Types of haircuts for poodles: overview of the most popular + execution diagram

The poodle is a decorative dog, a companion and friend of children. France is considered its homeland.

And the name comes from the German word “paddeln”, which means splashing in the water.

The dog's weight is from 2.2 to 30 kg (depending on the size variety), height at the withers is 24-50 cm, life expectancy is 14-18 years.

The dog has unsurpassed intelligence, artistry, and inexhaustible energy.

A distinctive feature of the breed is its thick coat, which requires careful grooming, and the absence of shedding.

Do I need to cut my hair?

As already mentioned, a poodle’s coat is its main decoration and main problem. It has its own characteristics and requires constant care.

The thing is that when shedding, dead hairs on a poodle do not fall out like other dogs, but remain in the undercoat. Therefore, he often develops tangles, which are then difficult to get rid of. It is for this reason that the dog should definitely have its hair cut.

Historically, poodles were cut not for aesthetic reasons, but out of necessity.

There were several reasons for this:

  • Due to the fact that the pet's paws were cut short, it was easier for him to swim.
  • A lush coat of wool on the chest protected from the cold.
  • The tassel on the tail protected the delicate skin from thorns and thorns.
  • Long bangs protected the eyes from rain, wind, thorny branches and grass.

But that was in the past. In the modern world, such an appearance has become a symbol of elegance and luxury. But it's not just about beauty.

The modern poodle also needs comfort, convenience and hygiene . Excessively overgrown hair interferes with swimming and blocks the view, which can cause the dog’s vision to deteriorate.

In addition, overgrown and unkempt fur can cause skin diseases. Therefore, cutting a poodle is a matter of hygiene and only then of beauty.

Another important point is exhibitions. If a poodle is not groomed to all standards, it will not be allowed to show .

How often should a poodle be cut? Most experts believe that haircuts should be done no more than once every 3-4 months. At the same time, in the summer the pet is cut more often than in the winter.

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

“The poodle’s coat is neither dog nor wolf, but rather sheep-like. If you don't cut such a dog, you simply won't recognize it. The dog will look unkempt and his coat will be full of tangles. All this causes the dog a lot of inconvenience, closes his eyes, and interferes with his ability to move and swim. In addition, an uncut pet is not allowed to enter any exhibitions.”

Bathing and drying

Bathing and drying a poodle is a simple process, but it does require some skill. Bathe your dog with warm water, rinsing off the shampoo thoroughly, as skin irritation may occur where it remains during drying. Since the poodle has a dense coat, it can take a long time to wash off.

Take your time and carry out the procedure carefully. Make sure that water and shampoo do not get into the eyes.

You can treat the area around the eyes with petroleum jelly or mineral oil. After shampoo, use dog conditioner, which will make the coat more manageable. Squeeze out excess moisture, dry your pet with a towel, let it shake off and proceed to blow-drying.

Similar article: Rules for the care and basics of keeping a poodle

Should you cut your hair yourself or leave it to a professional?

If you have certain skills, you can do a simple hygienic haircut yourself . This requires tools and a little skill.

But, when preparing your pet for an exhibition, a home haircut is indispensable. A professional is needed here. Moreover, the master must have extensive experience working with poodles.

As for hygienic haircuts, if you have little experience and are afraid of injuring your pet, you should also contact a grooming salon . An experienced hairdresser will not only show you how to cut your pet’s hair, but will also give recommendations.

Why do they do it?

A lion haircut is performed in order to give the pet an elegant look, hide flaws and highlight the advantages of the physique..

If the owner of a poodle plans to use his pet to participate in various international exhibitions, then a lion haircut is simply a must.

It, like the “English saddle”, “continental” and “English lion”, belongs to the standards, but other types of haircuts are considered a home option.

Types of haircuts with photos

Scandinavian lion

When cutting the “Scandinavian Lion”, the hair on the dog’s head is cut straight to the neck, while the eyes should be visible.

The result is something like a crown. In the area of ​​the muzzle, the hair is completely removed; if desired, a small mustache can be left on the lips.

On the ears, the hair is slightly trimmed, but left long . On the body (up to the last rib), neck and chest, the hair is left long, and the hips, croup, lower back, and shins are (partially) processed using a machine.

As a result, the dog resembles an elegant lion with a mane and pom-poms on its paws and tail..


In this case, the muzzle, paws, throat and base of the tail are trimmed to zero.

At the same time, the hair on all other parts of the body is shortened. In this case, the length of the coat according to the standard should not be shorter than 1 cm.

There are many varieties of “Modern” , so when performing exhibition grooming, the master must know all the requirements of the standard, since any mistake will lead to the disqualification of the dog .


At first glance, this model is very similar to a lion, but there are still some differences. The overall outline of the hairstyle is reminiscent of the Lion haircut, but the back is cut a little differently.

On the rump, in the groin, on the lower back, the hair is not shaved to zero . On these parts of the body, a fur coat approximately 1.2 cm long is left, and the tail is decorated with a pompom.

The fur on the face and throat is completely cut off . Particular attention is paid to the hind legs; at the request of the dog’s owner, beautiful bracelets of the correct shape are cut on the bottom.


A Korean haircut is usually a hairstyle based on a sheep's haircut, but the fur on the face is cut in a special way, after which the dog looks like a plush teddy toy and takes on a very cute appearance.

This hairstyle is done quite simply; the body, paws and neck are processed with a machine, while its length remains the same on all parts of the body..

According to the standard, it should not be shorter than 2.5 cm, longer hair is acceptable. The length of the hair on the head can be longer than on the body, but the transition should be very soft and unnoticeable.


A significant drawback of the hairstyle is that the fur on the face requires special care. She will need to be combed and cleaned regularly after eating.


As a rule, a classic haircut is done on animals that have a very neglected appearance. In this case, the hair on all parts of the body (head, muzzle, chest, back, front and hind limbs) is completely cut off.

This hairstyle requires extreme concentration from the artist, since wounds, abrasions, and other skin damage can be found under the tangles . Usually such a haircut is performed as a last resort, if there is no other way out.

The second type of hygienic haircut is maintaining shape. In this case, the master simply trims the contours of the hairstyle using a machine and scissors.

If, after a hygienic haircut, wounds and abrasions are found on your pet’s skin, they should be immediately treated with special solutions..

And after the procedure, you need to urgently show the dog to the veterinarian.


The Continental is a show cut . Here the groomer’s task is to create the ideal image of the dog.

In this hairstyle, the head, body, front and hind legs are styled in the same way as in the “Lion” haircut.

The only difference is 2 round pompoms on the animal’s rump.


The Japanese (Asian) haircut gives the dog a very cute “toy” look. The main features of the Japanese style are neatly trimmed fur on the face and attention to detail.

Brightly colored strands, hairpins, bows and other decorations are all unique elements of Japanese style . As a result, the dog has a slightly cartoonish and cute appearance.

Another difference between the Japanese style and all others is its individual approach.

Here the haircut is tailored to the pet's character and is done very professionally . After this, the coat will be easy to care for, and the dog will have a neat appearance for a long time.


Poodles' coat structure is prone to matting, so good breeders begin gentle brushing of puppies at 3-4 weeks of age. It is better to start full-fledged systematic care at 2-3 months. From this age, your pets need to:

  • Regular combing (at least 3 times a week) and removing tangles. Young poodles need to be brushed daily until the permanent undercoat is completely formed. Before the procedure, it is necessary to carefully examine the dog; in case of damage to the skin, the wounds should be treated. Combing is carried out with smooth movements, along and against the growth of the coat. It is recommended to moisturize the coat with specialized oils or conditioners first. Tangles and tangled lumps are first sorted out by hand and then combed out with a brush. The corded coat of show dogs is combed with tools only until the undercoat is changed (8-10 months of age), then it is systematically manually separated into curls. They are subsequently formed into bundles of at least 20 cm in length.
  • Hygienic haircut and treatment of the anal and groin areas (3-4 times a month). The procedure is carried out with professional tools, the length of the cut hair must be at least 2 mm.
  • Sanitary treatment and hair cutting in the area of ​​the muzzle, ears and paws. A poodle's muzzle is trimmed once every 2-3 weeks; the length of the hair after the procedure should not exceed 1-2 mm. If the dog participates in exhibitions, the hair above the eyes is not trimmed. It is pulled into buns and tied with elastic bands to subsequently form a top knot (bangs on the top of the head beautifully styled in a ponytail and decorated with accessories). The fur on the paws and between the toes is processed once every 2 weeks, it is shortened to 1-2 mm.
  • Bathing. It is recommended to start water procedures at three months of age. Show dogs are bathed once every 1-2 weeks; for pets, bathing once every 1.5-2 months is sufficient. Experienced groomers recommend washing poodles in warm running water using specialized cosmetics. After bathing, the dog's coat must be dried and combed at the same time. It is better to remove the resulting tangles manually.

What is necessary?

Essential Tools for Grooming a Poodle:

  • High quality dog ​​clipper with sharp blades. Moreover, the blades can be designed for cutting any breed of dog.
  • Sharp scissors, preferably hairdressing scissors.
  • Special nail clippers, since during a haircut it is advisable to immediately trim the dog’s nails.
  • Shampoo.
  • Towel.
  • Hair dryer.
  • Comb or comb.

You should also prepare a well-lit place . A table with a flat surface and a rubber mat to prevent your dog's paws from slipping is best.

Pretentiousness is not a human whim

Some people do not like the cropped individuals of this breed, because they believe that such an animal looks too pretentious and aristocratic.

But a beautiful poodle haircut is not only a tribute to mannered aesthetics, but also practicality and functionality.

In past centuries, curly-haired dogs were used as hunters to drive down prey.

The hairstyle was a kind of “workwear” for the pet, and not a decorative factor.

They often swam in ponds, and their thick fur was an obstacle to rapid movement through the water.

The legs were cut to improve the swimmer's qualities, but the chest was left full to protect the lungs from the cold.

The fluffy ball at the tip of the tail prevented skin injuries when the dog moved through difficult thickets.

Which machine should I choose?

It should be said right away that dog clippers differ in a number of parameters.


  • Price.
  • Operating time without overheating.
  • Durability.
  • Weight.
  • Ergonomics (more expensive models are more comfortable and the hand gets less tired when working).


If you always groom your dog at home or have several pets, then it is better for you to purchase a professional device with an electric motor and gearbox.

If you have one pet, then a machine with rigidly fixed knives and a vibration drive will be enough for you.

But, at the same time, the machine must have a function for adjusting the length of the wool in the range from 0.5 to 3 mm.

It’s even better if the device is equipped with special attachments that allow you to expand the range from 0.3 to 15 mm.

The most popular manufacturers of dog clippers:

  1. Moser (Germany). The devices of this company are considered one of the best in the world. They are distinguished by their reliability and high quality of haircuts performed with their help. There are two types of such machines - vibrating and rotary (more powerful).
  2. Wahl Clipper Corporation (USA). Their machines are of high quality, and their main feature is durable and sharp knives.
  3. Oster (USA). Oster clippers are characterized by high power, which allows you to cut several pets at home at once.
  4. Aesculap (Germany). The clippers produced by Aesculap are designed for dogs of any size; they can be used to cut both toy and large poodles.

Shaved poodle? Can you shave your poodle in the summer?

People usually think that shaving their dogs in the summer is a very good idea.

In fact, if you shave your dog, it will deprive him of his natural temperature regulating system.

Thus, he will feel the heat even more and will be susceptible to sunburn.

If the coat is very short, UV rays can penetrate it easily, but the skin is not visible, so it is difficult to tell if the dog has a sunburn.

So, if your dog has an initial burn, we probably won't notice it unless the case is more severe - like skin peeling, etc.

If you shave your dog to less than 1 inch of fur in the summer, the pet should stay inside during the hottest hours.

You must remember that this makes the pet much more vulnerable to overheating, sunburn and the elements.

Thus, if you plan to spend a lot of time outside on hot days, you may want to avoid shaving.

However, if you stay indoors and keep your dog indoors or in cool shade, shaving is fine.

Most scientists and veterinarians say that it is extremely important for a dog to have a decent amount of fur because this will keep the air trapped and the fur will protect the pet from the heat and sun.

They don't recommend shaving, but agree that it's beneficial to shave single-coverage dogs as long as you take sun and temperature precautions.

If the dog has hair less than an inch long, the dog will be less comfortable and will have a harder time staying cool.

This takes away the skin's natural protection, making temperature regulation more difficult.

However, if you fail to brush your dog, it will result in poor matting, which will prevent the fur from protecting the skin.

So, if you are unable to brush your dog regularly, it may be better to shave it and consider other types of protection.

Basic Rules

If you decide to trim your pet at home, then you need to know the basic rules so that your poodle is trimmed neatly and so as not to harm the animal.

So, the basic rules for cutting a poodle:

  1. Before you start cutting, decide on its shape. When starting the procedure, you must know what needs to be done and in what order.
  2. Before the procedure, be sure to bathe your dog and dry its fur. It is highly not recommended to cut your dog's hair if its coat is dirty or wet.
  3. After bathing, it is advisable to treat the coat with a balm appropriate to the type of coat for easier combing.
  4. If your pet does not want to get a haircut, snaps or bites, postpone the procedure for several days.
  5. The dog is groomed in a standing position.
  6. Any haircut always starts from the back, gradually moving down.
  7. The dog's face and belly should be trimmed extremely carefully, as the skin in these areas is especially delicate.
  8. Particular attention should be paid to the hair between the toes, as matted clumps can cause pain to the dog. Whenever you groom, be sure to trim the hair between your toes.
  9. The dog should not be turned during the procedure. You will have to walk around it yourself.
  10. During processing, the clipper and scissors should move parallel to the cutting area and follow the anatomical contours of the dog.
  11. The haircut should always be done in the direction of hair growth, with the exception of the front paws, here the hair is cut against the growth.
  12. If you are planning a short haircut, then you should not remove all the hair at once, do it in stages so as not to injure your pet.
  13. The pet's belly and paws must be treated, regardless of the hairstyle.

Here are more photos of Toy, Miniature and Standard Poodle Haircuts:





Instructions for the Scandinavian Lion pattern

Processing stages:

  1. Using a machine with a minimal attachment, the dog’s face is treated, including the area of ​​the neck and cheekbones.
  2. The hind legs are trimmed with a clipper, starting from the bend and moving in the direction of hair growth.
  3. The thighs, groin and tail are also treated using a machine with a zero attachment.
  4. Particular attention should be paid to the area between the fingers; this area is treated using sharp scissors with long ends.
  5. The tail is also cut with a clipper, while only processing ¼ at the base.
  6. The pompom on the tail is formed with scissors.
  7. The cuffs on the front and hind legs are left at a height of 2-3 cm from the pads. The cuffs are also formed using a machine and trimmed with scissors.
  8. The dog's chest, head, and back are treated with scissors.



  1. In some cutting options, the fur on the face is cut to zero using a clipper, while in others, small whiskers are left, which are carefully processed with scissors.
  2. Something similar to a crown is formed on the poodle's head, using sharp hairdressing scissors.
  3. The so-called mane is formed using scissors, gradually moving from one side to the other. Mane processing begins from the side, then moves to the back, and then to the other side.
  4. The paws and tail will also be processed using a machine. In this case, the paws are processed in such a way that the panties remain.
  5. The space between the fingers is trimmed with scissors.


In this case, everything will depend on the condition of the animal's fur . If the dog is well-groomed and the hairstyle requires only correction, then both a clipper and scissors are used.

Stages of the procedure:

  1. Treatment of the dog begins with the muzzle and moves towards the sternum, then to the ear, and then to the outer corner of the eye. The other side is treated in the same way. The muzzle is trimmed using a clipper with a minimal attachment. If the poodle had a mustache before, they are carefully trimmed with scissors.
  2. The next stage is the paws. The wool here is completely sheared using a machine. If there are pom-poms on the paws, they are carefully trimmed with scissors.
  3. The base of the tail is also processed with a machine, and the pompom is processed with scissors.
  4. The abdomen is always shaved with a clipper, the same goes for the genitals, testicles, and the area around the anus.
  5. The back, chest and sides of the dog can be treated with both a clipper and scissors, depending on the style of haircut.

If the pet is not well-groomed and only needs hygiene, then the master only operates a machine, and uses scissors only when processing paws.

In this case, fur is removed as much as possible from all parts of the animal’s body..


Stages of the procedure:

  1. Preparing wool. Before starting the procedure, the dog's fur should be prepared. The pet is washed with a special shampoo, but without conditioner. If the wool becomes electrified, the master uses an antistatic agent or a spray conditioner.
  2. Drying. In this case, the hair dryer jet is directed at the roots of the hair so that the hair falls into the position needed when cutting. For the Korean hairstyle, the dog's fur is raised up and combed, giving volume.
  3. The body, neck and paws are clipped, leaving the same length throughout the body. Sometimes on the lower third of the paws there are six longer ones with a soft smooth transition. Therefore, the paws look slightly widened towards the bottom, forming the so-called flares. The length of the hair on the entire body of the dog must be at least 2.5 cm.
  4. The pet's face is processed with scissors, leaving a neat beard and mustache. At the same time, they are trimmed so that the dog has a cute puppy-like appearance.
  5. The fur on the ears is processed with scissors, leaving long hanging strands. At the request of the owner, the length of the hair on the ears can vary.
  6. The hair on the head is also cut with scissors, leaving the length that the owner requests.
  7. The pet's torso and neck are processed using a machine with an appropriate attachment.
  8. The tail is formed using scissors in the form of a pompom or fluffy feather.

If your pet is drooling or tears, then before starting to treat the face, dry it with a hairdryer again.

How to trim a poodle at home: step-by-step instructions

For owners who have not yet gotten the hang of it, there are special instructions. It’s enough just to study the picture well - and you can start manipulating.

What tools are needed

You should purchase in advance:

  • a dog clipper (human clippers will not work);
  • hairdresser's scisors;
  • guillotine for claws;
  • shampoo;
  • hair dryer;
  • towel;
  • combs and combs;
  • rubberized mat;
  • robe.

How to trim paws and claws

The dog is washed, dried and combed.

The paws should be held so that the person's thumb is at the top. You cannot twist the dog’s limbs or bend them in an unnatural direction.

The fur from the paws is cut along the entire length, except for the ends where pompoms are formed. It is more convenient to do this with scissors.

The claws are trimmed a couple of millimeters. It is important not to touch the blood vessels so as not to cause pain to the dog.

How to trim your face and head

Roll the ears back so they don't get caught by the scissors. Hold the poodle's muzzle with your hands so that he does not twirl it. Move the machine from the ears to the nose through the cheeks.

Trim the areas around the eyes with a reduced trimmer or manicure scissors.

Next, lift your head up and remove the hair from the neck. You can leave a little fur on the chin.

How to trim ears and tail

Cut the hair from the ears to the same length and comb it for volume.

Hold the tail in your hand and process it with a machine. Movements from base to end. In this case, you need to leave a little wool to form a ball.

Finally, trim the fur between the dog’s hind legs from the inside.

How to trim your belly

Raise the poodle's front legs slightly. Direct the machine from the groin to the chest. Moreover, the closer the chest is, the longer the fur should be left.

Bathing after a haircut at home

After grooming, the dog should be bathed again. Basic Rules:

  • the water should be warm;
  • the shampoo must be rinsed off well; if this is not done, the hair will stick together and turn into a lump;
  • to sew the fur around the eyes, lubricate them with oil or Vaseline, plug the ears with cotton swabs;
  • after washing, treat the wool with conditioner so that it becomes fuller and easier to comb;
  • squeeze out excess moisture and dry your pet.

How much does grooming cost?

Prices for poodle grooming in rubles:

A haircutToy poodleMiniature PoodleSmall PoodleRoyal Poodle
Scandinavian lion2300240025003800

Prices for poodle grooming may vary depending on the region, the level of grooming and the professionalism of the groomer.

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