What breeds of dogs have spots? Review of the best + Photos and Videos

There are about 400 dog breeds recognized by various institutes and international clubs. What makes them different? Size, head or ear shape and coat type are some of the key features. When it comes to coats, some races only have one color, while others have spots, stains, or other brands.

HowMeow.ru is here to help you discover the 17 best dogs . Most dogs have fur patterns that combine more than one color. Our list includes dogs with patches of varying sizes that appear against a dominant fur color, as well as dogs with spotted fur.

Pyrenean Mastiff

This gentle giant dog is native to the Aragonese Pyrenees in Spain, where it is used to protect livestock. It has a compact, muscular and slightly rough body, although it is surprisingly agile. The Pyrenean Mastiff has thick, heavy fur that provides ideal protection from the cold. This is a white dog with comedones or beige spots on the face, sides, back or base of the tail.

Keeping a dog in an apartment

If you want to have a pet, you need to decide what breed the puppy will be. You can find out how much the puppy you like costs in the nursery or from the breeder.

Even a pocket breed dog should have its own place. When choosing, you need to take into account that there should be no drafts or stuffiness in the sleeping area. Small breeds take up little space, and a corner of the room will be enough for your pet. It is better to place the bed away from the radiator or the front door.

The bed should be warm and soft enough, preferably with sides. You can put a bedding on top of it. It will be convenient to shake it off from dust and hair that will be left by your shaggy pet. The bed itself needs to be washed periodically.

Eating areas should not be moved. The dog must know exactly where food and water are. Food and water bowls can be placed on oilcloth or a special adjustable stand, although this is usually suitable for tall dogs. It is advisable to choose stainless steel bowls that will not break or crack.

To ensure the full development of your pet and ensure the safety of property, you need to acquire good toys. They must be made of high-quality material that will not immediately be chewed. A bitten off small fragment or a very small toy can end up in the stomach, which will lead to dire consequences.

Small dogs are eternal puppies. All breeds are unique and worthy of attention and love. After a pet appears in the apartment, the owner’s life will certainly change. The new resident will need to get comfortable in an unfamiliar environment. In addition, a dog, as a pack animal, needs to constantly be in society. Therefore, you need to be prepared for the fact that the dog will want to be nearby all day. Gradually, the growing pet will become a full member of the family and a loyal friend.


This is an energetic, medium-sized dog native to the Brittany region of northwestern France. It has a strong and proportionate body with a round head with drooping rectangular ears. Britney has a short and straight coat. Its coat is usually white with black, liver or orange spots.

Scheme for studying eye diseases in dogs

The ophthalmological examination should be methodical and complete. If you do not complete it completely and do not specifically look for the cause of the disease, you will not be able to identify it.

  • Vision and symmetry of the eyes are determined at a distance (including strabismus, which evaluates the condition of the III, IV, VI pairs of cranial nerves).
  • The blinking and protective reflex evaluates the state of the II, V, VII pairs of cranial nerves.
  • Accessory organs of the eye: examine the eyelids, third eyelid, conjunctiva, eyelashes.
  • Turn off the light and use the ophthalmoscope. The pupillary reflex (PR) is checked, and then the cornea and anterior chamber are examined on one and then on the other side.
  • Pupillary reflex.
  • Cornea: vessels, pigmentation, edema, lipid/calcium deposition, scars, ulcers.
  • Anterior chamber: check the anterior chamber for the presence and size of pathological changes. Then the iris is examined. Do not forget to check the aqueous humor for the presence of pathological inclusions.
  • The pupils are dilated, and then the lens and fundus of the eye are examined. Initially, according to indications, a Schirmer tear test is performed. The Schirmer tear test should be performed before any drops are administered to the eye. The pupil is not dilated if the animal has glaucoma or signs of lens luxation (aphakic disc or vitreous in the anterior chamber). If glaucoma is suspected, intraocular pressure is measured. In general, if the eye is not painful and the pupil is not impaired, then the pupils can be dilated.
  • Other tests: While waiting for pupil dilation, other tests may be performed, such as fluorescein testing, cytology, tear duct catheterization, and obstacle avoidance test.
  • Fundus examination: check for opalescence. Then a retinal examination is performed.

Bracco Italiano

The Italian bracco is an excellent spotted dog suitable for hunting. In fact, it was bred for this purpose by hunting in the Middle Ages. His body is thin, with balanced proportions. It has thin but muscular legs, ideal for chasing prey, and its ears are long and thin. It has a short and dense coat, usually white with orange or brown spots. Some people also have jackets.

toy poodle

The name of the breed comes from the French word “caniche” - “duck”, given to the dogs due to the fact that they were used in hunting waterfowl. The poodle's body is slightly elongated, the size at the withers is 24-28 cm , the head is light, the legs are muscular but graceful. The coat is profuse, fluffy, curly or in cords, and can be trimmed and styled into a variety of complex hairstyles.

Poodles are one of the smartest dogs, they learn new things easily and with interest, have an easy-going character, and are friendly. The dogs are loyal to their owner, get along with children and animals, are not aggressive, and have intelligent behavior.

State Reuters Valencia

The Gos Reiter Valencià (sometimes known as the Valencian Rutter) is a small spotted dog that was developed to control rat populations. It is native to Valencia, Spain, where its existence has been documented since the 16th century. This is a muscular and slender breed. It has raised triangular ears and an elongated muzzle. He has short white hair with black or brown spots on the sides and head.

Pathological accumulations

The anterior chamber is the area delimited by the cornea, iris and anterior lens capsule. The anterior chamber and lens should be transparent. When examining the anterior chamber, the cavity is first illuminated from the front. Then they examine from the side for the presence of synechiae, neoplasms on the iris and clouding of the aqueous humor. When examining a dog, you can detect various pathological inclusions in the eye, such as pus, fats, parasites, tumors, and fluid accumulation.

Hypopyon is an accumulation of pus or leukocytes in the anterior chamber. Neutrophils accumulate in response to any chemotactic stimulus and are usually not caused by an infectious process. In cases where there is a deep corneal ulcer, neutrophils migrate from the iris rather than from the cornea.

Hyphema - blood in the anterior chamber

Pet owners may notice hyphema. Because it is a form of anterior uveitis, episcleral injection and anterior chamber hyperemia are often observed in these animals. Hyphema has many causes, the most common being trauma. A single hemorrhage resolves quickly. Recurrent bleeding, which is a consequence of retinal detachment, can lead to secondary glaucoma or synechia. If examination of the retina is not possible due to hyphema, then ultrasound of the eye is used to identify retinal detachment.

Hemorrhage into the chamber of the eye

It is necessary to identify and treat the primary disease, while simultaneously providing local eye treatment, as for anterior uveitis. If bleeding recurs, intraocular pressure should be constantly measured and secondary glaucoma treated.

Cloudiness of aqueous humor

The anterior chamber normally contains very little protein. When the aqueous humor-blood barrier is destroyed, as in anterior uveitis or iritis, protein leaves the uveal vessels into the aqueous humor.

When there is an abnormally large amount of protein in the aqueous humor, the light is partially scattered so that if you shine a narrow beam of light into a dog's eye, you can see the beam passing through the anterior chamber. This phenomenon is called aqueous opacification and indicates anterior uveitis. In order to see cloudiness of the aqueous humor, you must:

  • a slit lighting head is placed on the ophthalmoscope and held less than 1 cm from the eye;
  • turn off the lights in the room;
  • then the anterior chamber is examined.

Normally, a beam is visible passing through the cornea and lens, but not the aqueous humor. When the aqueous humor becomes cloudy, a ray is visible passing through the aqueous humor.

Parson Russell Terrier

This terrier breed originates from Birmingham, in the United Kingdom, where it was developed in 1863. It is a small spotted dog with firm legs and a high tail. It has a short muzzle and small ears that droop slightly forward. The Parson Russell Terrier's coat is short and fluffy. It is predominantly white with black or brown patches around the eyes and ears.


It is a companion dog, descended from wild dogs and domesticated by the Toltecs. The name is given by the name of the Mexican state, this country is the birthplace of the breed. Chihuahuas are the smallest dogs, widespread in the world, have a compact, slightly elongated body, height is not taken into account when assessing, weight should be 1.5-3 kg (acceptable from 0.5 to 1.5 kg ).

Dogs have an apple-shaped head, large, open ears, round eyes, and hair that can be short and soft or long and wavy. These are lively, fast, brave dogs that require gentle handling; they often bark, and if not trained, they can bite.

Ratonero bodeguero andaluz

Ratonero bodeguero andaluz (sometimes called Spanish Jack Russell) is a native breed of sherry and sadiz in Spain. It was developed to kill rats and mice in wineries, but currently serves as a companion dog. This is a medium and thin dog with a thin tail. It has short, thin and white fur with brown or black spots on its neck and head. Some people are spotted dogs , with small spots all over the body in addition to the characteristic markings on the face.

Chinese Crested

A companion dog whose origin story is not fully understood. An elegant dog with a graceful head, can be presented in two versions:

  • Downy (completely covered with long, light hair);
  • Hairless (almost no cover, with the exception of the tail, tips of the paws, muzzle).

Dogs reach 23-33 cm at the withers, weight is not regulated by rules, usually 2-6 kg . Animals are gentle, vulnerable, moderately active, they are obedient, loyal, and do not trust strangers.

Caring for naked representatives creates certain difficulties.

English greyhound

The English Greyhound is another popular large spotted dog native to Britain. In ancient times it was used as a hunting dog. He has a strong and aerodynamic body with long and elegant legs. The Greyhound's coat is short and can vary in color. However, the most common are white dogs with spots in various tones, in addition to some spotted areas.


They are descendants of the oldest European breed - the turf dog. Pomeranians were bred as an ornamental breed, beloved by kings and their retinues. Spitz are a dog with a square body, pointed ears, small eyes and a “fox” face.

Height at the withers is 18-22 cm , weight is not regulated, usually up to 3 kg . The orange coat is double, straight, “stuffed” and forms “pants” and a “mane”. The dog is very active, loud, playful and restless.

German shorthaired pointer

Originally bred as a hunting dog, the German Shorthaired Pointer is an energetic breed known for its noble appearance. He is large and muscular, with an elongated head and drooping ears. Individuals come in a variety of colors and shades, but the most common is white with black or brown spots on the chest and legs, in addition to large spots on the flanks.


A variety of continental toy spaniel with erect ears that are covered with long hair and look like butterfly wings. This gave the breed its name. The animal is graceful, light, height at the withers - 28 cm, weight - not less than 1.5 kg, representatives are divided into categories based on body weight:

  • from 1.5 to 2.5 kg;
  • males from 2.5 to 4.5 kg, females from 2.5 to 5 kg.

The dog's body is covered with long, barely wavy and not soft hair without undercoat, there is a “frill” on the chest, “pants” on the paws. An animal with a stable psyche, friendly, devoted to its owner.

English pointer

It is a medium-sized dog first developed in Britain in the 17th century. They are a slender race known for their intelligence and curiosity. The English Pointer has a smooth and very short coat. It is usually white with brown, reddish or liver spots distributed on the head and flanks. The fur on its legs is often dyed.

Brussels griffin

This is a Belgian guard against rodents for carriages and stables, with a large flattened round head and a square body, expressive eyes and a beard. The dimensions are not established by the standard, the weight should be in the range of 3.5-6 kg , the coat is of medium length, slightly wavy, hard, and needs trimming.

The color should be red or fawn. An animal with self-esteem, attentive, vigilant, active, devoted to its owner.

Jack Russell Terrier

The Jack Russell Terrier is another small spotted dog of the terrier family. Originally bred for fox hunting in the United Kingdom, it has an elongated body and short legs. An energetic dog, he loves games and outdoor activities. This breed has a short and smooth coat. Usually white with black spots or reddish spots on the flanks and head.

Dog breeds

Today, we can distinguish as many as 3 groups into which small-sized dog breeds are divided. Small domestic dogs are companions. The trait that makes dwarf dogs become favorites of the whole family is their constant desire to be close to a person and to be the center of attention.

It must be remembered that even miniature dog breeds require attention and careful care.

Pocket dogs cannot imagine themselves without constant communication with a person, they trust their owner very much and quickly become attached to him.

  1. Toys are miniature dogs whose height does not exceed 28 cm at the withers and weighs only about 2 kg.
  2. Dwarfs are small dogs, reaching a height of up to 35 cm at the withers and a weight of 2 to 5 kg.
  3. Small dogs grow up to 45 cm at the withers and weigh from 5 kg to 10 kg.

Pomeranian Spitz

The Pomeranian Spitz (Pomeranian dog, or Pomeranian) is a decorative dog, very reminiscent of a fox. The color of such a fox can be not only red. The Pomeranian dog owes its name to the historical region in the south of the Baltic Sea.

These dwarf dogs are descended from large working dogs, so the Pomeranian dog will not turn into a complete couch dog. She needs constant communication and training, otherwise the pet will become disobedient and display the most unpleasant character traits. This little fluffy dog ​​will become an excellent friend and helper if you train it regularly, walk in the fresh air and give it due attention. The Pomeranian dog adapts to the temperament of its owner, gets along well with children and behaves well with strangers.

Gallery: small dogs (25 photos)

Which dog to choose (video)

Yorkshire Terrier

Yorkshire Terrier (York) is a breed bred in England. Initially, peasants bred this breed; they were not allowed to keep large dogs. Gradually, York moved to the city and found himself in high society. Nowadays, the tame Yorkie is one of the most popular small pet dogs.

These small dogs adopted the character of their ancestors. First of all, this is a hunter who can run after a bird or a butterfly, or even pounce on a mouse or rat. Yorkie will protect its owner from strangers. This is a faithful friend who will always share any hobbies with his owner.

You need to systematically train your Yorkie. He understands what is required of him, but he needs to be patient. The little Yorkie needs to be explained in time that chewed shoes or damaged wallpaper are unacceptable, otherwise such pranks will be repeated. It will be difficult to wean an adult dog.

It must be remembered that Yorkies are not pocket dogs; they definitely need constant walks outside. The terrier's irrepressible character and thirst for communication can lead him to be run over by a car or stroller, so you need to take good care of your pet.

Russian toy

The Russian Toy Terrier is a toy breed of dog developed in Russia in the 20th century. Representatives of the breed are smooth-haired and long-haired. Dwarf dogs of the Russian Toy breed are very affectionate and devoted to their owner, and get along well with everyone around them. The Russian Toy is an indoor pet, but it is energetic and playful. Since he can be prone to stress, you should not get him if there are small, noisy children in the family.

The Russian toy has a specific character. He, like other terriers, needs serious training and constant attention so as not to grow up vicious and uncontrollable.

French Bulldog

The French bulldog is one of the ten most popular breeds in the world, which is not surprising considering their cheerful disposition and memorable appearance.

It may seem that the French Bulldog is quite lazy. But that's not true. He will happily share any entertainment or active games with his owner. The flexible nature and intelligence of this dog allows it to quickly adapt to the owner’s rhythm of life, which is especially important if there are children in the family. The French Bulldog does not like to be alone.

When caring for a French Bulldog, you need to pay special attention to the ears and face. Regular cleaning of folds will prevent the growth of harmful bacteria.

Most dogs tolerate walking twice a day well, but if there is severe frost outside, which bulldogs do not tolerate well, then you can arrange a toilet at home. French Bulldogs respond very well to training, which should begin at an early age. This will help teach the dog order.

What dog breeds are suitable for a family with a child (video)

Welsh Corgi

The Welsh Corgi is one of the first herding dogs. There are 2 main types of Welsh Corgis: Cardigan and Pembroke. This breed was widespread back in the 10th century and has existed alongside humans since then.

Dogs of this breed have a wonderful character that allows them to get along with all family members. They are not aggressive towards humans. On the contrary, they treat the owner’s family as a flock that needs to be protected.

Corgis have a sense of tact and perfectly capture a person’s mood. They love to communicate, but will not bother you if they see that the owner is busy.

Welsh Corgis are fairly easy to care for, despite the fact that they are quite fluffy. The dense undercoat allows you to stay warm on walks. At the same time, caring for the coat does not require any special effort; it does not even need to be cut. It is enough to simply brush the coat once a week or a little more often during the molting period.

Corgis are very trainable. Most often, it is enough to repeat the command 2-3 times for the dog to understand what needs to be done. The breed standard even notes the presence of a sense of humor.

The only thing that Welsh Corgis do not observe moderation in is food. It is easy to feed a dog if you succumb to the charm of a small beggar and do not give appropriate physical activity. These dogs need activity, walks and games in the fresh air.

Jack Russell Terrier

The Jack Russell Terrier is a representative hunting dog. This small terrier received its name in honor of the English priest John Russell, who bred this breed.

The purebred Jack Russell Terrier has a characteristic color: white coat with red or black spots. Like any hunting dog, the Jack Russell Terrier is very curious and active. When raising children, you need to pay attention to early socialization. Even if the Jack Russell Terrier is small in size, it is still a hunting dog. It is not a toy at all and without proper attention it can cause damage to the owner’s home and his other pets, if any. Especially cats, rabbits and decorative rats.

Keeping a Jack Russell Terrier in an apartment is possible with sufficient physical activity and training. All terriers love active games with a ball, plates and other toys. He just needs active walks and jogging. During walks, it is better to keep your pet on a leash, otherwise, succumbing to the hunting instinct, it can easily disappear from the owner’s field of view.

Representatives of the Jack Russell Terrier breed are very intelligent and easy to train. The main thing is that training should not be boring. They get along well with children and rarely get into fights with other dogs. The character trait of such a dog is a sense of ownership and jealousy.

The Jack Russell Terrier has three types of coat:

  • hard;
  • smooth;
  • brocken (mixed).

Wool shedding occurs seasonally. There is no smell. Wire-haired pets need trimming. This is the process of plucking fur that is about to fall off. To do this, it is better to contact a professional.

Beagle (hound)

Beagles are hunting dogs. Used mainly for hunting rabbits and hares. The Beagle is a very cheerful, energetic and sociable dog and is well suited for families with children or sports lovers. Like other hunting dog breeds, he loves active games in the company of his owner, and he can play with children for hours. However, when walking, you need to watch him very carefully, since his passion for knowing the unknown forces him to run away.

In order to train and train a beagle, you need an impressive amount of patience. You need to pay attention to how the beagle communicates with other pets in the house. This is a hunting dog, and it will most likely perceive small animals as prey.

It must be taken into account that the beagle has little control over its appetite and will eat whenever the opportunity arises. In order for your pet to have a normal weight, you need to carefully monitor its menu.

The Beagle is quite unpretentious. You shouldn't bathe him too often. In this case, special attention should be paid to the ears and eyes. Ears should be cleaned several times a month, and eyes should be wiped once a day with special antimicrobial agents.

Cocker Spaniel

The ancestors of the Cocker Spaniel are fold-eared bird dogs whose main task is to hunt birds.

The Cocker Spaniel is a very friendly dog ​​and is perfect for a large family, although it usually becomes attached to one person. In order for your pet not to get bored and develop fully, you need to play hunting and chasing with it. Constant physical activity will help control your pet's temperament. It is necessary to teach him discipline from childhood, otherwise he will be too intrusive. Cockers are very easy to train and make excellent companions. Training should begin at three months of age.

The very beautiful curls of the Cocker Spaniel do not require special care, but require constant brushing up to 5 times a week. You can bathe him once a month. It is very important to accustom your dog to hygiene procedures from childhood.

With proper upbringing and training, the Cocker Spaniel will become an excellent companion and full-fledged member of the family.

Italian greyhound (small Italian greyhound)

Italian greyhounds are the smallest representatives of greyhounds and are now mainly a decorative breed. The ancestors of modern Italian greyhounds were found at the court of the Egyptian pharaohs. Later, this small dog moved to Ancient Rome, and then spread throughout Europe, where it won the love of noble people.

Italian Greyhound dogs are suitable for older people, families without children or with adult children. A family with small children should not have an Italian greyhound. Due to its fragile constitution, the dog can be injured during active games with small children. You need to carefully monitor her physical activity. By overestimating its capabilities during a run or chase, an Italian greyhound may injure itself. However, the Italian Greyhound needs physical exercise, as its hunting past makes itself felt. As a wonderful companion, the Italian Greyhound will be happy to accompany its owner wherever he goes.

The Italian Greyhound should only be kept indoors, as its short coat makes it completely unsuitable for harsh winters. When walking in the cold season, you should wear warm clothes on your pet. At home, an Italian greyhound can walk around without clothes, this will help to strengthen the body a little. You need to bathe your Italian greyhound only when necessary, but you need to constantly brush its coat with a special mitten. Ears and eyes require special attention. The dog is well trained to use the toilet in the house, but this does not exclude walks in the fresh air.


After reading this far, you have to ask yourself about the spotted dog breed that is more famous than all the others: the Dalmatian. Thanks to Disney's 101 Dalmatians, the Dalmatian is the most popular spotted dog in the world, an active and affectionate dog first bred in Croatia in the 17th century. It has a well-proportioned, rectangular body and characteristically drooping ears. It has a short, soft white coat, usually spotted with black, although some people have brown spots.


An ancient Mediterranean decorative breed, reaches 20-25 cm at the withers, weight ranges from 3-4 kg . It has a slightly elongated body, a pronounced frontal part, and very long, silky, straight snow-white hair without undercoat.

Hair care requires a lot of effort, especially if the animal has a show career. This is a brave, intelligent, calm and affectionate pet, trainable and devoted to its owner.


Norrbottenspets are a breed from Sweden, where they were used as a hunting dog in the past. This is a small spotted dog with a compact and proportional body. Characterized by its raised and pointed ears. norrbottenspets have a smooth, semi-long coat. It is usually white with reddish spots on the back, sides and head.


This is an ancient breed from Germany, a rat hunter that became a favorite of aristocrats. The name "Affenpinscher" translates as "monkey" and is given because of the similarity of the dog's muzzle with the face of this animal. The dog is compact, its height is 25-30 cm, its weight is 4-6 kg, it has a square body, a rounded skull, and a well-defined forehead.

The dog is covered with black, coarse, randomly protruding hair, which forms bushy eyebrows, a beard and sideburns.

This is a passionate, fearless, vigilant, jealous and stubborn pet, he is artistic, amuses everyone with his facial expressions and behavior, loves to play and bark.

Bull Arab

The Arabian bull is a spotted dog from Australia, where it developed as a hunting dog. Like other bull breeds, it is characterized by a strong but agile body. He is known for his intelligence and physical stamina. The bull arab's coat is short and appears in a variety of colors. The most common is white with reddish spots throughout the body.

Inflammation of the conjunctiva

Eye discharge, either serous or purulent, indicates irritation (eg, viral, bacterial, injury, etc.). They can also be caused by blocked tear ducts. Please note: purulent discharge is not pathognomonic of a bacterial infection. Any chemotactic stimulus to neutrophils can cause purulent discharge.

Conjunctivitis in a dog

The most common cause of conjunctivitis is mechanical injuries, irritations of various types caused by foreign bodies, acids, alkalis and gases, pyogenic microorganisms that have entered the conjunctival sac, as well as complications of blepharitis and keratitis.

Read more about conjunctivitis in dogs in this article.

Mucus discharge may indicate keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KKS).

Tenterfield Terrier

This spotted terrier is also from Australia, where it was first raised in the 19th century. This is a small dog with a thin body and long legs. He has a strong personality and requires proper socialization. The Tenterfield Terrier's coat is short and smooth. Typically a white dog with black, tan or liver spots on the flanks and head.

Japanese Chin

These majestic dogs were still at the court of the Japanese emperors, and currently act as companions. Chins are graceful dogs with a wide, rounded muzzle, snub nose, large eyes and long hanging ears. Height at the withers is approximately 25 cm , females are slightly smaller, body weight is not specified in the requirements, on average it is 2-4 kg .

The dogs' fur is long, abundantly covering the body, the color is white with red or black markings. The character is friendly, obedient, usually attached to one owner, but gets along with the whole family.

Miniature dogs, now acting as family pets, come from different countries, many of them originally had a different purpose. A common feature is small stature, but the length, structure, hair color, body shape, and paw height can vary significantly. The character of each breed also has its own characteristics. Among such a variety of small animals, anyone can find a suitable pet.

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Pajon Navarro

The Patchón Navarro is a Spanish dog originally from Navarre. It is a large spotted dog, capable of reaching 30 kg, originally bred for hunting. He has a wide head and drooping ears. Its fur is short and white with reddish or chestnut spots throughout, in addition to larger spots on the face, ears, and back.

Petit Brabançon

Decorative breed from Belgium. The animal is compact, with a square body, a large short head and protruding, widely spaced eyes. Height is not fixed in the standard, varies between 21-28 cm , weight should be 3.5-6 kg .

The coat is hard, no more than 2 cm , black, black and tan or red, with a dark mask. The character is confident, emotional, vigilant, lively facial expressions, very attached to the owner. Brabançons are attentive, closely monitor what is happening, control the movements of people, they are active, but in moderation.

Carea leones

The Carea Leones (or Leonese Sheepdog) is another Spanish spotted dog bred for herding sheep. It is medium-sized with a long snout and floppy or straight ears, depending on the individual. It has a strong, muscular body with an upward curved tail. Carea leones has a semi-long and smooth coat. It has white or gray spotted fur with liver or black spots. There are also some completely black examples.

Fundus and retina

Fundus reflection. With the transilluminator located approximately an arm's length away from the animal and the light turned off, direct a beam of light into the animal's eye and look at the reflection of the tapetum. This is the most effective way to detect aphakic crescent and impaired transparency of the intraocular media (for example, incipient cataracts). This is also the best way to differentiate lens nucleus sclerosis from cataracts.

Retinal examination: indirect ophthalmoscopy provides a wider field of view and is the best method for examining patients with fundus pathologies.

  1. Optic disc
  2. Vessels: are they pathologically tortuous, is hypertension suspected?
  3. Retina: Is the retina in the center? If not, the animal may have a retinal detachment.

Retinal disinsertion

It can be partial or complete. It occurs in older animals, as well as in a number of diseases.

  • Etiology. It occurs as a result of a decrease in the volume of the vitreous body due to its atrophy, with severe traumatic injuries, a large accumulation of exudate, and hemorrhage into the space between the retina and the choroid.
  • Symptoms. The animal's vision suddenly deteriorates or blindness occurs. The pupils are dilated and the reaction to light is slow. Ophthalmoscopy reveals various disturbances in the fundus of the eye and protrusion of the retina in the form of a white bubble.
  • Treatment. With complete retinal detachment, treatment is useless. In case of partial detachment, 0.1-0.2 ml of hydrocortisone with novocaine is injected subconjunctivally after 3-4 days; 0.3-0.5 ml of dexazone daily. A 1% solution of atropine and a 2% solution of dionine are instilled into the conjunctival sac.

English Setter

This breed is native to England and is known for its beautiful appearance. It has a compact and proportionate body with strong legs and a slightly curved tail. Its muzzle is elongated and its ears can be long or short. The English Setter's coat is semi-long in most parts of the body, but in the tail the chest and abdomen grow strongly, almost reaching the ground. It is a white dog with black, reddish or blue spots .

Symptoms and diagnosis of the disease

In addition to clouding of the pupils, the disease is accompanied by a number of other symptoms. When constantly caring for your dog, they are easy to notice:

  1. Watery or mucous discharge appears.
  2. The pet behaves restlessly, is constantly afraid of something, practically does not go outside, and during walks he walks reluctantly.
  3. The dog tries not to be in the sun, in a room with bright lighting, and spends most of his time in a dark place.
  4. The cornea becomes cloudy and the eye becomes rough.
  5. The disease is accompanied by pain and each animal demonstrates this differently.

Treatment of a cataract in a pet begins with a preliminary diagnosis. The veterinarian evaluates the dog’s external condition and asks the owner questions. To make the treatment process faster and more effective, it is recommended to provide information:

  • diet;
  • frequency of walks;
  • contact with other animals;
  • date of appearance of the first signs of the disease;
  • diseases that the pet suffered from.

After the examination, the veterinarian prescribes treatment.

Attention! If you have self-medicated at home, do not hide this information from your doctor. Often, improper treatment is the main cause of cloudy eyes.

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