How to cut a Pekingese haircut: types of haircuts and how to carry out the procedure at home

Pekingese are one of those dogs that need not only high-quality and balanced nutrition and physical activity, but also careful care of their coat.

It is extremely important to pay due attention to this, since the condition of the coat not only affects the appearance of the pet, but also serves as an indicator of its health.

As for haircuts, you should understand that they have both supporters and opponents, so carrying out this procedure is the choice of the dog owner.

Is it necessary to get a haircut for the summer?

Among all the decorative dog breeds, it is the Pekingese that has the thickest coat, consisting of long guard hairs and dense undercoat..

Such coat requires careful care and not all Pekingese owners are willing to spend a lot of time on this.

In addition, the thick and dense coat, combined with the brachycephalic structure of the skull, causes poor heat tolerance in representatives of this breed.

Among the main disadvantages of haircuts are::

  • loss of the breed’s characteristic appearance;
  • suspension of the insertion career until the coat has completely grown back.

However, this procedure has many more advantages.:

  • After a haircut, a dog can tolerate the heat more easily;
  • daily pet care is greatly simplified;
  • the likelihood of tangles forming decreases;
  • Fleas and other parasites, including ticks, are easier to spot on short hair.

In addition, with age, the color and structure of the coat of the Pekingese changes, and it loses its natural shine. Therefore, with the help of a haircut, you can give your dog a neater and more youthful appearance.

Exhibition animals cannot be cut; only light trimming of the coat and hygienic trimming are permissible..

When deciding to trim your Pekingese, it is important to remember that if the coat is too short in extreme heat, the dog’s risk of sunburn or heatstroke increases.

Therefore, you should carefully choose the type of haircut and listen to the advice of a professional groomer, who can tell you what length of hair will be optimal.

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

In general, grooming Pekingese is not a mandatory procedure; many breeders are generally confident that it only harms representatives of this breed. The fact is that with regular short clipper haircuts, there is a risk that the coat will be damaged and will not be able to recover, and many do not believe in the statement that a haircut helps to better withstand the heat and believe that this, on the contrary, violates the natural air exchange. At the same time, if the dog does not participate in exhibitions, and the issue of grooming is approached responsibly, this procedure will not only significantly facilitate the care of the pet’s coat, but will also help give it a more aesthetic appearance.

Should you cut your hair yourself or leave it to a professional?

The main reason why most Pekingese owners prefer to groom their pets themselves is the high cost of professional groomer services..

Secondary factors include the location of grooming salons, which are not convenient for everyone to get to, as well as the need to adjust to a certain time when the groomer will be free.

Of course, if possible, it is better to entrust the haircut to professionals.

At a minimum, this should be done the first time when the dog is unfamiliar with the process and may be nervous or scared of the tools, especially the sound of the machine..

In addition, this will give the owner the opportunity to observe the progress of the haircut, and then repeat it himself.

Where is it better to do grooming: the advantages of salon and home haircuts

If you do not have experience, a professional will do the job faster and better. It is definitely better to entrust the groomer with the pre-show preparation of a thoroughbred animal, so as not to accidentally spoil the exterior - after all, any little thing can affect the rating and title.

If there are no high demands on the appearance, then you can cut your Pekingese haircut yourself at home. Regarding saving money, the situation is twofold - on the one hand, independent work is free, on the other hand, grooming tools are not cheap.

But you will definitely be able to save time – at least on the trip to the salon and back. You don’t have to wait for an appointment at the hairdresser either - the owner can cut his pet’s hair at any free minute.

Main types of haircuts and their descriptions

Grooming a Pekingese can be more than just hygienic . Often, owners whose dogs do not participate in exhibitions choose a variety of model haircuts, trying to emphasize the individuality of the pet.


The purpose of this haircut is to make grooming your dog easier . The fur is simply cut short with a clipper or scissors, and the hairs in the groin area and around the anus are also shaved.


This model assumes the presence of a trimmed muzzle (except for the ears), a trimmed belly, back and paws . The tail should also be trimmed slightly, but left fluffy.


It is this type of haircut, which is a combination of general grooming techniques, that is chosen by owners whose pets are preparing for an exhibition.

This haircut also includes the use of specialized products aimed at caring for the coat and maintaining its attractive appearance..


Model haircuts are only permissible for those dogs that do not participate in exhibitions, and are aimed at emphasizing their individuality.

Here everything depends on the imagination and taste of the pet owner and groomer; it is also possible to apply decorative glitter tattoos or coloring.


With this option, a special machine is used for cutting, with the help of which the wool is smoothed. This allows you to achieve a neat length of the coat and the entire haircut.

You can give wool a “plush” look using both a machine and scissors..


This is a specialized type of haircut that is ideal for long-haired dogs. He assumes that long strands of wool will be left, which can then be gathered into ponytails, braided from them, and decorated with hairpins, elastic bands and bows.


This method is the most convenient and most suitable for Pekingese, as it goes well with their appearance and long hair.


This method is well suited for creating beautiful and smooth transitions between long and short hairs and creating a multi-level haircut.

To do this, use special thinning scissors..

Under the lion

This is one of the most popular and common haircuts, after which the Pekingese begins to look like a small lion cub.

During the haircut, the coat on the dog's body is shortened, and a rather thick and lush mane remains on the head, decorated as neatly as possible.

Like a puppy

A Japanese grooming technique in which the dog's hair is shortened along the entire body to 3 cm, and the ears are given a soft, oval shape.


This is how male dogs are most often cut. The muzzle and tail should be trimmed short with scissors, and the body with a clipper . The paws need to be trimmed so that they are left with a kind of “pants.”

Why do you need Pekingese haircuts?

There are owners and animal advocates who argue that this is animal cruelty and there is no need to cut Pekingese hair. However, this is a misconception, because the haircut

not only aesthetically beautiful, but also
serves a number of specific factors that help the dog feel better and avoid health problems

There are also certain haircut rules that should be followed depending on the situation.

    And so, let's look at the main reasons and rules for cutting a Pekingese haircut:
  • For example, in the summer, when the temperature in Moscow reaches 30 degrees or higher, Pekingese are much more comfortable with a haircut. Otherwise, the dog will be hot, the body temperature rises and this is unnecessary stress for the pet. But don’t get carried away with cutting your hair too short, there’s a high risk of heat shock. An experienced groomer will tell you the optimal length. Moreover, wool already tends to shed due to nature and sunlight. Therefore, a haircut will truly be a way out and salvation.
  • In the autumn or spring, the street is quite dirty and long hair is very difficult to wash and comb without harming the pet. The fur will become matted and unsightly, and tangles will appear in which mites can settle.
  • With age, the Pekingese's coat loses its beauty, so a shorter haircut is simply a must.
  • Various fleas settle in thick fur, among which a tick hides. Or other skin diseases occur.
  • During festivals and exhibitions, a certain length of wool is valued. It is a little longer than if you cut the dog very short like in the summer, but not too long. Only an experienced groomer can help you achieve the desired coat length.

As can be seen from the reasons and specifics, the dog needs to be cut often and the haircut often depends on weather conditions and the time of year. We remind you that only the master selects the length that the dog needs at a given time.

How often should the procedure be performed?

The regularity of haircuts is an individual issue and depends on the rate of hair growth of a particular dog..

It can be influenced not only by heredity, but also by how much proper care the pet receives: balanced nutrition, intake of vitamins and minerals, and even the frequency of washing.


On average, the fur on the back and belly grows in 1.5-2 months, on the head – a little longer.

It's time to update the haircut as soon as the length of the coat becomes uncomfortable for the pet and the owner.

Required Tools

In order to trim a Pekingese, you will need:

  • dog clipper (popular from Moser or Andis);
  • a set of attachments with knives 10, 15, 22 mm wide, etc.;
  • a special grooming table or at least a rubber mat on which the dog will stand during the grooming;
  • scissors with rounded ends, which are used for cutting fur on the face and paws;
  • thinning scissors;
  • soft massage brush;
  • slicker brush with fine iron teeth;
  • an iron comb with sparse long teeth;
  • nail clipper

In addition, you may need a special tangle cutter, which can be used to conveniently remove tangles, as well as sprays and oils, the effect of which is aimed at facilitating combing.

How to cut your own hair at home

In order to cut your pet's hair yourself, you do not need to have specific hairdressing skills; the main thing is to have all the necessary tools, study the stages of cutting in advance and strictly adhere to them.

Universal haircut

For this haircut you need:

  • Wash the dog well in warm water using a special zoo shampoo appropriate for its coat type;
  • make sure that when washing, water does not get into your pet’s ears; to do this, you can plug them with cotton wool;
  • dry your pet dry by first wrapping it in a terry towel and then using a hair dryer with warm, but not hot, air;
  • comb the dog with a slicker brush and get rid of all tangles, if any;
  • shorten the Pekingese's claws using a guillotine nail clipper;
  • cut the hair between the fingers;
  • get rid of vegetation in the groin area;
  • use a clipper or scissors to trim the fur on the back, paws, sides and chest;
  • give a neat shape to the hair on the neck, chest and hind legs;
  • make an even contour on the stomach, leaving a maximum of 1.5 cm in fur length and removing excess hairs using thinning scissors;
  • make the hair around the head round;
  • remove the fringe in the ear area with thinning scissors;
  • cut the hairs under the tail - in the genital area and anus;
  • trim the tail a little, but leave it fluffy.

Throughout the entire procedure, it is necessary to comb your pet - this will help ensure that the lines are even.

After a haircut, your dog’s belly often itches; to avoid this, you need to immediately shake off excess hair from it.

If your pet's croup itches after a haircut, it should be washed and treated with an antiseptic..

Under the lion

To give the Pekingese the appearance of a small lion cub, you need:

  • shave the hair on the body with a clipper, leaving a length of 6-15 mm;
  • leave fluffy fur on the paws, slightly trimming it and giving the fringes rounded shapes or, conversely, shave them with a 22 mm nozzle;
  • leave the mane on the head, cutting off the thick hair on the neck and leaving a smooth transition, or keep the coat down to the shoulders, leaving long hair on the chest and neck;
  • trim the fur on the ears to the shape of the muzzle without cutting it off completely.

The tail must be cut short, leaving hair only at the very tip, to get a pom-pom or tassel like a lion.

How to properly care for your fur

Caring for the Pekingese's coat after clipping involves regular washing and combing, which is especially important in areas where the coat has not been shaved.


Representatives of this breed should be bathed no more than once a month. Washing more frequently will interfere with your skin's natural oil production.

The exception is when the pet gets very dirty during a walk . You can avoid this in the autumn-spring period by wearing special clothes on your Pekingese.

When washing, it is necessary to use only specialized shampoos and conditioners for long-haired dogs, since cosmetics intended for people are not suitable for animals and can not only dry out their skin, but also cause an allergic reaction.

After bathing, the dog should be wrapped in a towel and then thoroughly dried with a hairdryer, ensuring that the undercoat does not remain wet..

The main thing is to ensure that you maintain a cold or warm mode and do not bring the hair dryer close to the skin.


The coat should be brushed immediately after washing, before it is completely dry, or while blow-drying.

For this you need:

  • lay the pet on its back, spray the belly with a spray for light combing and, moving towards the head, gently comb the fur on the belly and paws;
  • remove dead hairs on the stomach with a powder brush;
  • brush the hind legs and rump;
  • comb the hair on the neck, laying the Pekingese on its side, repeat the same on the other side;
  • comb the back towards the neck, and the tail from the base to the end.

This scheme is especially relevant for those owners who prefer to leave long hair on the dog or not cut it at all.

Dog care also includes brushing teeth and ears, wiping eyes and timely deworming and vaccinations..

Haircut at home

Grooming Pekingese dogs at home requires some preparation from the owner. The dog should be thoroughly washed and dried. It is necessary to prepare a place so that it is convenient for both the hairdresser and the animal, as well as tools and necessary hair cosmetics.

Preparing the place and the dog

The place for the procedure should be under good electric or daylight lighting so as not to miss a single area of ​​fur. Ideally, the dog should be groomed on a special grooming table with an anti-slip coating and a special holder on the bar. But it is quite expensive, so to try out the pen, you can limit yourself to a rubber mat on a regular table.

Before grooming, the dog should be thoroughly combed and tangles removed. If an animal is being groomed for the first time, you need to prepare a treat to reward obedience and calm behavior.

Tools and tools

To implement this plan, you will need the following tools:

  1. Machine. It is better to take a clipper specifically for dogs, and not for people, since the structure of the hair differs. In order not to scare your pet, choose the most silent device.
  2. Several types of scissors: large and small straight, rounded, thinning.
  3. You also need to take several combs: for the downy undercoat you will need a furminator or a special slicker brush. To comb the awn, use a toothed comb and a brush.
  4. Often a manicure is done in parallel with a haircut. In this case, you will need a nail clipper.

All tools should be placed at hand, close to the table, so that you don’t have to reach for them. For cosmetics, you may need mousses and foams, but they are more often used before exhibitions and photo shoots.

Bath procedures

Before the procedure begins, the dog is carefully bathed, being careful not to get water in his ears. It is better to plug them with cotton swabs. For washing, you need to purchase special shampoo and conditioner for long-haired dogs.

After bathing, the washed friend is dried with a towel, dried with a hairdryer and combed again. You need to dry it with slightly warm air, because too hot air can damage the structure of the hair, and very carefully - you will have to make an effort to completely dry the dense undercoat.

Progress of the procedure in stages

The tools are laid out, a photo of a hairstyle is selected, your washed, dried and still furry friend stands quietly on the table. What are the next steps for cutting a Pekingese dog at home?

  1. It is good to comb the fur, ridding your pet of all tangles and tangles. This should be done with a brush, and tangled areas should be sorted out with a comb. If you have complex and voluminous felt boots, it is better to take a welt cutter.
  2. The first thing you need to do is get a manicure, since representatives of this breed walk at a measured pace and for a short time, and their claws do not have time to wear down naturally. There is no need to cut them at the root: they remove a few millimeters, trying not to touch the blood vessel.
  3. After the claws, the paws are decorated - the hair is cut out between the toes and around the metacarpus itself.
  4. Further actions depend on the chosen haircut. If you are getting a clipper cut, then start shaving from the groin, move to the stomach, and then shave the entire body using a nozzle of the selected length. If you don’t have a clipper or you don’t plan to completely remove the length, you need to learn how to trim a Pekingese with scissors. To do this, the body is trimmed with straight, long scissors; if you want more volume, it is created using thinning. Use rounded scissors to form column legs.
  5. After this, they move on to the head - giving it smooth shapes and trimming the ears.
  6. Last of all, the tail is cut - it is usually left in long hair, straightened into a saber shape, or, in the version of the lion haircut, it is shaved bald with a clipper, leaving a tassel on the tail.

After the Pekingese's haircut is completed, the dog is carefully combed again, bows are tied and braids are braided, if this is provided for in the hairstyle.

How much does grooming cost?

On average, in a grooming salon, a Pekingese haircut costs 1 thousand rubles, comprehensive care for a pet, including washing, trimming nails, cleaning ears and anal glands - 1.5 thousand rubles.

There are also services to call a groomer to your home. In this case, grooming a dog will cost an average of 2 thousand rubles, washing – 500 rubles, trimming nails – 200 rubles, comprehensive care – 2.5 thousand rubles.

Where is it better to get a haircut - at home or in a salon?

If the problem - to cut it or not to cut it - has already been solved, then the next one arises - where is the best place to groom your pet? Some owners prefer to invite a professional dog groomer to their home rather than take their animal to a salon.

This is explained by the lower price when calling a specialist to your home or the lack of appropriate establishments near your place of residence.

Naturally, the decision on where and how to cut the pet’s hair remains with the owner. But there are some advantages of salon grooming:

  • availability of special equipment (table, lighting, all necessary tools);
  • compliance with hygiene standards when cutting;
  • in unfamiliar territory and in the absence of the owner, the behavior of the dog itself is more calm and balanced; At home, the animal can be restless and even aggressive;
  • the owner has free time: while the four-legged fashionista is getting a haircut, you can mind your own business.

Grooming is not a simple procedure. An owner with some courage and determination can take several lessons on grooming his pet from a specialist and then carry out a small hygiene procedure at home on his own.

However, before you cut your Pekingese's hair at home, it is recommended to have the first full haircut done at a grooming salon. The master will give the desired shape to the coat and give advice on care.

The cute dog will be given a suitable and unique haircut.

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