Dog clippers: which one to choose for your pet

The difference between cars for people and animals

A common question asked by few dog breeders: why can’t human clippers be used to groom dogs?

  • The density of fur, even in dogs without undercoat, is much higher than the density of human hair, not to mention the fact that dog hair is much thicker. For this reason, pet trimmers are equipped with blades with more cutting edges to stay sharp for longer. Dull blades begin to “bite” and pluck out hairs, causing pain to the animal.
  • The electric motors of most human trimmers are not designed to handle heavy loads, they will heat up quickly and the blades will burn the animal's skin, and the motor may not withstand prolonged use at the limit.

What are they for?

Do you want your pet to look good? Do you want to emphasize the advantages of its exterior? And don’t want to splurge on visiting a grooming salon?

Then it's time to think about purchasing a clipper for cutting it at home.

Hygienic grooming of a long-haired cat

Grooming itself is a serious stress for the animal. If it is superimposed on visiting a new place with unfamiliar or unfamiliar people, other animals, loud sounds, touching cold (or even worse, hot) metal parts to delicate skin, stress increases many times over. And if you also pull the fur or damage the skin, even a usually calm animal is not far from hysteria.

Carrying out grooming at home, in familiar conditions, with the kind hands of your beloved owner, will be much easier, especially if you choose the right machine.

Types of dog clippers

Hair clippers can be divided into two large groups:

  1. Mechanical are the simplest devices that are operated by hand force. The structure is somewhat similar to ordinary pliers. They are inconvenient for large volumes of work, but are silent and are suitable if animals periodically need to trim small areas of hair on the head, ears or paws.
  2. Electric machines are a huge group of devices, including several varieties.
  • Vibrating machines have little power, and during operation they are quite noisy and vibrate finely. Suitable only for small dogs with thin, soft hair.
  • Pendulum clippers are usually superior in power to vibrating clippers, but they still remain an option for amateur home haircuts.
  • Rotary machines are the most productive of all of the above; moreover, they have an air cooling system for the engine. They work easily and quietly, the knife blocks are replaced quite easily.

Why do dogs have hair cut?

Dogs do not always need a haircut just to participate in an exhibition. Some breeds need to be clipped to help them shed and keep not only their coat but also their skin healthy. Moreover, it is necessary to treat not only the body, but hard-to-reach places, for example, the ears. A significant amount of sulfur accumulates in them, and overgrown hair delays its removal. In this case, an ideal habitat for microbes is formed in the dog’s ear, which contributes to the occurrence of a number of diseases.

Dog grooming not only ensures a beautiful appearance, but also maintains the health of the pet.

Grooming dogs with long hair prevents the appearance of tangles and the formation of matted hair. The skin under them sweats, the sweat corrodes it, and itching appears. The dog can scratch these areas with its teeth until scabs appear. In some cases, the animal literally gnaws out the mat, damaging the skin. Felted fur on the paws retains a lot of dirt after street walks, which contributes to a greater spread of bacteria not only on the dog, but also in the home.

It is worth noting that dog haircuts are different: model and hygienic. The former are designed to provide aesthetic appearance in accordance with the requirements of the ideal appearance of a particular breed. The latter have a hygienic purpose, that is, they are necessary to maintain the health of the dog.

Matted hair and tangles are harmful to a dog's health.

Functionality issue

Pros and cons of battery models

Electric machines can operate on mains power, battery power, or a combination of the two. A cordless dog clipper offers freedom of action, but at the same time, it also has disadvantages. When the battery is discharged, the engine power decreases, and the clipper begins to cut worse, catching the wool and pulling it out. Often the battery is discharged at the most inopportune moment during the haircut process, which becomes torture for the master and torture for the animal; you have to interrupt the procedure and charge the battery. In addition, with age, the battery capacity, and therefore the operating time, decreases.

Curly haircuts

The knife blocks in the machine provide for cutting a fixed length from 0.1 to 9 mm. To regulate the length of hair over a wider range and perform curly haircuts, special plastic attachments are used; the functionality and cost of the machine depend on their quantity.


An animal, especially a nervous one, needs to be accustomed to a new clipper gradually: first let it sniff while it is turned off, place it next to the resting pet, then start moving the cutting surface over the fur, then turn it on and accustom it to sound and vibration without cutting. And only then, when your pet gets used to the sight, smell, sounds and sensations, start cutting from the back. It is better to leave the belly and hard-to-reach places for later, when the pet believes that the haircut will not kill it.

It is better to start learning to cut your hair from the back.

Do not start grooming an hour before leaving for the exhibition - you may have to take breaks to let your pet calm down, to recharge the battery and for unforeseen circumstances. It is better to schedule the haircut the day before so that the animal has time to calm down and get used to its new look.

You should not cut your pet's hair in places where the skin is damaged or affected by a rash. You should also not cut wet and dirty fur with a clipper.

Some manufacturers claim that their powerful devices can cut tangles. It is important to understand that this applies to relatively small tangles that are not adjacent to the skin. The powerful device may damage sensitive skin.

You should not cut the tangles with a machine - it is better to untangle them by treating them with a special conditioner, or, as a last resort, cut them off with a hand tangle cutter.

Ridding a cat of tangles

The blades must be kept parallel to the skin, without ever resting their tips against it.

In order for the device to work for more than one year, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the blades after each haircut.

The cutting time directly depends on the power of the device, and for battery-powered clippers, on the battery capacity. It is important to remember that capacity decreases with use, and replacement batteries will have to be considered.

Popular manufacturers of animal clippers

Among all the well-known manufacturers, five leaders can be noted. Each of these brands boasts a wide range of trimmers with varying functionality, from economical options to professional models.

  • ANDIS (USA);
  • MOSER (Germany);
  • OSTER (USA);
  • Wahl (Wahl Clipper Corporation acquired one of the Moser factories, but knives continue to be produced in the USA);
  • TAKUMI (Japan).

Leading manufacturers

Moser is a leading European manufacturer of grooming equipment. Excellent quality, but also high prices. It is not necessary to buy super professional tools for 20-40 thousand rubles. The manufacturer offers a wide range of products, junior models start at 2000 (1500 on Alibaba).

Many groomers and salons choose this brand

Wahl The American giant, which entered the European market on its own, subsequently entered into an alliance with Moser, building a plant in Europe for the production of the most important part - knives.

Wahl rotary machine

Wahl trimmer

Also high prices and high quality

Ridian is a more affordable brand owned by the alliance of giants Moser-Wahl

It produces both vibration and entry-level rotary machines.

Andis is one of Wahl's worthy competitors. Their signature style is the absence of a fan and a sealed housing, which ensures ultra-low noise and prevents hair from getting into the engine. Another feature is LED illumination of the cutting area, which allows you not to miss in hard-to-reach places and in dim lighting

Andis EasyClip SafeTlight


Russian company, founded in 2010, a good representative of the middle price segment. Most often purchased by individual owners and novice groomers

TAKUMI is a professional machine that will last a long time and will not let you down at a crucial moment. The device's power range is from 10 to 800 watts, a combination of high quality, excellent performance and reasonable price. They are often chosen by sheep farmers who shear sheep during the season for 20 hours a day. The cars could withstand all 24.

Aesculap The highest price category, produces professional devices for grooming both cats and dogs, as well as rabbits, goats, sheep, horses, and cattle. A kind of Mercedes in the world of haircuts

AESCULAP ​​ECONOM II GT 494 - shears from dogs to sheep.

Rule of Three

When choosing a hair clipper, it is important to choose the right power; it is in this case that the “rule of three” is used:

  • 15-20 W – suitable for small dogs with soft coats such as Yorkshire terriers, Chinese Cresteds, Papillons, long-haired Toys or Chihuahuas;
  • 20-30 W – chosen by owners of Cocker Spaniels, Maltese, Shih Tzu, Pekingese, Skye Terriers, etc.
  • More than 30 W is the only option for owners of long-haired large breeds, as well as medium and small dogs with hard or curly hair (Sheltie, Afghan Hound, Fox Terrier, Airedale Terrier, Schnauzer, etc.).


The hair clipper, like all other equipment, must be carefully monitored so that it does not break at the most necessary moment. You need to have several knives, attachments for them, and, if the machine is battery-powered, you need to buy another one. Knives need to be sharpened regularly; a dull knife will cause pain to your pet. Also, the knife must be cleaned after each use, otherwise the mechanism will clog and quickly become unusable. Cleaning should be done using a special brush and liquid included with the product. It disinfects knives and removes grease.

Before the procedure, the dog must be washed, as dirt and sand accumulated on the fur will quickly render the machine unusable. All parts need to be lubricated in a timely manner, so your machine will last much longer. Usually the oil comes in the kit, but if you run out of it, you can take it to lubricate your sewing machines.

Currently reading:

  1. The American Cocker Spaniel is an adroit hunter and loyal friend.
  2. Professional secrets of dog grooming for different breeds
  3. Games to choose for training a dog
  4. Tips for proper dog burial

What determines the quality of the coat?

What kind of fur your pet will have depends on many factors. And if we have no control over natural data, then it is quite possible to correct other data in order to improve the quality of the pet’s hair.

Much depends on heredity. There is nothing you can do about genetics, so you must initially choose a puppy by looking at its parents. Luxurious fur from your closest relatives is the key to the beauty of your puppy in the future.

Environmental factors - direct sunlight, sea water, dry air - all this negatively affects the quality of the animal's hair. You should not bathe your dog in the sea or let him sleep near the radiator in winter.

Various physiological conditions and general health also directly affect the appearance of the coat: hair growth slows down during pregnancy, lactation, changing teeth, even with a common cold or stress. Along with this, poor nutrition can cause skin allergies, alopecia (baldness), and loss of pigmentation.

A lack or excess of vitamins can lead to various skin reactions, dandruff, inflammation of the sebaceous glands - even baldness. Therefore, it is important to monitor the terrier’s diet and ask the veterinarian for the exact prescription of all dietary supplements.

What to consider when choosing

How to choose a Yorkie clipper so that the device works reliably without creating discomfort for the owner and his pet?

  • Handle shape. It should be comfortable, as this will make the cutting process easier, that is, the hand will not get tired so quickly;
  • Power. This factor will affect the speed and ability to work without stopping;
  • Material used to make knives. It is better to purchase models where the knives are made of high quality steel. They can be removable or stationary;
  • Nozzles In this case, pay attention to their number and what they are made of;
  • Terms of Use.

Each device comes with a special cleaning brush and oil for lubricating the knife. It is important to remember that a dog's fur is thicker and thinner, so the question of whether it is possible to cut a Yorkie with a regular hair clipper disappears. Such attempts will lead to the fact that you will not be able to get a haircut or will break the machine. For these purposes, you need to use special devices.

Where can I buy

Many dog ​​breeders do not know where to buy such a machine.
There are several options for purchasing the device. You can pick one up at a pet supply store. They cannot be found in these places and the quality of such machines is unlikely to be at a high level. The best place to buy equipment is in stores that sell those specific products. Often such offers can be found in online stores. Online shopping has double benefits. Firstly, you don’t need to go anywhere to purchase; all the specifications are on the seller’s website. Secondly, online, the price of a trimmer will be significantly lower than in a regular store. This is due to the fact that online sellers do not spend money on renting and maintaining premises for a store. Buying online is the best choice for a dog owner.

You can also try to find the machine at auctions where used items are sold. These sites are easy to find on the Internet, but purchasing such goods is always risky. It is unknown who the previous owner of the device was, how it was used and what dog it was intended for. This may harm your pet's health.

Preparing for grooming

Before cutting Yorkie dogs, be sure to watch videos, photographs, and become familiar with the tools. Inexperienced owners are better off consulting a groomer.

Before using scissors and clippers, wash your pet with shampoo and conditioner to make the hair smoother and less tangled. Before washing, only comb the head, without touching the mustache and beard, and remove tangles.

The coat is washed with shampoo twice, the first time to wash away dust and major impurities, and the second time it is washed with care shampoo. After shampoo, apply balm or conditioner; you can add a few drops of broccoli oil, which has a laminating effect. This entire mixture is lightly rubbed into the skin and kept for at least five minutes. After washing, the hair should be slightly slippery. Dry the wet dog with a terry towel and clean the ears, removing any remaining moisture from them.

Dry the dog with a powerful hairdryer that has temperature control. Drying is carried out with a strong air flow until it is slightly damp, after which combing begins. You can spray the animal with antistatic agent. Brush the dog with a massage brush from the tips to the roots; if there are tangled places, they are sorted out using a regular comb with rotating teeth.

When everything is combed, take the hairdryer again and dry it with a warm and cold stream of air alternately. At the same time, the strands are pulled back so that there is no wave. Do not dry against the grain. Gradually switch to only the cold flow of the hairdryer.

The pet must be well dried before cutting, otherwise the hair will become tangled. When everything is ready, you can proceed to the most important thing.

Required Tools

Many owners wonder how to trim their Yorkie themselves using scissors alone. Unfortunately, scissors will not be enough - you will need other equipment to make the procedure pleasant and quick, and most importantly, correct. So, a basic set of tools:

  1. Table and rubber mat, ideally this should be a grooming table with a rubberized surface.
  2. Scissors, and not alone. At a minimum, you need straight, rounded, thinning scissors and small scissors with rounded tips (like manicure scissors).
  3. A machine with different types of attachments. It’s good if it’s battery-powered, without connecting to the network - then there will be no surprises if the light suddenly goes out. Such a machine is mobile: for example, in a private house you can get a haircut in the yard. The attachments, like the body itself, should be metal - they do not accumulate static electricity, metal is easier to clean, and it is less clogged with hairs.
  4. Trimmer for treating hard-to-reach places - ears, muzzle, anus.
  5. Several combs with different distances between teeth. Combs should also be metal.
  6. Massage brush.
  7. A mat cutter, since mats fall off even on the most well-groomed dogs, sometimes at record speed – within a day.
  8. Nail clipper and medium hard nail file.

This is the equipment you will need directly when cutting your hair. In addition to this, you will need shampoo, conditioner, hair dryer, mousses, sprays and care oils.

What is

To understand whether a Yorkie can be cut with a clipper for people, it is necessary to take into account that a dog’s coat differs in structure and structure from human hair. Therefore, in clippers designed for cutting people, it can get stuck, causing pain and discomfort to the animal, and the tool itself can break. In addition, such a device makes sounds that are unpleasant for the dog, which frighten them.

To ensure that the owner and his pet do not experience stress during the procedure, it is better to purchase a special-purpose clipper for cutting hair. Such a device is equipped with knife blocks, a gearbox, and an electric drive. Yorkie clippers operate silently, quickly and painlessly cut the desired length of hair.

How to cut your Yorkie's hair yourself - step-by-step instructions

The owner needs to prepare (disinfect) the instruments and put on a robe. It’s good if the dog takes all the procedures calmly, doesn’t get nervous, and doesn’t break out. Sometimes an assistant may be needed - preferably, it should be a person familiar to the dog, that is, a member of your family.

1. First of all, the body is decorated. To do this, make an even parting along the spine and comb the hair on both sides. From below, the strands are trimmed to the same length. The chest and neck are cut quite short to the lower jaw.

2. If a dog is being groomed, then you need to start from the tail. Do not shave beyond the ear line. Hair is removed from the front paws above the elbows. From the rear – up from about the middle of the thigh. The front neck is shaved from the shoulders to the throat, and the transition is shaped with scissors. With the summer hygienic option, only the paws remain slightly combed.

3. From the neck they move to the muzzle and shape the head. The most tangled areas - the groin, armpits, paws and fingers - are trimmed very short with a clipper, no longer than 5 mm. In fact, hair grows back quickly. When clipping your armpits, be very careful not to snag the thin skin.

4. Use rounded scissors to remove excess under the tail, around the anus. It is preferable to pluck the hairs in the ears or, as a last resort, remove them with a trimmer.

5. Long hair on the body is either trimmed only from the bottom (“pants”), or, in addition to this, the upper ⅔ of the length (“flares”) is removed.

6. Lastly, the paws are trimmed. The foot must be firmly fixed, otherwise your model may jerk it and get hurt. First, the claws are processed with a special nail clipper, and the sharp tips are filed with a file. It is convenient to trim the nails after washing, when they are softened, easier to cut and do not peel off.

7. When the claws are processed, use small rounded scissors to cut off the excess from the bottom of the paw and between the pads so that nothing gets tangled or interferes with walking. The top of the foot is given a neat rounded shape without protruding tufts.

8. At the end of the haircut, all shaved areas are once again passed over with a clipper.

By following these instructions, you will understand how to trim your Yorkie yourself, and you will see that there is nothing complicated or impossible in a hygienic hairstyle.

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