How to relax with a dog at sea - tips and tricks

Rules for holidays at sea

Of course, there are no officially published rules about vacationing at sea with a dog. They can be distinguished based on the experience of other owners:

  1. Have your dog microchipped, vaccinated and complete veterinary documents at the clinic;
  2. Plan your trip in advance. The main difficulty of vacationing with a pet is choosing housing;
  3. Take with you various attributes of a dog’s life - bowls, equipment, toys, treats. You should not use dishes and other items that may be given out on the spot. If you forgot something, buy new items on the spot;
  4. Strictly follow the rules of walking - use a leash, muzzle, clean up after your pet;
  5. Do not allow your dog to be in areas where people eat;
  6. Try not to leave your pet alone in the room for a long time - this will add stress and disturb other guests.


Basic Rules

Before the trip, consult a veterinarian to find out how the animal will tolerate a change in climate and environment. There are dangers at sea - overheating and hypothermia. The specialist will give advice on how not to ruin your vacation and bring your dog home healthy:

  • Your dog needs proper care. To prevent her from experiencing stress, do not change her usual home routine (food, walks). This way the animal acclimatizes faster.
  • The hot sun is destructive for animals from temperate and cool climates. Especially for decorative breeds. These are Pekingese, dachshunds, bulldogs, corgis. Both shaggy and hairless breeds have a hard time withstanding the heat. Therefore, in the first days, dogs are taken out for walks early in the morning and in the evening, gradually accustoming them to the climate.

At sea with a dog

  • Bathing is limited to 15 minutes. You cannot force your pets into the sea. There are breeds that, due to physiology, cannot swim. They have unsuitable lungs, too short legs, and a fragile body. Such dogs become overtired and become hypothermic in the water.
  • Lying on hot sand under ultraviolet light for a long time is also not recommended. The four-legged animal can get sunstroke and skin burns. You should use protective cream and choose a beach with bushes and trees so that the animal can rest in the shade.
  • Swimming strengthens the dog's muscles and immunity. But they follow the rules: they do not allow water procedures immediately after eating, they do not allow throwing themselves into cold water if the dog is overheated.
  • When a dog dives, water gets into his ears. Therefore, the ears are plugged and immediately after swimming they are wiped with a napkin, otherwise otitis may develop.
  • After sea bathing, the pet is wiped dry with a towel. At the hotel they wash off the salt in the shower.
  • Dog owners face inconvenience when vacationing with their pet. Not every cafe and restaurant allows tailed friends. The public is not always friendly to animals. Therefore, it is better not to go to private beaches. They choose wild places with few crowds of people.

Note! A leash and muzzle are mandatory attributes when walking with a dog. On vacation, they select a light wardrobe for him: a knitted T-shirt, a cap.

Dog on the streets of Paris

How to get there

The most acceptable option for transporting a dog to the sea is a car. Depending on the distance of the resort, travel can be arranged by other means of transport.

By car

Traveling by car is easy to organize, especially if the dog rides well in a car. When traveling long distances, follow these rules:

  • make frequent “green stops” where you let the dog out to stretch its paws, drink water, go to the toilet - every 4 hours;
  • On the way to the sea in a car, two dangers await a dog - overheating and a cold. Do not leave your pet alone in the car with the windows closed. Use air conditioning carefully - cold air causes colds;
  • feed before a long stop - at least 3 hours between eating and starting movement;
  • leave enough space in your car for easy placement.

By train

Convenient travel option. Note that Russian Railways has abolished the requirement (since 2017) to provide veterinary documents if the movement occurs within Russia.

There are restrictions related to the size of animals:

  • when transporting a large dog, you need to buy the entire compartment;
  • For small breeds you will have to pay extra.

Disadvantages of such a trip: short train stops and difficulties with walking along the way.

By plane

To save time, you can use the services of an airplane. But remember - your pet will have to travel in a separate box, without you.

For some breeds, flying can be extremely dangerous - brachiocephalic breeds, for example.

Rules for organizing flights to the sea:

  • consult a veterinarian about the possibility of flying - whether the animal’s breed and health condition allow it;
  • Find out the requirements of the airline you plan to fly with: what documents will be needed, the size of the carrier and other conditions;
  • You will definitely need to present a veterinary passport and a veterinary certificate in Form No. 1 (valid for 5 days after issue);
  • transportation will need to be booked in advance and the ticket must be paid upon confirmation of the reservation by the airline.

Also here is a video of how the owner and her dog were taken off the plane.

Booking rooms for holidays with a dog

Pets on vacation with their owners are not yet a mass phenomenon in Russia. But animals are no longer prohibited in hotels. There they follow a certain procedure for moving in animals.

Which dog is better to bring into a private home?

Rooms are booked in advance. The manager is notified by phone that the pet is staying with them. Provide information about breed, weight, health status (vaccinations, examination and veterinarian's opinion).

Hotels may have restrictions on the weight of animals. A weight of up to 5 kg is considered standard. Next, each hotel makes its own amendments. Due to personal convictions and for the peace of guests, the owners of holiday homes can limit the weight to 3 kg; entry is only allowed with decorative breeds of dogs. Such points should be clarified before vacation. You should also ask about the rules for keeping a pet. They differ in different hotels.

Note! You need to be prepared for the fact that vacationing with a dog will cost 15-20% more. In some hotels you can stay with a pet for an additional 30% of the tour price.

Where to go

Problems finding housing

The main difficulty that travelers have to face is finding a place to stay at the resort. Most hotels, guest houses and private sector houses indicate in their brochures and websites that pets cannot be accommodated. This is due to the fact that the owners do not want to allow possible damage to property, problems with other guests and government control authorities.

However, there are proposals for shared accommodation in the tourism market. After the owner has decided on a resort by the sea, you need to find a specialized place and find out what requirements they have for tailed guests: you may be denied accommodation for a very large, too fluffy or active dog.

In addition, there are offers from hotels that organize separate keeping of dogs in enclosures. But you cannot take a pet into your room.

The best vacation option would be to rent a separate house by the sea with the ability to prepare natural food for the animal in the kitchen.


Holidays in Russia

You can arrange accommodation at a resort with animals in the Russian Federation in many coastal places.

Yeysk is suitable for a holiday on the Sea of ​​Azov. The Internet offers a large number of guest houses, hotels and apartments, but the conditions must be discussed separately: documents, additional payment and the option of placing a pet.

You can organize a trip to the Black Sea, getting there by car “savage”, at some distance from other vacationers.

The Krasnodar region is not pleased with the variety of offers for accommodation with a dog, especially if it belongs to fighting, hunting or service breeds. The best option, as in Crimea, would be a house in the private sector, where there is a large yard and a separate kitchen.

Dog-friendly hotels

The service does not stand still, and for travelers who do not want to leave their pets at home, there are offers from hotels that can organize shared accommodation with a dog in the room. It is worth understanding that for such a service you will have to pay a substantial amount, depending on the size and breed. But you will be provided with comfortable conditions, additional cleaning and disinfection of the room, food and medical care for your pet.

Holidays outside the country

If you are planning a holiday abroad, follow the rules:

  • find out whether the import of animals into the planned country is allowed: dogs cannot be imported into the Maldives, animals of any kind from other countries cannot be imported into Jamaica;
  • Find out in advance about the required special vaccination, this may take about a month;
  • Find out the rules for dogs on the beaches of your holiday destination. For example, in Latvia, keeping animals on the beach is strictly prohibited, even in winter - a fine is imposed;
  • Do not take your dog to very hot countries, where it will be difficult to protect him from heat stroke.

Be sure to think over your actions in case, for some reason, the carrier refuses to provide the service of transporting the dog to the place of the planned vacation. The trip may have to be interrupted to attend to the fate of your four-legged friend - this will be a financial loss.

The best countries for holidays with a dog

Holidays with a dog in the Moscow region: where to go for the weekend

There are many countries in the world that welcome tourists with dogs. Abroad, in general, there is a very tolerant and even reverent attitude towards animals. There are laws in place that severely punish cruelty to dumb friends.

You can safely bring your dog to the following countries:

  • France. The French's friendly attitude towards dogs inspires respect. Luxurious castles, many hotels are open to animals. The fee for them may be minimal or not charged at all. There are places for tailed guests at restaurant tables.
  • Switzerland. Pet ownership is taken seriously here. The owners even take dog handling courses. In a restaurant, water will be offered first to the animal, then to the owner.
  • Italy. Energetic and cheerful Italians will happily accept pets in hotels, cafes and on beaches. It is not forbidden to visit famous historical places with furry companions.
  • Canada. The place where you can safely go on vacation with your dog. There are most areas where they are allowed to frolic without collars or muzzles.

Great Britain, the Scandinavian countries, and Australia are famous for their loyal attitude. In Germany, dogs are considered family members and are treated with respect. There are no stray dogs there - homeless animals are placed in shelters, where they create comfortable living conditions.

What to take with you

Think over the contents of your “dog suitcase” so as not to burden yourself with additional useless luggage while on vacation. What you will need:

  • documentation;
  • medications - the set is compiled based on the experience and advice of a veterinarian;
  • hygiene products: disposable diapers, wet wipes, disposable gloves;
  • food and water. It is better to take a supply of dry food and water;
  • toys and bowls - will help minimize the stress of the trip and get used to the place of rest;
  • equipment: muzzle, several different leashes.

On the road and at sea, special cooling things can be useful: blankets, bandanas and bedding, moistened with water to begin the action.


Dogs, like people, can suffer from changes in climate, food and water composition. Give the dog time to acclimatize and look around, don’t let him get nervous. If the animal wants to sleep, give it this opportunity. Start walking for a short period of time, explore the surroundings together and find an acceptable place for walking. It is worth finding out where the nearest veterinary clinic and pet store are located. While on vacation, give your pet bottled water.


What are the house rules?

Each hotel has its own rules for living with animals, but in key points they are the same:

  • you must have your own feeding dishes, your own mat, carrier or cage where the pet will sleep, as well as towels for it and care products;
  • you guarantee the hotel maintenance of cleanliness, and the neighbors – silence;
  • You cannot wash your dog in the sink or shower, dry it with hotel towels, or comb it on the balcony or in the hallway;
  • It is prohibited to take dogs to the pool, playground, restaurant or other areas not intended for dogs.

However, for experienced dog owners, all these rules are familiar and will not cause discomfort. But how much joy a joint vacation with your best friend will bring you!

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Remember - ultraviolet rays are destructive. The best time to stay in the open sun is early morning and evening, when the intensity of radiation decreases. Your pet is not going on vacation to get a nice tan.

At this time there are the least number of people on the beaches, so the dog can swim in the sea. Are such water procedures useful? Undoubtedly - for muscle tone and physical activity. But there are also disadvantages:

  • salt water corrodes and dries the top layer of the epidermis. After each bath, the dog must be thoroughly rinsed with running water, making sure to dry the fur to avoid an unpleasant odor;
  • if ingested, sea water can cause serious gastrointestinal upset;
  • You should not give swimming if you have certain diseases or do it with caution: with epilepsy, a hot dog (vascular spasm is possible) and others;
  • Water getting into the ear can cause otitis media - wipe your ears after bathing.

Overheating is especially dangerous when on vacation, and dogs with large skulls and thick hair are especially susceptible to it.

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