Basset Hound - all about the breed of Colombo’s favorite dog

Breed standard and description

Male height at withers: 30-38 cm,

Height of the bitch at the withers: 28-36 cm,

Male weight: 25-34 kg,

Bitch weight: 20-29 kg.

Color: any color is allowed, but the most common and preferred are three-color (black, white and all shades of red) and two-color (red-lemon and white).

additional characteristics

  • The coat is short and smooth, lying close to the body.
  • Skin folds on the paws are allowed, but there should not be too many of them.
  • The ears are set below the eye line as standard.
  • The eyes should be diamond-shaped and dark in color; light-colored Basset Hounds may have brown eyes.
  • Muscular, powerful neck with a well-defined dewlap.
  • A low-set body that is significantly longer than its height.
  • The back and chest should be wide and strong.

A prerequisite: the distance between the ground and the dog’s sternum must be sufficient so as not to interfere with running.

History of the Basset Hound

The name of the breed comes from two words: bass , which means low, and hound - hound.

The first evidence of a powerful short-legged hunting dog can be found, oddly enough, in Ancient Egypt. The remains of an ancestor of the Basset Hound were discovered in the Canine Catacombs of Saqqara in Egypt. Similar remains were found during excavations in the cities of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome.

Hounds of this type were bred in France at the Benedictine Abbey of St. Hubert in the 6th century, from there they spread throughout Europe and were even taken to Constantinople.

The first mention of the basset dog dates back to 1585 , when their description appeared in an illustrated text about hunting. In general, hunting with dogs on horseback for a long time was the privilege of crowned heads and aristocrats, so such dogs were valued very dearly, and the best individuals were selected for breeding.

After the French Revolution, breeding was in decline, but flourished again under the reign of Napoleon III. Controlled official selection of the breed began in the 1870s, and Basset Hounds were introduced to England at the same time.

The British made the breed more powerful and heavier, and crossbreeding between English and French Basset Hounds constantly occurred. Already at the end of the 19th century, a breed standard was approved, which was updated in 2010.

Character and temperament

Basset Hounds are slightly lazy , but at the same time surprisingly playful , especially in puppyhood. They only show energy in nature or when they see an animal nearby that they consider prey.

They make contact easily, showing patience even in situations where another dog would lose their temper, for example, when children pull his ears. They get along very well with other animals, even seeking their company. But this applies only to those pets who live with them in the same house and to other dogs. They might chase a cat on the street.

extremely attached to their family , especially to children. They never show aggression towards younger members of the family; Basset females sometimes treat them as they would treat their puppies. This is because basset hounds have been hunted and kept in packs rather than alone for centuries.

This is a very curious dog, and the moment it is interested in something, it ignores any dangers, for example, cars.

Interesting Facts:

  • The Basset Hound was the pet of the first US President, George Washington.
  • Elvis Presley dedicated the song “HoundDog” to a basset named Sherlock, it was performed on July 1, 1956.
  • Clint Eastwood also preferred this breed.
  • In the film about Lieutenant Columbo, the main character is accompanied by a basset hound.



) is an American detective series starring Peter Falk. In Russia it is also known as “My name is Colombo” - apparently, to avoid confusion with the capital of Sri Lanka. It took place in two stages - most of the episodes (44 out of 69) were filmed in 1971-1978. (the pilot episode appeared in 1968), the smaller one - in 1989-2003.

The series does not belong to the classic detective genre, but to the so-called inverted detective story, howcatchem

. The murder occurs at the very beginning in front of the viewer, and the motivation of the criminal is also highlighted there. The protagonist is not some kind of amateur detective, but quite a policeman in the position of lieutenant on duty. Thus, before the eyes of the audience, a murder investigation takes place (often in the form of subtle trolling of the suspect), and the main intrigue is in what place the criminal under-thought or over-thought himself, and how the lieutenant will bring him to light.

According to the series' creators, Richard Levinson and William Link, the character of Columbo was largely inspired by the character of the French psychological thriller "She-Devils" - retired police commissioner Alfred Fichet. This image was also influenced by such characters as Porfiry Petrovich from Dostoevsky’s “Crime and Punishment” and Father Brown from Chesterton’s series of detective stories.

The series is simply teeming with rich scoundrels, scammers, thieves and murderers. They live in luxurious mansions and villas, eat delicacies, swim in their own pools, wear chic suits, buy watches for the price of a car and cars for the price of a house. Many of them are famous and endowed with considerable power, or strive for it. However, their fortunes were acquired through dishonest means, and their fame was often misappropriated or simply exaggerated. The psychic is a crook; the actor playing the hard-boiled detective is a coward and former deserter; the famous composer is in fact a mediocrity, appropriating the fruits of someone else's talent; major police chiefs do not fight crime, but commit serious crimes themselves; a promising young scientist stole a dissertation, etc. There are practically no good people among the representatives of the upper classes in the series. While ordinary people, on the contrary, are shown with great sympathy, and even the worst of them are morally superior to most rich characters - at least they do not take human lives. In general, the Columbo series is the clearest embodiment of the “poor is good, rich is bad” trope in American cinema. The main character himself is also obviously not rich. He wears an old and wrinkled raincoat, drives an old broken-down car and counts every dollar. In one episode, Columbo directly says that he earns 11 thousand dollars a year. That is approximately $920 per month. Even in those days, not God knows what kind of money. Exposing rich scoundrels doesn't pay very well. The United States of the late 1960s and early 1970s, when the series began filming, was not going through the best of times (due to the Vietnam War and a number of other reasons). So the creators decided to make Colombo “closer to the people.” [1] However, the 1970s passed, and the lieutenant did not live richer.

Dog and man

The Basset Hound is right for you if:

  • You have a friendly, loving family;
  • It happens that no one is home for a long time;
  • You don't really like long walks;
  • You are patient enough to train your dog to command;
  • You are ready to show character and resist stubbornness;
  • This is your first dog;
  • You have small children and other animals in the house;
  • You live in an apartment;
  • You are ready to pay attention to the dog and give it your love.

A Basset Hound is not right for you

  • You are too clean. The fact is that the basset's characteristic feature is active salivation ; drool often stains the carpets or the bed, where he likes to sneak. In addition, when a pet drinks or eats, it actively splashes water and scatters food.
  • You can't resist the pleading look. Basset Hounds love to beg for food , but they are prone to obesity, which means they should not be overfed.
  • You are not ready to maintain close contact with your dog every day. This breed can spend the whole day alone, but at least in the evening it should feel the attention and love of its owner.

Tips for choosing a puppy

Before buying a basset hound, think carefully about whether you are ready for such a dog to appear in your home. It will bring you a lot of positive emotions and paint your life with bright colors. But there will be difficulties in education, which requires endurance even from people who have experience communicating with four-legged animals.

If possible, go to a dog show where there are basset hounds and talk to the owners. Find out about the breed's characteristics and conditions of detention. It is important to understand why you need a dog - to participate in exhibitions, hunt, or you just need a faithful friend.

If you have clearly decided that you need a basset hound, go to a nursery or a breeder with a good reputation. This way you will have a chance to get a purebred, healthy pet without bad heredity. In addition, competent specialists will tell you about the features of care and training, paint the entire pedigree and fill you with other necessary information. They will not leave you even after the purchase: breeders usually monitor the fate of the babies and give recommendations to the new owners.

Pay close attention to the pedigree of the parents, the fatness of the mother, the conditions of detention and the condition of the puppies. They should look healthy: be active, not thin, eat well, have clear eyes, smooth coat, clear skin. There should be no discharge from the eyes and nose. Also check that the bite is correct, that there are no kinks on the tail or hernias on the belly, and that the paws are straight and thick. Purebred dogs usually have a brand, the number of which is written in the passport.

Features of maintenance and care

Thanks to the efforts of English breeders, this breed has become larger and more powerful than it was in the 19th century, but at the same time, it has become prone to obesity and bloating . Therefore, it is better to feed 2-3 times a day in small portions, rather than offering a full bowl once a day.

It is advisable to choose low-calorie food. If the dog eats natural food, then strictly ensure that there is no excess fat in the diet.

Grooming is simple. Bassets are not subject to heavy shedding and can be lightly brushed once a week. Special attention is required to the claws (they grow very quickly) and ears. Ears need to be cleaned regularly and checked for inflammation.

Bassets are walked twice a day ; an hour-long walk will completely satisfy them and will not allow them to gain excess weight. It is advisable to create new routes: they love unfamiliar places and smells.

Interesting fact: this breed's sense of smell is exceptional. It is second only to the bloodhound's olfactory abilities.


Since the breed is prone to obesity, owners need to seriously monitor their pet's diet. The dog should not overeat.

Some veterinarians advise using natural products; but on such a “diet” it is difficult to maintain the proportions and you can overfeed the animal. And specialized premium food already contains the necessary vitamins and microelements in the required quantities.


What Basset Hounds value most in training is reward with treats . There is no need to get angry if your dog ignores you: yes, this breed is stubborn . Persistently achieve the desired result from him, and it will work. Dog trainers recommend using a positive approach with these pets.

These dogs should be instilled with a ban on any jumping , so that later the pet does not have problems with joints.

It would also be a good idea to teach the “quiet” : Bassets are vocal dogs, and in England and America they have gained a reputation as powerful singers.

As you know, you can’t walk your dog without a leash in the city, but is it worth letting your basset hound roam free if you’re relaxing in nature? Breeders of the breed do not recommend this: as already mentioned, these pets are extremely curious, they will follow what interests them without hesitation. Captivated by the object, they will not hear the owner’s call and will simply get lost.

Owner reviews

Alina, Jackson’s owner: “We started training our Basset hound from the first day we took him from the kennel. He mastered commands quite quickly - a very smart dog. We started with a simple “Sit!”, and now we know all the basic instructions perfectly. On a walk he behaves like a good boy, although his character, of course, can show that it’s all due to hunting instincts.”

Alexey, owner of Alfred and Sonya: “We live in a private house, the Bassets have a huge plot of land behind a secure fence at their disposal. This is the best option for these dogs, they need freedom and long walks.”

Maria, Archie’s owner: “He is my most faithful friend and loves my daughter madly. A wonderful companion, although sometimes you have to negotiate. Absolutely non-confrontational and very smart.”

Health and life expectancy

Bassets live 10 to 12 years under normal conditions.

Main diseases:

  • Bloating and indigestion,
  • Glaucoma,
  • Turn of the century
  • Otitis and inflammation of the ears,
  • Problems with spinal discs,
  • Obesity,
  • Von Willebrandt-Jurgens disease. An inherited disorder that causes excessive bleeding is also called pseudohemophilia. When diagnosing this disease, precautions must be taken in case of surgery. Be sure to notify your veterinarian about this.

Reliable breeders also provide genetic testing results for their puppies.

Breed photo

A selection of photos of fast-moving basset hounds.

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