Akita Inu: description of the breed, character and care (60 photos)

Akita Inu belongs to one of the most ancient dog breeds. These Spitz-like animals were bred in the northern part of Japan, more precisely on the island of Honshu in Akita Prefecture, which is how they got their name. Muscular Akitas, covered with thick short hair, look a little funny and plush-toy, but at the same time they have a rather independent and dominant character, which must be corrected through persistent training, and demand respect. That's why these pets are best suited for confident and calm people, or at least experienced dog lovers. However, despite its largely difficult character, the Akita Inu dog has truly earned nationwide love and recognition. Let's tell you why.


General description of the breed

Akita Inu is difficult to classify into any specific category. At different times they were bear hunters, nannies, companions, guard dogs and decorative dogs. This is the largest Spitz breed and one of six on the list of native Japanese breeds protected by the local canine organization. The lifespan of an Akita is from 10 to 14 years.

Photo: klkfavorit.ru


Like the West Siberian and Karelian-Finnish Laika , the Akita Inu is a wonderful companion for humans, one of the best in the whole world.

This dog is well suited for living in a large family and as a companion for lonely people.

In the first case, she will have fun and communicate with all family members, but at the same time remain calm, in the second, she will become an excellent friend and companion.

Akita Inu, thanks to its excellent swimming ability, can become an excellent water rescuer.

These dogs perform well in a home with children.

They easily take responsibility for the behavior of children and monitor it well, making sure that the child does not do anything bad or get into trouble.

At the same time, Akita Inu is easily given into children's hands, without objecting to constant games. A wonderful nanny and friend for the baby.

Origin story

In Japan, Akita Inus were bred as guard and hunting dogs. According to research, this is one of the oldest breeds in the world, with traces of its ancestors dating back to the 2nd millennium BC. Even ancient drawings with very similar dogs have been preserved.

Already in the 6th century there were clubs for Akita Inu lovers who were engaged in breeding and training dogs. And later general stud books appeared. At the beginning of the 17th century, Akitas were used in dog fighting, and in the 19th they began to be actively crossed with other larger breeds.

In wartime, Akita Inu were more popular than shepherd dogs, and it was after World War II that, after all the crossbreeding, several subspecies were finally identified. Even later, their own version of the breed was brought to the USA by crossing with the same shepherd dogs and mastiffs.

Photo: funart.pro

Two words about the legendary Hachiko

The story of the dog Hachiko shook all of Japan back in 1932. In honor of the heartbreaking story, a real monument was erected to the dog at the scene of the events.

A dog named Hachiko met his owner every day from work near the train station. But one day the man did not return from work - the owner of his faithful Akita died at work. Over the next 9 years, Hachiko came to the meeting place with the owner every day at the same time and waited for him.

The story gained such resonance that after the death of the dog, mourning was declared in Japan. Today, the Hachiko monument is a symbol of selfless love and fidelity. This story became known to the whole world after the release of the film “Hachiko: The Most Faithful Friend” in 2009.

Akita Inu: breed standard

For all its plushness, the Akita Inu is a fairly large dog. She will grow up to 50 kg and 70 cm at the withers, with a charming red, brindle or white coloration. American Akitas are allowed a black mask, but Japanese Akitas are not.

The hard and straight coat seems to consist of three layers. It is its structure that determines the charming appearance of the dog. There is a subspecies of long-haired Akita Inu that can unexpectedly appear even in the litter of “standard” parents. This is a genetic trait.

The dog has harmonious and correct proportions, a strong build and a moderately long muzzle without sharp features. It has a large black nose and small eyes with slightly raised corners. The dense triangular ears are erect and close set.

The Akita Inu has a muscular neck, a developed chest and the same lower back. The tall, thick tail is curled into a ring, and the paws are thick and rounded. The Akita moves very smoothly and softly, but the gait is strong and confident.

Photo: zverushki.media

Pit bull (American pit bull terrier): description of the breed, character and care

How to determine the time for mating

To use laboratory tests to determine the appropriate time, you should contact an experienced veterinarian.

Here is a description of some methods that, with proper preparation, you can do yourself:

  • Setting ovulation the old-fashioned way. We apply clean glass to the loop to take a mucus sample, and lightly spread it over the surface. If after drying a crystalline structure is acquired, then a dog meeting can be organized. If an ordinary spot forms, then the right time has either been missed or has not yet arrived.
  • Using test strips to determine the amount of glucose in urine in diabetes (for example, “Uriglyuk-1”).
    During ovulation, a dog's discharge contains glucose, so this method is well used to establish the desired fact.

    The strip is placed in the loop for complete impregnation for several 7-8 seconds. If after 1 minute the test turns green, this means maximum readiness.

  • Examination of saliva under a microscope. The secretion is taken before the intended feeding (the dog must be hungry). The favorable moment will be indicated by the shape of saliva in the form of fern leaves (standard).

Akita Inu character

The Akita Inu has a truly oriental character and temperament. This must be taken into account when you decide to get such an exotic breed.

Traits and Temperament

Akitas are very balanced, not at all aggressive and calm in any situation. At the same time, they are curious and playful - such a funny combination of contradictions.

Photo: doctorpets.ru

Attitude towards the owner

There is no need to even create legends about the devotion of the Akita Inu - this is a long-confirmed fact. But such a dog is not suitable for beginners, and standard methods of building relationships and education do not work with it. She does not need a master in the literal sense of the word - she needs an equal friend.

Photo: vetbober.ru

Attitude towards children

Akita loves children, willingly plays with them and can look after the baby. But the dog does not tolerate bad treatment and will avoid situations in which it is too uncomfortable.

Photo: vplate.ru

Relationships with other animals

Akita Inu is quite friendly and phlegmatic towards other animals. But to ensure that there are no conflicts, the puppy must be socialized from the first months.

Photo: dogzy.ru

Negative reviews from hosts

My dog ​​absolutely does not tolerate riding in a car. Literally a couple of kilometers and she immediately vomits. As a puppy, we took her 550 km from home; everyone remembered this trip for a long time. At first she vomited everything that was in her stomach and calmed down a little. The road is long, the dog needed to eat. Everything I ate came out immediately; I can’t tell you the aroma in the car. It was the same at home. With my now adult dog, I can’t drive a car, even around the city.

In 70% of cases, ours pees anywhere, sometimes she even pees while walking. If guests come to us - surprise, Nomi pees in joy where she stands. Of course, we punish her, but we are afraid that it might be some kind of disease of the genitourinary system. We bought a diaper so that at least at night she wouldn’t pee under herself.

We got our Akita just 2 months ago. I understand that it’s hard to demand anything from a two-month-old puppy. But he doesn’t allow anyone to pass through the apartment and constantly bites everyone’s legs. Curses addressed to the puppy are taken offensively, but he continues to grab his legs as if nothing had happened.

Akita Inu care

Although Akita Inu are very different from the breeds we are used to, they do not have many specific subtleties in care. We found out everything!

Conditions of detention

Akita Inu can live in an ordinary apartment and will grow up to be a real city dweller. They also really like being in nature, but you can’t leave the dog outside on a leash - it needs a home.

Photo: veterinargid.ru


To keep the Akita's coat beautiful and neat, it should not be bathed often - a maximum of 2 times a year. And we need special hypoallergenic shampoos and products. But you will have to comb the beauty every day, with two brushes - for the coat and the undercoat.

Teeth are brushed every few days, and nails are trimmed every 2 weeks. You also need to examine your eyes and ears for abnormalities. Accustom your Akita to cosmetic procedures from childhood - and she will endure them patiently.

Photo: vkbase.ru


In order for an Akita Inu to grow up healthy and happy, it needs to spend at least two hours a day outside. They love different places, outdoor games and physical activity, and also choose their own routes and walk without a harness. Please note that you cannot walk your Akita immediately after eating, so it is better to feed the dog after the walk.

Photo: funart.pro

Education and training

Akitas are very smart, but also very stubborn, making them difficult to train. This is not a dog that will fetch a ball or slippers every time. She demands respect for herself, and only then gives it in return. Be patient, persistent and persistent!

Photo: dastereo.ru

Scottish Fold cats: description, character and care

Owner reviews

My story of meeting my Sam began more than a year ago.
Today I’m happy with everything, I couldn’t find a better friend, I’m not afraid to walk along dark alleys with him and I’m not afraid to leave him alone in the apartment. He likes to go for walks a lot, although he doesn’t ask for them. The only thing is shedding. For two weeks the entire apartment was covered in wool. I have to run after him with a vacuum cleaner :) Natasha, Moscow

Akita became my first dog. Male. After cats.. The most loyal, wise, obedient, super-duper DOG in the world! he needs to devote a sufficient amount of time, I have it. After work you should always go for a walk. And the dog is happy and you are ready for bed. IMHO!

Surprisingly, my dog ​​tolerates car trips well, although what am I talking about... some say that he behaves calmly for 2-3 hours on an airplane. Now I always take it with me when I go somewhere on personal business. I think he likes it, you can see from his face that he’s happy. Once she saw herself in the side mirror, she admired herself so much! I advise potential owners not to worry, they are kind dogs and, most importantly, wise - so you will definitely find a common language! Try it.

What to feed your Akita Inu

Remember that the Akita Inu is a Japanese breed, so fish and rice will be appropriate in its diet. And also barley, potatoes and light vegetables. But there are often allergies to the usual poultry and beef, and in general, feeding the Akita is different. For example, they cannot eat a lot of protein foods, including any meat.

But boiled meat in combination with fermented milk products is beneficial for the development of puppies. You can give eggs and sometimes apples, but offal, pork and flour products are prohibited. The puppy is fed 4-5 times a day, and you can switch to an adult regimen with 2 meals a day at 8-10 months.

With adult Akita Inu everything is simpler. On average, meat and fish, cereals, vegetables and dairy products should be in approximately equal proportions. You cannot give sausages, smoked meats, spices, pickles, river fish with small bones, raw meat and sugar in any form. Dry food also needs specialized food, for exotic breeds and without wheat and corn.

Photo: littlepets.ru


There are no special whims in nutrition, the main rule is not to give food from your table. Everything fatty, salty, sweet, spicy, fried and smoked should never end up in her bowl. Almost all representatives have a love for boiled fish, you just need to choose the bones. It is best to develop a diet in consultation with a professional.

The simplest way is factory-made high-quality food, it is already balanced with all the necessary additives. A couple of times a week you need to add cottage cheese, kefir or yogurt, a piece of lean meat, boiled vegetables with broth and boiled sea fish. There should always be fresh water in the second bowl. At the time of shedding, vitamins are added to the food for coat growth.

Health and disease of the breed

Akitas are notable for their excellent health and very rarely get sick. But they are prone to allergies, so you need to carefully monitor their diet. Joint problems, hypothyroidism, eye diseases and bloating are rare. The most dangerous problem that requires immediate intervention is gastric volvulus.

Photo: nekusaka.com

Pomeranian Spitz: breed description and care (60 photos)


The price of an Akita Inu depends on the status of the animal: show, breed or pet class.

  • Show class are dogs that have clearly expressed breed characteristics. In Moscow they cost from 65 thousand to 100 thousand rubles.
  • If you buy second hand, puppies without a pedigree cost from 3,000 to 6,000 rubles. If you have a veterinary passport and card - from 4,000 to 8,000 rubles.
  • If the dog does not have a pedigree or it belongs to the pet class, you will pay up to 35 thousand rubles for it in Moscow, and in the regions you can count on the cost being 20-40% lower.
  • Puppies with a pedigree cost from fifty thousand to 70 thousand rubles.

Many people practice booking Akita puppies in nurseries, both Russian and foreign, including Japanese. It costs about 80,000 rubles. In Japan, prices range from 2500 to 3000 euros.

Akita Inu - photo

Look how beautiful Akita Inu dogs are at any age! Well, how can we resist here?

Photo: akitainu.kz

Photo: youtube.com

Photo: dogcatdog.ru

Photo: dogsta.ru

Photo: animaljournal.ru

Photo: goldperepel.ru

Photo: abrikos1.ru

Photo: kakprosto.ru

Photo: hola.com

Photo: klkfavorit.ru

Photo: wallpaperscraft.ru

Photo: pet7.ru

Photo: funart.pro

Photo: klkfavorit.ru

Photo: domashniydrug.ru

Photo: mnogo-krolikov.ru

Photo: goodfon.ru

Photo: doggav.ru

Photo: decordog.ru

Photo: sobaki.pro

Photo: wallpaper.mob.org

Photo: dogzy.ru

Photo: izi.ua

Photo: smallivingworld.ru

Photo: vk.com

Photo: youtube.com

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Process Features

Here is a description of certain points that you should pay attention to:

It is better to organize the process in the male’s familiar territory so that he is calm. But the female must be given time to get used to the unfamiliar environment.

Be sure to read the certificate from the veterinarian about the health of the dog acting as a partner for your dog. And take care of this document in relation to your pet. This is the standard for starting mating.

Mating is possible only on the right days, otherwise the male will not show interest in the female, and she may show aggression towards the dog.

It is necessary to restrain a girl of the Acta Inu breed if she tries to break out of the “lock.” Repeated knitting is carried out every other day.

At the end of the procedure, the dog must be kept at rest.

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