Manchester Terrier - rat catcher with English roots

Elegant, graceful, Manchester Terriers are reminiscent of Doberman Pinschers. This breed was bred two centuries ago, but has already managed to win the love and popularity of dog lovers. The Manchester Terrier has excellent sociability abilities and is ready to play with small children all day long. Also, representatives of this type of dog get along well with many other pets of their family. But Manchester Terriers were bred to hunt rats. Therefore, all rodents that meet on the dog’s path need to be careful - the risk of becoming prey for the terrier is high.

Breed traits

Breed traits (on a 5-point scale)

Manchester Terrier (Manchester Terrier)
Activityin the house4
on the street4
Dominationin family2
over dogs3.3
Defending your territoryfrom people3.5
from dogs4
Sociabilityin family4.7
with strangers3.7
with dogs3.9
Concentrationin family1.2
in front of strangers1.8
with dogs1.5
Aggressivenessin family1
to strangers1.2
to the dogs1.2
to cats2
Family behaviorcalmness3.5
demand for affection4
excessive barking2.5
behavioral breakdowns2
Tolerance for childrenup to 4 years4
over 4 years old4
Institutional usewatchman4

This breed is often compared to the following dog breeds: Miniature Pinscher (Miniature Pinscher), Doberman (Doberman Pinscher), Cairn Terrier, English Toy Terrier, Norwich Terrier.

Photos of Manchester Terriers:

General characteristics of the breed

These dogs belong to the terrier group. But unlike other varieties, representatives of the breed lived in the city and were purposefully bred to kill rats. They were especially numerous in the suburbs of Manchester, which is why they received such a name. The breed is also called the Manchester Terrier, Rat Terrier, or Black and Tan Terrier.

These dogs were also used for hunting, but less often. They are not suitable for burrow hunting and cannot keep up with a horse. But due to their small size, they were placed in a bag and tied to the saddle. When the game was driven into the bushes, the dog was released. So representatives of the breed could hunt hares.

Now this small, smooth-haired dog, which looks like a dwarf Doberman, has become a popular pet. Used mainly as a companion for sports.

breed nameManchester Terrier
a countryGreat Britain
breed group according to FCI classificationterriers
applicationhunter, rat catcher, companion, athlete
life expectancy15-17 years old
height38-41 cm
weight5.5-10 kg
woolshort, smooth, shiny
colorblack and red tan
character traitscheerful, energetic, loyal, balanced, fearless


Manchester Terrier dogs are ideal for living in an apartment. These are excellent family pets and companions for active people. They have many advantages:

  • balanced temperament;
  • cheerful, playful;
  • sociable, loyal;
  • high intelligence, quick wit;
  • find a common language with children, are affectionate and patient with them;
  • get along well with other pets, except rodents;
  • the coat practically does not shed;
  • unpretentious in care and maintenance.


The Manchester Terrier is not a dog for everyone. The breed was bred for hunting and exterminating rodents. Therefore, dogs are active, energetic, and need a lot of physical activity and long walks. These terriers have a few more disadvantages:

  • can be stubborn and willful;
  • cannot be kept together with rodents;
  • cannot stand loneliness;
  • bark a lot and loudly;
  • they love to dig up the earth;
  • choose one owner.

Pros and cons of the breed

The Manchester Terrier is a rare breed, the representatives of which cannot be found among the dogs frolicking in the neighboring park. To get an idea about a dog, you need to study in advance the main advantages and disadvantages of a candidate for pets.

Compact dimensionsTendency to run away
High intelligenceNeed for long walks
Lack of aggression

Manchester Terriers are small, short-haired dogs with a cheerful, friendly disposition. They have practically no drawbacks and, subject to certain conditions, will become excellent companions for active city dwellers who dream of an unpretentious and temperamental pet.

History of the origin of the Manchester Terrier breed

At the beginning of the 19th century, the cities of England were filled with hordes of rats. They were hunted in different ways; extermination with the help of dogs was popular. Breeder John Hulme from Manchester decided to develop a new breed. He wanted a small but agile, strong and fearless dog with a tenacious grip. To do this, he crossed white Old English terriers, whippets and black and tan terriers. Some researchers believe that West Highland White Terriers and Chihuahuas also took part in breeding.

The new breed of dog was called the Manchester Terrier. By the middle of the 19th century, it became the most popular in urban environments for exterminating rats. Breed clubs began to be created, and a standard was developed. In 1887 the breed was officially recognized. Although gradually its popularity fell, as rats began to be destroyed with poisons. Craftsmen and peasants began to own these dogs. By the middle of the 20th century, the number of the Manchester Terrier breed had dropped significantly. Until now, it is considered rare and few in number.

At the end of the 19th century, the breed came to America. Clubs began to be created there too. And at the beginning of the 20th century, the dwarf variety of these dogs was separated into a separate breed - the Toy Manchester Terrier. By the middle of the century, when the number of these dogs had greatly decreased, they were united again. But in the International Classification, dwarf dogs belong to a separate breed - the English Toy Terrier. In 1988, the standard for both breeds was officially approved.

Interesting Facts

Manchester Terriers are dogs with a rich history, in which you can find a lot of interesting things:

  1. In the 19th century, a special type of sports competition was legalized in Great Britain, when a dog was launched into a cage with rats. The winner was the one that destroyed the most rodents in a certain time.
  2. Manchester Terriers were used not only for catching rats, but also for hunting. Since the tiny dogs could not keep up with the hounds and riders, they were placed in special leather bags and hung from the rider's belt. When large dogs drove their prey into the thickets, the hunters released the Manchesters. Because of this, the dogs were called gentleman's terriers.

Appearance of Manchester Terriers

The Manchester Terrier is a lean, muscular dog with strong bones. He looks elegant, has a graceful physique, and thin legs. The height of males reaches 41 cm, females are slightly lower. They weigh on average 7-8 kg. These dogs resemble the Doberman Pinscher in appearance, only much smaller. They are also similar to the Miniature Pinscher and English Toy Terrier, but larger.


The head is proportional to the body, wedge-shaped. The skull is flat, there is a small depression on the forehead. The muzzle is elongated, tapering towards the nose. The lobe is wide, black. The jaws are strong and have a scissor bite. The lips are thin, black, and fit tightly.

The ears are triangular, soft, set high. The tips are pointed and, according to the English standard, should hang down. Previously, it was customary to crop ears short. This is now prohibited in European countries. The eyes are medium size, slightly slanted. The color of the iris is dark, the eyelids fit tightly, the whites are not visible. Planted wide and quite deep. The look is attentive and intelligent.


The neck is muscular, elongated, widening towards the shoulders. The body is almost square in format. The chest is narrow but deep, the stomach is tucked. The back is short and straight, the croup is sloping. The tail is of medium length, set low. Thick at the base, tapering towards the tip. Can hang down freely or bend slightly.


The limbs are of medium length, thin but strong. The front ones are parallel, even, placed under the body. Hindquarters with muscular thighs, pronounced hocks. The paws are compact, oval, and the toes are arched. The movements are energetic and springy.

Coat and color

The Manchester Terrier is a smooth-haired terrier. His coat is short and lies close to his body. Must be smooth, bristling hairs are not allowed by the standard.

The color is black and tan, the colors are rich. Most of the body is black, with red spots with clear boundaries located on the muzzle, ears, chest and limbs. There should be no white marks.

Photos complement the description of appearance:

Characteristics of the Manchester Terrier

Previously, the Manchester Terrier was a hunter, a merciless exterminator of rats. Now he is an affectionate and good-natured family companion. He has a balanced character, he is cheerful, sociable, and easily finds a common language with all family members. But he chooses one owner who was able to gain authority.

The dog is wary of strangers. Despite its small size, it can be a guard. If he feels threatened by a stranger, he may bite. But in a calm environment with loved ones, this pet is completely devoid of aggression. Manchesters love children, are patient and affectionate with them, and support any games.

These terriers have the following character traits:

  • good nature;
  • sociability;
  • devotion;
  • playfulness;
  • curiosity;
  • prudence;
  • fearlessness;
  • gambling.

Education and training

Manchesters are typical terriers. They are smart, quick-witted, and have a good memory. But they can be stubborn and headstrong, which often creates problems during training. Although, with the right approach, they can easily learn different commands and tricks. You need to start working with your pet at an early age. The main thing is to gain authority; the Manchester will obey only an owner with a strong character.

When training, one must not be rude; physical punishment is unacceptable. These terriers work well for treats and love affection and praise. If a trusting relationship is established with the owner, the pet will try to do everything that is required of it.

The puppy must immediately be accustomed to its place, name, leash and collar. Important commands: “come to me”, “near”, “no”, “fu”, “stand”. Manchester is a born rat catcher, so he can run away on the street, chasing a cat or other small animal.

This is a dexterous, agile dog, very gambling. He easily learns tricks and can participate in various dog sports. Manchesters show good results in agility, flyball, and coursing.

The photographs show the behavior and character of these terriers:

Character and behavior

Manchester Terriers are cheerful and good-natured dogs with a balanced psyche and energetic temperament.

Thanks to their cheerful, easy-going disposition, they easily find a common language with all household members, but they single out one owner for themselves.

Despite all their advantages, Manchester Terriers can be stubborn and self-willed. Therefore, they need a serious, strong-willed owner with a firm, decisive character.

In ordinary life, Manchester Terriers do not show aggression towards strangers, as if without noticing them. But as soon as the dogs feel that their owners are in danger, they attack the enemy without warning.

Breed and children

Cheerful, sociable Manchester Terriers get along well with children. Dogs enjoy playing with their owner’s children and walking with them in the parks.

Important! Manchester Terriers do not like to be cuddled too much. Therefore, it is necessary to explain to children that dogs are not toys.

Breed and other animals

Manchester Terriers get along well with dogs. But they do not get along with other animals, including cats, rabbits, chinchillas and guinea pigs due to their developed hunting instincts.

Manchester Terriers consider small animals prey and do not miss an opportunity to deal with them.

Maintenance and care

The Manchester Terrier is an unpretentious pet and hardly causes any trouble. This dog needs to be kept in the house; it does not require much space. It is important to immediately allocate a separate corner for sleeping and a place for eating. You need to walk an adult dog 2-3 times a day. Manchesters require physical activity and outdoor games when walking.

A short coat without undercoat does not protect against the cold. Therefore, in winter, your pet wears clothes for walks. And in the summer you should try not to walk in the sun - black fur attracts the sun's rays, and the dog can get heatstroke.

Caring for these pets is easy. The following hygiene procedures will be required:

  • Comb the coat with a brush or silicone mitt 1-2 times a week;
  • bathe once every 2-3 months;
  • Wash your paws after every walk;
  • every other day, examine and wipe your eyes;
  • clean your ears every week;
  • Brush your teeth with a special paste 1-2 times a week;
  • If the claws do not grind down, they need to be trimmed every month.


These dogs are prone to overeating, so the amount of food must be strictly controlled. It is easier to do this if you feed your pet ready-made food. You need to choose premium and super-premium brands for active medium breed dogs. They contain all the necessary nutrients.

Many owners feed their pet natural food. The Manchester diet should consist of lean meat, cereals, and vegetables. Sea fish and fermented milk products are healthy. You should not give sweets, baked goods, legumes, bones, potatoes, fatty and spicy foods.

An adult dog is fed twice a day after a walk. Manchesters eat everything given to them, it is recommended to determine the serving size based on the dog's weight. This is approximately 200-300 g.


Manchester people have fairly good health. If properly maintained, they can live 15-17 years. But sometimes these terriers have the following diseases:

  • hypothyroidism;
  • dermatitis;
  • baldness;
  • diabetes;
  • epilepsy;
  • eye diseases;
  • dislocation of the kneecap;
  • joint dysplasia.

How to buy a Manchester Terrier puppy

The breed is quite rare even in its homeland. There are very few in Russia. To buy a purebred puppy, you need to find a kennel or a responsible breeder with a good reputation. They are in Moscow and other large cities. Such pedigree dogs cost an average of 60 thousand rubles.

When choosing a puppy, you need to pay attention to its behavior, health and compliance with breed characteristics. The coat should be smooth, black with red tan. The muzzle is cone-shaped. The nose is black and cool. There should be no discharge from the eyes and ears, no unpleasant odor, dandruff or signs of the presence of parasites. A healthy puppy is active, curious, and cooperative.

The photo shows what Manchester Terrier puppies look like:

The video complements the description of the breed:

Video: Manchester Terrier

Manchester Terriers are cheerful, sociable dogs. They need an active owner who can gain authority from the pet and give him enough attention. Then the dog will become a devoted companion, obedient and affectionate.

How to buy a puppy – price

To buy a purebred Manchester Terrier, you should consider the offers of nurseries (Black&Bright, Ruska-Ahon and others). Of course, many people want to save money and buy a puppy at a reduced price. But in this case, there is a possibility of purchasing a sick dog. Also, a purchased specimen may, as it grows, display not the best character traits - such situations occur when unscrupulous sellers pass off mestizos as purebreds.

Various nurseries offer English Terrier puppies for $300-$1000. But the price may be less (due to a minor defect in the breed) or more (due to the high title of the parents). If a puppy is purchased from a nursery, the breeder has no problems. In addition, the dog will already have a nickname, which is written down in the official birth certificate and other documents. But if the new owner doesn’t like the dog’s name, he can name it whatever he wants. Suitable nicknames for boys include: Arnie, Archie, Budgie, Rocky, Roni, Chappie. Suitable for girls: Laura, Cora, Betsy, Jackie, Dora, Tina and others.

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