balanced character allows you to withstand their tricks. The only thing they do not tolerate is disrespect and rudeness. If a child teases a dog, it may bite. Therefore, it is better not to leave the dog with children; it is more suitable for children over 7 years old.

Representatives of this breed have the following character traits:

  • good nature;
  • cheerfulness;
  • optimism;
  • courage;
  • equilibrium;
  • independence;
  • stubbornness;
  • narcissism;
  • touchiness.

These pets are ideal for retirees. They are not very active, playful and cheerful, but they do not require much physical activity. You can’t even take them out for a walk every day - they easily get used to going to the toilet in a tray or diaper. They love to sit in their owner's arms and sleep next to him on the sofa. They need to be petted and paid attention to. The dog can follow the owner's heels, but will not impose itself.

Another reason why these dogs are suitable for older people is their ability to empathize. The dog senses a person’s mood and tries to support and cheer him up when he’s sad. He is able to distract a sick person from dark thoughts. Scientists have proven that such communication has a positive effect on well-being.

Education and training

The Shih Tzu is an obedient and calm dog. If she is raised correctly, she will not cause any problems: she will not bark, chew things, or pester her when her owner is busy. Representatives of the breed do not require serious socialization, since they are not aggressive, not cowardly and sociable by nature.

It is necessary to raise a dog from an early age. The pet must recognize the authority of the owner and understand the rules of behavior. It is important to immediately accustom him to his nickname, place, and toilet. There are several basic commands that need to be learned, even for those who are not going to train a pet: “come to me”, “no”, “fu”, “sit”, “stand”, “near”, “walk”.

These dogs are smart, they have a good memory, but they are difficult to train. They are independent and stubborn. Although they remember commands easily, they can understand what is required of them, but they are in no hurry to carry them out. They also don’t really like to study, so it’s important to be able to interest your pet and build an activity in the form of a game.

Many inexperienced owners make the following mistakes in training:

  • subject the dog to great physical stress, which is unacceptable;
  • they shout, punish for mischief or failure to follow commands;
  • They are trying to teach the command “face” - these fluffy dogs are completely devoid of anger and aggression, they cannot rush at a person or animal.

You need to talk to your pet in a calm, gentle voice and encourage him with treats. But if the dog gets bored, he will stop studying and go about his business. You should not force your pet to exercise or, especially, yell at him. He will definitely learn the commands, but it may take him longer than other dogs. If necessary, you can contact a dog handler.

Maintenance and care

These dogs are unpretentious and live well in a small city apartment and private house. Easily adapt to any conditions and habits of the owners. They do not suffer from lack of walks, the main thing is that the owner is nearby. These clean people especially don’t like to go outside in rainy weather, or in the heat in the summer. But they will happily frolic in the snow and run after the ball.

At home, it is very important to provide the pet with a normal temperature regime - the chrysanthemum dog cannot tolerate heat at all, nor does it tolerate cold. Therefore, the place should not be located near doors, windows, or heating appliances.

Caring for your pet includes standard hygiene procedures.

  • After each meal, rinse or wipe your beard and mustache with a cloth. Food gets stuck in them, it looks untidy, and an unpleasant smell will appear.
  • Your pet's eyes should be examined daily. Move the fur to the side so that it does not irritate the mucous membrane. Wipe the eyes with a special lotion or boiled water. These dogs are prone to tearing, which leaves dark furrows in their fur. They can be removed with a solution of boric acid.
  • Ears should be examined and cleaned several times a week. If necessary, trim the fur inside. Then the air will circulate freely, and there is less risk of inflammation.
  • Paws are washed after every walk. To prevent them from getting so dirty, the hairs on them and between the fingers can be trimmed. Inspect the pads and lubricate them with oil if necessary. Cracks appear on them especially often in winter, when the roads are treated with chemicals.
  • The teeth of an adult dog require attention. They need to be cleaned regularly with veterinary paste. To prevent tartar, you can give special seeds and tomato juice.
  • It is necessary to regularly shorten the claws with a special nail clipper.

Shih Tzu Grooming and Grooming

The fur of these fluffies requires increased attention and care. It needs to be brushed daily as it falls off quickly. The movements of the comb should go in the direction of hair growth. If the hairs are tangled, there is no need to tear them apart, it is better to carefully sort them out with your hands. The tangles will need to be cut out.

Combing long-haired individuals takes at least half an hour. Groomed dogs are easier to care for. They are also combed, but less often. Shedding once a year, at this time, in addition to a comb, you need to use a slicker brush; it is convenient to collect fallen hairs with a rubber mitt.

These dogs are bathed 1-2 times a month. Shampoos and conditioners are used only specifically for long-haired breeds. They should be applied to the skin in diluted form. Before washing, be sure to comb the wool, as it will mat even more when wet. To prevent your pet from catching a cold, it is better to dry the fur with a hairdryer after bathing.

If the dog participates in exhibitions, care is even more difficult. You will need to buy a conditioner to make combing easier, and a special oil for shine. Long strands are wound onto curling irons. The hair on the head is raised up and collected in a knot. There are different hairstyle options for dogs of this breed: the hair is braided, collected in several ponytails, secured with hairpins, bows or elastic bands. Bright accessories make your pet look like a toy.

You can have your dog trimmed at home or by a professional. This will make grooming easier and eliminate the need for frequent brushing. This is especially true in the summer: a shaved Shih Tzu does not suffer as much from the heat.

You can cut the fur very short or get a teddy bear haircut. Usually, many owners simply shorten the hairs on the face. But there are different model, hygienic haircuts. It is better to take a show animal to a groomer. He knows how to trim the dog's coat correctly so that the dog looks more beautiful and takes a prize.

Photos of different versions of cut dogs of this breed:


Shih Tzus should not be overfed; they are prone to weight gain. They may also develop allergies. You can feed your pet natural food or prepared food, but choose the food carefully. Although the dogs themselves happily eat any food.

When choosing natural feeding, approximately 20% of the diet should be meat. It is mixed with porridge, vegetables, and made into soups. You can give offal, boiled sea fish, just choose the bones carefully. Fermented milk products, vegetables, fruits, eggs, and herbs are healthy. Vitamins, meat and bone meal, eggshells, and fish oil are added to food.

It is forbidden to give your pet potatoes, barley, corn, legumes, pork, smoked meats and baked goods. You cannot feed fatty, spicy and fried foods, or indulge in sweets and confectionery.

For many owners, it is easier to feed their pet dry food. It is balanced, making it easier to measure the required amount. You need to choose premium and super-premium brands. Adult dogs are prone to obesity, so the composition should be low in fat and carbohydrates. You cannot mix ready-made food with natural food, but you can give canned food from the same manufacturer.

It is necessary to choose food individually for each animal. You can consult your veterinarian, but often you have to try several brands to find the right one. Best food for Shih Tzu:

  • Pro Plan;
  • Royal Canin;
  • Akana;
  • First Choice;
  • Orijen;
  • Now Fresh;
  • Grandorf;
  • Pro Natur Holistic.


Shih Tzus are dogs with good health. With proper care and nutrition, they live 14-16 years and remain active until old age. There are also long-livers among them - some individuals can live 18-20 years.

Representatives of this breed have diseases associated with their appearance.

  • The large eyes of these dogs are supported only by the masticatory muscle, so it is possible that the eyeball has fallen out of the socket. You can prevent this by walking your dog in a harness rather than a collar and protecting him from head injuries. If the eye falls out, you should immediately consult a veterinarian. Conjunctivitis and lacrimation often also develop.
  • The ears of the Shih Tzu are long and drooping, covered with thick hair. Due to lack of ventilation, inflammation may develop in them.
  • Due to the short muzzle and small jaw size, the teeth may not develop properly. Sometimes they become bent, fall out, and periodontal disease develops.
  • For the same reason, these dogs often have breathing problems and heat stroke.
  • Sores and dermatitis may appear under long hair. It often harbors fleas and ticks. If the coat is not taken care of, the dog will lick itself and swallow the hair. This can cause intestinal obstruction.
  • The dog's body is long and its legs are short. Therefore, when jumping, spinal injuries are possible, which lead to paralysis.
  • Representatives of this breed are also prone to allergic reactions. Because of this, hair falls out and itching appears. You need to carefully choose not only food and care products, but also household chemicals.

The most annoying problem that some owners of these dogs face is proptosis or eye loss. You need to know in advance why this can happen: if you hit the dog on the head, put a lot of pressure on the neck. If there is a severe allergic reaction, dust or hair gets into the eye, it may also fall out. Signs of pathology: the eye becomes red, swollen, and the dog often scratches it. If an eye has fallen out, you cannot set it back on your own; you need to contact a veterinarian.

The video will help you understand how to care for these dogs:

Video: Grooming a Shih Tzu, coat care, washing features, hygienic haircut at home

Video: How to wash a dog. Shih Tzu grooming

Video: How to trim a Shih Tzu


In order for your pet to always feel good, you need to visit the veterinarian twice a year for preventative care. Shih Tzu diseases identified at an early stage are much easier to treat. Shih Tzus have several diseases that occur most frequently.

Their predisposition is associated with the physiological structure of the face. Dog breeds such as Shih Tzu, Pekingese and Pugs are classified as brachycephalic. A large skull and a short upturned face often provoke problems with the eyes and breathing. The owner needs to study their symptoms in order to react in time.

How to buy a Shih Tzu puppy

You need to buy a Shih Tzu puppy from a kennel or from reputable breeders. This will eliminate the risk of purchasing a dog with breed defects or hereditary diseases.

We sell puppies from 2.5 months, show puppies from 6 months. By this age, the necessary vaccinations and deworming must be done. It is necessary to check the presence of a pedigree and a veterinary passport.

When choosing, you need to follow the advice of dog handlers:

  • the nursery must be clean, the animals are well-groomed and accustomed to hygienic procedures;
  • the mother of the children is healthy, behaves appropriately, and is not aggressive;
  • the puppy should be cheerful, not cowardly;
  • active, curious, ready to play;
  • he has a soft, not bloated tummy, smooth shiny fur, clean eyes and ears, and even paws.

In Moscow, purebred puppies cost from 25,000 rubles. If a dog is offered cheaper, it could be a mixed breed or a sick animal. Girls are more expensive, but they are more sociable and affectionate. For exhibition specimens the price starts at 50 thousand. Show class puppies can cost 100 thousand rubles.

Photos of Shih Tzu puppies:

To make the final decision whether to get this dog, watch the video:

Video: Shih Tzu - All about the dog breed

Video: Shih Tzu. Pros and cons, price, how to choose, facts, care, history

Video: 10 questions about SHI-TCU

The Shih Tzu is the best dog for a family with children and for a lonely retiree. This is a beautiful pet and loyal companion. If you love him and care for him correctly, he will bring a lot of joy.


Dogs are small and do not require much space. But inviting a specialist for the first time will make the work of the owners easier. Shih Tzus are unusual in structure, so they need help during the process. An ignorant person can injure a dog.

Breeding pets are brought together through a nursery, where owners fill out forms and receive certificates. Later they agree on the date and price, which is paid to the owner of the dog. Usually, it is equal to one puppy or a percentage of its cost.

Animals can be knitted at 2-2.5 years, although they mature at 8-10 months. The female should go into her third heat and show signs of readiness: loosening of the loop, light discharge, playful behavior.

Within two weeks, pets are checked at the veterinary clinic for pathologies and cleaned of worms. On the day of mating, the female is brought to the male. The animals are given time to get to know each other. When the male tries to mount, the girl is held by the head and is not allowed to mount. The dog is sent into the loop.

After several active pushes, a lock may occur in which the dogs stand for 10-15 minutes . It is important to place them so that they do not injure the genitals: tail to tail. Even without a lock, a girl can become pregnant . Mating is repeated after 48 hours , and the progress of pregnancy is checked at a veterinary ultrasound center.

Read a detailed article on the topic: “Everything you need to know about breeding dogs: appropriate age, what to do if it doesn’t work out, rules and tips.”

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