What does a marbled dachshund look like: a description of the pet’s characteristics and how to choose the right puppy

Marbled dachshunds look original and unusual.

Black or brown spots scattered over a lighter background give these dogs a special charm.

The interesting thing is that the location of the markings is individual: no two identical marbled dachshunds can be found in the world.

However, no matter how beautiful and unusual this color may be, the choice of such a pet must be approached especially carefully and responsibly.

Origin story

Probably, the first merle-colored dachshund dogs appeared in ancient times. In any case, images of dachshund-like white dogs with dark spots can be seen in ancient Egyptian frescoes.

Later, when the first real dachshunds, bred in Germany, appeared in Europe in the Middle Ages, they were distinguished by a wide variety of colors.

Hunters, interested in their dogs, first of all, being good working dogs, did not pay attention to their color and therefore, it is quite possible that marbled dachshunds were already around then.

It is reliably known that in the 1880s, merle dachshunds were brought to America, where attempts were made to cross them, which led to the birth of the first double merle puppies.

Currently, the marbled coat color of dachshunds is no longer considered as rare as before, and more and more professional breeders are breeding them..

Non-standard colors

We have already discussed above some popular colors that are not listed in the breed standard . However, along with them, dachshunds also have other non-standard coat colors.

Color nameDescription of color
SableWith this color, the tips of the hairs have black pigmentation, which visually creates the effect of a dark coating.
SpottedSmall spots of various shades and sizes are scattered on the main white background.
Black brindle and tanOutwardly, it is not much different from an ordinary black and tan, except for the fact that tans are not bright red, but brindle.
IsabellaReduced chocolate color, looks like a very light shade of coffee with milk, sometimes having a bluish tint.
Double merleThere are marble spots of various sizes on a white background.


The sable color can be either normal or weakened, in which the darkening on the dog’s body will not look black, but brown.


The total area of ​​dark spots in this color does not exceed the amount of white.

Examples of this color: white-red, white-brown, white-blue.

Black brindle and tan

Bright red tan with this color is covered with black stripes. Currently, this coat color is not recognized by the FCI and is considered a breeding defect.


Such puppies are born from matings of dogs carrying both the brown and blue genes.

Like other animals with weakened colors, Isabella dachshunds may have weaker immunity.

Double merle

As a rule, the eyes of dogs with a double merle color are not brown, but blue, and they often have heterochromia. Such puppies appear as a result of the mating of two marbled dachshunds and, as a rule, they do not differ in health.

Double merles of weakened colors - blue or isabella - are especially dangerous..

In this case, you can expect such serious problems as congenital blindness or deafness, as well as weakened immunity, which is why puppies are susceptible to any infection in the first months of life, and they get sick more severely than their peers.

As you can see, the number of possible color options for a dachshund's coat is very numerous. Even within standard colors, you can choose a dog of either one color or with different markings.

And marbled colors are distinguished by an almost incredible variety of combinations of spots and the main background.

The only thing that is important when choosing a pet is to remember that the color of the coat is not only an external sign that makes the dachshund especially attractive in the eyes of its owner and others.

Sometimes the health of the pet depends on the color of the dog. For example, you should not buy a dog with a double merle color, since this coat color is associated with a lethal gene and therefore has a very negative effect on the puppy’s health.

Well, for those who dream of becoming a breeder of marbled dachshunds, you need to take into account that it is impossible to breed two dogs with this coat color and that the partner in this case must be black and tan or brown and tan.

Description of marbled dachshunds

Description of the appearance of marbled dachshunds:

  • A medium-sized, short-legged dog with a highly elongated body shape and a unique appearance.
  • The head is wedge-shaped, the transition from the forehead to the muzzle is somewhat smoothed. Drop ears are set high.
  • The nose is black or brown depending on the color.
  • The eyes are medium-sized, with a friendly, but also wary expression. The most preferred eye color is dark brown.
  • The tail is of medium length and not too thin, having a saber shape.
  • The legs are short, but straight and strong.

The marbling gene in these dogs manifests itself in the form of lightening of certain areas of the body. When exposed to it, the black and tan color will appear as unevenly shaped black spots located on a light gray background.

And with a brown and tan color, the main background will look light beige.

With any color other than red merle, a tan must be present..

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

“People often confuse regular and double marbles and sometimes avoid purchasing standard marble puppies. But double merle is not difficult to identify, as it has large white spots. It is very important to understand that ordinary marble does not pose a threat to the health of the dog. Problems arise if two merle dachshunds are bred, as this is what leads to the appearance of puppies with double merle coloring.”

Popular colors

Color nameDescription of color
BoarIt looks like an alternation of reddish-brown and black areas on the hairs.
MarbleThis color can be described as brown or black spots of uneven shape and various sizes scattered over a speckled background.
BrownOn the main brown background there are bright red tan marks.
BlackThe dog appears pure black, but in good light a darkened tan can often be seen.
WhiteThe dachshund looks pure white, but it can have a black nose, brown or even pink.
GingerIt comes in various shades: from pale golden to intense reddish-red.
brindleBlack stripes of varying widths are scattered on a golden or reddish background.
CreamColor that looks like a very bleached red.
BlueIt can look either quite dark graphite gray or silver-steel.
GreyIt looks similar to blue, from which it is distinguished by the absence of a bluish tint to the coat.
ChocolateChocolate color can mean either standard brown or liver, which looks like brown with a reddish tint.
Two-colorQuite large white markings are located on the main monochromatic background
Black and TanWith this color, there are reddish tan marks on the main black background.


In other breeds this color is called agouti, but due to its external resemblance to the color of boar bristles, among hunting dogs it is usually called boar.

The appearance of this color is explained by the fact that the zones of red and black pigment in each hair seem to alternate, forming characteristic transverse stripes.

Depending on the intensity of each of the boar pigments, the color can be of varying lightness and intensity.


The standard allows two marble colors: brown and black marble. However, dachshunds also have other merle colors, such as red merle and double merle.

The latter color is distinguished by the presence of white markings, which are absent in the true merle color. With any merle color allowed by the standard, dachshunds must have a tan.

In addition, it is considered preferable to distribute spots as uniformly as possible on the main background..


The brown main background can be of varying intensity and lightness, and the tan marks must be bright and contrasting.

Sometimes it happens that dogs with so-called darkened tan are born, which look like pure brown.

But if at the same time they have at least a few reddish hairs in the place where there should be tan marks, then they are considered brown and tan.

And, although brown with darkened tan is not considered a defect in the breed, it can be regarded as a fault.


Pure black color is considered a fault of the breed. However, a dog that appears pure black may actually have tan, but it is so darkened that it blends in with the base color.

In this case, they usually look at whether there are golden or red hairs on the face, paws or eyebrows.

If there are any, then the dog is considered black and tan, albeit with a slight defect, and is not subject to disqualification based on color.


This is a completely unacceptable standard, especially if the white color is associated with albinism.

It is not difficult to distinguish an albino dachshund from a simply white dog: it has no pigmentation at all, even their pupils look lightish, and their eyes have either a pale bluish or reddish tint.

In simple white dachshunds, the nose and edging of the eyelids or lips can be black or brown, sometimes pink . But the eyes must be one of the brownish shades.

In addition to albinism and leucism, which cause the birth of “true white” dachshunds with pronounced black or brown pigmentation, the cause of this color can be an extreme degree of spotting and a strong weakening of the fawn, which will visually appear white.


With a red color, dachshunds often have the so-called muruzhina - the presence of black hairs growing interspersed with red hairs of varying brightness and intensity.

This is not considered a fault or defect of the breed, however, the purer and brighter this color is, the better..


Even if a bright red dog has only a couple of inconspicuous stripes, it should be considered brindle.

Interestingly, such dachshunds often give birth to puppies with a pronounced brindle color with evenly spaced intense black brindle spots.


In some cases, the cream color may appear almost white, differing from the latter only in the presence of a subtle yellowish or apricot tint, although more often it appears light fawn.

Currently, this coat color is found only in long-haired dachshunds and, being not recognized by either the FCI or the RKF, it is not allowed by the breed standard.


With this color, a more or less pronounced bluish tint of the coat is usually clearly visible.

As a rule, blue dachshunds have a tan mark. But if it is heavily shaded, the dog may appear pure blue.

The blue color is not recognized as a standard, although it looks quite impressive and unusual.


It has a slightly warmer shade than the blue color.

With this coat color, tan is usually also present, but sometimes it is darkened so much that it almost completely merges with the main background.


Usually, chocolate color means standard light brown and tan, milk chocolate color.

It can be considered that this is the second, unofficial name for the brown and tan color.


The fur has fairly large white spots, occupying less than half the body area. The standard does not allow such coat colors and, for example, a two-color red and white dachshund is subject to disqualification based on color.

Black and Tan

A color that can perhaps be called the most classic. The intense black background is offset by tan markings located on the dog's face, above the eyebrows, on the paws, throat, chest and under the tail.

For any of the acceptable colors, the standard allows the presence of a small white spot on the chest.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • Unusual and unique appearance.
  • Very smart.
  • Cute and funny animals.
  • Hardy and energetic.
  • They treat children well, however, only if they do not offend them.
  • They live longer than many other breeds.
  • They are not known for their aggression towards people, but at the same time they protect well.

Marbled dachshunds can make good hunting helpers.


  • Predisposition to breed diseases.
  • They do not know how to eat in moderation, which leads to overeating and subsequent obesity.
  • They tend to bark at other people's dogs on the street.
  • If brought up incorrectly, they can be stubborn and self-willed.
  • They love to dig up the ground, which is why they can destroy garden beds in the country, and in city conditions, pots with indoor plants.


The character of the marbled dachshund is no different from other types of dachshunds. Remember that they are independent individuals with individual characters. Dachshunds are cheerful dogs, always very playful and positive. They are not aggressive towards children, provided that they do not offend them.

They are distinguished by their authority among other, even large, dog breeds. Fun hunters, fast, trainable and independent dogs. They are always friendly, protect their owner, and are fearless in fights. Elephants become depressed due to lack of attention from their owners and may howl alone.

Dimensions and weight

Dachshund sizes are:

  • Standard: chest circumference - from 35 cm.
  • Miniature: chest volume - from 30 to 35 cm.
  • Rabbit: chest circumference - up to 30 cm.

The weight is, respectively, for the standard variety - about 9 kg, for the miniature - from 4.5 to 5 kg, for the rabbit - up to 3.5 kg.

Content Features

So when intruders are outside the door, it makes a noise.
This deters criminals because they cannot tell what size dog is in the apartment. By its nature, a pet will never raise unnecessary alarm and will not bark at the slightest rustle, such as shepherds or terriers. They are ideal for keeping in an apartment not only for their size, but also for their neatness and cleanliness. The merle dachshund is easy to litter train.

Although the dog is playful by nature and loves attention, it is neat and almost never misbehaves. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about the white carpet in the living room, for example.

Such a pet, despite its small size, is respected by other dogs. Even large dogs do not dispute the seriousness of the animal’s intentions and authority. After all, first of all, this is a hunting dog, hunting is their meaning of life.

Even if the marbled curiosity has never been on a hunt, it realizes its instincts by digging rodent holes in the park or in a summer cottage. Moreover, she is so inquisitive. While walking, he strives to explore everything around him.

This will be an ideal option for a family. The pet chooses one owner. In communication, the marbled beauty is calm and playful.

  • Loves comfort and coziness. So he often jumps into the owner’s arms or onto the sofa. The pet is good with small children so if you have a small child and want to get a dog, then this would be an ideal option.

Moreover, as mentioned above, the marbled dachshund has a good guard instinct. So the home will be in perfect order.

Often the tiger dachshund and the marble dachshund are confused even by dog ​​handlers (not very experienced ones). After all, this is not a reason for wives to give up a puppy.

Photos of varieties by coat type

There are three varieties of marbled dachshunds, differing from each other in quality and type of coat.


Smooth-haired dachshunds have very short and rather soft hair that lies close to the animal's body.


Long-haired dachshunds have short and smooth hair on the face and head, and long and slightly wavy hair on the body, limbs, tail and ears, forming fringes.

The fur is soft and silky.


Wire-haired dachshunds have short, rather stiff hair that forms well-defined eyebrows, mustaches and goatees on the dog's face.

In addition, marbled dachshunds may differ in other criteria, including eye color.

With blue eyes

These puppies are born quite often in litters of merle dachshunds, but in general, blue eye color is more typical of double merle dogs.

This coloring of the eyes is explained by the fact that their color changes from brown to blue under the influence of the marbling gene.


There are also dachshunds in which one eye is brown and the other has a blue tint. This is due to the fact that the marbling gene affected one eye, changing its color, while the other remained brown.

In addition, you can distinguish dogs that differ in color . In addition to black marble and brown marble, there are other options for marble colors.

Red merle

Brown spots located on a bright red background are clearly visible in small puppies, but with age they become very light and can completely blend into the background surrounding them.

According to the genotype, such a dog, which looks like a red one, is a carrier of the merle gene and, when mated with a merle partner, will produce puppies of double merle color.

Double marble (double merle)

It differs from the usual merle color by the presence of fairly large white spots. Double merle dogs may suffer from serious vision or hearing problems and are more susceptible to infections.


According to the requirements of the FCI and RKF, the mating of two merle dogs is unacceptable, since it leads to the birth of dogs with double merle color, as well as true albinos, which are also not in good health.

Interesting Facts

There are several interesting facts that will be of interest to both current and future owners of marbled pets:

  • These small active dogs are the smallest representatives of the hound class.
  • Due to their tendency to react aggressively to strangers and animals, some sources have included dachshunds in the list of the most unfriendly breeds.
  • The dachshund is included in the list of the most popular breeds compiled by the American Kennel Club.
  • These active dogs with short legs take part in greyhound racing.
  • An analogue of the Russian name for the breed is the German name “Dachshund”, but the word “Taksa” has no relation to this variety.

On a note! Dachshunds themselves are very interesting and smart dogs. Such a pet can become not only a devoted friend, but also a source of daily positive emotions.

The marbled dachshund has an unusual coloring. Like all representatives of the breed, this variety is active, playful and intellectually developed. Due to the innate stubbornness of pets, it is worth paying special attention to obedience training and trying to establish contact with your four-legged friend from childhood.

Life expectancy and health

The average life expectancy is 12-13 years.

Marbled Dachshunds may be prone to certain pathologies, such as:

  • Congenital deafness.
  • Optic nerve atrophy.
  • Cataract.
  • Obesity.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Chest deformity.
  • Spinal diseases and back injuries.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the ears.

Most often, problems with hearing and vision occur in dachshunds with double merle color or in albino puppies , also born as a result of such matings .

What color irises are there?

What different colored eyes do huskies even have? As already mentioned, the brown-blue option is the most common. However, in nature there are other combinations, which are often only shades of the options already presented.

Cats with different eyes - examples of what breeds are called

Regardless of external features, different shades of eyes or fur do not in any way affect the character of the animal. This breed, which looks like a wolf and seems stern or even angry, is actually playful and very sociable.

For your information! An animal belonging to the husky breed or even a crossbreed, with proper upbringing, becomes an excellent friend and will never offend its owner or members of his family.

Mosaic pattern

Blue and brown

In huskies, this color is most often found in combination with a gray-black skin or the so-called wolf color. Less often, nature gives brown-blue irises to dogs with light or snow-white fur.

Gray and blue

Such combinations are extremely rare. Such shades can bring a number of inconveniences to your pet, primarily because it is more difficult for the eye to adapt to light changes.

Of course, the so-called gray has a real color - blue. It has already been said that a husky cannot have silver eyes. All these are just shades of blue.

Note! Dogs with similar shades do not tolerate bright sunlight well. The owner may notice that the animal often squints or gets tired faster on walks

This is especially true in clear weather in winter, when light is reflected from the snow.

Green and brown

Another normal shade that is quite rare. The last reason can lead to the fact that puppies with brown-green irises can cost significantly more than their blue-eyed counterparts.

The brown shade can be quite dark, almost black.

Amber and brown

Such shades are the rarest and most unique. According to experts, dogs with this eye color are the most resilient and resistant to both physical stress and temperature changes.

For your information! A significant advantage is that dark irises react least to bright sunlight, so it will be much easier for the dog during a walk.

Basic rules of care

Smooth-haired merle dachshunds require minimal grooming: just brushing their coat from time to time is enough. During molting, this should be done daily.

A long-haired dog needs to be combed periodically, and it also needs grooming, which consists of a minimal hygienic haircut.

The wire-haired dachshund needs to be trimmed on time in accordance with the standard, in addition, it will also require regular brushing.

Marbled dachshunds should be washed only when necessary and, preferably, no more than 2-3 times a year.

In addition, it is necessary to conduct daily monitoring of the condition of the pet's eyes, ears and teeth.

Clean them as needed, and if inflammation occurs, contact a veterinarian.

Nails are trimmed approximately once a month, unless, of course, the dachshund itself trims them during walks.


It is not customary to hunt with a dwarf dachshund, since the breed is too small to work on a burrowing animal, especially if we are not talking about cowardly young animals, but about foxes and badgers with experience. Of course, once in the hole, the dachshund will try his best to chase the prey, but the animal is unlikely to be impressed by the size of its pursuer. Nevertheless, some owners practice forays into the forest and field with the breed, but more for entertainment purposes than for practical purposes. At hunting competitions, dwarf dachshunds periodically appear with first degree diplomas in fox and badger, but it is important to understand that, basically, these are individuals working at baiting stations, and not in natural conditions.

Finding a dwarf dachshund from hunting lines in Russia is extremely difficult, but if you manage to get such a puppy, you can try your hand at baiting. However, first you need to go through the preparatory stages with your pet, that is, socialization, education and training of the commands “Sit!”, “Lie down!”, “Near!”, “Place!”, “Walk!”. Keep in mind that baiting is not training to hunt, but just an attempt to awaken the getter and pursuer in the dog. You can take your pet to such classes no earlier than he is 6 months old. If at the baiting station the dachshund does not react to the artificial hole, this means that the working instinct has not awakened in it, and the animal just needs to be taken home to wait a month or two. Usually, fox cubs are used for the first baiting, since an adult animal can deal harshly with a miniature and inexperienced dachshund. Working with adults is possible only when the dog is accustomed to the hole.

How to choose?

You should only buy such a pet from a nursery. At the same time, it is very important to study the pedigree of the puppy’s parents in order not to accidentally acquire a baby who is a carrier of two marbling genes at once, which is fraught with health problems.


When choosing a show harlequin dachshund, you need to remember that the color of these dogs may become darker and less contrasting with age.

Therefore, it is very important that the chosen baby has clearly defined dark spots located on a very light, but not white background.

The more contrasting the color of a puppy, the more beautiful it will be in an adult dog, since vaguely defined dark spots tend to become very light and even merge with the general background.

Photo gallery

Nature has endowed dogs of this species with elegant colors and a wide variety. In the photographs below, you will see the beauty and grace of these cute animals.


The puppy's diet should be balanced. These dogs are prone to obesity and need careful monitoring of their diet. The daily diet should include:

  • Meat - beef, chicken, turkey, lean lamb.
  • Vegetables and fruits - carrots, tomatoes, zucchini, stewed cabbage, rarely potatoes, apples.
  • Cereals - buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, boiled in meat broth.

Note! Dachshunds are recommended to use tendons and cartilage, which strengthen the jaw and clean the teeth.


Dachshunds are a type of dog that practically does not feel full and can eat to the point of complete overeating, which is fraught with danger to the pet’s health. Therefore, from the first days the puppy must be accustomed to the regime. Babies need to be fed four times a day, puppies over three months old - three times a day, over six months old should be fed morning and evening meals. It is advisable to feed before or during a person's meal so that the pet is busy eating its own food and does not beg for handouts from the table.

The diet of a dwarf dachshund should be predominantly protein. These can be specially selected ready-made holistic or premium mixtures. Poor quality feed leads to intestinal blockage, weak joints and bones, the appearance of tartar and even tooth loss.

Homemade food is also suitable, which may include:

  • cottage cheese
  • eggs
  • cereal porridge
  • lean meat and some sea fish

Vitamin supplements are welcome. The prohibited list especially includes tubular chicken bones, which not only damage the teeth and digestive tract of the animal, but can also rupture the intestines, leading to a painful death.

The dachshund should be given food after a walk; anatomical features do not allow a well-fed animal to be active with a full stomach. A bowl of clean water should always be freely available to your pet.

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