About the Thai Ridgeback kennel et Tar-Menel 

About the Thai Ridgeback kennel et Tar-Menel

We welcome all lovers of the Thai Ridgeback breed!

The special breed nursery of Thai Ridgebacks “et Tar-menel” is officially registered in the international cynological federation Federation Cynologique Internationale (FCI) and in the Russian Cynological Federation (RKF), geographically located in the city of Smolensk. We breed beautiful, athletic, medium-sized dogs with short, velvety hair. Their athletic and flexible body is simply made for movement. You can endlessly admire your elegance and grace. These stunning exotics have a short, soft, velvet-like coat that is soft to the touch. The hair on the back from the tail to the head grows in the opposite direction, forming a characteristic belt - a ridge! Representatives of the Thai Ridgeback breed are so unique that it is simply impossible not to notice them!

They slightly resemble a cat, and are also unobtrusive and tactful. The owner and family will always be important to them; only with them will the Thai Ridgeback have fun and sincerely rejoice. A breed with well-developed intelligence, excellent memory and excellent intuition. They are very observant and perfectly analyze the situation, quickly making the necessary decisions. Thai Ridgebacks are very independent, freedom-loving, cunning and wise in an Asian way; they have preserved their wild ancestors, but at the same time they fit perfectly into the urban environment and the European way of life.

Historically, most kennels start the same way - with the purchase of their first and most beloved dog. We were no exception. It’s simply impossible not to fall in love with the Thai Ridgeback! There is something that makes you fall in love with them once and for all. It's called the "Thai Ridgeback smile" with its wrinkled forehead, gorgeous dimples and mischievous eyes! All our pets are not just pets, but full members of our family. They have a stable psyche, excellent breed qualities and good health. We love them very much and pay a lot of attention, and they reciprocate! On the site you can get acquainted with the brightest representatives of this wonderful breed, which has long won our hearts and rightfully occupied an honorable place in our lives.

The main goal of the “et Tar-menel” nursery is to obtain healthy offspring with good health, excellent psyche, excellent temperament and high breed characteristics that meet all standards of the Thai Ridgeback breed. We take a responsible approach to the selection of breeding pairs, tested at exhibitions, as well as by offspring.

In the kennel “et Tar-menel” you can purchase a Thai Ridgeback puppy from parents with excellent pedigrees and significant exhibition titles. Puppies are our children, so we are interested in finding loving and responsible owners. For our part, we are always ready to provide the necessary comprehensive assistance in choosing, raising and raising a baby.

We will be happy to answer your questions about purchasing and keeping puppies. Contact information can be found on the contacts page. We are confident that by visiting our kennel’s website, you will share our love for these amazing dogs and join the ranks of fans of this wonderful breed.

We wish you pleasant viewing and the right choice!

The Thai Ridgeback is my lifelong love!

Owner of the nursery “et Tar-menel” Golubeva Marcella

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Description of the Thai Ridgeback:

The Thai Ridgeback is a very ancient breed, its origins go back to the origins of the domestication of the wild ancestors of dogs. The place of origin of this breed cannot be determined precisely, since the habitat of these dogs is not only Thailand, but also Cambodia, Vietnam and Indonesia. It is possible that Thai fishermen brought the dogs to nearby islands. On the island of Phu Quoc in the 19th century, after the colonization of the island, Western dog lovers first saw a dog with a ridge on its back and identified it as a separate breed. Despite the ancient origins of the breed, it received official recognition only recently. In 1989, the breed was recognized under the name Thai Ridgeback Dog by the Asian Kennel Union (AKU), and in 1990, the breed was recognized by the Japanese Kennel Club (this club is considered the parent organization in Asian countries and is a member of the FCI). In 1993 the breed was registered by the FCI.

Thai Ridgebacks are unpretentious to their living conditions and do not have any special dietary requirements. Dogs of this breed are not characterized by hereditary pathologies, they are less susceptible to all kinds of diseases. These are very dexterous dogs with excellent coordination of movements. Thai Ridgebacks are characterized by early development of intellectual abilities, they have a good memory, these dogs love to learn new things, but repeated repetition of the same techniques gets boring for them. Thais are observant and have a strong ability to imitate. Dogs of this breed are excellent companions; thanks to their physical characteristics, in the company of their owner, they can engage in any type of “dog activity.”

FCI Breed Standard No. 338 /24.06.2004/ D


ORIGIN: Thailand.
PURPOSE: Hunting dog and companion dog. PUBLICATION DATE OF THE ORIGINAL OF THE VALID STANDARD: 05/26/2003. FCI CLASSIFICATION: Group 5 Spitz and primitive dogs Section 7 Primitive hunting dogs Without working tests. BRIEF HISTORY OF ORIGIN: The Thai Ridgeback is an ancient breed. These dogs are mentioned in ancient archaeological documents in Thailand that are almost 350 years old. Thai Ridgebacks in eastern Thailand were used primarily for hunting. In addition, they accompanied carts and were used by people as guard dogs. The reasons why the breed has retained its original type for so many years is the undeveloped transport links with the east of Thailand, making crossbreeding with other breeds hardly possible. GENERAL APPEARANCE: Medium sized dog with short hair that forms a ridge along the back. The length of the body is slightly greater than the height at the withers. The muscles are well developed, the physique allows for any activity. IMPORTANT PROPORTIONS: Body length: Height at withers = 11:10 Chest depth: Height at withers = 1:2 BEHAVIOR/TEMPERAMENT: Strong and agile dog, jumps great. Loyal family dog. HEAD : UPPER SKULL : Skull : Flat between the ears, slightly rounded when viewed from the side. Forehead: When a dog becomes alert, wrinkles appear. Stop: Clearly noticeable, but moderately expressed. FACIAL REGION OF SKULL: Nose: Black. Dogs with blue fur have a bluish nose. Bridge of nose: Straight and long. Muzzle: Wedge-shaped, slightly shorter than the top of the head. Lips: Tight, well pigmented. Mouth: Black-spotted tongue preferred. Jaws: strong upper and lower. Teeth: White and large, scissor bite. Eyes: Medium size, almond shaped. Dark brown. Dogs with blue fur may have amber eyes. Ears: Located on the sides of the skull. Medium size, triangular; tilted forward, erect. Not docked. NECK: Medium length, strong, muscular, slightly arched, set high. BODY: Back: Strong and level. Loin: Strong and wide. Croup: Slightly sloping. Chest: Deep enough to reach the elbows. The ribs are well sprung, but not barrel-shaped. Bottom line in profile: The abdomen is well tucked. TAIL: Thick at the base, gradually tapering towards the end. The tail may extend to the hocks. The tail is slightly curved and carried vertically upward. FOREQUARTERS: Shoulders: Set obliquely, directed backwards. Forearms: Straight. Pasterns: Viewed from the front, straight; viewed from the side, slightly sloping. Feet: Oval. Nails: Black, but may be lighter depending on coat color. HINDQUARTERS: Hips: Well developed, with well-defined stifle angles. Hocks: Strong and low set. Hocks: Seen from behind, straight and parallel. Feet: Oval. MOTOR APPARATUS / MOVEMENT: Extended stride, with the body not swaying up and down or to the sides. At normal speed, the limbs are parallel. When viewed from the front, the forelimbs move in a straight line forward and backward so that the shoulder, elbow and pastern joints lie approximately in the same plane. When viewed from behind, the stifle and hock joints are located approximately on the same imaginary vertical line. The movement is directed forward in a straight line, while the paws are neither thrown in nor out, so that the step turns out to be extended with a strong push. Movements should be generally rhythmic, free and harmonious. SKIN: Soft and thin, close-fitting, without forming a dewlap at the throat. COAT COAT: Short and smooth. A ridge (comb of wool) is formed on the upper part of the body from hair growing in the opposite direction to the rest of the wool; The ridge should be clearly separated from the rest of the coat. The ridge comes in different shapes and lengths, but it should be located on both sides of the spinal column symmetrically and should not extend to the sides. Curls of fur at the front end of the ridge are allowed. COLOR : Solid: red, black, blue and very light fawn (“Isabella” red preferably with a black mask. SIZE : Ideal height at withers: males: 56-61 cm (22-24 inches), females: 51-56 cm ( 20-22 inches). A tolerance of +/- 2.5 cm (1 inch) is allowed. FAULTS: Any deviation from the above points should be considered a fault and judged strictly according to the severity. • Any other than a scissor bite. • Uneven. ridge DISQUALIFYING FAULTS: • Aggression or fearfulness • Dogs without a ridge • Long hair Dogs with obvious physical or behavioral abnormalities should be disqualified. NB: Males must have two normally developed testes, fully descended into the scrotum. Save and Share:

As of January 1, 2007, there were only 3 blue Thai Ridgebacks in Russia, officially registered in the RKF. Now (2013) there are a total of about 400 dogs of this breed in our country. There are no longer as few of us as there once were, but this is how it all began...

When choosing a dog for myself, I never thought that I would find something unique. I simply really wanted a dog, but as an advanced and very busy person, I was constantly stopped by the difficulties of caring for and maintaining many breeds that I liked. Having accidentally come across information about the Thai Ridgeback, I was amazed that there are breeds that do not smell, do not shed hair and do not bark, and all this in “one bottle”.

Having caught fire with the idea, I found and brought to Russia a blue girl named Taima, who gave birth to her first blue litter of 9 wonderful puppies in Russia.

I learned about the breed in 2003, but was able to find the dog only in 2005. At that time, it was almost impossible to find any information about Thai Ridgebacks either in English or, especially, in Russian. The pitiful bits of information did not reveal even a hundredth part of the advantages and advantages of Thai Ridgebacks, and immediately after I brought Taima, I decided to fill this gap and began to closely study the history and characteristics of this breed.

Over these few years, I have visited Thailand dozens of times, I met all the major breeders of Thai Ridgebacks, visited almost all the nurseries, consulted with everyone who deals with this breed and studies it, and collected a huge amount of information that I am ready to share with you.

I had to take a direct part in organizing exhibitions in Thailand, as well as participate in large-scale events related to the popularization of the breed, such as the International Thai Ridgeback Day in Bangkok, a conference on detailing the standard and others. I visited many exhibitions, where I was lucky enough to meet famous judges, standard developers and personally with the Chairman of the Thai Ridgeback Association in Thailand and evaluate the quality of many dozens of exhibition Thai Ridgebacks directly in their homeland.

Using examples, they showed me WHAT a true Thai Ridgeback should look like, what shortcomings one should pay attention to, and what ideal one should strive for.

In 2006, I met Stanislav Kostin, with whom our views on the development of the breed largely agreed. Over the years we have managed to do a lot. We managed not only to register the first mono-breed kennel in Russia, TimeLine, exclusively engaged in breeding Thai Ridgebacks, but also to create the International Club of the Thai Ridgeback Breed, whose advisors were the President of the Cynological Federation of Thailand Ms. Pusara Suntrangkoon (President of The Kennel Club of Thailand (KCTH); Professor Prof. Dr. Surawit Wankrairoaj; Lt. Pol. Paswas Srithai - judge who participated in the development of the standard; Chairman of the breed club of Thailand Mr. Pirat Chatassawapitak (of Summakorn Kennel); Vice Chairman of the Thailand Breed Club (kennel The TRD of JD) Wipas Taweekittikul; Breed Club Secretary and Breeder (Noppakao TRD Kennel) Ms. Poonsiri Luekuna (Noi); Club Secretary Mr. Sarawut Luekuna (Nui) (Suwannapoom TRD Kennel) and many -a lot others.

This is a kind of bridge connecting our countries, allowing us to always stay up to date with the latest events and go in the right direction for the development of the breed. It is for this purpose that this site was created.

Here, on our website, you will find everything related to this new and still very rare breed in Russia and throughout the world. You will find here the history of origin, development, standards, health and breeding features, types of coat and ridges, you will be able to look at the varieties of colors and the structure of the body and head using examples, and you will also receive answers to simple everyday questions regarding the content, character, behavior and upbringing Thai Ridgeback. You will find out what a Ridgeback is in general and whether the Rhodesian Ridgeback is a relative of the Thai and how much they have in common.

You can also find here information about breeders and nurseries of Thai Ridgebacks in Russia and abroad, find out where and how to buy a Thai Ridgeback puppy, what is the cost of a Thai Ridgeback puppy and what makes up its price. You will find the answer to the question why dogs of the same breed have such different prices. You will be able to find recommendations for choosing a puppy and what you should first pay attention to when choosing a breeder.

We have no personal interest in misrepresenting the breed. And I know that sometimes the information that I post causes heated debate and discussion in the circles of some breeders. But I also do not hide the names of those from whom we receive information. You can see a list of people who support our site and our club here. There you can also see our “field notes”.

I know that when a breed is in its infancy, it can be very difficult to find the information you need. And I really hope that this site will be of interest not only to fans of this breed, but also to judges, who also do not often see Thai Ridgebacks at shows. We will talk about everything we encountered when we took into our home this unique dog, so different from others.

I hope you will be interested in learning more about the rarest, most original, and, if you like, the most stylish dog in Russia - the Thai Ridgeback!
There is no shame in learning, there is no shame in learning new things, it is much worse to remain ignorant, even if at the same time you manage to maintain a smart facial expression! Don’t be shy, come check it out, and if you learned something new about the Thai Ridgeback, share it with us! Come to our FORUM, where almost all owners of Thai Ridgebacks in Russia have gathered. Let's collect and preserve everything related to Thai Ridgebacks together!

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