The History of Coffee Worms: An excerpt from the book about "Men in Black"

Men in Black, 1997, and Men in Black 2, 2002

“If you don’t like it, kiss my hairy little ass!” — Frank’s phrases from the first “Men in Black” are simply impossible to forget, as is his enchanting appearance in this stupid sweatshirt. The pug became an overnight star. In his words, really, “when will you people understand that size doesn’t matter”?

Guys, who bought a pug thanks to watching “Men in Black”?

For a long time I thought that Frank was nothing more than computer graphics (I thought there were no such scary pugs), then it turned out that Frank is a real dog...

One thing I can say for sure is that if people on the street, when they see dogs, start saying, “Look, look, there are dogs like Frank from the men in black,” this really annoys me



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Thanks to the film, I now have two pugs)))

And I’m fed by this breed of people in black, I’m making fun of my son Frank. And what's funniest about the characters is going on))

I also want to buy a pug, but I can’t find anyone who will sell me a puppy(

Well, I already wrote that I got a pug precisely because of Mushu))

Marina, from the point of view of the “pug” breed, he is simply terrible. A pug looks something like this, in my opinion, the difference is colossal

I watched this film after I got my first pug, and thank God)))) Because Frank’s appearance (just an ugly breed of a breed) simply shocks me and, looking at him, I would never have gotten myself a pug and not I would like to know how much I adore and appreciate this breed!

Irina, to be honest, I still don’t understand how you can recognize “Frank from Men in Black” in my dogs... It seems to me that he looks even less like a pug than, say, a French bulldog

Hahaha, when we were little, we often asked him “Where is the galaxy”

They also let me listen to the song. Didn't sing along)))

My first pug appeared in our house in 2001, when she passed away, I went on maternity leave with two little pugs at once, but if I had seen this film before all this, I would have had big doubts about the breed of pugs. To this day, when you walk with pugs on the street, many people say, look people in black there are two at once ha-ha. But I don’t like the film either!!!!!!

I never found this suit in my city, I always dreamed of a pug from “Men in Black” =)

Snezhanochka, ours don’t look like Frank :))) That’s why I take the exclamations “look there dogs like Frank” as the most dubious compliment...

Evgeniy, even if you found it, I wouldn’t let the child put it on, she’s our girl!!! =)))

Valentina, I’m not delighted with such “complements”)))))

Some guys also asked us, “Is this a talking pug?” Like in the movie “L.Ch” I won’t say that it upset me, not even a little, our Fantik charms everyone around with his presence))) And my mother actually said when she saw him for the first time - “Well, why did you take such a thing, he’s scary?" And now she doesn’t even think so, she even showed him to her friends and boasted about it))) Before, when Fanny wasn’t there, Frank didn’t seem so scary to me, but now he’s creepy)))

Valentina, Zhenya is a friend of our family, and by the way, he persuaded us to buy a pug.

Svetlana, ahhh :))) I was also surprised why the surnames are different :)))

Valentina, He is our visiting dad on Sunday

literally this morning, on a walk, my Tosha was called Frank from this film) and I’m not the least bit offended. Although Frank is not the most beautiful pug, this episode still brought popularity to our favorite breed)))))

Katya, are you sure that popularity is a good thing? In the case of purebred dogs, this is always bad... A breed develops when only fanatics are involved in its selection. And what we get is the following: there is demand from people who have only seen the Champions League film, their idea of ​​the breed is more than poor, but they want a pug and a cheaper one. And this is where the so-called breeders come into play, who in a short time produce a bunch of puppies without docks and sell them, the mother bitches of these puppies are kept in terrible conditions, they are mated at every heat, there is no talk of any genetic health, compliance with the standard, they they live only to give birth, and if something goes wrong, the dog is not treated, it is dumped. Clearly no one cares about the quality of the puppies there either. And the second point, if we take ANY rare, or relatively rare breed, not commercial in a word, we will see that there are simply no “breedings for health”, “they like to tinker with puppies” - and so on... In our country, everyone breeds their own whoever is not too lazy, anyhow, with whomever: there is a demand for “cheaper”, there will be supply

Valentina, of course you are right!!! I hope pugs will only end up in responsible hands)))))))

Katya, alas, unfortunately this is not possible... But the task of our group is to create a favorable image of the breed, without cuts, as they say, to hammer into the heads of buyers that a pug is not a toy, it is a living creature, you need to approach its purchase according to your capabilities and not grab the first puppy you come across. And in a separate line, the issues of raising and upbringing: you can buy a beautiful, very, very elite puppy iiiiii.... Ruin all its potential... There are hundreds and thousands of such cases.

Loving a dog is a responsibility in the first place, and all these musi-pusi - any fool can do it, no knowledge, experience, effort of money is needed to cuddle a dog. But to raise it with dignity, so that it becomes a real reflection of the owner’s soul, you need to make an effort, and for a novice owner, sooooo much effort, sometimes also money

Valentina, I understand you)))) thanks to yours and a couple of other groups, I realized that I take on enormous responsibility for the upbringing and health of the dog) I’m probably even overzealous, my family and all my friends consider me very strict. But Toshenka is growing up We are glad to have a beautiful and healthy baby)))

Why is he such a freak?! The fact that he was seven years old at the time of filming, or the fact that the graphics distorted his face, or the fact that he is not fat? We post pugs that are scarier, and generally far from the standard, and nothing, there is nothing to compare with. I don’t think that in 1997 you all had pugs here or you were breeding them, and in general many at that time did not know about the existence of such dogs, certainly in the CIS. Fashion and standards change and it is clear that 20 years ago pugs looked different. I can also post the first images of pugs, and write, this is a pug, and the rest are not pugs and freaks. In 20 years they will write that our pugs are freaks too, time is inexorable. Therefore, it is generally wrong to do this. Many people learned about these dogs thanks to Mushu, including me)

How many pugs played Frank and why the film crew loved to relax in the worms' bachelor pad

The Earth, as depicted in Men in Black, is a complex and amazing place. A small blue planet orbiting an unremarkable, medium-sized star. Home to both the thousands of aliens brought here and the secret agency that protects them and people from the “scum of the universe.”

But according to franchise producers Walter Parks and Laurie MacDonald, all these global ideas did not appear immediately. “The idea of ​​'what if?' was certainly attractive - what if aliens actually live among us? What if there was a secret police unit? What if by joining him you could learn everything about the universe, but you would have to give up the most intimate aspects of your life? says Parks. “But to be honest, it was the style elements that initially attracted us: the guns, the sunglasses... and the black suits.”

Indeed, the visuals of a franchise are just as important as its plot. The creation of the alien characters is well illustrated by the evolution from the hand-made puppets and pounds of makeup in the first film in 1997 to the modern computer graphics and motion capture technology of the new sequel to the story, Men in Black: International. The filmmaking process of all parts of the film - from the selection of actors and the birth of heroes to the design of weapons of the future and the appearance of aliens of all kinds - is described in detail in our new book, Men in Black. A guide to the adventures of the Earth’s defenders from the scum of the Universe.” Here we want to describe the stories of several bright heroes who were created almost spontaneously and with great pleasure.

Frank the Pug

Photo from the book “Men in Black. A guide to the adventures of the Earth’s defenders from the scum of the Universe.”

Typically, trainers would bring six to eight dogs on set to play one character, but one of them, Moo Shu, was so great that “we ended up using him ninety percent of the time,” recalls Barry Sonnenfeld. He acted in all three Men in Black films. “Mu Shu was simply an amazing animal, and his trainers were true professionals.” One day he asked Christy, the trainer, “Do you think there is a chance that I can make Mu Shu hold a martini glass and smoke a cigar?” Ultimately this effect was done on a computer. No animals were forced to smoke cigars on the set of this film. And there was no real smoke on the set!

Dog from Men in Black

There are cases in the film industry where animals become famous actors. Among the four-legged “movie stars” are the terrier Max (“Mask”), the bear Bart (“The Tribe of the Cave Bear” and “White Fang”), the collie Pal (“Lassie”), the terrier Uggie (“The Artist”), the French bulldog Bridget (“American family"), St. Bernard Beethoven ("Beethoven"), shepherd dog Count Schutz Hund ("Dog") and many others. Recently, thanks to his undoubted acting talent and external charm, the dog from “Men in Black”, who played the main role in this series, has become extremely popular.

People of cell S-18

Photo from the book “Men in Black. A guide to the adventures of the Earth’s defenders from the scum of the Universe.”

Creating the Camera was a shared effort, notes Douglas Harlocker. As we've seen throughout the franchise, "I was always looking for ways to play with scale," says Barry Sonnenfeld. “I love these guys,” he continues. “They're sweet and charming, but they talk like they're from New Jersey.” Their city consists entirely of particles of garbage collected from the floor of New York's Grand Central Station. They're part hamster, part rat, with big eyes and antennae that add to their weirdness. “Their entire village is made of garbage,” says Rick Baker, who created all these creatures. And if you're a truly die-hard MIB fan, rewatch the Chamber scene and see if you can spot the continuity error.

Worms Gleable, Snible, Nible, Mannix and Gordy

Photo from the book “Men in Black. A guide to the adventures of the Earth’s defenders from the scum of the Universe.”

When creating aliens for films, Barry Sonnenfeld and Rick Baker were in constant dialogue. Barry often complained that aliens always looked human, and Rick began to develop several non-humanoid concepts. Barry inevitably responded, “But without eyes, how do viewers know where the alien is looking? And without ears, and without mouth...” - and so on. The search was not easy, but they stuck to the basic idea of ​​not making every alien look like a human. Baker recalls, “The worms were the result of that thought.” Later, Rick asked not only to draw the worms with computer graphics, but also to find puppeteers so that it would be easier for the actors to improvise on the set. And indeed, when the puppeteer team was assembled, the worm guys on the set literally came to life. In the second film, they even had their own bachelor pad - with mini-furniture, a jacuzzi and a soft carpet, on which the entire film crew loved to lie.

Universe on a chessboard

Photo from the book “Men in Black. A guide to the adventures of the Earth’s defenders from the scum of the Universe.”

In the new part of the film, agents M and H meet a new character - Pawn. “The idea was that Pawn and his people live in the back room of an antique store,” explained designer Charles Wood. “The backstory was that they were allowed to live here incognito, but they paid for the housing by producing weapons.”

The original idea for Civilization on a Chessboard came from executive producer Walter Parks. “This was one of the long-standing ideas of all context - could there be an alien civilization living on a chessboard?” says writer Matt Holloway. This was just one of the ideas: a world where everyone - from pawns to the queen - would fulfill their roles.

Illustration from the book “Men in Black. A guide to the adventures of the Earth’s defenders from the scum of the Universe.”

Designer Charles Wood and his team of conceptual artists had to visualize the idea. They created cute little figures that lived on the chessboard and created a special atmosphere there. Chief among them was the character Pawn - funny and sarcastic. His face (using motion capture technology) and voice was comedian Kumail Nanjiani, who was given freedom to improvise and brought a lot of new things to his character.

Frank | Frank the Pug

This term has another meaning: Frank (Big Buck Bunny) is the character of "Big Buck Bunny".


, in the original
Frank the Pug
is a character from the Men in Black series, a zoomorphic alien that looks like an earthly pug dog. In reality he is a Remoolian. Frank wears the guise of a dog (like all his relatives on Earth). In the film, Frank was voiced by famous puppeteer Tim Blaney and played by dog ​​actor Mushu.

In "The Future's So Bright Syndrome", when the year is 2104, Frank says he is 150 years old. This means that he was born around 1954, and during the main events of the universe he is 57 years old.

According to Kay, Frank has a lot of experience in intergalactic politics. Frank also understands the history of Ancient Egypt and can read hieroglyphs fluently.

Frank did not appear in Men in Black 3. But his figure should be included in the Enterbay figure set. [1] On the TV show “ProjectorParisHilton” on August 19, 2012, a pug was brought to Smith, and Smith said that he tried to persuade him to take him into the film.

About the film "Men in Black" and the dog actor

The first cycle of the American science fiction film series Men in Black was released in 1997. One of the main characters in it was an alien who said that he was 150 years old and that he came from the planet Remulia. On earth, he took the form of a dog named Frank the Pug (translated as Frank the Pug).

Frank was voiced by puppeteer Tim Blaney and played by a dog named Mushu. His trainer, Christie Mealy, admitted that working with Mushu was a pleasure, the dog loved to play, learned quickly, did a great job with the role and got along well with other actors. During filming, the pug got used to the life of a VIP: he traveled business class, lived in luxury hotels, and slept on the bed. When it came to food, he preferred grilled chicken or steak, and he learned to drink water from a bottle.

Cheerful, shocking, radiating a sense of dignity and confident in his own irresistibility, this funny character from “Men in Black” was very fond of the audience. Frank the Pug knew how to talk, smoked cigars, wore a shirt with an “I Love New York” print, and walked sedately and with a jaded look in the shops. In the movie Men in Black, this dog sings in the car, sometimes singing along to trendy rap, sometimes singing the hit “Who Let The Dogs Out.”

Biography [edit]

The Remulian was in Zertakla prison, but for some reason in the guise of a dog. Perhaps this is a mistake by the animators, or this event happened after Frank arrived on Earth, and the transfer to the prison took him by surprise.

In the third season episode "The I Want My Mummy Syndrome", Frank read the hieroglyphs of the ancient kingdom (Ancient Egypt, four thousand years BC [2]) in the museum and realized where the secret passages were hidden in the pyramid in Egypt. When Frank came through a portal in a pyramid to another planet, he was mistaken for a sphinx, and aliens from the Egyptian paleocontact made him emperor.

In the episode "The Dog Eat Dog Syndrome" of the series, he helped the HF catch an important criminal and was rewarded with the most perfect guise: the XL-2000 model. To the human eye it was indistinguishable from the old one, but Frank appreciated the difference.

Keeping a dog at home

The dog's health depends entirely on care. Of course, a puppy’s health is transmitted from its parents at the genetic level, but if you do not pay at least a minimum of attention to the dog, then sores are inevitable.

Pugs, unlike, for example, huskies, are a completely domestic breed.

Pug diseases

They don't have many diseases:

  1. Obesity. Do not feed pork, take daily walks, play at home in the apartment, and your pet will not be at risk of obesity;
  2. Wipe dry the folds of skin on the muzzle. Their skin in this area is susceptible to infections;
  3. Brush your teeth, regularly buy special artificial bones for this at any pet store;
  4. Rarely, genetic encephalitis does occur. Unfortunately, this infection cannot be cured; sooner or later the pug will begin to have convulsions, blindness will develop over time, and everything will end in coma and death at a young age;
  5. Respiratory diseases. As a rule, they develop lung problems in a humid environment.

And, of course, diseases common to all animals are parasites, rabies, plague, poisoning, and the like. Keep an eye on the animal, don't let it wander alone, don't let it eat from the garbage on the ground, and these ailments won't bother you.


Once a week you need to carry out preventive care for your pet's coat.

Pug takes a bath

Naturally, the first step is water procedures. In general, you can swim at least every day, but at least once a week. The pug breed is indifferent to water, it cannot be said that it does not like to swim, but it will not be particularly eager. After taking a bath, dry thoroughly with a towel to prevent your dog from catching a cold by lying down in a draft. So get used to the fact that after drying you will have to wash the towel - the pug’s hair always comes out.

Speaking of wool, many caring owners regularly comb it with a comb with stainless teeth. Pugs love this process, and at the same time there will be less hair in the rooms. It is necessary to comb only in the direction of hair growth, otherwise it will hurt the dog.

Walking down the street

Recently, it has become very fashionable to dress your dog in special little suits for walks. And this is correct - clothes do not bother the animal at all, after a couple of walks he will get used to it, but many problems will immediately disappear.

Clothes for pugs will prevent the dog from getting too cold, will keep most of the fur clean, and just a funny appearance gives a lot of positivity to both the owner and his pet, since the dog needs nothing more than to see the owner happy and cheerful.

Pugs nutrition

After having a walk and washing its paws in the bath, the first thing the pug will do is start asking for food.

Pug wants to eat

In general, your meal plan for the entire day should be something like this:

  • In the morning and evening - 200 grams of beef. Can be raw or doused with boiling water. Boiled is not contraindicated, but still preferably raw;
  • The daily diet can consist of ready-made food. It contains all the necessary vitamins and microelements. You can use both dry and wet, the main thing is to alternate them;
  • Sometimes you can give vegetables, cheese, chicken.

But pay more attention to the list of dietary prohibitions:

  • No fatty foods. This is especially true for pork;
  • No sweets, except one piece of candy a month as a special reward;
  • Flour products, like rolled oats, are contraindicated for them;
  • Do not feed food from our table. Sausages, cookies, stews - they will gobble it all up with pleasure, but their stomach will not thank you, the consequences can be sad.

For pug puppies, 50 grams of cottage cheese is recommended daily to strengthen bones and teeth. There should always be a bowl of fresh water next to your food bowl.

Happy pug

Nothing supernatural, just basic care and love for the animal, and you will have happy pugs, the photo above is one of them.

And remember - we are responsible for those we have tamed!





— an alien in the guise of a pug; informant, lives in a newsstand. For cover he uses a humanoid robot newsboy. Often, due to his own inattention and frivolity, he gets into various unpleasant stories associated with other aliens, and puts his life and the lives of others in danger. He cooperates with the leader, but is not completely reliable - sometimes he begins to help criminals out of fear or thirst for profit.

Biography Edit

Men in Black Edit

Frank worked at a small newsstand, next to a strange man selling keys. Jay initially thought the alien was a man and noted that he could have chosen a better cover. Here Frank gave in to the conversation, and Jay was surprised that the alien was a pug. Frank was an informant for the LHF and provided Kay with important information regarding the "galaxy", as the Arkillians called it, which was being hunted by their enemies the bugs.

Animated series Edit

True appearance Edit

Frank's real appearance differs little from the one in which he most often appears.

-Do you know what Cindy Crawford looks like? -Yes. -I'm scarier. Much.

Frank doesn't like to show his real appearance. So when J laughed when he saw that Frank was not scary, but rather cute, Frank almost bit him.

Core Incident Edit

One day, due to his eternal craving for unpleasant stories, Frank swallowed a powerful bomb that was capable of destroying everything within a 3-mile radius. Only thanks to the ingenuity of agents J and K, not only Frank himself, but also Manhattan was saved.

Men in Black 2 Edit

Frank himself took on the name Agent Eph, and was even Jay's partner for some time.

Men in Black 3 Edit

Frank's photo can be seen in Jay's room.

International Edit

Frank was guarding the entrance to the LCH headquarters in New York. He greeted Molly Wright, who was pretending to be an agent, and then invited his partner to sound the alarm.

Gallery Edit

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Pugs were brought from China to Europe in the 16th century and were popular in Western Europe and the Netherlands. In the United Kingdom in the 19th century, Queen Victoria developed a passion for pugs, which she passed on to other members of the royal family [3].

Pugs are known for being sociable and affectionate companion dogs. The American Kennel Club describes the breed's personality as "even-tempered and charming." A dog of this breed was recognized as the best at the 2004 World Dog Show.

From the history of the breed [edit | edit code]

The pug is an ancient Chinese breed. Early Chinese manuscripts refer to "square, low dogs with a short muzzle." In China there were dogs "Ha Pa" and "Lo Jie". These two varieties were very similar and differed only in the length of their coat. "Ha Pa" were long-haired. Probably the ancestors of pugs were “Lo Jie”, they looked like Pekingese, but had short hair. Pugs were dogs of the nobility and lived in rich houses. In those days, pugs did not yet have such deep wrinkles, but a clear pattern of folds on the forehead appeared and was similar to hieroglyphs. That is why the wrinkles on the pug’s forehead were called the imperial sign. The pug arrived in France with the Turkish fleet in 1553. Later, this breed became loved in the Netherlands, where its color was likened to the colors of the ruling house of Orange. When William III of Orange became king of England, he and his wife Mary II brought pugs from the Netherlands in 1689. This breed has been very popular for about two centuries. But gradually there were fewer pugs. In 1864, it was difficult to find one dog for the English Queen Victoria, who wanted to have this breed. 20 years later, the first club of pug lovers was created, and thanks to it, the breed began to improve and acquire the standards that are still valued in these dogs [5]. Napoleon's first wife, Empress Josephine, had a beloved pug named "Fortune."

Description of the breed

The pug is a decorative dog breed believed to have originated in China. Because of the folds on the forehead, creating a pattern similar to hieroglyphs, the Chinese considered these animals to be marked with a mystical seal, and treated them with due respect. Pug-like dogs were favorites of emperors, and even had their own staff of servants.

This breed appeared in Europe in the 16th century and quickly became fashionable among ladies of high society. Pugs have remained popular to this day. Many public people acquire such dogs as companions: for example, the famous writer, author of ironic detective stories for women, Daria Dontsova, has had a pair of such charming doggies for many years.

The pug is very small in height (about 25-35 cm), but quite heavy in weight, which can reach 8 kg. The well-fed, stocky figure inherent in all representatives of this breed is clearly visible in the photo of the dog from the movie “Men in Black”. This build of pugs is often the result of an insatiable appetite, which owners will have to fight to avoid the development of obesity in their pet. Pugs have short, soft fur, and their colors are yellowish-beige, dark brown, and black.

The pug is an ideal companion; he gets along well with all family members and other animals. True, his special kindness towards all animals and people does not allow him to cope with the responsibility of a reliable guard. By nature, these dogs are a model of affection; they cannot tolerate prolonged loneliness, and are wildly happy when their beloved owner returns.

This breed is easy to care for and maintain: pugs do not require a haircut; brushing and monthly shampooing are sufficient for them. Pugs eat little by little, but often, since their stomach volume is small. Despite their cheerful character, these dogs are lazy, but they must be taken out for walks, otherwise your pet may turn into a fat one. The need for outdoor play is one of the many reasons why the pug, the dog from the movie Men in Black, would be an ideal option for a family with a child.


Official breed standards with comments [edit | edit code]

The pug is a square dog, compact and proportional. multum in parvo suits the pug

. Standards at the turn of the 20th–21st centuries implied a breed weight of 6–8 kg. The standard did not specify the height at the withers, but in practice the optimal height for females should be in the range of 25-30.5 cm, for males - 30.5-33 cm. Breed standards of the second half of the 19th century prescribed height at the withers of 30.5 cm, weight - 7 kg [1]: Chapter 5. Official pug standards.

  • The head is large, round, but not “apple-shaped”, without notches on the skull. The muzzle is short, blunt, square, not upturned. Wrinkles are clearly visible. A proper pug head should fit into a square. The nose is located on the midline, passing through the middle of the eyes and dividing the front part of the head into two almost equal parts - the frontal part and the muzzle. When viewed from the front, the skull should be almost flat between the ears; A domed (convex) or “apple-shaped” skull is a serious fault. When viewed from the side, the Pug's forehead should not project forward like the Japanese Chin's. The muzzle should be short, flat and wide, almost equal to the width of the forehead. Dips under the eyes indicate poor fullness of the muzzle. Visually, this makes the muzzle longer, and the typical appearance of the pug's head as a whole disappears. It seems that the dog’s head consists of two parts, since the depressions under the eyes sharply delimit the muzzle from the front part of the skull. The lower jaw should be wide and the chin should be quite pronounced. Otherwise, the entire muzzle will look underdeveloped and narrowed.

Coton de Tulear

There are also miniature breeds in Africa. For example, Coton de Tulear. These dogs grow up to 27-28 cm at the withers. They have a friendly and calm character. They are perfect for living even in a small apartment. But these animals take a lot of time to communicate. Dogs cannot stand being left alone for long periods of time. The Coton de Tulear is a breed originating from Madagascar. Residents of local tribes were fascinated by the miniature dogs of Europeans. They bought them for themselves and kept them, breeding them for centuries. The existence of the breed was first learned only in the 1960s, and it was officially registered quite recently - in 2014.

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