Metis German Shepherd: description, character, features of keeping

Mixed breeds called Gerberian Shepsky (Shepsky), as well as Utonagan, are popular breeds obtained by crossing a Siberian husky and a shepherd dog. Currently, several dozen crosses of representatives of the canine world have been bred, and each of these hybrid breeds has a number of individual characteristics and possesses the traits of both parents. Utonagans and Shepskis are also quite interesting. Such unusual crossbred representatives of the breed combine the character traits of a willful and energetic descendant of wolves with the temperament of a loyal and disciplined shepherd dog.

German Shepherd and Husky mix

The German Shepherd-Husky mix known as the Gerber Shepsky is a high-energy, highly intelligent, wolf-like companion.

They are playful and energetic dogs suitable for an active lifestyle. They love to be busy, so don't make the mistake of leaving them alone for long periods of time. Unfortunately, in many cases this mix has inherited the Husky's predisposition to boredom and frustration.

Their thick coat sheds twice a year. German Shepherd Husky mix puppies are very trainable and have a cheeky temperament that just makes you smile - if you're an experienced owner.


To maintain good physical shape, a Malamute requires much less food than representatives of other breeds of similar dimensions. However, the Malamute does not know moderation in food, so he will eat until the food in the bowl runs out or he gets a stomach volvulus.

Most Malamutes are true gluttons

The passion for food pushes this animal into petty theft: the dog will constantly steal food from the table that was accidentally left by the owner. The optimal feeding regimen for Malamutes as they grow older is described below.

  • up to the age of one month, Malamute puppies drink mother's milk without restrictions;
  • in the interval between the first and second months - eat six times a day;
  • from the second to the third month, feeding is done no more than five times a day.

And so on - every two months one meal is removed from the feeding schedule. When the puppy reaches one year, the pet switches to a two-time feeding system.

The food should be proportional to the weight of the pet

The dog is fed after walking. Food is given at the rate of 140 kcal for each kilogram of the puppy’s body weight. In adults, this ratio will be as follows: 35 kcal per kilogram of body weight.

Natural nutrition

The following products are introduced into the diet of one-month-old babies:

  • beef (boiled and raw);
  • boiled eggs;
  • milk porridge;
  • low-fat cottage cheese.

A special place in the diet is given to cottage cheese, as it strengthens the growing bones of babies

From two months they add:

  • vegetables (boiled zucchini, fresh cucumbers, carrots);
  • fruits (apples, pears);
  • vitamin supplements, calcium for proper development.

Puppies should be fed small, frequent meals

The meat is not minced, but cut into small pieces that are easy to chew and swallow. The diet must include deboned sea fish. You can give thoroughly frozen raw fish.

Ready-made feed

When using a ready-made diet, it is better to feed the dog with super-premium dry mixtures. Preference should be given to food made with the addition of fish, lamb, chicken, beef and vitamin E. Food with a predominance of grain components is not suitable for dogs of this breed.

Fish oil plays an important role in the proper growth of your pet's coat.

If the food does not contain fish or fish oil, then 2-3 times a week the Malamute should be given 2 tablespoons of canned fish, preferably mackerel or tuna. This supplement will improve your pet's coat and skin.

Prohibited Products

The following table describes foods that are prohibited for Malamutes.

Table 1. List of prohibited products

Leftover food from the human tableContains salts and spices that are harmful to the dog
Sausage, deli meatsThey have an adverse effect on the dog's liver. In addition, if a dog becomes addicted to sausage, he may refuse other types of food.
Salted, smoked, spicy foodsCauses gastrointestinal irritation in animals
SweetsThey damage teeth and irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.

The sooner puppies get used to feeding on a schedule, the better it will be for their digestion.

The dog should be fed strictly on time in a specially designated place. Next to the feeder there should be a drinking bowl with a sufficient portion of fresh water.

German Shepherd and Labrador mix

A cross between a German Shepherd and a Labrador is called a Sheprador. This big, playful dog will be a loving family member. He is loyal, very smart, friendly and strives to please his owner. The Sheprador will be a medium sized dog when fully matured:

  • 55-65 cm;
  • 23-36 kg.

Their fur varies greatly in color and pattern. Some are solid colors (like a Labrador), while others are mixed (like a Shepherd).

The character of the German Shepherd and Labrador mix is ​​friendly. These dogs are smart, very loyal and active.

This is an impressive dog. The friendliness and sociability of the Labrador mixed with the intelligence and confidence of the Shepherd produces the perfect family companion. Interest in this mestizo is gaining popularity.

Although this cross has the makings of a perfect dog, it must be remembered that environment and upbringing play a big role.

If a mestizo is raised in a healthy environment and is well socialized, then he does not show any signs of aggression.

These dogs are fantastic with children due to their playful and energetic nature.

Royal Sheepdog

If you are looking for a strong temperament and huge body size, then the German-East European Shepherd mix is ​​the one for you. Known for his predictable temperament and love of children, this dog is an excellent family companion. They are naturally working dogs and therefore easy and quick to train. Dimensions are:

  • up to 70 cm at the withers;
  • up to 70 kg.

Like all dogs, they can become mischievous if left bored and neglected. However, with proper training mixed with socialization, they make excellent companions. It should be noted that it is better to purchase such large dogs from German shepherd kennels. This guarantees a good pedigree, which will prevent your pet from disobedience.

Character of the hybrid

By their nature, Husky-German Shepherd hybrids are affectionate, very intelligent, socially adapted, energetic and very playful dogs. Such four-legged pets are very loyal to children and any other pets, and also have an excellently developed natural intelligence. Utonagans and Shepskis belong to the category of vigilant, but not aggressive dogs, capable of protecting their owner or his property if necessary.

According to experts, when trying to improve the breed characteristics, some important working qualities of the Siberian Husky and the German Shepherd were lost, so the resulting hybrids are often characterized by instability of behavior and lack of unconditional obedience.

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Black German Shepherd

Technically, it's not exactly a German Shepherd mix. The dog is the result of generations of mating only black German Shepherds. Or in the case where two-colored dogs produced a black variant.

These German Shepherd mixes are similar in temperament to the typical Shepherd. They are intelligent and trainable, and are widely used in police and military services. This is a fearless and loyal comrade, only of a different color!

At a German Shepherd kennel, these puppies cost between $700 and $2,000. The price largely depends on how many health tests the breeders perform.


  • are there puppies for sale and how can I see them,
  • how much does a Malamute puppy cost : the price
    of a Malamute in our kennel,
  • keeping the Malamute
    in an apartment, house or enclosure,
  • Alaskan Malamute character,
  • Alaskan Malamute and children
  • difference between the Alaskan Malamute and the Siberian Husky and others.

Our answers are intended primarily for those who are beginning their acquaintance with the breed. If you are interested in a specific question, you can ask us by contacting the details indicated on the Contacts page. Or just call (Tatyana).

Golden Shepherd

The Golden Shepherd is the result of mating a German Shepherd with a Golden Retriever.

This mixed breed is a relatively new designer breed. They really only appeared in the late 2000s. Not registered with any kennel clubs, they are listed on the International Designer Dog Registry.

The German Shepherd is loved for its intelligence and training, the Golden Retriever is loved for its sociability and ease of care. Combine them and you have a wonderful family dog.

The more they are trained from an early age, the less dangerous they will be as they grow. Praise and rewards are all there is to learning. Then you will get a super friendly, athletic, stable and well-rounded pet.

What if you want to have an adequate dog that looks like a wolf?

A solution was found when UK breeders began cross breeding in 2 stages:

  1. received F1 50% malamute-mother + 50% husky-father;
  2. this hybrid was crossed 50% Malamute-Husky-Mom + 50% German Shepherd-Dad.

The dog obtained in this way, obedient, human-oriented, and very beautiful in appearance, received the name Utonagan , which translated from the language of the Chinook Indians means “Wolf Spirit” or “Wolf Dog.”

This breed group is not yet recognized by the FCI, but judging by how consistently and clearly the characteristic breed characteristics of exterior and behavior are transmitted in this large group, taking into account the purebred nature of their common ancestors and the “production of offspring similar to the parent stock,” the Utonagans are recognized as a separate breed not far away!

Purebred representatives of the Husky breed are currently popular and quite affordable. There are many nurseries, the prices for puppies are not too high. But many people want a husky mix to live in their home. Some explain this by saying that the breed is too common, and they want something original, others want to buy a dog that is similar to a husky, but better suited for guarding territory or hunting.


This German Shepherd mix originated in the 1970s. Dog trainer Tina Barber was disappointed with the health problems of the standard shepherd. They were too expensive for most families and also began to develop serious health problems such as hip dysplasia and curvature of the spine.

Barber wanted an affectionate but courageous companion with fewer health problems. She started with a German Shepherd. She crossed her with a Malamute, then with a Canadian White Shepherd. And finally, with the Czech wolfhound.

The Shiloh is the result of all these incredible breeds.

From mild to hard temperaments, this breed must be matched by potential owners who are evaluated by breeders to determine which temperament best suits their lifestyle.


This German Shepherd-Rottweiler mix will range from 34 to 52 kilograms in weight and up to 65 centimeters in height.

You can tell quite early on who its parents are by its black and brown coloring. They also usually have a medium, dense coat. The Malchover sheds a lot, so it is not an ideal choice for those with allergies.

Being a mixture of two strong and fearless guardians, Malhover is a balanced mestizo. He can be cautious and aloof with strangers, but loyal and loving to his family.

Their intelligence and trainability make them ideal family companions (provided the family has experience raising large, powerful breeds).

Purchase recommendations

Firstly, you should take into account the fact that dogs have poor heredity, and they are at risk of developing a serious illness. Therefore, it is better to inquire about the availability of all the necessary documents and certificates.

People buy puppies of this breed for various reasons, some of them in order to take part in exhibition shows. In this case, it will not hurt to know what results the puppy’s parents have achieved in their lives. The price of a puppy will also depend on the achievements of its parents. If a puppy is purchased from a private breeder, then you need to find all the information about this person in order to protect yourself from negative factors.

In any case, you need to observe the puppies to determine their behavior patterns. It is better if there is a specialist nearby who knows a lot about this matter, otherwise problems are guaranteed.

What to look for and where to buy

When buying an Alaskan Malamute puppy, you should pay attention to its behavior, appearance and appetite. If the puppy behaves quite actively, then this is the first sign of his good health. In this case, sellers must provide documents that can attest to the fact that the animal has all vaccinations and is treated against parasites. Quite often, puppies' ears become inflamed, but if you pay attention to it in a timely manner and treat it, this problem can be solved.

Price of puppies

To purchase a puppy of this breed, you will have to pay from 25 to 40 thousand rubles. Show-class puppies cost twice as much, but a dog of this level will be able to attend any, even the most prestigious, exhibition shows.

Mixed German Shepherd and mongrel

German Shepherd and Mutt mixes are smart and capable dogs. Their dedication and courage are unmatched. They are amazingly versatile. Of course, they will not become exhibition champions. But fans of this crossbreed claim that they are calmer, hardier and unpretentious than their purebred relatives.

They have a reputation for being excellent watchdogs (and they are). But a shepherd-mutt mix should never be chained or tied up just to stand guard. This leads to frustration and aggression. The pet is happiest indoors with its family, but with access to a large, fenced yard where it can burn off some of its natural energy.

If you are wondering how to distinguish a German Shepherd from a mestizo, then in this case the ancestral mark will be a guarantee. Since in a cross with a mongrel (especially if it is large), external differences are extremely difficult to find.

German Shepherd and Pitbull mix

The smaller size of the pit bull means that this mix is ​​much smaller than the German Shepherd. On average from 13 to 40 kilograms. This can be convenient for keeping in an apartment. Being a mix, these dogs may look more like a pit bull or a shepherd.

With proper training and socialization, this is a loyal, protective and self-confident dog.

They thrive with experienced owners, an active lifestyle and adapt well to family life.

History of the origin of the breed

The ancestors of the Alaskan Malamute inhabited the shores of Alaska, and they were bred by the local Malemute tribes, who lived in such harsh conditions in the far north. These dogs were distinguished by strength, courage and endurance, which is very important for Alaska. After some time, when colonists rushed to Alaska in search of gold, the breed began to degenerate as the settlers brought their dogs with them. As a result, uncontrolled crossings of different dog breeds began, which could lead to the complete loss of the breed. And yet there were people who managed to take control of the situation. By the beginning of the last century, the breed had been restored, and 10 years later, the Alaskan Malamute received universal recognition due to its unique service capabilities.

Interesting to know! Dogs of this breed were used in various areas of human activity. They were used as sled dogs, as dogs that transported cargo, as property guards, and in dog fights, since such bloody sports were quite widespread in those days. Some time passed and Malamutes finally established themselves as sled dogs. At the same time, they lost some skills.

Mastiff mix

This is a very large crossbreed. A large home with a secure yard is essential for this powerful dog.

This fearless companion is best suited for owners who have experience with large breeds.

Being a giant breed, the German Shepherd Mastiff mix has rapid growth at an early age. Proper training is critical to preventing injury and poor development.

Make sure you provide good quality food that meets his daily nutritional requirements. Recommendations suggest no more than 26% protein content during growth to ensure slow and steady development.

If you have the knowledge and understanding for this gentle giant, with early socialization and training, he will be relatively calm and genuinely loyal. He is truly unaware of his size and loves nothing more than to sit on his owner's lap.


The Alaskan Malamute
is bred to exhibit strength and endurance in the harsh weather conditions of the north.
The Malamute
works well in a harness when transporting heavy loads over long distances.
Alaskan Malamute
are beautiful, powerful, athletic, with a deep chest and well-developed muscles.
The Malamute
stands firmly on its feet and gives the impression of a very energetic dog with its head held high.
The Malamute's facial expression is soft and friendly, showing affection and affection for the owner. The Malamute's brown eyes show lively interest and curiosity. Ideal height for the Malamute
: male - 63.5 cm, female - 58.5 cm, natural deviation is allowed.
Maximum growth limits for Malamutes have not been established. Ideal weight for representatives of the Alaskan Malamute
: male – 38 kg, female – 34 kg (natural weight deviations are permissible in proportion to height).
Massive bones are welcome in the breed, but without excess weight. Do not be afraid of some external similarities between the Alaskan Malamute and a wolf: the Malamute
is a purebred domestic breed, and the expression of good nature on its face is genuine!
1. Are Malamutes suitable for apartment living?
Alaskan Malamutes

can be kept both in an apartment and in a separate house.
Of course, preference is given to a house with a fenced area for walking. Malamutes
are very clean dogs.
The Alaskan Malamute
does not bark like many other breeds.
If you keep your Malamute indoors, you will have to use a vacuum cleaner during the period of active shedding (for females, they usually shed twice a year, for males - no more than once a year). The advantage of an apartment is the possibility of constant contact with the dog, its involvement in your life, which is important for such a breed as the Malamute
. With proper upbringing, the dog behaves neatly indoors. Malamutes often choose their favorite spot and sleep there for many hours. Moreover, favorite places change depending on the time of year. It is desirable that the apartment has a balcony.

One of the recommendations for owners who plan to keep their pet in an apartment is to train the dog to use a den crate. Some articles on this topic are presented on our website:

  • Cage: a modern dog den
  • Every dog ​​deserves a crate
  • 2. My spouse and I both work eight hours a day and would like to know if it would be wise for us to get a Malamute puppy?

    Everything depends on you. Will you have the necessary amount of time after work to be firm and consistent in raising your Alaskan Malamute puppy? Don't indulge his every whim because you feel guilty for leaving him alone at home? Are you ready to take your Malamute with you almost everywhere you go? Especially in the first six months of his life with you? Will you go to puppy classes and make every effort to properly socialize him? It is very difficult to be an "Alpha" when you are away from home most of the time. He may begin to test your patience and try to solve everything on his own.

    Consider your lifestyle

    : After work, do you go to a club, bar or other events that don't involve your dog? Do you like to just lie in front of the TV? Many dogs left to their own devices for long periods of time can begin to cause damage to your property, having learned this behavior because no one was there to correct it immediately. Learning to “walk” outside will also happen much slower. If you think you can just leave him in the house, kennel or kennel while you're at work, think again. While he is small, he needs your attention much more than you think. If you don't teach him the right skills, he may begin to howl or dig in an attempt to free himself from boredom and loneliness. What will happen to socialization? You will need to buy a truckload of interesting and safe toys, and perhaps a “pet” for company (this company could be cats). If you have a plan for how to deal with all this, and you have strong intentions, desire and desire for it, OK - with the right puppy it can work. But it will require a lot more effort than you might imagine.

    And yet, we recommend that you stay at home with the puppy at least for the first two to three weeks. From a developmental point of view, these weeks are very important for the formation in the Malamute of those traits with which you will be comfortable living in the next 10-15 years. In some cases, older dogs may be a better choice.

    On issues of raising a Malamute, we recommend looking at the following articles:

  • Raising a Malamute: rules and mistakes
  • Where to start raising your Malamute puppy?
  • Who's in charge here? A Lesson on Establishing Leadership from Vicki DeGruy
  • Show dog training
  • 3. I live outside the city and would like to keep my dog ​​in an enclosure. What size enclosure is needed for an Alaskan Malamute?

    Alaskan Malamutes

    will be happy if they can participate in the life of their large family, where people and other animals live a common life. If you live in a private house, then it is best to make a special door in the door for the dog, which will allow it to go out into the yard. The yard must be fenced with a high fence (at least 1.85 m high). Malamutes love to dig, so somewhere in the shaded part of the area you can install a special box with sand or make a slide and train the dog to dig there.

    If it is assumed that the Malamute

    will live in the yard, be sure to make him a spacious enclosure, fencing it with a strong lattice.
    This way the Alaskan Malamute
    will be able to see what is happening around him.
    It is advisable not to use chain-link mesh for fencing. The Malamute
    can easily tear it or bite it. Of course, it depends on the dog's temperament, but it's not worth the risk. After all, a malamute can do this when you are not at home. Attempts by a Malamute to deal with metal with its teeth can also damage its tooth enamel and lead to the development of caries, which is very difficult to treat in dogs. The enclosure itself should be 2.0 x 5-6 m in size, 1.80 m high and located in a shaded area.


    is a northern sled dog, so he can stay outside even in very cold weather.
    However, the Alaskan Malamute
    must have its own water- and windproof housing (kennel).
    It is advisable to make a flat roof in the booth - Malamute
    love to lie on it and watch those around them. A strong, warm kennel with good straw bedding is ideal for Malamutes who spend most of their time outside. There is usually no need to heat such a kennel; the main thing is to make the correct entrance so that the kennel does not lose excess heat, and it is convenient for the Malamute to enter and exit it.

    4. At what frost is it permissible to keep Malamutes outside?

    Alaskan Malamute

    is an arctic dog and is capable of living in extreme cold. The Malamute's high-quality double coat with a thick felt undercoat and low metabolism allow the Malamute to withstand frosts below 50 degrees Celsius without a significant threat to life and health.

    However, not all domestic Malamutes have the correct coat. The situation can also be complicated by the malamute’s health status and factors that reduce the protective properties of its coat (shedding, dry and brittle hair, increased moisture in the coat before frost, etc.). In this regard, we recommend not leaving Malamutes outside for a long time at air temperatures below 30 degrees Celsius, even if the dog has a kennel in the enclosure.

    5. Can a Malamute

    live all the time in an enclosure or in the yard? If Malamutes were designed to live in arctic climates, should they be allowed into the home?

    Many Malamutes actually live outside all the time, but this is not entirely correct. In terms of adaptability to bad weather conditions, Alaskan Malamutes are unpretentious and can live safely outside the home. But they love people very much and require a lot of attention from them. Malamute

    has a very strong pack chain of command and must be included in family life.
    When you took a puppy home, you became his pack. He turns to you for protection, acceptance, love, understanding. A Malamute
    without its pack (outside) is a lonely creature, even with a companion.
    They need to be close to the “leader” (“alpha”), meaning you by this. They have a strong sense of family, love people, and really want to be a part of your life. If you live outside the home all the time (some people do), the Malamute
    will never be a real part of your family, remaining in the house without you all the time. This is why we recommend living as a family with a Malamute. Most Malamutes love to be outside the house and spend a significant amount of time in the yard, but that doesn't mean they want to be there all the time. Most will ask to come in, often just to say, “Hey, what are you doing?”

    6. Some owners keep their Malamute in an area without a fence. Is fencing necessary?

    Malamute puppies may be without a fence for some time because they are afraid to move away from the pack. However, as the Malamute grows up, like any teenager, it will seek adventure and hone its hunting skills. Malamute

    can go for many kilometers, chasing a hare or squirrel, and may not find the way home.
    It may kill and eat your neighbor's chickens or scare other dogs and pets. The Malamute
    may also become interested in those who dare to enter your property (for example, a neighbor's cat or dog). A good owner should have a good fence to keep the Malamute, himself and others out of trouble.

    7. What is the temperament of Alaskan Malamutes?


    They love people very much, but they require reciprocal attention from them.
    These are pack dogs, so they should be kept with a family and not locked alone in an outdoor kennel. The Malamute
    is not a one-owner dog.
    The Alaskan Malamute
    is a very intelligent breed, but one that can be very stubborn and can quickly become bored with certain activities.
    Malamutes are usually not recommended for novice owners, since training mistakes are easy to make, but correcting them is much more difficult. They are quite difficult to train due to their stubbornness. It is very easy to teach a Malamute to do something once or twice. They are quite smart and quickly learn new tasks, but getting them to repeatedly perform any actions is quite difficult, because they are stubborn and quickly get bored. By the way, this trait is inherent in all northern breeds. It should be remembered that Malamutes grow to very impressive sizes. Many disasters happen when a first-time owner falls in love with a cute puppy
    , but then can't handle the big, stubborn, powerful dog.

    You should not try to train a Malamute to rush at people while guarding property - you will not succeed. Due to their people-friendly nature, Malamutes are not suitable for protection or guard work. The only thing they can do is scare you with their impressive appearance. They will welcome your guests as warmly as you do. This is an integral part of the Malamute's character.

    Some Malamutes, due to hereditary abnormalities or improper upbringing, can be aggressive. We do not recommend using such dogs for protection and, especially, developing these tendencies, since the Malamute’s aggression can easily turn against its owners. Any attack of aggression must be strictly stopped, and if the Malamute’s behavior cannot be corrected, it is necessary to consider the issue of euthanasia.

    8. Are Malamutes easy to train?

    Malamutes are not easy to train. It is important to start the training process from the very first days of your puppy's

    Establish certain rules of behavior for him in the house and teach them to your Malamute. For example, if you don't want your adult dog to sleep on your couch, don't let him do it when he's a puppy
    If you allow your puppy to do something that you do not approve of, even once, it will be very difficult to wean him off the unwanted behavior. What seems cute from a puppy
    may not be so cute from an adult Malamute.

    Since the Alaskan Malamute

    Always pack-oriented, it is important that you position yourself as the leader of his pack, which will make the dog respect you, and training will be much faster and easier.
    It is best to sign up for special puppy training classes immediately after your puppy
    has had all his vaccinations. These classes will be beneficial for both you and your pet, as they will help you better understand each other and establish yourself in his eyes as a leader, which is very important for this breed.

    Obedience training for Malamutes can be a lot of fun, but it can also be very difficult. Many Malamute owners complain that their dogs obey them perfectly in training, but do not obey them at home. This breed is smart enough to identify situations on its own and decide what to do in various situations. You must remain a leader for your dog and constantly maintain control over his behavior, which is easier to do while he is young and manageable than when he is already mature and stubborn, with established habits of unwanted behavior.

    It is very important to remember that Alaskan Malamutes

    - working dogs. They need work. You can't leave them alone, occasionally throwing a bone and expecting them to be happy. To be happy, they need some kind of activity and interaction with people. As an activity, you can offer your Malamute frequent walks, trips or games. These dogs are excellent companions for walking or cycling, and even on horseback. The Malamute can also help you on your hike, carrying water and food.

    9. Can Malamutes be good guard dogs?

    Most Malamutes are poor guard dogs. On the other hand, some Alaskan Malamutes may alert you that someone strange is at your door. They may bark “Hey, someone's here!”, but rarely with aggression and rarely more than once or twice. Once you and the malamute

    Having greeted the guests,
    the Malamute
    usually prefers to go lie down somewhere (after the obligatory ritual of stroking the belly).

    If, in violation of the rules of education, you encourage aggression in your Malamute, wanting to make him a good watchman, remember that the Malamute

    is not a dog of one owner, and, being improperly raised, it can direct its aggression against anyone, and you may not be able to cope with it at this moment.

    10. I heard that Malamute

    Should NEVER guard his food or growl when a person tries to correct his behavior when he refuses to obey. If a dog does this, is it a “bad” dog or not?

    No, this is not a bad dog. But the owner of a Malamute needs training. Most Malamute puppies will try to do this at some point, and it is the owner's responsibility to immediately let the dog know that this is wrong and unacceptable behavior. Behavior that is not corrected in childhood is difficult (if not impossible) to correct as an adult. Read more about raising an Alaskan Malamute in the article “Raising a Malamute: Rules and Mistakes.”

    11. How do Alaskan Malamutes treat children?

    Because of their friendly and affectionate nature, Malamutes

    considered an excellent family dog.
    Most of them enjoy being around children, although it should be remembered that Malamutes
    are powerful dogs and should not be left alone with children without adult supervision to prevent accidental injury.
    are very patient by nature and can forgive a child for various pranks, but, nevertheless, you should supervise the child’s interaction with the dog. Children's harsh treatment of a Malamute puppy in childhood can lead to subsequent wary (defensive) behavior of the dog with children in adulthood.

    When Malamute

    raised with children, properly socialized and introduced to them, he can be tolerant, loving and even act as a protector. But this does not mean that he will adore every child in the area, especially if that child behaves offensively, aggressively, or becomes panicky and hysterical. Without a doubt, a large dog of any breed should always be supervised when interacting with children, and children should be taught to respect animals. Many child bites are “dominant bites,” where the parents did not teach the dog its place in the family or the children were allowed to mishandle the dog. The child also needs to be taught how to properly communicate with a Malamute. The dog itself will correct the child if the adults do not.

    12. How do Malamutes treat other dogs?

    Malamutes are pack animals, so they seek interaction with other dogs. But due to their pack nature, sense of hierarchy and desire to dominate, Malamutes can be more aggressive towards other dogs than other breeds. your Malamute from early childhood.

    , teaching
    the puppy
    to communicate correctly not only with people, but also with other animals.

    On the issue of aggression, we recommend looking at the article:

  • Aggression in Malamutes: realities of life
  • 13. How can aggression towards other dogs be combined with the need to work in a harness?
    We believe that dogs should be able to get along with each other when working, and humans must achieve this from them. When reading old books about the Inuit (the Inuit people living in Alaska, Greenland and Canada), it is clear that they needed to maintain tight control over their dogs to prevent fighting. Spontaneously arising showdowns are a fairly common phenomenon among Malamutes. This is the trait that a dog sled driver usually means when he refers to a dog as “soft” or “hard.” “Hard” dogs enjoy a good showdown and readily participate in it, while “soft” dogs are more tolerant of each other. Malamutes were much more "tough" twenty years ago, but through selective breeding and socialization, aggression towards other dogs becomes less, but still remains quite pronounced. Some lines have more “stiffness”, others less. Often "hard" dogs are more intelligent, but also more difficult to live with.

    14. My spouse has a **Yorkie, Pomeranian, Poodle**, but I want a REAL dog? Will they be able to get along?

    If they didn't grow up together, there could be problems. Although there are situations where everything works out well, it can be dangerous for small dogs. Any aggression on their part can be met in the same way as aggression from another Malamute.

    15. What can you say about the attitude of Malamutes towards cats?

    If Malamutes are raised with cats, most will treat them great. Malamute

    may hunt the cat, but it will not harm it.
    If the malamute
    did not grow up with the cat, it can kill it during the hunt. The owner must teach both animals mutual respect and avoid excitement or provocation on either side. Other small animals such as birds, rabbits, ferrets, etc. usually remain fine as long as they are kept securely in cages. You should never leave dogs alone with other animals; they may start hunting them if the latter become free.

    16. I want a dog that will run after the ball and obey me. I have had a German Shepherd and a Doberman, I know how to handle large dominant dogs.

    Okay, this experience is very important. However, don't expect your Malamute to be obedient like other dog breeds. Those who achieve this invest many hours of hard training into their dog. The Malamute is not a dog designed to be “sent out” for training. You have to do all the work yourself to have a dog that will respect you enough to obey your orders. Even the best trained Malamutes are not 100% reliable and, for example, should always be walked on a leash. When it comes to games, some people like to play ball, some don't. Everything is individual and often dogs, when they bring the ball back, try to stay out of your reach. How about a game of "catch me"?

    17. Do Malamutes eat a lot?

    Most Malamutes love to eat, but they eat little for their size. The amount of food varies depending on the dog's metabolism, activity level and type of activity, and the type of food. A working adult dog will eat approximately four cups of high-calorie food per day, while indoor dogs will consume less. Puppies are given smaller amounts of food, but more frequently.

    18. How long do Malamutes live on average?

    The lifespan of an Alaskan Malamute depends on its genetics, quality of breeding, maintenance and lifestyle of the dog. On average, the lifespan of matamutes ranges from 10 to 12 years. As a rule, with good heredity, proper nutrition and care, the lifespan of Malamutes can be up to 15 years.

    19. How do Malamutes cope with heat?

    Like any dog, the Malamute needs a sufficient amount of drinking water and a shaded place in the heat. If the dog lives in a house or apartment, let it find its own comfortable place (this could be the tiles on the bathroom floor or linoleum in the hallway or kitchen). Some dogs like ice added to their drinking water to keep it cool. Some Malamutes love to swim in the summer in a pool in the yard, in a river or pond. Alaskan Malamutes

    They shed heavily just before the onset of summer, which helps them better cope with the heat.
    Remember not to expose your dog to work or strenuous exercise during hot weather. Exercise your dog only in the early morning or after sunset. Once a Malamute
    has acclimatized to the climate, it usually does not experience much discomfort because it can adapt well to its environment. Never lock your dog in a car in direct sunlight or in the shade for long periods of time, even if you leave the windows cracked. This can lead to heatstroke. Never cut your Malamute's coat "to keep him cooler." Wool performs an insulating function, protecting against direct heat from the outside, preventing the dog from overheating in the sun in hot weather.

    20. How to care for a Malamute's coat?

    Alaskan Malamute

    is a dog with a coarse double coat, which consists of a dense undercoat and a longer protective coat. Malamutes shed twice a year (the number and intensity of shedding in males may decrease with age), i.e. During this period, they completely get rid of the undercoat, and the guard coat also changes. This period of intense shedding can last about three weeks. The rest of the time, Malamutes practically do not shed (unlike smooth-haired breeds). During the shedding period, you will have to make special efforts when cleaning the house. Malamute owners who live in very warm climates without changing seasons say that their dogs shed a little all year round.

    Alaskan Malamutes

    – very clean dogs, practically odorless.
    They clean themselves, like cats. Even if the Alaskan Malamute
    gets completely dirty in the mud, it will clean itself. Therefore, dogs with proper coats do not need to be bathed all the time to look clean. But, nevertheless, for those who want to see their Malamute in perfect condition, attracting admiring glances, we recommend washing your pet regularly.

    Except during shedding season, the Malamute's

    does not require intensive care: the correct coat does not need to be cut or trimmed, but only occasionally combed with a brush to remove dead hair and give the dog a well-groomed appearance.
    Nails should be checked and trimmed periodically. For more information about caring for a Malamute, see the article “Rules of care and grooming (useful experience).” 21. What kind of exercise do Malamutes need?
    You shouldn't put too much stress on your puppy

    up to 6 months of age. The fact is that his muscular system is not yet developed enough, so serious loads can harm his health. Until this age, you can simply play with the puppy and teach him basic obedience commands. As soon as the puppy is 6 months old, you can sign up for a training session with him. At this age it is already possible to take walks on a leash; by 18 months the dog will be ready for fairly long walks (an hour or more a day).

    Combining walks with obedience classes will be very beneficial. Alaskan Malamutes love to trot, but don't adopt a puppy

    for long, intense jogging with a load until he is 18 months old. After this age, you can already load the dog with a special dog backpack. You can go jogging with her, as well as cycling and sledding, which is very good for her health.

    22. Were wolves used in breeding the breed?

    No. Alaskan Malamute

    is a domestic purebred breed that has been bred for many centuries. They are often mistaken for wolves and are even used in movies when they want to portray a wolf, but Malamutes do not have wolf blood.

    23. How is the Alaskan Malamute

    from a Siberian Husky?

    Despite certain external similarities, these are two completely different breeds with significant differences in appearance, character and purpose. The purpose of the Siberian Husky breed is to transport relatively light loads over long distances at considerable speed. Malamute

    is a heavyweight designed to transport heavy loads at low speed over long distances.

    The Malamute
    is not intended to compete as a sled dog for speed
    . The Alaskan Malamute is bred to exhibit strength and endurance, so any characteristics of the dog, including temperament, that interfere with the Malamute's primary purpose should be considered extremely serious faults. A detailed comparison of the exterior of the Malamute and the Husky (with photographs) is presented on our website in the article “Northern sled dogs: exterior differences.”

    24. How much does an Alaskan Malamute

    price in the nursery.

    Alaskan Malamute

    Quite an expensive breed of dog.
    The price of a Malamute
    depends on the individual qualities of the purchased puppy, the level and exhibition/working achievements of its parents, the quality of the pedigree (the presence of valuable lines and sires in it), the reputation of the breeder, the quality of subsequent patronage (maintenance) of the puppies by the breeder, the specific situation with the supply and demand for dogs (there are both booms and busts in demand and supply throughout the year, and accordingly,
    the price of a Malamute

    Even with the most careful selection of a pair for mating, the quality of all puppies in a litter cannot be the same. A professional breeder with an “eye for dogs” can see a difference in the quality of the puppies as early as a few weeks of age. The process of determining the quality of puppies for the purpose of their subsequent use in breeding is called selection. We can conditionally distinguish three levels of puppies based on exterior qualities and temperament and give approximate price ranges corresponding to these levels:

  • The price of a Malamute
    of the “pet” level, not intended for breeding and participation in exhibitions, ranges from 20 to 40 thousand rubles.
    depending on the exterior, temperament, conditions of the contract for the sale of Malamute
    (for example, mandatory sterilization).
  • The price of a Malamute
    with show prospects can range from 70 to 120 thousand rubles. (sometimes more, depending on the specific purpose of the purchase and the conditions of purchase - the “first choice” puppy costs more). Such puppies may have high breeding value and be sold on a co-ownership basis with the breeder, but they may also be sold only for exhibitions or for the home (without subsequent use of such dogs for breeding).
  • The price of a Malamute
    for breeding (breeding level) with a good pedigree, but not quite a show exterior and/or temperament (a show dog should want to show itself, saying with all its appearance: “Here I am; isn’t he handsome?” ), slightly lower than the cost of show puppies of the
    the price of a Malamute
    in this category is from 40 to 70 thousand rubles.

High quality puppies from particularly valuable exclusive matings may sell for more.
With age, starting from about 4-6 months, when the prospects of puppies become more certain, the cost of show dogs begins to increase, and mediocre ones begin to decrease. Malamute price

at the age of 3-4 years, who became an International Champion and proved his uniqueness at numerous exhibitions and competitions, can reach up to 500 thousand rubles or more.

We always recommend that the future owner, before making a purchasing decision, decide what level and temperament of the dog he wants. To do this, we advise those who are planning to buy a Malamute for the first time to visit different nurseries of this wonderful breed and see not only puppies, but also adult dogs, see with their own eyes the variety of exteriors and characters of Malamutes, feel with their own hands the quality of their coat, bone structure and power.

25. Can I get the “best puppy of the litter” or choose what I want?

Each litter has a variety of dogs, and each has individual characteristics that are easier or more difficult to handle. It is best when the breeder himself chooses a puppy for you, based on his own experience and knowledge about you and your lifestyle. The breeder's experience is also very important. Very active dogs should not end up in families where they will not be walked regularly for the required amount of time, but calmer ones who love to lie down may be ideal. The “best puppy of the litter” usually stays with the breeder or goes to trusted hands where it will be shown (show houses). There may be several show puppies in a litter, or none at all, regardless of what the breeder says.

26. How can a breeder be useful to a puppy owner after purchase?

It is important for a good breeder to know how each puppy develops. You will also definitely have questions about raising a puppy. The breeder should be able to help resolve them. You'll hear it over and over again - Malamute puppies are different. This is hard to understand until you own one, as most Malamute owners will tell you. This is an independent, unique breed and you will be pleased to know that your puppy is not bad, but he is like all the other Malamutes around the world. A network of friends that will support you is a plus of this breed. Also, if you get a puppy from a good breeder, he will care about you and want to be on friendly terms with you.

Chow-chow cross

Known for his leonine appearance, the German Shepherd and Chow Chow mix is ​​not for the faint of heart. These dogs are both super trainable and incredibly stubborn.

Chow Chows are loyal to those they love, but are known to be aloof towards strangers. German Shepherds are famous for their guarding qualities. Their crossbreeds can be intimidating to strangers.

They have a black-brown or brown color and a gorgeous mane.

The Chow Chow's trainability is not a strong characteristic, so patience is a key factor in training these mixes. They respond best to praise and reward-based training.

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