TOP 20 – decorative dogs: breeds with names and photos

Decorative dog breeds are not adapted to perform the traditional tasks that humans have assigned to these animals from time immemorial. But they do an excellent job of playing the role of four-legged friends who are always there, ready to make the owner laugh and distract him from sad thoughts, and share with him a positive attitude towards life.

Decorative dogs

American Hairless Terrier

Hairless Terriers are a breed that originated in the United States. Their ancestors - rat terriers - were excellent rat catchers, but as a result of a genetic mutation, this hairless miracle appeared. This Sphynx of the canine world is very vulnerable due to its bare skin, and therefore makes an excellent companion.

But the genes of a dog have not gone away, especially since it is a terrier, which means your pet will dig holes and chase cats. Therefore, you need to keep an eye on him during walks.

Americans have interesting abilities: they either store things, or pick up trash, or copy the habits of other domestic animals. And each dog has its own trick, which will definitely please its owner.

The hairless terrier is kind with children, he will definitely play all sorts of games with them, and if you have a large breed dog - don’t even doubt it - they will become friends. And if guests come to you, you will know about their arrival long before the doorbell rings.

You will need to take care of your dog both in summer and winter: hide it from the scorching rays of the sun and wear warm overalls.

Video: American Hairless Terrier

General characteristics of decorative dogs

Owners of tiny dogs claim that their pets are real companions, capable of “coloring up” the gray monotony of everyday life. Most lap dogs are living “bells” that warn the family of the approach of uninvited guests.

Pros and cons of decorative dog breeds

Their low need for food and compactness have made these animals favorites of owners of small living spaces. Most toy dogs of small breeds are not suitable as watchdogs. They are so small and fragile that they can die from one clumsy movement of a person who does not know how to handle them.

Belgian (Brussels) Griffon

The first time you see a griffin, you will be stunned: his facial expressions are so similar to human ones. The dog senses the owner’s mood very subtly, and if he is not inclined to communicate, he will not bother you. Therefore, the breed is recommended for people with disabilities and the elderly.

The decorative griffon does not tolerate loneliness. The owner must understand that leaving the dog alone for a long time will traumatize its psyche. But the griffon will have excellent relations with all your friends. Moreover, the pet will know exactly who is currently standing outside the door.

The Belgian Griffon is absolutely non-confrontational. He will readily get along with a cat, a bird, or a great Dane. But this does not mean that he has no self-esteem. If someone dares to bark at a griffon during a walk, this bearded little eye will not hesitate to bark back.

Caring for a griffon is not difficult, but they “shed” only after trimming. And when walking a Belgian Griffon, you can safely let the dog off the leash - the breed is not prone to running away. The only thing is that in the cold season the dog needs additional protection in the form of overalls or a vest.

And one more thing: in its youth, this breed tries to dominate and even bite the owner, so training is very important.

Video: Brussels Griffon

Bichon Frize

The French lapdog - which is what Bichons are also called - is a real bundle of antidepressant. Charming, extremely active and friendly creatures will definitely find a common language with all household members. And with its bell-like voice, the dog will warn its owners every time someone appears on their doorstep.

The Bichon Frize is perfect for people with low immunity - its snow-white coat is considered hypoallergenic. The dog does not like loneliness, so the absence of the owner will upset her immensely.

Despite its small size, the Bichon is far from being a sissy and can quite stand up for itself. If you take great care of him and don’t allow him to make independent decisions in critical situations, the lapdog will eventually turn into a cowardly animal that can barely climb into its owner’s arms.

It is possible and necessary to train a Bichon, but he is somewhat willful and therefore requires a special approach. Remember how many performances there are in the circus with lap dogs and you can train yours just as well.

Video: Bichon Frize

Owner reviews

Yulia Shch. “My Yorkshire Terrier has been making me happy for 5 years now. This is an easy dog ​​to keep and care for. She seems to understand me when we communicate. Despite the small apartment and cramped interior, we are not cramped.”

Kostya A. “My wife and I spent a long time choosing what kind of dog we could get for our one-room apartment. The choice fell on a French bulldog; I already had experience in keeping such a breed. This is an intelligent and beautiful animal, the fur hardly sticks out. There is a drawback - heavy snoring, but we have already gotten used to it.”

Boston Terrier

Another terrier on our list whose ancestors include the English Bulldog. That's why Bostons have a slightly flattened face with funny round eyes and a piebald color.

This is a very lively and kind decorative dog that finds a common language with the entire population of the apartment, and the newcomer does not see a threat until it is threatened or the clearly drawn boundaries of the territory are not violated.

Bostonians are okay with being forced to be alone. If you don't leave for long, nothing bad will happen. If the dog is given a good walk and exercised beforehand, it will sleep without its hind legs and may not even notice your absence. If you plan on constant long-term absences, immediately get a pair of Boston Terriers. Together it will be easy for them to while away the time, doing their dog things.

Terriers snore in their sleep, and during periods of wakefulness they snore and snort, just like bulldogs. You can read everything in the world from their lively faces, from sincere joy to apprehension when they have done something.

Because of their excessive gullibility, Bostons do not distinguish between a good person and someone who harbors evil intent. Any stranger can fool a terrier with a treat and kidnap him. Therefore, after basic commands, you need to teach the dog not to trust strangers.

Video: Boston Terrier

Yorkshire Terrier

Yorkshire Terrier is a very popular breed in the world and in our country. It’s clearly written on their bristly face who’s boss, but at the same time they love their owners to bits.

Yorkies are brave dogs and will protect their owners from any encroachment without hesitation. The attitude towards strangers is special and depends on upbringing. He may bark, or he may kiss him.

Walking a dog can be described as “holy simplicity.” While the owner is nearby, the Yorkie rushes like a tank to everything unfamiliar and is happy to do research. But as soon as you disappear from sight, a panicked bustle begins.

The Yorkshire Terrier is easy to train, but like all terriers, it is quite restless and is often distracted by something that it considers more interesting.

Yorkie's coat requires care: combing, washing and regular trimming. If you do not show your decorative dog, then basic haircuts can be easily learned to do yourself. Show class requires a visit to a groomer.

Video: Yorkshire Terrier

Briefly about the main thing

  1. Decorative (indoor) breeds are dogs bred not for work, but for communication. These are companions, family members.
  2. A common feature of this conditional group of breeds is their focus on humans, the ability to adapt to their character and lifestyle.
  3. Almost all indoor breeds are small in size and easy to care for and maintain.
  4. Decorative breeds are represented by a wide variety of exteriors. Among them there are hairless, wire-haired, long-haired and smooth-haired dogs.

Which decorative dog is best suited for urban conditions? Share your opinion in the comments to this article.

Chinese Crested Dog

The Chinese Crested is a dog with a glamorous appearance. Real corydalis are not known for their malice: they love their owner immensely, to the point that they can guess his wishes.

The desire for contact with the owner sometimes takes manic forms: the animal follows everywhere, rubs against the leg, climbs onto the lap and settles there, curled up. To wean yourself from this means causing psychological trauma to the dog. Therefore, either accept it or think about another breed in advance.

The decorative Chinese Crested dog simply cannot stand being alone. If she is left alone for a long time, she will notify all the neighbors about this with a sorrowful howl. Crested cats love to whine without any reason. Therefore, in order to preserve the nervous system of those around them, they need to be weaned from this activity as much as possible.

Chicks can be either hairless or downy. The bare legs and tail have hair that looks very beautiful against the background of a hairless coat. Downy ones are equipped with fine fur all over the body and are called “powderpuff”.

And of course, like many decorative dogs, the Chinese Crested should be taken out in warm clothes in the cold season.

Video: Chinese Crested

French Bulldog

The French Bulldog was bred in France and was previously considered a small fighting dog with a stocky body, strong paws, a broad chest and a powerful neck. There are folds on the head, erect ears, short fur, close to the body.

Nowadays the bulldog is used as a companion because it is good with cats, loves children and is ready to protect them from threats. Aggression and malice are not inherent in a pet, but without training it is difficult to predict behavior. The character is also characterized by courage, activity, and fortitude. The dog requires a lot of attention and needs physical activity.


This little doll is an active, friendly and extremely jealous lap dog. Try to pet any other animal in her presence - there will be no end to the insults. All the owner's attention should belong only to the Maltese!

That is why it is not recommended to keep a lapdog together with other animals. And if there are small children in the house, it’s like death

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