The best dog breeds to exercise with

You can practice at an amateur level with a dog of any breed. When it comes to serious training, get a thorough veterinary examination first. And if you are just choosing a dog, pay attention to our recommendations.

So, for the amateur level, you can choose the type of activity for dogs of any breed, size and age. For example, nosework is suitable for elderly animals or disabled dogs. And for professional sports, working dogs of only a few breeds are suitable. The world leaders are the German Shepherd, Malinois and Border Collie.

The most energetic breeds that simply need exercise are: Irish Setter, Boxer, Dalmatian, Husky, Malinois, Weimaraner, Jack Russell Terrier, Australian Cattle Dogs and Shepherds, Border Collies.

  • Which breeds are not suitable for joint sports?
  • How to prepare a dog for sports?
  • Is there a big dog sport?
  • What breeds of dogs are best to run with?
  • What dog breeds are suitable for playing football?
  • What other sports can you do with your dog?

Which breeds are not suitable for joint sports?

Problems may arise with brachycephalic dogs and long-bodied dogs (dachshunds and basset hounds). The fact is that short-faced dogs have difficulty breathing during physical activity, and they also swim poorly.

But there are French bulldogs that run great with their owners. German boxers are well trained in general obedience and protective types of training.

Heavyweight pug

Pembroke Welsh Corgi

This small breed is also known as a "dwarf dog", but the Pembroke Welsh Corgi will feel insulted if you call it a lap dog. He is too active to just sit and do nothing. On rare occasions, the Pembroke Welsh Corgi may want to sit and cuddle, but this behavior is unlikely to become a habit.

These dogs were originally bred for herding purposes. They have an innate instinct for herding animals, and despite their short legs, they are very athletic and lightning fast. This may have something to do with their high energy levels. If you are looking for a very active and capable small dog, the Pembroke Welsh Corgi may be the perfect choice for you.

How to prepare a dog for sports?

With any dog, it is advisable to undergo a General Training Course (GTC) or pass the Controlled City Dog (UCD) standard. There is also obedience, this type of training is more difficult. Competitions are also held according to these standards.

Tests and competitions are held for hunting, service and herding dogs. Based on the test results, the dogs are allowed to be bred. Competitions are held among the best dogs.

Even with very small breeds of dogs, you can do mini OKD (general training course), mini-agility and trick training. Recently, the canine discipline of nosework (sampling by smell) has appeared; it is suitable even for the Yorkshire terrier.

Bernese Mountain Dog

This breed was created to conquer mountainous areas. The Bernese Mountain Dog is a very active dog that will happily go for walks along rocky trails with you. This natural climber feels at home in such an environment.

The Bernese Mountain Dog is one of the best choices for hikers and climbers because they love adventure and are good for hiking. These are strong dogs that really enjoy active outdoor activities. They can even carry your backpack for you without expending much energy. You won't have to fiddle with a leash because this highly intelligent dog is easy to train and obediently obeys any command.

Is there a big dog sport?

In hunting dog breeding, tests are carried out for different types of hunting dogs : greyhounds, hounds, huskies, island and continental pointers, burrowing terriers, dachshunds, spaniels and retrievers. Competitions can be regional, all-Russian or specifically for young dogs. The best dog in the competition receives the title of field winner or champion. In the pedigrees of the descendants of these dogs, abbreviations are put: field champion ( or grading champion (ch.), they will be indicated before the names of these dogs. Competitions for hunting dogs certified by the International Canine Federation are also held, in which dogs compete for the title of national or international champion in working qualities.

Herding competitions are held for shepherd dogs . Moreover, all shepherd dogs compete with each other in herding in the traditional style. The exception to all is the Border Collie. These dogs compete separately as they herd in a collecting style. By the way, not only shepherd dogs can be tested for herding qualities, but also herding dogs from the second group (for example, Caucasian and Central Asian shepherd dogs, Giant Schnauzer, Rottweiler and other cattle dogs), Samoyed and several other breeds from the Spitz group, Spanish water dog and Tibetan Terrier.

For service dog breeds, competitions are held according to national and international rules. This could be a Schutzhund, a Mondiering, or a large Russian ring.

Greyhounds can engage in coursing (chasing a mechanical hare, or greyhound racing). Traditionally, greyhounds and whippets show the best results in this sport. Dachshunds and Basenjis run excitedly after the mechanical hare.

water rescue training course has been developed for Newfoundlands and retrievers .

Retrievers feel like fish in water

There is a search and rescue service to search for people For her, they train with medium-sized dogs that are not aggressive towards people. These can be spaniels, pointers, collies and border collies, retrievers, beagles and shepherds. And if the Ministry of Emergency Situations has its own canine service, then volunteers with dogs often go out to search for people lost in the forest.

Types of training

Among representatives of service sports, the leading positions are rightfully occupied by shepherd dogs and giant schnauzers.
In sports education, it is required to demonstrate such abilities as the development of high speed, good endurance, and sufficient agility. In service training, developed prey skills are valued, i.e. following instincts, motivating the animal to protect the owner and his things. In training of such areas as detection and service, special requirements are placed on the dog regarding compliance and obedience. A high degree of contact between the dog and its owner is required. This is necessary to maintain complete control of the dog, since protection training is built based on the development of the instincts to attack the “victim” inherent in nature.

For successful performances, dog athletes must have a cheerful disposition, be oriented towards interaction with the owner, be willing to perform tricks and exercises, and have good learning ability.

Whatever type of training is chosen, first of all it should be based on the love of the dog and the owner. It is mutual sympathy and respect that make it possible to establish strong contact and receive satisfaction from the learning process.

What breeds of dogs are best to run with?

sled dogs (huskies, Samoyeds and Malamutes) are used in ski towing, canicross and other types of towing. In addition, canicross (running with a dog) can be practiced with retrievers, setters, continental pointers, shepherd dogs and many others. Towing a skier is an old Soviet standard. It is performed well by black terriers, giant schnauzers, airedale terriers, shepherd dogs and boxers.

Agility is a type of canine sport in which a dog, guided by a handler, runs along a given route, overcoming obstacles with speed and accuracy. There is mini-agility for dogs with a height at the withers of less than 40 centimeters and agility. In mini-agility the leaders are Papillons and Jack Russell Terriers, and in regular agility the leaders are Border Collies and Belgian Malinois Shepherds. In agility, an athlete can even become a master of sports.

A jogging dog must be trained and the breed carefully selected.

Shetland Sheepdog

Shetland Sheepdogs are known as one of the smartest dog breeds in the world. They are very easy to train and have a natural shepherding instinct. They enjoy working with the flock and almost seem to smile as they chase down lost sheep and bring them back to their places.

The Shetland Sheepdog is a very active dog that loves to run in wide open spaces and requires vigorous daily exercise. This breed doesn't mind hard work because when you do what you love, it's not really work for you.

You can't accuse Shetland Sheepdogs of being lazy. If they have nothing to do, they become bored, which negatively affects their well-being. So don't leave your Shetland Sheepdog unattended, especially since this playful dog loves to interact with his family and learn new tricks.

What other sports can you do with your dog?

Weightpulling - dragging heavy objects. The leaders here are Malamutes and American Staffordshire Terriers.

Frisbee - a dog catching a special disc. The range and accuracy of the throw are assessed. To be a successful disc dog team, the handler must be able to throw the disc correctly with control of distance and direction. The dog can then be trained to chase and catch the disc. The leaders are border collies, and different breeds of terriers are also good. There is also frisbee freestyle - performing various tricks.

Chihuahua takes heights

Flyball - here the dog, after passing the obstacle course, must bring the ball to the owner. Can be individual or team. There is also the canine discipline of pitch and go. Dogs of all breeds are welcome. The dog’s task is to bring the fetch item to the owner as many times as possible within a certain time.

A beautiful sport is canine freestyle , or dancing with dogs. Common exercises typically include turning, passing through the handler's legs, moving backwards, jumping, and moving in sync with the handler. Border collies are also in the lead here, although at the amateur level you can even teach a miniature poodle, sheltie or husky to dance.

Hungarian Vizsla

This breed excels at jumping, overcoming obstacles, and achieving impressive speeds while running. The Hungarian Vizsla is one of the most active, hardy and energetic breeds on the planet. They are exceptionally intelligent dogs that are easy to train and love to explore or learn new things.

For members of the canine world, they have an amazing ability to stay focused. The Hungarian Vizsla makes an excellent running partner, especially since she loves to exercise. These dogs need a daily dose of vigorous exercise to stay fit and healthy. Therefore, if you are into fitness and are looking for a loyal companion, then the Hungarian Vizsla could be your ideal pet.

Siberian Husky

This is one of the most beautiful breeds in the dog world. Siberian Huskies are also considered to be very independent dogs with a lot of energy and muscular strength. They boast incredible resistance to cold temperatures, thanks to their thick, fluffy coats that provide them with plenty of insulation.

Siberian Huskies are capable of pulling heavy sleds with ease and have become renowned as the best sled dogs for the famous Iditarod race held across the frozen tundra. They are definitely some of the most active dogs in the world. They make great running and hiking companions, and they can even carry your backpack. If you live in a cold climate and are looking for a healthy dog ​​breed, you should consider getting a Siberian Husky.


They are versatile large dogs capable of many impressive tasks. Weimaraners are known to get violent at times due to the high energy levels they naturally possess. This is a good indicator, which makes them especially valuable among hunters. Weimaraners are also good at navigating and running on uneven and rough terrain, making them excellent running companions.

Weimaraners are easy to groom because their coat is short and unpretentious. They only need daily activity and vigorous exercise. This is one of the qualities that makes Weimaraners an ideal hiking partner. They are ghostly gray in color and have a coat well suited to hot or warm climates.

English Springer Spaniel

This is a gorgeous dog breed with long floppy ears and large expressive eyes that can melt anyone's heart. English Springer Spaniels are intelligent dogs that are so eager to please their owners that they will keep trying until they receive praise.

They make wonderful family dogs because they get along so well with people. English Springer Spaniels are loving and affectionate dogs towards their family members. They are highly prized for their natural hunting skills and, in particular, for their stamina and energy, which allows them to continue their journey regardless of the weather.

Once they catch the scent of their prey, these tenacious sporting dogs become so focused that they barely notice anything around them. If you are an avid hunter and are looking for an equal partner, the English Springer Spaniel is a tough nut to crack and will keep up with you every step of the way. If you're looking for a running partner, he's up to the job too. Just make sure you have a strong leash in case your English Springer Spaniel smells a new scent.

Rat Terrier

The breed originated in the United States of America. They were originally bred for use as hunting and farm dogs. They were highly regarded for their ability to track and destroy small pests, including rats, mice and other agricultural pests.

Nowadays, Rat Terriers are highly valued as pets. They still retain a natural instinct to hunt house pests and can give any cat a run for their money when it comes to catching mice. This is a versatile pet that will happily snuggle up on the couch at home, go on a hike, or get in a good workout with his family.

Rat Terriers are very agile, agile and fast dogs when it comes to chasing prey. They are easy to train and make very obedient pets.


When we think of Dalmatians, two things come to mind: Sparky the fiery dog ​​and the children's cartoon 101 Dalmatians. These lean and muscular dogs are capable of competing with horses at the races. In fact, they are an iconic symbol of the fire department. In centuries past, they ran ahead of the old-fashioned fire carriages before the advent of automobiles. Their task was to clear the way for the fire brigade, which could freely travel to the place where the fire was being extinguished.

This is a very energetic dog that loves to run. Dalmatians make an ideal companion for sprinters and long-distance runners. In addition, they fiercely protect their loved ones, so together with a hardy athletic partner you will get a reliable bodyguard.

Doberman Pinscher

This breed has an intimidating appearance, but the appearance does not match the personality of the Doberman Pinscher. In reality, these are affectionate and friendly dogs, but they will never offend their family and will fiercely look after their loved ones. Doberman Pinschers are large dogs with a lean build and amazing muscles.

These dogs have the heart of a lion, they are fearless and fierce in anger, but the breed is easy to train and very obedient to their owners. Doberman Pinschers do not require much grooming due to their smooth coat. In addition, they like to run. This makes them good candidates to accompany you on your daily run.

Rhodesian Ridgeback

This breed was created for hunting African lions. Rhodesian Ridgebacks are very athletic dogs, renowned for their speed and energy. They are easy to care for due to their short-haired and unpretentious coat. It also gives them extra endurance when running in hot weather.

In addition to being athletic dogs with high physical performance, Rhodesian Ridgebacks get along very well with people. They are affectionate towards their owners and get along well with most people. If you live in a hot climate and are looking for a running partner, the Rhodesian Ridgeback is a good option for you.

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