Characteristics of the Siberian Husky: education and training


There are several versions of the origin of the breed. The most common opinion points to the northern origin of the dog.

Previously, “husky” was called an Eskimo. The point is not in the essence of the term, but in the consonance of the initial part of the words.

Four thousand years ago, Asians moved north with their pets. Then some domestic animals crossed with wolves. This is how the Siberian Husky came about. He became man's main assistant in harsh climatic regions. The Chukchi appreciated that the dog was unpretentious in its maintenance. He traveled hundreds of kilometers through snow and ice, eating whatever was given to him.

This is interesting: How to extend the life of a husky

According to historical facts, in frosty weather dogs warmed children with their warmth and did not allow them to freeze. The animal's appearance and character have remained almost unchanged since that time.

Husky in English means wheezing. A hoarse voice is characteristic of such animals.

To what age do Hasyats grow?

Until six months of age, Khasenys usually grow at the same pace. And at six months, huskies of different sexes already begin to grow differently. So, girls actively develop and grow in height up to eight months, and then continue to gradually grow up to one year. The weight continues to increase until two years, until the dog finally becomes fully formed. At two years of age, the Husky's growth period finally ends. When a female comes into her first heat, she may grow a little slower. However, this is a temporary condition.

Males grow a little longer than females. Their active development and growth continues for up to nine months. The final growth of the dog is formed by one and a half years. A male husky becomes an adult, fully formed dog only at two or three years of age.


Like all types of northern breeds, huskies are tall, stately dogs with rich colors, strong muscles, and an easygoing disposition. Representatives of the species are among the 10 most beautiful, intelligent animals in the world.

When forming the rating, experts took into account the physical characteristics of individuals, appearance, and intellectual development. The dogs scored high in all positions. Experts are convinced that huskies are real thinkers. They can correctly assess what is happening and make informed decisions.

This is interesting: What is the difference between a Siberian Husky and a Laika?

Varieties of colors

The official all-Russian list of husky coat colors includes about 5 shades. In fact, there are over 10 of them.

There are no individuals with the same hair color. Each Siberian Husky's color is unique.

Wool shade options:

Snow-whiteIt is extremely rare. Interspersed with other tones are not allowed. The combination of an animal’s white coat with blue eyes looks especially attractive.
CarbonicThe individuals are called Afrohuskies. Purebred breeds do not have this shade. In the total mass of dark hair, light spots are acceptable
Black and whiteUsually white color predominates. The combination looks impressive
GreyAsh tone is the base. Silvery, fawn undercoat. This is a common option. These huskies are called wolves because of their strong resemblance to wild animals.
SilverThe fluff is white. The main coat is grey. The play of shades creates a shimmering, glowing effect
GingerA catchy version of the color scheme of Siberian dogs. An orange coat makes your pet look like a fox
Pale yellowRed (but not intense), turning into cream tones
CopperChocolate variant of wool, which is often confused with fox
PiebaldOther names: pinto, pibold. The body of the dogs is white with colored spots of different sizes. Nose, eye rims – brown or black
Black and tanCharcoal with peach splashes is a rare species, popularly called tricolor.
AgoutiCombination of black, red, white colors. The hairs at the roots are light, and at the ends they are rich. Animals with a mixture of such shades are rare
Splash coatReminds me of a variety of piebolds. Distinguished by the presence of a light collar on the neck
SaddledThere is a spot on the back of the animal that resembles a saddle. Saddle cloth comes in different tones
SableOne of the most beautiful suit options. Chocolate, fox, brown - basic colors
MarbleLooks original. Wide range of colors, unevenly distributed throughout the body. Main tone – white
IsabellaGame of fawn and red colors

Not only the fur, but also the eyes of the Siberian Husky are distinguished by a variety of shades.

This is interesting: Puppies from a cross between a shepherd and a husky

Iris color:

  • brown;
  • amber;
  • green;
  • blue;
  • heterochromic.

Of particular interest to dog breeders are dogs with different eye colors, as harlequins are believed to bring good luck.

Behavior and skills

In order for a husky to behave impeccably and be in complete submission to its owner, the owner must explain to the pet who is boss in the house. Representatives of the breed are inventive and capable of outwitting humans. Such attempts must be stopped.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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Dogs rarely bark. When left alone, they can begin to howl in sadness. By nature, they tend to live in groups. They love to dig holes. Therefore, it is better to show your pet a place where this is allowed.

Husky easily gets along with other breeds. But cats and birds cause irritation. The dog is capable of attacking them. It's important not to let him do this.

Animals don't like hot weather. Thick wool heats up quickly. Therefore, you should not allow your pet to remain in the sun for a long time.

Modern huskies are rarely used to carry cargo. Sporty driving is a priority. The dogs easily pull the sleigh through the snowdrifts. Average running speed is 35 km/h.

What makes the breed hardy is its flexible metabolism. The metabolism of its representatives is manageable. If necessary, it can speed up or slow down.

Huskies are also capable of mastering the most complex commands. Learn quickly at any age. But making them ideal guards is difficult.

Distinctive features

The breed is medium in size, slightly elongated. The dogs are well built, compact, with strong bones and well-developed muscles. A distinctive feature is their bright fluffy fur and pointed muzzle, which makes Huskies look like wolves.

The sexual type is well defined. Males are not coarse, but heavier and larger than females: 53-60 cm at the withers. Females, on the other hand, are more fragile and refined and can work equally with males, despite their smaller size.

Patronage of the breed belongs to the USA. The last standard was published in 1995.

  • The head is moderately long, not flat, wedge-shaped. The stop and occipital part are outlined and softly expressed.
  • The muzzle is shorter than the skull. Wide and full, tapered towards the nose. Filled in under the eyes. The jaw is wide and strong, with a full set of teeth and a scissor bite (the upper jaw overlaps the lower jaw). The lips are thin and well pigmented.
  • The nose is large, black or brown, depending on the color.
  • The eyes are medium-sized, slanted, set at stop level. The color is acceptable brown, blue, mosaic-colored, different colors of two eyes are acceptable.
  • The ears are small, triangular, stand firmly without tilting, and are set high.
  • The body is strong, streamlined, with a straight, long back , wide loin and slightly sloping croup . The chest is well descended. The neck is short, but the head is carried proudly. The belly is tucked in.
  • The tail reaches the hock joint and is well feathered. In a calm state it hangs down, in an active state it rises like a sickle and bends towards the back.
  • The limbs are set moderately wide, straight and parallel. Paws are oval, not elongated, with collected toes. Movements are easy.
  • The coat is straight, smooth, not rough, double coat with a soft fluffy undercoat.
  • Colors: any from white to black. White markings on the head in the form of a mask are often found.

What is the difference between a husky and a malamute?

The breeds have a lot in common. Both types have similar physical characteristics and levels of endurance.

Huskies come from Siberia, Malamutes are representatives of Alaska. They were bred for sled racing, they know how to hunt, but they will not give the prey to the owner.

Interesting article: Alaskan Malamute: characteristics and description of the breed

Table of differences:

Develop high speed. Can quickly deliver cargo that is not too heavy Physically stronger, more resilient, but slower
Temperamental, cunningCalm, positive attitude
They love children. They will play with them and become good nannies Indifferent to kids. Avoid noisy guys
Do not demonstrate groundless aggression towards humans or animalsThey consider only the owner. Other people are ignored
They have a loud, hoarse voiceSilent people. They bark in extreme cases
More compact in sizeLarger, 10-12 kg heavier
They have an excellent appetite, some individuals are prone to overeatingThey know when to eat in moderation
Height at withers – 51-60 cm58-70 cm
Have double hairRough, sticky fur
Wide variety of coat colorsThe list of color options is limited to: gray, charcoal, sable, chocolate-white. There is a color mask on the face
Pure blue eyes are a unique feature. Other iris colors are less common Brown with black edging
The tail is curled into a ring and loweredNot particularly curled, pointing upwards

Many dog ​​breeders have tried to cross the Malamute with the Husky. The result is stately dogs that have inherited the character of the representatives of Alaska, outwardly repeating the Siberian individuals. Despite the beauty of the puppies, the offspring are considered outbred.

Interesting article: Difference between Siberian Husky and Alaskan Malamute


Husky is not a very large breed. More often, such individuals are classified as medium-sized, with a symmetrical build.

The standard height of the animal is about half a meter, weight from 15 to 30 kilograms. The parameters depend on the gender of the dog. As a rule, males are larger and heavier.


Dogs are distinguished by a sharply drawn head, wide at the top and tapering towards the eyes.

A rough or fine head will result in the animal being disqualified from the competition.

The lips stand out clearly on the muzzle, have characteristic pigmentation, and should not be loose.


Huskies have brown or blue eyes that slant slightly toward the center. There are dogs with different shades of the iris. The eyes are almond-shaped.

Eyes that are too wide apart and too close together are a sign of disqualification.


Dogs' ears are pointed and triangular in shape. They are located high on the head, the tips are slightly pointed.


The teeth have a scissor bite. Deviation from the standard is considered a disadvantage and in some cases will lead to disqualification from the competition.

Any other form of malocclusion is grounds for disqualification.


Huskies have a big heart. Their chest is powerful and strong, and their ribs are wider apart than other breeds. The chest should not be too wide. The shoulder blades should be at an angle of 45 degrees. Another slope is a reason for exclusion.

The back forms a straight line from the shoulder blades to the hip joints.


The neck is slightly arched, not too long. At the moment when the animal stands highly raised.


The tail is somewhat similar to a fox's: long, with a curved tip and fluffy fur. When the dog runs, it is slightly lowered, or takes the shape of a sickle. Twisted into a circle located above the back is a sign of disqualification


The animal has powerful and muscular legs of medium length. The pads are ideal for walking in the snow, but if the animal runs for a long time on a hard surface, it can get injured. To eliminate them, special shoes are purchased.

The front and hind limbs are moderately spaced, straighten straight when moving, do not bend or twist.


The wool is thick. There is a developed undercoat, medium length.


Show dogs can be black to white in color with distinctive stripes. Extra stripes on the face and glasses are allowed.


Huskies are extremely friendly dogs with a contradictory character. They need a strong leader nearby who can tame them. The stubbornness, willfulness and violent temperament of these animals can only be curbed by a strong-willed owner. For example, bringing the dog to fatigue with long walks or exhausting workouts.

Features of hunting

The breed's getter instinct is well developed. Quality passed down from Aboriginal ancestors. Husky loves to chase ungulates.

The dog is able to quickly pick up the scent, drive away roe deer and wild sheep. Neat build, agility, help not to drown in the snow. Endurance and energy allow him to chase game for a long time, exhausting it.

The pet lets its owner know with its voice and howl that it has tracked the animal. This is reminiscent of hunting with huskies. However, huskies have greater agility, tenacity, and are able to calculate the actions of animals in advance.

Character and appearance

Husky is choleric. An ideal dog for a family who loves activity, walking, traveling, hiking.

These are kind animals, reliable companions. They are not conflict-provoking and it is difficult to provoke them into aggression. They love children and, if necessary, protect even unfamiliar children.

Despite all the character advantages, raising a dog requires patience from the owner.

A person for the representatives of the breed is a friend, but not the meaning of life for which one can die. Huskies are stubborn and willful. This psychological quality is inherent in them at the genetic level.

Distinctive features:

Body parts and appearanceCharacteristic
WoolThick, with dense undercoat. Does not allow you to freeze in cold weather
EyesClever expression, almond shape. Blue, brown iris. There are individuals with heterochrony
EarsNeat, sharp
Adult dog weightMale – 25 kg. Female – 20 kg
Height51-60 cm
TorsoCompact, stately, regular shape
LegsSmooth, sinewy, medium length
NeckStrong, wide with a bend
TailFluffy, curled

Huskies have strong genetics, which strictly endows puppies with certain physical and external characteristics.

Breed characteristics

Short description
Origin:USA, Russia
Conditions of detention:House with garden, possible to live in an apartment, best suited to cold climates
Purpose:Sled dogs, guard dogs, companion dogs
Color:Black, white, brown, grey, marks and large stains acceptable
Wool length:Average
Adult dog size:The height of the female is from 50 to 56 cm, the male is from 53 to 60 cm, the weight of the male is 20-28 kg, the weight of the female is 15-23 kg
Average life expectancy:10-14 years
Walk:Walking twice a day is required
Physical activity needs:High physical activity needs (regular or daily exercise for more than 3 hours per day)
Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FIC) classification:Group 5: Spitz and primitive breeds; Section 1: northern sled dogs
Puppy price:From 7 thousand to 120 thousand rubles. Without pedigree - 7-10 thousand rubles, pet class - 15-20 thousand rubles, breed class - 25-40 thousand rubles, show class - from 60 rubles


Before planning offspring, it is necessary to understand whether the animal is suitable for this. If the bitch has impeccable characteristics, then you can begin to select a suitable partner for her.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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When determining the candidacy of a stud dog, you need to pay attention to his data - energy, running speed. It is important to analyze the body structure and temperament.

It is necessary to check your pet for possible manifestations of hereditary diseases. Glaucoma and cataracts in his littermates are an alarming fact, signaling the need to remove the animal from further breeding.

Scientists together with dog breeders are developing genetic tests. In the future, they will help identify hereditary diseases. Dogs with deviations in health and appearance should not be allowed to breed. The result is the extinction of the breed's temperament.

If the pair is determined, then it is recommended to organize the mating in an area familiar to the male. This way the boy will feel more confident and calm. There will be no need to explore a new area.

During the mating period, it is important to be doubly attentive to the mood of your pets. You cannot arrange a meeting for dogs prematurely. It should take place no earlier than 20 days after the girl starts estrus. Some pet owners organize multiple mating opportunities.

This should not be allowed within 2 days after the act took place. The sperm is still active. It is also impossible to force a bitch to mate. If she doesn’t show any desire, it means everything worked out the first time.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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The process of bearing puppies lasts 9 weeks. 15 days before the birth of the litter, it is important to increase the amount of food the expectant mother eats. During pregnancy, the female should slightly reduce physical activity (but not the time of walking). This will help her quickly return to her original shape after childbirth.

Before the exciting process, the female needs to organize a tight box with a heating pad and a towel. Newborns will have to be placed there. You will need disinfected scissors, a bottle with a pacifier, and a dog milk replacer.

When the birth takes place, the mother needs to be taken outside to relieve herself. Later, she and the cubs will be transferred to a pen created in the warmest room.

Babies are distinguished by their mobility, but open their eyes after birth only 2 weeks later.

Education and training

The Siberian Husky's behavior can be impeccable. But for this, the owner will have to do a lot with the animal.

As soon as a puppy appears in the house, you need to call him by his nickname, show him a place, toys, and a toilet. Also, the baby should be walked on a leash, set an activity schedule for him, and think about a meal schedule that is appropriate for his weight, age.

The creature can ignore its owner's requests. Personal feelings and the dog’s needs are a priority. The Siberian makes decisions independently, without analyzing the wishes of people.

Small dogs have bad habits. They love to chew on everything they find. With age, bad habits will disappear, but you cannot ignore your pet’s dirty tricks. It is necessary to make comments in a strict tone, to remove things that the dog could spoil.

It is important for the owner to gain respect from the husky, otherwise he will not perceive the person as a leader. Raising a pet using aggressive methods is prohibited. This will not give a positive result.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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  • develop strict intonation;
  • develop confident gestures;
  • demonstrate a sequence of commands;
  • respond with praise to your pet’s correct actions.

This will allow you to properly build relationships and teach the necessary skills.

It is important for a person to provide his four-legged friend with a gradual complication of loads. A popular option is running up the stairs. From 2 months is the optimal age for a pet to start training. Training must be regular and consistent.

  1. "Ugh". It is necessary to strictly, without raising your voice, pronounce the command every time your pet tries to pick up something on the street. There should be a treat for his obedience.
  2. "Near". You can master the action while walking. The dog must walk close to the owner. Attempts to run away must be stopped by smoothly pulling the leash and repeating the command.
  3. "To me". When releasing the animal to frolic, at a certain moment it is necessary to clearly pronounce the task. As soon as the husky obeys, he runs up to the owner, he is praised and treated.
  4. "Sit". The skill can be practiced at home. When setting a goal, you need to press your palm on the lower back of your four-legged friend.
  5. "Lie". The training is similar to the previous point.
  6. "Place". While in the apartment, the trainer pronounces a command.

After completing the task correctly, the dog should receive a treat. The owner must show her that he is pleased with her success. You need to pet and hug your furry pet.

Main causes of premature death

Huskies can be susceptible to a number of specific diseases that can significantly reduce their life expectancy.

For example, such as degenerative myelopathy, which leads over time to paralysis of the limbs, or epileptic seizures, which, starting at the age of 7 months to 3 years, progress over time and become more frequent and prolonged.

There is no cure for these ailments, and therefore, when they reach an extreme stage, the animal often has to be euthanized to save it from suffering.

Males of this breed have a predisposition to diseases of the genitourinary system, including malignant tumors.

Liver shunts that occur in Huskies, leading to disruption of the blood supply to the liver, can also be fatal.

However, given the inquisitive and overly active nature of huskies, their premature death is not always due to illness. It is often caused by various accidents when a dog, for example, gets hit by a car because he was chasing a cat or dies after eating a poisoned rodent.


The tendency to hunt small animals can also cause a dog to become infected with a serious infectious disease, the carriers of which are often rodents.

To avoid this, in addition to a harness and leash, your pet should purchase a muzzle for walking.

Huskies can suffer due to their insatiable curiosity and penchant for mischief. It happens that, being left alone all day, a dog spoils things out of boredom and sometimes swallows pieces of fabric or, for example, wood. This does not always lead to serious consequences, but sometimes such pranks end in blockage or perforation of the stomach or intestines.

This is why it is so important to reduce the likelihood of an accident. To do this, you need to carefully monitor your pet, train him, and if he is left alone all day, you need to provide him with a sufficient number of safe treats and toys. And everything that could pose a danger to the husky or be swallowed by it should, if possible, be removed to a place inaccessible to the dog.

If you keep a dog in your private home, then you need to make sure that the area is surrounded by a reliable fence, the height of which is at least 1.8 meters.

During repairs, it is necessary to keep varnishes and paints away from your pet and keep him away from painted and not yet dried surfaces. When treating the garden from pests or rodent baiting, it is better to keep the dog in the house for some time.

Care and maintenance

The first thing you should focus on is a balanced diet. When choosing a diet, it is important to take into account the recommendations of experienced dog breeders and doctors.

Fresh air, the opportunity to express emotions, and to be physically exhausted are also a necessity for huskies. On the street you need to throw a stick or a favorite toy to the dog and ask him to bring it. In winter, a pet over 1 year old can take children on a sled ride.

This is interesting: Features of keeping a husky in an apartment

The long-haired quadruped requires weekly treatment with a special brush.

You can’t bathe your pet often (twice a year is enough). The best option is in spring and autumn during the molting period. Before washing, the dog's fur must be thoroughly combed, ridding the fur coat of lost hair. The water should be warm.

It is recommended to use shampoo intended for animals. Taking into account the thickness of your pet’s hair, the product can be diluted into a soapy liquid. This will allow the foam solution to be evenly distributed over the dog’s body. It is recommended to dry the wool with a warm stream of air from a hair dryer.

Failure to comply with hygiene requirements, lack of regular walks, and an unbalanced diet can lead to a deterioration in the pet’s well-being and quality of life.

Dog age compared to human years

Husky dog ​​agePerson's age
1 year15 years
2 years24 years
3 years28 years
4 years32 years
5 years36 years
6 years42 years
7 years47 years old
8 years51 years old
9 years56 years old
10 years60 years
11 years65 years old
12 years69 years old
13 years74 years old
14 years78 years old
15 years83 years old
16 years87 years old


When preparing a diet, you can use natural products and industrial feed. Factory provisions must be premium. Cheap options will not work. In high-quality nutrition, the amount of vitamins and microelements needed by the animal is calculated.

Natural food is preferable for huskies, however, it is difficult to properly balance it.

Huskies are able to digest even fatty meats.

Tips for creating a diet for your pet:

  • 70% of the diet should be meat;
  • Give boiled zucchini and pumpkin, fresh carrots and cucumbers;
  • rice, buckwheat should be included in the daily menu, without salt;
  • add grated apples to kefir and cottage cheese;
  • mandatory - tripe, chicken kidneys;
  • Give boiled sea fish weekly.

This type of nutrition must be enriched with vitamin complexes.

You should not feed your pet before bedtime. Dinner should be offered at least 1 hour before bedtime.

Feeding a Siberian Husky puppy is significantly different from feeding an adult. At 1 month, the baby lives on mother's milk. Later, he is gradually transferred to factory feed or natural products. Industrial granules are soaked in water or in low-fat meat broth.

If you choose homemade food, you should focus on boiled beef, turkey, and sea fish. Steamed vegetables, fresh fruits, cereals, cottage cheese are the basis of the menu.

On high-quality nutrition, the fluffy creature grows quickly, becomes stronger, and develops good immunity. Weight at 4 months will reach 14 kg.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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It is forbidden to feed your pet sweets or food from the common table.


Puppies of this breed are characterized by various ailments, both funny and unpleasant.

Why does he hiccup frequently?

Puppies may hiccup frequently for a variety of reasons. If the hiccups are short-lived, then most likely the pet is thirsty after a vigorous game, or he filled his stomach too quickly, or the dry food was too dry. In any case, you need to give your pet something to drink.

REFERENCE. Before feeding the puppy, it is better to soak the dry food in water.

Hiccups can also be caused by a foreign body stuck in the stomach. If your puppy is prone to frequent bouts of hiccups, you should contact your veterinarian.

Breathes quickly

If the puppy, being in a static position, has rapid breathing, then most likely he is sleeping. The fact is that sleeping dogs, when their sleep reaches the rapid phase, tend to dream. In these dreams, they can experience the same emotions as in real life, and rapid breathing is proof of this.

But if your pet breathes more often than 10-30 breaths per minute while awake, this is a reason to show it to the veterinarian. Since this is already a symptom of respiratory disease.


If diarrhea is not accompanied by vomiting, fever, dizziness and drowsiness, it is necessary to change the puppy’s diet. In cases where all the symptoms are together, the only vital decision is to take the dog to the veterinarian.


One of the reasons for the appearance of dandruff may be the presence of parasites in the puppy, such as worms and hair mites. Regular deworming will help get rid of them. If your pet does not have any of these, then there is a lack of vitamin A. High-quality food, shampoo and vitamin supplements will correct the skin condition. In a situation where a vitamin-enhanced diet does not produce results, you should think about skin fungus. In this case, only a veterinarian can get rid of the disease.

Health and treatment

Huskies were bred in a harsh region and were subjected to severe physical stress. This provoked the development of physiological characteristics. Therefore, high blood clotting and an enlarged heart are not considered pathologies for them.

Like all dogs, Siberians can get fleas. It is difficult to get rid of them, given the thick fur. Owners should check their dog's coat weekly.

Pets, especially males, are susceptible to hereditary diseases, such as:

  • diabetes;
  • disruption of the thyroid gland and musculoskeletal system;
  • pathologies of the nervous system, heart muscle;
  • dermatitis.

Diseases of the visual organs are common - from cataracts to entropion.

How to extend the life of a pet?

In order for a pet to live as long as possible, the owner must take care to provide it with proper care and feeding.

Physical activity is of great importance for huskies, therefore, these dogs need to either participate in races, or engage in any other sports discipline, for example, agility, or simply walk a lot and attend training classes.

Also, the owner of a husky must monitor the health of the animal - get vaccinations on time and treat the dog against internal and external parasites, and also, if the pet gets sick or has an accident, immediately seek veterinary help.


If the pet is already 7-8 years old, the husky owner must take the dog to the clinic annually for a preventive examination.

Advantages and disadvantages

Siberians have many fans, as the breed has many advantages. They differ in many qualities from other relatives.

Positive features:

  • friendliness;
  • sociability;
  • love for children;
  • beauty;
  • mind;
  • rich wool;
  • frost resistance;
  • strong immunity;
  • life expectancy.

The appearance is not without its shortcomings.


  • stubbornness;
  • cunning;
  • craving for hunting yard animals;
  • tendency to run away;
  • cannot stand loneliness;
  • does not obey weak people.

With proper upbringing of the dog, the proportions of pros and cons can be changed, eradicating bad qualities.

List of suitable nicknames

The pet's name must be chosen based on the animal's temperament.

Options for males:

  • Siberia, Nero, Thunder, Zeus, Diamond, North;
  • Fog, Buran, Shine, Nord.

Suitable nicknames for girls:

  • Winter, Blizzard, Taiga, Elsa, Snowy;
  • Umka, Zvezda, Bagheera, Yuna, Tina.

This is interesting: The most popular nicknames for husky boys and girls

Rules for choosing puppies

You cannot buy a baby based on emotions, because the cost depends on the category to which it belongs. Therefore, you need to decide what kind of husky you need - a hunter, a champion at exhibitions, or just a pet friend. You can find out about the cost of a husky puppy here.

Representatives of the nursery will outline the prospects for the individual. There are more chances to buy a purebred Siberian Husky than from an amateur breeder.

It is quite possible to say whether a fluffy will be medium or large by assessing the size of the parents.

Signs of a healthy puppy:

  • energy;
  • a good appetite;
  • protruding ears;
  • correct bite;
  • strong skeleton.

The animal must have a pedigree and the necessary vaccinations according to age.

Interesting Facts

  • Some huskies can “talk.” They can make sounds that sound like individual words and phrases.
  • Representatives of the breed exhibit heterochromia. Due to the different concentrations of brown pigment, a dog's eyes have different colors (one may be brown and the other blue).
  • A team of eight huskies can cover a distance of up to 250 kilometers in 24 hours. Animals easily accelerate to 30 km/h.
  • In 1 day, a Siberian husky burns up to 14,000 calories (professional athletes participating in a cycling marathon lose 2 times less energy).
  • A dog's fur has the ability to self-clean. The animal does not smell like “dog.”
  • There is a monument to a husky in the center of New York. The bronze statue is dedicated to the feat of the dogs who brought diphtheria serum to the American city of Nome. The delivery was carried out in difficult weather conditions. The diphtheria epidemic was stopped in 5 days.


Yulia Petrenko: “I started training when the puppy was 2 months old. Now he is 1 year old. Executes even the most complex commands, catching them on the fly. The pet is smart, intelligent, and curious. But it is important to be able to explain to the four-legged what is good and what is bad.”

Evgenia Korotkova: “Husky, my favorite breed. I have never met smarter, more reliable, more beautiful creatures than these. With good upbringing, a furry friend does not cause difficulties and does not let the owner down. I know from personal experience. Confirms the facts and description of the Siberian breed.”

Eduard Kuzmin: “A dog for energetic, positive people. She will not get along with a passive person and will try to escape. Requires entertainment, many hours of walks.”

Even a beginner in this matter can train a Siberian Husky. The main thing is to gain respect from the four-legged one. Then he will become not just the pride of the owner, but a true friend.


On April 1, 2021, the Happy End arrived for users - the 4th notable project in the platform’s list of original series after “Trouble Teens,” “Chick” and “Psycho.” Reflecting on the musical accompaniment of a frank and at the same time innocent story about a webcam model, director Evgeny Sangadzhiev listened to about 1,000 Russian performers. But in the end, he entrusted the creation of the soundtrack to the rapper Husky - “an artist who combines depth, spirit of the times, conflict and poetry.”

Photo and video review

Husky is a wise dog with a high ability to learn. You can verify this by reading information about the breed and looking at sketches with the participation of a Siberian.

The undeniable dignity of the dog is confirmed by photographs.

Photo gallery

Below you can see a photo of a husky; in our opinion, this is a very cute breed of dog.

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