Poodle mixes: overview of popular species and distinctive features of pets

Poodles take an honorable second place in the ranking of the smartest dogs in the world, only slightly behind border collies.

But no matter how powerful their intellect is, it will always be overshadowed by their charming appearance: curls, button eyes and a smart look. Who else can you find similar traits in? In this article we will talk about dog breeds that are similar to poodles.


Large dogs are perceived by people as reliable guards, protectors or shepherds. But this does not mean that they should look menacing, serious and scary - they can be cute and fluffy. The following breeds are direct proof of this.

Black Russian Terrier

This is a service dog breed, the main functions of which are still considered to be the protection and protection of humans. They are intelligent, trainable, determined and friendly. They are distinguished by their muscular build and physical endurance, and their curly blue-black coat adds to their resemblance to poodles.

Reference! Black Russian Terriers, like poodles, show excellent results in agility (sports competitions among dogs).

White South Russian Shepherd

South Russian Shepherd Dogs are often compared to poodles or lapdogs due to their long and curly coat. Such a decorative appearance hides ideal shepherding skills, a sensitive disposition and irrepressible vital energy.

The dog is highly trainable, but nevertheless has a rather stubborn and willful character, which only an experienced breeder can cope with.


Bobtail is a breed that has a very long and rich history of existence. They protected sheep from wolves, accompanied nomadic traders, drove teams, and also looked after children while the owner was at field work.

Note! The Bobtail is actively used in canistherapy (treatment by interacting with dogs) for children who are lagging behind in physical and mental development.

The similarity between a bobtail and a poodle lies in its curly coat, cheerful disposition and phenomenal trainability.

Little ones

Most often, if a person is looking for an “analog” of a breed, he wants a miniature copy of the dog he likes. Such that it can be kept in a small city apartment. If you want to get a small dog similar to a poodle, then take a look at the following breeds.


It’s hard to believe that maltipoos actually exist – they look like plush toys come to life. They gained wide popularity quite recently – thanks to the spread of photos of dogs on the social network Instagram.

When breeding the Maltipoo, breeders pursued the goal of obtaining a decorative, hypoallergenic dog. And they managed to do this by crossing a Maltese dog with a toy poodle.

Initially, the multipoo was popularized in the USA and quite quickly they gained the status of the most sought-after designer breed. The first representatives of the breed appeared on the territory of Russia only at the beginning of the 21st century.

Maltipoo is still not recognized as a separate breed, so the standards are quite vague.

Nevertheless, some individual distinctive features can be identified: a dark nose, dark cherry eyes, a harmonious, squat physique, an interested look and a friendly disposition.

French lapdog (Bichon Frize)

The Bichon Frize is a French decorative breed that was fashionable back in the Middle Ages. For a long period, Bichons were constant companions of monarchs and kings, thereby emphasizing their high social status.

Reference! In France, representatives of the breed are jokingly called “powder puffs” due to the external resemblance of the animal’s fur to a cosmetic instrument.

Bichon wool is airy, silky, curly and pleasant to the touch. The color is exclusively white. Reddish or brownish spots are allowed only in puppyhood. White, light curls of fur make the lapdog look like a cloud of cotton candy.

The French lapdog is an affectionate, friendly, sociable and sensitive animal that can brighten up the loneliness of an elderly person or become a child’s first and faithful friend.

A dog can easily adapt to the rhythm of life of a person leading a passive lifestyle or a tireless athlete. In addition, French lap dogs are regulars at various shows and sports competitions.

An undeniable advantage of these decorative dogs is the absence of a specific smell and molting period. But this does not mean at all that the dog’s coat does not need to be looked after - to maintain a neat appearance, it is necessary to regularly comb the dog with a soft brush, bathe it with a special shampoo, clean the ears of wax and eyes of discharge.

The choice of a French lapdog puppy should be approached with great responsibility, since representatives of this breed are prone to certain diseases: cataracts, inflammation of the knee joint, inflammation of the ears. Buy a puppy only from trusted breeders and first familiarize yourself with its veterinary record and pedigree.


These dogs got their name teacup (from English - tea cup) due to their peculiarity. In childhood, puppies of this breed are so small that they can easily fit into a teacup.

Even adult individuals look like toys - their height does not exceed 25 centimeters and their weight is 2.5 kg.

This is not a separate breed, but only a variety of toy poodles. Sometimes tea-cups appear in the litter of standard individuals. Most often this happens when the bitch is pregnant with 4 or more puppies.


Nutrition does not require special recommendations. They need complete, balanced food, which is sold in sufficient quantities in special stores. Choose premium or holistic food (natural based). Sometimes, quite rarely, they have an allergy or intolerance to certain foods.

If you decide to feed natural food, follow the rule of five components:

  • Proteins - lean meat (poultry or beef), fish, dairy products;
  • Fiber - vegetables (boiled and fresh), fruits, herbs;
  • Carbohydrates – flour products, including durum pasta;
  • Cereals (porridge), buckwheat, rice, millet;
  • Vitamins and mineral supplements.

Proteins should make up about 80% of the diet, all other components – 20%.

Popular types of mestizos

There are a large number of poodle mixes.

Here are the most popular ones:

  • With Labrador;
  • With a golden retriever;
  • With Bichon Frize;
  • With a cocker spaniel;
  • With Yorkshire Terrier;
  • With a Maltese dog;
  • With collie;
  • With Pekingese;
  • With Shih Tzu;
  • With a chihuahua.

This is not the entire list of mestizos. There are others, but due to selection difficulties, they are not so popular.

Lapdog and Poodle mix

This mixed breed is called Maltipoo.

He looks quite individual . Maltipoos are very similar to plush toys. Their noses are black, and their eyes are traditionally called beady.

Their height varies from 12 to 35 cm, and weight from 1.5 to 3.5 cm.

Maltipoos are more similar to lap dogs than to poodles - they are a little squat, their body is knocked down.

Also, the appearance depends on who exactly is crossed - a poodle and a lapdog or two maltipoos.

The wool of this hybrid is divided into three types:

  • Direct - inheritance from Maltese dogs. This type is silky to the touch, can be either dense or sparse, and does not tangle.
  • Curly - comes from a poodle. It curls and has a very dense structure. Dogs with this type of coat hardly shed, but it mats quickly, so it requires care.
  • Wavy is a very coarse coat, which is almost never found on Maltipoo. But it is also undesirable for them.

The colors of a mestizo can be very diverse - black, white, brown, cream, gray, apricot.

Since the breed is a cross, the character includes traits from both parents.

But for maltipoos, general indicators of temperament can also be distinguished:

  • High intelligence;
  • Playfulness;
  • Curiosity, activity and cheerfulness in general;
  • Lack of aggression.

Maltipoos love children very much, but do not forget that they may not like careless handling..

Poodle and spaniel

A cross between a poodle and a spaniel is called a cockapoo. It was first introduced in 1960 in the USA. The hybrid is a great option for an apartment because it is small and extremely friendly.

The dog's height is between 35-38 cm and weight 9-15 kg.

It is impossible to say for sure which of his parents this dog resembles. It has wavy and curly hair, long ears - this is a feature of both the spaniel and the poodle.

The dog's nose is not so pointed, more like a spaniel. Cockapoo colors can be completely different - solid or spotted. There are many variations.

For the most part, the cocker poodle is a kind and loyal dog, because its parents have these character traits.

There is no specific description of this dog's temperament.

Breeders highlight the following advantages:

  • Devotion;
  • Pleasant exterior;
  • High intelligence and easy learning;
  • Empathy is developed.

Along with them, there are also disadvantages:

  • Loud barking;
  • Pride;
  • Suspiciousness;
  • Low immune system. The dog is very vulnerable to various diseases and infections.

Cockapoo is a very loyal dog . He remembers the owner's voice and always listens to him. Be prepared that he will always greet you joyfully as soon as you appear in his field of vision after separation.

The dog also sheds. Her long coat needs special care: cutting, combing, bathing. It also quickly gets dirty and rolls off, and tangles form on it.

This mestizo is not particularly widespread in Russia, only in the USA.

Dalmatian mix

Such a hybrid is quite rare, only as a result of random matings. Very little information exists about this crossbreed.

It is impossible to say with certainty what such a dog will look like.

In most cases, they have long, curly hair, like a poodle, but the coloring of a mixed breed will be similar to that of a Dalmatian . The dogs have a similar physique, so the hybrid will not differ much from its parents in weight and height.

The stumbling block is the nature of the crossbreed. The Dalmatian and the Poodle are different in temperament. Poodles are distinguished by their flexible disposition, kindness and excessive devotion.


They will happily obey their owner’s commands, and training them will not be difficult even for a beginner.

Dalmatians are very capricious and freedom-loving. They often do not obey; in order to achieve obedience, you need to prove your authority to the dog. Also, this breed, unlike poodles, is wary of children, and will not tolerate any bullying and will stand up for itself - it will snap or growl. Dalmatians also need physical activity.

Hence, it is not clear what exactly the character of the crossbreed will be . In some cases, the poodle genes become dominant, and the puppy grows up obedient, but it also happens the other way around. No one can predict what will ultimately come out of such a mestizo.

It is unlikely that any breeder will specifically breed a poodle-labrador mix for sale..

This can only be done by an unscrupulous person who wants to make a profit by selling supposedly “a designer dog that has absorbed the beautiful features of popular breeds.”

It is precisely because of the differences in temperament that many breeders do not risk getting offspring from a poodle and a Dalmatian . Owners who by chance became the owners of such a mixed breed note their disobedience and outbursts of aggression.

Poodle and Yorkie

This mestizo is quite popular all over the world. He attracts precisely with his appearance. This crossbreed is popularly called Yorkshire strudel.

Imagine that you get a dog that has absorbed all the best exterior features from these two breeds.

The dog at the withers reaches 20-23 cm and weighs 3-4 kg.

Outwardly, he is very similar to a mini-poodle: the same curly coat, cute and perky look. The Yorkie genes smooth out the pointed nose; the hybrid's is shorter and slightly upturned; even the ears are not as long as those of a poodle.

Variations in color are very different: black, black and tan, brown, apricot, cream, etc..

By nature, such dogs are quite grumpy - genes from the Yorkshire Terrier play a role. But the poodle also contributes, and the mestizo becomes quite friendly with the family; he even develops some kind of sympathy for children.

The following advantages of Yorkshire strudel can be highlighted::

  • Friendliness towards the owners;
  • Easy to learn;
  • Pleasant appearance;
  • Devotion;
  • Will always defend its owner, despite its small size;
  • Unpretentious in care.

But keeping a mestizo also has its downsides.:

  • Loud barking;
  • Dislike of strangers;
  • They can show character and be stubborn;
  • They chew things;
  • They shed.

In general, this mixed breed is an excellent companion dog . It will easily stay with you on a cold and rainy day, and will also share the joy of a walk if the sun is shining outside. The dog will not take up much space in the apartment.

Wool deserves special attention . Without proper care, it quickly gets tangled, dirty, and rolls off. The dog becomes overgrown and mats form on it. Therefore, you need to deal with its content in a timely manner.

The Yorkshire Terrier-Poodle hybrid is sure to fit into your lifestyle, whatever it may be.

Maintenance, care

Before getting such an interesting pet, you should become more familiar with what conditions need to be provided for a small dog to live comfortably.

Representatives of the breed are indoor dogs, which means the street is absolutely not a suitable place for them. By the time the puppy is transported to his new home, it is necessary to prepare a corner for the dog. In the apartment, choose a secluded corner as far as possible from door and window openings, because... drafts can cause colds.

On a note. Instead of bedding for Maltipoo, it is recommended to purchase baskets with a low entrance.

In addition, do not forget about toys, a leash with a collar or harness, diapers for the toilet, tray, containers for food and water. Representatives of the breed have a coat that must be taken care of. If the dog has straight hair, the dog is combed 2-3 times every 7 days, and the Maltipoo with a curly “fur coat” is brushed daily.

In addition to grooming, it is necessary to keep the ears, eyes and teeth clean. When carrying out procedures at home, you should make sure in advance that you have the necessary items on hand:

  • ophthalmic solution, can be replaced with chamomile decoction or tea leaves;
  • cloth napkins;
  • Toothbrush;
  • special paste for dogs.

All manipulations with a pet must be carried out as carefully as possible so as not to harm the animal. If you are unsure of your own abilities, it is recommended to consult a specialist.

Worth knowing. Your pet may not like brushing his teeth, which is why he is taught this procedure from puppyhood.


Here you need to pay attention to the age category of the dog. Puppies are fed at least 6 times a day, and very often, until the age of 90 days, babies feed exclusively on mother's milk. From 3 months you can start complementary feeding with adult food. Each component is introduced with 4 parts of the daily norm, gradually bringing it to the required amount.

Important point. It is recommended to introduce new foods into the diet one by one, so that if the puppy’s well-being worsens (disorder of the digestive system), we can understand why exactly this happened.

Adult animals are fed 2 times a day. Here the owner himself must decide which type of feeding to choose: using factory-made pellets or natural products. Each option has pros and cons. In the first case, you need to opt for granules that belong to the holistic or super-premium class. As for natural products, their list will be presented in the following table.

Maltipoo food

Note to the owner. Representatives of the breed simply love to beg for tidbits, but you should not spoil your pet, otherwise he will face obesity and health problems.

When choosing a natural feeding method, you must not forget about the mandatory addition of vitamins and mineral components so that the dog receives all the necessary microelements from its diet.

No matter what food option the owner chooses for the maltipoo, it is necessary to leave a bowl of clean water in a place accessible to the pet; it should always be available.


They begin training the puppy as soon as it moves to a new home. A dog is not a toy; this must always be remembered. Most owners are faced with the problem of training a puppy to wear a diaper, because... A small animal is not always able to climb into a tray that acts as a toilet.

The diaper is placed at a sufficient distance from the place where the dog eats, as well as from the place where it sleeps. After the puppy eats or sleeps, he will look for a place to relieve his natural needs. At this time, the pet needs to be put on a diaper and see what it will do.

If it doesn’t work out the first time, don’t despair, much less punish the puppy very strictly. The procedure with the diaper is repeated until the dog understands what is required of it. After successfully completing all tasks, the pet must be rewarded with a treat.

From the age of 60 days you can begin training; if you postpone the educational process until later, you will have to spend more effort, because Maltipu has a rather capricious character.

An important point in training is the presence of permanent prohibitions. If the dog is prohibited from receiving handouts from the table, then none of the family members should feed the pet, otherwise the whole process will have to start all over again.

Parenting mistakes

Raising a pet is not as simple as it seems, and therefore people often make some mistakes, and not only in relation to the Maltipoo. We need to look in more detail at what not to do:

  1. You cannot punish a dog when it approaches its owner. For an animal, one punishment is enough for it to then refuse to approach its owner, even if he offers goodies.
  2. Very often, inexperienced dog breeders poke their four-legged dog into puddles or piles left in the wrong place. For a pet, such a command “sounds” completely opposite.
  3. The dog takes out his bad mood. The owner must be able to keep his emotional state under control.
  4. No punishment. It is always used for training purposes, and not just for the sake of hitting the animal.
  5. Too many demands. The puppy will not be able to learn all the commands at once. The important thing here is to be patient and be consistent.
  6. Family members use different parenting methods. For example, some household members may feed the dog, while others may prohibit begging from the table. This shouldn't happen. All education occurs according to clearly established identical patterns.

Dog Breeds Similar to Poodle

Among the poodle-like dogs, two groups can be distinguished: those similar to large poodles and small ones.

The first group includes:

  1. Black Russian Terrier;
  2. White South Russian Shepherd;
  3. Bobtail;
  4. Irish Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier;
  5. Giant Schnauzer.

The second group includes:

  1. Maltipoo;
  2. French lapdog (Bichon Frize);
  3. T-cap;
  4. Shih Tzu.

Useful video

From the video you will learn everything about the Poodle dog breed:

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The poodle is perhaps one of the record holders for interbreeding. Mixed breeds with Labradors, Golden Retrievers, Maltese, Bernese dogs are widely known - about 45 “mixes” in total. The common name used for poodle crosses is Doodles. Whatever the other parent, this mixed breed is recommended as a hypoallergenic dog that does not have the health problems typical of purebred representatives. Doodles have been bred for over 70 years, but they only became the focus of attention among novice and professional dog owners only 20-30 years ago. And then - the most interesting poodle crosses.

Possible diseases

The breed as a whole has already gotten rid of many hereditary diseases that were carried by the breeds of the parents (Labrador - problems with paws and obesity, poodle - cataracts and deafness). Mestizos are quite resistant to genetic diseases due to their hybrid vigor. However, dogs can still suffer from problems common to their parent's breeds.

  • Hip dysplasia. To prevent this disease in time, it is necessary to take x-rays, starting from the age of the puppy.
  • Eye diseases. Australian Labradoodles suffer from progressive retinal atrophy, which often leads to blindness. British Labradoodles have a higher incidence of multifocal retinal dysplasia than Labradors.
  • Addison's disease (primary adrenal insufficiency, endocrine disease). Most often found in Australian Labradoodles. Initially it manifests itself in weight loss, weakness, you should immediately contact a veterinarian. It is necessary to undergo examinations on time, including blood and urine tests for sugar.

Mixed Poodle and King Charles Spaniel

Cavapoos are active, playful and very sweet dogs that crave to be the center of attention. They love to say hello and hug with all their paws - they are one of the most jumping breeds. Cavapoos are so attached to their owner that they cannot stand long separation from him.

The size of the animal is approximately the size of a spaniel, but it has longer legs and an elongated muzzle. The fur is long, silky, somewhat curly, like that of a poodle. Such a luxurious fur coat needs high-quality care. The size of the dog is average - about 25 kg.

Before purchasing a cavapoo, please note that he has a sensitive stomach - you should select a diet with your veterinarian. From a spaniel, a hybrid can inherit a tendency to cardiovascular pathologies.

Photo of a cross between a poodle and a King Charles spaniel:


Character is one of the most remarkable features of this dog. We have already mentioned that they are friendly, obedient, tactful and quite mobile. In addition, they are very susceptible to their surroundings: people, circumstances, conditions. If they had a motto, it would be: “I want to serve you and follow your commands. If I don’t know how, I’ll be happy to learn.”

They can be called empathic dogs, as they are able to acutely feel the state of their beloved owner and empathize with him. They are very sociable, always strive to be close and get along with everyone. Sometimes the instincts of a hunter awaken in them, which can make them run after a bird or small animal.

The dog is an intellectual and intellectual. He is noble, generous, tactful and compliant. I could go on and on about his wonderful qualities, but it is especially worth highlighting that he is trainable and flexibly adapts to new circumstances. Plus, he even has a sense of humor!

Regarding his working qualities, he will never be able to be a watchman and a security guard, since he is completely devoid of aggression. But at the same time, the Labradoodle is attentive and curious, he always notifies the owner about newly arrived guests or about something unusual, and never bothers him by barking for no reason. In addition to his direct official duties - guide, rescuer and assistant, he can be an ideal companion for a lonely person and an equal member of the family.

Mix of Poodle and Old English Sheepdog

The Sheepadoodle is one of the most common poodle mixes. Shepherd dogs, herding dogs, by their nature are not adapted to living in an apartment. A cross with a poodle “domesticates” this breed.

These mixed breeds grow into large dogs, but remain very friendly. They can be found in families with children if the dog is trained to be gentle with children. Moreover, education helps rid the mestizo of the habits of her sheep ancestors.

A large shipperdoodle is comfortable in a country house or enclosure. His coat is dense and long - it requires not only combing, but also periodic washing and cutting. Metis may be predisposed to joint diseases and heart pathologies.

Photo of a cross between a poodle and an Old English Sheepdog:

Interesting Facts

  • Labradoodles became even more famous when former US President Barack Obama chose a dog for himself. He wanted to get a Labradoodle or a Portuguese Water Dog. In the end, the choice fell on the second copy, but the discussion in the press was not in vain - the dogs became even more popular.
  • Interestingly, William Conron, the first breeder of Labradoodles, over time experienced a feeling similar to regret that he had opened Pandora's Box. After his “Frankenstein,” as he later called the dog he created, the fashion for hybridization skyrocketed. He practically initiated the hobby of breeding hybrids, which was not always successful. There were a lot of imitators of him. Therefore, he is considered the author of the saying: “For every ideal one, you will find many crazy ones,” referring to this haphazard amateur breeding of designer fashionable hybrid dogs. Although, it was as a result of such widespread crossing that many wonderful breeds appeared.
  • Japanese Labradoodle , a dog named Ranmaru, was included in the Guinness Book of Records in 2014 due to its unique eyelashes. Their length is 17 cm.
  • One of the most popular dogs of this breed is the Australian Labradoodle Reagan. There are many views on the Internet of photographs of this dog and his inseparable friend, 2-year-old baby Buddy. The dog does not leave the child, his nickname is “tailed nanny.”

Mixed poodle and schnauzer

Schnoodle is a non-aggressive creature, like a schnauzer, or even timid, shy, like a poodle. In order for the puppy to grow into a kind, cheerful and friendly dog, he is shown socialization from an early age. A crossbreed may have a developed protective instinct - the dog will protect its family. Why does she need the necessary education so that she can adequately treat ordinary passers-by?

Remember that Shuddles are an extremely energetic “mix”: this pet should not be owned by people who do not have the time and opportunity for frequent walks and active games with the dog. Such an animal does not belong in a small apartment - it needs a spacious house where the Shudla will have room to roam.

Photo of a cross between a poodle and a schnauzer:


And now all the information on the breed has been collected, all the nuances have been taken into account, the pros and cons have been weighed, and a decision has been made to purchase a Maltipoo. It is important not only to find a good breeder, but also to be able to choose a dog.

Choosing a puppy

A dog of this breed is an expensive pleasure, because... It is extremely popular among animal lovers. Despite the fact that these four-legged animals have been known for a long time, no one is going to reduce their prices.

Good to know. Finding a puppy is a responsible matter and this is due to the fact that there are very few nurseries on the territory of the Russian Federation.

In order not to make a bad choice, it is recommended to make a purchase in the presence of a specialist, because Today there are too many scammers selling mongrel dogs that vaguely resemble a Maltipoo for a lot of money.


Pricing policy consists of many components:

  • parents' pedigrees;
  • suit;
  • age group;
  • external data;
  • coat type, etc.

You can buy dogs from 50,000 (pet) to 120,000 rubles and above (elite representatives of the breed).

Mixed poodle and shih tzu

The Shih Poo can be somewhat stubborn and proud, much like its Shih Tzu ancestor. But timely training will definitely turn him into a friendly and obedient dog. The main thing is daily training, reminders of the rules of behavior in the house.

Again, the legacy of the Shih Tzu: pets can grow up somewhat aloof, independent, and uncommunicative. They belong in quiet houses, with a calm owner. It is unlikely that a thorn will make friends with noisy children. From the whole family, such a pet will most likely choose one and only owner.

By temperament, these are dogs of medium activity - they would rather lie on a rug than go for a long walk. Therefore, this is not a choice for active and restless people. It is also better to choose a thorn for a person who has experience raising a dog, who is patient and strong-willed.

Photo of a cross between a poodle and a Shih Tzu:

Poodle-Yorkie mix

Yorkipoo is another popular poodle mix, a charming but somewhat nervous dog that requires attention and needs early training. She gets her energy and temperament from the toy poodle, and her vocal abilities from the Yorkie. Remember that miniature dogs mature faster than large dogs (although they age more slowly), so you need to start training them at an earlier age. The main thing is to teach not to bark for no reason, but to voice only in a certain case. Otherwise, a loud dog will cause a lot of trouble.

By nature, Yorkipoos are active, playful and sociable. Children should be attentive to the pet - he does not like forced hugs or rough games. But he loves to chase the ball and play hide and seek.

If the mestizo has predominantly poodle genes, his coat needs simple care, because the pet sheds slightly. If the Yorkshire Terrier genes are dominant, daily brushing and trimming of hair on the face and in “sanitary areas” is required.

Photo of a cross between a poodle and a Yorkie:

Mixed poodle and Pekingese

Peekapoo is one of the most interesting and discussed “mixes”. The hybrid is easier to care for (its coat does not have a fluffy undercoat), and is more loving and friendly than the Pekingese. However, mestizos are also characterized by diseases inherent in the “Chinese”. The most serious is obstructive airway syndrome. A congenital pathology that prevents a dog from breathing normally and regulating its body temperature due to its muzzle being too short and flat.

The Pickup does not need excessive activity, rough play - this causes breathing problems, which can even provoke aggressive behavior in the dog. This mixed breed is indicated for people who have had experience of keeping a dog with difficulty breathing. In order not to aggravate health problems, the hybrid must be protected from overheating and excess weight.

Photo of a cross between a poodle and a Pekingese:


First, you need to decide which one you want to buy - a Labrador-Poodle mix, which is more common and costs less, or a purebred Australian Labradoodle, that is, a Cobberdog. The Australian can also be ordered in Russia; there are nurseries in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

It can also be brought from England, Poland, America, and of course, Australia. Two of Australia's most established nurseries are Tegan Park and Rutland Manor. Many manufacturers sell puppies for castration/sterilization, so as not to provoke unsystematic and uncontrolled breeding of the breed.

The cost of an Australian copy can start from $1,100. First generation mixed breeds cost about $900. Abroad, you can choose a puppy cheaper, about 450-500 dollars, but with transportation costs it will cost much more.

Poodle and Pomeranian mix

The Pomapoo is one of the cutest and cutest poodle mixes. This is an eternal puppy - a miniature dog that looks like a toy. Please note that this is not a hypoallergenic hybrid and its coat requires regular and careful grooming.

The baby feels great in small apartments - the main thing is that there is somewhere to play. He can be trained without any problems to relieve himself on a special diaper or in a tray. The dog is quite loud - it requires training from an early age so that he does not burst into barking at every irritant. He loves to be the center of attention and cannot stand being alone.

Not the best choice for families with children - if the dog is annoyed, he may even show some aggressiveness. The Pomapoo does well with a single owner or a family of two. Health problems are inherited from parents - blindness is most often diagnosed in old age.

Photo of a cross between a poodle and a Pomeranian:

Mixed poodle and St. Bernard

Saint Berdoodle is an amazing combination of the intelligence of the Poodle and the loyalty of the Saint Bernard. This is a giant, affectionate and incredibly cheerful dog, as if created to make everyone around him happy.

Keep in mind that the dog has thick and dense curly fur that requires regular grooming. Saint-Berdoodle loves cool, or even frosty climates - this is his element. In the hot summer, you need to protect the giant from overheating and dehydration, or even trim and shave off his thick “fur coat.”

Although affectionate, this is a giant mixed breed that needs early training. It is especially important to teach this merry fellow to contain his joy - both adults and children can suffer from the giant’s unexpected jumps and his tight hugs. Teach your mixed breed to walk on a leash so as not to shock passers-by.

Photo of a cross between a poodle and a St. Bernard:

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