Poodle mixes: overview of popular species and distinctive features of pets

Poodles are one of the smartest dogs in the world, but essentially they are primarily a toy breed.

Due to their ability to be easily trained, poodles are very popular in the circus arts.

Their appearance attracts the attention of women, and their ability to get along with children makes them excellent family dogs.

The breed will also become an excellent companion and companion in all human affairs.

In addition, there are several varieties of poodles, varying in size, so everyone can choose a pet that is right for them.

Popular types of mestizos

There are a large number of poodle mixes.

Here are the most popular ones:

  • With Labrador;
  • With a golden retriever;
  • With Bichon Frize;
  • With a cocker spaniel;
  • With Yorkshire Terrier;
  • With a Maltese dog;
  • With collie;
  • With Pekingese;
  • With Shih Tzu;
  • With a chihuahua.

This is not the entire list of mestizos. There are others, but due to selection difficulties, they are not so popular.

Lapdog and Poodle mix

This mixed breed is called Maltipoo.

He looks quite individual . Maltipoos are very similar to plush toys. Their noses are black, and their eyes are traditionally called beady.

Their height varies from 12 to 35 cm, and weight from 1.5 to 3.5 cm.

Maltipoos are more similar to lap dogs than to poodles - they are a little squat, their body is knocked down.

Also, the appearance depends on who exactly is crossed - a poodle and a lapdog or two maltipoos.

The wool of this hybrid is divided into three types:

  • Direct - inheritance from Maltese dogs. This type is silky to the touch, can be either dense or sparse, and does not tangle.
  • Curly - comes from a poodle. It curls and has a very dense structure. Dogs with this type of coat hardly shed, but it mats quickly, so it requires care.
  • Wavy is a very coarse coat, which is almost never found on Maltipoo. But it is also undesirable for them.

The colors of a mestizo can be very diverse - black, white, brown, cream, gray, apricot.

Since the breed is a cross, the character includes traits from both parents.

But for maltipoos, general indicators of temperament can also be distinguished:

  • High intelligence;
  • Playfulness;
  • Curiosity, activity and cheerfulness in general;
  • Lack of aggression.

Maltipoos love children very much, but do not forget that they may not like careless handling..

Poodle and spaniel

A cross between a poodle and a spaniel is called a cockapoo. It was first introduced in 1960 in the USA. The hybrid is a great option for an apartment because it is small and extremely friendly.

The dog's height is between 35-38 cm and weight 9-15 kg.

It is impossible to say for sure which of his parents this dog resembles. It has wavy and curly hair, long ears - this is a feature of both the spaniel and the poodle.

The dog's nose is not so pointed, more like a spaniel. Cockapoo colors can be completely different - solid or spotted. There are many variations.

For the most part, the cocker poodle is a kind and loyal dog, because its parents have these character traits.

There is no specific description of this dog's temperament.

Breeders highlight the following advantages:

  • Devotion;
  • Pleasant exterior;
  • High intelligence and easy learning;
  • Empathy is developed.

Along with them, there are also disadvantages:

  • Loud barking;
  • Pride;
  • Suspiciousness;
  • Low immune system. The dog is very vulnerable to various diseases and infections.

Cockapoo is a very loyal dog . He remembers the owner's voice and always listens to him. Be prepared that he will always greet you joyfully as soon as you appear in his field of vision after separation.

The dog also sheds. Her long coat needs special care: cutting, combing, bathing. It also quickly gets dirty and rolls off, and tangles form on it.

This mestizo is not particularly widespread in Russia, only in the USA.

Dalmatian mix

Such a hybrid is quite rare, only as a result of random matings. Very little information exists about this crossbreed.

It is impossible to say with certainty what such a dog will look like.

In most cases, they have long, curly hair, like a poodle, but the coloring of a mixed breed will be similar to that of a Dalmatian . The dogs have a similar physique, so the hybrid will not differ much from its parents in weight and height.

The stumbling block is the nature of the crossbreed. The Dalmatian and the Poodle are different in temperament. Poodles are distinguished by their flexible disposition, kindness and excessive devotion.


They will happily obey their owner’s commands, and training them will not be difficult even for a beginner.

Dalmatians are very capricious and freedom-loving. They often do not obey; in order to achieve obedience, you need to prove your authority to the dog. Also, this breed, unlike poodles, is wary of children, and will not tolerate any bullying and will stand up for itself - it will snap or growl. Dalmatians also need physical activity.

Hence, it is not clear what exactly the character of the crossbreed will be . In some cases, the poodle genes become dominant, and the puppy grows up obedient, but it also happens the other way around. No one can predict what will ultimately come out of such a mestizo.

It is unlikely that any breeder will specifically breed a poodle-labrador mix for sale..

This can only be done by an unscrupulous person who wants to make a profit by selling supposedly “a designer dog that has absorbed the beautiful features of popular breeds.”

It is precisely because of the differences in temperament that many breeders do not risk getting offspring from a poodle and a Dalmatian . Owners who by chance became the owners of such a mixed breed note their disobedience and outbursts of aggression.

Poodle and Yorkie

This mestizo is quite popular all over the world. He attracts precisely with his appearance. This crossbreed is popularly called Yorkshire strudel.

Imagine that you get a dog that has absorbed all the best exterior features from these two breeds.

The dog at the withers reaches 20-23 cm and weighs 3-4 kg.

Outwardly, he is very similar to a mini-poodle: the same curly coat, cute and perky look. The Yorkie genes smooth out the pointed nose; the hybrid's is shorter and slightly upturned; even the ears are not as long as those of a poodle.

Variations in color are very different: black, black and tan, brown, apricot, cream, etc..

By nature, such dogs are quite grumpy - genes from the Yorkshire Terrier play a role. But the poodle also contributes, and the mestizo becomes quite friendly with the family; he even develops some kind of sympathy for children.

The following advantages of Yorkshire strudel can be highlighted::

  • Friendliness towards the owners;
  • Easy to learn;
  • Pleasant appearance;
  • Devotion;
  • Will always defend its owner, despite its small size;
  • Unpretentious in care.

But keeping a mestizo also has its downsides.:

  • Loud barking;
  • Dislike of strangers;
  • They can show character and be stubborn;
  • They chew things;
  • They shed.

In general, this mixed breed is an excellent companion dog . It will easily stay with you on a cold and rainy day, and will also share the joy of a walk if the sun is shining outside. The dog will not take up much space in the apartment.

Wool deserves special attention . Without proper care, it quickly gets tangled, dirty, and rolls off. The dog becomes overgrown and mats form on it. Therefore, you need to deal with its content in a timely manner.

The Yorkshire Terrier-Poodle hybrid is sure to fit into your lifestyle, whatever it may be.

General information about mestizos

Mixed breeds and mongrels are mongrel dogs, but these animals are significantly different from each other. The ancestral line of mongrels cannot be traced, and mestizos have purebred parents. Their appearance reveals the features of their titled ancestors. Unfortunately, heredity does not give them the right to have documents or maintain a pedigree. And although some mestizos are allowed into exhibitions, they almost never win awards.

Researchers believe that in most cases, hybrids inherit all the best in physiology and character from their parents. They have strong immunity; genetic diseases typical of any breed are rarely transmitted to them. The psyche of such animals is more stable than, for example, that of aggressive breeds; they adapt more easily to a new environment and have an easy-going, sociable character.

Today you can hear the term “designer breed”, which refers to hybrids, but in most cases such unions result from accidental mating when the owner fails to keep track of the pet.

The mestizos produced do not have to be paid for; they are handed over to “good hands.”

Important! Hybrids are produced purposefully, for example, the owner wants to have a small cute dog in the form of a lapdog, but with the watchdog qualities of a Doberman. The danger of such a union is that genes can develop unpredictably and the owner will receive a large shaggy dog ​​with the kindest character, who will not even bark when a thief appears in the apartment.

Dog Breeds Similar to Poodle

Among the poodle-like dogs, two groups can be distinguished: those similar to large poodles and small ones.

The first group includes:

  1. Black Russian Terrier;
  2. White South Russian Shepherd;
  3. Bobtail;
  4. Irish Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier;
  5. Giant Schnauzer.

The second group includes:

  1. Maltipoo;
  2. French lapdog (Bichon Frize);
  3. T-cap;
  4. Shih Tzu.

Useful video

From the video you will learn everything about the Poodle dog breed:

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Professional breeders, specialists and international cynological associations do not recognize the Maltipoo as a breed as such. The animals were obtained by crossing a Maltese dog and a poodle. The dogs have plush fur and a kind and affectionate character. Therefore, those who need a wonderful friend should pay attention to these four-legged animals, however, first things first.


Having understood the breed of lapdogs and found out who the mestizos are, you can consider the results of crossing these beautiful animals with other dogs. Different types of animals can be used in crossing: dachshund, pinscher, spitz, spaniel, scotch terrier. Ideally, the dogs' builds are approximately the same. Let us give examples of some types of mestizos obtained with the participation of lapdogs.

  • A cross between a miniature schnauzer and a lapdog. The result is very cute animals the size of a schnauzer and with the wool of a lapdog. Owners often cut their pet's hair like a Schnauzer. From the lapdog the puppy gets a friendly and accommodating disposition, and loyalty to the owner and strong character comes from the second parent. If the dog feels a threat to any family member, he will instantly turn from a kind person into a protector. The dog needs training. The owner must have a strong character in order to become an authority for the pet.

History of the breed

In another way, Maltipus are also called “designer dogs.” This phenomenon arose in the 50s of the last century in Great Britain, where a cross between a corgi and a dachshund, called a dorgi, was obtained. Then breeders began working with other breeds, as a result of which more and more new representatives of pets began to appear.

The Maltipoo's homeland is in the United States. The breeders wanted to get hypoallergenic companion dogs, and their efforts were almost 100% successful. Most people who have an allergic reaction to dog hair forget about their sores when interacting with representatives of this breed.

Helpful advice. If you have health problems, you should visit an allergist before purchasing such a dog.

At the beginning of the 19th century, the first representatives of the breed were brought to Russia. In their homeland, maltipus have long become incredibly popular. Small dogs are participants in various rehabilitation programs: thanks to communication with plush four-legged dogs, a person is able to overcome nervous disorder and stress.

Description of the breed, characteristics with photos

Quadrupeds are most similar to living toys due to their external characteristics; they were inherited by hybrids from lapdogs, but poodles endowed their descendants with soft, curly fur.

Designer dogs can be described as follows:

  • Maltipoo grow up to 12 - 35 cm, and gain weight 1.5 - 3.5 kg. Adult representatives of the breed can weigh differently, it all depends on the variety. Mini-maltipoos should not weigh more than 2.5 kg; anything above this value is already considered a variety - standard;
  • dogs have a squat but harmonious build;
  • the ears are quite long, drooping and covered with a lot of hair;
  • the nose is dark in color;
  • the eyes are round in shape, the iris is dark (the pupil is almost invisible).

Maltipoos can have one of three coat types:

  1. Straight. The hair has a soft silky texture. This is exactly the type of wool that Maltese dogs can boast of.
  2. Curly. The coat grows densely and is soft to the touch. If a dog with such a “fur coat” is not properly cared for, the fur will form tangles.
  3. Tough. The hair is hard and rough. This type of coat is considered rare and undesirable.

A description of the appearance would be incomplete without mentioning the colors of which the Maltipoo has a large number. The main suits are as follows:

  • apricot;
  • white;
  • brown;
  • cream;
  • gray;
  • black.

What you need to know when owning a Yorkie Poo

Food and diet requirements

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