Dog breeds with short legs - review with photos and names

You know dogs come in all shapes and sizes, but there's something especially interesting about short-legged dogs. These miniature pets with short legs are extremely attractive. Of course, they won't make the list of the fastest dog breeds, but the way their little bodies sway awkwardly as they run is adorable.

Whether you're looking to get a new puppy or just want to learn more about cute little dogs, we've ranked the most popular short-legged breeds with photos and short descriptions.

Pomeranian Spitz

Dogs with short legs are naturally small, but the Pomeranian, also known as the Pomeranian, is especially tiny! Even though he only weighs about 3.6kg, this little furball can really hold his own against the big dogs. Pomeranian Spitz is a breed of decorative dogs. He descended from sled dogs and is known for his bold character and playful disposition .

Moreover, dog experts claim that this breed is easy to train and even makes effective guard dogs. It is also worth noting that Pomeranians have a beautiful double coat, presented in more than two dozen variations; it requires proper care three to five times a week.

Miniature Pinscher (Miniature Pinscher)

5998435 - the miniature pinscher (zwergpinscher, min pin) is a small breed of dog of the pinscher type, developed in germany. miniature pinschers were first bred to hunt vermin, especially rats. pinscher, like terrier refers to the behavioral traits of the breed an

Miniature pinschers have a pronounced protective instinct and a self-confident, freedom-loving character; they can try to dominate their owner. No wonder they are called mini-Dobermans.

25-30 cm3.6 – 4.5 kg12-16 years old

Energetic temperament and high intelligence require training. With proper training, the miniature pinscher will be an excellent companion. Miniatures love physical activity, so they are especially suitable for people involved in sports.

In winter, it is advisable to walk the Pinscher in clothes and special shoes, since due to the single-layer coat without undercoat, the dogs freeze. They practically do not shed and are suitable for keeping in a small apartment, although they require personal space. They usually get along with children, don’t let themselves be offended, and don’t like strangers.

Pembroke Welsh Corgi

Loved by Queen Elizabeth, the intelligent and sweet Pembroke Welsh Corgi is one of the most popular herding dogs in the world. Although his paws are small, his muscular thighs and strong chest give him power. This Corgi breed is also very easy to train and is known for its hard work and energy.

These qualities, combined with alertness and independence, make the Pembroke Welsh Corgi an excellent guard dog. Another advantage of this breed is that it is relatively easy to care for: its thick double coat comes in five different colors and requires grooming every four to six weeks.

Golden retriever

Dog handlers have noticed that mostly animals of not very ancient origin are considered smart. This includes the Golden Retriever. Stories about the origin of the breed are based on fiction. But she is no more than 150 years old. The date of official recognition of the breed is 1913. The first purebred golden dog arrived in Russia in 1989.

Smell, memory, intelligence, and other characteristics of the breed are beyond praise. He goes into the water without fear and swims well. Intelligence, delicacy, and peacefulness turned the hunter into an understanding companion. Often a golden retriever becomes a rescuer or a guide.

Welsh Corgi Cardigan

It should not be confused with the Pembroke variety, which we discussed in detail above. The Cardigan Welsh Corgi is slightly larger. This is a very smart, loyal and especially affectionate pet. Compared to the Pembroke, the ears of this breed are more rounded and they have a long, fox-like tail. In addition to their adorable appearance, the Cardigan Welsh Corgi is good with children and has a very sociable and affectionate disposition.

This breed needs a lot of mental stimulation and is quite energetic, so be sure to allow plenty of play time.

The Cardigan Welsh Corgi also sheds seasonally and needs to be brushed at least once a week to keep its coat shiny and healthy.

Russian hunting spaniel

An unrecognized breed of cops, it is characterized by good functionality, but the lack of an exact standard. Animals began to appear after the Great Patriotic War, when a stream of different Cockers poured into the country. Selection was carried out randomly, without any particular purpose.

Recently, efforts have been made to bring the appearance of the Russian Spaniel to a unified description. At the moment, the animals reach 36-44 cm at the withers, have an elegant body, short paws, a narrow muzzle and wavy coat of one-color, two-color or tri-color.

Animals are very active and require a firm hand and constant training. This is an excellent companion, friend, pet, and hunting assistant. Dogs are smart, perceptive, quickly grasp commands, have a keen sense of smell, vision and good physical abilities.

Cost – 20-25 thousand rubles.

American Bulldog

Strongly built, reliable and always loyal, the Bulldog is another of the most popular short-legged dogs. Originally bred to help butchers move cattle to market, bulldogs have since become gentler, friendlier companions. They are now known as one of the calmest dog breeds . These small, muscular dogs can weigh up to 22 kg and require about an hour of moderate exercise every day, although at first glance this may not seem like much.

Also note that their short, wrinkled snout can sometimes lead to difficulty breathing in warm, humid weather; Experts recommend keeping American Bulldogs indoors during the summer. Their smooth, shiny coat is naturally clean, although it should be thoroughly washed every four weeks. Gentle brushing at least once a week will also keep this dog looking nice and happy.

Slugi and Saluki

Incredibly fast Arabian greyhound from North Africa. Outwardly, Slugi resembles an Azawakh: the same tall, lean, long-legged. Colors are shades of red, from light sand to reddish.

The slug's fur is so smooth, thin and short that it is almost invisible.

In Russia, purebred Slugs are rare. The only nursery operates in St. Petersburg.

Shorthaired Salukis.

Due to their external similarity and consonant names, the Slugi is sometimes confused with another Arabian greyhound, the short-haired Saluki. But DNA studies have proven that these are two separate breeds.

Basset Hound

The Basset Hound is a breed of short hound dog with English roots. It is easily recognized by its drooping neck, long floppy ears, expressive eyes and small paws. Compared to other short-legged dogs, the Basset Hound is a larger breed, weighing between 18 and 29.5 kg.

Like most hounds, Basset Hounds are pack dogs, bred for long runs rather than fast paced runs.

However, what they lack in speed, they more than make up for with their incredible olfactory abilities! Basset Hounds' short, smooth coats require brushing several times a week to control hair loss. They also need to take a bath from time to time.

What to take care of before purchasing a puppy

Bambino cat or sphinx with short legs

Before you buy a puppy, you need to carefully check its pedigree and all documents to determine the absence of genetic diseases. You need to keep an eye on the puppy for several days. The breeder must show the dog's passport and be able to answer all questions.

Short-legged dogs are very cute, but before purchasing them you should decide in what capacity they will be used. It is imperative to take into account all their characteristics. Some are more suitable for hunting, others will become wonderful friends. In any case, these are very beautiful, friendly dogs.

Miniature Schnauzer

The fearless but friendly miniature schnauzer with his shaggy beard and expressive eyebrows is a true miracle of nature! Surprisingly, this breed with its strong little paws was originally bred as a farm dog . But since then, the miniature schnauzer has changed its role, becoming a charming, devoted pet.

Miniature Schnauzers are also renowned for their outgoing nature and eagerness to please their owners, making this breed particularly easy to train. These barbels have a coarse topcoat and a soft undercoat that sheds infrequently but requires brushing every five to eight weeks. With this care, the bearded muzzle and shiny coat will look impeccable.



The Beagle is a short dog with a compact, moderately muscular build. Its head and muzzle have a characteristic shape for hounds. The size of a beagle does not exceed 40 cm. The ears are quite large, but shorter than those of a basset hound. The beagle's legs are usually long, and the tail, as a rule, is raised high, but not curled into a ring.

The coat is short, dense and waterproof. Of the colors, the most typical is tricolor (black, red and white), but any colors typical of hounds are acceptable, with the exception of liver.


Beagles are not known to be aggressive towards people or other animals. With proper upbringing and socialization, problems with their behavior, as a rule, do not arise.

These dogs, who treat all their owners equally well and simply adore children, make wonderful pets and companions. But, at the same time, it is also a magnificent, albeit small, hunting dog, which is used to drive a wide variety of game.


A highly developed hunting instinct can force even a well-trained beagle to go investigate some trail that interests him. That is why they need to be kept either indoors or in a well-fenced area.


When walking, beagles should not be let off leash in open spaces.

Scottish Terrier

Sophisticated, charming and independent, the iconic Scottish Terrier looks like a formidable dog in a miniature package. Keen insight combined with strong hunting instincts make Scotch Terriers exceptional guard dogs.

Like other terrier breeds, Scottish Terriers are renowned for their energetic and lively personalities. They do need frequent playful exercise and especially enjoy short periods of dynamic play throughout the day.

The Scottish Terrier's double coat consists of a hard top coat and a soft undercoat. They should be groomed regularly, brushed two to three times a week to help control shedding.

Animal nutrition

When it comes to food, your pet is absolutely unpretentious. Even a crust of bread will delight the dog. However, in order for the Corgi to feel good and have enough physical strength, the owner should take care of the correct diet. Like the terrier, an animal of this breed can eat dry food or natural products. If you choose the second option, be sure to ensure that the menu includes:

  • boiled meat, chicken, veal, turkey are suitable;
  • any cereals, except pearl barley;
  • sea ​​fish, which should be added to porridge;
  • dairy products;
  • chicken eggs;
  • boiled offal;
  • vegetables and fruits, with the exception of citrus fruits.

When developing a diet, it is necessary to maintain the correct ratio of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. If natural products are used for feeding, you also need to give your dog vitamins and mineral supplements. The number of meals per day depends on the age of the pet. Puppies are fed 4-6 times, an adult corgi - 2 times. It is necessary to ensure that there is always clean water in the bowl.


The Dachshund is a brave, strong-willed and curious German breed with an iconic, unmistakable appearance. Although we know them exclusively as pets, their narrow body with a long back and short legs, combined with the instincts of a hound, make dachshunds excellent hunting dogs. Their name translates from German as “badger dog” (one of their main prey). Natural hunting instincts also make dachshunds outstanding guard dogs.

Although small, this breed barks furiously at strangers and quickly accumulates large amounts of energy, so they require a lot of activity throughout the day. In addition to standard-sized dachshunds, there are also miniature versions. Their fur can be short or long, rough or smooth.

Maintenance, care

The maintenance of these large pets begins with preparing a place for it, which is not recommended to be changed in the future.
Since the Great Dane puppy will grow into a huge dog in the future, he needs a lot of space in the apartment, as well as a lot of free time from the owner for joint activities with the pet. Therefore, if the apartment is small, or all family members are too busy, then it is better not to purchase a Dog. It is also not recommended to get this particular dog if the novice dog breeder has not previously had experience raising these particular pets. After all, raising and training these huge and sometimes very stubborn dogs requires from the dog breeder not only time, but also skill, as well as strength, patience and a certain character, so that the dog can feel who is in charge in the house.

These pets (due to their large size) require long daily walks. And if the puppy should not be forced against his will to take long walks, then older pets themselves are willing to go for walks with the owner. Moreover, when walking different subtypes of Dogs, it is better to alternate between just walking and jogging. The best place for walking is on hard ground, where the dog can run calmly without knocking its paws.

Great Dane subspecies with long legs can often have joint problems, so you should be careful about the appearance of even mild lameness. Also, such dogs are prone to colds, so there should be no drafts in the place where your pet will rest, and you should also provide him with soft bedding.

You need to bathe your Great Dane when it gets dirty, and you need to brush it daily. It is better to use a special massage brush for this.


It is better to feed such dogs homemade food. But it should be remembered that in the spring and summer the diet should contain less food rich in proteins and carbohydrates, but in the fall and winter the amount of such food is increased. As the puppies grow, the amount of food increases in proportion to the dogs' growth.

The puppy at home continues to be fed the same food that he received from the breeder, but gradually you can accustom him to an adult diet. Such large breeds need meat in sufficient quantities, but it is better not to feed chicken.


It is better to start raising such proud and slightly stubborn pets from the first day the puppy appears in the house. The main thing is that the puppy gets used to the owner and trusts him completely.

Important! These dogs are highly intelligent and quickly remember commands. Training puppies should begin with walking on a leash - these dogs do not like this procedure, so they should be taught without shouting, rewarding them for the slightest achievement

Gradual training of a puppy in the rules of behavior in the house and on walks can begin from childhood, but serious training begins no earlier than the dog is six months old

It is better to take the Dog to an experienced instructor at the first stage of training - he will teach the dog basic commands and tell the owner how to practice them correctly at home or on a walk

Gradual training of a puppy in the rules of behavior in the house and on walks can begin from childhood, but serious training begins no earlier than the dog is six months old. It is better to take the Dog to an experienced instructor at the first stage of training - he will teach the dog basic commands and tell the owner how to practice them correctly at home or on a walk.

Parenting mistakes

Obvious mistakes in education include:

  • irregular exercises with the dog;
  • intemperance of the owner, practicing commands in a raised voice, frequent assault when the pet disobeys;
  • training this large pet in crowded places, if the dog is not yet sufficiently trained.

French Bulldog

Like other bulldogs, the French Bulldog has a square, wrinkled, flat muzzle. The most distinctive feature of this breed, besides its strong build and short legs, is its set of large, wide ears, hard and pointed upward.

Dog trainers describe French Bulldogs as playful and adaptable pets, meaning they can get along with almost anyone, including other pets.

Because French Bulldogs are low-energy dogs, they only require a short walk each day to stay healthy, making them excellent apartment dogs . Also note that their flat face can create some breathing difficulties if there is too much activity or hot weather. Weekly brushing combined with an occasional bath can help control shedding, although it is minimal in this breed.

Features of short-legged dogs

Each stocky breed is characterized by "compressed" but straight bones in the paws. The body proportions of low-slung pets are non-standard - they have a relatively large body and head . The fingers have thick pads that soften the load on the animal's musculoskeletal system. Puppies of short breeds take much longer than others to learn to control their bodies and are more likely to get injured.

Video: mini bulldog trying to get the ball

If you think that short dogs only walk on level ground and are not able to climb to heights, then I will refute such a misconception. Climbing mountain slopes and hilly terrain is a common thing for them. And at home, short pets can easily stand on their hind legs to explore the assortment of food on the kitchen table. And the bed is not an obstacle to soak up on it next to the owner.

Australian Terrier

A member of the terrier family, this Australian dog breed has a feisty and energetic personality despite its diminutive size. Australian Terriers love to dig, chase small animals, and spend most of their time with their people.

With a long and strong body, this breed is no stranger to hard work ; Owners may find it difficult to control Australian Terriers' tendency to chase and hunt small rodents. This is a plus if you need someone to keep field mice out of the house, but it can turn into a bit of a nuisance if you're trying to maintain a well-kept lawn.

These short-legged dogs have a long, weather-resistant double coat on the neck and legs with much softer fur on the head. Their coat rarely sheds and only needs brushing once a week to maintain a healthy appearance.

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Italian Greyhound

The name of the breed comes from the French lievre - translated as hare. During the Renaissance, dogs were the pets of aristocrats. At the same time, Italian greyhounds were willingly taken for hunting.

Other names for the Italian greyhound are Italian greyhound, small greyhound.

Italian Greyhounds look sophisticated and elegant, but are actually relatively strong and hardy. In European countries, graceful dogs still hunt hares. The coat is thin and silky. Colors - plain gray, isabella, black, sometimes with light inclusions on the paws and chest.

The height of the Italian Greyhound is 33 – 38 cm, maximum weight is 5 kg.

At home, Italian greyhounds behave softly and delicately, adapting to the mood of the owner. They do not offend children and are peaceful towards pets. They obediently fulfill the owner's demands and are not prone to destructive behavior.


One of the oldest breeds on the planet, its history dates back to the 8th century BC. Snow-white dogs with thick hair got their name in honor of the island of Malta. In ancient times, Maltese puppies were considered an expensive gift along with precious metals and stones and were an indicator of status and wealth.

Currently, the Maltese is a favorite of many due to its ideal character. They are affectionate and friendly towards children and animals, easy to train, love games and walks, and will be excellent companions for anyone. Height at the withers is 20-25 cm, weight is within three kilograms. Difficulty in grooming due to the presence of long hair, which must be combed regularly.

Skye Terrier

This funny-looking little dog with a long body, short legs and large protruding ears belongs to the hunting breed, its place of origin is considered to be the Isle of Skye, which is located near Scotland. Skye terriers are active and love long walks. They are loyal to their owner, but are suspicious of strangers, and will never take food from someone else's hands. Dogs of this breed are big fans of car travel. They enjoy watching the landscapes passing by from the car window, and in the absence of the owner they will conscientiously guard the car, not allowing anyone to get close to it.

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