Grooming a Pomeranian Spitz: how to carry out the procedure at home and the main types of haircuts with photos

The Pomeranian is a small dog with a luxurious coat.

Her ancestors are server sled dogs, and her closest relatives are the Eskimo dog and the Samoyed husky.

The breed originates in Iceland and Lapland.

However, active breeding began in the German province of Pomerania, hence the name.

At the moment there are 4 types of oranges - fox, bear, mini and toy.

Do I need to cut my hair?

Pomeranians have thick and lush hair, which makes them very beautiful and attractive. However, such beauty requires attention and regular care.

This includes: brushing, bathing and cutting . After all, without a haircut, your pet's fur quickly becomes tangled and loses its attractiveness. In addition, the haircut is performed for hygienic purposes.

To do this, the area of ​​the ears, around the anus and genitals, on the paws and between the toes is treated . The fur on the back is also shortened to make it easier for the dog to curl its tail.

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

“Some people believe that if the dog is not a show dog, then it is not necessary to cut it. But that's not true. Pomeranians require regular hygienic haircuts. Otherwise, tangles form on the fur, and this, in turn, leads to skin diseases, injuries to the fingers and pads. In addition, I would not recommend clipping your Spitz, since after such a procedure the dog’s hair may not grow back.”

Should you cut your hair yourself or leave it to a professional?

You can cut your dog’s hair either at a grooming salon or on your own..

If a dog is preparing for an exhibition, then it is impossible to do without an experienced specialist. If the pet is not a show pet, then you can cut it yourself. This will require special tools, patience and treats for encouragement.

If you're not confident in your skills, watch a professional at work or take a few grooming lessons..

Main types of haircuts and what they look like in the photo


A classic haircut involves an appearance that emphasizes your strengths and hides your flaws . At the same time, the pet’s appearance does not change radically. It should be completely invisible that the dog has had its hair cut.

In the classic version, the pet's ears have a rounded shape, the collar is cut in the shape of a ball, and the silhouette is clearly defined . Hair is also removed along the contour of the fingers and between the pads.

As a result, the dog looks neat and natural. This type of hairstyle is also called an exhibition hairstyle.


Modern haircut is practically no different from classic haircut . The only difference is that in modern style there is a more pronounced edging of the silhouette, as a result of which the pet has a plush (toy-like) appearance.

If the hairstyle is done correctly, the Spitz's coat does not suffer and there are no problems with its regrowth..

"Under Boo"

With a Boo hairstyle, the dog looks like a teddy bear. The procedure is performed with a machine or trimmer over the entire surface of the body. As a result, the length of the wool is no more than 1.5 cm.

However, after such a procedure, the coat grows back very slowly . In addition, the dog will freeze in winter and suffer from overheating in summer.

Under the lion

The hairstyle is done with a machine or trimmer. In this case, all the hair is shaved down to the level of the shoulder blades. It is from the shoulder blades that the “mane” begins. The front legs are shaved down to the pasterns, the hind legs up to the hocks, and the belly is also treated.

A tassel is formed on the tail, which occupies one third of the length . All remaining fur, including the “mane,” is processed with scissors.

Most groomers do not recommend giving your dog a “Boo” haircut, as this can seriously damage your pet’s coat and it will never be the same again.

Moreover, it can take up to 2 years for hair to grow back.

The structure of the coat

In small puppies, the coat is formed only by three months. Before that they only had fluff. Adult hair appears gradually as soon as the animal is three months old, and the fluffy coat continues to grow for up to a year.

A trimmed Spitz looks well-groomed and neat

The coat of this breed is divided into two parts:

  • guard hair;
  • undercoat.

The outer hair will be straight and coarse, while the undercoat will be a soft, spiral-shaped fuzz. A distinctive feature of the Spitz is the fluffy collar and pants on the paws.

Fluffy collar and pants are characteristic features of the breed

For boys and girls

As a rule, owners of male Spitz dogs prefer haircuts:

  • Classic.
  • Modern.
  • "Under Boo"
  • Under the lion.

The first two emphasize the natural beauty of the pet, but do not indicate its gender. Therefore, they are suitable for both boys and girls.

As for the “Under Boo” hairstyle, it is often preferred by owners of boys . She is neat and does not require special care.

The Lion Hairstyle can be called the most masculine of all Pomeranian haircuts.

Owners of female Spitz prefer:

  • Classic haircut.
  • Modern.
  • "Like a fox."

These hairstyles maximize the beauty of your pets. They do not deprive the dog of its natural decoration - a fluffy coat.


Some owners use various decorations (hairpins, bows and other accessories) to create hairstyles, and some use bladeless coloring.

How often should the procedure be performed?

If the dog is not a show dog, then a monthly hygienic haircut will be enough . To understand whether your pet needs a haircut, put it in your profile and you will immediately see where the excess needs to be removed.

If an exhibition is planned, then the dog is cut six months before it.

After all, according to the standard, the Pomeranian Spitz should be in its natural form.

Required Tools

To groom your Pomeranian you will need::

  1. Sharp scissors with rounded ends.
  2. Thinning scissors.
  3. Fine-tooth comb.
  4. Comb with wide teeth.
  5. Pukhoderka.
  6. A dog clipper or trimmer.

Before the procedure, the pet must be combed and bathed.

Grooming the dog yourself

Some dog owners groom their pets themselves in order to save on the services of a professional. You can carry out the procedure yourself, but you need to know the specifics. For the first time, it is better to first take the animal to the salon to get advice from a professional. You can undergo training in advance. A step-by-step lesson on how to trim a Pomeranian will help you do the home procedure correctly.

The haircut is done in three stages:

  1. Preparation;
  2. bathing;
  3. the cutting process itself.

It is strictly forbidden to shout at the dog and force it to sit still. Breeders recommend that you first study the commands “cut” and “bathe” and reward them for their execution.

Spitz haircut

Required Tools

The formed cover is cut only with scissors; a machine cannot be used. To cut a Spitz, you will need to prepare:

  • sharp and thinning scissors;
  • scissors with a blunt end;
  • metal scissors with rare teeth;
  • massage brush.

You can’t use not only a machine, but also trimmers that are used to cut people’s hair.

How to trim ears

To make the ears small and neat, you need to have certain skills. The procedure is carried out as follows:

  1. The ear should be grabbed with two fingers;
  2. Direct the movement of the scissors from bottom to top, while simultaneously palpating the skin so as not to injure the pet.

The haircut ends by rounding the ear.

How to cut your hair at home?

Stages of work:

  1. Before you start grooming, the dog is thoroughly combed.
  2. The procedure begins with the paws. First, the pads and fingers, as well as the space between them, are treated. This is done using thin scissors, and tangles and clogged dirt are removed. To create the effect of a cat's paw, the fur is cut around the circumference of the paw.
  3. After the paws are trimmed, they begin to process the “pants” using a machine. The haircut is done from top to bottom, along the hair growth line.
  4. The base of the tail is trimmed with scissors in the direction of hair growth. After which the anus and genital area are treated.
  5. The belly is carefully processed with a machine, leaving at least 3 cm of fur length.
  6. Tail processing. The tail itself should be cut very carefully so as not to spoil its appearance. If you do not have experience in grooming, then simply trim the hair on the tail with scissors.
  7. The next stage is processing the ears. They are trimmed especially carefully so as not to injure the pet’s delicate skin. First, the overgrown hairs at the tips are cut off, and then the ears are given a rounded shape. After this, the regrown hairs on the inside of the ear are pulled out with special tweezers. Treating Spitz ears is a very delicate procedure and requires special skills.
  8. The area of ​​the back and sides is trimmed first with regular and then with thinning scissors. In this case, the movements should follow the outlines of the dog’s silhouette.
  9. If the hair is on the withers and sides of the branch, they are carefully cut with scissors.
  10. The area of ​​the back of the back is treated especially carefully so that the hair does not prevent the tail from curling freely.

Features of cutting a small Spitz

The haircut of a small Spitz has some peculiarities. Firstly, the wool of representatives of the breed is up to 4 months old. it looks like fluff and is not recommended to be processed. The hair acquires its final structure at about one year of age.

  • Preparation for the grooming procedure should begin from puppyhood . Small Spitz dogs are quite sensitive, they can get scared and will avoid cutting in the future. It is advisable to hold the baby on your lap the first couple of times, reassure him and perform the shortest processes (remove hairs in the ears or between the fingers, stroke the fur with a brush).
  • Older pets can be groomed on the table . Its surface must be smooth and non-slip. It is advisable to secure the dog, for example, by attaching a ring to a stand and putting a spitz on the neck. This is necessary so that the dog does not jerk at the wrong moment and is not injured by sharp instruments.
  • The coat of an adult Spitz has a dense undercoat and a long, erect awn . Taking these features into account, when bathing, as a preparatory stage of cutting, you need to use only professional shampoos, conditioners and balms for long coats that add volume.
  • It is undesirable to contain sulfates and parabens in cosmetics. It is also recommended to select a product taking into account the color of the pet. When preparing for a haircut after swimming, you must use a hairdryer, because... The dense undercoat prevents the coat from drying quickly and creates an environment for the proliferation of microbes.

When cutting a small Spitz, you must leave a length of at least 3-4 cm , otherwise the hair may stop growing or bald patches will appear. It is not recommended to remove the undercoat; it is better to cut only the outer coat, and trim the bottom layer exclusively.

How to properly care for fur?

The main rule when caring for a Spitz’s coat is regularity.

Needed for care:

  • Metal comb with thick teeth.
  • Comb with sparse teeth.
  • Pukhoderka.
  • Natural bristle brush.
  • Special dog shampoo and conditioner.
  • Scissors for haircuts.


Despite the thick coat, the Spitz does not need daily brushing, as this can lead to the loss of most of the undercoat.

Brush your dog 1-2 times a week and that will be enough.

Brush your pet as follows::

  1. First, the dog is combed with a comb with sparse teeth against the growth of the hair.
  2. Then the pet is scratched in the direction of hair growth with the same comb.
  3. At the next stage, the dog is combed through its fur with a comb with sparse teeth. This removes mats but leaves the undercoat untouched.
  4. Particular attention should be paid to the groin area, armpits and the area behind the ears. In these places the coat is softer and tangles most often form here.
  5. During molting, the pet is scratched with a slicker brush, freeing it from the old undercoat. During this period, the dog should be brushed daily.

Another important aspect of care is bathing. The procedure is carried out no more than once a month. If the dog gets dirty, then there is nothing wrong with bathing it outside of the schedule.

In this case, use only special shampoo and conditioner intended for dogs with lush hair . It is worth saying that Spitz dogs do not really like to swim.

But if you teach them from childhood, they will tolerate the procedure quite calmly. Pomeranians begin to be bathed at the age of 3-4 months.

A more convenient alternative to bathing is dry shampoo . It is an aerosol that binds particles of dirt and grease. After applying dry shampoo, comb the dog thoroughly.

Hygienic haircut is also an integral part of caring for the Pomeranian's coat. Groom your pet as the fur grows back (on average once a month).

It is not recommended to bathe your dog during shedding; this can lead to the formation of tangles, and the quality of the coat also suffers . It can go from straight and fluffy to soft and wavy.

What to do if your pet resists

It often happens that providing hairdressing services for a pet at home becomes a real test for its owner. What to do if the dog begins to resist during the grooming process?

In this case, experts strongly advise against shouting and threatening the Spitz - these actions will only cause a negative reaction from the pet, and will also develop in him a fear of manipulation even in a salon setting.

Moreover, owners of Pomeranian dogs are recommended to learn the “bath” or “cut” command in advance, for mastering which the animal should receive a pleasant reward.

Also, experts in the field in question advise identifying a separate place for home grooming, in which the pet will feel as calm as possible. This can be a table or ironing board. As for small puppies, when accustoming them to grooming, it is advisable to carry out all processes while holding them in your arms. Practice shows that this way the animal perceives all procedures more calmly.

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