What does a mini sharpei look like: description of the breed and distinctive features of pets

Shar Pei is the oldest and most interesting breed of dog. According to scientists, the breed has Chinese roots.

Shar Pei belong to guard hunting dogs, the characteristic features of which are skin folds on the head and shoulders, and due to the peculiar structure of the muzzle, they resemble small hippopotamuses.

The size of the representatives of the breed is average, weight up to 30 kg, height 44-60 cm.

Do mini Shar-Peis exist and what do they look like in the photo?

Recently, miniature dogs have been gaining unprecedented popularity among dog lovers. Given this trend, breeders are breeding mini dogs that are smaller in size compared to their counterparts..

This is how mini Shar-Peis, or, as they are otherwise called, mini-Peis, became popular.

Mini-Peis have been around for quite some time, however, they are not recognized as a separate breed.

Considering the fact that their breeding around the world is quite common, and there are many clubs dedicated specifically to the miniature version of the Shar Pei, experts are talking about the emergence of a new breed variety.

At the moment, mini Shar-Peis are considered a breeding defect, dwarfs who have not grown to the standard size of the breed by the age of one year.

Mini Shar-Peis appear in litters of purebreds. Their parents have standard sizes for the breed.

At first it is difficult to select a mini-pei from a litter; only by 4 weeks of age does it become clear which of the puppies will be mini .

Origin story

Shar Pei are representatives of the oldest breed, the roots of which go back so deep into centuries that scientists have still not been able to find out the origin of these dogs. There is evidence that, by order of the Great Chinese Emperor, all stud books associated with such information were burned. According to one theory, the ancestors of Shar Peis are mastiff-like dogs and chow chows. It is based on individual elements of the physique, skeletal system and character traits. But it is known for certain that the breed has existed for 3 thousand years.

Due to the isolation of China and the decline in the popularity of dogs for fighting, which is how Shar Peis were used at that time, the breed was on the verge of extinction in the 50s of the last century. Only 20 years later, several purebred puppies were brought abroad, where the process of reviving the breed began. Already in 1976, the first official breed standard appeared.

In Russia, these dogs with folds became known in the 90s. Gradually, Shar-Pei aroused great interest not only among dog breeders, but also among breeders. As for miniature pei, they do not have their own deep history, except that in some stud books there is a mention of the appearance of smaller offspring.

In the 90s of the last century, a club of miniature pei lovers appeared in Europe, which included breeders and dog breeders from Italy, France, Portugal, and Spain.

Personality of mini-pei

The Mini Pei is a full-fledged representative of the breed with all the characteristic characteristics, the only difference is the pet’s growth.

A distinctive feature of the character is pronounced leadership qualities . Mini Shar-Peis cannot be called flexible and obedient babies; they require a firm hand from their owner. experienced in raising and training dogs.

Despite the serious expression on their faces, minis are quite cheerful and playful.

They are loyal to their owner, but can be disobedient towards children or elderly people in the family . Mini-pei have peculiar relationships with other animals; they are sometimes cocky towards other dogs and cats.

The Mini Shar Pei has retained the protective qualities of the breed; it is wary of strangers and will protect the property of its owner and himself to the last.

With proper upbringing , a mini-pei will not cause problems; it can become a caring friend, a guard, and show calm and balance .

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

“The Shar Pei breed is loved by many; they are ancient representatives of man’s four-legged friends, who captivated us with their extraordinary appearance and strong character. Of course, having a small living space, it is difficult to keep a large or even medium-sized dog. More and more buyers want to get a mini version of their desired breed. Shar Peis are no exception. Mini Shar Peis are similar to their older brothers in everything, the only difference is in height. But before the age of one year, there is a high probability that the dwarf Shar Pei will grow almost to the standard. It is impossible to be 100% sure that a three-month-old mini puppy will not later turn out to be of normal size.”

Difficulties of parenting

As mentioned above, Shar Peis were originally bred for protection and participation in battles. For a long time they tried to make them real fighting dogs and instilled aggression in their character. All this can result in big trouble for the owners if they do not educate their dog from a very early age.

Only with the right approach and timely socialization will the Shar Pei get along well with other dogs. If you miss this moment, it will become impossible to walk the dog on the street.

Despite all the difficulties, experienced breeders leave reviews of Shar-Peis as very smart and quick-witted dogs. At the same time, they have a rather delicate, but at the same time firm character, that is, they try to listen to the owner, but can insist on their own.

Considering that the Shar Pei dog breed was originally bred as a guard dog, they are excellent at protecting their home. At the same time, they are incredibly attached to their family, but very poorly tolerate the appearance of a stranger on their own territory. If a person believes that a Shar Pei is a slow and indecisive dog, he should get to know a representative of this breed better. Many people are surprised when they see how much energy these dogs have. They are highly intelligent and athletic

The last quality is very important for the normal life of a Shar Pei, so it needs to be trained periodically

A particularly distinctive character trait of Chinese Shar-Peis is their high level of self-control. Most dogs do not tolerate loneliness very well. At the same time, they begin to cause mischief and tear everything up as soon as they are left alone at home. There is no such problem with Shar Peis. If the owner leaves for a while, he can be sure that upon returning he will not find his house turned upside down. Of course, these dogs really miss their loved one, but they will not express it in such an inappropriate way.

Shar Peis are very smart and independent. They are completely unsuitable for keeping in an enclosure.

Whether it is worth getting a Shar Pei for home keeping or not - everyone decides for himself. In this case, you can seek advice from the owners of this breed on the Shar Pei website online, which has existed for quite some time. On it you can find all the information you need regarding this breed. It will be difficult for him in a very cramped apartment, as he is an active dog. But the Shar Pei is perfect for a large house. It is advisable to have such a dog for a person with a strong character, since Shar-Peis like to take over and command, and this, as a rule, does not lead to good things. If you do not put the animal in its place in a timely manner, the dog will take advantage of the slack and establish its own rules, both at home and on a walk.

The Shar Pei's appearance is rather gloomy, so many people think that they are angry and unfriendly. Such an attitude on the part of the dog can only be towards strangers, since Shar Peis love their family to the point of losing their pulse. The stubbornness of representatives of this breed cannot be called critical. They train quite well and understand many commands. However, only the owner who has demonstrated his strength and superiority is allowed to command himself. It is better for strangers not to try to flirt with a Shar Pei. Some dogs won't even let you get close to them, let alone pet them.

Description of the breed: pros and cons

Like any type of dog that differs in some way from the standard, mini Shar-Peis have their pros and cons.

Among the advantages are the following:

  • convenient dimensions, suitable for keeping in a small apartment;
  • non-standard appearance;
  • good security and protective qualities;
  • devotion to the owner and love for the family;
  • not picky about care and feeding;
  • cleanliness;
  • good intellectual qualities.

Among the shortcomings of the mini are::

  • tendency to certain diseases;
  • stubbornness in character;
  • short temper towards other dogs;
  • constant desire to communicate with the owner, cannot tolerate loneliness;
  • the need for strict education and training.

By purchasing a mini puppy, the owner takes responsibility for his fate, and regardless of external signs and character traits, any pet needs love and affection from him.

Dimensions, weight and other distinctive features

Distinctive external features of mini-pei are presented in table form.

HeightWeightExternal featuresWool
Height at the withers is up to 43 cm.up to 25 kg
  • presence of original folded leather;
  • large wide head without narrowing towards the muzzle;
  • wide nose with open nostrils;
  • blue or lavender color of the tongue and palate;
  • wide developed chest;
  • small oval-shaped eyes with a sad look due to the fold on the forehead that creates this effect;
  • the back is straight and muscular;
  • square build;
  • the ears are thick, widely spaced, rounded at the ends;
  • the tail, curled into a ring, is located on the back.
Mini-pei's coat is short, close-lying, and comes in three types:
  • bear hair (3 cm);
  • horse (up to 1 cm);
  • brush (1-3 cm).

Possible coat colors:

  • black,
  • deer,
  • red,
  • cream,
  • sable,
  • blue,
  • lilac,
  • isabella; chocolate.
Optimal average height - 35 cm
Minimum - 28 cm

Interesting Facts

  • The poetic inhabitants of Ancient China claimed that the Shar Pei once licked the sky, which is why its tongue was blue.
  • The inhabitants of the Middle Kingdom are superstitious, so the dark color of the tongue and palate of the Shar Pei seems to them to be a sufficient reason to claim that such dogs are capable of driving out evil spirits.
  • American breeders, working to restore the breed in the 1970s, were able to find only ten individuals throughout China. It was these dogs that gave rise to modern Shar-Peis.
  • The French are connoisseurs of this breed of dog, and their sense of humor has led to the adage: “If you take a Shar Pei with you to a meeting with friends, don’t be surprised if you go unnoticed.”


Mini-Peis, like standard representatives of the breed, live on average 10-12 years.

In pets with good heredity, life expectancy can reach up to 14 years, but if there is a hereditary tendency to diseases, then the indicator drops to 9 years.

Miniature representatives of the breed, like their older brothers, have good immunity, but they still have a tendency to certain diseases, among which the following are distinguished::

  • various types of allergies;
  • entropy (turning up of eyelids);
  • skin diseases;
  • malfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • ear infections.

To prevent diseases, it is important to undergo routine examinations with a veterinarian and organize the correct diet and physical activity for your pet.

Care and maintenance

A dog up to 43 cm tall can live quite comfortably in an apartment with the owner’s family.

Mini Shar-Peis are not picky about their care, but it is important to adhere to the basic rules for caring for and maintaining your pet.:

  • regular ear cleaning and eye rinsing;
  • bathing once every 3-4 months, especially during periods of molting;
  • timely brushing of teeth;
  • mandatory skin care, which consists of cleaning the skin between the folds and preventing moisture from getting between them;
  • warm clothes when walking in the cold season, raincoat during wet weather;
  • providing regular and private walks.


Mini Shar-Peis are prone to hypothermia and should not be kept outside.

Proper feeding

One of three options is suitable for feeding the mini version of the Shar Pei.:

  • natural (consists of 80% food containing protein, and 20% raw vegetables, fiber and vitamins);
  • artificial (try to stick to holistic or premium food, choosing hypoallergenic mixtures);
  • mixed (this type of feeding involves taking dry granules in the morning, and meat or offal in the evening).

The dog's food should be balanced and varied, the amount of food is selected taking into account the dog's weight.

Add vitamin complexes to your diet as needed.


This dog is quite picky about grooming. Due to poor nutrition, she may develop food allergies. Therefore, never treat her:

  • Salty dishes.
  • Smoked meats.
  • Sweets.
  • Sour berries.
  • Bone fish.

It is better to abandon natural feeding altogether. The ideal option for an adult Shar Pei is dry fortified food. This diet is beneficial for the dog, as it contains all the substances that its functioning body needs.

If you are against ready-made diets and want to prepare homemade food for your pet, then adhere to the following rules:

  1. Do not treat him with raw food; preference should be given to food that has been heat-treated.
  2. Before giving food to your dog, make sure it is cool. Hot food can severely burn the animal's mouth and esophagus.
  3. It is better to stew the food you are going to give him.
  4. We recommend preparing porridge with meat and vegetables, as well as broths and soups cooked with the addition of bones.
  5. An excellent option is to add bone meal to the finished dish.

Price range

The cost of mini-peas varies from 10,000 to 30,000 rubles, but sometimes the price can exceed these figures, especially when it comes to the offspring of National Breed Club Champions.

Today, mini Shar Pei breeders have managed to ensure that unrecognized babies can participate in the exhibition and receive such a title..

In any case, it is recommended to contact experienced breeders who offer, if not 100% dwarf pei, then completely healthy puppies that do not have hereditary diseases.

The most famous Shar Pei nurseries:

  • Helavis (Russia, Yekaterinburg) - Shar-Pei, German Spitz;
  • Shat Shun (Russia, Moscow) is a special breed nursery of Shar-Peis - they do not breed minis, but they can offer smaller dogs for sale;
  • Gold East (Ukraine, Nikolaev).


Shar Peis are a fairly common breed of dog, and therefore purchasing a puppy is not too difficult, the choice is much more difficult.

Choosing a puppy

The main problem with buying a good dog is that a large number of unscrupulous breeders and amateurs are engaged in selling puppies, and there is a huge chance of purchasing, instead of an elite Shar Pei, some kind of crossbreed that does not meet breed standards.

Before buying a puppy, you should get acquainted with the parents of the little four-legged dog and take a close look at their behavior. If some qualities of a dog or bitch make a potential owner wary, then it is worth holding off on buying a young Shar Pei.

The puppy should be moderately playful and curious, not aggressive towards its fellows and not afraid of humans. It is recommended to talk to the owner about what vaccinations the puppy has already received. By the age of 90 days, puppies must have comprehensive vaccinations and undergo deworming treatment.


The cost of a puppy depends on what class the animal belongs to and what accompanying documents it has. You can purchase a pet that does not have papers at a very affordable price. Children of exhibition champions will cost significantly more:

  • pet – class – 10,000 rubles;
  • breed – class – 15,000 rubles;
  • show – class – 25,000 rubles*.

*this price category is the lower limit in the cost of puppies.

How to choose?

No breeder can guarantee that in the future the Shar Pei puppy they sell will be mini size.

One hundred percent guarantees are given only by dishonest sellers who do not care about the future of the pets they release . The likelihood of getting mini-dogs in the litter of standard breeding sires is extremely low.

Sometimes unscrupulous breeders breed two mini-pei (this is prohibited by canine organizations), in this case the likelihood of getting a mini-pei is higher, however, the pets resulting from such mating do not live long and are prone to many diseases.

You need to be wary of breeders who sell thin puppies. Deliberate underfeeding, infection with worms, and the use of unhealthy sires are the tools for obtaining “Mini-Pei puppies.”


If you purchase a dog from unsuccessful breeders, most likely the four-legged dog will come to its senses, catch up with its standard in growth, but will have health problems in adulthood.

Pay attention to customer reviews, the puppy's parents and its condition . It shouldn't look painful!

The prevalence of Mini Shar-Peis is a result of increased interest in miniature dogs. Perhaps in the near future, increased interest in minis and their demand will become a prerequisite for the identification of a new breed.

However, experienced experts do not recommend that future owners chase fashion and inadvertently purchase a puppy with hereditary problems.

Any representative of the Shar Pei breed, regardless of size, is distinguished by its extraordinary appearance and strong-willed character..


To obtain mixed breeds, two different breeds of dogs are crossed. Shar Peis have many similar crosses.

Labrador mix

This kind of crossing is at the beginning of the journey and is quite rare. Externally, the dog resembles a Labrador, only with folds. Especially on the face. The color will be solid, the color may be different. The size turns out to be something average. Less Labrador, but more Shar Pei.

This mixed breed is resistant to genetic diseases. By nature, he is more likely to be a companion who gives love than a guard.

With a shepherd

This is a more popular crossbreed. With its body structure, short hair, and wide muzzle, the dog resembles a Chinese ancestor. Height is about fifty-two centimeters. But the color, like that of a shepherd, has a zonal pattern. Also, a shepherd dog can cause damage to its sickle-shaped tail and erect ears.

The dog is very smart and easy to train. But she is quite willful, so she needs a trainer with a strong character.

Caucasian, Central Asian and Eastern European breeds are not in great demand due to possible genetic problems.

With a pit bull

It is impossible to say for sure which parent the puppy will resemble. Genes are unpredictable. A mixed breed can grow tall, with a pitbull face, or vice versa, shorter than a Shar Pei. The coat color is varied: black, brindle, sand. But most dogs have a black mask on their face.

Their body is muscular and may have folds.

To prevent them from showing aggression, they need a strict person who will educate them.

With Stafford

This type of crossing is not very common due to genes. In childhood, the mixed breed looks like a Shar Pei due to the presence of folds. As an adult, he becomes similar to the Staffordshire Terrier. The height is about fifty centimeters, like the Shar Pei. Weight about 30 kg. In this way he is like a second parent.

. An experienced dog handler can help deal with this problem.

With a mongrel

It is impossible to predict what a mongrel cross will look like.

Character is friendly and playful. Such dogs are smart, quick-witted, and calm. They are very loyal to their owner and quickly learn the rules of behavior.

Shar Pei is a breed that is in demand. They are calm and intelligent. There are several varieties from which you can choose a puppy to suit your taste. But in the absence of such opportunities, you can always take a mestizo. They are no worse than purebred dogs if they are given enough attention and raised correctly.

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