Grooming a Spitz at home: everything you need to know

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The Pomeranian Spitz is a very beautiful breed. What makes her especially attractive is her fur, which is lush and thick. If you are the owner of this cute pet, you will have to trim its coat regularly. Grooming a Pomeranian Spitz, a photo of which is here, is not very difficult, but it does require skill.

Features of Spitz dogs

Spitz are short dogs with a plush coat and a luxurious “lion’s mane” that turns the pet into a teddy bear. Volume is provided by a thick undercoat with coarse hair growing perpendicular to the skin.

The breed has arctic-type wool: it regulates air exchange near the skin, protects from cold in winter and from overheating in summer. Its condition depends on vitamins in the diet, properly selected shampoos, walking conditions and regular grooming of the Spitz. Without proper care, tangles quickly form, and guard hair begins to fall out with the formation of bald areas. The most problematic areas: the crotch, armpits between the legs, ears.

The fine down begins to give way to mature, coarse hair at 4 months after the first molt. The peak of fall is observed in spring and autumn during the off-season. Complete replacement with the appearance of the final shade ends by 3 years.

Thanks to the unique structure of the coat, the process of molting in a Spitz is almost invisible to its owners. The sparse guard hairs remain in the thick layer of fur after falling out and therefore require careful combing. Their shortening and neat edging make them easier to care for.

How to choose a puppy

The main criterion when choosing a puppy is its state of health. Japanese Spitz puppies are very active and inquisitive. The fur should be pure white, without any splashes of other colors. Eyes and nose without purulent discharge. You should not choose a cowardly or overly aggressive dog.

You cannot adopt a puppy under 2 months old. It is at this age that the baby should receive the first vaccination. In this case, the risk of contracting life-threatening infections is minimal.

Many nurseries offer for sale already grown puppies aged 6-8 months. There are positive aspects to this. Such animals are already accustomed to walking, they have undergone a “baby” molt, and their milk teeth have been replaced by permanent ones. The Japanese Spitz already has the appearance of an adult dog; you can evaluate the character of the pet. Routine vaccinations according to age have been completed. There are documents from RKF. There is no need to worry that a teenage dog will not fit in with its new owner. The Japanese Spitz breed is one of the most sociable.

Rules for caring for Spitz hair

When carrying out grooming, it is important to take into account the characteristics of your pet’s coat:

  • Spiral-shaped guard hairs lift the coat, so voluminous “air” haircuts are preferred.
  • Every day you need to thoroughly comb your dog with a soft brush, paying special attention to the neck, groin area and belly of the animal. It is necessary to use special conditioners that reduce the number of tangles.
  • The dog should be bathed no more than once a month at a water temperature of 34-36°C, be sure to dry it with a hairdryer using a stream of cool air, and comb it with a slicker brush.
  • Use only high-quality and certified feed: the quality of wool depends 60% on the received nutrients, mineral compounds and vitamins.

During the first months, it is better to choose a simple hygienic haircut. Gradually, the dog gets used to grooming and reacts calmly to nail trimming. If necessary, young Spitz dogs undergo express molting.

Do I need to cut my hair?

Pomeranians have thick and lush hair, which makes them very beautiful and attractive. However, such beauty requires attention and regular care.

This includes: brushing, bathing and cutting . After all, without a haircut, your pet's fur quickly becomes tangled and loses its attractiveness. In addition, the haircut is performed for hygienic purposes.

To do this, the area of ​​the ears, around the anus and genitals, on the paws and between the toes is treated . The fur on the back is also shortened to make it easier for the dog to curl its tail.

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

“Some people believe that if the dog is not a show dog, then it is not necessary to cut it. But that's not true. Pomeranians require regular hygienic haircuts. Otherwise, tangles form on the fur, and this, in turn, leads to skin diseases, injuries to the fingers and pads. In addition, I would not recommend clipping your Spitz, since after such a procedure the dog’s hair may not grow back.”

Main types of Spitz haircuts

The choice of haircut for a Pomeranian or German Spitz depends on the wishes of the owner, size and gender, and time of year. The most popular and recommended by groomers models:

Spitz show haircuts photoDescription of exhibition haircuts
Classic or show grooming of a Spitz . Regulated by the breed standard. The specialist’s task is to highlight the animal’s advantages and carefully hide its shortcomings. Using thinning scissors, the ears and cheeks are given a rounded shape. The paws and collar are made more spherical. The tail should resemble a fan, so the groomer leaves the length by trimming the excess in the anus and groin area.
Hygienic spitz haircut . A simple option for connoisseurs of naturalness. Helps avoid problems with care at home. The pet's undercoat is thoroughly combed to remove tangles and matted tufts. The dog is carefully removed 2-3 cm on the front and hind legs, near the anus; make ears more rounded, remove protruding hairs at the tips. The specialist carefully walks at the base of the tail so that it curls beautifully and rests on the withers.

Before grooming, the Spitz must be bathed using special hypoallergenic products and dried, trying to blow out the undercoat during the drying process. The work begins with the head, gradually moves to the torso, and ends with the treatment of the anal area.


The Japanese Spitz dog is characterized by good health. Does not have severe gene diseases. It is considered one of the longest living breeds. With proper care and nutrition, the “Japanese” are able to live up to the age of 16.

Particular attention should be paid to the eyes. In Japanese Spitz, they often flow, forming dark tracks on the fur around the eyes. The reason for this phenomenon is poor nutrition. Owners who use low-quality dry food especially complain.

Blood-sucking parasites: fleas and ticks are the scourge of the White Japanese Spitz breed. It is necessary to regularly treat your pet for parasites. Otherwise, the dog will scratch the bite areas. Fleas are carriers of infectious diseases, the most dangerous of which is distemper.

In spring and summer, after each walk, the “Japanese” is inspected for ticks. The inner and outer surfaces of the ears are especially carefully studied. Once a tick is found, it is removed immediately.


Japanese Spitz are susceptible to the following diseases:

  1. Conjunctivitis.
  2. Cataract.
  3. Food allergies.

The main problem with Asian Spitz dogs is the high risk of patella dislocation.


Timely vaccination protects the animal from dangerous infectious diseases. Vaccinations help build the animal's immunity. Complex vaccines Nobivak and Eurikan are popular in our country.

Before any vaccination, it is necessary to carry out a number of preparatory measures:

  1. Treatment for fleas and worms. The presence of these parasites reduces the effectiveness of the vaccine. Produced 2 weeks before the event.
  2. You cannot introduce new foods into the diet 10 days before and after vaccination.
  3. An examination by a veterinarian is required, who will give an opinion on the pet’s health condition and its readiness for vaccination.

Table No. 2 shows an approximate vaccination schedule.

AgeDiseases against which vaccinations are given
8-10 weeksDistemper, leptospirosis, hepatitis, enteritis.
12 weeksRevaccination of previously given vaccinations.
6 monthsRepeated vaccine against distemper, leptospirosis, hepatitis, enteritis plus rabies vaccine.
1 yearRevaccination of previous vaccination.

A note is made about each vaccine in the veterinary passport. The schedule is set by the doctor.

To develop stable immunity, strict adherence to vaccination schedules is necessary.

Model haircuts for Spitz

Beautiful and fluffy wool allows the owner to choose a non-standard model haircut for the Spitz. In the salon, an experienced groomer can perform the following options:

Model haircuts for Spitz photosDescription of model haircuts
Under the fox . Recommended for the “German”, it emphasizes the slightly elongated skull and sharp muzzle. The ears are given a triangular shape and long hairs are removed. The collar is shortened to the same length as the body, the tail is left unchanged, slightly removing the fluff at the tip.
Stylish pixie . The body and paws are carefully trimmed with scissors, leaving a plush layer, the collar and cheeks are removed by 5-6 cm. The head takes on a spherical shape, the ears remain fluffy after light trimming.
Toy Terrier or Toy . The ideal haircut for a fox-type Spitz: the master removes the length of the entire body to 2.5-3 cm, cuts the tail, and gives the ears the appearance of a triangle. The collar area is completely removed, exposing the neck. The groomer tries to achieve maximum resemblance to the decorative breed, shortening the cheeks so that the muzzle acquires lighter features.
Grooming a spitz or a teddy bear . Characteristic signs: ears and tail should be at the same level, hair on the body should be removed short. They become plush to the touch. The paws are given an elegant “cat” shape. After the groomer's work is completed, the pet resembles a soft toy. Among the disadvantages is that the animal is not allowed to be exhibited because the breed does not meet the standards. The coat takes several months to grow, and the condition of the undercoat deteriorates.
Modern . It is based on the classic one, emphasizing the elegance of the breed, but the master shortens the length more. The groomer gives the silhouette a smooth outline with a deep edging of the body, which guarantees a plush effect to the pile. The ears and muzzle should be round with no protruding hairs. When done professionally, it does not harm the structure of the Spitz's coat.

When choosing a haircut model, there are no strict recommendations regarding the gender of the dog. But most owners avoid giving a girl a spitz haircut to look like a bear or a lion: the classic one looks more elegant, emphasizing the exterior and color features.

But specialists from the ARTEMONoff grooming salon warn that short haircuts for a Spitz like a bear cub or a fox can lead to disruption of the growth of the undercoat. When using a machine or shortening it too much, the guard hairs fall out more actively, and the new bulbs gradually “fall asleep”, and bald patches and bald spots appear on the back, stomach, anal area and paws.

Alopecia X is a serious problem that is accompanied by changes in skin pigmentation. Therefore, before choosing a haircut for a Pomeranian, you need to consult a groomer and choose from standard classic options.

The cost of grooming a Spitz depends on the set of procedures. It is complemented by washing, combing out stray lumps, shortening claws and trimming. After removing the fallen guard hairs, the coat becomes smooth, has a healthy shine, and the amount of hair on the furniture and clothes of the owner decreases. The risk of inflammation and dermatitis, which are complicated by skin irritation, is reduced.

Should you cut your hair yourself or leave it to a professional?

You can cut your dog’s hair either at a grooming salon or on your own..

If a dog is preparing for an exhibition, then it is impossible to do without an experienced specialist. If the pet is not a show pet, then you can cut it yourself. This will require special tools, patience and treats for encouragement.

If you're not confident in your skills, watch a professional at work or take a few grooming lessons..

Basic rules for cutting Spitz dogs

It is necessary to know the peculiarities of the structure and renewal of hair in order to make an even edging and not disturb the nutrition of the roots, therefore it is not recommended to cut your pet’s hair at home. In the salon, the specialist uses high-quality tools, combs and slickers, disinfectant solutions, hypoallergenic products with antistatic action.

There is no need to cut your pet's hair yourself: if it is accidentally damaged or shaving is too short, the hair growth will not be restored. The consequence of unprofessional grooming of Spitz dogs is mechanical alopecia, long-term and expensive treatment. The master carefully checks the length and direction of the villi during work, so as not to disrupt the process of thermoregulation of the skin, not to provoke sunburn in the summer and frostbite in the cold.

At the ARTEMONoff salon in Moscow, Spitz haircut prices are quite affordable for all owners of these charming dogs. The cost is affected by the range of services chosen. We adhere to strict sanitary standards and requirements, which eliminates injury and infection during procedures. Masters do not use sedatives to calm pets, trying to find an approach to the most impatient four-legged clients.


An example of courage, loyalty, extraordinary kindness - this is how you can describe the temperament of the Japanese Spitz. He finds a common language with his family, but is distrustful of strangers and strangers. I am ready to express my attitude towards them with a dissatisfied bark.

At the same time, the “Japanese” is considered the quietest dog that will not bark over trifles. Because of this feature, the dog has a second name: the silent Asian Spitz. A dog that is too aggressive and noisy is considered a breed defect. Such individuals are not allowed for further breeding.

This active, funny dog ​​is always ready to play and have fun. Prefers human company, is sad when alone, and may even get sick.

Japanese Spitz dogs are fun to train and learn. But from an early age they show attempts at dominance. It is the owner's responsibility to show the pet who is the head of the family.

By the age of two months, the puppy has a pronounced sociable character. The dog follows his owner as if attached, and becomes sad if he is left alone for a long time.

Prices for Spitz haircuts:

BreedWash dryShort haircutGrooming long hairTangles (RUB/hour)Complex
Spitz medium (Japanese) 2500 rub. 1600 rub. 1600 rub. 300-600 rub. 3500-4000 rub.
Pomeranian Spitz (up to 23 cm) 2000 rub. 1500 rub. 1500 rub. 300-600 rub. 2600 -3200 rub.
Small German Spitz (23-28 cm) 2500 rub. 1500 rub. 1500 rub. 300-600 rub. 3000 -3600 rub.
Spitz (keeshond) 2700 rub. 1700 rub. 1700 rub. 300-600 rub. 3800-4600 rub.

History of the origin of black color

The color (color) of canines is determined by a set of genes. The main, original color gene for canines is agouti. The gene was named after a small gray-brown animal whose fur color allows it to camouflage itself in wildlife. In individuals of the canine family, this color is called gray or wolf.

Animal Agouti

Agouti is the original founder gene for most of the alleles that create different colors. The original main starting colors are gray (A) and solid charcoal (As), saddle black (asa), as well as black and tan (at) and red (Ay). The wild basic agouti gene (A) is precisely inherent in dogs of naturally bred (primitive) aboriginal breeds (group 5), which includes the Spitz family of breeds. Other types of domestic dogs do not have this gene in its pure form. In the process of evolution, the A gene branched into dominant genes (black and red) and recessive genes (black and tan and black and tan).


The solid color in Spitz-type dogs, like in natural (primitive) dog breeds, is ensured by the dominant allele As. The color of the hair is from coal-black to dark with a brown tint. The brown tint is a residual from agouti. Dogs with a brown tint have the genotype AsAy, AsA, and pure black dogs have the genotype AsAs, since As is not completely dominant over the others. Since the As genotype is one of the basic genotypes in canines, dogs with black coats can bring more color combinations into their offspring, as well as improve the quality of the coat of other colors. Therefore, dogs of this type are so valued by breeders and are actively used in breeding. However, in a number of European countries, it is in the Spitz breed that the breeding of separately black/brown, separately white, and separately other types of colors is cultivated. This is due to the breed selection standards in these countries.


Interesting! Visually, jet-black dogs, logically, are carriers of a dominant genome; in fact, they can be genetically black and tan, that is, carriers of a recessive genome, which in the future can lead to unexpected colors in their offspring.

Therefore, breeders, even if there is visual confirmation of color, usually conduct color genotype testing in order to have predictable selection results in future litters.

Some of our works:

Grooming a Pomeranian dog

Spitz haircut in the ARTEMONoff salon

Pomeranian Spitz after haircut

Spitz haircut

Spitz grooming in the ARTEMONoff salon

Classic Spitz haircut

Pomeranian Spitz Grooming

Spitz grooming

See all photos of dog haircuts in the photo gallery >>>


To buy a puppy, it is better to contact nurseries. Experienced breeders will talk about the characteristics of the breed and share their knowledge about education and training. A decent breeder will not hide the conditions in which the mother and puppies live. He will be happy to show photographs of the babies’ father so that the buyer has a complete idea of ​​the dog’s future appearance.

If the seller does not make contact and tries to avoid meetings on his territory, it is better not to contact him.

Large nurseries in Russia that breed Japanese Spitz:

  • “Donik Style” St. Petersburg
  • "Baltic Line" Leningrad region, pos. Levashovo
  • "Universe Fantasm" Volgograd

Before bringing a small Spitz into your home, you need to study the pros and cons of the breed and weigh your strengths in keeping a dog. An intelligent, cheerful Japanese Spitz, with proper care, will become a devoted friend and companion for many years.


Animals with a dominant genome are quite valuable for breeding and are therefore expensive.


The average cost of a show class black Spitz puppy starts from 50 thousand rubles, pet class - from 30 thousand rubles.


“Min Herts” - Russia, Kashira; “Nixend” - Russia, Moscow; “Bis Grünen Hof” - Russia, Chelyabinsk; Danube Dwarf Country - Serbia, Belgrade; “Lovely Tail Axi” – Russia.

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