Shar Pei: how many years they live, rules of care, features of maintenance and feeding

Shar Pei belong to a medium-sized breed, their weight usually does not exceed 25 kg. Often such animals are distinguished by a long life, but these dogs cannot boast of such a feature. Many breeders would like to purchase an original pet for themselves, and, in addition to the conditions of its maintenance, the question of how many years Shar-Peis live always comes first. When accepting a puppy into your family, you must follow the rules of caring for it, feed it adequately, taking into account its physiological characteristics, and give it optimal physical activity.

Hereditary problems

If you are interested in how many years Shar-Peis live, it is necessary to find out the experience of centuries-old selection of this breed. It is known that the animal was previously used for dog fighting. As a result of such unreasonable treatment, pets developed certain pathologies:

  • allergic reactions to many products;
  • frequent otitis media;
  • various skin diseases;
  • hereditary fever.

How long Shar Peis live at home largely depends on the conditions of detention, feeding and genetic characteristics. There are average data according to which the life expectancy of a purebred dog is about 10 years. But dogs, if they have good heredity, optimal living conditions, feeding and care, can cross the line at 15 years. However, such a life expectancy is considered the exception rather than the norm.

Age compared to human years

Dog ageDog age by human standards

How not to make a mistake with your choice?

How long Shar Peis live at home is of interest to all responsible breeders. In order for the animal to please its owners with good health for as long as possible and live for a long time, it is necessary to approach the choice of a puppy with all seriousness.

Initially, it is necessary to purchase only a healthy representative of the breed. It is not recommended to save money and buy Shar Pei from people who are not able to provide the appropriate documents for the parent-producers. If you buy a Shar Pei on the market without a pedigree, there is a high risk of purchasing a dog born from close relatives.

As a result, it becomes irrelevant how long Shar Pei dogs live according to the standards. After all, even under favorable conditions, genetic mutations will not have the best effect on health. In addition, hereditary pathologies especially often appear in conjunction with a general weakening of the body.

Conditions of detention

For your dog to live a long, happy, comfortable life, follow the rules:

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  • Bathing. Veterinarians advise washing your pet no more than 4 times a year; frequent bathing leads to dandruff.
  • Wool. The Shar Pei's folds do not require intensive care; it is enough to comb the coat once a week. This breed has no undercoat.
  • Ears. Due to the peculiar structure of Shar Pei's ears, they are susceptible to various ear infections; you need to examine your pet's ears 2 times a week. If she shakes her head frequently, contact your veterinarian.
  • Eyes. In the morning, you need to wipe your eyes with a soft cloth to remove traces of souring.
  • Walking. Shar Peis need physical activity; walks with them should be active and last at least an hour. In winter you will need overalls, a jacket, a suit, in summer it is better to take it out before the sun shines. You need a leash and muzzle that are comfortable for your pet.
  • Claws. Nails need to be trimmed once a month. Do it carefully. Special scissors.

Ways to extend the life of a pet

Not only genetic predisposition and heredity influence the life expectancy of a Shar Pei. The owner of the animal can also have a significant impact on this indicator. It is necessary to provide your pet with optimal care. At home, the dog should be provided with:

  • regular examination by a veterinarian, including all routine and recommended vaccinations;
  • balanced, and most importantly high-quality nutrition, which can consist of natural food and ready-made feed;
  • physical activity required for this breed;
  • complete care for the folds of Shar Pei skin.

Veterinarians, answering the question from breeders about how many years Shar-Peis live at home, emphasize that an average duration of 10 years is possible only if all recommended housing conditions are observed. It must be remembered that the breed is prone to obesity, which negatively affects the functioning of the heart and joints. Overweight animals typically live one-third less than their normal-weight counterparts.

Main causes of premature death

There can be many reasons for the early death of a Shar Pei.


One of them is hereditary Shar Pei fever. The disease is characteristic only of this breed and is a specific disorder of the immune system; 25% of Shar Peis suffering from fever do not live to see 3 years of age.

Other reasons:

  • Upper airway obstruction . The reason is anatomical abnormalities characteristic of brachycephalic breeds.
  • Mastocytoma is a malignant skin tumor. In the initial stages, the disease looks like a slight redness and even a specialist cannot always make the correct diagnosis.
  • Streptococcal toxic shock syndrome . A characteristic manifestation is damage to large areas of the skin. Wounds appear on the affected areas, which tend to spread into the roughness. The second manifestation is sudden death.
  • Adenocarcinoma is a malignant tumor of the intestine.

How long do Shar Pei boys and girls live?

The lifespan of each breed also depends on the gender of the dog. Veterinarians know that male dogs usually live 2-3 years less than females. In addition, the number of years is affected by whether the animal is castrated or not. In the latter case, the figure is slightly lower.

How long female Shar-Peis live depends on childbearing. The lifespan of a bitch that has repeatedly given birth to offspring is less than a sterilized dog under the same conditions of keeping such an animal.

To maintain the health of an elderly Shar Pei and prolong its life, it is necessary to give vitamins and medications that support the vital functions of the body, recommended by a veterinarian.

Factors influencing life expectancy

Pedigree is not the primary influence on a dog's life expectancy. There are a number of factors that determine how long a particular dog can live:

  • Dimensions of the animal. There is a general relationship - the larger the dog, the shorter its life expectancy. This is explained by the fact that a large weight creates a large load on the body; dogs of gigantic size more often suffer from diseases of the heart, joints and digestive tract. In addition, it is more difficult for a large dog to find enough food on the street.
  • Genetic diseases. The presence of congenital pathologies in a particular individual directly affects its life. But it is worth noting that hereditary pathologies are less common in mongrels than in purebred dogs - in the process of natural selection, animals with defective genes are eliminated, which gives mongrel dogs good health.
  • Food quality. Eating spoiled food, leftovers from human meals, or long periods of fasting - all this greatly shortens the life of any animal. But a complete diet, providing the mongrel with everything necessary, will be a significant contribution to its longevity.
  • Conditions of detention. Any mongrel dog that lives in the house with its owner and is regularly walked will live no less than a purebred dog, and due to good health, probably longer. If the dog is kept outside, then it should have a warm and dry kennel in case of bad weather, as well as the opportunity to run around the area for at least several hours a day. The best option is when the dog is kept on a chain during the day and released at night to guard the territory.

Optimal care

How long Shar Peis live at home largely depends on the proper maintenance of the animal. The pet has a short coat, which makes grooming in an apartment easier. The length of the coat varies, but does not exceed 2.5 cm.

It is worth remembering that representatives of the breed do not like to swim and water procedures are difficult to tolerate. Therefore, it is recommended to teach your puppy to bathe from a very early age. To do this, you need to use a specialized shampoo designed for short-haired breeds and a bath with warm water. After bathing, dry the coat with a soft cloth and comb with a medium-hard brush. Regular brushing is especially important when the animal sheds. To maintain health, you need to walk your Shar Pei for at least an hour.

Menu for adult pets

How many years a Shar Pei dog lives depends largely on a well-formulated diet. Currently, the most popular feeding method is the BARF system. It involves including natural products in your pet’s menu:

  • The basis of the diet should be raw chicken backs and wings. It is recommended to pre-clean them from skins.
  • Poultry is complemented by vegetables and fruits, as well as by-products.
  • It is prohibited to offer grain products and cereals.
  • It is better to use fruits and vegetables frozen and scalded with boiling water. Before feeding the dog, they are brought to a puree state.
  • Be sure to offer Shar Pei vitamin complexes, as well as fish oil, alfalfa and seaweed.

It is important to follow the daily feeding norm. For an adult dog, the diet should be no more than 3% of the pet’s weight to prevent obesity. However, if there is a lack of weight, then the daily norm increases to 5%.

A standard amount of food is offered to an adult Shar Pei twice a day.

Advantages of the breed

Only a socialized dog has a large number of advantages. When raising a Shar Pei correctly:

  • He treats children's pranks adequately, but it should be taken into account that in response to their rudeness he may show aggression.
  • The animal is ideal for older people and those who prefer to lead a measured life.
  • It is unpretentious in care and does not require special conditions.
  • Despite the loss of the original characteristics of the breed, the dogs have not lost their protective qualities, therefore, if necessary, they are quite capable of protecting their owner.

We can say that the Shar Pei is an unpretentious and hardy dog. It has unusual external characteristics and can become a reliable friend for all family members.

Who is the dog suitable for and where should it be kept?

At first glance, Shar Peis are cute and slow dogs with an intelligent look. After the first meeting, they reveal their character. It has a diverse palette of emotions, causing contradictory behavior. A calm walk can turn into a confrontation with a large dog of the same sex if the opponent shows persistence or signs of aggression. This reason and stubbornness suggest the presence of courage and the ability to stick to one's line in the potential owner.

Animals that are smaller in size are not noticed by the Shar Pei. Those living in the same house with them are considered members of their pack or an object of protection. This breed behaves affectionately with children and will never intentionally harm a child. After getting used to it, they enjoy playing with them and looking for adventures.

Watchdog abilities are present in the breed. Shar Peis bark at the door after a bell or knock, and sense a person approaching it. They always monitor the situation and, sensing danger or suspicious things, show a lightning-fast reaction. There are individuals with the ability to detain.

Disadvantages of the breed

How many years Shar-Peis live is of course a concern for potential breeders. After all, having found a family friend, it is so difficult to part with him due to death. But other indicators are also important. When choosing this breed, you need to understand that the Shar Pei is a rather independent, willful and self-confident pet. Gets along only with a demanding but kind owner. It is recommended to train the animal with the assistance of professionals. Of course, this increases costs, but the end result is a well-mannered, adequate and fully socialized animal.

Pet character

Shar Peis are distinguished by their independence, calmness, loyalty and, at the same time, complete devotion to all family members. The breed is characterized by mistrust and increased caution.

Animals have deep-set eyes, which causes limited peripheral vision. As a result, the pets are overly fearful. To minimize the risk of getting an unbalanced and aggressive dog, it is necessary to train and socialize it from a very early age.

Experienced breeders note that the breed is amazingly intelligent. A dog can become an excellent watchman, and a community of familiar people only brings joy to the pet. The animal becomes attached to the owner, but also obeys all other family members. The advantage of the Shar Pei is keeping the house clean and tidy.


You can start diagnosing with a consultation and examination with a doctor. To do this, you need to contact a therapist, gastroenterologist, hepatologist or dentist. The doctor will conduct a survey and refer the patient for examination.

During the consultation, the doctor needs to describe in detail the existing symptoms, tell how often and under what circumstances bitterness appears. Information about lifestyle, diet, and existing diseases will be useful.

For diagnosis, the following studies are carried out:

  • Duodenal sounding. If a malfunction of the biliary tract is suspected, portions of bile are taken using a probe for bacteriological examination, and the rate of excretion of bile into the duodenum is also assessed.
  • Gastroscopy (EGDS, FGDS) is a study using a gastroscope. Allows you to examine the mucous membrane of the digestive organs and do a biopsy (take tissue samples for laboratory testing).
  • Ultrasound of the liver, gall bladder and other organs. It is carried out to assess the size and presence of changes in internal organs.
  • Lab tests. If diseases of the digestive organs or biliary tract are suspected, a stool test is prescribed. A biochemical blood test is performed if cholecystitis is suspected. A test for hCG and sex hormones, as well as a serological test if viral hepatitis is suspected, can also be performed.

Standard breed parameters

How long a Shar Pei dog lives depends on its genetic characteristics. It is important that the puppies are sired by unrelated dogs. As a result of competent crossing, healthy offspring are born.

There are standards that specify the height and weight of an adult:

  • The weight of the bitch can range from 18 to 20 kg, height at the withers ranges from 46 to 51 cm.
  • The male's weight ranges from 25 to 37 kg, height at the withers also ranges from 46 to 51 cm.

Minor deviations from standard indicators are not considered critical. But when participating in exhibitions, the dog may be classified as low class.

Most often, dogs that have classic characteristics and are kept according to all conditions live about ten years.

How to care for wool?

There are approved standards for assessing Shar Peis. A feature of the breed is the presence of a large number of folds with bristly and short hair. Moreover, the undercoat is completely absent. The average coat length is in the range of 1-25 mm.

Breeders need to remember that wool cannot be trimmed. Shar Pei, to fulfill all the conditions of the breed, must have a solid color of any shade, excluding pure white. At the same time, a dark shade is allowed in the area of ​​the back thigh and tail, as well as in the area of ​​the back and ears.


Shar Peis are prone to many diseases, also related to the skin.

They meet:

  • Otitis is an inflammatory process in the ear, the main symptoms are any damage to the ears, any kind of discharge with an unpleasant odor, hair loss on the ears.
  • Glaucoma is a large group of eye diseases. Symptoms include excessive secretion of the lacrimal gland, cloudiness of the sclera, complete refusal to eat or partial loss of appetite, and the development of partial disorientation.
  • Atopy is a chronic skin disease. Scratches and ulcers appear on the skin.
  • Primary seborrhea is excess sebum on the skin.
  • Mastocytoma is a tumor that can appear on the skin and internal organs.
  • Thyroid disease.
  • At the slightest sign of any of these diseases, consult a doctor immediately.

If all points are fulfilled, your pet will live a long, happy life.

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