"Stronghold" is a reliable remedy for getting rid of fleas

In the review: I will thoroughly analyze Stronghold drops for dogs, based on my personal experience with the drug and the experience of my colleagues in the workshop.

Now every second owner does not believe that his dog has fleas or does not understand the seriousness of the situation. Meanwhile, these small pests can cause various diseases not only in animals, but also in humans, and can also transmit helminths. There are a large number of treatment products against ectoparasites on the veterinary drug market. That's why I've collected stronghold analogues that may be better suited for your dog.

Release forms and dosage

Stronghold is a safe and effective complex drug from Pfizer for the antiparasitic treatment of cats and dogs. Produced in pipettes with different dosages depending on the type of animal and its weight. As an active ingredient, pipettes with a 6% solution contain 60 mg of selamectin in 1 ml, and pipettes with a 12% solution contain 120 mg of selamectin in 1 ml.

Dog weight, kg.Dosage and pipette volumeprice, rub.
up to 2.5 kgStronghold 6% 0.25 ml490
up to 7.5 kg6% 0.75 ml570
2.6-5 kg12% 0.25 ml525
5,1-1012% 0.5 ml576
10-2012% 1 ml650
20- 4012% 2 ml862

Side effects and contraindications of Stronghold drops

The manufacturer claims that when using the indicated dosages and there are no contraindications, side effects do not occur after treatment with Stronghold drops.

Contraindications to the use of Stronghold:

  • Individual sensitivity or intolerance to selamectin.
  • Exhaustion or dehydration.
  • The fact of illness with a viral or infectious disease.
  • The period of recovery, decreased immunity.
  • The kitten is less than 6 weeks old (1.5 months).

The drug should not be injected into the ear canals, including smearing or wiping. The skin at the site of application of the drug should be unbroken and dry. When applied to wet skin, the degree of absorption decreases. Immediately after treatment, the kitten must be kept under constant supervision and kept away from open sources of fire. Selamectin is a flammable substance.

How to apply

Simple instructions for use. Remove the pipette from the packaging and, holding it vertically, press on the colored cap. Now it can be removed. Apply the preparation to the withers (on dry skin between the shoulder blades at the base of the neck, spreading the hair well). It is necessary to drop all the liquid from the pipette into one place. It is better to remove it compressed to prevent the drug from being absorbed back.


Instructions for use of Stronghold drops

Instructions for use are the main guideline when using any drugs. Many people are accustomed to not reading the instructions until something wrong happens to the animal. We strongly recommend that you spend a few minutes and study at least the basic points:

  • Expiration date: indicated on the packaging and each pipette. If the production date is marked on the pipette, the storage period and conditions are indicated in the instructions.
  • Visual Compliance - Carefully inspect the pipette and its contents before use. Stronghold is an expensive drug that is often counterfeited. In addition, under improper storage conditions, the drops may change color, precipitate, or be otherwise transformed.
  • Prescriptions and dosages - this paragraph indicates whether the drug can be used for a kitten and its spectrum of action.
  • Indications and contraindications - most often, this point is standard in all antiparasitic drugs.

Advice: if you have any doubts after reading the instructions, you are not sure that the drops can be used for any reason, just consult a veterinarian by phone. Remember, there are no absolutely safe antiparasitic drugs, so caution is the key to your pet’s health.

From what age can it be used?

At what age can Stronghold be used? Many owners trust the opinions of “colleagues” so much that they neglect the safety of their pet. There is an opinion that Stronghold can be used on pregnant cats and kittens from birth, but this is not true!

The instructions for the drug clearly state that it is contraindicated in kittens under 6 weeks of age.

If the need for treatment is critical, it is carried out only under the supervision of a veterinarian. In addition, when treating kittens under 6 weeks of age, an individual dosage is selected. After treatment, the kitten is bathed, which reduces the prolonged therapeutic effect, but makes it possible to alleviate the animal’s condition.

The principle of action of the drug

The active substance - selamectin - is absorbed into the systemic bloodstream through the skin and, spreading throughout the body, binds to the receptors of the cells of the muscle and nervous tissue of the parasites, leading to the blockade of these cells and the rapid death of arthropods and roundworms. This substance is safe for animals because selamectin does not pass through the blood-brain barrier and, accordingly, cannot affect the central nervous system of a dog or cat.

1. To get rid of fleas , as a rule, a single use of Stronghold is sufficient; for further prevention, do not forget to treat your cat or dog once a month.

2. When treating otodectosis or sarcoptic mange in dogs, not one treatment may be required, but a whole course with a certain period of time. It is better to clarify this question with your veterinarian.

3. To prevent dirofilariasis, the drug must be used a month before the start of mosquito flight, do monthly treatments throughout all warm months, the last treatment is carried out a month after the end of mosquito flight.

What is Stronghold for cats prescribed for?

  1. Entomosis is a familiar flea to all of us; it is a fairly common parasite. Lice can be seen with the naked eye; the pet constantly gnaws and itches.
  2. Dirofilariasis is a virus that can be transmitted by mosquitoes. After their bite, the cat develops larvae in the lungs. Signs of this disease include lack of sleep and weight loss.
  3. Otodectosis is a disease associated with tick bites; the insect sneaks into the eardrums and drinks blood. The course of this disease is characterized by high fever and discharge from the ear cavity.
  4. Sarcoptic mange is a mite that attacks the body from the inside. The symptoms are the same as with regular mites, the only difference is that the skin becomes dry.
  5. Hookworms are the most common worms.
  6. Toxocariasis, this disease is also associated with worms, but the situation is slightly worse than in the previous case. These worms affect not only the intestines, but also the liver.

In order to avoid such situations, it is recommended to regularly carry out prevention against parasites.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • easy to apply
  • does not leave any oily residue and is quickly absorbed
  • Suitable for all breeds of dogs, including pregnant and lactating bitches
  • the animal can be bathed after 2 hours
  • maximum effect after 12 hours
  • protection for a month
  • has a registration certificate


  • does not affect flatworms
  • does not affect ixodid ticks
  • evaporates quickly from an open pipette

Customer reviews:

I found a lot of reviews about stronghold on forums. Basically they correspond to my working practice and the practice of my colleagues. The drug is worthy!

  1. We picked up a puppy from the street, he was constantly shaking his ears. We went to the doctor, he took a scraping from the ear and said that our dog had otodectosis, he prescribed Stronghold. We bought it, the drug is not cheap, we dripped it onto the withers, and not into the ears, as happens with cheaper products. Within a few days, the itching decreased significantly, and after two weeks, a second smear revealed that all the mites had died. A good product, the animal was cured in just one application! It also has a wide spectrum of action, not only against fleas and ticks, but also against roundworms.
  2. We adopted a puppy from a shelter, they told us that he was treated for helminths, but just in case, we treated him with Stronghold for puppies. After the first application, literally a whole lump of helminths fell out! The result is obvious, so to speak. It was disgusting, but the clinic told us that puppies can have a large number of parasites inside, so it is important to treat them once a month.
  3. My dog ​​developed a receding hairline on his stomach that only grew larger over time. The pet store advised me to treat my dog ​​for fleas with Stronghold. I didn’t do the treatment quite right, the dog ingested the drug and then ran around the house foaming at the mouth. But the remedy really worked - the tummy was completely overgrown in two weeks.
  4. We were treated at the clinic for dog scabies for a very long time. The dog was constantly given some kind of painful injections, but she still constantly scratched herself until she bled and became almost completely bald! It’s good that another clinic prescribed Stronghold. We did not hope, but the effect appeared within a few days - the endless itching disappeared. A month later, the fur began to grow back.

Reviews of the drug "Stronghold"

Most of the feedback from the Internet about the drops is good. However, the drug also has its drawbacks. Among the disadvantages are usually the high cost of the drug "Stronghold" and the appearance of minor side effects after using the medication. The following are reviews from cat owners who used Stronghold for the prevention and treatment of flea, tick and helminthic infestations:

Review No. 1:
“By the will of fate, I became the owner of an already adult 5-year-old cat, which the neighbors wanted to take outside the city as unnecessary. The cat was obedient, very affectionate, but she had a lot of fleas, and there were probably worms too. At the veterinarian's store I asked for the best remedies for parasites. The seller advised me to buy “Stronghold” (drops that eliminate fleas, worms and ticks). On the same day I dropped a drop on the withers of Malvina (the cat’s name) and within two days I was convinced that there were much fewer fleas. On the fourth day, the fleas disappeared completely (dead ones were lying on the litter). The cat became happier and stopped scratching all the time. I think that the worms also died (there seemed to be no ticks)..."

Review No. 2:
“I like the drug “Stronghold”: it is easy to apply, quickly absorbed, and does not leave a greasy sheen. My Barsik came out with worms in his feces the very next day after applying the drops. The only disadvantage of the drug is the side effects. The cat was somehow sad and ate worse than usual. But maybe that’s how it should be, it’s chemistry...”

Review No. 3:
“Before, I didn’t attach any importance to which means to choose for the prevention of parasitic infestations. I bought whatever was cheaper, until one day I almost lost my cat (after one domestic drug I had terrible diarrhea with blood, I was foaming at the mouth). Now I don’t save money: it’s better to overpay than to lose a friend. I buy Stronghold every month and apply it to my cat’s withers. A little expensive (500 rubles per piece in our pet store), but effective. The cat has no fleas or worms. Mishka tolerates “Stronghold” normally, never had diarrhea, refusal to eat, or vomiting...”

Answers on questions

Write questions in the comments, the section is constantly updated with information.

How long does the drug last?

The effect of Stronghold lasts for a month.

What analogues are there?

Analogs are better than Stronghold*:

A drugWhy is it better?Price, rub
InspectorCan be used from 3 weeks.
Works against internal and external parasites, including ixodid ticks. Great option!
From 300 to 500 per pipette depending on weight.
AdvantixA wide range of protection against external parasites - in addition to fleas and ticks, ixodid ticks, mosquitoes and mosquitoes are added to this list. This is the best choice if you want to treat your animal only for ectoparasites. Does not work against helminths. 350-550
AdvocateIt differs from stronghold only in more modern active ingredients.450-700
Frontline Three ActProtects against 18 types of external parasites, is safe when licked and overdoses more than 5 times. A good product if you want to focus on flea and tick treatment. Does not work on helminths. 480-730

Required reading:

Review of 30 drugs for ear mites

Review of 17 deciduous for dogs

Analogues are worse*:

A drugWhy is it worse?Price, rub
Fiprist Spot itDoes not affect internal parasites; the spectrum of action on external parasites is very narrow.250-500 rubles per pipette depending on weight
Celandine BioIt contains a composition of essential oils, which does not work against parasites in principle; the purpose of this drug is to calm the owner.80
Dironet Spot itDespite a fairly wide spectrum of action on internal and external parasites, we do not think it is a safe drug, since it contains outdated active ingredients.95

* subjective opinion based on personal work experience.

When can I wash it?

Stronghold acts through the systemic circulation and is not distributed throughout the lipid layer of the skin. Approximately 30 minutes after application, the drug is completely absorbed into the blood, so you can safely wash your dog or cat without losing the effect of the product after two hours.

Reviews from breeders

Very effective, helps the first time. We got rid of fleas, and he came to the rescue with a problem with worms, I recommend him to everyone.

About 3 months ago we noticed a cat on the street who began to often walk near the supermarket. My family and I talked and decided that we would still take him home. He was wearing a collar, so it became clear that some heartless people had thrown him into the street. During all this time, the cat (we named him Vasya) managed to pick up many parasites. Therefore, it was decided to treat Vasya without delay. The pharmacy recommended the drug Stronghold. Although the product is expensive, we bought it for 430 rubles, but the fluffy had to be treated. A month later, the fur was completely restored, and our mustache began to gain weight. The fleas noticeably died out already on the 10th day after using the product, and Vasya stopped scratching his ear. I can recommend the medicine because we used it and no side effects were found.

Our cat Jim was prescribed Stronghold drops at the veterinary clinic because he was diagnosed with ear mites. The tube has a cap that closes tightly, so the product can be used repeatedly. The pet's face was badly damaged by ear mites, and even the hair in the eye area came off. We used the drug for 3 weeks, and were still able to cure Jim. The cat's salivation increased slightly for the first 3-4 days, but the doctor said that this was normal. I bought Stronghold drops for 290 rubles.

Our cat Michael has not had fleas or other parasites for a whole year, although all this was possible, because he often walks outside with us. And 3 months ago he finally caught fleas from Vasya (our neighbors’ cat). After 3 days, I finally decided to go to the clinic, since it was clear that the fleas would not escape anywhere on their own. The specialist prescribed Stronghold 6% drops for Michael, and that same day in the evening I decided to instill them. If you use this product, be sure to wash and dry your cat. In this case, the product will be much more effective. To my great surprise, after applying the product, Michael did not even lick himself. The design of the tube is well thought out, since not a single extra drop leaked out. The cat should not be washed for 2-3 days, as you will wash off the medicine and not get the result.

special instructions

When working with the drug, do not eat, drink or smoke. After using the drug, you should wash your hands thoroughly with soap and warm water. If the drug gets on the mucous membranes or skin, quickly rinse the area with plenty of water. It is not recommended to allow the animal near small children, wash and pet it for 2 hours after treatment. After 2 hours, the animal can be washed with shampoo, which does not affect the effectiveness of Stronghold for cats and dogs.

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