Doberman or German Shepherd: which pet is better and which dog should you choose?

When a decision is made to acquire a faithful four-legged friend and protector, the question arises of what breed the future pet should be.

And, often, a choice has to be made between a German shepherd and a Doberman.

How are these two breeds similar and which one should you buy?

These dogs have their own breed characteristics that must be taken into account before purchasing a pet.

Dogs are incredibly intelligent and quick-witted.

A little about Dobermans

Doberman Pinschers are a breed developed at the end of the 19th century in Germany and were originally intended mainly for detective work in the police, as well as as a bodyguard.


The dog is medium or large in size , height for males is from 68 to 72 cm, for females - 63-68 cm, weight is from 32 to 45 kg . The body is square format. The bones are quite strong, but not massive or rough, the muscles are well developed.

The head is wedge-shaped, the length of the muzzle is approximately equal to the length of the skull. The neck is graceful, but quite strong and muscular. The withers are pronounced, the back is quite wide and strong.

The chest is strong and moderately wide, reaching the elbow joints. Limbs are straight, parallel, well muscled.

The coat is short, smooth, shiny and quite hard. The color is black or brown and tan.

Dobermans' tails and ears are traditionally cropped , while in most countries this operation is prohibited .

See what an undocked Doberman looks like here.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • He is friendly and does not show aggression without reason.
  • Treats children well.
  • As a rule, he gets along with other pets.
  • Calm and balanced.
  • Well trained.
  • Beautiful and effective in appearance.


  • The protective instinct and territoriality are too developed.
  • Not every person can be its master, but only a leader by nature.
  • With a lack of upbringing, he can become self-willed, stubborn and disobedient.
  • Tends to act out when the owners leave the house: often, out of boredom, he damages furniture or other things.
  • He is very sensitive and does not tolerate rough handling.
  • Touchy.

It should be remembered that dogs of unknown origin may have an unbalanced psyche, so a Doberman should only be purchased with documents.


The Doberman is not inclined to show aggression unless there are significant reasons for it. This is a calm animal that knows its worth, which in a home environment becomes affectionate and friendly.

Has great energy and mobility.

If the Doberman is not provided with the physical activity it needs and does not devote time or attention to training, the dog may become uncontrollable.

The Doberman cannot tolerate rough treatment, and remembers undeserved insults for a very long time..

Read more about the character of Dobermans here.


Let's look at what kind of mixed breeds exist and see in the photo what a cross between a Rottweiler and a German Shepherd looks like, a mixture with a Labrador and other dog breeds.

German Shepherd mix

Malchover is a cross between a German and a Rottweiler. A muscular, calm, loyal, intelligent and self-confident dog has become a good friend to man. The weight of a large dog is 50 kg. He inherited the color from the Rottweiler, and the muzzle and ears from the German.

Metis has the following advantages:

  • good intelligence;
  • excellent watchdog qualities;
  • easy to learn;
  • devotion;
  • Ability to remain calm in emergency situations.

With Labrador

The mixed breed is called a labra-rotweil. This complex canine artifact inherited good intelligence, conformation and temperament from its parents. Dogs are little known to people, because obtaining an ideal heir can be achieved after long and painstaking work.

With a pit bull

This mestizo was called a pit bull terrier. The dog is different:

  • increased endurance;
  • energy;
  • fearlessness.

The color can be anything from solid black to black with brindle markings. The coat is smooth, short and shiny. The chest is wide and massive. The legs are of medium length and muscular.

The mixed breed is slightly smaller in size than a purebred Rottweiler. The weight of an adult is 30-40 kg.

Staffordshire Terrier

This is a cross between a Stafford and a Rottweiler. The dog has the following features:

  • the dog is large in size and has well-developed muscles;
  • endurance;
  • calm character;
  • loves to communicate with the owner and other dogs.

There are aggressive individuals who inherited a malicious character from their parents, were raised that way, or were kept in harsh conditions. For training to be productive, the owner should be patient and remember consistency.

Mongrel mix

The mestizo “nobleman” is not distinguished by his impeccable character. Requires increased attention and love from the owner. The dog's owners claim that it is difficult to train, and its most important trait is arrogance.

The dog has good intelligence. He can easily open any door, understands people, and gets along with other pets. Despite their attractive appearance and pretty face, dogs of this breed do not participate in exhibitions.

Other famous hybrids

There are several other breeds obtained by crossing the Rottweiler and other dogs. Here are some unique unions:

  1. Doberman and Rottweiler. Metis took all the traits from both breeds. This is a stately dog ​​with a strong character, courage and endurance. Usually the color is black with red tan.
  2. Husky and Rottweiler. The dog has a friendly character and affability. He chooses one master from the whole family, and obeys only him. The large dog reaches a height of 60 cm. The color can be pure black, or mixed with the colors of the husky’s parent.
  3. Alabai and Rottweiler. Metis reacts aggressively to unfamiliar people. However, he will always protect and love his family. The dog is large and can weigh up to 100 kg.

Still, selection is unpredictable. If some mestizos are ideal, then some have a disgusting character. Many dogs are prone to gluttony and laziness. It is difficult to force such animals to do anything, much less learn.

Briefly about the German Shepherd

The German Shepherd does not need any special introduction: it is a dog that is familiar to all people from an early age. But still, comparing the shepherd dog with the Doberman, we should talk a little about it.


A fairly large dog with a slightly elongated format.

range from 50 to 65 cm, and weight can be 30-50 kg .
The length of the muzzle and skull are approximately equal. When viewed from above, the German Shepherd's head resembles a tapering wedge. The ears are not too large, erect, in the shape of a triangle.

The neck is muscular and strong, the withers are pronounced, the back is slightly elongated and straight. The croup is sloping, turning into a saber-shaped tail. The forelimbs are parallel and even, the hind limbs are quite powerful and muscular.

The coat can be either short and harsh or quite long and softer.

Acceptable colors: black , gray of varying lightness, black and tan, saddleback , reddish .

The back and croup of the German Shepherd have a well-defined slope, due to which a silhouette with a sloping top line, characteristic of these dogs, is created.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • Smart and easy to train dog.
  • Very devoted and faithful.
  • Loyal to children.
  • Clearly understands where manifestations of aggression are appropriate and where they are not.
  • Versatile: suitable for any service.


  • She needs serious training and something she can do.
  • Not suitable for the role of just a pet.
  • If raised incorrectly, it can become aggressive.
  • Hyperactivity occurs in some representatives of the breed, and some of the shepherd dogs, on the contrary, are characterized by a slow reaction.
  • If the shepherd is overtrained, it may have a nervous breakdown.

The German Shepherd easily adapts to any climatic conditions, with the exception of arctic zones and regions with too hot climates.


The German Shepherd is characterized by such traits as vigilance, attentiveness, obedience, distrust of strangers and the desire to please its owner.

Decisive, brave and moderately evil “Germans” can attack only on the orders of the owner.

She is calm and friendly with the owner and his family members. She treats children well, but prefers to communicate with adult family members who are involved in her upbringing and training.

The exceptional intelligence and intelligence of the German Shepherd make this dog a universal one, suitable for any service..

Pros and cons of breeds

In order to have sufficient knowledge, we will analyze the advantages and disadvantages of each breed. First consider the Doberman.

Positive sidesNegative sides
  • Very active
  • Even a beginner who has not yet had sufficient experience in dog breeding can take care of him.
  • Almost no need to remove hair
  • Perfect for apartment living
  • Has a noble appearance and aristocratic bearing
  • May freeze while living outside
  • Has a wayward character
  • Requires constant training and attention

Now let's look at the pros and cons of the German Shepherd.

Positive sidesNegative sides
Can be kept outside in an enclosure or booth
Easy to train

Gets along well with the child

Not endowed with excessive activity

Sheds constantly, so you need to brush the coat regularly
Requires attention and depends on the leader owner

What are the similarities and differences


  • Both breeds were bred in Germany and are used as service dogs or guard dogs.
  • Both the Shepherd and the Doberman are very intelligent and quick-witted.
  • Caring for both of them is easy.
  • Both dogs are very trainable, although different methods are recommended.
  • Both the shepherd and the Doberman are distinguished by their stately and harmonious build.
  • Both breeds require serious training and a lot of physical activity.
  • Representatives of both breeds are good with children and, with proper socialization, do not show aggression or bullying towards other animals.


  • The German Shepherd is considered a versatile dog, while the Doberman is best suited for detection, security, and bodyguard work.
  • The German Shepherd's ears are naturally erect, while the Doberman's ears are cropped.
  • A shepherd can have long hair, but a Doberman can only have short hair.
  • The colors of the “German” are more varied than those of the Doberman Pinscher.
  • The Shepherd feels good in a wide variety of climatic zones, but the use of the Doberman for work in regions with cold winters is difficult.

The German Shepherd is less excitable and not inclined to take offense or, especially, to take revenge on the owner for an insult.

Features of the Doberman breed

It is only in action-packed action films that these four-legged animals are presented as ruthless killers, whose teeth grow in several rows, almost like sharks. In fact, the German Doberman Pinscher is a very smart, kind and loving dog that will find a common language not only with its adult owner, but also with his small child. But we should not forget that positive character traits can fade into the background, or even the tenth plan, if the dog is not trained and raised.

Dobermans are one of the most versatile breeds you can find. A properly trained animal can be a good helper for military, police and rescue workers. You can even make a nanny or nurse out of a Doberman. But the main purpose of the German Pinscher is still to serve its owner.

Important! Dogs of this breed have excellent physical shape. They are able to win victories in sports competitions and catch up with the attacker.

Which breed is best suited for indoors and outdoors?

Both of these dogs can be kept both in a private house and in a city apartment. But at the same time, you need to take into account that shedding is more pronounced in a shepherd dog.

Based on the amenities, we can say that a Doberman is more suitable for an apartment as a security guard..

The conditions of a private home, as a rule, require year-round keeping of a dog in the yard or in an enclosure. For Dobermans who do not tolerate cold well, this is hardly possible.

Therefore, the German Shepherd is more suitable for private households.

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

“Both of these breeds do not require complex care. But you need to take into account that, unlike a shepherd dog, it will not be possible to keep a Doberman in the yard all year round. They are both unpretentious in feeding, unless they have allergies or other health problems. Caring for them does not involve cutting or trimming, which makes their maintenance much easier. But if a Doberman puppy’s ears are cropped, then he will have to take care of the surgical sutures for some time, and then put the ears in accordance with the standard.”

Let's compare both breeds

To get as close as possible to the answer: which of the two pets is stronger, we will analyze each breed separately and compare them with each other.


First, let's look at the external characteristics of both breeds.

  • The Doberman has a large and muscular build. The height at the withers is slightly greater than that of shepherd dogs - in females it reaches 68 centimeters, in males up to 72 centimeters.
  • The weight is also slightly different. Female Dobermans weigh up to 35 kilograms, and male Dobermans weigh up to 45 kilograms.

  • Their coat is quite short and does not contain undercoat. It is polished, has a rigid structure and does not curl.
  • The coat color is mainly charcoal, with small brown and red spots.
  • The muzzle of representatives of this breed is elongated, the eyes are dark and round in shape, the ears are erect, and they are often cropped.
  • The tail is also short due to docking. The back is straight, the sternum is wide.
  • The neck is elongated and thick.
  • The limbs are straight, parallel to each other.
  • The claws are long and dark in color.

  • The Shepherd also has a proportional build. The height of males reaches 65 centimeters at the withers, females - up to 60 centimeters. However, Dobermans are taller. Shepherd girls weigh up to 32 kilograms, boys - up to 40 kilograms.
  • The coat of German Shepherds can be short or long and has a pronounced undercoat. She is straight and tough.
  • The color of the fur coat can be of different shades: ranging from coal-black, saddle-back with red and gray spots to zone-red or zone-gray.
  • The mouth is slightly shorter than that of Dobermans, the nose is black. The muzzle itself is dark in color.
  • The eyes are oval and have brown or black shades.
  • The chest is wide and muscular.
  • The back is flat and often black.
  • The limbs are straight and parallel to each other.

The character of the Doberman is distinguished by playfulness and friendliness, and not anger, as everyone is accustomed to think. The Doberman is a very sensitive and loyal animal with a peculiar disposition. They are independent, sometimes too independent.

Such pets instantly react to the slightest manifestation of aggression and are able to rush into battle without sparing themselves. Representatives of the Doberman breed show aggression only if the owner or members of his family are in danger and someone is making an attempt on their life. However, they behave well with other pets and get along well with them. Dobermans are calm towards small children.

As for the German Shepherd, its character and behavior are slightly different. This animal cannot live without a person and his attention. The Shepherd has a calm disposition and a balanced psyche. If the dog notices that someone is trying to harm the owner, it will immediately begin to protect him.

In a family, she usually chooses one leader, listens to him unquestioningly and is faithful to the person until the end of her days. In addition, shepherd dogs are friendly towards small children and are able to play the role of a nanny for them. They treat cats calmly, but they may not get along with some dogs.

Attitude to training

Of course, any breed needs to be raised and trained. This is especially true for Dobermans. But when training these pets, you need to show ingenuity and a special approach. Sometimes Dobermans can be stubborn and play around without listening to their owner.

However, their learning abilities are very great. Of course, they need to be constantly improved. The Doberman, as mentioned above, is a very sensitive pet; it can sense the owner’s mood and mirror his behavior.

The German Shepherd behaves completely differently when trained. She carefully and easily follows commands and remembers them well. However, if you abandon training, the dog will forget everything completely, and training will need to start all over again.

Therefore, the shepherd’s brain requires constant mental work, and physical activity is required to maintain muscle tone. The Shepherd always unconditionally listens to the one he has chosen as an authoritative owner.

Attitude towards children and pets

The German Shepherd is calm and friendly towards children. He perceives older people as playmates, and treats children patronizingly.

A properly raised Doberman is also loyal to children, but he is less patient and restrained: he can snap if a child starts to annoy him or tease him too much.

Both dogs, when properly raised, do not show aggression towards other animals.


Despite the short hair, this breed is subject to seasonal shedding. During this period, it is recommended to brush your pet with a silicone brush as often as possible.

Don't neglect your dog's hygiene. You need to regularly examine your pet’s teeth, ears and ears, and if necessary, clean them of dirt.

The Doberman breed requires an active and active daily routine. These dogs need to get their energy out. You need to constantly play with them and spend time on specialized training grounds. The more energy a dog spends, the better for his well-being and the furniture in the house.

Who is more picky about feeding?

Both the Doberman and the Shepherd feel great when receiving either balanced natural food or high-quality premium, super-premium or holistic food.


When feeding natural food, the proportion of meat products should be no less than 50%.

In case of health problems, the dog should eat special dietary food.

German working dog breeds

Service dogs have strength, endurance, loyalty and courage, and become service dogs through training and education. These include:

  1. German Shepherd.

  2. German dog.

  3. Leonberger.

  4. Doberman.

  5. Rottweiler.

  6. Giant Schnauzer.

  7. German boxer.

  8. Miniature Schnauzer.

  9. Miniature Schnauzer.

Other criteria

ActivityRepresentatives of both breeds are very active, but German Shepherds, as a rule, are still somewhat calmer and not as active as Dobermans.
Distrust of strangersThe German Shepherd is a little more aggressive than the Doberman, but it only shows its viciousness when it receives the owner's permission.
LifespanDobermans live somewhat longer: from 12 to 16 years, while the life expectancy of the “German” is 10-14 years.
TrainingRepresentatives of both breeds are excellent at training.

How much do Doberman puppies cost?

Different breeders have different prices, and they also vary depending on the region. On average, you can pay 25,000-35,000 rubles for a puppy with a pedigree. Without documents you can buy a puppy for 5,000 rubles.

Different breeds have their own costs. For example, a mini Doberman can be purchased with documents for 10,000 rubles. Show dogs will be more expensive - about 30,000 rubles.

Who is stronger?

It all depends on the preparedness of each dog. A trained Doberman can easily cope with a “German” who has not been trained in protective guard duty.

But a German Shepherd that has undergone special training will defeat an untrained Doberman with no less ease.

A Doberman and a Shepherd, if they meet in battle, will have approximately equal chances of winning, but only if these dogs have approximately the same level of training, age and physical condition.

What popular types of Rottweiler mixes exist?

Doberman and Rottweiler mix

This mixed breed has adopted the same features of both breeds; these dogs are generally similar to each other, especially in puppyhood.

You can see a comparison of Doberman and Rottweiler here.

As they mature, they become stately dogs, with strong paws, stockier than purebred Rottweilers, with a characteristic color for both breeds - black and red tan.

Their head is more like the head of a Rottweiler - medium in size, with a clearly defined occipital protuberance, with wide-set ears. The muzzle is somewhat narrowed, the nostrils are widened and round.

Lobes, lips and eye rims are black . By nature, the mestizo will take the best from his parents and will be a brave dog.

Rottweiler and Shepherd mix

In Germany, this mestizo was called Malchover. In the middle of the last century, a group of German breeders set the goal of breeding a new breed of service dogs with strong physical characteristics and a balanced character and stable psyche.

German Shepherds were used for selection

The results were very worthy: they turned out to be hardy, well-trained dogs with good health.

Both breeds have similar physical parameters. They are large, muscular, proportionally built, strong.

Therefore, puppies born from a union between a shepherd dog and a Rottweiler are almost no different in body type from their parents.

Hybrids have a toned body with a straight back and broad chest . The paws are long, straight and thin. The shape of the muzzle and the structure of the ears of the mixed breed are more similar to Rottweilers.

The coat is short, stiff, usually rich dark in color with rusty or light yellow tan markings.

Positive qualities of a puppy mixed from these breeds include::

They are energetic, active, love to play with their owner and tolerate physical activity well.

Metis are very attached to the whole family and it is very important for them to feel like members of this family.

Doberman and German Shepherd mix

There are certain patterns that allow us to say with a greater or lesser degree of probability that this dog is a cross between a Doberman and a German Shepherd:

  • The mix resembles the Doberman Pinscher in body type, but they tend to be either a Sheepdog color or somewhere between black and tan.
  • They are taller than shepherds and have a leaner, more slender build.
  • The paws are thinner than those of the “Germans”.
  • The shape of the head is more like a Doberman.
  • The ears are thicker than those of the Doberman, but due to their large size, they are most often either drooping or raised.
  • The tail is medium in length, tapering towards the end.
  • The coat is quite short and harsh.


The character of these dogs is calm and friendly, while they have excellent watchdog and security qualities.

They are distrustful of strangers, but will not attack without command.

Doberman and Shepherd mixes are smart and very smart. They are well trained, obedient and quickly remember commands.

The concept of "mestizo"

In any breeding, the main type of crossing is purebred. The addition of other blood is permissible only in rare cases. But sometimes there is a need to get a dog that combines the characteristics of two breeds.

The breed was named Malkhover

  • The Caucasian Shepherd was crossed with the Saint Bernard. As a result, we managed to get a Moscow guard dog that had the appearance of a St. Bernard and the character of a Caucasian Shepherd.
  • The mixed breed of Alabai and Rottweiler was distinguished by a strong physique, powerful muscles and thick hair. These dogs were perfect for home guarding.
  • The Pitweiler is a mix of Pitbull and Rottweiler. Such pets are distinguished by fearlessness, endurance, and energy. The hybrid requires seriousness from the owner, since without constant training he goes crazy.
  • Sometimes you can find a cross between a mongrel and a Rottweiler. This combination is unpredictable. Such a dog can be unbalanced and aggressive.

Crossbreeding is very risky, as you can never be sure what qualities will be passed on to the litter. Hybrids may be healthier. Some small breeds have many problems due to close relationships.

Interesting! Infusion of other blood can correct the defects. However, such work should be done by experienced breeders.

Who should you choose?

The German Shepherd and the Doberman are similar in their working qualities, as well as in their character.

“German” is a station wagon, suitable for any job, but this cannot be said about the Doberman. They make excellent bloodhounds, guards and bodyguards, but, for example, they are not suitable for herding or driving livestock.

What also makes it difficult to use them for work is that Dobermans do not tolerate frost well, which limits the ability to use them for work in regions with cold climates.

Based on this, when choosing a dog for working in difficult climatic conditions, it is better to give preference to a shepherd dog.

If we are talking about purchasing a future security guard for a house or apartment, then it should be recognized that in urban conditions Dobermans feel more comfortable than “Germans”. And in the house, subject to year-round outdoor maintenance, it is better to have a shepherd dog.

In the event that a dog is purchased simply as a pet, then you need to buy the one you like best.

Doberman Pinschers and German Shepherds are two breeds that are similar and different at the same time.

A versatile “German” or Doberman who will make an excellent guard, bodyguard and bloodhound - both of these dogs can become faithful and devoted companions.

And when making a choice between them, first of all you need to understand that, no matter which of these breeds the pet belongs to, it still needs the care and love of its owner.

How are they similar?

There is something in common between the two “Germans”:

  • they are very loyal to their owners;
  • dogs are smart and well trained;
  • know how and love to be cunning in a situation that is advantageous to them;
  • desire to dominate;
  • aggressive towards strangers.

It is difficult to say who is better and stronger - a Doberman or a Shepherd. When making a choice between two breeds, you need to focus on what the dog will be used for - protection, service or home keeping.

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Dog character

Some people don't know what to expect from a Doberman, which has mixed reviews. The main character trait of this animal is vigilance. The dog constantly closely monitors what is happening around. Increased caution is not a consequence of intimidation or cowardice. This is how genetically endowed thinking abilities manifest themselves in a dog. Increased vigilance is the result of intellectual activity. Although there are common character traits, each dog represents a separate personality.

Some dog experts compare the Doberman to a human. The dog easily remembers commands and never forgets them. However, only a calm, balanced, intelligent owner can eliminate negative character traits and properly educate and raise a Doberman.

To be convinced of the unusualness of this dog, you need to observe its behavior. The owner believes that the dog drives, sleeps, walks and plays with him. The Doberman himself believes that he is in his own home, sitting on his own chair. Everything is perceived by this dog as personal, within its sphere of influence. The Doberman should be the first to know about events happening in the house. The owner, in his opinion, only gives him everything he needs for a comfortable life.

The dog was bred to perform service tasks. Working Dobermans were brought up to be unquestioningly obedient to their owners and aggressive towards strangers. This strengthened the opinion about the viciousness and inadequacy of these animals. However, breeders were able to eliminate negative characteristics and maintain working qualities. Modern Dobermans can be raised as pets.

The dog's character is alert and active.

You cannot use a dog's natural qualities (fearlessness, strength, activity and intelligence) to raise a monster. A feature of the breed is that the animal independently looks for the difference between good and bad. You cannot raise and train a dog by suppressing it. The Doberman is an intelligent, loyal friend. The dog can become the pet that the owner has always dreamed of.

Possible diseases and treatment

Regular preventive examinations and vaccinations help prolong the life of your pet. The Doberman is considered to be in good health.

Dobermans need to be examined regularly by a doctor.

However, some animal representatives are diagnosed with:

  1. Cardiovascular pathologies. Arrhythmia, tachycardia and ischemic heart disease are found even in young dogs. To detect the disease in time, you need to carefully monitor your pet’s health. You should contact a veterinarian if your Doberman is breathing heavily when at rest, trembling, walking unevenly, and falling. For heart disease, drug therapy is used. All medications must be taken with you on your walk. Heart disease can be hereditary. Symptoms in this case do not appear immediately. Advanced forms of pathology are more difficult to treat.
  2. Narcolepsy is a genetically determined neurological disorder in which muscle tone periodically decreases. At the same time, the dog falls and stops moving, its eyes glaze over. Stroking the body or clapping your hands helps bring the animal to its senses. What triggers the development of this disease is not fully understood. Following the veterinarian's instructions helps prevent attacks.
  3. Gastric volvulus. Occurs due to poor nutrition. Gastric volvulus is indicated by: drooling, constant bouts of vomiting, abdominal pain, and the urge to defecate. The animal becomes irritable. If there is a gastric volvulus, you must immediately contact a veterinarian, otherwise the dog may die.
  4. Allergic reactions. Caused by pollen, house dust, microscopic fungi. A dangerous complication of allergies in Dobermans is considered to be licking sacral granuloma. The disease is difficult to treat and most often requires surgical intervention.

Infections and helminthic infestations are common in dogs of any breed. Regular vaccinations and deworming help to avoid them.

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