What does a black pit bull look like: history of origin and character traits of pets

Black pit bulls look strict and at the same time quite elegant.

These medium-sized, strong, muscular and hardy dogs are suitable for indoor living.

They are quite unpretentious in everyday life and do not require complex care.

Black pit bulls can make excellent family pets, but they are also good as sporting dogs, as well as participants in conformation shows held by organizations that officially recognize them.

Origin story and what it looks like in the photo

Dogs capable of fighting on equal terms with other animals, such as bears or lions, were highly valued even in ancient times . In particular, baiting dogs took part in fights with large predators in the arenas of ancient Roman amphitheaters.

It was these strong, hardy, persistent and brave dogs that became one of the ancestors of bulldogs, which in turn became the ancestors of bull and terriers. And from the latter all modern pit bulls originated.

Black color, like white , was very common in ancient times, therefore, already among the first pickling dogs there were many animals with jet-black hair .

It is not surprising that Molossians passed this coat color on to bulldogs, and they, in turn, passed on to bull and terriers, which became the ancestors of pit bulls.

Bear and bull baiting survived the Roman Empire and became a very popular pastime in Europe, including Britain. This continued until 1835, when a law was passed in England prohibiting such spectacles.

After this, Bull and Terriers began to be used as fighting dogs, pitting them against other dogs . Such fights were also very popular because they did not even require a special arena.

Subsequently, at the end of the 19th century, bull and terriers were brought to America, where, as a result of breeding work, pit bulls were bred, inheriting the best qualities of their ancestors.

Moreover, they were used not only for dog fighting, but also as hunting dogs, as well as guards and companions..


If the pet is an American Pit Bull Terrier, the owner should be aware of what health problems most often arise in representatives of this breed. In general, pit bulls are considered strong animals with strong immune defenses, but they are also prone to the following diseases:

  • Hypothyroidism is a problem with the thyroid gland accompanied by excess weight. Middle-aged dogs are most often affected. This disease requires daily medication prescribed by a veterinarian.
  • Allergy – causes severe itching. It can be either a food or an allergic reaction to environmental irritants (plants, skin parasites, dust).
  • Cardiovascular disease – This is often a congenital defect, but other heart diseases also occur.
  • Dysplasia – accompanied by severe pain and joint deformation. The more severe the disease, the stronger the pain. At the last stage, immobility is possible, the harbinger of which is lameness.

Many health problems can be avoided if your dog undergoes regular preventive examinations at the clinic and is vaccinated on time. Also, do not forget about treating the animal with drugs against skin parasites.

Marriage or breed?

Black color, as well as coat colors derived from it, are not among the two prohibited colors (merle and albinism), and therefore are standard for dogs of this breed.

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

“The black pit bull terrier, despite its formidable appearance, with proper upbringing, grows into a calm, friendly dog, devoid of aggression towards people. True, the use of these dogs in the past as fighting dogs led to the development of innate intraspecific aggression in pit bulls, which is why black pit bulls need early socialization. The character of these dogs contains a mixture of many opposing qualities. And whether a black pit bull will grow up to be angry and aggressive or, on the contrary, affectionate and friendly towards people, depends only on its owner, on how much effort and time he spends on properly raising and training his pet.”

Average cost of puppies

The cost of pit bull puppies depends on the class of the animal. Dogs that belong to the pet class have a lower price. Breeders set the price individually, depending on the availability of good pedigrees that are registered with American organizations. These puppies can cost at least $300. Pitbull puppies for sale by private individuals start at $100.

Character traits

Black pit bull terriers are distinguished by their strength and self-confidence, but at the same time they are quite cheerful, active and playful. These dogs are loyal to their owners and enthusiastically try to please them. However, like their terrier ancestors, they can be stubborn and willful from time to time.

Black pit bulls are genetically devoid of aggression towards humans, which is why any attempts to embitter these dogs or set them against people can lead to a mental breakdown and unpredictable behavior of the pet.

It is this lack of aggression towards people that makes pit bulls so popular as family dogs. These dogs are very good with children, however, given their contradictory nature, experts still do not recommend leaving children alone with such a pet.

Despite the fact that black pit bulls are friendly even towards strangers, it is quite possible to use them as guards, since these dogs will not allow anyone to encroach on the property of their adored owners.

Pit bulls have an extremely negative attitude towards other animals, in particular, other people’s dogs, since they were originally bred for baiting animals and for dog fighting, and therefore they are naturally characterized by zoo aggression.

Only with proper upbringing and early socialization is it possible to ensure that a representative of this breed is calm towards other dogs, as well as other living creatures.


Taking into account the peculiarities of the behavior and character of the American Pit Bull Terrier, classes with the pet are carried out regularly from an early age of the animal, taking into account the following rules:

  • when communicating with a pit bull terrier, you need to be assertive and confident so that the animal perceives the owner as the leader of the pack;
  • You cannot show your pet your own fear;
  • physical punishment of a pit bull, which can generate anger and aggression in the animal, is excluded;
  • commands to the pit bull terrier should be given in a calm, confident tone, without breaking into a scream;
  • in the process of raising a pet, each correctly executed command should be rewarded with a treat or affection;
  • if the pit bull terrier makes a mistake, it is necessary to immediately correct the pet’s actions so as not to reinforce the wrong skills in the animal;
  • prohibit the animal from jumping on the table or bed at home.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • Strength, endurance, energy.
  • Friendly attitude towards people.
  • Intelligence, intelligence and fairly good learning ability.
  • They get along well with children.
  • Suitable for use as a sporting or hunting dog.
  • They can successfully guard a house or apartment.
  • Usually they are in good health.
  • Unpretentious in maintenance and feeding.


  • They need proper upbringing, as well as early socialization.
  • You need to treat your pit bull kindly, but at the same time strictly.
  • They are not suitable for constant outdoor living, as they freeze very much in winter.
  • They do not like other animals and can be aggressive towards them.
  • You cannot teach disciplines related to aggression towards a person, for example, detaining and escorting a violator.
  • Sometimes they are very stubborn and headstrong.

Experts do not recommend purchasing black pit bulls as your first dog, since only a person who has already had experience in keeping other serious breeds can cope with such a pet and raise it correctly.

Fight today

Despite the ban on dog fighting in the United States and other countries around the world, it is still in demand . People make a lot of money in this business. The owners receive dividends from the illegal betting. It is difficult for animal rights activists to prove that the dog died in the ring and the courts are powerless to pass a verdict. The fine for organizing fights is minimal.

Until 1976, there was an official organization supporting the breeding of fighting dogs. Its founder was Guy McCordor. After his death, the association was headed by his daughter and she radically changed the course of work. It was then that active promotion of the breed as a companion began. Educational work went on on all fronts. Volunteers literally explained the importance of proper upbringing and that American pit bull terriers are not born killers. To legalize betting, the owner of the association proposed competitions in the transportation of heavy loads and exhibitions.

However, the pit bull breed needed fighting. For this purpose, a humane version of them was introduced. She was called contact. This is not the same bloodbath as before, this is a competition of strength. There is a set of serious rules and restrictions.

Dimensions, weight and other distinctive features

  • Height . Males - 46-53 cm. Females - 43-51 cm.
  • Weight . Males - 16-27 kg. Females - 14-23 kg.
  • Head . Proportional to the body, medium in size, resembling a rectangle in shape. The skull between the ears is quite wide and somewhat flattened. The jaws, especially the lower one, are well developed, powerful and strong.
  • Muzzle . Almost square in shape, quite wide and voluminous.
  • Ears . If left undocked, they are semi-erect or pink-shaped; if docked, then, as a rule, they are quite short and pointed to the tips.
  • Eyes . Almond-shaped or oval, set fairly low and not too prominent. The preferred eye color is dark brown, but it can also be lighter, for example, amber.
  • Neck . Slightly widening towards the shoulders, strong, lean and muscular.
  • Shoulder blades . Quite wide apart and set obliquely, strong and muscular.
  • Back . Short and moderately wide, slightly sloping towards the base of the tail.
  • Rib cage . Not very wide, but at the same time of sufficient depth, with well-developed muscles and slightly convex ribs.
  • Forelegs . Medium length, strong and parallel, set moderately wide.
  • Hind limbs . Strong and muscular with well angulated hocks.
  • Tail . Relatively short, set rather low. Usually it is lowered down, but when excited and during movement it rises to the line of the back.
  • Wool . Short, moderately stiff, close-lying and shiny. There is no undercoat.

Shades of black in pit bulls

  • Black . The purest possible shade of jet black is desirable, and this coat color may also have small white markings, for example, in the form of a white tie or white fingertips.
  • Black and white . On the main black background there are white markings, the total area of ​​which occupies no more than 50%.
  • Black and Tan . With this color on a black background there are markings in the form of tan marks of reddish, reddish or light brownish shades. The location of the spots is the same as, for example, on Rottweilers or Dobermans: above the eyes, on the muzzle, on the chest, lower legs and under the tail.
  • Tricolor . Similar to black and tan, except that this color also has white markings.
  • Brindle . This color appears almost black if there are few red stripes on a black background.

The dark gray color also sometimes looks almost black, but can be distinguished by a more or less pronounced bluish tint to the coat.

Color variations

In accordance with the official breed standard, the coat of pit bull terriers can be of any color and shade; the presence of white spots on the main color is not considered a disadvantage.

The most popular colors are white, gray, black and white, light or dark brown.


Dogs with a merle coat color most often suffer from genetic pathologies, so it is considered unacceptable and such dogs cannot participate in exhibitions and breeding, just like albino pit bulls.

Life expectancy and what diseases are they susceptible to?

The average lifespan of black pit bulls is 12-15 years.

These dogs are in good health, but may be susceptible to some diseases.:

  • Allergy.
  • Von Willebrand's disease.
  • Dysplasia.
  • Bloating or volvulus of the stomach and intestines.
  • Hypothyroidism.
  • Cutaneous hemangioma or histocytoma.
  • Aortic stenosis.

Diet of American Pit Bull Terriers

Pit bull terriers are real athletes who need to keep themselves in good shape by developing and maintaining muscle mass. The dog menu must be balanced, regardless of the type of feeding (natural or dry), the choice of which falls on the shoulders of the owner; mixing these two types of food is prohibited.

An adult dog is fed twice a day, after walks. There is no need to treat your pet if he has not yet taken a morning or evening stroll. It is very uncomfortable to walk on a full stomach, and a stomach volvulus may occur, which is a disaster.

The amount of food on the plate is selected individually; the dog must eat everything offered in 5 - 7 minutes. If the dog begins to greedily lick the bowl, then he is not full - you should increase the portion. And vice versa, when food remains on the plate, it means that its quantity should be reduced. Know that a natural dog diet will take much more time from the owner than feeding dry food.

Natural food, for the most part, consists of raw meat of lean varieties, which include: veal, chicken, rabbit, turkey. Pork and any types of minced meat should not be fed. The pieces of meat should be such that the pit bull has to chew them and not swallow them; this is beneficial for both the stomach and jaws.

In addition to meat, a dog's diet should consist of fresh offal and sea fish; there is no need to boil anything, you should pour boiling water over them. Pit bulls must be fed fresh vegetables and fruits, herbs, vegetable oils, fermented milk products in the form of cottage cheese and kefir, and eggs. If you decide to give preference to dry food, then it should be carefully selected so that all the elements in it are balanced.

Pit bulls are better suited to food for medium-sized breeds, and a certain type should be selected based on the age of the dog. If your dog eats with appetite, does not lose vigor and agility, his coat shines beautifully, and there are no problems with stool, then the food is suitable for him.

Basic rules of care

The dog's coat should be brushed once a week with a short-haired dog brush. Black pit bulls are bathed infrequently, once every two months, but it would be better once every six months.

Moreover, during preparation for the exhibition, if the dog owner wants to make the color more intense, he can wash the pet with a special shampoo for dark-colored dogs.

The ears, eyes and teeth of a black pit bull should be regularly inspected and cleaned if dirty . To clean the ears, cotton swabs are usually used, for the eyes - cotton pads, and for the teeth - a brush and toothpaste for dogs.

Nails should be trimmed with nail clippers as they grow, although if the pit bull walks quite a lot on hard surfaces, he may not need this procedure.


In winter, it is recommended to put on your pet an insulated overall before going for a walk, which protects the dog from hypothermia.


Females are allowed to breed no earlier than at the age of 18 months and only during the 3rd heat. Males occur at 16 months . The female should not give birth more than once a year .

The mother carries the puppies for approximately 2 months and 4 days (maybe a little more or less). She gives birth without outside help; in extreme cases, a caesarean section is performed. In one litter, from 3 to 8 puppies are born.

How to feed?

A black pit bull should be fed either a complete ready-made food of premium grade or higher, or high-quality, home-cooked food that is balanced in composition..

In this case, you need to remember that an active and energetic pit bull requires a lot of protein products, preferably meat or meat products.

You must add boiled or raw vegetables to them, as well as porridge from rice, buckwheat or oatmeal, fermented milk products and vitamin supplements.

Given the predisposition of these dogs to overeating, you should not overfeed your pet or allow him to beg for food near the master's table.


Vaccinations are given to pit bulls throughout their life, starting at 8–10 weeks. The first vaccination at this age is a comprehensive vaccination against distemper, hepatitis, adenovirus infection, parainfluenza, parovirus enteritis and leptospirosis.

At 12 weeks, a second vaccination is given. At six months the puppy is vaccinated against rabies, and after another six months all vaccinations are repeated.

After this, they go to the veterinarian annually for revaccination against all the diseases mentioned.

How to choose?

You should buy a black pibul from a nursery or from a reputable breeder. When choosing a puppy, you must first of all pay attention to the origin and health of its parents: they must come from healthy lines, have a stable psyche and good conformation.


If you need a pet for sports or exhibitions, then it is advisable that the father and mother of the future pet have the appropriate diplomas for victories in competitions or in exterior rings.

A good black pit bull puppy looks well-fed, has a shiny, smooth coat, shiny eyes, and clean ears, nose and skin.

Such a baby behaves confidently and at the same time kindly towards people, he is active, mobile and playful.

Breeding American Pit Bull Terriers

Breeding pit bulls is not an easy and quite troublesome task. The main thing here is the selection of a quality partner. Animals must be healthy, vaccinated, and reasonably well fed. Having a pedigree is, of course, welcome. If you managed to find a match for your four-legged pet, then it’s worth starting the process.

Important fact: The place for mating is always the male dog’s territory, so his owner must carefully prepare it so that his ward feels confident and cheerful. Before this procedure, animals should not be exposed to any stressful situations; they should be calm and balanced.

At this moment, females require a more reverent attitude towards themselves, so it is worth showing care and tenderness so that they are not afraid. It is worth noting that males are ready to breed year-round, but females go into heat 1-3 times a year. It is recommended to start mating on the 11th day from the start of estrus, not earlier. The duration of the process itself can be from 5 minutes to 1 hour.

Before this, the dogs need to be given a good walk, and they need to be fed 3 or 4 hours before mating. The owners must be present during this process, in which case they can immediately help their pets, and the dogs are much calmer this way. The first mating must be supervised by a veterinarian.

If everything goes well, then the female begins pregnancy, the duration of which is from 60 to 66 days, but it often happens that it ends earlier or, on the contrary, a week later. If the female is experienced, she will give birth to puppies on her own, but it is better for the owner to control the process, because she may need help. If complications arise during childbirth, you should immediately contact a veterinarian.

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