Border collie (48 photos): origin, breed standards, pros and cons of keeping, health and possible diseases

Origin:Great Britain
Usage:herding dog
Color:black and white, red, sable, etc.
Dimensions:height 47-53 cm, weight 15-22 kg
Lifespan:14-16 years old

The border collie is one of the smartest dog breeds in the world. This is an amazing animal that has an almost human mind and the ability to feel the mood of its owner. The article provides basic information about the breed - external features, nuances of character, maintenance and upbringing.

Origin story

The history of the collie breed originates in the lands of the counties located on the border of Scotland with England. This gave it such an unusual name; the translation of the word “border” is “border, boundary.”

There is a less popular reference to the Gaelic "useful". The third version is that in those territories a breed of sheep with a black muzzle, called coaley, was common; four-legged shepherds of a similar color began to be called the same.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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If you dig into ancient times, you can assume that the ancestors of the border collie breed were Welsh dogs crossed with shepherd dogs that accompanied the Vikings on campaigns.

Documentary records from the 16th century contain mention of this breed, and in 1860, when a dog show was held for the second time, representatives of the breed were presented to the public.

They captivated not only ordinary visitors, but also Queen Victoria with their ingenuity, speed, and working qualities. The official description and recognition of the breed took place in 1915. The border standard, which is still in force today, was registered half a century later.

Key facts

Surely you have heard more than once that the border collie is considered the smartest dog in the world. And these are not unfounded statements: scientists have tried and proven it scientifically. And the characteristics of the Border Collie breed speak eloquently: you cannot find smarter dogs.

One look at a video or photo of a border collie is enough to understand: this is an ancient herding breed, and “shepherds,” as you know, are distinguished by incredible intelligence. It would be more accurate to use the word “intelligence” - these animals are so smart.

Border Collies are extremely active and active, and tireless work in any social environment is in their blood. Whether it is a family, an emergency team or a herd, the borderer will use his skills to the maximum.

Brief description of the Border Collie breed: super active, freedom-loving, smart people who are very loyal to their owner; They are happy to carry out any instructions, but their strong point is to look after and shepherd.

The health and life expectancy of border collies is encouraging: with a minimum of possible diseases, dogs live on average 15 years.

Characteristics and standards

Border and collie are medium breeds; the size of an adult dog does not exceed 55 cm at the withers and weighs 15-20 kg. There are two officially recognized varieties: short-haired and long-haired. These are lively, intelligent, loyal dogs with excellent working qualities and the ability to train.

The FCI standard ranks the Border Collie breed in the second section (shepherd dogs) of group 1 (cattle and herding dogs) and records the following characteristics:

  1. The head is proportional, with a clear transition from the lobe to the forehead, short, wide, narrowed towards the nose.
  2. The eyes are oval shaped and small in size. The iris is brown, but in representatives of the merle color it is light. Heterochromia is allowed (one blue, one dark, or several colors on the iris).
  3. The ears are semi- or erect, mobile with widely spaced cartilages.
  4. Scissor bite, overbites and underbites are a defect.
  5. The neck is developed, muscular, flexible, widened towards the scapular area.
  6. The body is slightly stretched, exceeding the height at the withers with a developed sacral region. The chest is wide.
  7. The forelimbs are parallel, the shoulder blades are shifted towards the croup, the wrists, when viewed from the side, are slightly sloping.
  8. Hind legs with well-developed muscles, long, deep hips, pronounced hocks and bone structure.
  9. The paws have an oval shape, short, strong claws, and fleshy pads.
  10. The tail is hooked, with a curl at the end, set low, reaching the hocks, and fluffy. When excited, it can rise, but not above the line of the back.
  11. The coat is thick, with a dense, soft undercoat. Long-haired Border Collies have feathering on their paws, a mane, and a bushy tuft at the end of their tail. The body and muzzle are covered with short, straight hair.
  12. Colors can be varied: black and white, brown, red, chocolate, blue, marbled. White plays a secondary role in any of them. There are tricolors.
  13. The breed's character is balanced, friendly, without signs of cowardice or aggression towards people and animals.
  14. Movements are smooth, energetic, graceful. The general impression is that the collie can move quickly and silently. When walking, the paws leave the ground minimally.
  15. Life expectancy is often 15-17 years.

Any deviation from the accepted standard is considered a defect that interferes with breeding and exhibition careers.

In collie males, one of the disadvantages is cryptorchidism (descent of one testicle into the scrotum).

Description of the breed, appearance

Border Terrier: description of the breed and character

The Border Collie, as described by most experts, is a strong, resilient, well-proportioned and very graceful dog. The following breed standards are presented:

  • The skull is elongated, the occipital protuberance is poorly expressed and has a small size. The length of the skull and muzzle are equal. A clearly defined transition from the forehead to the muzzle.
  • The nose is black, brown or dark gray, depending on the breed.
  • The eye shape is oval. They have a variety of shades ranging from brown to blue.
  • The triangular ears are erect or semi-erect.
  • The neck is of medium length.
  • Paws set parallel, strong, straight.
  • The body is elongated and muscular.
  • Wide chest.
  • The tail is saber-shaped and fluffy.
  • The breed variety includes both short-haired and long-haired representatives.

Collie colors include black and white, harlequin, chocolate, merle, red or spotted Aussie. There is simply no single standard on this issue.

Different colors

Defects in appearance and disqualifying defects

There are quite loyal requirements for this breed. Only dogs that show obvious aggression, cowardice or other unusual behavior can be banned from participating in exhibition events.

Obvious non-compliance with the specified breed standards are also considered defects.


Collies were originally bred to serve as herding dogs. Today they continue to serve as laborers on many farms around the world. The working qualities of the breed are of the highest level.

Thanks to its intelligence and speed, one dog can manage an entire herd or flock without difficulty or fatigue. The official standard for the border dog is drawn up in a loyal manner so as not to influence its intended purpose.

High intelligence and thirst for movement made the animal an ideal breed for agility, freestyle, Frisbee, and other types of canine sports. Farm dogs are constantly present in the top three champions at competitions. They can be irreplaceable companions for active and active people.

Without work, the borderer begins to get bored and play around. Such an animal cannot sit in one place or doze for hours in the sun. The collie will begin to herd the neighbor's chickens, family members, and will “put things in order” at his own discretion, but will certainly come up with something to do for himself.

Pros and cons of the border collie

Like any breed, these dogs have their positive and negative sides. Before getting a border collie, you need to familiarize yourself with the comparative table of pros and cons.

Positive traitsNegative traits
Smart, obedient, independentCan manipulate the owner or household members
They are excellent to train, even a beginner can cope with their upbringing.Find it difficult to bear loneliness
Non-aggressive, friendlyProne to escape (easily overcome high fences, dig tunnels)
Have good health and live longIf not handled correctly, they become very timid or aggressive
They get along with children, love them, and are not jealousNeed movement and mental exercise
Suitable for active activities, share a treadmill, bike ride with the owner, love to swimThey do not protect territories and things
Used as search and rescue dogsIn such individuals the shepherd instinct sometimes awakens

If you need a vigilant guard, you should look for him among other breeds.

Older people who like to sit on the couch should not get a Border Collie dog.

How to choose a puppy

Before buying a puppy, it is advisable to visit exhibitions and chat with other owners to learn everything about the breed. Then you should choose a nursery by studying reviews on the Internet. It is recommended to purchase pets from organizations registered with the RKF and having a good reputation.

A responsible breeder will be happy to answer your questions, tell you everything about keeping and feeding the puppies, and also point out the pros and cons of the border collie.

This active pet is not suitable for every person - homebodies should take a closer look at another breed.

It is also necessary to get to know the animal's parents. Good heredity guarantees the physical and mental health of Border Collie puppies.

Colors and coat types

The vast majority of representatives of the Border Collie breed have a black and white coat. The gene carrying it is the most active and monochormic puppies can be obtained from the mating of dogs of any color. The spots look like tan marks or brindle, specks.

  • Blue coat color in collies is obtained by combining a black dominant and an allele that weakens it. The spots are sometimes modified to a pure blue color.

  • Tricolor dogs are allowed in different color variations.

  • brown individuals are heterozygous for all colors except their own.

  • The red color varies from light cream to bright sable. It is caused by complex gene interactions. Dogs with such hair can even give birth to black babies.

  • Merle in the breed results in puppies with a marbled tint. Similar colors often appear in Border Collies, but are difficult to see until the dog matures.

  • white spots are a mandatory requirement for the breed; they can be marked with spots of any color.

  • It is not customary for dogs of blue merle color to be bred with each other; they produce few, non-viable offspring. They select relatives of a different color as partners.

  • The marbled dog is more likely than others to be born with different eyes or have a wedge-shaped contrasting mark on the iris.

Snow-white hair is not recognized as a standard, but such dogs are sometimes born and are in special demand in a number of countries.

Dog character

When it comes to temperament, Border Collies are quite different from most other breeds. They are truly unique and individual dogs, with their own little quirks.

The nature of collies is closely related to their “work” as herders. Therefore, almost everything they do comes from their instinct to herd other animals.

Any individual of this species will be very energetic. This energy leads to a love of play and a desire or even need to run. A responsible owner must be prepared to perform the tasks associated with training the dog.

They are very sociable and friendly. Pets are people-oriented, despite the “herd” mentality. They are very friendly and loyal. Individuals also get along well with cats and other pets.

Since pets are strongly attached to their owners, they suffer from long separations. Don't let them stay alone for long. This will lead to destructive behavior in the home.

Collies are not an aggressive breed. Therefore, they do not have strong security abilities and a tendency to fight.

Animals love their families and show this as best they can. But they will be more reserved around unfamiliar people and animals.

When young, the breed may exhibit sensitivity to noise and a general lack of confidence in the world. However, when they are carefully trained and socialized, individuals make excellent companions and workers. They are very intelligent creatures. They are considered one of the smartest dog species in the world. Therefore, animals will often try to outsmart their owners. Don't let them do this, as it will become a habit for your pets.

Thanks to their high intelligence, individuals quickly learn new tricks and commands.

Border Collie Personality

Border collies are slow to mature, even at 3-4 years of age they exhibit puppy-like behavior. The breed is non-conflicting, gets along with other pets, and does not compete with them for the attention of its owners. With children, such dogs willingly play chase, watch over them vigilantly, and “herd.”

These animals need work and movement. It doesn’t matter whether long-distance running, fetch, agility, or Frisbee will be offered. There must be a lot of this. This breed is a bundle of indomitable energy. If you limit a dog's activity, its character will deteriorate. There may also be problems with executing well-established and well-known commands.

The border collie breed clearly divides everyone into “friends” and strangers.

The Border Collie needs to exercise its mind and loves to learn. An adult dog living among people often understands not only commands, but also individual words. And if socialization has been disrupted since childhood, difficulties may arise when contacting strangers; the dog will run away and display a mixture of cowardice and aggression.


Representatives of the breed have a friendly character. Animals are active, attentive and responsible. They are not characterized by malice or cowardice. Pets are distrustful of strangers, but do not show obvious aggression.

This is a dog of more than one owner - it loves all family members equally. The pet loves to accompany the owner everywhere, but does not impose himself. Animals make contact only when people need their attention.

All types of collies (Blue Lacy, Aussie, Sheltie, Shorthaired Collie, etc.) are highly trainable. However, according to British scientists, it is the border collie that is the smartest dog. Owners teach their pets incredible tricks. For example, walking on your front paws.

However, learning should be interesting. If the dog gets bored, he will pretend to be stupid, sick, or suddenly go deaf. This behavior must be stopped, otherwise it will develop into a bad habit.

The high intelligence of animals also gives rise to disadvantages of the breed. These dogs are cunning: they try to manipulate the owner, forcing him to do what is convenient for them. You should not react to such provocations. When the pet realizes that the trick was unsuccessful, it will become obedient again.

If it is difficult to train an animal on your own, you should use the services of a dog handler who knows the characteristics of this breed well.

The dog should not be left idle. If the owner does not use it for its intended purpose, then another job is found for the pet. For example, they do agility or Frisbee.

Maintenance and care

This animal also feels good in a private house with an area where it can run around all day long. It's great if he has a playmate - another dog. A border collie can live in an apartment only if it is walked at least 2 times a day for 1.5-2 hours.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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There is no need to bathe the animal often, but you will have to scratch it, especially a long-haired one, 1-2 times a week, otherwise tangles cannot be avoided. Molting occurs seasonally. During the warm season, the dog should be treated with anti-tick products, and all year round - with fleas. Once a quarter, take anthelmintic medications. Ears should be regularly cleaned of wax, dust and dirt.

Due to their thick undercoat, even short-haired collies can easily tolerate being kept outdoors. The claws wear down when walking, but grow quickly. They need to be carefully trimmed with special tweezers.


Again, returning to the pet’s mobility, walks should be given at least 2 hours a day. In addition to active games, water treatments are a good way to release energy. Dogs love to swim and happily follow their owners into the water.

Important! In order to somehow help the animal throw out the accumulated energy, the owner is recommended to play active games with the pet, such as a ball, stick or frisbee.

Walking the dog should include active games


These dogs are not capricious when it comes to food; they need to be fed twice a day, at the same time. This has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive system. Ready-made feeds of premium brands that have high nutritional value and contain the required amount of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients are suitable. Border collies tolerate natural food well.

The dog's diet must include:

  • beef, lamb meat (including offal: lungs, heart, uncleaned stomach, liver);
  • fish with soft bones (sprat, capelin);
  • vegetables;
  • dairy products;
  • rice, buckwheat;
  • eggs;
  • vegetable oil.

These representatives of the breed should not be given:

  • food from the human table (lots of salt, spices), leftovers from plates, spoiled food (a dog is not a garbage dump);
  • potato;
  • bird bones;
  • barley, wheat porridge;
  • flour products;
  • sweets.

Obesity in Border Collies practically does not occur, but it is advisable to monitor the balance of calorie intake and expenditure and weight.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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It is not recommended to feed collies in a mixed diet; the diet should be natural or consist entirely of dry food.

Dog care

The breed is easy to care for. The dog's coat is naturally elastic, making the pet very easy to comb. Take care of the hygiene of the animal’s eyes and ears, and the healthy condition of its oral cavity.

The price of a border collie varies from 350 to 700 USD.

Diseases and life expectancy

Medium breeds die at an older age than giant and mini dogs.

Good health is a distinguishing feature since these dogs were naturally bred.

Occasionally they are diagnosed with:

  • allergies to food or household chemicals;
  • hip dysplasia;
  • osteochondritis with separation of cartilage tissue;
  • progressive retinal atrophy leading to blindness;
  • epilepsy.

The causes of the disease lie in a genetic defect or improper care of the pet.

The life expectancy of a dog is 12-15 years or more if the animal is kept in good conditions and eats properly.


The height at the withers for boys is 48-56 cm, their weight is 14-20 kg.

Generally, the males of the same litter will be larger in size than the females. They usually grow taller and have a more muscular body, but this depends on the litter the dog was born into. Some parents may be small and some may be large. Therefore, some women may be larger than men purely due to genetics.

Males, as a rule, are more attached to their owners than females. They exhibit more affectionate behavior. Boys tend to be more "pushy" and will often ask you for attention.

As a male dog ages, he is more likely to retain his puppy playfulness. Females are the opposite: they become more withdrawn and aloof with age.

Often, male dogs will be more food motivated than female dogs. This has clear advantages in education and training.

We can say that men have a more “even” character. They are often calmer.

Puppy cost

The price of a puppy depends on its origin.

  1. You can buy a baby from your own hands, the seller will claim that the litter is the result of an unscheduled mating, so there are no documents, offer to see mom and dad live or from a photo and ask for about 1,000 to 5,000 rubles. It is unknown who will grow out of the toddler in the future. Such a dog is prohibited from entering exhibitions, it is not subject to breeding, and after a while it may develop various diseases.
  2. For a puppy of titled parents who participated in exhibitions, with a full set of documents, you will have to pay 10-25 thousand rubles. A less distinguished, promising baby with a metric mark and a rare color will cost the same.
  3. Over 20 thousand rubles. The kids are show class. They even look different. It is advisable to buy such a dog if you plan to attend exhibitions, engage in breeding, or start a kennel.

Sales advertisements can also be found on free service websites. But in them, would-be breeders often try to pass off mestizos as purebred puppies, citing the lack of documents as the reason that they didn’t want the paperwork.


The height at the withers for girls is 46-53 cm, weight – 12-19 kg.

Females are usually shorter and slimmer. This contributes to their greater dexterity. Also, girls' heads have a more feminine appearance.

Women are usually more independent than men and do not like to be controlled. For example, they will come to you when they want something, but will leave as soon as they get what they wanted.

Because women like to be in control, they tend to be more stubborn.

A lesser known fact is that girls are territorial. They will mark their territory throughout their lives. This does not depend on whether they are sterilized.

Bitches are less attached to their owner than males. With age, they become more reserved.

Unspayed females will exhibit mood swings when they come into heat. In general, women tend to be more “moody” than men.

Choosing a puppy

When choosing a puppy, you should pay attention to the conditions in which it is kept and what its mother looks like. If a family sleeps in a dirty barn, the bitch is covered in tangles and scabs, we can say that no one cared for the dog during her pregnancy.

A healthy puppy should be:

  • active;
  • curious;
  • not cowardly.

External data to pay attention to:

  • clear, oxide-free eyes;
  • clean ears;
  • soft, thick wool.


Mating of dogs is possible only when they reach a certain age. For girls, the period is suitable only after the third heat.

As for colors, representatives of completely different species can be crossed. As a rule, mestizo is in good health.

The optimal age for mating is considered to be two years of age. This applies to both males and females. It is prohibited to breed male dogs before the specified age. Such a decision can lead to undesirable consequences, both for the male and for his offspring.

Dog mating


Alina, 20 years old: “I lead an active lifestyle: I love hiking, cycling, and skiing in winter. My border collie shares this rhythm with me. At one year old, the dog already knew all the commands, there were no problems with training.”

Valery, 40 years old: “I chose a dog as a companion for children. It’s hard for them to find a better companion than a border collie. Our Rick runs around with them in the yard all day, and in the evening he has a fuss at home. There was never a time when he somehow offended the children. On the contrary, sometimes I yell at them so that they don’t bother the collies too much. But he seems to like it."

Inga, 51 years old: “My acquaintance with the border collie began when I saw this dog in some movie and simply fell in love from the first frame with this energetic and intelligent animal. I have kept this breed for over 15 years. Each dog is unique, with its own character and habits. I have up to 5 collies at a time. They need a lot of space. I couldn’t live in an apartment with a border.”

Education and training

Border collies learn at lightning speed. It will take very little time to train them to the desired level. But not the strength - the trainer will have to invent little tricks.

For example, herding dogs do not like the monotonous repetition of the same command. If they get bored with something, they will look at the owner, and the look will read “I understand everything, but I don’t want to do this.” So try not just to train your dog, but to give him interesting tasks.

Puppies of this breed are restless, and in order to raise and train a border collie it is necessary to capture their attention. The best way is to show something interesting, to join the game yourself. Then the dogs will enthusiastically pick up your initiative.

Every walk with your pet should turn into an adventure. Take toys from home, find obstacle courses, go hiking, go to water bodies - make your life more diverse with a border collie. Owners who own individuals of this breed note that they have become more toned with the appearance of such an active dog in the house.

You can train a puppy from 3 months, that is, from the moment you start walking him. But the rules of behavior in the house must be learned by the puppy immediately, from the first day: otherwise, you risk causing great material damage. A collie will damage furniture and show character to get attention. This should be nipped in the bud.

Because of their mental and physical abilities, Borders often make excellent service dogs. They participate in searching for people, conducting rescue operations and helping people in other dangerous situations.

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