Features, types, pros and cons of clothing for dogs

Types of clothing for dogs

Clothes for your four-legged friend can be for different purposes and have their own characteristics. There are several categories worth focusing on.

  • The most popular is warm clothing for dogs. We will immediately stipulate the main rule that must be observed in all types: the CG rule is comfort and convenience. You need to choose a robe that is one size larger so that the animal does not suffer as if in a vice; The material is lightweight and breathable. Winter clothing is usually multi-layered, the top is elastic and water-repellent, then there is a layer of padding polyester, and the inner layer is a warm lining. A dog's genitourinary system often suffers from cold. Therefore, even a warm blanket can sometimes play a good role.

  • The second position is firmly occupied by demi-season (dirt-resistant, water-resistant). Any dog ​​breeder is familiar with how quickly animals get dirty in the autumn mud. Rain or wet seng drips from above, splashes fly from under the paws, and not a dog comes home, but a real stuffed animal. In addition, many dogs, like people, can catch a cold during the transition period. Such trousers and jackets are made of waterproof fabric, usually a light raincoat, and have a soft lining inside. It has no stitching.

  • The third stage is occupied by summer clothes. It is this option that usually causes confusion - why? It's not cold or damp. However, everyone knows how dangerous it is to catch a tick in nature, and picking out burdocks and tangles from thick wool is completely unpleasant. The summer version is made from thin cotton or fleece fabric. Sometimes you can see a knitted set.

  • Special attention should be paid to medical and protective clothing. These are small blankets or special robes with slits for the tail and paws. They can be fastened with buttons or Velcro along the full length of the back. Such clothing is necessary if your pet has undergone surgery. It protects from dirt and prevents the patient from licking “sore” areas. There are also clothes for nursing mothers. It plays the role of a kind of bandage so that the mammary glands do not sag. In addition, it also protects from dirt and dust.

  • The special category that includes work uniform deserves respect. We have all seen service dogs that perform different functions. Someone works in the police, he has to wear a bulletproof vest. Another dog serves as a rescue dog. Special vests with many pockets are sewn for them, into which the necessary things for the found people are placed. Patrol dogs usually wear military-style vests and colors, so that it is immediately clear that this is a police dog.

  • Finally, the least functional, but because of this, perhaps the most interesting and expensive - decorative clothing. Although, for the sake of decorating their pet, others are ready to donate a round sum. Fashionable and beautiful clothes are a reason to highlight the dog’s advantages at exhibitions, or to ensure a bright photo session, or to make an impression among your circle of acquaintances. Here, not only standard overalls and blankets are used, but also trousers, dresses, skirts, hats, tailcoats and even exotic clothing in different styles.

Any of the above varieties must be easy to put on and take off, be well-sewn, without thick seams, and should not irritate the skin. All clasps and openings for the neck, tail and paws should be checked to ensure they are spacious enough. The material is desirable environmentally friendly and durable. And you don’t need any excesses in the form of prickly rhinestones, sharp metal parts and locks - this is fraught with the danger of getting hurt

Pet Perfect

The brand started its activities in 2014. Currently, it is widely distributed in different countries and offers a wide range of clothing. Here you can find jackets, overalls, sweaters, dresses, T-shirts, shorts and pants. A variety of materials are used in the manufacture of clothing: denim, synthetics, water-repellent and water-resistant. There is a category of winter clothing that is very warm and reliable.


  1. Large selection of different clothes;
  2. There are bright specimens;
  3. High quality tailoring;
  4. Reliable supplier;
  5. Fast delivery when ordering online;
  6. Affordable prices;
  7. Wide range of sizes.

Clothes for small dogs

It is not customary among dog breeders to choose an animal according to the climate. And so it turns out that we are surrounded everywhere by heat-loving species, which are sometimes also small in stature. You always want to take care of and protect small dogs. After all, they are the ones who most often become hypothermic while walking.

When the temperature is below +10°C, they already require insulation. In most cases, clothing for small breed dogs also includes shoes - after all, many babies have delicate skin on their paws. They can easily be injured by sharp pieces of ice, glass, even nut shells.

And the abundance of reagents on the street has a very detrimental effect on the health of your “gnome”. There are some nuances here. Long-haired breeds - Pekingese, lapdog, Spitz - do not need too thick clothing. They are more likely to be protected in winter and autumn from dirt, and in summer from dust and insects.

Not so with smooth-haired ones. For example, clothing for a Chihuahua performs a warming function at any time of the year. What should you do if your dog is cold even in the summer when it’s cool? Usually they choose overalls for winter, and blankets for summer. Besides, for some reason you always want to dress up small dogs in something funny.

We often see them as toys, and it’s hard to get rid of this. That’s why clothes for small dogs look touching. Sometimes a dog looks like another animal or a child. When choosing clothes for a small dog, first of all, you need to remember about the very rule of CG (remember - comfort and convenience?), and only then about the appearance of the clothes.

Of course, synthetics are often sold in stores, but it is possible to choose the most suitable option. Some people buy fabric and sew it themselves, or order it from craftsmen. For some dogs, their wardrobe is updated every season - as a tribute to fashion.

Sets are available for everyday use and weekend wear, for exhibitions and sports. Raincoats, hoods, hats, boots, ball gowns, scarves, caps, shorts - is it possible to list everything? And this comes with bags, glasses, ties, bows. It's amazing how dogs endure all this?

Clothes for medium breeds

Medium and large dogs with short or smooth coats need insulation when temperatures are close to 0°C or frost occurs. When the thermometer drops below -20°C, every dog ​​needs a warm outfit. Only your friend's dense and fluffy fur, as well as a habit of severe frosts, can cancel this rule.

Large and medium-sized dogs also need protection from dirt, including for their paws. There are entire collections of clothes for all sizes - from the simplest vests and blankets to rubber boots and sneakers. Medium breed dogs do not look so touching in their clothes. After all, for each size the outfit is selected “to match”.

The larger the dog, the more functionality in the attire and the less decorativeness. A Russian sarafan will not suit an English bulldog at all, but a formal suit and cap will look very “befitting”.

A “brutal” paramilitary uniform will suit a Doberman, while a soft jacket and trousers will suit a spaniel. For the average dog, it can be difficult to choose pants that fit the length of their paws. If the trousers are longer, they can be hemmed, but if they are shorter, difficulties arise.


Chihuahua clothes for girls and boys

This is not a luxury, but a necessity for certain breeds. It should be easy and quick to put on, but at the same time fit well on the leg. The size must be selected together with the animal and the sales consultant in order not to make a mistake.

For some dog breeds, clothing is a necessity. It not only performs a decorative function, but also protects the animal from weather conditions, which means it preserves its health. When purchasing, it is important to pay attention to the size and material.

Knitted clothes for dogs

A separate topic for conversation is knitted clothes for dogs . First of all, it stretches well and does not restrict movement. Knitted items are pleasant to wear, they do not wrinkle, are easy to wash, and have no seams that can chafe the skin. They are light and well breathable.

In addition, natural wool or cotton yarn is always chosen as the material, and this is an additional plus. Any pattern for knitting is available, and things can be altered, enlarged or changed in style.

Knitting is an opportunity to change the option and style several times. Winter items are provided with a thick, warm lining, autumn items can be combined with waterproof fabric, and summer items are good as is. Their role is to protect from the sun, dust, thorns and burrs.


The brand produces different clothes, where there is a place for classic and non-standard ones. Among the large selection of colors and designs, there are models with khaki and camouflage colors. There are overalls with ears and even raincoats. A wide range of festive costumes to choose from. The pricing policy is accessible and reasonable; only for festive costumes the price may seem high, but due to their quality and detail, it is completely justified.


  1. High quality tailoring;
  2. There are unusual clothing items;
  3. Bright and non-standard colors;
  4. Fast delivery;
  5. A unique line of festive costumes of various themes;
  6. Reliability of the supplier and products.

Pros and cons of clothing for dogs

We have already briefly mentioned the pros and cons of clothing for dogs. Let's summarize.


  • Not all dogs react calmly to interference in their territory. There are whims, and real stress can happen. Therefore, it is necessary to accustom the dog to wearing clothes from an early age, so that as the animal grows there are no problems. You should start at 3-4 months, first putting on a T-shirt and socks. And don't forget to praise your dressed dog. The dog must understand and calmly react to the mandatory procedure of fitting and daily wearing.
  • It is not always possible to choose a high-quality, good-quality item. Therefore, many dog ​​breeders prefer to dress their pets in clothes that they sew or knit with their own hands. You can make patterns yourself or find them on the Internet. And you can choose any material - you can use new fabric from the store, or you can alter something from your own clothes. For those who know how to handle a thread and a needle, sewing clothes for a dog is not difficult.
  • The most dangerous point is that clothes can cause allergies in the dog, poor-quality seams can injure the skin, and overheating can lead to a number of serious diseases. It’s like with children – you can’t wrap them up too much and vice versa, you can’t undress them in the cold. A loving owner quickly comprehends this science.
  • Not all dogs need clothes. Sometimes, as a tribute to fashion, the owner tries to “stuff” the poor animal into an absolutely unnecessary thing. Here it is important to understand which dogs really need this, and therefore we will list the positive factors.


  • Protection from dirt, cold and reagents (almost all dogs).
  • Protection from the sun, dust, ticks and burrs (most long-haired dogs).
  • Protection against infection and licking of sore spots (those who have undergone surgery and nursing dogs).
  • Protection from dangers in the service (police dogs).
  • Functional necessity and subject of helping people (for rescue dogs).
  • The need to look good at mandatory events (show dogs).
  • Decoration and joy for others.

As you can see, most of the points begin with the word “protection”. This means that still needs clothes

Why do we want to dress them

The main reason why dog ​​owners want to dress their pets is for added protection from the cold and bad weather. For example, small breeds really experience discomfort, they freeze, and get wet in the rain and snow.

Another reason is the endless cuteness. For example, put a leather biker jacket, sunglasses (yes, there are those too!), and boots on the dog. And then, of course, take a bunch of pictures in this image and post them on Instagram.

Attention! It doesn't matter why you decided to dress your pet for the first time. Be careful in any case and observe the dog's reaction. All animals are different, so they can react to clothing differently. If you notice discomfort or a clearly expressed negative reaction, immediately undress your pet.

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