Pit bull mastiffs - what they look like, what kind of dog they are and what their character is

Pit bull mastiffs are dogs that have an undeservedly bad reputation. People are afraid of these animals, consider them unreasonably aggressive and very dangerous. The descendants of these dogs have fighting roots - this served to create the stereotype of uncontrollable bloodthirsty pets.

Interest in this type of dog has recently grown due to the fact that pit bull mastiffs are included by legislators in the “List of Potentially Dangerous Dog Breeds.” These dogs must be on a leash and muzzle when appearing in public places, and their presence on the territory of a private home must be indicated by a warning sign.

What exactly is a Pitbull Mastiff dog? Does such a breed exist? What types of pit bull terriers and mastiffs can you find? What do these controversial animals look like and are they characterized? You can find answers to all these and other questions about this type of dog in our material.

Pit bull mastiffs - does such a breed exist?

If you refer to international canine standards, study them carefully, you will not find the pit bull mastiff dog breed there. There are breeds there: bull terrier, bullmastiff, mastiff, American pit bull terrier, American Staffordshire terrier. Mastiffs, by the way, have many varieties in the standards: Spanish, English, Major, Tibetan, Neapolitan and Pyrenean.

Can't you find why? Because there is no standard for the Pitbull Mastiff breed! It is not included in any international classification. There is no standard, but there are dogs! And even included in some lists. Next we will look at what a pit bull mastiff looks like, what kind of dog it is and what kind of character it has.

Important: you can often come across the statement that pits (the American pit bull terrier breed) do not have an official Standard. This is wrong! Pit bulls are recognized by three canine organizations - ADBA, UKC, AKC.

American Pit Bull Terrier

How much does a crossbreed cost?

Mixed dachshund and toy terrier, chihuahua, shepherd dog, spaniel and others

Prices for husky mixes can vary greatly, depending on what breed they were crossed with:

  • a purebred husky with a pedigree in kennels with a good reputation costs up to 60 thousand rubles;
  • a mixture of Husky and Pomeranian Spitz is a designer breed, and therefore very expensive, its cost can exceed the cost of a purebred animal;
  • A husky mixed with a malamute costs significantly less than the original - up to 5 thousand rubles.

Mixed breeds of many breeds are given for a symbolic price or absolutely free.

Dog breed Pitbull Mastiff - a cross between a pitbull and a mastiff

Yes, dogs that are called that way are mestizos, hybrid animals. A detailed description of this mix is ​​not often found on Russian-language sites, but in the English-speaking space there is a lot of material about such pets.

There are several common names for these hybrids:

  • pit mastiff;
  • American suit bull;
  • bullmastiff pitbull mix;
  • American bandoggy.

These could all be different dogs, because there are a lot of options for crossing similar breeds. The American Pit Bull Terrier can be bred with the Neapolitan Mastiff, with the Bullmastiff, with the Mastiff.

What does a hybrid look like?

Due to the fact that breeders have many options for crossing and obtaining mixed breeds, it is impossible to describe in one word what Pitbull Mastiff dogs look like. The appearance of the hybrid in each specific cross will depend on what its parents looked like.

One thing is for sure - this is a fairly large, muscular animal with a stocky build. Mixed breed males can reach 63-74.5 cm in height and weigh from 45 to 63 kg. The females of this cross-breed are somewhat smaller, but also impressive in size. Given the active nature of the breed, you should not get such dogs if you do not have enough space.

The coat color of mixed breeds can also vary greatly. The color of a mix puppy is influenced by the coat color of its parents. Most likely color options:

  • black pitbull mastiff;
  • white;
  • red (usually red pit bull terrier puppies);
  • brown;
  • brindle.

In addition to these pure colors, combination color options are possible - a mixture of the above colors. Some individuals have a characteristic “black mask”.

The structure of the wool of hybrids is thin and short with a low or moderate level of shedding. It is not difficult to care for such fur; it is enough to comb your pets every week with a brush or a massage mitten.

Description of the temperament of the pit bull mastiff breed

The pit bull and mastiff mix differs from its formidable ancestors in its affectionate temperament, affection for humans, loyalty and obedience. At the same time, dogs still have guardian instincts in their blood - with proper training, pitas can take on the role of guardians of household property.

Dogs are wary of strangers, so that your guests do not suffer from unmotivated aggression - carry out early socialization of pets. Accustom them from puppyhood to your friends and loved ones. Take your pet outside the house, do not keep them on a chain.

Mixed breeds may not be very friendly to other pets, especially dogs. To teach your dog to react calmly to other pets, gradually and systematically teach it. Take them to puppy pads, to a park where dog walkers walk. The more different animals the puppy meets, the better for its socialization.

From their ancestors, the dogs inherited intelligence, good learning ability and enormous strength. Therefore, these dogs are not suitable for novice dog owners. The owner of the pit must be a confident leader, whose leadership qualities the dogs will not doubt. When training a mestizo, you need to be persistent and demand unquestioning execution of commands.

Frivolity in relation to these animals is unacceptable! Losing control of dogs is potentially dangerous. The owner must guarantee the safety of his family and others, and stop attempts to show unmotivated aggression in the bud. In the hands of an experienced and competent owner, dogs become wonderful companions.

Do not leave Pit alone for a long time - the Pitbull Mastiff needs company and communication with his family. Alone, the dog gets bored and suffers - this pushes him into destructive behavior. Give your pet enough time, play with it, communicate - the animal needs this.

People often ask whether families with children can have this type of dog. The answer to this question will be yes. However, it should be borne in mind that it is better to adopt such dogs for those families in which the children have already grown up. Dogs do not intentionally offend small children, but given their power and large size, they may accidentally drop them in play.

Daily physical activity, long walks and exercise are essential for the physical and mental health of dogs. Ideally, to keep them you need a spacious fenced yard where the pet can frolic to its heart's content. If this is not possible, dogs need to be walked several times a day. The duration of each walk should be at least 1 hour.

Other mixtures

With Labrador

This mestizo, called the Labrabule, is famous for its intelligence, intelligence, devotion to its owner and energy. It grows up to be slightly larger than a pit bull, and, as a rule, has a lighter build.

His coat is short and dense, his ears are drooping or semi-erect, his muzzle is somewhat narrowed, and his gaze has a serious and attentive, but at the same time, friendly expression.

The color of labrabules can be different, typical for representatives of either of the two original breeds. The most typical coat color for them is fawn, red or black, which most often has white markings.

Labradors rarely have a complex or, let alone, problematic disposition, since the friendly and, in general, softer, albeit mischievous nature Labradors , as a rule, dominates over such traits of pit bulls as innate zoo-aggression and stubbornness.

With Doberman

These dogs, called Dober Pits, grow to a medium to large size. They are very smart, quick-witted and agile. They have rather long legs and a muscular, strong body.

The heads of these mestizos are relatively small, however, their cheekbones are as well defined as those of purebred pit bulls, and their jaws are just as powerful and strong.

The coat is short and smooth, the ears are semi-erect or pink. Some owners of Dober Pits, in order to give their pet a resemblance to a purebred Doberman, crop their ears during puppyhood.

The color can be any, however, there are often more or less pronounced tan marks, typical of Dobermans.


Dober pitas can be naturally distrustful of strangers, and it cannot be ruled out that such a mestizo will naturally be prone to animal aggression.

With Rottweiler

Pitweilers, as these dogs are called, are usually medium to large in size. They have a fairly powerful build, well-developed muscles and a wide chest.

The head is quite massive, but proportionate to the body, with high cheekbones and a well-defined transition to the muzzle. The jaws are strong and powerful, although not as wide as those of Rottweilers.

This mixed breed can have any color, however, it often has tan. Three-color pitweilers look especially elegant.

The coat is short and shiny, the ears are semi-erect or pink.


Like other large mixed breeds of serious breeds, Pitweilers need early socialization, as well as proper education and training.

As a rule, such dogs grow up to be smart, quick-witted and devoted to their owner. However, they may have an innate distrust of strangers and aggressiveness towards strange dogs and other animals.

Features of taming and training

To achieve the desired result, it is important to adhere to the following rules when training and training pits:

  1. Dogs are intelligent, but have a strong will and are capable of stubbornness. This will require a lot of patience and firmness from the trainer.
  2. Animals tend to dominate; it is important to behave confidently and consistently with them. From the first lesson, it is necessary to indicate to the dog that the owner is in charge here. He is the leader, you need to obey him, obey him.
  3. Even such giants as pit bull mastiffs love to be encouraged. Give large dogs a large reward (treat or praise) for each task performed correctly.
  4. Start training your puppy in the first days of life in your home.
  5. Workouts should be positive, fun and not very long.
  6. Smart dogs love puzzles, so buy your pet some dog toys for his ingenuity.
  7. Stop training as soon as you notice that your pet is tired or bored. Keep your dog interested throughout the session.

Husky-Spitz mix

Babies born from the mating of a Pomeranian Spitz and a Husky are called Pomskies in official documents. The puppies captivate with their toy appearance, for which they have received the title of designer dog type. Their miniature size makes them ideal companions for city dwellers.


Doggies have a lot of positive qualities:

  • energy, mobility;
  • quick wit, good intelligence;
  • pickiness;
  • endurance;
  • good nature.

Tiny dogs get along well with all household members - people and animals. The exception is decorative rodents, in relation to which the dog may develop a hunting instinct.

Pomskies happily participate in children's games and become devoted friends of the child. Parents can safely entrust their child to a four-legged nanny.

The half-breed, born as a result of an accidental mating of a husky and an Eskimo Spitz, was named Huskimo by dog ​​handlers. The animal is of medium size and has a thick, warm coat. The coat allows you to keep your pet in an open enclosure. Huskimos have inherited unpretentiousness from their ancestors and feel calm in Spartan conditions.

Mestizos make reliable guards. However, the pet must be supervised because it loves to show independence. Huskimos need constant training and long walks. Physical activity helps keep fit and fight the tendency to obesity.

Dogs are easy to train and easily learn basic commands. They announce the approach of a stranger with a loud, loud bark. At the same time, they do not show visible aggression towards strangers, but remain alert in their presence.

Care and maintenance

Large sizes and fairly high breed activity require large spaces to keep the dog. The best option for keeping them is a private house with a fenced yard. In city apartments, dogs will feel cramped.

Dogs require regular walking and at least an hour of vigorous exercise daily. This is necessary for mental and physical stimulation. A leash will be required to walk your dog in public places. You need to monitor the presence of other dogs in walking areas; pitas can behave unpredictably around unfamiliar fellow dogs.

Caring for these dogs does not cause any particular problems for owners. Short hair is not difficult to care for; it is enough to brush it weekly. Dogs are bathed only when they are heavily soiled to remove dirt and unpleasant odors. If dogs inherit facial wrinkles from Mastiffs, regular examination and cleaning of skin folds will be required.

Dogs' nails are trimmed as they grow. It is best to do this in a groomer's salon so as not to damage the nail plate. Teeth brushing is taught from puppyhood. To avoid dental plaque, teeth are cleaned with a special brush and veterinary paste.

Mix of German Shepherd and Pitbull: description of appearance

Such dogs can hardly be called beautiful or cute; they rather have an unusual and specific appearance.

The physique of mixed breeds is more reminiscent of slender German shepherds than squat, heavy pit bulls. The animals have a tall, strong body with a powerful chest and long, muscular legs.

Dogs have a small head with large, triangular-shaped ears and powerful jaws.

The coat color of mixed breeds, like pit bulls, can be any: black, gray, red or dark brown. Most often, animals have a monochromatic color, but sometimes the main color of the coat can be diluted with spots and stripes of other shades (white, golden and black).

Important: some mestizos have a very interesting brindle coloration, which makes them look like African hyenas. These individuals have beige colored fur and have golden, black and white stripes throughout their body.

Mix of German Shepherd and brindle pitbull

Métis health

All large dogs live less than miniature ones. Pit bull and mastiff mixes are large in size - their average life expectancy is 8-12 years. Some genetic and non-hereditary health problems present in this breed may affect this duration.

  1. Hip dysplasia.
  2. Diabetes.
  3. Hypothyroidism.
  4. Subaortic stenosis.
  5. Progressive retinal atrophy.
  6. Chronic renal failure.

Husky-Malamute mix

The mixing of Malamute and Husky blood led to the formation of a variety called Alaska. In appearance, the half-breed is more reminiscent of a wolf. The animal has a large body and strong paws. Powerful limbs help them run well in the snow, which is why the Alaskan is often used in dog sleds.


Mixed breeds show excellent results in sporting competitions among sled dogs. In addition, they have developed intelligence and natural intelligence. Alaskans have good health and a stable psyche.

Dog breed American Pit Bull Terrier

To better understand what you can expect from a pitbull mastiff mix, let's talk about the main characteristics of their ancestors. The American Pit Bull Terrier is one of the breeds that participated in the cross that gave birth to pit bulls. The birthplace of the American Pit Bull Terrier breed is the USA.

Everyone knows about pit bull terriers. In the eyes of ordinary people, this is the most evil “fighting breed” that should be avoided. There are countries in which owning dogs of this breed is equivalent to edged weapons. Before you get such a dog, you need to pass certain tests.

However, in the new “List of Potentially Dangerous Dogs,” which from January 1, 2020, everywhere and always (except in a fenced area belonging to the owner) must be muzzled and on a leash, there are no pit bull terriers. There are only pit bull mastiffs - a breed that does not exist in the Canine Standards.

If the dog is in good hands. Its owner devotes a lot of time and attention to his pet. She has undergone special training and early socialization, then she will grow up to be a reliable friend and selfless protector. Such pit bulls do not hesitate to come to the aid of the owner and his family.

Brief characteristics of the American Pit Bull Terrier - description of the nature of the breed

If we talk about the average representative of this “fighting breed”, we can highlight the following characteristic features:

  1. Stable nervous system. It should be noted that this statement is only true for dogs with which a dog handler works professionally.
  2. The desire to be a leader, stubbornness. Pitbulls want to dominate - it's in their blood. The owner must confidently show that he is the boss in the house.
  3. The desire to serve people. Petes are very people-oriented; they want to be useful and please their owners.
  4. High level of learning ability. If you find the right approach to these dogs, they can be trained easily and quickly.
  5. High activity. Dogs prefer to spend their time actively: running, jumping, swimming. They successfully engage in dog sports: agility (overcoming an obstacle course at speed), scrijoring (towing a skier), obedience (obedience), weight pulling (dragging weights), mondjoring (complex competitions).
  6. Pugnacity. Pit bulls are bullies and fighters. It is in their blood to dislike their relatives. The owner must ensure that the pet unquestioningly follows commands and obeys him. If you leave this moment to chance, you will face constant fights with your relatives on walks.

The breed is considered a service breed. In different countries, pit bulls are in service: in the police, in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, in drug control. They are also used as guards, watchmen and for hunting.

Now that we have learned the character of the American Pit Bull Terrier, it is easier to understand how a pit bull mixed breed puppy can turn out. This will help you make your final decision in choosing a pet.

Pit bull terrier puppy

What types of pit bull terrier mixes are there?

When they say pita, they mean all varieties of pit bull terriers, and in our time there are several types: bulldog, terrier, mixed. In addition, continuous breeding work has led to the emergence of new species:

  • Cuban pita, distinguished by its enormous size;
  • French pit bull - a bulldog crossed with a pug;
  • dwarf pit - the result of crossing with a Patterdale Terrier;
  • Albanian is a cross between Dalmatians.

This list may be replenished with new names in the future if the breeding work of dog handlers with this interesting breed is not stopped.

Detailed description of the characteristics of mestizos

There are many varieties of mestizo breeds, differing from each other both in appearance and in character and behavioral characteristics.

With a German Shepherd

A cross between a Husky and a German Shepherd is the most popular and has several names: German Husky, Siberian Shepherd, Shepherd Husky and Gerberian Shepski. The last name is the most common.

Purebred Husky

The initial goal that the breeders tried to achieve when breeding this hybrid was a service dog adapted to the conditions of the Far North. It was never achieved. Externally, a mixture of husky and shepherd looks like this:

  • the coat is thick, dense with a pronounced undercoat, brightly colored;
  • eyes are blue or multi-colored;
  • the structure is powerful, but without the sloping croup characteristic of the Germans.

Interesting! A cross between a Husky and a German Shepherd does not strive to serve its owner unquestioningly, like a German, and is not capable of moving long distances. The mestizo did not adopt these parental qualities.

Husky and German Shepherd mix

With a wolf

A mixture of a purebred husky and a wolf is called a wolfop or wolf. They are larger than a dog, but not as big as a wolf.

Volski description:

  • height at withers is 65-75 cm;
  • the head, paws and body are shaped like a wolf;
  • Husky color, blue eyes often come from this breed.

Their character is completely unpredictable. They do not become attached to their owner. Training animals is very problematic. The dog does not recognize strangers at all.

Important! Volskis should not be fed dry food under any circumstances. Even premium brands are not suitable.

They require exclusively natural food. They must have the opportunity to constantly drink clean water; they will need a lot of it.


With a pit bull

A Husky and Pitbull mix is ​​called a Pitsky. This is one of the most popular mixed breeds. They are beautiful, smart and good-natured.

External description of the breed:

  • average height, at the withers up to 55 cm;
  • the body is lighter than that of a pit bull, and with less developed muscles;
  • the ears are erect, cropped by breeders in childhood;
  • eyes are most often blue, but brown, amber, olive and heterochromic options are acceptable;
  • The color is varied, but there is often a light mask on the face.

The character of these pets is at the same time good-natured, simple, and very playful and capricious. They can easily run away from home, so you need to keep a close eye on them.

Husky/Pitbull mix

With a pug

Such a cross is not a designer one and is not purposefully bred. But as a result of accidental mating, the birth of cute doggies is possible:

  • the appearance is almost completely borrowed from the pug, with the exception of size;
  • the height is average between a short husky and a fairly tall pug;
  • the head is round in shape, the muzzle is wide, upturned;
  • ears can be either drooping or erect;
  • eye color brown or blue;
  • the coat is thick and short, color like that of a husky;
  • tail - ring.

Interesting! Although this breed is not purposefully bred, it is quite common and even received a separate name - hag or hagski (the second name for the pug is pag).


Hybrid of Husky and Malamute

A hybrid that is a mixed breed of Husky and Malamute is called an Alaskan. They are bred for a specific purpose: these dogs are universal sled dogs.

The dogs are more powerful and larger than huskies, their hair is longer and thicker. Eye color can be amber, blue, heterochromic.

Outwardly, they are very reminiscent of a wolf, they are almost impossible to distinguish from each other. However, the character of Alaskans is calm, reasonable, and sometimes a little phlegmatic. A distinctive feature is high intelligence.


Mixed Welsh Corgi and Husky

This is a breed not recognized by international and Russian standards, called corgi-husky or horgi. There are standards of appearance for her:

  • the body is long, the legs are short;
  • short height up to 40 cm, average build, weight about 16 kg;
  • the coat is thick, with a well-defined undercoat, and can be of absolutely any color, including spotted and multi-colored;
  • Eye color is most often brown, heterochromia and small blotches of blue are possible.

Horgis have inherited all the best qualities of corgis and huskies. These are very cute dogs with a cheerful, good-natured disposition, suitable for indoor conditions.


Jack Russell Terrier and Husky

This is an extremely rare species, which looks more like terriers, but behaves like both owners at the same time.

With a husky

They decided to mix husky and husky relatively recently. The result is quite difficult to predict.

The resulting hybrid most often inherits the appearance of one of the parents and the disposition of the other. The outcome of the crossing depends on which breed's genes become dominant, as well as on the type of husky.

Outwardly, the animal more closely resembles a husky, perhaps slightly larger in size. The puppy is more muscular than the Husky. The color of the fur and eyes can be any.

Mixed breed with Pomeranian Spitz

This mix is ​​called a Pomsky. They were bred relatively recently, since the breeds are very different, there was no practical need to cross them. But these designer dogs are very popular, and their prices are literally off the charts.

Attention! These fluffy beauties are only suitable for keeping at home.


With Spitz

This variety is distinguished by its larger size than the Spitz, its body structure is more close to that of a husky, but it is very fluffy and has long hair. The eyes are set low and close, the muzzle resembles a fox. The tail is always raised up, often curled into a ring.

These dogs are incredibly popular due to their character traits and attractive appearance. They are one of the most fashionable artificially bred breeds.

Important! This breed is only suitable for keeping in an apartment. Animals will not be able to live on the street or in an enclosure.

With Akita Inu

Mixed breeds of these breeds are called Huskites. They are larger, more powerful and heavier than huskies - their average height is 65 cm.

Outwardly, they are very similar to American Akitas, but their bones are lighter and their skulls are not as large. Inherited from huskies, huskies received coat color and an elongated muzzle shape.

Eye color is predominantly brown, with occasional blue.


With a mongrel

Description of the appearance of a mixed husky with a mongrel:

  • large or medium size;
  • thick coat of medium length;
  • erect ears;
  • eyes brown or blue;
  • color is variable.

It is impossible to predict exactly what the puppy will look like. Problems also arise with determining the future character. It varies depending on the characters of the parents, as well as on upbringing and training. You can raise an aggressive watchman, or you can turn the dog into an easy-going and rather friendly friend.

In addition to the presented impurities, there are many others: collie (border), Labrador, golden retriever, Doberman, Rottweiler, pit bull terrier, bull terrier, Samoyed, even a cross between a chow chow and a husky.

What other dog breeds are on the “dangerous list” along with pit bull mastiffs?

From January 1, 2022, the Federal Law “On the Responsible Treatment of Animals and on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation” dated December 27, 2018 N 498-FZ comes into full force. According to this legislative act (Article 13, paragraph 6), dogs included in the “List of Potentially Dangerous Breeds” must be walked only with a muzzle and on a leash. The only place where you do not need to adhere to this rule is the territory belonging to the dog’s owner. This area should be fenced with a solid fence, and at the entrance there should be a sign “Beware, angry dog!”

A total of twelve dog breeds are included in this list; the thirteenth item includes mixed breeds of the above breeds. The Pit Bull Mastiff is in eleventh position on this list.

List of potentially dangerous dogs:

  1. Akbash.
  2. American Bandog.
  3. Ambuldog.
  4. Brazilian Bulldog.
  5. Bully Kutta.
  6. Purebred Alapaha Bulldog (Otto).
  7. Bandog.
  8. Wolf-dog hybrids.
  9. Wolfdog, wolf hybrid.
  10. Gul dong.
  11. Pitbull mastiff.
  12. North Caucasian dog.
  13. Mixed dogs from points 1-12.

Representatives of the RKF have a number of questions for legislators; not all breeds actually exist, not all are found in our country, but the rules are the rules. Owners of Pitbull Mastiff mixes will need to comply. Violation of this Law provides for liability.


There are no species or subspecies. However, the popularity and widespread distribution of the breed around the world have added local flavor to national standards. Here is a list of the main varieties:

  • German standard. This is a classic model Rottweiler.
  • English standard. Based on Germanic. It has a calm character and excellent protective qualities.
  • American standard. These are large dogs that are far from friendly in nature. Breeders were able to obtain the ideal animal for guard duty.

Reference. Miniature Rottweilers are not a separate type of breed. Such mini animals are born if a genetic failure occurs. For example, a puppy has sick parents, or an error was made during selection.

Further in the photo you can see representatives of this breed of dogs, including small Rottweilers.


An adult animal needs at least an hour to walk. The owner chooses the number of walks, but there must be at least two per day, morning and evening.

It is advisable to give your dog increased physical activity on each walk to maintain good physical shape. Otherwise, the outburst of energy may be unplanned and at home. Then some things will suffer.

An adult dog should walk 2 times a day, for at least an hour

CDC Dog Bite Report

The CDC estimates that nearly 4.5 million people in the United States are bitten by dogs each year, but pit bulls are less often the culprit than many other breeds, including chow chows and German shepherds.

Another CDC study conducted in 2000 aimed to assess which breeds were involved in the deadliest attacks from 1979 to 1998.

However, researchers have discovered many problems and shortcomings while trying to make accurate calculations.

READ: Dog breeds for hikers (+ off-leash hikes)

To date, there is no scientific evidence or proof that pit bulls are more likely to be victims of fatal attacks than all other dogs.


The writer will easily make friends with children and become a member of his breeder's family.
Planned mating involves animals at least two years old. Everything should happen on the dog’s territory for his greater confidence.

Before mating, the animal is checked for diseases and is not fed.

Praiter is a dog with the warlike appearance of a Rottweiler and the grace of a Doberman Pinscher; with proper training, he will become a good friend and companion. A dog devoid of aggression will easily make friends with children and become part of his breeder’s family.

Comparison with other dogs by qualities

German Shepherd

Shepherds and Rottweilers are loyal, strong, hardy creatures. They cope well with assigned tasks, protect and guard their territory. But the German is calmer and friendlier, which cannot be said about the Rottweiler.

Cane Corso

Here the Rottweiler serves as a guard, and the Cane Corso acts as a bodyguard. The second breed has its disadvantages: it sheds for a long time and secretes excessive saliva.

Both breeds have similar personalities. But the Cane Corso requires an active lifestyle, so it is important to provide him with regular exercise.


The differences lie in behavior and tendency to train:

  • The pit bull is a vigilant protector, guardian, and an excellent companion. He easily adapts to a new family and tries in every possible way to please his owner. Protects other pets. For example, a dog will distract a person while the cat steals treats from the table.
  • The Rottweiler demands to be treated as a full member of the family. However, he will only be affectionate with a kind and intelligent owner. This breed should not be underestimated. The Rottweiler can easily trick a person into not following any commands.


The Staffordshire Terrier has a softer and more flexible character, which cannot be noted in the Rottweiler. Both breeds are easy to train, get along well with people, are strong and resilient. They equally love to be lazy: they prefer to sleep or relax most of the time.

Ca de bou

The Spanish Mastiff differs from the Rottweiler in the following features:

  • Despite its formidable appearance, the dog is unusually sensitive and kind. Patient with children, cats and other dogs.
  • Calmly assesses the situation, reacts quickly in emergency situations, and thinks logically.
  • The dog is active and loves sports. Therefore, it is not recommended to keep him in his apartment. Otherwise, it will damage the furniture and equipment.

Attention! Both breeds require quality training under the guidance of an experienced trainer. If you don't take care of dogs, your four-legged friends will grow into dangerous fighters.


The Labrador is not considered a fighting breed. He is very kind and affectionate. The dog can play the role of a hunter, athlete, guide and detective. The animal does not behave maliciously or aggressively. The soft grip of the jaws will not harm the opponent in any way. If you put a Rottweiler against a Labrador, the first one will be stronger.

When choosing between a Labrador and a Rottweiler, it is important to evaluate the purpose of the purchase. If a person spends all his time at work, then it is better to choose the first breed. The Rottweiler will only obey a more attentive, strong and strict owner.

The Rottweiler is an intelligent and unpredictable dog. It is difficult to predict how a dog will grow up without special training. A person must not forget that timely and professional training will result in a kind, obedient, devoted ward.

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