Shar Pei Mixes: Popular Pet Mixes and Similar Dog Breeds

There are many different crosses between the Shar Pei and other purebred animals. They all have a special character, individual external characteristics and genetic predispositions.

Even an experienced dog breeder may encounter difficulties when raising and training hybrid Shar Pei species. The top most common Shar Pei mestizos will help the future owner understand the intricacies of their characters and make the right choice.

What are mestizos and where do they come from?

Mixed breeds are usually called puppies obtained from parents who are representatives of different breeds.

Typically, offspring receive part of their external characteristics from each branch of their ancestors. It is not easy to predict in advance what characteristics puppies will have. Proper crossing makes it possible to get babies with the best qualities of their parents.

Usually, mixed breeds appear as a result of unintended mating. In such situations, it is difficult to predict the dog’s character, its appearance and tendency to certain diseases. However, in some cases, breeders deliberately mix different breeds to create a new one.

For reference! Sometimes the breed is mistakenly called Shar-Pei - this spelling is considered incorrect.

Price range

  • An American Shar-Pei puppy can be purchased second-hand, without a guarantee or documents. Such a purchase will cost no more than 10 thousand. The risks are obvious.
  • Babies with deviations from the breed standard that do not allow participation in exhibitions will cost about 15 thousand.
  • Puppies that meet all the requirements, with documents, will cost in the range from 25 to 30 thousand.
  • Young “Americans” from distinguished parents who have a chance to become champions will be forced to fork out over 50 thousand.

Description of popular Shar Pei mestizos

Among the Shar Pei mixes there are several fairly common varieties. Thanks to the accumulated information about such dogs, we can talk about their characteristics with a certain degree of certainty.

With a German Shepherd

Shar Pei mixed with Shepherd is more common than others, it even has its own name - German Shar Pei. Externally, this mix of Shar Pei and German Shepherd is similar to the first parent, but with the color of the second.

The dog has short fur, its tail is curved into a sickle, and erect ears rise above its wide muzzle. The dog's height is about 50 cm at the withers; it rarely weighs more than 20 kg.

This shepherd-shar pei mix is ​​very smart, easy to train, but at the same time quite capricious and can be disobedient.

With Labrador

A cross between a Shar Pei and a Labrador, on the contrary, is the rarest variety. The dog borrows its external characteristics from Labradors, but at the same time its skin gathers in folds and its size is smaller than the standard.

Attention! The main advantage of crossing these two breeds is the absence of genetic defects.

As for guard qualities, here too the Shar Pei mestizo took more from the Labrador - it is more of a companion dog than a guard dog. The dog is distinguished by loyalty to its owner and a reverent attitude towards all household members.

The character and behavior of a dog are formed thanks to modern socialization. Relationships with other breeds can be tense.

With Stafford

Representatives of this mixture of breeds usually have a bad character and are poorly trained, and can show aggression.

When they are puppies, they look more like a Shar-Pei, but with age they become more like a Stafford. Thanks to its developed muscles, the dog is quite heavy - its weight can be 30 kg with a standard height of 50 cm.

With a mongrel

A mixed breed of Shar Pei and mongrel is an extremely unpredictable combination. It is never possible to say for sure what the genealogy of a street animal was, which means the characteristics and health of the offspring are not predictable.

When taking such a puppy into your home, you should be prepared for various undesirable consequences. Such a dog cannot, unlike other mestizos, be worth any money.

Chow-chow cross

Another of the frequently encountered mestizos. Due to its visual attractiveness and acquired qualities, the crossbreed is quite popular.

  • not aggressive
  • will become a devoted friend,
  • will be an excellent guard
  • has an independent character.

The dog looks like a sharpei overgrown with thick long fur and resembles a bear cub. The dog's height is a little over 50 cm, weight - 20 kg.

Note! It is acceptable to keep such a pet outdoors - it can easily withstand frost thanks to its dense undercoat.

With a pit bull

The Shar Pei-Pitbull mix is ​​difficult to predict in terms of both appearance and perceived personality traits.


Each animal must be provided with suitable living conditions. This significantly affects the life expectancy and health of the pet. It is also necessary to take into account factors such as nutrition, regular walks, and visits to the veterinarian. Owners describe Shar Pei mixes as dogs that do not require special care.

  • It is enough to wash your pet once every 2 months using a special shampoo.
  • If necessary, it is necessary to trim nails, clean ears and wipe eyes.
  • The diet of dogs deserves special attention. They can often suffer from allergies and obesity. Experts recommend using dry food, which contains all the necessary substances for the full development and functioning of the body. The frequency depends on the age of the animals, for puppies this is 3-6 times a day, for adults 2 times is enough. Feeding soups is not allowed, as they have a bad effect on the stomach of mestizos.
  • The immunity of mestizos is quite strong. However, this does not protect against some diseases.

The main condition is timely contacting a veterinarian if even minor symptoms appear. The animal also needs to have routine vaccinations.

Watch all about the Shar Pei dog breed in the following video.

Does the character of a mestizo change?

There is a widespread belief that any mestizos adopt only the best qualities from their parents’ breeds. However, reviews from some owners of dogs obtained as a result of crossing indicate the opposite.

Among other things, the offspring may inherit bad character from their father and mother. This is especially true for mixed breeds of small breeds, which often turn out to be aggressive and nervous.

Only experienced dog breeders can handle the training and training of guard breed crossbreeds.

Changes in a dog's character with age are common even in purebred representatives of various breeds. Thus, Shar Peis themselves, as they grow older, become more suspicious and distrustful of strangers. Depending on the breed of the second parent, mestizos may display aggressiveness, laziness and other unseemly qualities. In each case, the changes will be individual.

Mestizos are inferior to their relatives of pure blood except in the lack of pedigree; they can be given any nickname. But there is always a risk of unsuccessful genetic mixing. Therefore, it is recommended to take a mixed-breed puppy from among already known crossbreeds, the quality and characteristics of which can be predicted to a greater extent. In any case, when getting such a pet, you should not neglect education and training, which allows you to raise an adequate, obedient dog.


Shar Pei mixed breed - with a shepherd, mongrel, Labrador or Staffordshire terrier

Shar Pei is one of the most ancient and popular breeds in the world. Many folds throughout the body, an unusual cute and funny face make this dog recognizable at first sight. Now it has become fashionable to breed Shar Pei mixes. Moreover, crossing can be with any breed.

Nowadays it has become fashionable to breed Shar Pei mixes.

Where do mestizos come from?

Mixed breeds are dogs that are born by crossing parents of different breeds. Moreover, even if one of the dogs is of pure, elite blood, and the other does not represent any value in cynological circles, then the puppy born from such a tandem will be considered a mestizo. A representative of the fusion of several breeds will also be a mestizo. With any crossbreeding, the dog will be a hybrid outside the standards.

It is never possible to predict in advance what a puppy will be like. He may inherit the appearance of one of his parents, or he may have characteristics of both to a greater or lesser extent. The character of the mestizo also remains a mystery to the last. It has already been proven that mestizos, whose ancestor was a small breed, are often very cowardly. A crossbreed with a large elite may be excessively aggressive and difficult to train. But the main percentage of mestizos often have a friendly disposition and flexible character. They are loyal and devoted no less than purebred parents and surprise with their sharp mind.

Such dogs can have any color, sometimes even to the point of absurdity. Mestizos, who do not have obvious signs of admixture of any breed, are popularly called “mongrels.”

Half-breeds are much cheaper than titled parents. And puppies born from random crossing are given free of charge into good hands.

Half-breeds are much cheaper than titled ancestors

Similar dog breeds

If the Shar Pei is not suitable for you for any reason, then there are dogs that are similar in appearance:

  • Pug - it differs only in its small size and flattened muzzle, but otherwise it has the same funny folds on the body and a curved tail;
  • The English Mastiff is much larger than the Shar Pei, but is very similar to it, including eyebrows hanging over the eyes;
  • The English Bulldog is not so graceful, but is distinguished by folds throughout the body, especially for puppies;
  • The Bloodhound is almost the same as the Shar Pei, only with floppy ears and a straight tail.

Popular Shar Pei mixes

Among the mixed breeds of a Shar Pei with another breed of dog, there are those that are most often found among four-legged hybrids. Over the years, the accumulated information about such combinations provides a certain amount of knowledge about their characteristics.

German Shepherd mix

Shepherd and Shar Pei mixes can be found more often than others. In another way, such pets are called German Shar-Peis. The dog took the external characteristics from the Shar-Pei, but the color of his coat is like that of a shepherd. The puppies are short-haired and have a sickle-shaped tail. On a wide-muzzled head with folds, the ears are usually straight. The height reaches half a meter, the weight is about 20 kg. The dog is very smart, easily remembers commands, but is often wayward. Such an animal needs a firm hand from its owner. It has good security qualities.

With chow chow

One of the popular options is a cross between a Shar Pei and a Chow Chow. Such a bear cub with thick fur and numerous folds will not leave even the most severe dog owner indifferent. The dog is very friendly, loyal and independent. He is a good guard and a gentle nanny for children.

With Labrador

Shar Pei mixed with Labrador is one of the rare combinations. The main exterior of such a union will be borrowed from the Labradorite, although folds on the skin will be present. The advantage of a dog will be the complete exclusion of genetic diseases. In height it is somewhere between the two breeds. It is difficult to get an excellent guard dog in such a tandem, but it is a kind and faithful companion on any journey. The pet will give a piece of its love and devotion to each family member.

With a mongrel

Usually, a cross between a mongrel and a Shar Pei occurs by accident due to the owner’s oversight. From such a relationship, puppies are born with the appearance of a yard dog with almost no signs of belonging to a Shar Pei. Their character is unpredictable, because it is unknown who the ancestors of the mongrel were. It is impossible to predict the habits and disposition of such an animal.

The dog can be attentive or unpredictable, peaceful or aggressive. You need to be persistent and competent in raising your pet from the first months of life.

With Stafford

The Staffordshire Terrier and the Shar Pei produce offspring that are more similar to the first parent, but as they grow older, this similarity becomes less noticeable. An affectionate and friendly baby can grow into an angry, aggressive dog. The mixture of Stafford and Shar Pei is reflected in the massive jaws with a death grip and well-developed body muscles. With a height of half a meter, such a mestizo can weigh 30 kg. The dog is often uncontrollable and therefore needs constant training.

How to choose

Choosing a reputable kennel is the most important thing when purchasing an American Shar Pei puppy. In all other cases, there is a high risk of adopting a non-purebred, sickly puppy.

What you should pay attention to when choosing:

  • muzzle – wide;
  • skull – rounded;
  • ears are small and triangular;
  • bite – scissor bite;
  • the wool is shiny, there is no dandruff or bald spots on it;
  • no tears flow, no smell from the ears;
  • There are no pimples or irritations on the skin.

The baby should be active, curious, playful, have an excellent appetite, but without excessive aggression.

Advantages and disadvantages of mestizos

Half-breeds, although they come from two different breeds and are considered outside the standard, also have a number of advantages:

  • External data from different crossings turn out to be bright and extraordinary.
  • Mestizos always have excellent health and no genetic diseases.
  • Prices for mixed breeds are always an order of magnitude lower than for elite dogs.

When purchasing a mestizo of any breed, you should always remember that this is a lottery in everything: from appearance to character. Raising such a pet can sometimes be very difficult. The future owner of a mixed breed must have experience in education and training, show patience and care, affection and love for his pet. And then the comical baby will grow into a real protector and loyal friend.


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