Children's films about dogs - the best old cartoons and new movies

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Surprisingly, almost all films about dogs can be easily divided into two equal and completely different groups. The first contains poignant paintings that make the viewer worry and sometimes even cry. They help us remember the responsibility for those we have tamed, and how important it is to remain human even in the most difficult situations (while taking an example in this from four-legged pets, who will never betray or abandon). The second group of films are sparkling comedies. In them, four-legged pets do such things that the audience is clutching their stomachs with laughter. Often these are paintings for the whole family that will be of interest to very young viewers. Parents who do not plan to have a dog at home should be careful when choosing such films for group viewing: it is very possible that after the final credits “float” across the screen, the child will ask to have a dog at home.

  • 2 List of Soviet and Russian paintings
  • 3 Children's and family cinema
  • 4 Comedy
  • 5 Sad and war films

Come to me, Mukhtar!

  • USSR, 1964.
  • Crime drama.
  • Duration: 78 minutes.
  • IMDb: 7.7.

An ordinary shepherd dog, abandoned at a train station by a reckless owner, ends up in the capable hands of Lieutenant Glazychev. Now Mukhtar has to show what he is capable of.

The film became incredibly popular in the USSR and even contributed to the spread of the nickname Mukhtar. And 40 years later, the series “The Return of Mukhtar” was released, dedicated to the service of Moscow police officers.

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