The most popular and inexpensive dog breeds for home

Almost every person has a firmly ingrained opinion that it is impossible to buy and maintain a pet like a dog without spending a tidy sum of money. It's not like that at all. Today there are inexpensive dog breeds, the acquisition and care of which will not require significant expenditures of the family budget.

This article will list some types of dogs that are very popular, but at the same time do not cost a lot of money. In addition, the text below will describe a variety of existing breeds with a brief description of them - the best dogs, healthy ones, herding dogs, American and French dogs, short-legged dogs, etc.

The most inexpensive dog breeds

Currently, the cheapest dog breeds (not including mongrels, of course) and the most popular are small pets. This is due not only to significant space savings in the home, but also to their attractive and cute appearance. Scientists have found that small dogs become attached to their owner much faster and are much more devoted to him.

The main advantage of such dogs is the ability to keep them in an ordinary, even small city apartment. Being small in size, they will not cause their owner absolutely any discomfort. In addition, certain types of these pets fall under the category of the cheapest dog breed in the world. Below we list some inexpensive breeds of these animals.


The first representatives of this breed appeared in European countries from China. Being naturally cheerful and good-natured pets, however, they are not predisposed to active games. They most prefer long sleep, stable nutrition, as well as affection and, of course, love.

Distinguished by their rather short hair, pugs do not require constant grooming. They are also unpretentious in nutrition and are able to eat whatever their owner eats. These breeds of dogs were created for the family and are used as companions.


Pekingese are the kind of dogs that simply love to be pampered, although this should be done in moderation. These animals are very active and treat not only adults but also children with great love. It should be remembered that representatives of this breed simply cannot stand being alone.

The Pekingese coat requires regular grooming, for this reason there must be a soft comb in the house. It doesn't take much time to comb. It is unpretentious in its choice of food, although it requires additional vitamins. These types of dog breeds are most often used as companions.


All that is required from the owner of this beautiful and intelligent dog is a constant show of love and attention towards the pet. Such an animal should be given a significant amount of time, to which it will respond with affection and incredible devotion.

In addition, lap dogs are distinguished by a high intellectual level, for this reason teaching your pet to perform any tricks will not be particularly difficult. At the same time, it is necessary to monitor the animal’s coat. You need to bathe lap dogs at least 2 times a month. Describing the different breeds of dogs - lapdog puppies, when compared to other types, are relatively inexpensive.

How the price for purebred puppies is determined

Labrador puppies: how much do they cost and how to choose

Based on all of the above, we can conclude what determines the price of a purebred puppy. It includes:

  • Purchase costs, balanced nutrition, vitamins, vaccinations and other necessary elements for the growth of a quality, healthy mother for puppies.
  • Costs of participating in exhibitions and obtaining titles.
  • Cost of mating, services of mating instructors, services of veterinarians.
  • Puppy class. A pet will cost less. If you just need a family friend, then you shouldn’t overpay.
  • Gender of the puppy – girls are more valuable.
  • Age of the puppy - the older the dog, the higher the cost.
  • Litter size. If the litter is above average and the puppies have no defects and can be classified in one of the classes, the cost may be reduced.
  • The puppy has documents, a brand, and all vaccinations required by age.
  • Coat color. Rare types of color are more expensive.
  • The commitment of famous people to one breed or another, people tend to copy their idols, there is a demand for their favorite dogs and the cost increases accordingly.
  • Name of the breeder or cattery. The more famous the manufacturer, the more titled pets he has, the more expensive their puppies are, but you don’t have to worry about the quality.

Raising puppies by breeders

But even if the puppy meets all standards and is very expensive, you can always bargain. A dog breeder, having invested a lot of work, love and care into puppies, and seeing “good hands”, can lower the price.

The strongest type of dog

The answer to the question of what is the strongest dog breed in the world today is the English Mastiff. This is not only the strongest and largest breed, but also one of the most ancient. The heaviest representative of this species weighed 148 kg and was listed in the Guinness Book of Records. These incredible-sized dogs are capable of defeating even a bear, and at the same time they are excellent pets.

They not only protect all family members, but treat the children with care. These animals have been awarded medals more than once for their valor and honor.

Tibetan mastiff

This is one of the most expensive and oldest dog breeds in the world. Excavations confirm that mastiffs were with people already in the Stone Age. Due to the geographical remoteness of Tibet, the characteristics of the breed have not changed for many millennia, and interest in these powerful dogs arose relatively recently.

The Tibetan Mastiff is an animal with a sense of self-esteem. He has a strong and indestructible character. He will not bark over trifles and demands to be treated as an equal.

Surprisingly, the mastiff is active in the evening and at night. This is explained by the fact that in the past, dogs slept during the day so that by night they would be ready to perform guard duty and protect villages and monasteries from attacks by people and wild animals. So get used to your dog barking at night.

A Tibetan will never be the first to attack a person (unless he violates established boundaries). But at the same time, a dog has what people call intuition, and if your dog grumbles displeasedly at a friend he knows well, then perhaps you should take a closer look at this person.

Mastiffs do not like noise and fuss. Therefore, he will do well in a family where there are no very small children and the house does not look like a walk-through yard due to the numerous guests.

If the Tibetan Mastiff grew up with any animal, then in the future it will be a member of his gang, over which there is no need to establish dominance. But if you get someone else with an adult dog, then conflicts are unlikely to be avoided.

If the mastiff does not recognize your dominance, training him will be a difficult task. But even if you are the alpha, you need to treat the dog tactfully and patiently, without allowing even a hint that the pet might lose trust in you.

Video: Tibetan Mastiff

The calmest types of dogs

Of course, giving an exact answer to the question of what the calmest dog breeds are is quite problematic. Today, there is simply no one calmest, single type of dog. In addition, even individuals of the same breed and litter can differ in their characters. True, there are some breeds where breeders in the process of work placed emphasis on this particular point.

In other words, when buying a puppy of this species, you can be 99% sure that his character will be the most balanced. These dogs include the Golden Retriever, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Bernese Mountain Dog and Newfoundland.

Samoyed Laika—$3,500, or 228 thousand rubles

Samoyed Laika

  1. Height - from 50 cm.
  2. The wool is soft and snow-white.
  3. The eyes are almond-shaped and dark brown.
  4. Adult dogs' ears stand up, puppies' ears droop.
  5. The tail is straight, long and bushy.


  1. The husky is in good health.
  2. Despite the fact that the coat is white, the dog does not need to be washed regularly: 1-2 times a year is enough.
  3. Laikas are good with children.
  4. Wool doesn't smell.
  5. They tolerate bad weather well, but do not respect heat.
  6. Very smart, they sense the mood of the owner.


  1. Laika requires constant care.
  2. She sheds constantly.
  3. Loves to bark for no reason.
  4. You need to walk your husky more than 2 times a day.


  • friendly;
  • sociable, begins to feel sad when alone;
  • noisy;
  • not aggressive at all;
  • active, loves competitions and games;
  • trusting, so you shouldn’t let him go outside unattended.

Difficulties of care and education:

  1. It is difficult to train because the dog quickly gets bored with the same actions. Therefore, you need to find a creative approach so that she does not get bored.
  2. If a dog requires special food, then at first you need to feed it food that is familiar to it and gradually introduce new foods into the diet.
  3. Your husky should be given cottage cheese for breakfast every day.
  4. You need to wash your dog with special shampoos that are designed for this type of coat.
  5. Every week your husky needs to brush her teeth with a specialized toothpaste.

Interesting Facts:

  1. Samoyed huskies love seafood, as opposed to other dog breeds that do not like it.
  2. There are two types of huskies: bear and wolf.

Types of guide dogs

Representatives of the guide dog breed are not only a friend, but sometimes simply an irreplaceable companion and assistant for a person with disabilities.

These animals provide these people with assistance that those closest to them cannot offer. Such a pet is with a disabled person 24 hours a day.

All experts recommend the following dog breeds as guide dogs:

  • Giant Schnauzer;
  • Rottweiler;
  • Labrador Retriever
  • German Shepherd.

All these animals are easy to train and very loyal. Among others, American breeds of guide dogs are very popular.

Retinal condition

Detachment or dystrophy are the main problems with the retina during pregnancy. If not everything is in order with the eye vessels, you should definitely visit an ophthalmologist and undergo all the necessary tests.

Deterioration of the retina is the most common reason for cesarean section and the impossibility of natural childbirth.

Ophthalmologists strongly advise pregnant women to undergo a complete examination of the visual system at 10-14 weeks of pregnancy. If the diagnostic results do not reveal any abnormalities, then experts recommend repeating a vision examination at the end of pregnancy, before childbirth. For vision problems, monthly examinations are indicated.

The Healthiest Types of Dogs

Almost every dog ​​breeder will say that a happy and healthy animal can only belong to a caring owner. However, the healthiest dog breeds do exist, for several reasons. For the most part, the healthiest types of dogs are characterized by a minimal percentage of human intervention in the very process of breed formation.

Thus, this rating consists of breeds that are also called primitive. These include the Central Asian Shepherd, Caucasian Shepherd, Laika, Schnauzer, Basset and Bichon Frize.

The best kind of dogs

Answering the question of what is the best dog breed today is quite problematic, since for every dog ​​owner it is the best. However, there are indicators that will help determine the best type of dog. Most often, very smart pets that are easy to train fall under this criterion.

Today, dog experts include the Scottish Setter, Bullmastiff, Dalmatian, Beagle, Husky, Laika and German Shepherd among the best types of these pets. All these animals are characterized by a very high level of intellectual abilities.

Types of long-living dogs

Of course, a dog lives much less than a person. Sometimes it is quite difficult for a pet owner to part with their pet, whose life is coming to an end. To make the joy of communicating with your pet last longer, you should give preference to long-lived dogs.

Most often, representatives of the long-lived dog breed are able to live up to 15-16 years. The longest-living pets include the Yorkshire Terrier, Poodle, Maltese, Miniature Schnauzer, Boston Terrier, Shih Tzu and Dachshund.

The stupidest types of dogs

According to the majority of dog handlers, dogs all over the world are one of the smartest animals. They perfectly understand words and gestures, and some species are able to count to five. But, as you know, there are exceptions to every rule. There are also the stupidest dog breeds in the world, one representative of which will be presented below.

Without a doubt, the dumbest dog breed in the entire world is the Chow Chow. This is no coincidence, because this pet was bred by the Chinese only to protect the house or for food. The animal is simply not designed to be trained or to think.

English bulldog - $4,500, or 293 thousand rubles

English Bulldog

  1. Height - from 30 cm.
  2. Despite his friendliness, the bulldog looks menacing so that strangers do not mistake him for a simpleton and know that if threatened, he will immediately rush into battle.
  3. The lower jaw is curved upward and slightly moved forward.
  4. The eyes are dark brown, closer to black.
  5. The jaw is closed by lips on both sides, but not covered in the middle.
  6. The ears hang on the top of the head and look back.
  7. The bulldog is broad-shouldered.
  8. The belly does not droop.


  1. The Bulldog instantly reacts to danger, which is why it is an excellent bodyguard.
  2. He treats children well and quickly gets used to them.
  3. A loyal bulldog will be next to its owner in both sorrow and joy.
  4. Treats other animals well if they do not show aggression.
  5. The Bulldog is easy to care for and inexpensive to maintain.
  6. Due to its small size, it will have enough space in an apartment.


  1. Gases constantly come out of it naturally.
  2. A bulldog can get sick easily.
  3. He likes to eat a lot without moderation, which is why the owner then has to treat him for obesity.
  4. He is constantly drooling.
  5. Loves to chew on something. Most often, not a bone, but slippers or furniture.
  6. It smells bad.
  7. Loves to jump on people.


  • noisy;
  • the buyer can prepare for the fact that the bulldog will snore at night;
  • friendly;
  • non-aggressive;
  • sociable, if often left alone, he will turn from a cheerful friend into a gloomy old man;
  • stubborn and difficult to train.

Difficulties of care and education:

  1. If you don’t take your dog out for walks on time, it will quickly begin to gain weight, which will lead to serious problems.
  2. The folds on the face should be cleaned with a cotton pad moistened with water. The difficulty is that if you do not regularly check the dirt in the folds, this can lead to health problems.
  3. You should not walk your bulldog in hot weather - he will feel ill from the heat.

Interesting Facts:

  1. The English Bulldog loves to stay at home, so sometimes he refuses to go outside. In fact, there is an explanation for this: he has short hair, which cannot protect the dog from bad weather.
  2. The bulldog walks, shuffling.

Shepherd dog breeds

Since ancient times, when goats, sheep and cattle were domesticated, the dog has become a constant companion of man. This pet not only assisted in grazing livestock, but also protected it from various predators. Initially, all shepherd dogs were called shepherds, and only centuries later the types of herding breeds were identified.

Today, shepherd dogs, the breeds of which will be presented below, are no less popular. These species include the Australian Cattle Dog, Australian Kelpie, Azores Dog, Caucasian Shepherd Dog, Collie and South Russian Shepherd Dog.

Yorkshire Terrier

The cost of a dog of this breed is about 50,000 rubles

This decorative breed originates in the British Isles. From there it spread around the world with the help of local sailors. Yorkies are often mentioned in the records of English kings and their subjects. At that time, dogs were a slightly different species and had a hunting purpose - they were kept for protection from small rodents.

Yorkies grow up to 20 cm and weigh about 3 kg. They have long straight hair, good posture and a proud appearance. A special feature of the breed is the fact that its representatives almost do not shed.

These miniature dogs are very attached to their owners, but have a wayward character. They can be trained quite well, but they follow commands depending on their mood. Intended only for houses and apartments - they cannot be kept outside.

The most unpretentious type of dog

Despite the fact that today there are a very large number of different types of animals, nevertheless, there is the most unpretentious breed of dog, which is characterized by excellent health, does not require any special conditions of maintenance and care, regular combing of hair and bathing.

In addition, such pets do not require intensive and constant walks; they get along well with other pets and strangers. The most striking representative of this category of animals is the Belgian Griffon - a decorative dog, just a godsend for an inexperienced dog lover.

Tibetan Mastiff - from $5,000, or 325 thousand rubles

Tibetan Mastiff

  • An excellent security guard.
  • Not aggressive towards strangers.
  • Gets along with children and understands their little pranks.
  • Doesn't bark for no reason.
  • Mastiffs live up to 15 years and have few health problems.


  • The Tibetan Mastiff is expensive to own.
  • It is not suitable for an apartment.
  • He is difficult to train.
  • It will be difficult for the dog to be on a chain because it is used to freedom.


  • friendly;
  • independent;
  • calm;

The difficulty of care is that the Tibetan mastiff does not recognize cruelty towards itself. He will fight back. Also, the mastiff should not be fed sweets, fish, or nuts.

Interesting Facts:

  1. Despite the fact that an adult mastiff behaves quietly, as a child he is very active and constantly strives to knock over something.
  2. The Mastiff is suitable for allergy sufferers because it does not smell.
  3. He gets along well with the animals he grew up with. However, new pets will be treated poorly.
  4. To some extent, mastiffs are introverts: noisy companies stress them out, they see this as a potential danger.

Brief history of the breed

The homeland of this breed is Tibet. Judging by the remains of ancient animals and people, it can be argued that the mastiff was a friend of man already in the Stone Age.

These dogs were kept near monasteries and villages as guards. They justified this role. Tibetan mastiffs were completely isolated from the world, and people began to learn about them only when Lord Harding presented Queen Victoria with a puppy of this breed.

Then in 1931 the “Tibetan Sbak Breeds Association” was created, and Tibetan Mastiffs became popular. A lull occurred during the Second World War.

However, then they were remembered again and in 1974 dog handlers from the USA created the “Association of the American Line of Tibetan Mastiffs”.

In the 21st century, mastiffs still remain famous, but in Russia there are still no nurseries for their cultivation and breeding.



  1. Height - from 61 cm.
  2. When at rest, the ears droop. If the dog is irritated by something, they rise.
  3. The eyes are brown, the brighter the color, the better.
  4. The mane of males is longer than that of females.


The most expensive mastiff in the world

The most expensive Tibetan Mastiff in the world

A Chinese coal magnate bought a red Tibetan mastiff for $1.5 million, or just over 1 billion rubles.

Instead of the standard 65-70 kg, this dog weighs 130 kg.

The red mastiff from Tibet is a symbol of material well-being and a way for rich people to show their wealth. It is also considered a sacred animal, thanks to which the owner will be healthy and under constant protection.

Rescue Dog Breeds

Most likely, it is unlikely that a pet, throwing itself into fire or water to save a person, thinks about any rewards. As you know, these animals are completely devoid of such feelings as vanity. It is for this reason that such pets are real heroes.

Today, there is more than one such rescue dog - the breed of which is intended exclusively for saving people. Currently, the following breeds of rescuers are in service in rescue services around the world: St. Bernards, Newfoundlens, German Shepherds and Labradors.

Mixed dog species

It should be noted that the majority of both amateurs and professional breeders prefer purebred dogs.

These animals were specially bred to perform certain duties. However, today there are also mixed breeds of the dog world.

The concept of mixed breed dogs means that the parents of such pets were purebred, but are represented by different species. The most famous and popular mestizos include the Basset Pei, Bullpug, Pitsky, Shorgi, German Shar Pei, Tolmatin and Horgi.

Short-legged dog species

Today, short-legged dogs - the breeds of which will be listed below - have long won the hearts of a very large number of people around the world. Regardless of their purpose, such pets are very popular and live in apartments as decorative pets.

So what is the name of the dog breed with short legs and amazing character? It is appropriate to indicate the following species here - Dachshund, Welsh Corgi, Basset Hound, Pekingese, West Highland White Terrier, Skye Terrier and Dandie Dinmont Terrier.

Summing up the results of this article, the conclusion suggests itself that today, thanks to the tireless work of breeders all over the world, there is simply an incredible number of different breeds of dogs. All these dog breeds and their prices vary greatly, which sometimes puts a person who has just decided to purchase such a pet in a difficult position in the selection process.

The above text listed a variety of categories of pets. Some of them are distinguished by their strength and power, while others are very small and completely harmless. Also presented were French dog breeds, the smartest and dumbest breeds, shepherd and guide dogs, the calmest and healthiest pets. Thanks to this, a novice dog lover will be able to form an opinion about each of the presented categories and choose exactly the animal that meets his requirements.

Where is the best place to look for puppies?

Buying a dog is a very important step. If the decision to get a dog has been made, the breed has been chosen, all that remains is to decide where it is best to buy a puppy.

Buying dogs at the market is a lottery

The place of purchase affects the cost and quality of the purchased pet. There are several possible places, and each has its own pros and cons.


This is a guarantee of quality, especially if dogs born in the kennel take prizes at exhibitions and have many titles. Such establishments employ professionals who know all the intricacies of mating, bearing, giving birth to puppies and further work with them.

Important! Puppies are given a lot of attention, adapted to different environments, taught to eat and toilet, given the basics of training and training.

In nurseries the following must be included with the puppy:

  • veterinary passport with information on vaccinations and antiparasitic treatments;
  • metric - puppy card;
  • certificate of microchipping (if a chip ID is implanted).

All this allows you to be sure that the puppy meets all breed standards and that it does not have any health problems.

Professional breeders

Here the situation is the same as in nurseries. Before contacting a breeder, it is worth studying the results of his work and the conditions for raising puppies, so as not to stumble upon a charlatan.

Pet Shop

Stores that sell different puppies or a bird market are not the best option, but they are inexpensive. The price there is much lower than in nurseries, but you can buy a pig in a poke. Where a person shouts: “I sell good puppies,” even the presence of a pedigree does not guarantee that the puppy is absolutely healthy and will grow into the breed that is needed.

By advertisement (from hand)

The price can be negotiated. For many sellers, it is important that the person is good. Arriving at the specified address, you can see at least one of the puppy’s parents, the environment in which it was raised, and choose the cutest face.

A dog is man's best friend

Depending on the purpose of purchasing a puppy, it will become clear where to go to look for it. If you need a bull-class or show-class dog, then there is only one answer - a nursery or a professional breeder, and you must first familiarize yourself with their characteristics and reviews of their pets.

If you just need a family friend, a watchman or a companion who will not participate in exhibitions and produce offspring for sale, then you can save a lot and buy a puppy from a private person. You can also do a good deed and adopt a dog from a shelter, and a good and faithful friend will not cost anything. After all, the main thing is the love and positive emotions that a four-legged friend gives.

*Prices are valid for January 2022

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