Shih Tzu - see everything about the small dog here. Description of the breed, standard, varieties, photos, customer reviews, character, nutrition

Breed characteristics

Short description
Conditions of detention:Apartment, house
Purpose:Decorative dog, companion dog
Color:All kinds of two-color combinations and single-color colors
Wool length:Long
Adult dog size:Height – up to 27 cm, weight – 4.5-8 kg
Average life expectancy:10-16 years
Walk:Walking twice a day is recommended
Physical activity needs:Low physical activity needs (walk 40-50 minutes per day)
Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FIC) classification:Group 9: Toy and companion dogs; section 5: Tibetan breeds
Puppy price:From 5 to 200 thousand rubles. Without pedigree – 5-10 thousand rubles; pet class – 12-25 thousand rubles, breed class – from 30 thousand rubles, show class – from 45 thousand rubles

What to feed and how much

Proper nutrition is the key to a long and happy life. A common option is natural food that is prepared for the dog right at home. The main thing is not to get carried away and remember that his body is not human and that what family members calmly digest, he will not assimilate.

It is recommended to cook lean, boneless meat, porridge with meat broth (rice and buckwheat), and cook vegetables (zucchini, pumpkin, carrots, bell peppers). Give dried offal and small pieces of fruit as treats. Sometimes add vegetable oil to the food or treat the dog with half a boiled egg.

You can’t give fatty, salty, spicy, sweet foods. Even if your pet begs from the table and looks with soulful, pitiful eyes, you should not treat him even with small pieces.

You can’t eat cheese, you can’t eat vegetables that cause gas, you can’t eat strawberries, citrus fruits, or chocolate. But you can eat fish, but not often, in small quantities and always without bones.

Dry food

Dry food is recommended by veterinarians. Firstly, it is more difficult to make a mistake with the dosage, and secondly, there is a tendency to food allergies and it is easier to ensure proper nutrition by using balanced food for allergy sufferers.

The recommended brands are Pro Plan, Royal Canin, Akana, First Choice. It is important to look at the dog’s reaction: does it like it, does it eat with appetite, does it have diarrhea or constipation. Even the best and most popular food may not be suitable for a particular animal and it is important to take this into account.

History of the origin of the species

The breed is oriental, so little is known about its origin; the birth of the Shih Tzu is shrouded in legends and myths. Genetically, the dog is very similar to the wolf, which confirms its antiquity. According to the official version, dogs appeared in Tibet even before our era (about 500), they helped monks by guarding their homes. There is also an opinion that they were first found or bred in Byzantium, and then transported to the east.

There is a legend that Shih Tzus were Buddha's pets. He never left his palace without these dogs, because in case of any danger, the animals grew up and turned into formidable lions. For this they were nicknamed “lion dogs.”

Another name that the breed bears is Chrysanthemum. It is caused by straight hair growth on the face. In general, the Shih Tzu is considered the third longest coat relative to the body.

According to the official version, the Dalai Lama presented the puppy to the Chinese emperor as a gift.

This happened around 1652 , from which time the cultivation of the breed began. Although until the 18th and 19th centuries dogs were considered exclusively royal dogs, commoners were deprived of their lives if they decided to have such a lion cub.

In 1938-1939, a Shih Tzu girl was presented to the Norwegian Ambassador. From this time on, the popularization of the breed began in Europe. The first breed club appeared in 1933 1934 , and a standard was written in 1948 .

A little about the history of the breed

The Shih Tzu dog breed has an interesting history, which is still completely unknown. Scientists and historians have put forward a hypothesis that the Shih Tzu breed originates in Tibet. Manuscripts and engravings from the 15th and 16th centuries depict small dogs that look very similar to her. A wonderful legend told by Buddhists says that Buddha was accompanied on all his travels by a small creature - a dog, which, in case of danger, turned into a lion and protected the traveler. Buddhists believed that that dog was of the Shih Tzu breed, for this reason it was given all kinds of honors.

There is also another unconfirmed hypothesis about the European origin of this breed, which states that it came to Tibet from Byzantium. Modern breeders testify that it appeared as a result of crossing other breeds, for example, the Pekingese with the Tibetan Mountain Dog.

It is difficult to judge how reliable this statement is, especially if you take into account that the DNA of this animal differs quite a bit from the DNA of a wild wolf. This means that there was no trace of any selection.

The most reliable facts about the existence of the Shih Tzu breed appeared in the mid-17th century. It was during that period that the Tibetan Dalai Lama gave the Chinese emperor several dogs of this breed. The Chinese ruler loved them so much that they began to be considered a symbol of power. They were given great honors; each dog had its own servants. Exporting this animal outside of China was strictly punishable.

In the first half of the 20th century, these small creatures appeared in Europe. There are several opinions on how exactly they got there. Some say that the Shih Tzu dog was given as a gift to the Norwegian ambassador, while others claim that this breed was simply brought by ship to the UK in order to make money.

Character traits

The description of the breed must begin with character. It is the character that is the most interesting feature of the Shih Tzu. These little dogs are very loyal and affectionate creatures. They have the amazing ability to understand what the owner needs. They will run and jump with great joy, playing ball in the park, or lie curled up in a cozy little ball next to their owner and watch TV. They do not show aggression even towards strangers; they become attached to their owners tightly and for a long time.

By their nature, Shih Tzu dogs are very independent and proud, they remember insults for a long time, so the attitude towards them should be reverent and affectionate. But they shouldn’t indulge in everything either, otherwise they will quickly feel like the sole masters of the house and it can be quite difficult, if not impossible, to prove the opposite.

Despite their light and cheerful disposition, these creatures have remarkable courage, indestructible psyche and sheepish stubbornness.

That is why they are always the first to recklessly rush to protect their owner. They love to live in large families and are happy to share their attention among all its members. For Shih Tzu dogs, all people living under one roof are masters.

Shih Tzu dogs get along very easily with small children; they can be true friends for teenagers, and a source of communication and positivity for older people. Shih Tzu puppies are active and playful, they do not see the difference between an adult and a child, and are ready to play as much as they want and with anyone. But when the puppy grows into an adult, it becomes more sedate and calm.

Intellectual level

Dogs of this breed have a very high level of intelligence, which, coupled with stubbornness and strong character, makes them truly unsurpassed guards. In their intelligence, they surpass even Papillon, the unsurpassed Champion in mental abilities.

It is a big misconception on the part of the owners to believe that the glamorous Shih Tzu dog is not capable of anything. These animals are incredibly attentive, they are easy to learn and even have a sense of humor.

Shih Tzus are easy to train and learn, and in childhood and adolescence perceive it as a game. If you let the upbringing of this dog take its course, it can grow up to be very willful, with a difficult character, and will bother everyone with causeless and loud barking, as well as noisy behavior. But if you start raising your pet in time, you can be sure that he will definitely grow up to be a good helper and a loyal friend.

You need to start training your Shih Tzu already in childhood, but it would be a good idea to familiarize yourself with the recommendations of experienced dog handlers. The teacher must strictly dominate, but at the same time be balanced, consistent and fair. There should be no attempt to break the dog’s firmness and psyche; it senses the right mentor and goes to meet him halfway.

Shih Tzu dogs understand human speech very well, so they quickly respond to it, remembering commands with lightning speed. But you shouldn’t expect them to perform circus acts; they are too proud for that. In addition, the Shih Tzu, whose character is similar to many watchdog breeds, is certainly not one, although he has almost all the skills of a watchdog. These dogs are friends and companions, and this is what you should focus on when training.

Physical activity and walking

Although dogs of this breed are not prone to obesity, a sedentary lifestyle and excess diet can cause the appearance of a thick layer of fat under the skin. Excess weight negatively affects the cardiovascular system of these fragile animals. Therefore, you should walk them every day, let them jog, and play outdoor games. This is all the more important because Shih Tzus are very active and cheerful dogs.

With a sedentary lifestyle, they accumulate a huge amount of unspent energy, which requires release. Therefore, walks in the fresh air are the best way to help a small pet not waste away in indoor conditions.

We must not forget that dogs of this breed can be quite sensitive to heat and cold, so in summer it is better to take walks in the morning or evening, when there is no scorching sun. In winter, it is better to minimize them. During walks, Shih Tzu dogs can climb to heights and jump from there. This should not be allowed under any circumstances; jumping from great heights can damage the spine.


Shih Tzu dogs are distinguished by very good health and are considered long-livers in their environment. It's time to answer another frequently asked question - how long do Shih Tzus live? Of course, it’s impossible to answer unequivocally and accurately. The longevity of your pet directly depends on care and compliance with feeding rules.

On average, the life expectancy of a Shih Tzu is usually at least 15 years, but if you carefully care for and feed the dog properly, you can be sure that it will live at least 20 years, or even more. Moreover, we are not talking about painful decrepitude, on the contrary. This is exactly the case when a small dog becomes an old puppy. So, if you are asked how many years Shih Tzus live, feel free to answer – up to 20 years!

The eyes are a rather vulnerable area of ​​a Shih Tzu dog and therefore require daily care. They need to be wiped with cotton pads soaked in a weak solution of furatsilin. The ears are also the weak point of this dog due to the fact that it has long hair. It covers the ear opening, making it difficult for air to get inside. Sometimes the hair gets tangled and clogs the ear canal, which often leads to inflammation. To prevent this from happening, regrown hair should be trimmed with scissors and the auricle should be washed every few days and then wiped dry.

Strong teeth and gums are also an integral part of a healthy Shih Tzu. If you have problems with your teeth and your gums become inflamed, you should seek help from a veterinarian. It is also necessary to carefully monitor the animal’s diet and weight. If it is obvious that he is gaining weight and becoming lethargic, you should change your diet and add physical activity.

Size and weight

In general, the Shih Tzu standard is not so strict. I will not go into a long and tedious description of the various exact standards. There will be another, special article about this. I will tell you only about the most essential norms.

  • The height of an adult should be between 23 – 28 cm
  • The Shih Tzu's weight should be between 4.5 and 8.5 kg.

The Shih Tzu is small in size. As a rule, dogs that are too small or, conversely, too large are discarded. If your pet has just such a non-standard size, do not despair. This doesn't mean he's bad at all. Surely he fully possesses all the virtues inherent in the breed, which means he will be a good friend to you.

Be sure to weigh your dog periodically. Even adult Shih Tzus are prone to overeating. Unless his weight is normal, changes must be made to both the amount of food and its composition.

Distinctive features

A truly imperial dog, self-possessed, proud, beautiful. The format is elongated, with short legs and short stature: according to the 2011 standard, Shih Tzus should not exceed 27-28 cm. The weight of dogs can vary from 4.5 to 8 kg, with 7.5 kg being preferred.

In general, the dogs are well built and muscular. Males are always larger and stronger, females are more sophisticated. The breed is sometimes confused with the Lhaso Apso, an oriental breed that resembles the Japanese Chin and Shih Tzu in appearance. The dogs have similar proportions and coats, but are genetically completely different.

There are three intrabreed varieties: Scandinavian type (standardized), European and American. The first two species have practically no differences, but the American Shih Tzu is more like a separate breed. They have a small head, elongated limbs, a short tail and a flat chest. They are quite mobile, unlike standard dogs.

  • The head is large, wide, round with a pronounced stop.
  • The muzzle is shortened, flat, wide and square. The bridge of the nose is either straight or upturned. The jaw is strong with a scissor bite (upper teeth overlapping the lower teeth) or level bite . Lips are thin.
  • The nose is in line with the lower corner of the eyes. Small, black or brown. The nostrils are wide and open.
  • The eyes are set wide, not high. Rounded, not convex. Black or brown.
  • The ears are large, triangular, drooping and fit tightly to the head. Not set high.
  • The body is elongated, with a straight, short back and a wide loin. The chest is well dropped and wide. The croup is sloping. The neck is short, but the head is set proudly.
  • The tail is set high, carried level with the head, carried over the back and well covered with long hair.
  • The limbs are short, muscular, and set straight. The paws are round, gathered into a ball. The movements are proud and smooth.
  • The coat is long, smooth (wavy is allowed), not silky, hard and dense. The undercoat is dense, but not fluffy. The fur on the face (near the nose) resembles a chrysanthemum, but does not interfere with the dog's vision.
  • Colors: Any color is acceptable.


This breed has three varieties, which you can get acquainted with later in the article.

Scandinavian (English)

They are distinguished by the presence of a large head, a high tail, a wide chest and an elongated lumbar region. Most often, such dogs can be found in Scandinavian countries, Ireland, Great Britain, and the Russian Federation.


This type is characterized by a voluminous head, a well-defined thoracic region, elongated limbs, and a short torso. These Shih Tzus are common in Canada, Australia and almost all of Europe.


When compared with the two previous types, such dogs are very often mistaken for a separate breed altogether, due to the presence of the following features: small head, shortened muzzle, flat chest, short body and tail, rather long limbs. The animal is characterized by excessive mobility. You can meet such representatives in both Americas, in the southeastern regions of Asia, in Russia and Belarus.

Photo of an adult dog

Education and training

Like all companions, Shih Tzus are wonderful learners who enjoy teaching commands and receiving praise and admiration. They are often recommended to inexperienced dog owners and people with a gentle character: in order to teach such a child something, you need to correctly combine affection and encouragement, and it is quite difficult to spoil something.

There are only two mistakes that owners usually make:

  • Impunity. Shih Tzus are very small and very cute dogs. Yielding to their charm, a person is not always able to soberly assess what is happening. It seems that one piece from the table, one permission to climb onto the sofa and sleep there, one permission to ignore the command is nothing to worry about, it will be corrected later. But as a result, the pet quickly understands how charm affects people and begins to use it to receive treats, strokes and avoid punishment.
  • Too strict upbringing. The opposite of lack of education is excessive severity. People who are used to large dogs or have read extremely harsh advice can easily become overwhelmed by a small pet. A rude shout, tugging on a leash, holding someone by the scruff of the neck - all these are ways of working with service dogs. And they can significantly damage the psyche of a decorative companion.

If a dog behaves the way he wants, ignores commands, pulls on the leash while walking, steals food from the table, climbs onto the sofa at any time and does not listen to the owner, this means that he has been completely spoiled.

If he does not immediately respond to calls, flinches at the sound of a voice, spends most of his time alone, gets confused in commands and urinates in the wrong places at the wrong time, this means that he has been completely bullied.

The path of proper education passes between these two extremes. Need to:

  1. Make the rules clear. What is not allowed is always not possible, otherwise a smart dog will quickly understand when the owner is ready to take liberties and begin to take advantage of it. Or switch to weaker family members or guests. Education must be constant and coordinated. If you can't beg from the table, then no one should encourage such behavior.
  2. Get the puppy interested. The first commands are taught as early as the baby, and therefore the process should be fun and interesting. Treats should be one bite at a time, alternate with praise and petting. Don't punish, just calmly discipline. When your attention begins to wander - and this will happen quickly - take a break and then repeat again. It is better to start with the commands “place”, “lie down”, “sit”, “fetch” and only then move on to complex and sometimes unpleasant ones.
  3. Give enough time and attention to the puppy. Most behavior problems stem from restlessness and loneliness. Therefore, you need to constantly take the puppy with you, exercise, play with him, so that he either eats, or plays and learns, or sleeps. Excess free time will only harm him.

A happy puppy is obedient, always happy to receive attention, and loves to learn. You can learn tricks with it: teach you to find an object hidden in a room, open a closet drawer, look for a hidden person, fall on your side and close your eyes when you see a “gun” pointed at your chest from your fingers. Commands are tied to words, gestures or clickers, and they are rewarded for correct execution.

The only command that requires rigor to learn is “fu,” on which the dog’s safety depends.

You need to start training exactly from the moment the puppy gets to its new home.

Photos of puppies


There is an unspoken set of rules among breeders regarding feeding their four-legged friend. Firstly, meals are taken strictly according to schedule and only in a specially designated place. Secondly, the food is placed in a bowl and not on the floor.

Thirdly, the volume of portions is controlled; usually this is 5% of the weight of an aged animal and about 10% if we are talking about puppies. Fourthly, the dog should not look either skinny, with a sunken belly, or overfed.

Adult Shih Tzu dogs can eat no more than twice a day. Meals should include fermented milk such as kefir and natural yogurt, as well as porridge. For puppies, cereals cooked with milk, such as oatmeal, are suitable.

The Shih Tzu's coat requires careful care every day.

Dog meat should be boiled a little, and vegetables should be cooked in oil or fish oil. Sea fish is also suitable; boiled eggs are also allowed, but no more than two per week. From three to seven months of age, the dog renews its teeth, so additional calcium-containing vitamins and supplements will be needed. At this time, it is worth keeping the dog away from solid food.

The drinking regime is very important for a Shih Tzu - fresh liquid should not be transferred in a bowl and should be in the dog’s constant field of vision. Like a different breed, these “lion cubs” have their own forbidden list of foods. True, in many ways he is similar to the human “forbidden”.

Fatty, fried, smoked and salty foods are not allowed in the diet; sweets, as well as raw liver and bones are not recommended. You should not give fatty meats and river fish, as well as legumes, as this will cause excessive gas formation.

Shih Tzu asks for food

The dog should not know the taste of potatoes, as well as baked goods, spices and barley. You should definitely forget pasta and corn porridge. In general, food should be at room temperature.

Features of character and behavior

The Shih Tzu is truly an imperial dog . He has manners and self-control, but the breed is not short of narcissism.

Dogs do not tolerate bad attitudes, rudeness, and are often jealous.

At the first meeting, the pet may seem embittered or timid, unfriendly. But as you get to know the owner, the Shih Tzu reveals all its sociable qualities and becomes a good pet.

Representatives of the breed are active, but do not require much physical activity. In addition, they are unobtrusive, patient, and know how to wait, but they will demand a reward for this. In general, these dogs are suitable even for a beginner.


The advantages of the breed include:

  1. Good nature, lack of aggression;
  2. Love for children, tolerance for other pets;
  3. Aristocratic;
  4. Unobtrusiveness;
  5. Loyalty and affection towards the owner and family;
  6. Good attitude towards strangers;
  7. Silence (Shih Tzus are silent, they do not bark over trifles or whine);
  8. Dogs do not require high physical activity, although they are active and playful.


Each owner determines the shortcomings individually. The character of a pet often depends on its upbringing and living conditions. If the puppy is not beaten, if he is socialized and exercised, then he will become a good pet without attacks of aggression or excessive timidity. The main breed disadvantages include:

  • Narcissism (Shih Tzus always demand attention to themselves);
  • Zealous attitude towards the owners;
  • Intolerance of loneliness and long separations from the owner;
  • Demandingness (the dog will not lag behind if the owner does not fulfill its request);
  • Lack of protective instinct, excessive gullibility.

Shih Tzu character

Despite its attractive appearance, this is not a decorative dog. Representatives of this breed have an unusual character. It combines contradictory qualities. They are brave, cheerful, sociable, loyal. But at the same time, they are calm, unobtrusive, do not single out one owner and treat all family members equally. They cannot stand loneliness at all; they definitely need someone to be nearby.

This dog has retained its watchdog qualities from its ancestors and can bark to warn its owner of danger. But he will never rush at a person, even with strangers he behaves kindly. The peculiarity of these pets is gullibility. They love all people, love affection and love to be the center of attention.

Adult Shih Tzus get along well with children and enjoy playing with them. A balanced character allows you to withstand their tricks. The only thing they do not tolerate is disrespect and rudeness. If a child teases a dog, it may bite. Therefore, it is better not to leave the dog with children; it is more suitable for children over 7 years old.

Representatives of this breed have the following character traits:

  • good nature;
  • cheerfulness;
  • optimism;
  • courage;
  • equilibrium;
  • independence;
  • stubbornness;
  • narcissism;
  • touchiness.

These pets are ideal for retirees. They are not very active, playful and cheerful, but they do not require much physical activity. You can’t even take them out for a walk every day - they easily get used to going to the toilet in a tray or diaper. They love to sit in their owner's arms and sleep next to him on the sofa. They need to be petted and paid attention to. The dog can follow the owner's heels, but will not impose itself.

Another reason why these dogs are suitable for older people is their ability to empathize. The dog senses a person’s mood and tries to support and cheer him up when he’s sad. He is able to distract a sick person from dark thoughts. Scientists have proven that such communication has a positive effect on well-being.

Education and training

The Shih Tzu is an obedient and calm dog. If she is raised correctly, she will not cause any problems: she will not bark, chew things, or pester her when her owner is busy. Representatives of the breed do not require serious socialization, since they are not aggressive, not cowardly and sociable by nature.

It is necessary to raise a dog from an early age. The pet must recognize the authority of the owner and understand the rules of behavior. It is important to immediately accustom him to his nickname, place, and toilet. There are several basic commands that need to be learned, even for those who are not going to train a pet: “come to me”, “no”, “fu”, “sit”, “stand”, “near”, “walk”.

These dogs are smart, they have a good memory, but they are difficult to train. They are independent and stubborn. Although they remember commands easily, they can understand what is required of them, but they are in no hurry to carry them out. They also don’t really like to study, so it’s important to be able to interest your pet and build an activity in the form of a game.

Many inexperienced owners make the following mistakes in training:

  • subject the dog to great physical stress, which is unacceptable;
  • they shout, punish for mischief or failure to follow commands;
  • They are trying to teach the command “face” - these fluffy dogs are completely devoid of anger and aggression, they cannot rush at a person or animal.

You need to talk to your pet in a calm, gentle voice and encourage him with treats. But if the dog gets bored, he will stop studying and go about his business. You should not force your pet to exercise or, especially, yell at him. He will definitely learn the commands, but it may take him longer than other dogs. If necessary, you can contact a dog handler.

Care and maintenance

The breed is hypoallergenic because it does not shed and does not emit a specific odor. Dogs can only be kept indoors; their long hair requires constant care. In all other respects, the pets are unpretentious, can sleep with the owner, are not picky about food, and play all day long.

An animal can and should be trained to use a house toilet, but, as a rule, Shih Tzus do not like to go to the litter box and do not accept this condition well.

Before purchasing a pet, you need to think about where to place its bed. The place should not be subject to drafts or be exposed to direct sunlight. The best option would be a soft, warm lounger next to the owner’s bed. It is also worth buying items for daily use: bowls on stands, toys, hygiene products.

The ears and eyes are examined daily; the breed is prone to otitis media, so cleaning is carried out at least 3 times a week. Teeth are brushed every day to prevent periodontal disease from developing. Nails are trimmed every 2 weeks.


The breed is one of those that quickly gain weight, so cases of obesity are common, due to which the loaded limbs become deformed. Therefore, nutrition is one of the most important and strict points in caring for this breed.

Up to 3 months, the number of puppy meals ranges from 4 to 6 times a day. By the age of six months, puppies are transferred to three meals a day, and by one year the dog is accustomed to a two-time schedule. Usually, 300-400 grams of feed per day is enough. In summer the amount of food is reduced, and in winter it is increased. The serving size also depends on the physical activity and activity of the animal.

You can feed dogs both dry prepared foods and natural food. The choice depends on the owner’s preferences, the puppy’s health condition and the breeder’s recommendations. Recently, dog breeders prefer ready-made food. It contains all the necessary minerals and vitamins and is easy to store, transport and use.

Low-quality products can harm your pet, so before using any brand, you need to consult a veterinarian or breeder and read reviews.

It is important to check the composition of the feed; it should not contain emulsifiers, millet, legumes or starch. Shih Tzus will benefit from super-premium products for short (small) breeds with medium to low activity. The best option would be holistic (grain-free).

Natural nutrition should be comprehensive. It is considered useful, because the owner cooks it himself and knows what ends up in the pet’s bowl. Of course, this type of feeding is financially and time-consuming. The diet must include meat products (about 40% of the menu): offal, poultry, lamb, rabbit, beef.

The pet also needs other proteins: eggs, boiled sea fish, fermented milk products. Dogs get carbohydrates from cereals and cereals (30% of the diet): buckwheat, rice and oatmeal, boiled in broth or water . From childhood, puppies are taught to eat vegetables and fruits.

We recommend that you read a detailed article on the topic: “How and what to feed a dog: types and characteristics of nutrition.”

Taboo foods:

  1. Pork;
  2. Vegetable oil and butter;
  3. Bones (any);
  4. Bakery and confectionery products;
  5. Fried, smoked;
  6. River fish;
  7. Legumes;
  8. Starchy vegetables and fruits (potatoes, melon, grapes).

It is strictly forbidden to feed the dog from the table, leftover human food. Mixing dry and natural food is not allowed. Transferring a pet to another type of food is carried out smoothly: first the animal is fed, then one meal is replaced, and later the transfer is complete. The process should take 1.5-2 weeks.

You need to monitor your drinking regime; clean water should always be in a bowl. If the puppy does not drink on his own, he is given water from a spoon or syringe.

Shih Tzus have a short muzzle and a snub nose, so when they drink, their nasal passages can become clogged and interfere with breathing. It is important to check the muzzle after each drink of water.


Shih Tzus are long-lived, with proper care and quality feeding they can live up to 17 years, although the average life expectancy is 10-16 years.

They are not particularly painful, although there are some breed diseases that are common to all individuals. Problems are associated with the non-standard structure of the body and muzzle.


Even a domestic decorative dog that does not leave the house needs vaccination. A person can carry viruses on themselves that will destroy the pet’s immune system.

Puppies under one year of age are especially susceptible to viruses, because after two months their immunity, given to them by their mother, ceases to function.

Although vaccination only provides 60-70% protection, it helps dogs recover.

Unvaccinated animals cannot tolerate the disease and treatment, therefore, most often they die or require constant administration of medications.

Primary vaccination is carried out by the nursery. The breeder will inform the future owner about the dates and medications and issue a veterinary passport where the vaccinations will be entered. The owner must continue to follow the vaccination schedule.

Complex vaccination is carried out at 2, 2.5, 6, 12 months . It provides immunity from pyrotitis, enteritis, leptospirosis, plague and other viral diseases.

Annual repetition is mandatory, because the effect of the drug does not last forever.

Another important vaccination is against rabies. It is carried out at 7 months and repeated annually. In addition to the protective function, vaccination also has a registration character. A pet cannot be transported across the border unless it has been vaccinated with two vaccines in the last 12 months.

It is important to follow several rules so that the procedure goes smoothly.

  • First of all, you should not walk your pet until the second vaccination.
  • It is necessary to observe quarantine after each vaccination (2 weeks).
  • 14 days before vaccination, the pet is dewormed with medication.

All vaccinations are carried out in veterinary clinics by experienced specialists. In case of an allergic reaction, the animal is immediately injected with a counteracting substance. If side effects occur for more than one day, you should contact your veterinarian.

Important article on the topic: “Everything you need to know about dog vaccinations.”

The cost of vaccination depends on the weight of the pet. As a rule, it varies from 400 to 1000 rubles.


Diseases characteristic of the breed:

  • Proptosis (prolapse of the eyeball, dislocation of the eyeball), the orbit in dogs is not closed, so the apples are supported only by the muscles; with any sprain, weakening or surge in pressure, the pet may “lose” an eye, in which case you need to urgently contact a veterinarian;
  • Periodontal disease (bleeding gums);
  • Tooth loss , abnormal growth of teeth (associated with a flat muzzle);
  • Problems with the back and spine (due to short legs and a long massive body, it is not recommended to overload the pet);
  • Paralysis.


Shih Tzus are active, but do not require frequent or long walks. Some individuals are not even allowed to walk, although this can negatively affect the health or emotional state of the pet. It is best to walk the dog 2 times a day for 20-30 minutes, without overloading with training or too active games.

Until a year old, the puppy is not allowed to go up and down steps or jump on high objects.

As socialization progresses, the puppy is accustomed to the street. After the second vaccination, you can start walking outside. For the first 3-4 days, the puppy is carried out in your arms, showing the surrounding space. Then they are taken out on a leash for 10-15 minutes. After a couple of weeks, you can take your pet to the park and introduce him to small dogs and people. The last stage will be a trip with the animal on public transport, a walk along a noisy street.


Long hair requires constant careful grooming.

  • First, brush your pet daily with a long-toothed brush and comb it with a furminator.
  • Secondly, grooming, which is suitable for both show dogs and pets.

There are several types of haircuts.

  1. Exhibition - giving shape to the coat without removing length.
  2. Model - an original hairstyle with braids or interesting patterns.
  3. Standard – clipper haircut with elongated paws, tail and muzzle.
  4. Hygienic – removal of hair in the ears, anus, genitals and between the fingers.

You shouldn't bathe your pet often. The best option is 5 times a year , using gentle shampoos.

When the cover is contaminated, fungal diseases and dermatitis develop, so the dog needs to be accustomed to special protective clothing: raincoats, down jackets, anthers and light spring jackets.

In winter, the paws are corroded by the salt that is sprinkled on the ground, and in the summer the dog burns its pads on the asphalt, so shoes are a necessary accessory.

In summer and during the warm season, wool should be checked for the presence of fleas and ticks, and treated against parasites with suspensions or shampoos. Every 2 months, dogs are dewormed (cleansed from worms).


In order for your pet to always feel good, you need to visit the veterinarian twice a year for preventative care. Shih Tzu diseases identified at an early stage are much easier to treat. Shih Tzus have several diseases that occur most frequently.

Their predisposition is associated with the physiological structure of the face. Dog breeds such as Shih Tzu, Pekingese and Pugs are classified as brachycephalic. A large skull and a short upturned face often provoke problems with the eyes and breathing. The owner needs to study their symptoms in order to react in time.


Dogs are small and do not require much space. But inviting a specialist for the first time will make the work of the owners easier. Shih Tzus are unusual in structure, so they need help during the process. An ignorant person can injure a dog.

Breeding pets are brought together through a nursery, where owners fill out forms and receive certificates. Later they agree on the date and price, which is paid to the owner of the dog. Usually, it is equal to one puppy or a percentage of its cost.

Animals can be knitted at 2-2.5 years, although they mature at 8-10 months. The female should go into her third heat and show signs of readiness: loosening of the loop, light discharge, playful behavior.

Within two weeks, pets are checked at the veterinary clinic for pathologies and cleaned of worms. On the day of mating, the female is brought to the male. The animals are given time to get to know each other. When the male tries to mount, the girl is held by the head and is not allowed to mount. The dog is sent into the loop.

After several active pushes, a lock may occur in which the dogs stand for 10-15 minutes . It is important to place them so that they do not injure the genitals: tail to tail. Even without a lock, a girl can become pregnant . Mating is repeated after 48 hours , and the progress of pregnancy is checked at a veterinary ultrasound center.

Read a detailed article on the topic: “Everything you need to know about breeding dogs: appropriate age, what to do if it doesn’t work out, rules and tips.”

Eye diseases

Eye loss in Shih Tzus (proptosis, eye dislocation) is one of the most common problems in this breed. The fact is that the sides of the eyeballs are protected not by bone, but by muscles, and the orbit of the eye is a bit cramped for the eye. Therefore, the eye may fall out, remaining supported only by the muscles.

Shih Tzu's eyes fall out, reasons:

  • Excessive activity of the animal.
  • Any blows to the head, especially to the temple and back of the head.
  • Lifting by the scruff of the neck.
  • Neck compression can be avoided if you lead your dog with a harness rather than a collar.

If a loss does occur, do not panic. You need to take the dog in your arms so that it calms down and does not cause more harm to itself. Under no circumstances should you try to move the eye on your own; only surgery by a veterinarian will help. To prevent your eye from becoming inflamed before visiting a doctor, you need to moisten a sterile bandage with boiled water, cover the eyeball, and apply eye ointment around it. You can apply cold for 10 minutes.

Symptoms of other diseases that require a visit to the veterinarian:

  • Increased tear production may indicate a speck, the beginning of inflammation, or a scratch on the eyeball.
  • Dryness (keratoconjunctivitis) – insufficient secretion of the lacrimal glands, its damage.
  • Redness, irritation.
  • The appearance of spots on the cornea.
  • Itching.

All these symptoms can be the causes or consequences of cataracts, retinal detachment and atrophy, distichiasis (extra row of eyelashes), entropion, eye infections. Therefore, you need to take care of your eyes daily, examine and wipe them.

Key points in training

Decorative breeds do not need training as much as they need education. The Shih Tzu is a wayward dog, sometimes stubborn, and difficult to train. But if you take care of your puppy from childhood, you can raise an easy-going and obedient pet.

Read about how to properly train a dog in the article: “Training a puppy: effective methods from dog handlers, learning commands at home.”

You cannot scold, offend, or beat a dog. For punishment, a strict intonation, a look, or deprivation of a treat will suffice. These dogs cannot live without attention, so ignoring can be used as a reprimand.

Your pet needs to remember a few rules. He should not beg, be stubborn, or ask for food until the owner and family have finished eating. You can enter the house only after a person, jump and sleep on furniture after permission.

A decorative dog needs to know several basic commands: “near”, “no”, “place”, “quiet”, “come”. It is extremely difficult to teach the breed circus tricks, but you can resort to the help of a dog handler.

Diseases of the ears and mouth

Long, floppy ears provide a more favorable environment for bacteria to grow than dogs with erect ears. Excessive hair only worsens the situation. Here it is necessary to trim the hair from the ears in a timely manner and clean them weekly.

When plaque appears on the teeth, it must be cleaned off. Otherwise, plaque forms tartar, which provokes gum inflammation and tooth loss. You need to take special care of your incisors. A visit to the veterinarian at least twice a year will help control the situation.

How to brush your dog's teeth, in which case it is better to contact a veterinarian, as well as useful tips - you can learn from our article.


On average, dogs of this breed can live from 15 to 17 years, remaining vigorous and healthy. But this does not mean that they do not tend to get sick. Typical ailments of this breed are early loss of teeth and tumors in the mouth. Problems with the spine, even paralysis, may also occur.

It would be strange to avoid problems with such a thick, luxurious coat. It is often inhabited by parasites such as fleas and ticks, but dandruff is also common. The latter is a sign that your four-legged friend lacks trace elements or that the skin care products are not suitable.

Shih Tzu after haircut

If small wounds are not noticed in time, an abscess often develops, especially when it is humid and stuffy outside. If this disease starts, you will need the help of a specialist. The ears are also susceptible to parasites. In addition, the older the dog, the higher the likelihood that he will become deaf. In addition, this breed is susceptible to inguinal hernia, kidney failure, cataracts, atopy, entropion, various types of fungi, and urolithiasis.

Choosing a puppy and price range

Choosing a puppy for the average dog breeder is an important question, especially difficult with miniature dog breeds.

Shih Tzu puppies are very tiny, they need special care and attention, but you can still protect yourself from cute scammers with simple rules:

  1. Do not take dogs from private advertisements - most likely they are a mixed breed of an unknown breed, because they breed dogs with disabilities that were rejected by official breeders.
  2. Ask for documents for the kennel and the parents; the bitch must have permission from the RKF.
  3. Look at the living conditions of the parent dogs, evaluate their external condition, whether the bitch is exhausted from constant childbirth.
  4. Visit the puppies once or twice before taking them home to evaluate their growth progress and temperament.
  5. The puppy itself must have an even coat and no sores or bald spots. He should also show a good appetite and playfulness. Cowardly or aggressive puppies in good kennels are discarded, but still monitor the behavior of the puppy reserved for you.
  6. Make sure you are not allergic to the Shih Tzu's coat type.

The price for a puppy starts from 40,000 rubles, for a show class they ask for 120,000 rubles. The most popular and reputable nurseries: Crystal Dream, Chesvet Line and Golden Mary. Registration for puppies takes place years in advance, but you can rest assured about the quality of the puppy.

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