The most popular dog foods 2022 - Pedigree: analysis of composition and reviews

For the Russian consumer of the 90s, when Western corporations burst into the product market, there is a strong association with the brand of dog food that is most widely known. Of course, this is Pedigree and Chappie. Both brands often go together not only at the mental level of consumers, but also on store shelves and in the price lists of suppliers. And this is no coincidence - both foods are products of the Mars company. We’ll talk about Chappie in our other article, and today we’ll share with you reviews about Pedigree dog food from veterinarians, its composition and features.
  • 1.2 Dry food 1.2.1 What should you pay attention to?
  • 2 Owner reviews of Pedigree dog food
  • 3 Reviews from veterinarians about Pedigree dog food
  • The beginning of time

    Today we will talk about feeding puppies. The period of active growth, which begins at one month of age and lasts until about a year, is a defining stage in the life of the animal. Making sure your puppy gets enough protein, fats, vitamins and minerals will determine how healthy he grows up. A lack of any important element in the future will result in a chronic disease that will have to be treated long and difficult. Therefore, it is not so important whether you decide to give your puppy meat and cereal or commercial ready-made food. Does Pedigree puppy food meet these criteria? Reviews suggest that most veterinarians do not agree with this.

    Daily feeding rate

    When feeding Pedigri food, you need to follow several principles:

    • The recommended daily intake is divided into 2 doses;
    • feeding standards are developed for active dogs; if the animals are inactive, the amount of food should be reduced by 10%;
    • the diet needs to be regulated if the pet additionally receives treats or dental products;
    • the diet should contain less than 10% treats other than food.

    General description of feed

    Before filling his pet's bowl, a loving owner should ask what exactly the food is. And even more so if we are talking about industrial, finished products. This composition allows you to track how much nutrients your pet will receive.

    "Pedigree" refers to economy class food. That is, there can be no talk of high quality, no matter what the advertising tells us. If it contains meat, it is only in small quantities. You don't even need to perform complex analyzes to understand this. Just look at the composition. Meat components are not listed in first place, which proves their insignificant content. As a rule, we are talking about cheaper components, which make this food much more accessible to buyers. At the same time, a balance of nutrients and minerals is maintained.

    Puppy ruler

    Often it is the large selection and adaptation for each specific age that is noted in the reviews. Pedigri food for puppies is divided into three breed categories: for small breeds, medium and large. Each of them also differs in age:

    • For babies aged three weeks and older.
    • For menstruation and two months.
    • Six months old.
    • For teenagers aged 8 months.
    • For juniors, 12 months.

    Each composition should be optimally suited to the tasks of a particular age. It is assumed that the puppy does not need to give anything else; inside the package there is everything that is needed for its development.

    Feed line

    The product line has a diet that provides for a strict division of food according to the age and size of the pets.

    There are also healthy treats for every age.

    "First feeding"

    This is dry food that can be given to babies starting from the third week of life. In most cases, puppies cannot yet chew crackers, so it is recommended to soak them in warm water. In rare cases, you can replace water with milk, but you need to monitor your bowel movements.

    The weight of the package is 600 g, and in the first stages it is used very economically. Doctors recommend starting to offer puppies literally one granule at a time. The food is created taking into account the digestive characteristics of puppies of this age. By alternating it with cereals and fresh minced meat, you can create an optimal diet that will allow you to smoothly transition from breast milk to solid food. This is very convenient for the owner, because you don’t have to prepare a small amount of fresh porridge every time.

    Nutrition at 1-2 months

    The best food for a puppy up to a month is mother's milk. Then you can gradually add complementary foods. If you decide to switch your Husky dog ​​to a production recipe, the granules for your little pet need to be soaked in warm milk, meat broth, or warm clean water for a quarter of an hour.

    Feed puppies formulas for medium breed babies. For full growth, nutrition must be high in calories, preferably super premium or holistic. Dry mixtures can only be combined with water or fermented milk products.

    If your dog suffers from indigestion, prepare yogurt using Narine sourdough, which can be bought at the pharmacy. Or use Royal Canin Babydog Milk Puppy Milk Replacer.

    When choosing dry food for a husky puppy, it is better to focus on the following:

    • 1st Choice – Puppy series;
    • Now Fresh – Puppy Chiot line;
    • Royal Canin labeled Medium Puppy;
    • Happy Dog – Medium Baby series;
    • Josera Puppy.

    They are made from high-quality raw materials and include poultry, lamb, northern varieties of fish, and rice. The high calcium content promotes the proper formation of teeth, cartilage, and bones. The absence of allergenic products is suitable for sensitive stomachs. Small granules are what is needed for small puppies. Meals at this age should be fractional, every 3-4 hours, that is, 5 times a day.

    Release forms

    Pedigree food comes in 2 forms: dry and wet. This makes it possible to make the dog's diet more varied. There are special food options for dogs with sensitive gastrointestinal tracts. Dry food contains the components listed above, with corn predominating. Despite this, the energy value is higher than that of wet food. They are gluten and flavor free.

    Dry food is packaged in packages of 600 g, 2.2 kg, 13 kg. Wet canned food is produced in tin cans of 400 g and bags of 100 g.

    Basic diet rules

    In order not to make a mistake with the choice, let’s figure out what dry mixtures are:

    1. Economy class - cheap, low-use varieties of the lowest quality. They contain almost no meat, even offal, but a lot of grains, dyes, and preservatives.
    2. Premium – higher quality feed, with an abundance of by-products. However, most of the protein comes from legumes.
    3. Super premium class - high-quality formulas with real meat, vegetables, high-quality hypoallergenic grains, natural preservatives. They do not contain dyes, GMOs, or harmful fillers.
    4. Holistic formulas are of the highest quality. There are practically no grains in them, but there is a lot of meat, vegetables, berries, fruits, and herbal extracts.

    If we talk about dry dog ​​food, then super premium and holistic class is suitable for huskies. It is better to take formulas for active animals of medium size. Or marked “Sports Nutrition”.

    Since the breed has a sensitive stomach and a tendency to allergies, you can take hypoallergenic formulas. Mixtures with lamb, fish, and beef are optimal. It's best to leave the chicken on the shelf. These types of meat products are believed to cause allergic reactions in dogs. For the same reason, avoid corn, wheat, and soy in feed. Components, additives, and fillers unknown to you are another reason to refuse the purchase. The composition should contain vitamin E. In holistic medicine it is used as a natural preservative.

    It is a good idea to add fish oil to the diet if it is not in the dry formula for your husky. This will eliminate skin problems and improve the condition of the coat.

    Buy high-quality imported formulas, for example, produced by Acana, Pronature, Royal Canine, Orijen and others. They are sold in specialized stores and veterinary pharmacies.

    Despite the fairly large size of the dogs, the diet of huskies and huskies should be moderate. Portion size is very important. Overeating is just as harmful as undereating. To prevent your dog from overeating, but also from remaining hungry, use a measuring cup with marked grams.

    Remember that the back of the package states the daily value, not the serving size. Please note that for a husky this volume should be less, since the instructions give the norm for dogs with a faster metabolism.

    When feeding dry formulas, animals should always have access to fresh, clean water. While your husky is still a puppy, remove water containers 2 hours before bedtime. Wash bowls every day. Give wet canned food occasionally as a treat.

    You need to gradually transfer your pet to another mixture; it is always stressful for the dog. Gradually increase the amount of new food while continuing to feed the old one. It is not advisable to make the transition in less than 5 days.

    Universal option

    There is a good food "Pedigree" for puppies of all breeds. These are delicious chicken-flavored pieces. The food is specially created for puppies aged two months and older, taking into account the needs of your pet. It includes meat, vegetables and grains. Its composition is as follows:

    • chicken meal;
    • wheat;
    • rice;
    • beet pulp;
    • corn;
    • meat flour;
    • sunflower oil;
    • animal fat;
    • additives, brewer's yeast, minerals and vitamins.

    Thanks to this, the food promotes healthy growth and harmonious development of your puppy.

    For pregnant women, allergy sufferers, elderly

    Pregnant and lactating huskies need a richer, fortified diet. Puppy formulas are suitable for them. Some companies offer separate series for pregnant women. In particular, Royal Canin produces Medium Starter food, which is suitable for bitches who need a special diet.

    Huskies are a hardy, kind, intelligent breed, but even these strong dogs are susceptible to various diseases.

    If your dog has problems with the gastrointestinal tract, Concept food from the Happy Dog brand or Royal Canin Medium Digestive Care is suitable. For dermatitis – Royal Canin Medium Dermacomfort series. If Huskies are prone to hypertension, it is recommended to switch to the Innova Evo formula. If tumors are found, receive food from Grandorf and Acana companies.

    Castrated or neutered dogs need mixtures low in lipids and carbohydrates. Thanks to this, it will be possible to protect your pet from obesity and related diseases. For animals prone to obesity, Royal Canin – Medium Light Weight Care is suitable.

    Aging dogs exercise little and they also need a special low-calorie diet. The following Royal Canin products are recommended:

    • Medium Adult 7+, for pets from 7 to 10 years old;
    • Royal Canin Medium Aging 10+, for dogs over 10 years old.

    Food for large breeds

    It’s one thing if your pet’s genes are determined to become a tiny dog ​​weighing up to 5 kilograms. And it’s completely different when it’s a Caucasian Shepherd or Great Dane. The growth rate is so fantastic that it requires huge amounts of nutrients. Therefore, the composition of Pedigree food for large breed puppies was created taking into account these needs.

    This is a high-calorie, highly digestible diet that allows the puppy to grow healthy and strong. It is designed for dogs aged 6 months and older. Now active growth and development begin. Let's note the main features:

    • The manufacturer monitors the balance of calcium and phosphorus, which is necessary for healthy dental development.
    • The composition includes linoleic acid, zinc and B vitamins, which are essential for healthy skin and coat.
    • The high fiber content optimizes digestion.
    • Vitamin E and zinc support the immune system.

    Pedigree food for large breed puppies can be a good solution for a busy owner, but it must be remembered that there is no meat in the composition, and the stated vitamins are often only available on the packaging. Therefore, it is best if you leave your puppy dry during the day and give him quality meat in the evening. In this case, you don’t have to worry about your pet’s development.

    But the quality of the food is not at all as bad as reviews sometimes claim. Pedigree food for large breed puppies includes the following ingredients:

    • corn;
    • chicken meal;
    • wheat;
    • rice;
    • beet pulp;
    • meat flour;
    • vitamin supplements.

    Composition of Pedigri food

    The composition of PEDIGREE® feed is balanced. It represents the optimal ratio of ingredients of animal and plant origin, and is also enriched with a complex of vitamins and minerals.

    1. Corn, wheat and rice are carbohydrates that give you a feeling of fullness, and also prevent the development of obesity and the appearance of digestive disorders.
    2. Meat ingredients in the form of chicken and meat flour are sources of protein, which is important for the growth of the animal, the formation of immunity, and the preservation of water balance.
    3. Beet pulp contains fiber and maintains normal sugar levels.
    4. Vegetable oil and animal fats are a source of energy, as well as polyunsaturated omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.
    5. The vitamin-mineral complex includes: calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, magnesium, zinc, copper, vitamins A, E, D3. Brewer's yeast is a source of B vitamins.

    There are no dyes or preservatives in the composition.

    Feed consumption

    Pay attention to our article: How to switch a dog from natural food to dry food

    Food for miniature breeds

    This line includes crackers and canned goods. The choice is up to the owners. Dry food lasts longer, doesn't spoil during the day, and helps your pet's jaw develop, so it has its benefits. We will not list the ingredients; the manufacturer indicates similar ingredients.

    But doubts may arise here. Miniature, pocket dogs are usually creatures with a very problematic metabolism. They physically cannot eat enough to meet their body's energy needs. Therefore, they require special food, which is an energy concentrate. The composition, where corn comes first, does not fit this description.

    Beef korma

    Chicken-based varieties were described above. But some animals have an allergic reaction to this type of meat. It doesn’t matter, there is Pedigree food for puppies with beef. The advertisement says that this is a complete formula that is created taking into account the needs of small dogs. But let’s not dwell on the promises, but consider the composition:

    • In first place is corn. Despite its high calorie content, this product is very modest in its nutritional value.
    • Rice is a source of carbohydrates, which is where its beneficial properties end.
    • Wheat.
    • Chicken meal.
    • Meat flour. Only in fifth place, despite the fact that the food contains beef. And what is the raw material for it is not reported.
    • Beet pulp.

    Veterinarians say that it is not recommended to completely switch a puppy to a food that contains a huge amount of grains.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    After a detailed analysis of the line and composition, it is possible to identify the pros and cons of feed produced by Pedigree.


    • Among the advantages, the first place is, of course, its low price, thanks to which the food has earned great popularity among amateur dog breeders.
    • The second advantage is that you can buy food not only in pet stores, but also in almost every grocery store. This is especially true when a forgetful dog owner urgently needs to buy a bag of pet food late at night.
    • Availability of dry and wet food for different ages and breeds, as well as a unique offer - sticks for cleaning teeth.
    • A good marketing policy, thanks to which the name of the Pedigri brand is on everyone’s lips.


    There are quite a few disadvantages to these feeds.:

    • Poor feed composition with a minimum amount of meat ingredients;
    • A large number of cheap products that are useless for the dog’s body;
    • Almost complete absence of pure meat, which is replaced by offal of unknown origin;
    • Lack of offers for dogs with diseases or individual characteristics.

    Wet food

    If you have become the proud owner of a baby Yorkie, you have probably thought about what you will feed him. You need to start from what the breeder fed him. But if the choice fell on buying ready-made products, then it is best to choose Pedigree wet food for Yorkie puppies. Reviews say that the package contains thick jelly with pieces that look like meat. At the same time, veterinarians claim that giving clean meat to the baby will be cheaper and healthier for the puppy’s body.

    Let's take as an example the Pedigri food for puppies with beef in sauce (85g). Reviews often note that puppies happily eat bag after bag. Does it contain meat? Studying the packaging, you can only find a proud inscription that the beef content is at least 4%. And this despite the fact that a puppy needs at least 70% meat in its diet. Therefore, veterinarians note that Pedigree food for puppies with beef in sauce (85g) can be used as a treat or snack on the road.

    The composition of wet food cannot be called bad or harmful, but grain crops predominate in it. In addition, they contain thickeners, dyes, and flavorings, which makes them not at all as attractive as the advertisement makes them out to be. And if you count the cost of the bags needed to feed your pet for a month, then the amount is not so small. You can stock up on meat, cereals and vegetables, which will provide your pet with quality nutrition. In this case, the amount will be identical.

    For adult dogs

    As the dogs approach a year, they are switched to a new diet. Remember that puppy formulas are not suitable for adult huskies: the abundance of vitamins is intended for growth, and when the animal matures, excess vitamins lead to health problems. Once you select the formula you want, do not change it.

    The northern breed does not need variety. Using one selected food will keep the animal's digestive organs in optimal condition. For an adult pet, hypoallergenic Sensible Nutrition brand Happy Dog or Fit&Well is well suited. Royal Canin offers a Medium Adult formula for Huskies.

    From the age of one year, huskies are fed no more than twice a day. Eating a single meal can cause volvulus. Do not feed food immediately before bed. You should not feed your pet if you have to travel by transport. In order for food to be better absorbed without causing intestinal irritation, dogs should be fed in a quiet, calm environment.

    Siberian huskies and huskies are active sledding breeds with a fairly low metabolism. They do not require large amounts of food. If the dog is deprived of the opportunity to burn calories, he may even refuse food.

    Dilute the dry diet with wet canned food from the same company. As a reward, use special delicacies made from natural protein, which does not lead to obesity or allergic reactions.


    As already mentioned, the range of this brand is quite wide. Pedigree is not only a variety of dry foods; their wet line is no less popular. There is a product category “For dental care”. These bones are positioned not only as a treat, but also as a replacement for a toothbrush for a dog.

    Let's talk more about dry food.

    Dry food

    For puppies

    • first complementary foods from 3 weeks;
    • for all breeds (with chicken);
    • for large breeds (with chicken);
    • for miniature breeds (with chicken);
    • junior.

    For adult dogs

    • miniature breeds;
    • small breeds;
    • large breeds;
    • any breed (chicken or beef).

    For older dogs

    All foods are sold in packages of different sizes.

    Canned food

    There are small ones in bags and large ones in jars. They are also divided into categories for dogs of different sizes (from small to large).

    This brand of wet dog food comes in pieces and pate. There are flavors of chicken, rabbit and turkey, beef and lamb. The composition does not contain meat, including the listed animals.

    Veterinarians recommend using canned food very rarely, in case of hopelessness, because with constant feeding, allergic reactions and problems with the urinary system are most often observed.

    Features of feeding

    There are three types of dog diets: natural products, dry food and mixed food. While owners of other breeds often opt for the third option, this will not work with a husky. Feeding this breed with natural and at the same time industrial food leads to intestinal problems, allergic reactions, and worsens the dog’s health in general.

    Competent veterinarians recommend feeding huskies dry food. Modern manufacturers take into account the physiological characteristics and needs of dogs of different breeds, sizes, and ages.

    Husky food differs from universal food in that it contains more healthy fats and fewer carbohydrates.

    Owner reviews

    Omitting all the features of the food composition, I would like to note the reviews of ordinary owners who gave it to their pets and know about it firsthand. There are a lot of reviews, and they are quite mixed. However, most owners note that the puppies eat these foods with great pleasure and look good afterwards. No stomach upsets or health problems. Let's summarize everything that has been said:

    • There is an opinion, and some veterinarians support it, that the composition is toxic and harmful. In fact, there is nothing terrible about it. Many owners feed their yard dogs porridge cooked in water, without any signs of meat.
    • The origin of the by-products included in the composition is a topic of debate, because their nature is not known. There is an opinion that these are claws and feathers. It can be assumed that the manufacturing company is too serious to save so much on important components.
    • Dogs really love these foods, which is why there are rumors about the content of narcotic substances in them.
    • The downside is the presence of dyes. The pieces are colored red and green to imitate the vegetable content. World-famous manufacturers have long abandoned this practice.

    Is dry food suitable for all dogs?

    Some breeders and veterinarians have a strong opinion that dry mixtures are harmful to the health of animals. About 10-20 years ago, this argument was not devoid of logic, since at that time in the post-Soviet space it was easier to buy a fake than real high-quality food.

    Now the situation has changed radically. Many high quality formulas with natural ingredients have become available. The developers constantly undergo independent testing and value their name very much. Recipes are available for different breeds. Good dry food has become healthier than eating natural products. Therefore, it is very difficult to imagine a situation where a high-quality production recipe may not be suitable.

    If previously the reasons for refusing dry food were health problems such as allergies, urolithiasis, pancreatitis, now there are special formulas created to treat these diseases. Many Husky owners say their dogs are healthier after switching to dry food.

    Photo pedigree

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    Reviews from veterinarians

    Pedigree food for puppies rarely evokes any emotions from doctors. Most of them directly state that this is a cheap, economy-class food. It can hardly be called a complete diet for a growing body. But there are no harmful components in it. Why can you find so many negative reviews online?

    The answer lies on the surface: affordable food can be purchased by a huge number of consumers. If they are trying to save on pet food, then it is quite possible that they do not visit veterinarians. This means that one hundred percent of the incidence rate in this sample will be much higher than among those who spend a lot of money on the best food and preventive examinations. This is fully confirmed by reviews from veterinarians.

    Pedigree food for puppies is not harmful, but it can hardly be called complete. Therefore, be sure to consult with the veterinarian you are seeing. In some cases, a specialist will advise alternating its intake with high-quality, natural nutrition. This option will be optimal in terms of price and providing the body with all the necessary substances. An excellent alternative would be to completely switch the puppy to natural food.

    But for an adult dog, in which all organs and systems are developed and formed, Pedigree dry food is quite suitable as a variety of diet. It will be especially convenient for those owners who do not like to sit at home and take their dog with them.

    Dry dog ​​food ALL DOGS reviews

    Price comparison for Dry dog ​​food ALL DOGS

    Dry dog ​​food ALL DOGS Fol All Breeds, grains, meat, vegetables, fish, 20 kg reviews

    Find out price Name:

    Affordable price.
    Good composition. Comment:
    Good food at an affordable price, the dog eats it with pleasure.
    We switched to it without problems, there were no allergies. Name:
    Price, composition
    We tried a lot of food, then the dog has an allergy or some other problem.
    This food has a good composition and was ideal for our “German”, and purchasing at goods, with their bonus system, made these purchases also pleasant in terms of cost. Name:
    price, quality, large packaging
    We have been buying this food for more than a year.
    Two dogs (mongrels 35 kg and 25 kg) eat it with pleasure, the output (stool) is good, activity, mood, condition of teeth and coat are excellent! It contains Omega 3 (fish) which makes me happy. A large package of 20 kg also lasts great for a long time! I recommend! Name:
    In terms of price, the cheapest of good food.
    The dog likes the food. Thanks to goodies and bonuses, the food is not so expensive. Name:
    Convenient packaging, fraction size, price
    not found
    I have two five-year-old medium-sized dogs (25 and 35 kg), we have been feeding both of them with this food for several years now.
    Before we found this food, we tried many other dry foods. There have always been problems with appetite, digestion, digestibility and stool in dogs. This food is eaten with pleasure, cheerful, playful, energetic and healthy! And again, the presence of Amega 3 always has a good effect on the coat! Name:

    A comment:

    I ordered this food, it did not suit Jacks or Staffords, terrible diarrhea from this food.
    Well, at least I don’t have allergies. The rating for this food is terrible. Dogs do not eat willingly. And after it they want to go to the toilet worse than ducks! I won't take this food again. Name:

    A comment:

    Good food.
    Dogs like it. They eat well Name:
    Directly from the food, I can say that they mostly eat all breeds of dogs, some like it more, some like it less, but they were never particularly happy, they eat well, there are no side effects yet
    The food is not bad, value for money, just happy, especially the option for puppies, adults also eat well
    The portion is usually a little more than normal, but this is as usual for gluttons)) Digestion is excellent, no allergies have been identified!
    Looks like a cheap price and normal food.:)
    There is little fat in it, you have to supplement it with fat. There are suspicions that this is food for horses, and not for dogs - the poop is like that of a horse, there are a lot of them and they are too grassy. That is, it is clear that the food is oversaturated with plants and has little nutrition. But there will be no constipation . Disadvantages:
    After Royal Canin for Giants, our dog eats it poorly and looks and behaves like he’s hungry.
    I had to increase the portions by 1.5 times, which makes the price of the product not so attractive. I add vegetable oil to make it more fatty. For now it’s flaxseed, but it’s expensive, I’ll replace it with corn or something else, I’ll have to read it. Comment:
    Overall cheap food for dogs of all breeds.:)
    It’s not interesting to feed our big dog - you’ll be tortured to clean it up later - it’s very incompletely digested, there are few calories, the portions are large, there’s a lot of poop. But if passers-by run over you, you can always say that it was a horse/pony, see, it’s all hay! Name:
    Been using this food for over a year.
    We are very happy, the dogs eat well without any additives, treats or broths. Disadvantages:
    Absorption and yield are excellent.
    Contains Amega 3, which has a very good effect on the condition of the coat, etc. Name:

    A comment:

    3 age dogs (retriever, Caucasian Shepherd and Japanese Chin) eat with pleasure and have no digestive problems!
    I recommend! Name:

    A comment:

    For such a price, this is an excellent food, I give it 4 only because, in my opinion, the dog stools more often than it should.
    We tried different foods, but settled on this one, because after the sanctions, prices soared and it was no longer possible to buy the same food, so we had to choose something more suitable. The dog is a golden retriever, active, thick coat, no visible health problems. I used to be bothered by the smell from the dog’s mouth, now of course there is, but noticeably less. Name:

    A comment:

    Excellent food, I fed him with different foods, but the price does not mean quality and without an allergic reaction. I settled on this food, so far everything suits me and my pet.,

    Dry food for puppies ALL DOGS All Puppies, cereals, meat, vegetables, fish, 20 kg reviews

    Find out price Name:

    Very inexpensive and from the point of view of recalculating the price per gram of protein and fat, this is one of the most profitable feeds on the market (or the most profitable?).
    When switching to it, the dog did not have indigestion. (I specifically took it for puppies, although the dog is large, in order to reduce the impact of the transition to a new food, then I took it for adults). Disadvantages:
    The food is frankly not nutritious, although the characteristics indicate impressive protein/fat numbers.
    Maybe these fats are not digested (palm stearin?). The dog behaves as if hungry even after increasing doses. Either the food does not actually contain those substances indicated on the packaging, or it is indigestible fats/proteins. I transfer the food into small cardboard boxes for ease of transportation, so this food does not cause the box to become saturated with grease. That is, there is no fat there or it is non-edible palm fat. Although I had previously used cheap food known to everyone starting with the letter “C,” the box very quickly became saturated with grease. Comment:
    The food is made at a factory in Tver, and not in Denmark, but this is actively hidden.
    This information can be obtained from unofficial sources. But on the packaging the manufacturer’s code is 46 - this is Russia. Name:
    Best price-quality ratio!
    The dogs eat with pleasure, excellent coat and condition! Name:
    My dogs like the food, excellent value for money

    A comment:

    Super food with decent price and quality

    A comment:

    The dog eats food with pleasure

    Dry dog ​​food ALL DOGS Fol All Breeds, grains, meat, vegetables, fish, 2.2 kg reviews

    Find out price Name:


    A comment:

    I don’t think that the food at this price will be of any use, but due to a very difficult financial situation, I had to take a pack of this food to mix with premium brand food. We have been eating this cocktail for a week.
    The flight is normal. The stool is normal, maybe there is a little more of it. Sobakin is happy and full. Of course I won’t recommend it, but situations are different. For me, this food is a lifesaver Name:

    A comment:

    The food is good, at the level of “Our Brand”, it was the only one that suited my dog, the quality of the composition is good, the price is also good, the coat is shiny, the mouth doesn’t stink, there are no problems with the gastrointestinal tract, I like it
    ★★★★ ★

    A comment:

    Economy class food. no dyes (brownish color). no worse than faggot. edible.,

    Dry food for puppies ALL DOGS All Puppies, cereals, meat, vegetables, fish, 2.2 kg reviews

    Find out price Name:

    Price, quality.
    I ordered it based on reviews and was not disappointed.
    The food is good, both my puppy and my cats gobble it up, and the cats like it even more! Wool, chair and everyone's mood are all right. I don’t know the ingredients, but it smells delicious! I recommend! Name:
    Price, quality
    This is not the first time I order, the puppy likes the food, he eats it along with the porridge.
    Six is ​​shiny, the stool is normal, the smell of the food is delicious, the composition is sufficient, there is enough protein, plus vitamins. In general, I'm satisfied. Name:
    Food for puppies, pleased me, I had allergies from others, this one went with a bang, not expensive and seems to be of high quality, of course I give it along with cereals for now.
    Not big, smells delicious. Recommend Name:

    A comment:

    I took it for the first time, the puppy really liked it, you can’t pull it by the ears, the stool is normal, the fur is shiny, the puppy is well-fed, even the ears started to stand up, of course the composition is not so hot, but for such a price, it’s better not to find.

    A comment:

    I really liked the composition, packaging and size - 2.2 kg for exactly a month for us.
    The granules are medium, but one is large, but unfortunately, my dog, a miniature pinscher, did not eat this food. Although she is usually an omnivore, she just quickly gets bored with one variety and type of food, so I try different types and manufacturers. Very sad, but the taste and color as they say. Name:

    A comment:

    I opened the bag, and there were dark brown large granules of food.
    I figured that if it was for puppies, it should be small. Name:

    A comment:

    The puppy eats food very well.
    The granules are not large, just right for little ones. I recommend. Name:

    A comment:

    A whippet puppy on a mixed diet eats this food with appetite, his health and mood are excellent. In other retail stores the price of food is higher. My recommendations to other buyers))

    Manufacturer information

    Pedigree is one of the most advertised and well-known foods among amateur dog breeders . It is made in the USA by the well-known company Mars. Production began in 1934 , and the food came to the Russian market in the 90s. The low price immediately made it extremely popular.

    On the official website, the manufacturer states that each of the offered feeds is balanced and complete. at the Waltham Research Center .

    Raw materials for products are ordered exclusively from proven suppliers, factories meet quality standards for the production of food for people, and each stage of product creation is subject to careful control.

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