Characteristics of the American pit bull breed, standard and cost

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Pit bulls are calm, intelligent and hardworking dogs that can be kept both in a private home and in an apartment. If you want to have a loyal four-legged friend, then be sure to consider the Pit Bull Terrier as one of your main options. We will look at how much puppies of this breed cost, how to choose a pit bull and other interesting facts about these dogs in our article.

Breed characteristics

The American Pit Bull Terrier creates the impression of a powerful and hardy beast. Today there is a mixed opinion about the dog. Many people believe that the dog is dangerous to others. The APBT's fighting past has influenced the attitude towards them in the present. The governments of the European Union and Australia have legally banned the keeping of pit bull terriers. The list of positive qualities of a dog includes:

  • Balanced psyche;
  • Loyalty to the owner;
  • Intelligence;
  • Activity.

Among the animal's shortcomings is pugnacity. Until the owner accustoms the pit bull terrier to certain rules and prohibitions, the dog will strive to fight with its relatives. The American Pit Bull Terrier strives for leadership from birth. Characteristics of the breed include the following qualities:

  • Harmonious body proportions;
  • Short hair;
  • Various color options;
  • Muscular physique;
  • Stockiness;
  • Requires minimal care.

The Pit Bull Terrier is not suitable for every breeder. It is necessary to devote a lot of time to education and training. The dog should not feel lonely, otherwise character changes in a negative direction are possible.

Pitbull temperament

There is an opinion that the purpose of the American Pit Bull Terrier is to organize dog fights. Many argue that this is perhaps the most aggressive breed. We hasten to reassure you: this opinion is groundless. In fact, the pit bull is a fairly calm and balanced animal that gets along well with other animals, as well as children. In addition, the pit bull breed has the following characteristics:

  • dynamism;
  • patience;
  • energy;
  • obedience;
  • devotion.

The Pit Bull Terrier is a loyal dog that strives to help its owner in everything. This pet will not cause you problems, but only if you can provide the puppy with exciting leisure time at home from an early age and raise him correctly.

Origin of APBT

The history of the American Pit Bull Terrier begins in the 17th century.
The love for bloody dog ​​fights was the reason for creating a breed with hereditary fighting qualities. The main task was to obtain a hardy, aggressive, pain-resistant animal with leadership qualities. During that period, it was primarily the bulldogs that could boast of having most of the declared characteristics. To obtain the ideal fighter, they decided to cross the most worthy bulldogs with a terrier. The animal combined aggressiveness, speed, strength and pressure and became known as the Bull Terrier or Pit Dog. The new name personified the purpose of the dog and is translated from English as a fighting dog. Over the decades of the bloody and cruel sport, genetic data has been improved, and the crossing of the champion composition has made it possible to obtain a more perfect species.

In 1835, a significant event for the breed occurred - dog fighting was officially banned. At the end of the 18th and beginning of the 19th centuries, pit bull terriers came to America. Irish and English emigrants brought Abt to states where the violent sport was not a legal form of entertainment. The development of the breed in the USA brought great popularity to the animal, and in 1898 the first dog breeding club appeared in the country. Today, the institution continues to operate and is exclusively engaged in breeding American pit bull terriers. Registration from the UKC club does not receive official force.

In 1909, some members of the organization decided to form their own association. It is today known as the American Dog Breeders Association. Over time, its activities have become international; participants are engaged in registering purebred representatives of the breed from all over the world.


The American Pit Bull Terrier dog breed is distinguished by excellent health. Average life expectancy is 12-15 years. There are long-livers who have crossed the 20-year mark.


American Pit Bull Terriers are prone to the following diseases:

  • hypothyroidism;
  • food allergies;
  • hip dysplasia;
  • demodicosis

Animals often suffer from problems with the cardiovascular system. Some of them have congenital heart defects.


American pit bulls are vaccinated according to the generally accepted schedule:

  • 6-9 weeks – from canine distemper, viral hepatitis, parvovirus enteritis, leptospirosis;
  • 11-12 weeks – re-vaccination + first rabies vaccination.

At 6 months, puppies receive another comprehensive vaccination. Adult pit bulls are revaccinated annually. Animals are also systematically treated for fleas and ticks.

Appearance Standard

The American Pitbull breed has not been officially recognized by the cynological organization. Representatives can vary greatly in appearance. This fact gave rise to doubts about the existence of uniform standards. In fact, the main quality of a purebred dog is the absence of the aggression gene. Today, adba and ukc, organizations for the registration of pit bull terriers, have put forward two versions of standards.

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Organization Options Characteristic
  1. UKC club
  1. adba
  1. Head
  2. Jaw
  3. Frame
  4. Tail
  5. Eyes
  6. Limbs
  7. Weight
  8. Height
  1. Head
  2. Jaw
  3. Frame
  4. Tail
  5. Eyes
  6. Limbs
  7. Weight
  8. Height
  1. Large, proportional to the body with clearly defined brow ridges
  2. The shape is a blunt wedge. The ratio of muzzle to skull is 2:3.
  3. Well developed, scissor bite.
  4. Strong, muscular, sculpted body. The length is slightly higher than the height at the withers.
  5. It has become a natural continuation of the upper body, tapering towards the top.
  6. Deep-set, widely spaced eyes. Blue color is not allowed.
  7. The fore and hind limbs are powerful and strong. Clearly defined hock angles at the hock joints.
  8. Cables 16-27, 2 kg, females - 13.5 - 22.7 kg.
  9. Cables - up to 40 to 42 m, bitches - from 37 cm to 39 m.
  1. The shape is wedge-shaped, tapering towards the nose. The bridge of the nose is well developed.
  2. Powerful, preferably scissor bite. The lips fit tightly to the jaw.
  3. Powerful body with a well-developed chest tapering towards the bottom. The length of the body exceeds the height of the animal.
  4. Set low, widening towards the base.
  5. Wide set, elliptical shape.
  6. The forelimbs have a pronounced relief, the shoulders are wider than the chest. The hind limbs are distinguished by sloping hips with thinner bones.
  7. From 10 to 35 kg
  8. From 42 to 48 cm

When determining breed standards, the American Dog Breeders Association pays more attention to the fighting qualities of the animal. In the second case, the emphasis in the description of the breed is placed in favor of its exhibition relative, the Staffordshire Terrier, and the physical characteristics are less closely examined. Both organizations pay attention to the character and temperament of the animal.

Differences between Pit Bulls and Staffordshire Terriers

The main difference between these breeds is that the APBT is not a show breed, unlike the Staff.

But the American Pit Bull Terrier is more suitable for various kinds of sporting competitions. Also in big cities mono exhibitions are organized for them.

Externally, it is almost impossible to distinguish between a pit bull and an Amstaff. The Staffordshire Terrier is usually larger. The average weight of an adult is from 30 to 50 kg.

Character and temperament

Many people associate a fighting dog with its intended purpose as a danger to all family members. You can only draw a conclusion after meeting in person. The character of an adult dog depends on the qualities laid down by the owner; the person lays the foundation on his own . Using cruel training methods will quickly lead to anger, but affection and attention will help raise a kind animal . A self-confident and inquisitive animal by temperament can become a helper and protector of the family or a domestic tyrant, in the absence of the strong hand of the owner.

During breeding, the ability for fighting qualities was instilled at the genetic level, and the prohibition of aggressive behavior towards the owner was instilled. The animal strives to become a leader in all endeavors; good mental abilities allow the American Pit Bull Terrier to make independent decisions.

A dog will not show anger if properly trained. It is easy to grow an ABPT into a reliable friend and ally who will be happy to explore the world together and protect the owner if necessary. The animal will happily play and follow the owner’s commands.

The character of a dog depends on the actions of the breeder. Representatives of the breed quickly grasp and remember, and are easy to train. Abuse and lack of attention to the puppy will negatively affect the dog and cause aggression towards people and other animals.

The animal's psyche is stable, provided it is properly raised. It is difficult to unbalance him. The animal is able to appreciate its physical capabilities and will not harm children or other animals in the house.

Life expectancy and what diseases are they susceptible to?

White pit bulls live, on average, 12 to 15 years.

They are usually in good health, but representatives of this breed may be susceptible to the following ailments::

  • Dysplasia.
  • Hypothyroidism.
  • Hemangioma or histocytoma of the skin.
  • Allergy.
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Von Willebrand's disease.
  • Aortic stenosis.
  • Bloating or volvulus of the intestines or stomach.

You should avoid purchasing white pit bulls with signs of albinism, as such dogs often suffer from deafness or congenital blindness, as well as other serious health problems.

Education and training

Animal training begins from early childhood; it will be useless to instill your own rules in an adult dog. The owner’s main task is to clearly define his leadership; the person’s authority must be clearly established. It is important to exercise your dog regularly with persistence and patience. The pit bull terrier must clearly understand why he is praised and what he is scolded for. An important rule of training is constant close contact.

The breed is trainable, quickly remembers and grasps commands. Difficulties may arise when completing tasks. In this case, it is necessary to show patience and perseverance; you cannot use cruel methods of influence or react aggressively to failures. During training, you should use toys, you need to rely on the curiosity and activity of the breed.

At the first stage, experts advise the breeder to take the dog through a general training course to become familiar with the basics of obedience. Continuing the training of walls, obtaining protective and guard skills. A sharp mind, hunting skills and physical qualities will help make a dog not only a friend, but also an assistant.

How to feed?

White pit bulls can be susceptible to allergies, therefore, the most preferable feeding option for them is high-grade, complete, hypoallergenic dry food.

However, if the pet does not have health problems, then it can be fed with homemade food..

The basis of a white pit bull's diet when fed naturally should be muscle meat or offal, to which you need to add a little porridge from rice, buckwheat or oatmeal, raw or boiled vegetables, fermented milk products and vitamin and mineral supplements.

First, the puppy needs to be fed what the breeder recommends, and only later will it be possible to switch the dog to the feeding option that seems most suitable and convenient to its owner.

In any case, you should not overfeed your white pitbull or feed him treats between feedings..

If the method of rewarding with treats is used during training, then at the next feeding you need to give the dog a little less food than usual.

Maintenance and necessary care

The pit bull is an unpretentious dog; it requires simple rules of hygiene and care. Dog handlers recommend bathing the animal once every 6 months and brushing once a week. For the procedure, you should prepare a special mitten or brush; shampoo for short-haired dogs is suitable for bathing. The owner should regularly inspect the ears and eyes for dirt and clean them if necessary.

Ear cropping of American pit bull terriers is an optional procedure and is performed at the request of the breeder or indications. In most cases, the dog grinds down its nails on its own when walking; if necessary, use pruners of the required size. For preventive purposes, teeth are brushed up to 2 times a week. You can take care of your teeth with the help of special toys designed to cleanse tooth enamel.

The American Pit Bull Terrier feels good at home, the main thing is to walk it regularly and provide a sufficient amount of physical activity. The main feature when keeping an animal is providing the correct diet. It is necessary to provide a balanced diet with high energy value.

Feeding a pit bull

Representatives of the American Pit Bull Terrier breed love to eat heartily. The dog's diet should include a large amount of protein food, vitamins and minerals. Among the types of meat, preference is given to beef and chicken liver. The list of prohibited foods includes pork and lamb. The second menu item is vegetables. The dog itself will tell you what it likes best. You can experiment - offer your pit bull terrier carrots, pumpkin, beets, broccoli or cauliflower. Chopped, raw vegetables are mixed with meat and offered to the animal. Fruits are suitable as a dessert. Flour and cereals should be treated carefully.

The main thing is not to overfeed the American Pit Bull Terrier. The lack of a large amount of physical activity in urban environments often leads to obesity in animals. It will help to ensure a balanced menu consisting of natural products or ready-made dry food. Only premium and super premium class products are suitable as ready-made dry food.

Dog handlers recommend feeding the pit bull terrier according to a schedule, at the same hours 4-5 times a day. You should refrain from eating before going out and immediately after a walk. The Pit Bull Terrier should be able to drink water at any time. Dairy products are added to the menu ; it is forbidden to include milk in the diet.

The American Pit Bull Terrier is prone to allergies. After introducing a new food or product into the diet, you should monitor the animal’s reaction; if allergic symptoms appear, the product should be excluded.

Health and possible diseases

Most representatives of the breed are distinguished by good health and high life expectancy - up to 12 years. The list of preventive measures for animals includes routine vaccination. The first occurs at 2-3 months of age and is called DHLPP. The subsequent vaccine at 6 months is for rabies. After vaccinations, it is important to maintain a quarantine period; the pet must spend at least 10 days at home and not go outside.

American Pit Bull Terriers must undergo prompt medical examination and treatment for parasites. The list of possible genetic diseases includes:

  • Cataract;
  • Bloating;
  • von Willebrand's disease;
  • Hypothyroidism;
  • Improper development of the hip joints;
  • Heart diseases.

Dog breeders often encounter allergic reactions in pit bull terriers. If a dog is bitten by a snake, then a healthy body is able to cope with the injury if timely assistance is provided.

Dimensions, weight and other distinctive features

  • Height . Males - 46-53 cm. Females - 43-51 cm.
  • Weight . Males - 16-27 kg. Females - 14-23 kg.
  • Head . Not too massive, but not narrow either, medium in size, rectangular and fairly dry, with well defined cheekbones and a flattened skull between the ears.
  • Muzzle . Square in outline, moderately deep and wide with strong and well developed jaws.
  • Ears . Uncropped ears on a white pit bull can be semi-erect or pink-shaped, although, most often, the ears of these dogs are cropped quite briefly during puppyhood.
  • Eyes . Almond-shaped or oval, preferably dark. The look should express calmness, interest and self-confidence, but not malice or increased aggression.
  • Neck . Lean and muscular, slightly widening towards the withers and slightly arched.
  • Shoulder blades . Wide, muscular and strong, set askew.
  • Back . Slightly sloping towards the tail, rather short and at the same time strong.
  • Rib cage . Moderate width and depth, should not appear too narrow or too massive.
  • Forelegs . Straight, strong and even, without signs of excessive congestion.
  • Hind limbs . With well defined muscles on the thighs and correct angulation of the joints, moderately wide apart, strong and quite powerful.
  • Tail . Short and low set, it is usually carried downwards, but when moving or in a state of excitement the dog raises it to the line of the spine.
  • Wool . Short, slightly harsh, close-lying and shiny, completely free of undercoat and not growing on the belly.
  • Color . Pure white, white with colored spots (including tricolor), speckled (teak).

A merle color with a predominant white color is unacceptable for pit bulls, as it carries a gene that is often associated with health and mental problems in dogs of this breed.

Cost and choice of puppy

The advice of dog handlers is to choose a puppy from a kennel. A place with a proven reputation will guarantee the purchase of a dog that meets the breed standards in behavior and appearance. When choosing, you should pay attention to the activity and playfulness of the American Pit Bull Terrier. The list of undesirable criteria when choosing includes aggressive behavior of the puppy.

Today you can buy an American pit bull terrier in Russia and the CIS countries. Representatives of the breed are sold from breeders, nurseries, shelters and markets. The amount depends on the age, color, purebred, pedigree and group of the pit bull breed. The breed consists of representatives of three classes:

  1. Pet class - does not participate in exhibitions, they are more often chosen as pets. The most inexpensive pit bull terriers, from 7,000 rubles;
  2. Show class - the most expensive representatives of the species, price up to 60,000 rubles, purebred;
  3. Breeding class - titled animals, average price 30,000 rubles.

The average price in Russia for a purebred dog from a kennel is 30-40 thousand rubles.

The arrival of a puppy in your home: how to prepare

Before purchasing an American Pit Bull Terrier, you need to prepare for this event in advance. What you need to do for this:

  1. Decide on the breed of your pet. It is necessary to study all the advantages and disadvantages of a pit bull, and then make an informed decision. At this stage, it is important, among other things, to decide what gender the puppy will be.

Note. The pit bull is divided into two types: terrier and bulldog.

  1. Get acquainted with information regarding the diet, care, training and education of a pit bull terrier.
  2. Create the most comfortable living conditions for your pet in the apartment/house. You need to purchase bedding, vitamins, 2 bowls, special toys, etc. In addition, do not forget to buy a muzzle for walking and a leash.
  3. Find a good seller. By the way, you can contact a well-known breeder or a specialized nursery.
  4. Decide why you are getting a puppy. Your goal is to find a true friend - then it is not at all necessary to look for a pit bull that has an ideal pedigree. And if you have a desire to participate in various competitions/exhibitions, then you should give preference to American Pit Bull Terrier puppies of the pet, breed or show class.


Only adult, fully formed American pit bulls are allowed to breed. Animals must be 1.5-2 years old.

For the first time, the bitch is bred on the 11-13th day of estrus. But different dogs may be ready for mating on other days: 15-17 or 5-8 days. After 24 hours, it is recommended to repeat the so-called “control” mating.

The American Pitbull's pregnancy lasts from 60 to 66 days. A litter usually contains 6-8 puppies. But there are also more prolific animals, bearing up to 12 babies.

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