Border Collie: a large and detailed overview of the breed (+ photos)

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Description of the breed

The Border Collie is an English breed of herding dog. It was bred for guarding and herding work. International name Border Collie. According to the results of a study conducted in 2009 by scientists from the University of British Columbia under the leadership of Stanley Coren, Border Collie dogs are recognized as the smartest dogs among all other modern breeds.

Border Collies, as the most intelligent dogs, have many talents that can be put to different uses. But as 100% working herding dogs, Borders do best when doing what they love, herding. For these dogs, the ideal pastime is working 25 hours a day. In Scotland, Border Collies are trusted to herd huge flocks of sheep. And in distant Australia, this breed successfully competed with local herding dogs, standing on the same level as the Australian Kelpie. If you are looking for a tireless, independent and intelligent working dog, then you can't go wrong with a Border Collie.

Borders are a bundle of inexhaustible energy in the form of a dog. Its reserves are inexhaustible and it definitely needs to be used. Otherwise, the dog, deprived of the opportunity to work or run a lot, will get bored and begin to “put things in order” in your house or apartment in its own way. Therefore, if you love active sports, love long bike rides or jogging, often go on hikes and trips into nature, prefer playing ball or frisbee, or sitting around a fire, then the border dog will be your ideal four-legged friend, a perky companion, ready no matter what. regardless of the weather, laziness or fatigue, accompany you always and everywhere. The Border Collie was a great herder in the past, an excellent companion, athlete and rescuer in the present.

Buying a puppy: features of preparation, choice

A small puppy is the same as a child, so you need to be well prepared for its arrival in the house.
First, determine a place for resting and feeding. Secondly, take care of safety: You need to purchase toys for your pet. These can be products from pet stores, and ordinary vegetables (carrots or potatoes).

The optimal age to buy a puppy is from 1.5 to 4 months. At this time, character and habits are formed. Having a baby at an earlier age is undesirable and is associated with feeding difficulties. Until 6 weeks, the dog feeds on its mother's breast milk.

At first, it is very important to help the new family member adapt. You should be prepared for the fact that the puppy will begin to whine frequently, yearning for its mother. Under no circumstances should you scold your pet for this. It is necessary to establish trusting relationships and emotional contact. It’s good if you can take a vacation in the first few weeks or even months of the puppy’s life in the house.

Up to four months, the puppy needs to instill basic norms of behavior and habits - daily routine, knowledge of the place, basic commands. It is very difficult to correct mistakes in upbringing later. For example, if a puppy sleeps with its owner, then when it grows up, it will not give up this habit.

There is no need to remind you that it is better to buy a puppy from trusted breeders or nurseries. Only in this case can you be sure of the dog’s physical and mental health, its cleanliness, and good pedigree.

When choosing, you need to pay attention to the following points:

You definitely need to talk to the breeder and look at the dog’s card. It is advisable to meet the parents of the future pet, the entire brood.

Buying a puppy is a very important step. After all, you are not purchasing a living soft toy, but a devoted friend and companion for many years.

Sheltie puppies price

The cost of puppies ranges from 11 to 35 thousand rubles. It all depends on the nursery, its prices, the celebrity of the parents, the purity of the breed standard, and other factors. It is not advisable to buy a dog in markets or from private individuals (unless it is a trusted person).

Material prepared by: Margarita Olegovna Samusik

writer, works in a zoo nursery, keeps 2 dogs and a cat at home,

comes from a professional family (father is a zoologist, mother is a felinologist)


History and breed standard

The Border Collie is another purely English breed of dog that has become incredibly popular all over the world. They are still a working breed and are used for their intended purpose, which, however, does not prevent them from being family favorites, sports champions and wonderful companions.

The ancestors of modern Border Collies appeared in the British Isles with the Romans, when local native herding dogs mixed with imported herding dogs, then their reindeer herding dogs arrived on the island with the Vikings, who also began to mix with local breeds. As a result, a breed of small herding dogs appeared on the border of England and Scotland. Her working qualities were so high that over time, future border collies spread throughout all border areas.

Subsequently, the breed received the name border collie, in which the English word border means border, that is, the border between two then independent states, Scotland and England, where the breed and the Celtic (or Scottish) word collie, denoting the general name for any herding dogs, originated.

The first written descriptions of the Border Collie's ancestors date back to 1570. Those dogs looked like border dogs. They just looked a little more hunched over than they do now. By the middle of the 19th century, the Border Collie breed group was quite isolated, but dog breeding was not scientific in nature and was rather spontaneous.

So many dog ​​handlers believe that the blood of Polish lowland shepherds, bearded collies, even springer spaniels and greyhounds was involved in the borders. The working qualities of dogs were important for procreation; purity of blood and pleasant appearance were considered secondary issues.

Since 1873, competitions for the best shepherd dog have been regularly held in Great Britain. And in 1894, the winner of such competitions was a border collie dog named Old Hemp, at the age of only one year. In subsequent years, he remained undefeated in this type of dog competition. It is this Border that is considered the ancestor of all modern Border Collies, at least by one of them.

As an independent breed, the Border Collie, despite its almost thousand-year history, was registered in 1915. According to the FCI classification, the Border Collie belongs to Group 1: Sheepdogs and Cattle Dogs (excluding Swiss Cattle Dogs), Section 1: Shepherd Dogs. Standard No. 297, last edition October 28, 2009. Testing of the working qualities of the breed is mandatory.


Dog breed similar to Collie

The Sheltie is a Shetland Sheepdog originally from Scotland, a breed of dog that is surprisingly similar in appearance to another breed (Collie).

Sheltie is an ideal breed for those who decide to get a dog for the first time. Miniature and good-natured animals, very similar to collies, are distinguished by their friendly character and cheerful disposition. And high intellectual abilities are inherent in Scottish Shepherds at the genetic level.

External signs

The Border Collie is an active and energetic dog, proportionally built. It is characterized by smooth silhouette lines. It combines grace and excellent balance, outwardly it seems strong and resilient, which, in fact, is what it is.

There is not a drop of rudeness in the borders. There is no tendency to become lanky. The format is almost square: the length of the body is slightly greater than the height at the withers, the skull and muzzle are approximately equal in length.

A characteristic external sign of the Border Collie is its slightly hunched posture and tail tucked under its stomach, which is a sign of the dog’s highest concentration. The collie's beautiful eyes seem to want to hypnotize you. The movements of the Border Collie are free, smooth, the paws almost never leave the ground, so it creates the misleading impression that the dog is running very carefully, but at the same time, Border Collies run very fast.

The ideal height for a male is 53 cm, for a female - a little less. Dogs weigh an average of 23 kg. In height and weight, differences of up to +- 1 kg or 1 cm are allowed. The coat of a border collie can be moderately long and short. Currently, the short-haired variety of collies is not very common and the long-haired Borders are more popular.

Regardless of the length of the coat, the topcoat of the Border Collie is thick, of medium hardness, and the undercoat is soft and very thick, waterproof. Long-haired collies are characterized by a pronounced mane, feathering and breeches. The fur on the dog's ears, front legs and face must be smooth and short.

Any colors are acceptable, the main thing is that white color does not predominate in it. The most popular colors are tricolor (a combination of black, red and white), black and white and merle colors.

The eyes are always brown, with the exception of merle-colored dogs, whose eyes may be entirely or partially blue.


Border collies are hardworking and persistent, responsive and attentive dogs; they are distinguished by their developed intelligence and good memory. They are attentive, vigilant, responsive. Should not be nervous or aggressive.

The Border Collie chooses only one owner for itself, and considers the rest of the family members as equals. A Border Collie will make a good family dog ​​if its owner is the head of the family. Since border dogs are extremely receptive and sensitive, they require a calm, reasonable owner who is able to properly raise and manage the dog.

Weak-willed and fickle people will not be able to find a common language with border collies, who, having doubted their authority, will themselves begin to dominate and patronize them.

If socialization is carried out on time and correctly, then collies easily get along with other pets, even cats. Dogs of this breed love children and will protect them as their “herd.” Relationships with other dogs are good. There is no tendency to dominate, but a pronounced tendency to patronize and protect.

General impression

When looking at a dog, a feeling of harmony should be created.
The lines of the body, limbs, and head are noble and neat. Even in a calm state, the image should look wary, but without nervousness. The head has noble narrow features and is proportional to the body. The cheekbones are pronounced, the muzzle tapers from the ears to the tip of the nose. Nose and lips are black.

The eyes are beautiful, medium size, almond-shaped. The color is dark brown or blue.

The tail is set low, richly coated, slightly curved upward, but not curled.

The dog's movements are flexible and graceful. Developed muscles and a strong build allow them to overcome high obstacles and move quickly. Shelties are very active and love to play. With good nutrition and care, dogs live 12–15 years.

Education and training

Border Collies are prized for their amazing intelligence, agility and eagerness to work. It is not for nothing that the breed was put first in intelligence; border dogs easily remember commands and carry them out at the first order of the owner or trainer.

The inexhaustible energy of these furry fidgets must be directed in the right direction. Otherwise, your Border Collie will get out of control and become unruly and capricious. To raise and train the owner of such a dog must have sufficient time to exercise with it, and most importantly, to satisfy its need for movement.

Maintenance, care, health

The peculiarities of their coat make these dogs not susceptible to weather changes. Therefore, they can live in the nursery without much difficulty.

You can keep a Border Collie dog in an apartment, but only if there is sufficient physical activity and their desire to work is fully satisfied. It doesn't have to be a shepherd's job. It is enough that the dog has the ability to make independent decisions and perform various and varied tasks.

For example, fetching, playing with a ball, and all kinds of obedience competitions will fill the dog’s required load, both energetic and mental. These dogs behave perfectly if they have something to do.

Coat care is extremely simple: brushing once a week and no problems. You also need to keep your ears clean and keep your nails short.

What is the difference between intelligence

Both of these breeds are highly intelligent dogs. They are easy to train and can learn many commands without being stubborn.

Both of these breeds are emotionally very attached to their owners and try to please them, anticipating their desires . It is not difficult for them to adapt to the lifestyle of their owner. Both Collie and Sheltie are great with children, acting as a nanny. They generally have no desire to dominate. They do not strive to show “who’s boss.” However, these intellectuals of the dog world, if necessary, are able to act independently, choosing the right decision.

Numerous reviews from owners indicate that the Collie is a much more self-sufficient dog than the Sheltie.


The Border Collie can still easily herd any animal: cows, sheep and even poultry. This dog vitally needs to be constantly at work or on the move. An ideal substitute for herding work is playing ball and Frisbee, flyball, agility, fetch.

The dogs have performed well in drug detection, sanitary and rescue service; due to their weak aggressiveness, they do not look very good as a bodyguard and security guard. But after undergoing special training they show good results.

How much does a border collie cost?

A purebred border dog cannot cost less than 20 thousand rubles. And this price is offered for a puppy with minor defects - this is a pet class, which is not allowed for breeding and exhibitions. “High-quality” breed-class puppies will cost about 40 thousand rubles, and elite representatives of the show class – from 60 thousand rubles and above. Of course, the price of a border collie will depend not only on its qualities, but also on the reputability of the nursery.

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