What does a Russian Toy Terrier look like: a description of the dogs’ characteristics and how to choose the right puppy

Pets have become an integral part of the lives of many people. Animals are necessary for joy to reign in the house, for loud laughter and smiles. Moreover, the animal requires not only basic care, but also love and affection. The beauty is that all the heat given will be returned a hundredfold.

Dogs are especially affectionate. They get used to their owner, love to follow on his heels and joyfully wag their tail when greeting him from work.

Russian toy terrier

The Russian Toy Terrier is a real highlight of cynology. Despite the fact that this breed is relatively young, it has already gained great popularity among lovers of decorative dogs. The Toy Terrier combines such wonderful qualities as pleasant appearance, pocketability, calmness, moderate playfulness and sociability. Describing the character of this breed, it should be noted that this dog is very friendly and will find a common language with any person. Naturally, this combination of amazing qualities attracts many admiring eyes.

History of the breed

At the beginning of the twentieth century in Russia, along with Petit Brabançons and Pugs , small decorative English toy terriers were popular.

Since the twenties, their breeding has practically ceased, and by the fifties the number of English toy terriers has dropped to a critical level.

It was then that Russian cynologists began restoring the breed.

Since almost all the dogs were not purebred, a new breed eventually appeared - the Russian Toy Terrier.

In 1958, from two smooth-haired dogs, one of which had a slightly elongated coat, a toy terrier was born with feathering on the limbs and ears.

The born male looked impressive, and it was decided to consolidate this option in the breed: long-haired puppies appeared from him and a female with slightly elongated hair.

Currently, the breed is presented in two variations: smooth-haired and long-haired toy terrier.

Beautiful dogs, smooth-haired and long-haired Russian Toy Terrier


The Russian Toy Terrier is a small dog with a deep chest. The height at the withers is 20-28 cm. The weight of the animal rarely exceeds 3 kg. As for the characteristic features of the breed, these include a rounded profile, a sharp muzzle and bulging dark-colored eyes. The breed is also distinguished by large erect ears and slender long legs.

If we talk about wool, we can distinguish long-haired and short-haired animals. The former are covered with long straight or wavy hair, and the hairs on the head are shorter. Also, such dogs have feathers on their paws and fringes on their ears. Shorthaired terriers have a smooth coat that lies close to the body.

The color of such animals is most often brown, blue and tan, black, red with or without a black coating. The lifespan of dogs of this breed is approximately 12-15 years.

Choosing a puppy

Advice! It is not recommended to buy a toy terrier puppy on the market - there is a high risk of purchasing a sick or mentally unstable animal. It is better to go to a specialized nursery to get a puppy. You need to pay attention to the cleanliness of the kennel and the health of the puppy’s parents.

A healthy puppy is active, mobile, and does not shy away from people.

The future pet must be carefully examined: there should be no foreign discharge from the nose, eyes, or ears.

As in the case of the Papillon breed , it is not recommended to buy a puppy less than three months old - until this time it is better for him to stay with his mother.

If the dog will participate in exhibitions, it must be checked for disqualifying defects.

These include: malocclusion, short legs like a dachshund , floppy ears, receding hairlines (in smooth-haired dogs), lack of hair on the ears and curly hair (in long-haired dogs), and white spots.

It is advisable to consult a specialist when choosing a high-class puppy.

Smart and intelligent kids are infinitely devoted to their owner


This breed of dog has interesting psychological characteristics. Among them are: energy, devotion, obedience, goodwill, calmness and sociability. Dogs of this breed are highly trainable from an early age. They can be trained starting from the first month of life.

Daily walks are very important for dogs, since toy terriers love to spend time actively. In addition, the Red Russian Toy Terrier will be able to get along with any pet.


Toy terriers are distinguished by the following features:

  • their height is twenty-five to thirty centimeters, as a rule, females are smaller than males,
  • weight ranges from one to three kilograms. Adult animals of greater or lesser weight are considered rejects. Some sellers offer dwarf toys, but most often these are sick and underfed dogs,
  • the neck is long, the head is wedge-shaped, the skull is round, and the forehead is wide. The nose can be black or brown,
  • scissor bite. The ears are set high, triangular,
  • eyes dark, round,
  • The life expectancy of these pets is twelve to fifteen years, it depends on the care, genetics and health of the dog,
  • the coat can be smooth or long, in the first case the hair is more frequent and dense, in the second the fur can be wavy or straight, the ears are beautifully drooping.

The movements of such animals are impetuous, vigorous, they are full of energy and sometimes somewhat clumsy, but mostly very dexterous and fast. They love to wag their tail, bark loudly and jump.


The red toy terrier can gain love and trust very easily, but the puppy should be trained from an early age. Despite all the character advantages of this breed, some individuals can cause a lot of harm and trouble. Due to the fact that they have enormous energy, dogs can begin to destroy things in the house or shit anywhere. It is almost impossible to re-educate an adult by any means.

It is very important to teach discipline to a playful puppy. A red terrier puppy can show aggression, bark for no reason, and show its superiority. In order to get maximum satisfaction from communicating with a terrier, you should accustom him to certain rules.

The red toy terrier must understand that you cannot jump on strangers, growl and bark for no reason, constantly ask for attention, and sleep in the owner’s bed.

Photo and video review

The popularity of different types of pets changes over the years. The majority appreciated the advantages of small representatives of the toy terriers. Dogs do not require much space and can be taken with you on trips. By the way, a Russian toy will not cause outrage in a hotel or plane.”

Keeping the animal

Even a small apartment is suitable for keeping a dog comfortably. In order for the animal to feel good, it is necessary to follow a diet, regularly walk the dog and pay attention. A nice feature of this breed is that during the cold season or when necessary, they can go to the toilet in a litter box.

Despite its cute and pleasant appearance, the red toy terrier copes well with domestic pests, finding mice and rats. The dog is also distinguished by pronounced watchdog instincts, since the terrier has a ringing and convincing bark.

If you decide to get a terrier, then keep in mind that the dog should only be purchased from trusted kennels. It is also very important to have regular veterinary checkups and vaccinations. This breed does not require the services of a hairdresser - a bath will suffice. At the same time, long-haired animals need regular brushing.

Description and features

This is a small dog with a playful character and a friendly attitude towards people. It is not only trouble-free in terms of maintenance, but also very useful for home use, as it can hunt rats.

The peculiarity of the breed is its expressive eyes. The toy terrier in the photo looks presentable and elegant. Despite his miniature size, he gives the impression of a majestic and proud man. But this is not true at all. The dog's appearance makes the beholder think that it is too self-confident and prone to dominance, however, a more good-natured creature can hardly be met.

Like all hunting dogs, the toy terrier boasts slender, long legs. Its hind limbs are not only wider than its forelimbs, but also slightly longer. This helps the animal quickly increase speed while running.

When the dog walks, its chest moves forward slightly. This allows the toy terrier to look confident. We can say that the dog is built perfectly. However, not everyone will like a small rat-catcher animal.

Clothes for the animal

The red terrier is not considered a frost-resistant breed. Since wool has no undercoat, in cold weather it warms the animal no more than the hair on a person’s head. If walks continue during the cold season, you should dress the dog in warm clothes. It is best to choose comfortable overalls that will not hinder your active movements.

Some pets cope well in sub-zero temperatures and without clothes. The decision regarding clothing must be made independently, based on the characteristics of the dog. You should also take into account the dog’s current health status and past illnesses.

Advantages and disadvantages

Before getting yourself a dog, it would be good to first become acquainted with the characteristics of the breed.

The advantages of these include:

  • compactness and charm;
  • the ability to take your pet on trips, to a restaurant, to a meeting;
  • ease of maintenance in a city apartment;
  • low maintenance requirements;
  • devotion to the owner;
  • high intelligence.


  • high risk of injury due to the fragility of the skeleton;
  • the need to buy clothes for the pet, since toys do not have an undercoat and are susceptible to hypothermia;
  • excessive excitability and overactivity of animals, which, however, is regulated by correct and timely education;
  • Dogs absolutely cannot stand loneliness and require constant attention. This is not a minus, but an important feature of the breed that you need to think about first;
  • There is an opinion that the life expectancy of dogs with rare colors is not long.

Nutrition rules

The red toy terrier, the photo of which is presented below, needs proper nutrition. Veterinarians believe that dry food is best suited for this breed, since it contains the entire complex of necessary substances and vitamins that allow the dog to fully develop.

When feeding dry food, additional feeding is not needed. Up to 2 months, the puppy should be fed about 4 times a day, the period from 2 to 6 months passes with 3 meals a day, and after 6 months it is enough to feed the dog twice a day. A big mistake is overfeeding dogs, because specifically for this breed it is unsafe for health.

Does a puppy's color change as it ages?

The red shade of toys can be anything from fawn to red-brown.

The puppy's coat changes to a coarser coat as it ages . Almost all puppies change color after molting. It happens that it is very strong.


Before giving meat to your dog, it should be doused with boiling water. Meat products should not occupy more than 15% of the terrier's diet. You can give your dog lean chicken, lamb, beef and offal. About 3 times a month the animal needs to be given egg yolk and fish. Porridge should take up about 30% of the diet. Toy can be given rice and buckwheat. Vegetables take up 25% of the diet. It is advisable to limit your dog's consumption of cabbage and tomatoes. You can add cucumbers, zucchini, carrots and sweet peppers to your food. Beets should be given only for constipation. Dairy products should be very limited and given to your dog very rarely. Such products should have a fat content of no more than 3%. You can feed your dog cottage cheese, fermented baked milk and kefir. Fruits should only make up about 10% of a dog’s diet. In order for the animal to feel good, you should give it only apples, apricots, peaches, pears and bananas.

Advantages and disadvantages of the breed

Like any other dog breed, the terrier has its pros and cons:

Doesn't need much physical activity, just a walk and active games.Hair falls out constantly.
He is easy to train and remembers commands easily.Cannot stand loneliness and is not suitable for working people.
Gets along well with children.Small size does not allow the pet to show its watchdog and security qualities in full force.
Easy to keep in apartment conditions.Loves to bark for any reason.
A brave dog beyond his size, ready to protect his owner from any danger.Susceptible to hereditary diseases.

Toy terriers are amazing and cute creatures, despite their miniature nature, they have a strong-willed character. By making due efforts to raise a puppy, a person can find a faithful four-legged companion in it.

Red Staffordshire Terrier

The breed was bred in the USA. The name of the breed is often replaced by the word Amstaff. This breed of dog was developed by crossing a Smoot Terrier and a Bulldog. The dog is very different from the Russian Toy Terrier. The animal is strong and muscular, its appearance is quite menacing.

The color of this dog is uniform. The shade of red can range from yellow to red. With this color, the animal most often has dark brown eyes and a black nose.

The peculiarity of this breed is that the color of the animal can be practically any (black, red, fawn, seal). These dogs are very contradictory in character. They combine strength, courage, kindness and sensitivity, but at the same time they are not devoid of fearlessness, perseverance, and strength. Despite all this, they are very loyal to their owners.

The breed is highly trainable from a very early age. It is highly not recommended to chain such a dog - it will not withstand such a regime.

Life expectancy and health

live on average 12-15 years .


With proper care, proper nutrition, and moderate physical activity, a dog can live up to 23 years.

Diseases in Toy Terriers are typical for small dogs. Often the cause of the disease is improper care of the animal.

Factors that affect a dog's health:

  • vaccinations (first - at 5-6 weeks, repeated - at 2 months);
  • balanced diet;
  • proper care.

Toy Terrier diseases are caused by problems:

  • musculoskeletal system. The reason is miniature. The hind limbs are especially affected. You can often find middle-aged terriers limping;
  • neurology. The lability of the nervous system of animals can affect not only behavior, but also brain function (poor blood circulation, pinched nerve endings (related to the structure of the body));
  • digestive tract. Therefore, it is important to follow the correct diet for your dog.

Eye diseases and oral diseases are common among toys..

The treatment of your pet should be trusted to professionals; at the first suspicion of a disease, immediately contact a veterinarian.

Red Yorkshire Terrier

This is a breed of decorative dogs. In appearance and character it is much closer to the Russian Toy Terrier than to the Staffordshire variety. The breed was developed in England, and the name comes from the county in which it originated. Today, the Yorkie is one of the most popular dog breeds in the world. The dog has long hair without undercoat, so during winter walks it should be warmed. The animal's fur is very similar to human hair.

The small size of a dog does not at all deprive it of the true character of all terriers - activity, courage and curiosity. Such dogs are peaceful and friendly, they become strongly attached to their owner. It is believed that this breed most of all needs human attention. The owners of these dogs claim that their pets are ready to spend the whole day with a person.

These dogs love to spend time actively. They are also keen hunters and can hunt beetles and mice. In some cases, they eat their prey. This should be monitored closely, as such a meal can cause serious stomach upset.

To summarize, it should be said that the red toy terrier is a wonderful breed of dog. The animal will become the best friend for all family members. But owners of this breed should remember to raise their little miracle.

Price range

The price range for red toy terriers today ranges from 25 to 85 thousand.

The price for a long-haired Toy will be higher than for a short-haired one. Puppies must be fully vaccinated and provided with the necessary documents.


The price may be even higher if the parents have world titles or some outstanding data.

The price includes help and support from the breeder throughout the dog’s life, contacts of good specialists and veterinarians.

The price below the lower limit of the range should alert:

  • or there are deviations from the breed standard;
  • or saved on the maintenance of the puppy itself (food, veterinary care)

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