What breed of dog to choose to guard a private home

When choosing a four-legged pet, many owners are guided not only by their easy-going disposition and appearance, but also by the presence of a guarding instinct. With such requirements, it is very important to take into account the object of protection. Even small four-legged animals can protect property and territory, since their main task is to warn about encroachment on private property. If the goal lies in mandatory punishment of the attacker, then you should pay attention to the best guard dog breeds that specialize in lightning-fast attacks on people and other animals.

The best dog breeds for apartment security

Spacious apartments with large living areas can accommodate even giant pets that do not suffer from hyperactivity. In more modest conditions, it is recommended to pay attention to medium-sized breeds. In addition to size, obedience, tolerance of children, and good socialization are important for pets living side by side with humans.

German Shepherd

The German Shepherd is not only the most recognizable, but also one of the smartest dogs. She gets along well with children and cannot stand being alone. Due to their innate protective instinct, these four-legged animals are wary of strangers, but never show open aggression.

Thanks to their developed intelligence, shepherd dogs quickly learn new skills. Despite this, they only reach psychological maturity by the age of 3 and are in great need of human care.


Rottweilers are natural protectors. They see enemies even in neighboring children, so when raising them, they place special emphasis on early socialization.

Small Rottweilers cannot concentrate for long periods of time. They are constantly distracted by external stimuli, so classes should be frequent but short.


Aristocratic Dobermans are always alert and selflessly devoted to their owner. They cannot be intimidated or appeased. In addition to security work, these four-legged animals are used for police service.

Dobermans love to learn. They absorb new information with great pleasure, so training them is a pleasure.

Cane Corso

The stern appearance of this dog often frightens passers-by, but in fact, a well-mannered Cane Corso is a kind and very playful creature that adores its owner. Only real attackers should be afraid of it, since the animal attacks such people without warning.

Complaisant and loyal pets are not inclined to dominate. They quickly recognize the authority of their owner, which makes them easier to train.

Chow chow

Chow chows come in quite a variety of sizes - they can weigh up to 32 kg or as little as 18. Thus, specimens of this dog breed weighing up to 18 kg can qualify as some of the best small guard dogs for apartments.

In fact, if I were to recommend a guard dog for apartment dwellers, the Chow Chow would be my top choice. The Chow Chow is strong and muscular, and from a genetic point of view, is the breed closest to wolves. In terms of temperament, the breed has long had a reputation for aggression.

Chow Chows are very loyal and often form strong bonds with one person. If you think this is the dog breed for you, then you should be prepared to train and socialize the dog early. If you have children, they will also need to be taught how to handle the dog.

The Chow Chow will react instantly to any threat, real or imagined. A well-trained Chow Chow can be an excellent guard dog and a loyal, loving friend.

The best dog breeds for guarding a private home

Guard dogs for private homes are large animals with an independent disposition and a thick undercoat. The lack of strong attachment to a person eliminates the feeling of loneliness when living in an enclosure, and dense wool protects against hypothermia in inclement weather.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

The friendliness of the Caucasian Shepherd is known only to its owners. The dog treats everyone else with distrust. He easily tolerates cold and has keen hearing, which is very important when protecting a private home.

The aggressive nature of these animals makes their upbringing very difficult. The Caucasian Shepherd's trust must be earned through its leadership qualities. Otherwise, she will not obey you.

Moscow watchdog

Unlike Caucasian Shepherds, Moscow watchdogs never enter into conflict without serious reasons. They do not divide owners according to dominance and listen to every family member.

Despite their attachment to a person, the Moscow watchmen are not alien to leadership habits. Most often they appear in the first year of life, so it is recommended to raise puppies with strictness.

Central Asian Shepherd Dog (Alabai)

Fearless Alabai always greet uninvited guests with warning barks and growls. You should not ignore these signals, as otherwise an attack will certainly follow.

When raising an Alabai, be sure to wean him from jumping on household members. After growing up, a loving dog can seriously injure you if he does not learn to control his emotions.


Bullmastiffs are not prone to unreasonable aggression and attack people only under outright provocation. They warn about the intruder's penetration with their menacing voice, which can rarely be heard in a normal situation.

The Bullmastiff matures late. Complex commands are taught no earlier than 6-7 months. Until this moment, he is accustomed to a nickname and place.

Large guard dog breeds

The weight of large dogs is 26-50 kg. Higher values ​​are typical for representatives of giant breeds. It is recommended to keep such guards in a spacious house or in a separate enclosure in the backyard.

Please note that all animals listed below cannot be kept on a chain. A prolonged lack of contact with the owner and other people is fraught with mental disorders.

Anatolian karabash

The Turkish Cattle Dog is popular among Europeans and Americans. Due to its size, it is suitable not only as a watchman, but also as a bodyguard.

Raising a Karabash should only be done by an experienced dog breeder who is able to suppress the dog’s stubbornness and prove his leadership. Owners who are too soft should choose a more obedient pet.

Dogue de Bordeaux

The terrifying appearance and excellent guard qualities of this dog seem to be created for security work. In the family circle, the Dogue de Bordeaux is soft and gentle. He is completely devoted to his owners, so loneliness is destructive for him.

When training a Dogue de Bordeaux, it is important to avoid too long sessions and frequent punishment. If an exercise stubbornly fails several times in a row, put it off until later, ask your pet to perform a simpler command and be sure to praise it if it is successful.

American Bulldog (ambul)

The appearance of a menacing and muscular American Bulldog alone can scare away an intruder. This pet will protect its owners to the last drop of blood without hesitation.

Due to their innate aggression, ambulies are not suitable for novice dog breeders. Too gentle upbringing or constant punishments are fraught with the formation of inappropriate behavior.

Black Russian Terrier

Modern blackies are softer than their predecessors. Despite their low level of aggression, they can be trained to guard a home. In this case, any tricks of the burglars will fail.

You should not trust raising a terrier to children or pensioners. Only an experienced dog breeder can cope with a dog’s leadership habits.

Giant Schnauzer

From birth, Giant Schnauzers do not trust strangers and remember faces very well. With their help, you can easily identify a person, which is very important when searching for missing persons and offenders.

Developed intelligence helps Giant Schnauzers easily master any discipline. Only their stubbornness and pronounced dominance can slow down the learning process.

Tibetan mastiff

This owner of a luxurious mane is one of the most loyal and friendly pets. The mastiff treats strangers with restraint, but only until they encroach on the territory entrusted to him.

Self-training a dog can take up to 2 years, so quite often owners resort to the help of dog handlers. Accelerating the development of skills is possible only with the unquestioning trust of the mastiff. The dog shows its affection for a person by periodically chewing laces and other items of clothing.


Thanks to its developed territorial instinct, the Leonberger warns of a stranger's invasion even while dozing. Despite this, the animal is tolerant of strangers and never tries to dominate.

Training a Leonberger is not a hassle. The dog grasps everything on the fly and is rarely distracted. The only caveat is the urgent need to think before executing the command.

Characteristics according to standard

In the post-war period, shortages were experienced in many industries in the Soviet Union, and service dog breeding was no exception. Since private breeders during the period of general devastation were unable to restore domestic dog breeding, in 1947 the Krasnaya Zvezda kennel was assigned the task of breeding a breed of dogs that would meet the following requirements: ideal watchdog qualities, ease of training, easygoing, unpretentious content, large size and decent physical strength .
The first representatives of the breed, under the status of a crossbreed, began to appear at exhibitions already in 1950. 8 years later, the first breed standard was published, which in 1984 received official recognition from the Soviet kennel club with the assignment of the Moscow watchdog status to an independent breed. Then in 1998 the final version of the standard was adopted, which defines the main breeding characteristics of this dog.

REFERENCE. This breed is not recognized by the International Canine Federation to this day.

General description of the breed

The Moscow Watchdog is a large, strongly built dog with well-developed muscles. It has a long body and elongated, round paws. The height at the withers is limited only to the minimum value, since the ideal representatives of the breed are proportionally built individuals. Obvious deviations from official standards are considered a vice.


The minimum is 68 cm for boys and 66 cm for girls of the breed. The standard is 79 cm for boys and 74 cm for girls, respectively. Ideal height is as high as possible without compromising the harmonious coherence of the body.


From 57 kg or more for males and from 45 kg for girls. The weight should be proportional to the pet's height.

Body characteristics

  • Neck: short, strong, slightly set back.
  • Head: large, wide frontal lobe, head with clearly defined features, wide muzzle, black lips.
  • Ears: hanging, triangular in shape, medium size.
  • Eyes: dark shades, deep set.
  • Chest: voluminous, wide.
  • Back: long, level, with a slight curve between the withers and sacrum.
  • Limbs: straight, evenly set, length is half the distance from the floor to the dog’s withers.
  • Tail: wide, set high, raised upward when alert, curved.


The coat is medium length and has a dense undercoat. The mane, trousers on the hind legs and fluffy tail give the dog its special appearance and size. The coat should be thick, soft and pleasant to the touch.

Varieties of color

The standard colors are: white-red, red-piebald and white-red-brown. Ears, muzzle, nose with black markings. Ideal representatives are those whose chest and front legs are white.

Important! Great attention is paid to the color of the head: the eyes do not go beyond the “glasses”, and there is a white thawed patch between the eyes. Any deviation from these parameters is a defect.


Dogs of this breed have two personalities. The first is a cute, kind, plush dog and toy for children.
The second is a strong, aggressive and vigilant watchman who looks more like a small bear. The manifestation of one or another character trait depends on the situation in which the dog finds itself.

The character of the Moscow watchdog is distinguished by its balance and dedication to its work. Easily amenable to guard training. Dogs of this breed are very active and intelligent, sometimes they can be stubborn or show their own independence.

REFERENCE. He does not react to what is happening by barking, and uses it extremely rarely. In most cases, he growls and indicates to the stranger that his intentions are wrong. Without much remorse, he can attack a stranger.

Medium breeds of guard dogs

Medium-sized dogs weigh 11-25 kg. They are easy to care for and good for keeping in an apartment.

Shar Pei

Calm and independent, Shar Peis are devoted to their family, but hate strangers. They do not allow either people or animals into their territory. Dogs perceive the former as potential intruders, and the latter as rivals.

Only an experienced owner who is ready to regularly defend his authority can raise a Shar Pei. Due to his innate tendency to dominate, the dog is constantly trying to stage a coup and take the main place in the house.


This hunting breed gradually transformed into a service and decorative breed, which made it possible to use it as a guard. The main triggers for the Airedale Terrier are a threat to the life of the owner and an attempt on personal belongings.

This capable dog hates boredom. When training it, it is necessary to take into account the excitement of the breed, diluting the classes with physical relaxation.

Miniature Schnauzer

The four-legged bearded vulture has a keen sense of smell and an innate distrust of strangers. These qualities are used for search work and protection of objects.

Be sure to stick to the play form of classes. Otherwise, the Miniature Schnauzer will do everything possible to evade them.

Korean Jindo

Chindo combines security and hunting qualities. In Korea, it is used for police work and search and rescue operations.

Chindo is the pet of only one owner, so his selfless devotion and obedience can only be appreciated by one person. It is this lucky person who should be entrusted with raising a dog.

Manchester Terrier

The Manchester Terrier is lively, intelligent and energetic, as well as very playful. However, like most terriers, the Manchester can be aggressive.

Manchester Terriers are great for children, especially older children who understand the need to be gentle with the dog and respect its space.

With proper training and early socialization, the Manchester Terrier can rightfully claim a place on this list of the best small guard dogs for apartments.

Small guard dogs

Small guard dogs are those that weigh less than 10 kg. Such kids are unable to detain an intruder on their own, but they can easily warn of any intrusion into private territory. With enough walking, even a tiny studio apartment is suitable for their maintenance.

miniature pinscher

The miniature pinscher, although it looks cute, is capable of protecting its territory and even its owner. He does not engage in idle talk, preferring action to words.

Miniature pinschers are active and cheerful creatures; you never get bored or sad with them. The little protector loves children, but at the same time appreciates respectful treatment of himself.

Miniature Schnauzer

Despite its harmless appearance, the miniature schnauzer is endowed with excellent guard and hunting qualities. It is used for police and customs service. This dog is selflessly loyal to its owners and never trusts strangers.

Due to its innate aggression and tendency to run wild, the Miniature Schnauzer needs serious training. When training, try to keep it varied. With frequent repetition of exercises, miniatures begin to become stubborn and shirk classes.

Boston Terrier

Thanks to its developed guarding instinct, the Boston Terrier can easily be trusted to guard your apartment. An attack on property will be reported by a loud bark, which the dog uses only as a last resort.

Quick memorization of commands is not typical for the Boston Terrier. It is important for the owner to be patient to achieve the desired results.

German Jagdterrier

The main advantage of this hunting breed is its high pain threshold. Protecting the owner, the dog will fight to the last even after receiving serious injuries. Love for strangers is alien to him, so you don’t have to worry about ingratiating yourself with suspicious people.

Unlike the obedient Boston Terrier, the Jagd obeys only a real leader. The animal remembers commands quite quickly, but rarely executes them perfectly the first time.


The adorable Schipperke is the smallest shepherd dog in the world. Despite its size, it has the same protective qualities as its closest relatives.

Due to their innate suspiciousness, the Schipperke is difficult to train in noisy environments. Also, he will never obey a child, so it is better to immediately entrust upbringing to an adult.

Volpino Italiano

The Italian Spitz always keeps his ear to the ground. He never allows strangers into his territory and always notifies of their appearance with a loud bark.

Despite his stubbornness, Volpino Italiano remembers basic commands quite quickly. He performs best in cynological sports.


The Beagle is mainly known as a hunting dog and is noted for its unanimity. Beagles are difficult to train as their instincts often take over. This breed can be a threat to other pets. If not properly socialized, Beagles can become aggressive towards people.

Beagles can be very affectionate towards their people, but they need owners who are more comfortable being the boss.

A well-trained Beagle will do whatever it takes to protect its family. A distinctive feature of this breed is its bark, which is very similar to the barking of a large dog and often misleads intruders.

Breeds of bodyguard dogs: for adults and children

It is important to note that not all protective dogs have a strong territorial instinct. Some pets are loyal to strangers and other animals, but will defend their owner and family members to the last when directly attacked.

American Pit Bull Terrier (Pitbull)

Contrary to popular belief, this breed is not at all prone to aggression towards humans. Their weight (14-27 kg) is not capable of knocking down an adult attacker, but in case of danger they will definitely try to protect their owner. Despite their good nature, pit bulls are brave and have a high pain threshold. These qualities were inherited from their ancestors - fighting dogs.

Pit bull terriers need timely socialization. The first acquaintance with other people and animals is recommended up to 4 months. The most effective form of training is play.

American Staffordshire Terrier (Amstaff)

The character of Amstaffs is close to pit bulls. Rumors about their aggression are also not justified, since after the ban on dog fighting the main emphasis was placed on obedience. When properly raised, they are completely safe for others.

Amstaffs are sensitive to the emotional background of the owner. Keep this in mind on walks and be patient with people with preconceived notions about your pet. Be strict but fair. Avoid permissiveness and be sure to stop any unwanted actions on the part of the four-legged animal.

Bull Terrier

Only one type of this dog can scare away enemies. But, as in the case of the pit bull and amstaff, the threatening appearance is just a mask. Extraordinarily playful bull terriers adore children and cannot stand being alone.

Representatives of this breed are very absent-minded. They quickly lose interest in boring activities, so avoid monotonous or too long training.

Saint Bernard

Peace-loving St. Bernards sincerely love children and respect discipline. Despite their phlegmatic nature, they love to play pranks and never let their household members be offended.

Consider the slowness of the animal when training. Don't rush him and let him master the commands at his usual snail's pace.

German dog

Modern Great Danes are typical companion dogs with a gentle character. If desired, they can be trained for protection, but a formidable appearance is often quite enough.

The breed is distinguished by high intelligence and good memory. Great Danes quickly remember new information and do not need lengthy repetitions.

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