Basset Hound: all about the characteristics of the breed, character, education

05/10/2019 Irina Malinina 0 comments

There is a breed of dog in the world that is unlike any other, and that breed is the Basset Hound. A massive body, short legs, long ears, and most importantly, a sad look that penetrates to the very depths of the soul. All this makes the representatives of the breed memorable and unforgettable. You just want to reach out and pet the animal, allowing it to do whatever it wants.

Looks can be deceiving, and the Basset dog breed is a prime example of this. In fact, dogs are very energetic, active and willful. But at the same time they are very kind.

Basset Hound - a brief description of the breed

The Basset breed was originally only a hunting breed. Having a specific appearance, the dog seems very clumsy and unhurried. But this impression is wrong. The nimble little one does an excellent job of hunting small forest animals. It is distinguished by its endurance, has an amazing sense of smell and a loud voice.

Today, Basset hounds are more companions than hunters. They are extremely popular in Europe, attracting owners with their sedate appearance, aristocracy, cheerfulness and devotion.

You should not try to subdue the Basset completely and try to achieve complete obedience. The animal will follow the command, but it will look as if it has done you a favor.

History of appearance

The history of the Basset hound goes back to medieval France. There is an opinion that it was there that the breed was bred for the French aristocracy, which they liked. By this time, short-legged dogs already existed in other countries, but they were smaller in size, since they had to chase the beast underground.

The French did not need small dogs. They were quite happy with larger pets, which were required to find game in the dense and low bushes that grew in this area. There was also no need for the dogs to crawl underground, since the hunter himself preferred to kill the prey. At the same time, the larger size of the animal helped it not to get lost in the impassable bushes. All short-legged dogs at that time were called “Basset Hounds.”

According to one legend, the breed was bred by Saint Hubert, the patron saint of hunters. He spent a lot of time and effort to create an exclusively hunting breed.

The revolution and the subsequent economic crisis made hunting on horseback very expensive. The hunters began to move on foot, keeping pace with the short-legged dog. The animal has become popular and in demand.

After an exhibition in Paris in 1863, the British became interested in short-legged dogs. They crossed them with bloodhounds, resulting in an animal with a more powerful body, elongated ears and wrinkles, without which it is now difficult to imagine a dog.

The new breed was named the Basset Hound. This is why many people consider Basset Hounds to be English dogs. England also approved the breed standard and developed its description, this took place in 1887. Bassets came to America in 1883, but the breed reached the Soviet Union only in 1977.

Short legs are a pathology. The Basset Hound dog is artificially bred. To do this, individuals were crossed exclusively with short legs. Fortunately, the pathology has no effect on life expectancy.

From the Bloodhound, the Basset got an excellent sense of smell. A short dog is able to detect even subtle odors.


The name of the breed comes from the French word "bass", which means low. It is because of the short stature that this name appeared. The small stature is caused by the physiology of the animal: it has a fairly heavy skeleton and a muscular body. The average weight of a dog is about 23 – 30 kilograms. But height, as a rule, is about 33 – 38 centimeters. Basset Hounds are large dogs with short paws. The dog's short stature is the result of dwarfism, which doctors call achondroplasia. But this is not a disease that should be tried to be cured. These sizes have become the breed standard and significantly distinguish these dogs from other relatives.

Basset Hounds have a smooth, short coat that is relatively easy to maintain. Most Basset Hounds have a tri-color coat consisting of patches of black, brown and white. This color is considered classic. True, there are Basset Hounds with red spots on a white background, as well as with white spots on a red background, and a completely red color with white or lemon-colored paws. Sometimes gray basset hounds are also found. This color is not desirable, since most often the cause of non-standard color is a genetic disease. You should not follow the lead of a dog breeder who will allegedly offer you a puppy with a unique color.

The Basset Hound has a rounded skull, and a large amount of skin on the front of the head. This somewhat flabby skin makes the basset hound look sad, which, according to many, adds a special charm to the animal.

Dog appearance (standards)


The Basset Hound is the largest and at the same time the heaviest representative of hound dogs. With a height of 35-38 cm, it weighs from 20 to 30 kg.


The animal's fur is short, thick, and hard.


The most popular are two- and three-color colors. Bicolor is characterized by red and white, while tricolor is characterized by black, white and tan. There are suits that include various combinations of these colors.


The head is big. But it seems even larger because of the folds of the skin.

Teeth and jaws

The jaws are strong, scissor bite, white teeth, complete.


The animal's eyes have an interesting diamond shape. The preferred color is dark.

Photo: The light color of the eyes indicates that other blood is mixed with the basset’s blood.

Body and limbs

The Basset dog has a massive body and short muscular limbs.


The tail is saber-shaped.

Rock defects

Rock defects include the following:

  • high growth;
  • crooked limbs;
  • light eyes;
  • soft or long wool;
  • one-color color;
  • dry addition;
  • obesity;
  • pink nose;
  • male cryptorchidism;
  • deviation from the sexual type.

History of the breed

Short-legged hounds were actively bred back in the 6th century in the French Benedictine abbey of St. Hubert. Subsequently, dogs began to spread throughout the world. The history of the Basset Hound shows that several colorful hounds were brought to Constantinople in the 6th century. People began to write about the Basset Hound for the first time at the end of the 16th century. Photographs of animals on the hunt were taken. Based on the fact that previously only aristocrats were fond of hunting, we can assume that dogs of this breed were very expensive.

The Basset Hound dog breed was bred under careful control. The most worthy individuals were selected for offspring. Due to the onset of the Great French Revolution, active breeding of dogs was interrupted, but during the reign of Napoleon III, breeding of the breed was resumed. At the end of the 19th century, even more attention was paid to the process of breeding hounds. The brightest representatives of the breed were brought to Great Britain.

Basset hound personality

A dog with sad eyes, resembling a plush toy, captivates at first sight. The Basset is a gentleman, full of dignity. The animal's character is kind and flexible, but the dog can be stubborn.

Hunting roots influence the pet's behavior.

He reacts very quickly to any interesting smell, and is able to spend the whole day trying to find its source. Hunter genes can appear at the most inopportune moment, during a walk or during training. At such moments the dog does not hear anyone, not even the owner. She follows the trail, and it is almost impossible to stop her. But there is an opportunity to see the hound in action.


One of the first commands that an animal must learn is the command “Come to me!”

Excellent intellectual data and ingenuity help the dog to achieve what he wants almost always. Well, if she fails in something, her appearance, full of charm, will definitely come to the rescue. Looking at the cute folds and pleading look, it is incredibly difficult to say “no” to your four-legged pet.

Constant connivance and forgiveness are simply unacceptable.

The Basset Hound dog will quickly see through the owner, its character will become resourceful and, perhaps, even harmful. The pet will have to be indulged for the rest of its life.

Representatives of the breed have difficulty withstanding loneliness. They may begin to behave not very nicely: tearing wallpaper, curtains and furniture, destroying shoes and toys. The pet simply does not understand what happened and does not know how to behave in a new unfamiliar situation.

The Basset Hound is very talkative.

The dog makes sounds reminiscent of human muttering. But in moments of loneliness she can howl. A loud and piercing howl is unlikely to leave your neighbors calm. And if you plan to leave your pet alone often, you should prepare for their regular complaints.

It is unlikely that you will be able to stop a basset hound from howling. This is another legacy of his distant ancestors.

With a loud howl or bark, the dog called the hunters to itself, letting them know that it had found prey.

The Basset dog always remembers the offender and the insult inflicted on her. Don't think that she will forget. Just relax, and retribution will definitely reach its goal.

Attitude towards the owner

A slow and calm dog very quickly enters the family circle, becoming its full member. The animal quickly finds a common language with every person. The pet has sincere love and affection for its owner.


Dogs intuitively feel how to find an approach to anyone. They love to surprise and amuse family members.

Attitude towards children

Basset Hounds' resistance to stress and their calm, phlegmatic nature allow them to get along very well with children. They are kind to other people's children, and to their own, and to grown-up children, and to little ones. Even an overly annoying child will not create any difficulties for this dog.

The pet will be happy to take part in children's fun. His activity and cute appearance will definitely add positivity to any game.

Children should not be left alone with a four-legged pet. Communication between the baby and the dog should take place under the supervision of an adult.

Attitude towards strangers

Basset hounds are considered to be mediocre guard dogs. They will not rush into battle to protect their master's property. But they are capable of barking, and it is quite strong and long-lasting. This is often enough to scare away intruders.

Each dog is individual and unique. All the features characteristic of an animal are inherent in the average representative.

Dog character and temperament

By nature, Basset Hounds are very gentle, sensitive, friendly, affectionate and good-natured animals. Such a dog has aristocratic features, which gives him some charm and charm. Basic qualities of a Basset Hound:

  • Phlegm. If you need to show your pet in all its glory at an exhibition, then it will behave very dignified. He adapts well to crowded places, shows himself well to the public, showing off his appearance to everyone with a sense of self-esteem.
  • Calm. If you regularly take long walks, directing your dog’s energy to jogging and playing, then he will be calm at home. The dog is quiet and is great for families with small children who need to maintain a calm environment.
  • Perseverance bordering on stubbornness. This quality will be appreciated by many hunters. Dogs, having found the trace of some animal or bird, purposefully search for prey. If you are going to use a dog for hunting, then start training it from an early age. Remember that many commands may not be followed immediately because representatives of this breed are stubborn. If you put emotional pressure on your pet, he will not pay attention to you and will continue to do what he intended.
  • Affectionateness and devotion. Pets quickly become attached to their owners and constantly require attention. The dogs are clean, take root well in large families, behave well with children, demonstrating the qualities of protectors and nannies. Due to the fact that they have a loud voice and a responsible character, they are often used as watchmen.
  • Excellent sense of smell and passion for hunting. The large and heavy appearance of the dog suggests that he is slow. However, the hound is always very active, fast, hardy and tireless, therefore it is often used to hunt rabbits and other animals.
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Care and maintenance

The Basset Hound does not have any special maintenance requirements. Of course, a spacious apartment would be the ideal option. But if you don’t own one, an animal can fit into a small apartment quite easily, you just need to give it a private corner.

In this place you need to lay a bed where your four-legged friend can sleep and retire if desired. By placing toys in this area, you will make it more comfortable and attractive for your pet.


Very often, the Basset's slowness is the reason that the owner considers the dog lazy and does not strive to provide it with the proper amount of walks.

Walking is vital for a Basset Hound.

It is worth taking him out into nature to see sincere joy in sad eyes. In nature, the animal behaves completely differently: it actively moves, tries to find interesting smells and take a scent.


You should not think that your pet’s short legs will not allow him to develop sufficient speed. If something has piqued his interest, he is able to rush forward without thinking. That is why it is recommended to walk your dog only on a leash.

You need to walk your pet twice a day.

Moreover, these should be active walks. If the walk is leisurely, its time needs to be increased so that the four-legged friend can spend energy.


You will have to take care of your pet's fur every day; year-round shedding makes this procedure necessary. You need to comb the animal with a special brush, which will not only remove dead hairs, but also improve blood circulation.

An important point in care is bathing. Due to the specific smell of the fur, the dog requires frequent washing. In order for the Basset to be calm about bathing, it needs to be accustomed to this procedure from childhood. A short-legged dog gets dirty during walks, so you will have to wash off the dirt after almost every visit to the street.

To prevent your dog's skin and fur from being damaged by frequent water treatments, you should use a special shampoo for animals.

During the cold season, you can dress your pet in a bright jumpsuit that will warm him and protect him from dirt.

Special attention will have to be paid to the dog's ears. The specific structure does not allow the ears to be ventilated, so the animal is prone to ear problems. To avoid diseases, the dog's ears should be examined every week, removing natural wax secretions.

Be sure to ensure that water does not get into your basset's ears while bathing.

The Basset Hound is prone to watery eyes and often suffers from conjunctivitis. Therefore, it is recommended to regularly wash the animal’s eyes with chamomile infusion or a special hygiene lotion, which can be purchased at a veterinary pharmacy.

A distinctive feature of the Basset Hound is its profuse drooling.

Saliva not only spoils the pet's appearance and stains things, it also poses a threat to the dog's health. Collecting in the folds of the skin, saliva forms a favorable environment for the proliferation of bacteria. The dog's face must be wiped after eating and walking.


The Basset Hound is prone to allergies.

You need to carefully choose hygiene products and food, and take flea prevention on time.


Bassets have a good appetite. With insufficient physical activity, they quickly gain excess weight, suffering from obesity. In such cases, representatives of the breed often experience problems with the musculoskeletal system.

To avoid this, you need to approach the issue of feeding wisely. Many owners choose ready-made premium or super-premium food, fully balanced.

If the owner prefers natural feeding, it should consist of lean meat, cereals, fermented milk products, cottage cheese, and seasonal vegetables.

The Basset simply cannot live without something tasty. This often pushes him to commit crimes: a gentleman is capable of stooping to theft and stealing food from the master’s table.

This is confirmed by the large number of videos that can be found on the Internet.

The Basset Hound is a dog with long ears and sad eyes.

As mentioned above, the Basset Hound's personality doesn't match its appearance. This hound is not a record holder for energy, but it can develop great speed. Representatives of the breed are born hunters. They have an impeccable sense of smell: if they pick up a scent, the hound will quickly find its prey. If we talk about keeping in an apartment, then the basset hound is perfect for this purpose. He is very friendly towards all family members, especially small children.

Description of the breed

Representatives of this breed are short dogs with short massive legs and dense bones. A distinctive feature of the Basset Hound is the presence of hanging skin. Characteristic folds are present in the neck, muzzle, and paws. The breed belongs to the category of short-haired dogs. To ensure proper care, carefully comb your dog with a special brush from time to time.

Basset hound standard

In order to avoid any difficulties when purchasing, it is important to familiarize yourself with some of the features of the Basset Hound. The breed is limited in its movements by its natural build. Here are some appearance parameters:

  • Weight is 23-30 kg, height varies from 33 to 38 cm. A dog with such data has a specific physique. This ratio of body parameters is called achondroplasia, dwarfism. However, this pathology is normal and does not require treatment. The specific design sets the breed apart from others. When moving, the main weight of the dog falls on the front part of its body. Due to this distribution of mass, the quadruped cannot swim.
  • Representatives of the breed have a round skull. Due to the abundance of skin, many folds are formed on the face. This feature gives the dog a sad and sorrowful appearance. Some owners say that this distinctive feature adds some charm and mystery.
  • The nose is black or brown, the nostrils are wide.
  • It has strong and even teeth and a scissor bite.
  • The shape of the eye resembles a diamond, there are loose eyelids.
  • The ears are large and drooping, lying close to the cheeks. Their optimal length is to the tip of the nose.
  • The legs are short, due to which the hounds cannot develop speed, but they are able to sneak up on prey unnoticed and suddenly attack.
  • A long tail with a white tip, thanks to which the animal will be visible from afar in bushes and tall grass.

Keep in mind that the Basset Hound has a keen sense of smell. When moving, the dog’s ears touch the surface of the ground and thereby “raise” aromas and odors to the animal’s nose. As a result, the hound quickly finds prey. Due to the presence of hunting instincts, the dog often takes off abruptly and runs after an animal or bird, so you should not think that the dog is lazy and imposing.

Education and training

The Basset Hound is in dire need of education and training. Hunting instincts often make a dog uncontrollable, so the sooner its training begins, the better. The little puppy needs to explain the rules in the house. He must understand what can be done and what is strictly prohibited. The pet is immediately accustomed to the place. This disciplines the puppy. He must understand that when no one is at home, he should rest on his couch, and not destroy the apartment.

The Basset Hound is not the kind of dog that will wear slippers for its owner.

This behavior is not typical of an aristocrat. But patience and perseverance work wonders, and the Basset dog can become an obedient dog.

A dog needs a leader.

Not seeing this in the owner, she will try to become the boss herself. But this will not affect the friendship between man and animal, because Bassets know how to be friends, and their friendship is permanent.

The primary commands that the dog must remember are the following: “Come”, “Place”, “Nearby”. You should not continuously repeat the same command to the animal, it will simply lose interest in such information.


Every success of a pet must be rewarded.

There is no need to spare a kind word or treat for your four-legged friend. But it’s better not to use screaming; the dog will quickly lose trust in a nervous and screaming owner.

It is better to pronounce the command “Come to me” in a joyful voice, so that the pet perceives it as a game and strives to complete it as quickly as possible.

In general, a harsh tone does not apply to this breed. It is advisable to give all commands in a cheerful voice. And you need to remember that you can achieve a positive result only through repeated repetitions, treating the animal kindly and patiently.

Hunting with Basset

The Basset dog breed is very rarely used for hunting in our country. In Europe and the USA, basset hounds manage to hunt more often.

A characteristic feature of the breed is its delicate sense of smell. A dog can chase prey for hours and as a result will lead it to its owner without allowing itself to be thrown off the scent.

A passionate hunter is able to immediately rush after the animal as soon as he notices it.

During the chase, he gets so carried away that he does not react to anything. This is why it is very important to teach your dog to listen to its owner and follow basic commands.

The pursuit of an animal is almost always accompanied by a loud and ringing bark. Representatives of the breed can be taken on group hunts for large animals. The Basset Hound is absolutely fearless.

Tips for choosing a puppy

Before buying a basset hound, think carefully about whether you are ready for such a dog to appear in your home. It will bring you a lot of positive emotions and paint your life with bright colors. But there will be difficulties in education, which requires endurance even from people who have experience communicating with four-legged animals.

If possible, go to a dog show where there are basset hounds and talk to the owners. Find out about the breed's characteristics and conditions of detention. It is important to understand why you need a dog - to participate in exhibitions, hunt, or you just need a faithful friend.

If you have clearly decided that you need a basset hound, go to a nursery or a breeder with a good reputation. This way you will have a chance to get a purebred, healthy pet without bad heredity. In addition, competent specialists will tell you about the features of care and training, paint the entire pedigree and fill you with other necessary information. They will not leave you even after the purchase: breeders usually monitor the fate of the babies and give recommendations to the new owners.

Pay close attention to the pedigree of the parents, the fatness of the mother, the conditions of detention and the condition of the puppies. They should look healthy: be active, not thin, eat well, have clear eyes, smooth coat, clear skin. There should be no discharge from the eyes and nose. Also check that the bite is correct, that there are no kinks on the tail or hernias on the belly, and that the paws are straight and thick. Purebred dogs usually have a brand, the number of which is written in the passport.

Dog health

Despite their good health, Basset Hounds are still prone to certain diseases, including the following: hip dysplasia, volvulus, glaucoma, allergies, and back problems.

If you have the slightest doubt, you should visit the veterinarian, because any disease is easier to prevent than to treat.

Be sure to remove internal parasites from your pet once a quarter. Timely vaccination will help you avoid major infectious diseases.

Health and life expectancy

If you provide normal conditions for the dog, then its health will be in excellent condition. Babies are susceptible to infections, so they need to be given special medications in a timely manner. If this is not done, then the hound will subsequently lose stamina. If all conditions are met, the dog will live 10-12 years. Remember that reliable breeders provide buyers with data from genetic studies of their puppies. Those who want to protect themselves from problems associated with treatment should familiarize themselves with common diseases. The breed may suffer from:

  • Glaucoma.
  • Bloating and indigestion.
  • Problems with spinal discs.
  • Otitis, inflammation of the ears.
  • Entropion of the eyelids.
  • Obesity.
  • Von Willebrand-Jurgens disease, which is hereditary. In this case, the dog suffers from increased bleeding.
  • Diseases associated with inflammation of the joints.

How to choose a basset hound puppy

If you decide to get a dog, but cannot decide on the breed, take a look at the photo of the Basset Hound. This animal is sure to make your heart beat faster. This is just the kind of dog that you can fall in love with at first sight, without even knowing it.

It is recommended to take a Basset Hound puppy from a kennel from a trusted breeder. You should not trust advertisements in this matter. If you need a hunting dog, buy an animal with a good pedigree.


Even a puppy from hunting parents will not necessarily become an excellent hunting dog. After all, there are exceptions to every rule.

If you plan to participate in exhibitions in the future, you need to approach the choice of a puppy even more carefully. In this case, you will have to study the pedigree well and find out about the merits of the baby’s parents.

A responsible breeder will definitely help you decide.

Moreover, he will want to stay informed about the future fate of the puppy and will most likely keep in touch with you. In this case, you can always contact him if questions arise that you cannot handle on your own.

If you are not a fan of exhibitions and are only familiar with hunting by hearsay, choosing a baby will be even easier. In this matter, you will have to be guided only by intuition and take the one to whom your soul lies.

The selected puppy must be clean and well-groomed, without an unpleasant odor or visible signs of disease.

He must be curious and active, willing to make contact.

A veterinary passport is required. By the time you pick up a puppy, there should already be the first marks regarding worming and vaccination.

Lifespan, reproduction, acquisition

How long Basset Hounds live depends on genetic factors, living conditions, and diet. On average, the life expectancy of dogs of this breed is 10-12 years, but they can easily live longer if you care for them properly. A special role is given to feeding - if the dog constantly overeats or, conversely, goes hungry, he will not live long.

Reproduction issues also require careful attention. You need to choose your partner for mating wisely; before doing so, you should study a number of rules. In particular, both animals must have reached the age of puberty and be no older than 7 years. Mating is best done on the male’s territory 3-4 days after the start of the bitch’s menstruation. It is impossible to interfere with the acquaintance of individuals; they can cope quite well without human intervention. The cute puppies will be born in about 72 days.

You can buy a purebred dog in a kennel or from private breeders. In the first case, the price of a basset hound with a pedigree is 30-40 thousand rubles, in the second you can negotiate for 15-20.

NOTE! The price of dogs with deviations from breed standards (bulging eye sockets, rough coat) should be reduced.

Pros and cons of the breed

The advantages of the breed include the following:

  • phlegmatic and calm;
  • cute appearance;
  • agreeableness;
  • communication skills;
  • friendly attitude towards children;
  • love;
  • ease of grooming;
  • Possibility to live in an apartment.

Disadvantages of the breed:

  • stubbornness;
  • increased salivation;
  • predisposition to obesity;
  • cannot stand prolonged loneliness.

Hygienic care procedures

Remember that hounds shed heavily throughout the year, so grooming should be regular. In addition, attention should be paid to the ears of four-legged animals. All aspects of care should be discussed in detail:

  1. In order to keep the coat clean, comb it daily with a natural bristle tool (it is convenient to use a mitten brush). Bathe your dog 2-3 times a month or when he gets dirty. Use special shampoos and conditioners (dry products are recommended for winter). After bathing, it is advisable to dry the coat with a hairdryer or pat your hair dry with a towel.
  2. Regularly treat your dog with tick and flea medications. These could be Advantix Frontline drops. If you are going to protect your hound from ticks, then the treatment should be carried out from March to April or from November to December.
  3. Try to wipe the face and neck with free hanging folds daily to get rid of accumulated saliva.
  4. Clean your ears daily. Wipe their inner surface with a damp cotton pad. At the same time, try not to penetrate inside. After washing, dry your ears thoroughly: raise and lower them.
  5. Eyes should be wiped with a damp cloth. Wash them with black tea about once a month. Sometimes it is important to wash the eyes with special pharmaceutical compounds that prevent the development of glaucoma and other diseases.
  6. After walking, be sure to wash your paws or wipe them with a damp cloth. Once a month, trim your nails with a special tool.
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