Reviews from owners about the Toy Terrier breed: the nature of the dogs, care features, attitude towards children, as well as their pros and cons

Toy terriers are miniature and decorative dog breeds.

They have a cute and harmless appearance. But often the appearance of such a baby conceals its own individual character, which requires a certain approach.

Despite their small size, they require special care and attention.

Many owners, comparing toy terriers with other breeds (for example, Chihuahuas), say that in some ways they are even more difficult to keep than other types of dogs.

Breed traits

Breed traits (on a 5-point scale)

English toy terrier
Activityin the house4
on the street4
Dominationin family2
over dogs3.3
Defending your territoryfrom people3.5
from dogs4
Sociabilityin family4.7
with strangers3.7
with dogs3.9
Concentrationin family1.2
in front of strangers1.8
with dogs1.5
Aggressivenessin family1
to strangers1.2
to the dogs1.2
to cats2
Family behaviorcalmness3.5
demand for affection4
excessive barking2.5
behavioral breakdowns2
Tolerance for childrenup to 4 years4
over 4 years old4
Institutional usewatchman4

This breed is often compared to the following dog breeds: Jack Russell Terrier, Miniature Pinscher, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Doberman Pinscher, Pomeranian.

The photo shows what English Toy Terriers look like:

Breed characteristics

The English Toy Terrier is a devoted companion. The word “toy” in the name translates as “toy”. Thanks to its miniature size and unpretentiousness, this dog is easy to keep in a small apartment.

The main characteristics of the toy are a graceful physique, thin legs, large erect ears, and short hair. The temperament is impulsive, this dog is active, brave, and cheerful. She has retained the hunting instincts from her ancestors and can rid the house of rats. But now it is more of a decorative pet or companion. These dogs are affectionate and obedient, boldly rushing to protect their owner.

NameEnglish toy terrier
country of originGreat Britain
group of breeds according to the ICF classificationterriers
life expectancy10-13 years
height25-30 cm
weight2.7-3.6 kg
character traitsfriendly, playful, loyal, smart
difficulty of careeasy, sheds little


This mini breed is ideal for small apartments; it can be adopted by pensioners and teenagers. This is an excellent companion, obedient and loyal. Toy terriers also have other advantages:

  • high intelligence, quick-witted, well trained;
  • balanced, calm, unlike other small dogs, not prone to nervousness and barking for no reason;
  • affectionate, friendly to all family members;
  • treat children well;
  • playful, cheerful, sociable;
  • can guard the territory, warning their owners about the approach of strangers with a loud bark;
  • unpretentious, do not require serious care;
  • have good health.


But despite its miniature size, it is still a terrier. Their ancestors were bred for hunting; these qualities have been preserved in the character of modern dogs. Some owners may not like these disadvantages:

  • these dogs are very active, you need to walk them a lot;
  • can be stubborn, self-willed;
  • often come into conflict with other dogs;
  • They become very attached to one owner and are very bored when separated from him.

Origin story

The breed originated in Great Britain. The ancestors of these dogs are black and tan terriers. Manchester terriers, Italian greyhounds, and whippets were also used in breeding. Such mini dogs were known in England back in the 16th century. At first they were used for hunting small burrowing animals. Dog competitions to kill rats were popular. When rat fighting was banned, breeders began selective breeding. The breed became popular among rich ladies.

In the 19th century, English terriers spread throughout the world and this dog breed became popular. But black and tan terriers have long been classified as one of the Manchester varieties. These two breeds were separated only in 1962. An official standard was adopted, and the name English Toy Terrier was assigned to the mini variety.

Now this breed is very rare even in its homeland. The American Kennel Club still considers Toys to be a dwarf variety of Manchester Terriers and classifies them as the same breed. These dogs have not become widespread in Russia either. Russian Toy Terriers are bred here.

Differences from the Russian Toy Terrier

These are small, smooth-haired dogs with little noticeable difference in appearance. Unlike the English, the Russian Toy Terrier can be red or brown in color. They are slightly smaller in size, weighing no more than 3 kg. The muzzle is not as elongated as that of the English, and the ears are wider at the base.

Russian toy terriers have almost lost their hunting instincts; they are more of a decorative breed. They may have a nervous personality. English Toys differ from Russian Toys in having a more stress-resistant, balanced temperament.

Attitude towards children

This breed is quite wary of children. Some representatives, of course, may not perceive the baby as a threat, but most toys will never tolerate being grabbed by the tail.

For this reason the dog is not suitable for small children. It is worth getting one for a child only if he is already at least 8 years old and he fully understands the fragility of the animal.

There are often cases when children, unknowingly, could offend a toy terrier, and he would bite in response. Also, very young children can somehow harm it.


Play between a dog and a child should always be supervised by an adult. This way you can explain to him how to behave with a pet and how not to.

Appearance standard for English Toy Terriers

The English Toy Terrier is a small dog. Even an adult dog is no more than 30 cm tall and weighs on average 3-4 kg. They have a proportional build and attractive appearance. The main feature is the characteristic shape of the ears in the form of a candle flame and the black color with red spots.


The head is wedge-shaped, elongated. The skull is flattened, elongated, cheekbones are well defined. The lips are black, close fitting, and there are no jowls. The bridge of the nose is straight, the lobe of English terriers is large and should be black.

The eyes are almond-shaped, quite large, close-set. Dark brown in color. The look is expressive and intelligent. The ears are set high and close to each other. They are long, erect, have a characteristic shape, and the tips are pointed.


The physique is proportional, the body is almost square in format. The neck is graceful, of medium length. The chest is deep, slightly compressed from the sides, the stomach is well tucked. The back is muscular, smooth, the croup is sloping. The tail is set low and continues the line of the back. It is of medium length, tapers towards the end, and has a saber shape. In its homeland it is customary to dock it.


The forelimbs are straight, rather thin, set parallel. The hindquarters are muscular, with well-defined joints. Paws are arched, with thick pads. They move easily and gracefully.

Coat and color

English terriers are a smooth-haired breed. The coat is shiny and short. The guard hair is hard, close-fitting, and there is no undercoat.

The standard color is only black and tan. Red or brown spots are located on the lower part of the muzzle, above the eyes, on the chest, and limbs. White marks are not allowed by the standard.

Photos complement the description of the appearance:

Characteristics of the breed representatives

These dogs have an active, lively temperament. They are very active, cheerful and playful. Toy terriers love attention, when they are admired and praised. They are always ready to follow their beloved owner, love to sit on laps, and obey in everything. They do not tolerate loneliness well and may chew things out of boredom. If you deprive your pet of attention, he may become offended.

These dogs are affectionate and friendly with all family members. They get along well with children, although it is undesirable to leave them alone, as the baby can injure the fragile dog. They are wary of strangers, but without aggression. They will bravely defend their territory. They may be jealous of other pets, and rodents are perceived as prey.

English Toy Terriers can be characterized as follows:

  • inquisitive;
  • cheerful;
  • good-natured;
  • sociable;
  • fearless;
  • active;
  • devotees;
  • sensitive.


English Toy Terriers can be stubborn, lazy, and self-willed. They need timely socialization and competent education. From an early age, the puppy needs to be accustomed to strangers, other animals, and street noise. It is important to show the rules of behavior, otherwise the dog’s mischievous puppy behavior will remain in adulthood. You must immediately stop the urge to bite.

Toy Terriers can be easily taught basic commands and are intelligent and eager to earn praise. During the training process, you need to adhere to several rules:

  • speak to your pet in an even, calm voice;
  • you can't shout;
  • eliminate physical punishment;
  • It is better to conduct classes in a playful way;
  • you need to be persistent and ensure that the dog follows the command;
  • Treats, affection, and praise are suitable for encouragement.

In addition to basic commands, English Toy Terriers enjoy learning tricks. They love to run and can participate in agility, freestyle and other dog sports.

Who is better to choose - a boy or a girl?

As with many breeds, females and males differ in personality, and Toy Terriers are no exception.

Girls are more diligent, they are better trained. By temperament, females are calmer if it does not concern the protection of offspring. Females also get along better with children. They have a kinder disposition and will be patient if the baby suddenly hurts her.

Toy terrier boys are more active. They need to release energy. They need to be trained from an early age, otherwise you risk getting a completely uncontrollable dog. Males are more aggressive towards others and children. They do not like strangers and certainly will not tolerate bullying.


Of course, each dog is individual, but there are definitely differences between girls and boys. It depends only on you how the dog will grow up, because all the shortcomings in the pet can be corrected.

Bitch owners will also have to deal with estrus , pregnancy and childbirth . This is a difficult process for such a small breed, and with the intervention of a specialist it is not cheap.

On the other hand, owners of male dogs will be faced with the fact that their pets will have to be bred or sterilized.

When choosing the sex of an animal, you need to base it only on your feelings, as well as on possibilities. If you are confident that you can handle the dog, it does not matter whether it is a boy or a girl.

Maintenance and care

You can only keep an English Miniature Terrier indoors. They live quietly in a small apartment, as they do not need a lot of space. They will need a small bed or house and a few toys.

They are not suitable for keeping outdoors; due to the lack of undercoat, they do not tolerate heat and cold well. You need to take your toy for a walk 2-3 times a day, for a walk of 30-40 minutes. In cold weather, your pet should wear overalls. The peculiarity of these dwarf dogs is that, if necessary, they can be trained to use the toilet in a diaper.

Caring for toy terriers is not difficult, they are clean and shed little. They do not need to be brushed often; just brushing the coat 2-3 times a week is enough. Bathing often is also not necessary - once every 2-3 months. If you wash your paws and wipe the fur with a damp towel after every walk, your pet will always be clean. And there is no unpleasant odor from these dogs.

You only need to trim the claws a few times a month; they grow quickly on toy dogs. It is also recommended to keep your eyes and ears clean. To prevent tartar, brush your teeth with dog toothpaste once a week. Every 3 months you need to carry out deworming, and in the summer you need to treat them monthly for external parasites.


English Toy Terriers are prone to obesity. They love to eat, and if they don't exercise enough, they will quickly gain excess weight. Therefore, you need to carefully choose your diet and the amount of food. An adult dog is fed 2 times a day. Natural food or industrial feed is suitable.

In the first case, the bulk of the diet should be lean meat. It is useful to give your dog porridge, vegetables, and dairy products. 1-2 times a week you need to give sea fish and egg yolk. Add greens, bone meal, and multivitamins to your food. You can give pieces of fruit and cheese as treats. Pork, sweets, smoked, salted and fried foods, and fresh bread are prohibited.

It is convenient to feed your pet with ready-made dry food or canned food. They make it easier to determine the required amount. The food should be premium or super-premium, designed specifically for small breed dogs.


English Terriers have good health. On average they live 12-14 years. But there are cases where they lived for 15 and even 20 years. It depends on the genetics of the animal, on the characteristics of the content. If you get vaccinations on time and feed your pet properly, he will remain active until old age. But sometimes these dogs have health problems.

Due to the pet's graceful physique, small stature and excessive activity, injuries often occur. Toys love to jump and get under people's feet. Therefore, they are susceptible to dislocations, fractures, and sprains. It is even possible that the vertebrae may be displaced. Also, these dogs often catch colds; their fur does not protect them from bad weather.

Sometimes these dogs also have the following diseases:

  • hydrocephalus;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • metabolic disease;
  • pancreatitis;
  • retinal atrophy, cataract;
  • allergy;
  • Peters disease.


they're nasty. and they rant out of nowhere. I would choose another small breed. for example I have a Yorkie

Toya (standard) was adopted when my son was 10 years old. There were many situations, one time she almost got pinched by the doors, another time she stepped on her, etc. Even breeders recommend taking this breed into families where children are over 10 years old. A couple of years later, they left their little girl (mini) so that she wouldn’t be sad. The characters are completely different. The eldest son apparently terrorized me a lot in childhood, so now he is taller than me by 180, and she builds on him, she can barely claw at anything normally, but she doesn’t touch my husband and me, no matter what you do with her, and she doesn’t like small children. Guests came, one of the children waved his hand at her and bit her. The second one is absolutely harmless. And the point here is not in the dog’s upbringing, but in the original character. How long have we raised the eldest so that she would not bite the little ones uselessly? There have already been four litters of puppies. All puppies are different, with their own characters. Some are more active and aggressive, others are calmer and fearful, you have to look at it. Everything is on dry food. it is very comfortable. Still, I advise you to take the standard.

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Yes, I’m also already thinking about whether it’s worth getting it, I also read a bunch of reviews on the internet, 4 days of searching and watching videos. This matter needs to be taken seriously, because even though the dog is small, this is a serious step. I was thinking about different dogs, small breeds, I watched both Yorkies, Westies, Biro Yorkies, etc. There is a lot of care for them, combing their hair, cutting it (of course, I can cut hair myself, even though I’m a human, I’m still a hairdresser.) I think I’ll probably put off buying a dog completely. Because I don’t want to worry about it when my children inadvertently injure the dog, that’s all I really think this is a dog for single people, or with a family with adult children. It’s a pity, of course, I was determined to buy a dog myself.

How to buy an English Toy Terrier puppy

This breed is quite rare and it is not easy to buy a puppy. In order for him to be purebred, you need to contact a nursery that breeds these particular terriers. Real English toys cost from 50 to 80 thousand rubles. Sometimes you can find offers on the Internet to buy a dog of this breed for 5-10 thousand. Usually a Russian Toy Terrier or a Miniature Pinscher is passed off as an English one.

The nursery guarantees the purchase of a purebred puppy with good genetics, with all the documents. You need to check the parents' pedigree and veterinary passport. When choosing, pay attention to compliance with the standard, behavior and appearance. A healthy puppy is cheerful, playful, curious, has smooth shiny fur, clean eyes and ears, and a soft, non-bloated tummy.

The photo shows what the puppies look like:

English mini terriers are the best dogs for small apartments and for older people. With proper upbringing, this dog will become a devoted and affectionate companion, brighten up the everyday life of a lonely person, and take part in all the child’s games. You just need to give your pet enough attention.

How long do they live?

Despite all its fragility, the Mini Toy is a very healthy breed that does not have many genetically predisposed diseases.

So, its representatives often live up to 15 years. However, due to their weak bones, they often suffer mechanical injuries from falls and small impacts on furniture.

To read: Tricks and secrets for caring for a Spitz: how to cut a dog’s hair at home?

So don't let your pet jump off high chairs or sofas.

As for the most common diseases, these will be:

  • hydrocephalus,
  • aseptic necrosis of the femoral head,
  • medial luxation of the kneecap,
  • pancreatitis,
  • cataract,
  • hip dysplasia.

In order to avoid encountering these diseases, when choosing a puppy, you need to familiarize yourself with the medical records of its parents. If they were healthy, then their offspring most likely will not suffer from genetically transmitted diseases.

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